St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, April 29, 1910, Image 4

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Pabllakuad Etmt Fritter
At 117 WMt Bariimitoa Stnwt.
TnR RbviKW Is entered at post office
in Saint Johns, Ofegon, as mall ntatter
of the second data under the Act ol Cou
grew ot March 3, 1879.
Job Prlnllnr ienUd In Bnt-cjii ttfl.
Dllli tor Job Prlntlnf eib on dlltrx.
All eomraunlcitloni ihoald b ddrud to
Tht JUrltw, fit Johnt. Ortfon.
Adrirtlilnf ratst, 11.00 per Inch pr month.
All I id?trllilSr bills p.ilU tint ot oeh
OBUU1 JPr of a city of .
Subscription price $1.00 per year.
FRIDAY, APRII 29, 1910
Siucc tbc grand jury 1ms seen fit
to find true bills against nine of
our citizens in the Hindu riot case,
it is incumbent upon all our citizens
to stick together and furnish what
ever nid vc tuny toward insuring
all indicted n fair and impartial
trial. It is right that justice be
done. The guilty should suffer to
the extent of the wrongs com
mitted. Wc believe none desire to
stand in the wny of justice or
thwart it in any manner whatso
ever. But PROOF of guilt must be
forthcoming. Unreliable and un
trustworthy evidence cnunot be tol
erated. This community cannot
afford to ircrmit one of its citizens
to be unjustly persecuted or pun
ished. The proof must be absolute
and undoubted. It should not be
said of the city of St. Johns that
she allowed evcu one of her family
to be punished so long as an cle
ment of innocence was apparent.
If funds arc needed to insure a fair
impartial trial wc believe they will
be forthcoming. Nothing but im
partial treatment will be asked. If
proven guilty, the guilty must and
should be punished. If not, they
should be honorably acquitted.
There can be no half way measure
adopted. We do not anticipate any
unfairness during any of the trials,
but our citizens should so stick to
gether that no uncertain clement
may enter Into any case as it comes
E. C. Hurlbcrt has purchased
the old Maples property on the cor
ner of Fcsscndcn and Portland bou
levard, comprising about one. acre
of ground. Kd had an idea that
be could keep his hands off St.
Jphus realty, but the expected has
happened. He will soon be in it
deeper thou ever.
The business streets of the city
will lie imr nk ed this summer
whenever necessary. A subscrlp
tlou paper was circulated this week
and enough signers secured 10 in
sure this being done.
Is a Big Cowboy Comedy
This nnd three others of very latest
pictures will be shown at ine
Electric Sunday.
"Angel of Dawson's Claims,"
A splendid western story.
"Ready in a Minute." Big Comedy
"The Miner and Camlllc" A Great
liig Edison Feature Comedy.
This is one of the best programs
shown at The Electric In a long
The Home of the Latest, Choicest
nloiiKniit birthdav sur
prise party was tendered Mrs.
Valla U. Smith last Thursday even
ing by the Women of Woodcraft.
The hostess wns presented with a
handsome emblem pin of the order
in a neat little presentation speech
by Mrs. Gertrude Baker. Dainty
refreshments were served and a
most jolly good time ensued. Those
present were: Mcsdanies t,orciia
Armstrong, Gertrude Baker, Sarah
nrlce. Mnrmierite Bucrv. Zclla Dun
bar, Elsie Garlick, Ann L. Har
rington, Anna Hathaway, Mllic
Hunter, Agusto Mansfield, Gillian
Mlllrr. Stella Muhm. Marv Rey
nolds, Ada Russell, Rosctta Smith,
Ruth Tallman, Etta Tollman, Cath
arine Tceling, Mrs. Ten Eyck,
Hannah Vincent, Alice Wcimcr,
and Misses Carrie Armstrong and
Frances Orr.
John Udbcrg of this city and
Mrs. Laura Walker of Onaway,
Mich., were united in marriage at
the residence of L. GrotiiacllCV ill
St. Johns Sunday, April 34. The
groom is n son of John Lidberg of
this place, and the bride a daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Flakcr of
Onaway, Mich. About 18 people
were invited to witness the wed-
. in e .
dliiir. A sumptuous wcuaiug icnsi
followed the nuntials. Rev. Geo.
Part of the Itrethreil clllircll. ncr-
formed the ceremony at 2 p. 111.
Vnii liml better save something
from that pay check today. Let
tlic.I'irst National jjtinic nave 11.
Save it there and have it when you
want it. It will earn 3 per cent
while waiting, with interest com
pounded every six mouths, it
Standard shirts and Helmet Col
lars In great variety may be found
at Noycs Babbitt's. If you want
anything In this line, call while the
assortment is large and complete.
For Sale Household furniture
cheap. 611 North Ivanhoc
If 200 years ago one of your forefathers
had banked only one dollarat 5 per cent In
terest and to-day you had thatone dollar and
the compound Interest on it, you would have
$17,293. -If each one of these dollars were
a link In a chain and each link the length of
a dollar bill, that chain would be a mile and
a half long. Make your Deposit NOW.
We will pay you three per cent Interest
on the money you put In our bank and com
pound the interest every six months. N
St. Johns, Oregon
Our line of Brown's high grade wash boilers, guaranteed
not to rust, prices from $1.50 to $3.00
Wc still have n fine line of spring wall paper. The RIGHT
The policy of this store is "Wc give you what you ask for."
If wc do not carry in stock the article YOU wish wc will get it
for you regardless of cost to us
What wc want is not only customers but Pleased Customers
Hendricks Hardware Co.
Why not buy now before the choice lots are gone? Why not build now while you can get a building discount?
Why not buy on easy monthly terms instead of paying rent? Why not come out to East St. Johns and look
over the property?
Electric Lights Water Graded StreetsSidewalks Near School and Carline.
Offices: E. St. Johns Sta., 41 Hamilton Building, Portland Phones: Richmond 601 Main 4915
Harry Mansfield made a social
visit to Vancouver, Wash., Wed
nesday. 0
jo, 000 cords fir slab wood. De
livered and sawed at your door for
4.00 per cord. Leave your order
with Is. H. IJrunson, the wood saw
man. Phone Jersey, 52a.
Calef Bros., opposite postoffice,
have broken all previous records
this spring in linoleum selling, hav
ing sold over $800 worth since Jan
uary 1st. Let them show you this
Do you buy on credit? Does the
grocer really seem glad to see you ?
Are you sure of yourself? You
can pleasingly answer these ques
tions if you have a savings account
in the First National Batik where
3 per cent is paid to savers. it
For Sale or Exchange 160 acres
of wheat land, 3 miles from O.
R. & N. Ry., near Wasco, Ore;
loo acres under cultivation; 4 mile
from school and postoffice. Will
trade for acreage, improved, or un
improved, near St, Johus. See J,
J. Karr, 90S Portluud Boulevard,
Al Johusou sustained a severe
blow on the head Tuesday after
noon while at work at the Portlaud
Manufacturing plant, at the foot of
Richmond street. A hammer slipped
from the bauds of a workman on
the scaffoldiug aud fell down upon
Mr, Johnson's head. While paluful,
the injury is not serious.
All kind ot laundry work don
proaiaUr. Rough dry wainlng C
MU 9t pound. Calla wade (or
Uuadry t asy place. Ring ui up
PImm Rich. Ml, St. Johns Laun
fey, OaaraUH BtM(fiUM.
A good line of trunks nt Calef
Bros., opposite postoffice.
The month almost gone; the
wages spent; another mouth's rent
to provide for. The First National
Bank could have prevented that
if you had allowed it. Pays three
per cent to those who want to
know and issues Time Certificates
of Deposit. it
.1 o
Sunday, May 1st, Bishop II. B.
Hnrtzler, D. D., of Hanisburg, Pn.
will preach at the United Evangeli
cal church. It is of this man that
D. I,. Moody said: "Dr. Hurtzler
is the best Bible expositor I have
ever had at Northfield." Come and
hear him. Morning worship at 1 1
a. m., preaching by the pastor.
Subject, "Altruistic Self Denial."
The new officers were duly In
stalled at the Commercial club
Wednesday evening and plans were
discussed that would have a ten
dency to infuse new life into the
organization. The meeting next
week promises to be the most in
teresting of any held for some time.
Every member should make a spec
ial endeavor to be in attendance.
M. E. church notices: Sunday
school 9:50, a. m., preaching n a.
m. Topic "Good Advice," Jim
ior League, 3 p. m., Epworth
League, 7 p. in., preaching 8 p. m.
Subject "A Noble Purpose." Ex
cellent music and a hearty welcome
for all are special features of these
services. F. N, Saadifer, pastor,
The Sellwood club defeated the
Peninsula team 011 the University
Park grounds last Sunday afternoon
by a' score of 10 to 6. On account
of the new grounds not being com
pleted at Portsmouth, interest in
the game was ot as great as it
otherwise would have dm.
Oxford Time Is Here!
Young man, when you want a
pair of Oxfords that are up to
the minute, that will fit well aud
wear well, see that the uame
SELZ is outhe sole. We know
that every pair of SELZ ROYAL
BLUR shoes we sell means a sat
isfied customer, We know that
we can give you the biggest val
ue possible.
The new Ara-notch and other
late styles of Arrow Collars are
here iu great variety; all sizes.
We have the best investment in
St. Johns; pays 11 per cent, and
will be rented for a year by a de
sirable tenant: 5-room modern cot
tage on carline, fine lawn and ce
ment walks for 1 1250; half cash.
You can't beat it, McKinney &
0 ;
See the St. Johns Saud and
Gravel Co. for estimate on your
basement or cement and plaster.
We can save you money aud make
a little for ourselves. Phone Rich
mond 1 57 1.
Prudence purchases plenty. Let
this be the motto this coming
month. April is almost gone. You
have nothiug to show for your
labor. The First National Bank
will tell you more. It pays 3 per
cant it
W. C. T. U. ITEMS.
An hour or more was enjoyed by
the ladies of the Woman's Christian
Temperance Union Monday after
noon, April 35. Mrs. Scott, presi
dent of the Union, has just returned
from a trip to Seattle, and she gave
us some Interesting remarks con
cerning her visit to one of the
ttulons. Plans were made for a
program at the next meeting of the
fat, Johns union.
The mothers' meeting of the
Woman's Christian Temperance
union will Dc neia Monday, May
3, at tne nome ot Mrs. Scott, 611
Leavitt Street, at 2:30. Subject,
"Effects of Tobacco on the Youth."
An iuvltation is extended to all in
terested parties, mothers especially.
uouot atuu mis meeting.
Press Correspondent.
On Mondav eveuine. Mav 21
Grandmaster H. E. Coolidge will
pay Laurel lodge an official visit.
Be present to greet him. A short
informal session will be held
Thursday night after anniversary
program. By order of NoMe
Grand, W, J. Chaney.
Attest, C. P. Gates, Secretary.
How it Your Titte?
Have your abstracts wade, con
tinued or examined at the Peninsu
la Title, Abstract and Realty Co.
Accurate work. Reasonable fees.
H, Henderson, Manager, rao North
Jersey street.
You are heavily cursed when you
are lightly pursed. The First
National Bank will so heavilv nurse
you that you will noj be cursed at
all. Ask about jt. ' Timt CwtuV
cataa of Deposit. "N- . it 1
Merchant-Tailor Clothes Look Better
They always haveThey always will
That elusive something called STYLE cannot be made in a factory. GOOD tailoring
. . . .....J A ...,11i.,rr nf rln!l U nil ART. llOttlitltT leSS.
tic urapiug ana ciuiiug uhu - ,.Q ,.
Every good merchant tailor believes this with all his soul, He KNOWS it from hi ownv -
years of experience and patience ana toil as a crausman. nc kuu . . mi
small part of a good tailor's art. The RIGHT sort of clothes-thc clothes YOU want-appeal as
much through FITNESS as through FIT.
Through an air of distinction and elegance, a good tailor tan express the best theft, is in
you. We can make your clothes bespeak CLASS. Wc can preserve INDIVIDUALLY. We
can give 1'HKSUawi a ciium..-. t ...
You want such clothes and they can be had in only one way, They must be cut and made
EXPRESSLY FOR YOU, from faultless fabrics, by that artist of merchants a merchant tailor, I
These are tailoring FACTS. In neglecting them ydu wrong Opportunity.
Fashionable Tailors
Next Door to Postoffice
Phone Richmond 941
CMI1M I? k O.Uiill A4Mtllili C., Ck
St. Johns, April 39, 1910.
Dear friend:
They have hired me down
a ntnre. What do VOU think
I do? Oh 1 Pretzels! I am in the
shoe department. It is the best
yet, and we carry the Chippewa
hand made shoes, that wear just
like mine that you see in my pic
ture, and thev are of the finest and
neatest shapes you ever saw just
.. . . 1 .
tne same as ine sweu people iu iiic
htcr cities wear. I like to work .
here. They treat me fine, They
Al.-A . .1.
ircai everyuouy mat way maiign,
and you just can't help liking to
tfnrli Iiitp once vou begin, for
their prices are ngnt ana tney Keep
the best of everything. Oh I yes,
T nrettv.near it fortrot. We carrv
the famous TILT shoes iu all styles
t .1
anu sizes; cuuurens, Misses, ooys,
men nnd women's shoes, and you
can't find a more reliable brand any
where. You ought to come and
see them. Your friend
P, S. I work at
Muck Mercantile
Phone, Richmond 821
R & G'i are tke corsets women like
they know tam to be right. Cut
shows tke sew Medium bck at f I.3J.
Other styles from 75c up.
Wasxe8t.JeM ftU for 'the
'atttal IAAisVL flMMMT Xlsmaamtl
. silk gloTes, aad are showing all
the popular shades ajc aad up.
Ya get felt w4at aae first
quality at the Caatral market. Just
try It await.
Hare year Herty Insure la the
SK. Paul or North era (Ira laauraaea
comaaatM. They are the beat I,
U Dohla, agent.
Brlag la your Jet arhtUac whUe
you think of It Dea't watt uatM you
are entirely out. We are a.ukjaea'
to turn out seat an taalf frlatiac
promptly at Portlawi kmn er laaa.
FOR SALS.-Kkac acre oa aat
Ckarlaatoa ;atrftr-feur loU . - all
flbtrtlMia iaaced. Inquire W,
Iltwar. t i x -l4t
$300 per month
Income on a
$25,000 Investment
C I Alin cvf 5-room bungalow, good one, lot joxloo on Imprere4
vIOUU street. Splendid bargain.
1 A(( i'TWm Petered house, large airy rooms; lot 50x100; I400 gate
I tJj ttnti balance on easy terms atj per cent.
iAA Six room houne on Hayes street, close In, lot 30x100. ThUM
I1W moneymaker. Take it quick. . '
C AA I'ivc room modem bungalow, full basement, toilet asi lata
ttOVXf j0t 55x180; I500 cash, iMlance on good terms at 7!per cent.,
1 000 Iot loox,00 co"cr, on Hayes street; f 300 cash and bakaeeta
vvw utuc. - 1
220(1 S room bungalow, modern, full basement, toilet and bath, oi
tiJJ CMy terms. Ixk nt this and you will sec a bargain.
IOOO "ST"00 'u "olHt View K Woe ll8V
it 1 1 1 iiiiwu in nt 1 in nrr inmiiii
gAQ 50x100 on Richmond in block 7 ia Point View.
w wvy $50 down and $30 every three months.
fiOO 50x100 on Oswego street iu block 7 Point View,
w $50 down aud $30 every three montna.
Many other Bargains. Call In and mc.
Increased Business
Increased Facilities
ir.alns in all Kind of Ral Estate
Houses, lots blocks or acres. Watch this paper for bargain
nArl WOO
A. UNGER, S0I6 Agent
. IOt N.'Tprsv street nnvt n .1.. DonL.i.l. Bl.
Special prices to church partita, aeciala, tic.
Phone Richavoad u ,
General Grocers
Will Stand The teat
PMnaat RiehmansJ Qft1
- . y t