0 SOCIALIST COLUMN 9 Mayor Seldel's Message to the Milwaukee City Council. The eyes of thousands of stricken citizens nrc today directed toward our Milwaukee and millions of good wishes and "God bless yous" arc carried on the four wincte to the western shore of Lake Michigan. I cannot too strongly impress upon you the sacredness of the, trust placed upon you. All your efforts must be bent toward the execution of the task before you. Many ob stacles will be placed in your way. Your successes may not always fol low your first attempts. But your resolute pluck and determined per severance must in the end conquer the difficulties that face you. It has been your good fortune to be placed in a dominant positiot: and vou should follow your purpose with an untiring will. At all times the heads of the various depart ments should be vigilant and every worker should understand that in doing his work to the utmost of his ability he is contributing to the cuicicncy ot tlie city government. In your policy, the promises con tained in ourplatform should have a prominent part. Such measures as can be ccrricd out under the pro visions of our present chartcrshould be taken up at once. here tn charter interferes, proper bills shoul at once be drafted to be presented to the next legislature. Before all things home rule, the riuht of self government should be secured for the city of Milwaukee A strong legislative committee should be appointed to argue these bills before the committees of th legislature. It might be wise to reinforce this committee by a dele gatioti of public minded citizens whenever results can thereby be achieved. The workers' of our city arc its most valuable asset. Your attcn lion should be directed to the pas sage ot suclt measures as will pro mote the well being of this class of citizens, safeguard health, check any tendency to encroach upon such lew rights as the workers stil enjoy, and wherever possible ex tend for them the opportunities of life. "In this direction a number of steps can be taken. The admiuis trution should constantly watch over the conditions prevailing in factories, workshops and places of employment, with regard to sanita tion. There should be at all times a full and hearty co-operation with state factory Inspectors in the en forcctnent of measures providing for industrial hygiene. "Contracts to be let by the city arc awarded to the lowest bidder. This does not preclude the right of the city as a corporation to demand compliance with certain speclfica tions. Thus, the quality and treat' meat of materials may be specified to insure economy. It is the height of absurdity to contend that this should uot hold good with regard to labor. The contention that the city can uot as an economic pre caution specify the treatment of labor, is a violation of the right of free contract, n right enjoyed by corporations and individual em ployers. "Therefore, in contracts lo be let by the city, the specifications should provide for hours of labor that are not exhausting, that leave a margin of time for rest and development. Such specifications should also pro vide tor suiticieucy ot light and ventilation; they should prohibit clilul labor and properly prated woman labor, and prevent the im position upon workers ot degrading conditions. "The city has police powers en abliug it to enforce the ordiuuuee which makes the carrying of con cealetl weapons unlawful. This ordinance should be strictly en forced. Our population is law ubidiug and well able to handle its owu affairs. The practice of briiin iug armed hirelings into the city of . . Milwaukee to mingle with a popula tion that is peace loving, has cost loss of life and should be stopped. Our difficulties should be settled by appeals to reason, "Proper action lookiug toward the establishment of a bureau of municipal research should be im mediately taken, An expert should be called in to advise with you on this subject. The first object of this bureau should be to make a municipal survey, to furnish -accu rate and adequate kuowletlge of social, industrial and economic con ditions leading to specific and prac ticable plans for city betterment. "lliusa complete cost keeping system tor every municipal depart luent should be established, distinct from an accounting system. Such u system would enable anyone to discover leakages ami losses, when ever such existed. "The survey should extend to other subjects, your actiou being directed to such as are of immediate importance and calling for first at tention. This will enable you in a short time to place the finances of the city on a sound and saue basis, fix a more nearly equitable basis of taxation and arrive a basic cost units that will be of great service. (To be continued next week.) Note The first business trans acted by the council immediately folio wiug the Mayer's address, was tbe passage of a resolution abolish iug tfec Board of Public Works and providing for a cexmuitriouw. ... Frank L. Soil Meat Co, "f IGHTING THE BEEP TRUST" Jersey Street St. Johns, Ore. Beef to boil, to stew and for pot' roasts; Necks of Beef, Brisket Beef, Plate Beef ,and short ribs of beef, 8c, gc ,ioc aud I24c. Beef Shanks 5c Beef liver 8c Tripe 10c Oxtails 8c Flanks of Beef 100 Beef Hearts 8c. Round Steak, I2c and 15c Sirloin Steak, Tenderloin Steak aud Plank Steak all 15c Shoulder Steak I2c Porterhouse Steak 18 aud 20c. Legs of Lamb 18c Lamb Rib Chops 18c Lamb Loin Chops t8c Lamb Shoulder Chops 15c Lamb Stew tioc Prpntqtiarters of Lamb I2c Roasts from Prontquurtcrs of Lamb 15c Delicious Veal Stew. . . . 12)4 to 15c Whole Lcgsof Veal 15c Shoulder Roast Veal 15c Shoulder Veal Cutlets. 15c Loin Veal Cutlets ..i8c Rib Veal Cutlets 18c Calves' Liver I7c Breasts of Veal 12 and 15c Fresh Oregon Cream Butter, made fresh every day Norway br'd 70c Fresh Oregon Kggs, per dozen. .30c Halibut, fresh caught 10c Right fresh Salmon t7)4c Absolutely pure kettle rendered Lard, the purest lard in Oregon in any sized can per pound . 20c Compound Lard 13c FARMERS Bring Smith your veal, pork aud cccs and he will pay you the market price. Mmflr Tkwrrm? tw mva wzmim Right Here at the BALL 0! the Foot it where most ot the "pinch" come when buying a new pair ot shoes. You com plain about it when trying on the ordinary thoci and the isleiman taya "I'll stretch IL" Whenever be hat to do that, look out in a few weekt you'll find your feet runnlntf over the edict of (lie tolet and the uppers vdltbcleavtagthosoles. Theremustbeplcntyof roouiattbeballof the foot to fhat stretching to the limit ol the strcngtuoi tue snoc win noi do necessary. The iradlcy Shoe Will Hot "Pinch" Yovr reel Every pair it bulltwlth nn allowance of leatherat the ball of the foot which nermlti the (oat to rcit comfortably in the new ahoe the firat time vou put it on. The linings in the llradley Shoo will not wrinkle after little wear, camlni! discomfort to common. Thlt perfect fit even gives additional ttralu oil tue leather. They are cut to conform to the upper. wear as it taxes a great acas 01 Bradley Shoes for Men, $3.50 $4.00 represent the highest tfandard"of material and workmanship slxty-slx yeart of contlnnout application to the making of a thoe that will five perfect satisfaction. We make lest profit on a llradley Shoe, but we'll be lad to tell you n pair, for once a wearer of thete honest, well-made shoes, it will be hard to resist buying again, and the Increased volume meant not only profit bat public confidence Braihy'l art maiw by th Brodlty A Htlealt Co.. who hat) See maktri ot pood ihoit tor 00 fori. Wt alto haio othtr itytti ot thtlr matt tor mm. tfamtn and ehlUrin. COTJCI-I fc CO. vrVJMTYOU TO TAKE HOT 0iL.Y A "PEEP" BUT A GOOD LOOK IMTO OUR J STORE TOR THE TNIAGS YOU WAtiT. Wf r,n OUR STORE DOES AOT, Of COURSE, COMPARE WITH THE CITY BEPRTAEtT STORES. IT IS THEIR BUSINESS TO TEMPT YOU TO BUY THINGS YOU DO AOT 1 IAtT MD PERHAPS QAti A(0T HT0RD. WE HjWE SORT OF GROVrt UP WITH ST. JOHiS ti A BUSINESS WAY MD OUR PURCHASES -IRE MDE Oti THAT A- aii At ait a h nv : 1111 uiri 1 miri WE HylVE THOSE THIAGS Irt All OUR DEPARTMENTS THAT WILL PLEASCl - . . - . mm mm m m m wm WAV m V t V LA It fct f YOU Ativ Wlltk GIVE YOU AZTVAk AkUL TUK YUUK TWILI. ,fl vnir TRPTPC THP RPT VP K WW HOW MD SHOULD AiYTHIft V A V W mWm M o mm mWo, Wkw M mm, U M a m m mmm mmr m - ' - GO VROMG tiO OAE IS MORE WILLING TO MAKE AMENDS THAN WE ARE. BON HAM & CURRIER RESOLUTION it by U10 city of St. EXCURSIONS TO THE EAST May 3, 9; June 3, 17, 34 1 July 5, 32 1 August 3, Sept. 8. Return limit Ihreo months but not exceeding October J 1st. BY WAV OF SPOKANE PORTLAND & SEATTLE RY. "The North bank Road" Chicago i 73.50 St. I.ouli ,....$67.50 Mllwtuke 173.50 St. Paul I60.00 Minneapolis ftO.OO Omaha , 60.00 Kansas City f 60.00 uuiuiii , 100.00 Choice of K'"K' otnl returning routes, STOl'OVlUtS allowed. NORTH BANK TRAINS run through to St. Paul, Minneapolis and Chicago without chance LOW ROUND TRIP RATES to Portland for the Rota Festival In June mid the Hibernian Convete tlou in July will rIvc your friends a chance to come to the coast. Details furnished by O. M. Cornell. Agent. H. M. Adams, G. F 4 P. A. suJonns, ore. Portland, Oregon. A Few Rare Bargains. 50x200. seven room house, lots of fruit and nn excellent location, hi St. Johns, $2800, terms. A forty ncre tract near Klamath, 6-room house, barn, three cows and two hogs included, $1600 cash. room modern house, cement basement, five lots, $2600, terms, 50x100 lot, new five-room house, Igoo, $600 cash, three years on balance. 150x100 lot, five-room modern iou.se, aoo-uarrel cistern, &U00, 30 acres, 6 acres in cultivation, well located, log house, 28 miles from Portland, $1500, terms. 1 00x100. 4-room house, garden all planted, f 1600. 100x100. four-room modern house chicken park and number of chick' eus included, $1900, terms. Other good bargains too nu titer ous to euumerute. U. R. CHURCHILI,, 401 South Jersey., SEE King & Brodahl FOR BARGAINS with or without CASH The Circus acrobat finds it necessary at all times to keep his muscles aud joints supple, mat is the reason thut miulreds of them keep r bottle of Dullard's Snow I.iitiiuetit always ou baud. A sure cure for rheumatism, cuts, sprains, sore throat, lame back, contracted muscles, corus, bunions aud all 'pains. Price 35c, 50c aud $1.00 per bottle. Sold by forth Bank Pharmacy, Subtcrjbo for the St. Johns Review and keep pented on the doings ot the city. United States Laundry Basket leavei Monday afternoon E. O. MAQOON, Agent III U.Jtnty Strt No. 30 1650; $350 cash, bal mice mortgage to run to Nov, ton 5-rootn house, plastered, basement, all complete, except bathtub and toilet; lot 50x100, No, 154 1 1 700; $350 cash, bal ance I to per month; 6 room house, nice lot fenced, some furniture. mo. 00 $1050; ueauttiui new modern house, plastered, full base meut; on easy terms. No. 39 $1059; 4-rooin plastered house, full lot in fine shape, ou Jersey Street; part cash. No. 37 Full 50x100 lot in Hoi brook Additiou, I325; $156 cash, balance 5 per month. xo. 143100x100 corner, on Portland Boulevard, I1200; street improvments all paid. 101 35x100, oustness corner on Jersey Street; a suap at f.s.soo. Lots iu all parts of the city, cash or terms. Eminent Authorities Sav S that out-door exercise is needed b the American People, That's a very well, but how cau people with rheumatism follow that advice? The answer is very simple use Ballard's Snow I.iuitnent and the rheumatism will go, leaving you as spry as a colt. Gives quick and permanent relief from rheumatism. neuralgia, lame back aud all paius. Sold by North Bank Pharmacy. AU our meats arc government In spected and the best that money can buy They are neatly and careful ly handled. Come in and leave yeur order for free delivery. Ward's Central Market is resolved Johns That whereat, the warrants are drawn and ready for delivery to the parties en titled to the tame in the matter of open InK and widening Pctsenden street from Jersey street to the southeasterly limits of the city of St, Johns, at shown In the condemnation proceedings thereof on file In the office of the city recorder. Now,.therefore, be It resolved that said l'essendcn street from Jersey street to the southeasterly limits of the city of St. Johns with the boundaries thereof, as prepared and designated by the city enuinccr and adopted by the council ol said city, be and it is hereby declared to be a public street and highway, and to be opened and established according to sach plans and boundaries. And the city engineer is hereby direct. ed to prepare and file for record in the office of the county clerk of Multnomah county, Oregon, a copy of this resolution and an accurate plat of said street and the property so appropriated for public use. Adopted she aist day of April, reio A. M. KBHUN, necorder. Published In tho St. Johns Rovlow, April 39 and May 6, 1910. SUMMONS. Spokane, Per Hand & Seattle Railway. UtAVINO ST. JOHNS. Inland Umpire lUprtM, 9:1) a, m.t for Clilni Ht.l'uil. Oinih.KitiM.CIlY.Rt. Louts. Wa1 W1U. ItKo. KooKvclt. Ormnddstles. Golden dale, White Salmon, Btcvcosoo, Vancouver and iniermniuie iiauons. North Hank Limited, 7 p. m.l for Chkrio St, I'aut, Ointlii, Kanut City, St. Louie, Spokane, KpreKue.Kltivlllc,l,lnd,raeco,KooKvcll.arand dalto.Whllc Halroon.StcvcntonandVancouTerc Columbia Klv.r Local, nu n. m.l fur Vancouver, Camae, White Satmou. Lvle, Oraoddallce.Cllo's ami all intermediate stations. AHR1VINO AT ST. JOHNS Inland Itmnlie Ksnreta.TU? n.m.t from Chlca go, et. l-aul, Omaha, Kanut Cllr, SI. Louli, huokane, Hnracue. HtUvlllc Llnd. .ratco, Roosevelt, Oraoddallea, White Salmon, Kiev euion, Vancouver. North Hank Limited, 7:j a. m.t fromCblcai' St. Paul. Omaha. Kanua Cltv. St. Louie. Wal Walla, faaco, Moowrvelt, Granddallca. White Salmon, Htevcntoa, Vancouver aud Interme- male aianons. Columbia Klver Local 11 o'clock nooni from Cliff Graiiddallcs. Uoldcndale, Lylc White Salmon, Camae, Vancouver aud alt intermediate eta ttona. AU trains atop for paueugera. Office open an nijcm, ikkiswhic lor ail poima. . O, M, Cornell, Agent, Northern Pacific Railway LltAVlNQ ST. JOHNS North Coa.l LlaiUrd via Norlli.iiank . : d. bi Atlantic Kspreaa via fuget Sound iua. ra. AiiauiK nxprcsa via rioiin vans. vu a, m Twin City Kspreaa vU fuget Sound J.Jo p. ru Twin City Kipresa via North Hank 7;J p. in Katiern xxpretavu i-ugci ouua---. iuij a, in liailern Kiprctavla North Bank ojjj a, m Mo. Klver Kiprets vla North Bank--- j.jjp. ra t'orttaiid. Tacoraa t Seattle Kxnrcsa. v:m a. m. for Oraya Harbor. Olympta and South Bend Uranchc. fuget Bound Limited, j:y p. m.l Oraya Harbor Yacolt Pasaengcr 41W p, m ARKIVINO AT ST. JOHNS North Coast Limited via North Dank North Coast Limited via fugrt Sound TU7P. 7Sa. No. Pacific Kipresa via Pugct Souud 4:J I raciuc Hipreaa via nonn mot.. p. m . t:at a. m racinc Kiprcu via matt Sound 7a, No, I'actHc Kxpreaa via North hank jqfi a. m 7; v wettcrn Kapreaa vu North Hank--.. 7:470. m nrucrn nipfCH ia ruuei oounu loos p. Mo. HtvrrKiDreaavta North Bank ... v:ia a. Mo. Klver Kxpreaa via fuget Sound yj p. m Portland, racoma & Seattle Kspreaa . yi p. m, from Olymula. South Bend and Grave Harbor. Puget Sound Limited S:ij p. m, Yacolt 1'assenger .......... ....t.'UP.m, Onquarter of Pound a Week at least, is what a young baby ought to gain iu weight. Does yours? If aot, there's something wrong with its digestion. Give it McGee's Baby Elixir and it will begin gaining at once. Cures stomach and bowel troubles, aids digestion, stops fretfulncss, good for teething babies. Price 35c aud 50 c. sold by Worth Bank Pbar macy. TO WATER CONSUMERS Rates for sprinkling through nose: 1 Lot 11,50 per mouth I6.00 per season. t a Lots I2.50pera10nth-I10.0e per season. All rates'payable is advance. a ioi is 50x100 or 5.000 sauare lector grouM, inciudlae the soacc l ie . w occupiea oy tue DUiwtngs, St. Johns Water Works and Lighting Co., By P. H. Edlefsen, Manager. rVfAAausamlr Lrur Tailored aud faacv waists snirt waist; wits. m r rke Jersey 1351 asd In the Circuit Court of the State of Ore gen for the County of Multnomah. Daniel O. Huron, plaintiff; vs. Cora Huron, defendant. To Cora Huron, defendant above named: , In the name of the state of Oregon you nrea hereby rcmtlrcd to appear ttnd answer ' the complaint filed against you In the above entitled court in the above entitled suit on or before Saturday, the aitt day of May, 1910, which It sub sequent to the expiration of tlx weeks after the ltt day of April, lyio, the date of the first publication of this summons. It being prescribed In the order for said riubllcatlon that said summons be pub I shed once n week for tlx 'consecutive weeks, iu the St. Johnt Review. If you fall to so appear and answer, for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the above entitled court for the relief prayed for in hit complaint, to-wlt: A decree diwolvlng absolutely the bonds of matrimony heretofore and now existing between the plaintiff mid the defendant; for the custody of the children of plaintiff. and defendant, namely: Lynn, 17 years of age; Charles, 9 years of age; Joe, seven venrs of nge, mid that defend ant be declared to have no right, claim or interest in any of the household goods, personal effects, furniture or other per sonal property of. the plaintiff, and for such other, further or different relief as the court may deem proper. This summons is published In the St. Johns Heview pursuant to an order of lion. Kobcrt O. Morrow, presiding judge of the above entitled court, made and entered the 36th day of March, 1910, Date of first publication is April 1, 1910, date of last publication Is May 30, 1910, UKUKtilS I. rUKKl.NS, Attorney for Plaintiff. A RARE BAR 58 acres of land 212 miles from Oregon City t-k. f.: ' At $50 per acre. Enouj timber upon same to pay f it. Running water on placi ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE n th rty market today. Must ttktn qt of My Forbes In the County court, State of for the County of Multnomah. in me matter 01 guardianship ron Claire and Kdward Stuart minors. It appearing from the petition of D, C, Kogers, uusrutan 01 tue person and es tate of Myron Claire and lid ward Stuart Forbes, minors, lo Oregon, that it necessary and beneficial for and to said minors, to aell their undivided one half interest in lots three and four and five and tlx in block twelve, James Johns scconu aauuton to tt, jonns, amuiiomaii county, Oregon, said minors and their next of kin, to-wit: Harriet Honors Mo- rey, mother. Kobcrt V. rorbes, brother: and Fred V. Forbes, brother, and all other persons interest in their estate, are hereby required, ordered and direct eu to appear before me at 9 o'clock a. , Monday. May 16. iqio. at the county court uoute 01 juuitnoman county, ure gon, in the rooms occupied by the couu. iv judge or said county, ana snow cause, I any exitts. why a license should not be grauted aaid guardian, authorizing him to sell all of said minors' interest in the whole ol the aforesaid real property, aa prayed for in said petition. It is further ordered that a conv of this order be served upon each of sqid minors and next of kin, as aforesaid, personally, and that the same be pub lished in the St. lobnt Review, a news. paper published and circulated in this couuty and having a general circulation therein, for three successive weeks. Given this nth day of April, J9to. T.J. CLKKTON, Couaty Judge. First publication, April 33, 1910. Last publication, May 13, 1910. ow. Call or addraaa J. J. ENGREN EXCAVATING UstmtM and ill Uicr MMs W Call far SanfJell Phone Richmond 61 A Knocks is a man who can't see good in anv . V . 1 a a Kcrson or tning. it s a nabit caused y a disordered liver, If you find 4,1 a. a iui you are wwinntDf to see things through blue spectacles, treat your liver to a good ckanirie ei procew witH JMiwra's Herbine. sure cure far coMtipation, dys- MpMa, iMigestioa, sick tieadach otutettseMss. all liver, stoowch and bowel troubles. Sold by North Bak rasrsMcy. NOTICE TO ADVIRTlMPteV Land is Mo, I for fruit of all kinds. Tht vtfy test Cor. Thompson V Gilbert, St Johns, OrsftH IOOO( ATTENTION!! Merchants! Manufacturers! Farmers! EvervKndvl We are hunting for your business and have bsca os j your trail for some time. well. Our aim is to serve compli The adoption of our service offers a solution to the transportation problem. Our rates are reasonable and our servkti unsurpassed. I wo trains between St, Johns and P daily. We deliver Anything, Any, Place, .Any. Tiaw.' Call and get our rates before shipping. 1 ( ,l'.VJ PORTLAND & SUBURBAN EXITO CO W. STEARNS Agent st St. Johns. Pbows: Portland Office, .Main 358 St. Jmimt frrfW A 3358 ' In ereJer ie lewfe a sMme ef aJ- wrtieaeitVtfce eeay ftf eweh si e'eteek swjm. t i if , aawnw:; , ( - Qgf, je. HCMSTOCK MHO. UHOERTAKINQ AND aUals r em nisej smtssmm, CatJiata. ejla