CURRENT EVENTS OF THE WEEK THREE MASKED MEN ROB CALIFORNIA TRAIN. INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AND PROGRESS OF OUR HOME STATE n j tit ij x i land train No. l, , between this piaco Doings of the World at Large ana Goodyear,; at 12:30 o'clock this Bcnicia, Cal., April 18. After loot ing the mall and baggago cars of over land train No. 1, ' between this placo Told in Brief. Ueneral Resume of Important Events Presented In Condensed Form for Our Busy Readers. An earth fllldo burled a work train and 25 men near St. Alphonso, Quebec, and nearly all wcro killed. W. J. Brynn has returned to Now York from South America, where ho has. been studying sociological condi tions. Tho condition of Samuel Clemens (Mark Twain) is sllghly Improved, but still serious. Heart trouulo Ib tho cause. A stenographer who wrote letters for Roosevelt In Naples says ho expects to bo tho next president of tho United States. Tho books of tho United States Stcol corporation wcro thrown open to tho public and show that tho largest stock' holders aro Hollanders. American workmen havo been shut out of tho works of tho Pressed Steel Car company at Schoenvlllo, Pa., and serious trouble Is imminent. With banners afloat, finery aflutter, and occupying a procession of taxlcabs nearly a mile long, tho suffragists in convention in Washington, D. C, moved on Canitol Hill and presented to congress 400,000 individual domsnds for votes for women. Not a dynamito cracker nor a cap pistol nor a "snako in tho grass" will bo sold In Washington, D. C, tho com ing Fourth. Instead, thero will bo band concerts, athletic contests, boat races and all kinds of outdoor snorts, whllo tho cltzicns' commlttco sots off tho fireworks. A workman at tho now Mt. Tabor resorvolr In Portland attempted to ro placo a driving chain on a concreto mixer which had jumpedbf! thosprock ot wheel, when his clothing caught in tho cogs and his arm was drawn In and crushed. A follow workman cut tho mangled flesh looso with his jack-knlfo whllo others supported tho suffering victim, who was then rushed to a hos pltal on Jtho opposite sido of town, nearly flvo miles. JThreo'mcn robbed a California train and then escaped In a launch on Suisun bay. An Oklahoma farmer was swindled out of 12,000 on a fake horso raco at San Francisco. President Taft is confident that tho $30,000,000 Irrigation bill will pass both houses. It is reported from many cities that moving picture shows aro seriously in terferlng with tho saloon business. A fierce wind storm in Southorri states cost 17 lives and property dam age amounting to many hundred thou sands. President Taft, speaking at n ban quet in Washington, said ono term as president of tho United States Is enough. Tho Supremo court of Louisiana has been called upon to doflno "whut la a negro." and tho decision Is being wait cd for with grant interest by many states. A woman In snydor, Toxoa, started tho flro with coal oil, and sho 'and her infant daughter and 14-ycnr old sister wcro burned to death by tho explosion which followed. Passengers and crow of tho atoamor Santa Clara, wrecked off tho Callfor nla coast, woro nil saved, and tho steamer herself has been pulled off tho rocks and Is being towed Into ort. Tho wlfo of a prominent coffco mer chant at Los Angeles has finally bcun recognized as tho "mysterious girl ut the ringside" who has attended many prizefights In that city, disguised in men's clothing. morning, thrco masked men, who es caped on the englno of tho train to Suisun bay are being pursued by a sheriff's posse, through bayous In a steam launch. Tho robbers had planned tho hold-up carefully and hod a boat J secreted in tho marshes when they abandoned tho engine at Cygnus, Tho train was stopped by a lantern signal as It slowed down on the ap proach to Goodyear. As tho engine camo to a stop, two men leaped aboard, ono from each side, and cover ed tho engineer with revolvers. An Instant later tho third appeared and covered tho fireman. Ono of tho men stood guard over tho engineer and fireman whllo tho othor two entered tho express car. No estimate of tho amount taken can bo had. but it is believed that tho robbery netted several hundred dol lars. There wcro ten coaches in tho train, and tho robbers locked each ono na they passed through, leaving tho passengers captlvo whllo they rifled tho othor cars. After completing tho work thoy re turned to tho engine, whero their com' panion still stood guard over tho train' men, and ordered the engineer to un counlo tho engine. Ho was then or dered, with tho fireman, to "beat It," and as tho men ran back toward tho rear of tho train, ono of tho robbers pulled tho throttlo wldo open and the engine shot at top speed through Good year. A posse was quickly organized at Goodyear and ficnecia and a short time later the abandoned engine was round a few miles farther ahead at Suisun bay. A rancher living nearby had seen thrco men and it was learned a short tlmo later that tho men had es caped in a launch. WARSHIPS WARN JAPAN. RAILROADS RACE ACROSS STATE HIM and Harrlman Interests Rushing to Coos Bay Country. Burns That tho Harrlman and Hill interests will run a harder raco across tho stnto in building from cast to west than that now on In heading south through tho Deschutes river canyon is becoming apparent. Tbo contest, It is bcllavcd, will bo tbo most exciting over pulled off In tho history of westorn railroad construction. That tho Hill interests will push through to completion with all posslblo liasto a lino from Bolso, Idaho, to Coos Bay, or somo point In the Willamotto Valley having connection with Portland by means of tho Oregon Electric, Js now practically settled in tho minds of men speculating on tho stato's futuro rail road operations, and it is known that slnco tbo Hill interests began to dis play Interest In tho satno Bcctlon of the state, tho Harrlman pcoplo, too, hnvo bocomo very actlvo. Hurvoylng parties havo boon busy for somo tlmo stretch ing lines with n vlow of finding tho most fcnslblo routo from east to west ncross tho state, and It Is raid that no small portion of tho proposed road has already been staked out. According to information so far given out by mon closoly in touch with rail road construction people, it nppcars evi dent that tho Harrlman lino will bo built from Valo westward by way of Burns, which route, It Is understood, will also bo followed by tho Hill roo pie. Tbo rccont transfer of tho large holdings of tho Willamotto Valloy Cascado Mountain Military Boad com pany to a syndlcato of Mlnnosotn cap Itnllala. who will throw It oncn to sot tiers without delay, Is expected to bo followed by an early announcement from James J. Hill to tho effect that tho holdings will bo clvon transports tlon facllitlos as soon as a lino can bo built, tho survoy of which, it Is be Ilovod, will practically parallel tho lino of tho old wagon road its cntlro dis tance British Journal Sees Hlddon Moan Ing In Voyage of Squadron. London, April 18. Whllo ono sec tion of European opinion urges Mr. Itoosevclt to discuss with William and Edward an International understanding for tho limitation of armaments, an other cynically suggests that, if thoy will bring tho mnttcr up for his con' sldoratlon, more may bo accomplished. Tho Implication is, as ono prominent Journal sees tho situation, that Mr. itoosevclt has dono as much as either of tho monarchs to stimulate tho np- potlto for fleets. Interest in this matter Is heightened by Washington dispatches today that foreshadow another nround-tho-world cruiso by Amorlcan battleships, theso vcssols heading east from Hampton Roads Instead of south. "If tho cruiso Is taken," commonts ono week-end observer, "any tyro will bo ablo to sco tho connection between it and tho readjustments of tho Wash' ington-Toklo treaty and that famous final clause of artlclo II. "Thero is going to bo tension be tween the United States and Japan when tho latter presses for tho prlvll cgea of naturalization and sutfrage, not to mention easier Immigration conditions, and Undo Sam recalls tho pacifying Influcnco of his war dogs two years ago." Hope Is expressed that at tho Now York dinner to Lord Kitchener, who is thought to huvo "mudo n hit with tho Americans by tolling tho Austral Inns to found n military school llko West Point," tho guest will emphasize tho valuu of n "lasting entente bo- tweon our fleet and theirs." BANKS OF RIVER CAN CAVE. War Donartmoat Rofusos to Heo Prayor of Dwollors In Lano. Washington Tho war department has definitely refused to assist In pro venting tho washing away of tho banks of tho Willamotto botwecn bugono nnd Hnrrlsburg. Citizens, through Sonn tor Chamberlain, asked tho departmont to do this on tho ground that tho gov ernment built tho dikes that causcdho higher water which had caused great destruction upon adjoining lands at each freshet tlmo. Chief of Engineers Marshall rofcrrcd tho matter to Major Mclndoo, at Port land, who upon examination reports "Caving in was in progress boforo tho dikes wero built nnd In our opinion tho dikes are not rcsponslblo primarily for such caving in. Tho project to prevent It would bo enormously ox pensive and not Justified by tho needs of navigation on tho river. Work dono for that purnoao would be solely for tho protection or privato property and is therefore not recommended." A 685-pound woman has been Jailed in San Francisco for cxhlblttlng her self as a freak, A Kansas tornado swept a crcok dry for nearly a mllo, toro up telephone poles and curried a cow and calf 200 yards. A mission at Chungsha, China, was destroyed by rioters because Chlncso officials hud cornered tho rlco supply for export. A forger was arrested In San Fran cisco for trying to pass a worthless check signed with tho namo of John D. Ilockofollcr, A 13-year old girl in Pittsburg com mitted suicide by drinking carbolic acid because she was not getting along well in school. It is believed that various largo rail roads havo boon robled by swindlers of several million dollars, 'thorough In vestigation is boing made. President Taft spoke boforo tho Na tional Woman Suffrage convention in Washington, and was hissed when he gavo his opinion on woman suffrage. Lawyor Seth F, Crows, of Chicago, was glvon 15,000 by tho Circuit court for advising Sarah Peterson that it would bo legal for her to marry John It. Smith, a wealthy mine owner, on his deathbed. Miss Peterson married Mr. Smith and ho died almost immed iately afterward. When his estato was probated sho fell heir to 1350,000. A Burlington passenger train In Montana collided with a freight, kil ling ono brakeman and injuring sovcral persons badly, Tho freight conductor had both legs broken. A Chicago girl of 10 years has given birth to a fine girl baby and both aro doing woll. A Washington farmor was fleeced of f 10.000 on a sure thing race gamo in Ban Francisco. Chicago women strongly resent tho alleged slur in tho census rules that 'housewifery" is not an occupation. Kltchenor at Acadomy. West Point, N. Y April 18. At his own request tho visit of Field Mnrahal Lord Kitchener here today was unmarked by ceremony. After a luncheon at the residence of Colonel Hugh L. Scott, tho superintendent, ho passed tho afternoon viewing the aca demy and studying its methods. Lord Kltchonor camo hero nccompanled by W. Hutler Duncan, Jr., of New York, and was mot by Superintendent Scott at tho railroad station. Tho visitor watched tho usual Inspection and re view of tho cadet corps. Land Fraud Sleuth Slain, Broken Bow, Neb., April 18. Word was received hero this ovoning of tho finding yesterday near tho town of Mullen of tho dead body of O, F. Ham ilton, the man who assisted secret ser vice men In' uneurthlng land frauds in Northwestern Nebraska. Hamilton, It Is .claimed, was mur dered. Ho has been missing two months, Hamilton's body was found by tho confession of Frank Clcavinger, who charges H. ;U. Mclntyre, a rail road brakeman, with having killed Hamilton. Plan Model Dairy for Klamath. Klamath Falls. Klamath county is to have ono or tho finest dairy rancnos in Oregon, according to tho plans of John Kills and W. L. Albright. It Is to bo located In tho big Albright-Kills ranch about sevon miles from Fort Klamath When tho ranch Is in readiness to ro echo tho herd, Mr. Kills will go to tho nniiiilo west, wlioro iio will select t no stock that Is to composo It. He has decided on tho nurchnso ot Guernsey; and Holstolns, bollovlng that theso will host meet tho conditions of cllmato and tho demands of tho markots. Flro Destroys Much Timber. Salem Printed proceedings of the Fobruary meeting of the stnto board or forestry aro now ready for distrl button. They givo reports of damago dono to tho forests In tho stato by flro luring tho summer of 1000. In this connection tho report of tho secretary shows that thoro wero 413 fires, burning over an area of 01.037 acres, and that a total of lUl,Uin,ooo feet, board mens are. of moreantllo timber was dcitroyed If this timber had been manufactured Into lumber it would havo represented an approximate value of JSSSTu, "Siamese" Twins from Philippines. San Francisco, April 18. Two Sa- mar twins, joined together by tho merest ligament, nnd who promlso to bo rivals for tho famo gained by tho Siamese twins, aro In San Frunciaco today. Tho two children, both boys. arrived hero yesterday from tho Philip pines, in charge of R. L. Louis, who will exhibit them throughout tho United States. Tho Infants scorn to get along poaccably, although thoy occasionally havo a spat. Operators Will Arbitrate, Washington, April 18. The situa tion which has threatened a strike of telegraphers on tho Southern railway has been compromised. Chairman Martin A. Knapp, of tho Interstate Commerce commission, said today all disputed points except the question of wages and representation havo been sottled. Theso will bo arbitrated un der tho Erdman uct. Eight Nlghtrlders Fined. Cincinnati. April 18. Eight of tho alleged nlghtrlders of Grant county. Kentucky, on trial in tho United States District court at Covington, Ky,, worn found guilty by a Jury today. Thrco others wero acquitted. Fines ranging from 1100 to $1,000 wero as sessed by Judge Cochran, who released tho men on their own recognizance, pending an appeal Land Office at Valo, Valo Bruce It. Kcstor, an agent of tbo government, is In Yale for tho pur none of recommonding a sultablo locn tlon for tho land office, which will bo opened hero in accordance with tho re cent act of congress creating a new land district, with tho ofllco at Vale, It is not tho intention of the government to erect a building, but to leaso a portion of a building, which will accommodate tho ofllces and equipment for tho now ofllco. - Complains of Shipment, Salem 11. Grebo, of Portland, has filed a complaint with tho railroad commission, in which ho sets forth that a Inrgo consignment of 'seed peas ship ped from Pullman, Wash., to Condon, Or.. March 21, haa novcr reached its destination. Mr. Grebo also complains of oxecssivo freight charges on tho O. R. & N. from Portland to Condon, and delays In delivery have caused him much damage. Yearling Sheep Bring SS, Hoppner It. F. Bloknall shipped S3 carloads of sheen from this city and SO carloads from Echo tho first of last week, Tho sheep are yearlings, and wero purchased from Morrow County sheepmen at prices ranging from 14.50 to $3 per head. There were about 14, 000 sheep in tho shipment- Poultry Plant Near Medford. Medford O. II. Hoxlo has purchased from tius Lawrenco 1-3 acres soutn west of Medford for $15,000. Tho land is partially agricultural and partially small timber. Mr, Jioxio purposes go ing into tho chicken business on a large scale. Launch Ready at Hermlston. Hermtston The launch belonging to tho Columbia Land company is now In running order, and prospective settlers will bo taken out on the government dam every afternoon. The people of Hermlston initiated the motor car by going ea masse to Stanfiold. 8110,000 TO BUILD DAM. Will Store Enough Water to Irrigate 20,000 Acres In Umatilla. Pendleton The projected dam across the Umatilla river at Coo for the pur pose of conserving flood waters of win ter to bo used in reclaiming 20,000 acres contained in tho Furnish-Coc project west of Pendleton is to bo con structed this summer. The contract has been signed and bonds given for commencement of work within 30 days and completion by October 1. Tho Eschbach-Bruco company of Scattlo has been awarded tho contract. Although tho dam was projected sev eral months ago, and though concreto cores had been constructed from bed rock to tho surface of tho ground, no work has been done for several months nnd mnny were of tho opinion that tho project had been abandoned. Tho original plans of tho Furnish Coo project were for reclaiming land principally by winter, Bprlng nnd early fall irrigation. '-Thrco dry seasons in succession convinced tho promoters that it would bo well to provldo for emergencies, nnd tho dnm plan was adopted. Tho dam will bo 60 feet high, 1,170 fcot long, 270 feet wldo at bnsc, and 20 feet wldo nt top, nnd will cost $110,000. It will form a res crvoir covering 240 acres and contain ing a supply sufficient to Irrigate tho entlro project for CO days. 1 Owing to tho large number of other reclamation projects. It will bo ncccs snry to arrnngo for normal flow of tho river at all seasons of tho year. Tho spillway will also be capable of hand ling tho largest floods and will havo a cupneity of 60,000 second feet, or twlco as much water at has over passed down tho river. ALL RAIL LINE TO NEWPORT. RECEIVES KINQLY HONORS. Greets' Ties Ordered by Corvallls at Eastern to Skirt Yaqulna Bay With Road, Corvallls Beach travelers going to VAtvnnrt. nn llin Clrtirrnn fnnat. thin summer will In nil probability not havo uchln monk, with a lighted taper in his to nut un with tho annoyanco of trans- hand, ho laid wreaths on tho tombs of Emperor Francis Joseph ' Roosevelt In Splendor. Vienna, April 1G. Colonel Theodore Roosevelt was received at tho Aus trian capital today in a manner almost like that accorded a reigning sov ereign. The punctilious Austrian court, tho most ceremonious of Europe, had ar ranged the programme and loft noth ing undone that could emphasize the unprecedented honor being paid the visiting American. As a special mark of his personal esteem, tho aged cmpcror-klng, Fran cis Joseph, recoived Colonel RoobovcH in his privato npnrtmcnts at tho im posing H of burg palace, instead of in tho regular audience chamber. Tho monarch, who was nttircd In an imperial uniform, was extremely gra cious to tho American and kept him in conversation for 36 minutes. What interested subjects they found to discuss wcro not mado public, as thoy wcro alone, and Colonel Roosevelt naturally has declined to reveal tho slightest detail of tho conversation. Emperor Francis Joseph intends per sonally to return Mr. Roosevelt's call on him. Such an honor as n return visit from tho emperor is only extend cd to reigning sovereigns. For Colonel Roosevelt tho call on tho emperor was only the main fcaturo of n busy day, which began immediately after ho reached his hotel this morning with a breakfast with Henry White, ox-American ambassador to France, who had not been in Vienna since he began hia diplomatic career hero 27 years ago under President Taft's fath er, who was then American minister. Tho day included an official visit lut ing an hour to Count von Aehrcnthal, tho Austro-Hungarlaii foreign minis ter, a call of courtesy on Archduko Francis Ferdinand, heir apparent to tho throne, nt Bclvidcro palace, n vis it to tho tombs of tho Hupsburgs, where, under tho guidance of a Cap- CHINESE RIOTERS BURN PROPERTY Governor of Province Dead and Officials In Flight. Consulates and Missions Destroyed and Missionaries Flee In Boats Eight Refuges Drown. MISSIONARIES ARE MISSING. London. April 19. Tho Times' correspondent in his dispatch on tho Changshu riots, says the American missionaries aro missing. Their fate is.unknown. a J Changshu, China, April 19. All of tho foreign-owned buildings in Chang shu havo been destroyed by fire, except the British consulate. All tho build ings rented by foreigners havo been looted. havo loft tho city. no foreign resident All foreigners So far as known, lost his life. ' Tho governor nr.. o!.. ferring from train to ferry at Yaqulna, as has been tho necessity in tno past Tho Corvallls Eastern itaiiroau com nnnv has decided to extond its road from Yaqulna, Its prciont terminus, to Ncwnort tno tracK to skiu mo beach of tho crescent shaped bay. Tho nows states that tho Corvallls k Eastern Itallroad company hni cntored Into a contract with tho Yaqulna Bay Lumber company, at Toledo, for 7,000 railroad ties, which number will bo sufficient to cover tho strotch between Yaqulna and Nowport, a distance of about turoo and a half miles. Rolling Stock for Short Line, Salt Lako City In addition to 40 pasiongor coaches arriving boro for tho Oregon Short Lino and tho largo mini' bcr of cars already ordored, tho road Is preparing to placo an ordor for 43,000,- 000 worth of rolling stock. The la creasod ordor is believed to bo due to tho road's anticipation of a season of prosperity. Tho prediction that thoro will not bo enough rolling stock In the country to aecommodato passenger and freight tranio also may nave una somo thing to do with tho action of tbo road's ofllclals. Whlteaker Well Shows Oil. Dallas Drilling has beon resumed nt tho Whlteaker oil well. The machinery is again running on full time. The drill Is hammering away In a stratum of hard rock, with a strong showing of oil nnd a constantly increasing flow of natural gas. For tho last two weeks drilling operations havo boon practically suipomicd to give tno workmen an op portunity to put down several hundred feet of 8-Inch rasing. Rapid progress win now bo mauo. Motor Carries Mall. Brownsville Mall service on tho motor between this city and Albany has been inaugurated, and henceforth Brownsville will roeeivo four train malls each day, oxcept Sunday, when thoro will bo but two, Empress Elizabeth and Crown Prlnco Rudolph; a tour of Inspection of tho Spnnlsh riding school, founded by Charles VIII, and of tho Imperlnl Hus snr barracks; n reception by tho Amer ican Journalists and a dinner given in his honor nt tho foreign ofllco tonight by Count von Aehrcnthal. Yet, after tho long day, when Col onol Roosevelt returned to his hotel to night, ho mounted tho stairs two at a tlmo. Colonel Roosovelt used tho Imperial court carrlngo placed at his disposal by Lmperor t rands Joseph until his offl clal calls had ended. Then ho discard cd it for nn automobile Ho enjoyed tho exhibition at tho rid ing school, whero tho celebrated Lip- plrian breed of horses, a mlxturo of Spanish and Arab blood, porformcd tho daintiest of evolutions, dancing a quadrlllo and finally coming onto tho platform where Colonel Roosovelt sat ana circling nis cnair so ciose mat their hoofs almost touched his feet. Rut, as Colonel Roosevelt remarked afterwards: "Theso are only society horses." t A clattering charge of tho Magyar hussars, who constitute tho emperor's body guard, across tho parado grounds of tho barracks, on the contrary, stir red him to real enthusiasm and after tho evolutions he mado a detailed In spectlon of tho stables, horso hospitals, etc., volleying questions at the olll cent who accompanied him. of Hunnn province, and his son, wero killed, nnd several other government otliciais lied, fcven yet a section of tho city Is in flames. Six thousand foreign drilled soldiers aro stationed hero and a few of theso protected tho governor's houso for a time, but soon all Joined tho rioters. Tho riots began April 13, when tho famine sufferer a looted tho rico de pots. A captain of police was wound cd trying to restore order. Thous ends crowded around him and his as sistants, and ho was obliged to flee to the yamcn. Tho rioters followed and besieged the place all night Tho following day the disturbance becamo anti-foreign. The Chinese In land mission and tho Norwegian nnd Catholic missions wero burned. Tho other missions wcro destroyed April 16. Tho missionaries attached to tho American Episcopal Missionary nl llnncc, tho United Evangelical church nnd tho Wcsleyon nnd Ynlo scientists, numbering 41 in nil, took rcfugo in boats. Thoy left all their effects. i no destruction of all foreign prop erty, including tho Jnpancso consulate and tho British warehouses, followed Tho fato of tho Standard Oil company's newiy-crcctcd tanks is unknown. Tho rioters numbered no fowcr than 24,000. Eight Germans attached to tho Llcb- enzoll mission wero In town when tho troublo began, nnd thoy fled tho city to linnkow in a junk without lights. Thoy woro run down by the British gunboat Thlstlo and drowned. Another report says that tho men drowned wore Americans, but thero Is no confirms tlon of this. MOVING DAY WILL BE COSTLY. COST OF LIVING ZN 188L, . . Some Thins; Wen Higher, lint Meet of Them Loner than at Present. An old memorandum book, in which somo interesting prices are recorded, hou Just been brought to light by the Brooklyn Eagle. The prices afford a basle for comparison; and as one reads them ono begins to believe what tho ld people say that former times were indeed better than those. Tho woman who kept this, account book paid, to bo sure, in 1851, three dollars and twenty-five cents to go from Westfleld, Mass,, to New York, nnd three dollars more bo go from New York to Philadelphia, but she paid only twenty-eight cents a dozen for hor washing beautifully ironed nnd brought to her door and ten dol lars a month for her board, and It was good, tod1. Sho had her daguerreotype taken, a singlo plcturo, and paid one dollar and a half for it. Wo can improve on that price now. Bho bought a pair ot shoes for ono dollar and twenty flvo cents, and had a dress cut for thirty-seven and a half cents. The accounts bristle with half and quarter cents, Things cost sometimes n "flp," sometimes a "levy." Tbo for mor was six and a quarter cents, the latter twelve nnd a half cents. Bho bought a pair of rubbers for eighty soven and a halt cants, and wrote them down as "gums." For hor pew rent at church sho paid sixty-six and two-thirds cents. Hor gown was made of "debage," "delaine" and "mull," and sho paid one dollar and seventy-five cants (or the fitting and making ot one. Bus paid the exorbi tant price of two dollars and twenty five cents for a pair of congress gaiters. For teaching school eleven weeks this woman received eighty-two dol lars. She has a tooth drawn and pars twenty-fire cents this was before the days of anesthetics. We find an entry, "wafers," and we romembsr that tharo wsro no envelope in those days, and that all letters were simply folded and then stuck together with red wafers. Perhaps you may rsmambsr that your grandfather kept a box of thorn on his desk, closo beside tho sand-sprinkler with which bo blot ted bis letters. What wo call tho cach'ou dates back a long way. This lady of the accounts was buying cachoua in 1851. Thoy aro small lozenges, with no othor pur pose, so far as is generally known, than to promoto tho fragranco of the breath. Sho burned in hor lamp "fluid" a highly Inflnmmablo oil which preceded tho safer koroseno. PORTLAND MARKETS. Wheat Track prices Bluestcm, 03 (RDSc; club, 88R90c; red Russian, 86 87c; vnlloy. ORc. Barley Feed nnd brewing, 123,50(0) zi.bO per ton. Corn Wholo, $34; cracked, $35 ton. Hay rrack prices Timothy. Wll lametto valley. $20a21 per ton: East crn Oregon, $23024; alfalfa, $16.50 17.50; grain hay, $171B. Oats No. 1 white, $276028.60 ton. Fresh Fruits Strawberries, 'Florin, 2.503 per crate; apples, $102.50 box; cranberries, Saw barrel. Potatoes Carload buying prices: Oregon, aoefsoc per hundred; new Cal Ifornia, Co per pound; sweet potatoes, 31614c. Vegetables Asparagus, 3tfT.5c; cab bage, lsfiilJfc per pound; head let tuce, G0(H75c per dozen; hothouse let tuce 60cR$l box: green onions. 15c dozen; radishes, 30c 'per dozen; rhu barb, 3c pound; spinach, II per box; sprouts, Uc per pound; turnips, $1 per sack; rutabagas, $101.25; carrots, 85c 0$1; beets, $101.25; parsnips, 500! 75c. Onions Orecron. S1.75 per hundred. Butter City creamery, extras, 39c; fancy outlsdo creamery,1 82Ca33c per pound; store, 20c. Butter fat prices averago l)c per pound under regular butter prices. Pork Fancy, 13013c per pound. Veal Fancy, 100)1 le per pound. Lambs Fancy, 12c per pound. Poultry Hens, 20c; Broilers, 270 28c; ducks, 221023c; geese, 121c; turkeys, live, 20021c: dressed, 25c; squabs. $3 per dozen. Cattle Best steers, M.757; fair to good steers, $606.59; strictly good cows, $5.7606; fair M good cows, $5 05.50; light calves, - tW7; heavy calves, $405; bulls, $45.25; stags, $4.5005.60. ; Sheep Best wether,-W8.25; fair to good wothers, $6.607; good lambs, $809, Hogs Top, $11.10U.2S; fair to good $100)11. Hops 1909 crop, 1316e, according to quality; olds, nominal; 1910 con tracts, 15016c. Wool Eastern Oregon 1417c per pound; valley, 1881c; siekair, oho ice, S0321e, Portland. vj Cascara bark 4J(5e per pound. Huge Tlmbor Deal Is Made. Now Westminster, B. C, April 10. iho Canadian western Lumber com pany, composed of Eastorn Canadlun and American -lumbermen, hus pur chased for $20,000,000 all tho property of tho r rascr Ktver Lumber company, This property Is mostly timber land on Vancouver Island, and Includes tho tract purchased recently from the Woy- crhacuser Lumber company for $4,- 000,000. The new company possesses tho largest area of merchantable tim ber under ono ownership in tho world. Slide Buries Score Men. St. Alphonse, Quebec, April 1C. An immenso landslide, started by a blast of dynamite, today carried a acoro of men down tho side of a steep hill and buried the construction camp of the Haha Bay railway under tons of earth and rock. Not a workman In the camp escaped, and almost every one of the gang working on the hill was injured. Up to a late hour a rescue party had taken out eight dead, including Ladia- las Gagne, of St. Joseph, Quebec, chief engineer In charge of the works, Seven are missing. Hard Wind Hits Memphis. Memphis, Tenn., April 16, The heavy storm, with an average of flvo inches of rainfall 'that swept through Mississisipi and Arkansas last' night, was followed tonight by a tempest that broke over the states with added fury. Rain fell In torrents, accompanied in many places by hail. Accompanying this second storm was a wind which at time took on proportions of a tornado. Reports from Como, Marigold and Johnstown, Miss., indicate that many small houses were leveled, and at the latter place a negro woman was killed. Mark Twain Holds Own. Redding, Conn., April 16. Samuel L. Clemens (Mark Twain) who arrived at his country home here last night, fatigued from his long journey from Bermuda and very ill, passed a com fortable night and it was said this morning hia general condition was en couraging. It was declared by his at tending physicians that Mr. Clemens had passed a comfortable day. with, no appreciable change, his own fairly well. Chicago Will Pay High for Privilege of Yearly Change of Reslden,ce, Chicago, April 10. Chicago's great annual hegira, when 35,000 families pull up stakes and migrate to somo other flat, will bo a costly process this year. Landlords nnd moving van compan ies have so arranged leases that pcoplo can move only on May l. 'ihis year the dato falls on bunday and as all moving van pcoplo aro members of union labor, this means a double price for everything. this means that every ono of 35,000 families, who will movo on that dny, will be forced to pay $6 an hour for the services of a van. In addition thero will be doublo price for helpers. tho moving lover, peculiar .to Chl cago, is a sort of tragic joke. Pcoplo movo from one Hat to another not a whit better, pay nn averago of $40 for moving, live off tho mantols and slcop In the bath tubs for a week, sco their household goods, wrecked and probaMy find themselves in a worso community than that which they left. Yet they move every year. Wallace Mansion Burns. San Francisco, April 10, Fire today destroyed tho old Judge Wallace man sion on Van Ness avenue, which, after the earthquako and lire of 1006, was converted into l ail's Jt'ompeilan gar dens, one of the most fashionable cafes in the WeaL Count de Salarazara, Spanish consul at San Francisco, whose offices woro in the building, suffered the loss of nearly all his consular papers and fam ily heirlooms. His wife's dresses, valued at $5,000, were burned. The building was valued at $15,000, Trust Alleged Holdup, Jefferson City, Mo., April 19 At torney General Major today filed with Special Commissioner Judge Theodore Brace the state's brief in tho proceed ings to oust tho International Harves ter company from Missouri, In his brief Major says; "It is well within the power of this company, in the ab sence of any natural or business cause, to increase the price on binders and mowers to any extent it sees fit, and the public is powerless to do other. than raise its hands that its pockets may be looted." Lightning Hits Balloon. Bitterfield, Prussian Saxony, April 19, The balloon Delitssch, which as cended here last night, fell to the earth with great force near the village of Reichensachsen, about 20 mile northwest of Eisensacb, in a thunder storm. The crew of four men were killed. The balloon passed over Eisen sach at midnight and soon drifted Into a thunder storm. It Is assumed it waa struck by lightning and that the gas DESERT AS A RXSOBT. Cmnpltt- In Calltorala Oasl mm Ka Jorable aa the Sea Shore. A desort sounds llko a strango plact in 'which to camp for pleasure, but Charles Francis Saundors and. bit wlfo spent several onjoyablo weeks on ono part of our great western desort Mr. Baundors says: "To tho nowcomer on tho desert usually tbo first cause of surprlso b the varioty of Its scenery. Ono ha bitually thinks of it as a flat, ver- dureloss, monotonous expanse. In reality our westera deserts present within comparatively, small aroaa the greatest dlvorslty of topography- mountain chains and foothills, val leys and aroyos (dry, of course, ox- copt (or a few hours after somo heavy storm In the mountains), sandy flats and rolling plains bowlder-piled oi dotted with greon bushes sot about in places like shrubbery in an artificial park. "Spring is the most enjoyable time ot the year for the desert camp lato April or May for tho olevated Mojavs region, March or even earllor for the moro southern, low-lying Colorado desort of California. The mornings, evenings aud nights aro then superb cool and bracing and more ot heaven than of earth; the mid-days aro hot In tho sun and mado for siestas in the shadow of great rocks or on the shady outsldo ot a tent. The Inside of the tent Is usually unendurable during the middle of tbo day, tho temperature there rising higher than In tho full sunshine." Mr. Saunders' German guide, "Dutch Jako," has bocomo so fond of tho des ert that, in taking leave of his "ten derfoot" friends at the end of their camping trip, be says; "Now YorkT Humph" he says In his rough way "Yes, I haf been in Now York, unt made von fool of mine- self. No, no, Mister. I takes my bunch of burrows, unt some beans and ba con in de saddle bags unt always vater in the canteen, unt I shtay In de des ert. It's bealt'y here unt dere ain't nobody vot robs you, unt I knows places vere a man can find yet lot ot mineral. Me for dor desert, Mister: fcols sbtaya In New York." Recraa. tlon Magazine, Vtahlasr-TlH. cannot fix my mind to-day On what I hare to do; A picture haunts my Inner ere Of waters swift and blue. My fingers Itch to cast a fly, The bells of memory chime And call me to the woods and fields. for tms is nsning-time. dream of mossy stepping-stones In laxy amber brooks. Of grassy banks with blossoms bright Ana sueni, snaay nooks. Where I forget the world of toll And wash away its grime In crystal depths of running stream That sing of fishing-time. and was holding exploded. The envelope was in tatters. End of Car Strike Seen. Philadelphia, April 16. That the streetcar strike, watch caused more or disorder in this city for nine weeks, will end tomorrow, was tea as sertion made this afternoon by C. O. Pratt, the strike leader, and by others associated with him. The strikers will hold a anas meeting tomorrow after noon when a peace proposal will be laid before them for approval. Ballplayer Drops Dead. Freeburg, 111.. April 19. William Schmidt, 28 years old, first baseman for tho local baseball team, was almost instantly killed by a pitched ball dur ing a game with a St, Louis team to day. He was struck over the heart while batting and fell dead after taking a few steps toward first base. A cor oner's jury was empaneled on the field rrom among me spectators and a ver dict oi accidental death was returned. I long to see the sunftsh play, Tne minnows' merry school, The trout beneath the shclvlna- baak Or la his favorite pool. And all the silver finny folk That throng the watery cilme: So hand me out the old brown coat I keep rer naiilng-tlme. Leslie's Weekly. Thm New Bfsasatte Craaa. "Good heaves, landlord, la there a ease of hydrophobia oa the upper orr "You mean the barklngl" Of course." Well, doa't let that worry you. Thai's the eaiasat sharacter-aeter, Rodney Spotlight, going evar his rel. e ptays is aog aare la ta saw beach show draws," Ctvls4 Mais) Dealer. Th greatest learn th aUs wh) BBSS fcf ta ar fasrsst