REVIEW MM IT'S NOW UP TO YOU To mWrtttt for THIS Paptr. All ttw M whit K U MWt U ovr moIIo. CM la uU MroH GET IN THE HABIT Q 01 draUtht la. THIS Ptr tad jftm'U ontttgnttL ,BV I la at esc aaa Imp rfcht at H Devoted to (Im Inferarti ef the Penfin K the Manufactoring Ceatcr of the Northwert VOL. 6 P ST. JOHNS, OREG FRIDAY, APRIL 22, 1910. NO. 24 , . fit ST JOHN THE TELEPHONE EXTORTION Prices Charged Here Are Something Fierce To our mind one of the greatest grafts St. Johns has to contend with is the telephone graft. It seems )hat the price for the use of phones is constantly increasing, and there is no telling wucre 111c raic will finally lead to. Before the Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Co. secured a franchise from the city council we were able to secure the use of a piioue lor business purposes at the rate of three Hol lars per month, but from n recent letter received from the Histrict manager, eight dollars per mouth is the best price wo can now obtain. The first price of thiee dollars wiiu higher than the service was worth compared with service in other parts of the country, but eight dol larssurely is pllingthc graft on ut au excessive rutc. Not being will ing to lie robbed this office gets along fairly well without u phouc. Other business houses that caunot very well afford to do business without a phone pay the extortion demanded, even though they kuow it is substantially, bare-faced rob bery. It was possible not so long ago to allow the general public to have free access to a phouc so long as the business man pakl for ft by the month, but this privilege has now been denied. The Pacific company has things its own way here and it seems determined to exact toll to the very outside limit. It is apparent that there must be au understanding between this com- !any and the Home Co., else the atter would long ere this have been doing business in St. Johns. There is little use of complaining about matters of this kind unless at-,.the ' same time a solution is offered for bettering the couditiou. There IS a solution, and an easy oue. We understand each com pany is under bond of $2000 for the faithful performance of the pro visions of their franchise. The franchise of the Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Co., given May 28, 1007, states that no charge for ser vice greater than the maximum then charged may be collected here. We could get a three dollar per month phone then, but we cannot do so now. Is this keeping this certain provision of the franchise, or is it uot? The remedy is in the hands of council. They can either collect the $2000 bonded or force thetp to come down within speak ing distauce. There can be no doubt about this, the wording is chin and -cannot be misconstrued. The Howe Telephone Co. put up bonds to the amouut of laooo as a guarantee that they would have their servke in St. Johns inside of oat year. That was almost three years ago. They have, therefore, violated their franchise and forfeited the;$20oo. Why not force them to cotttc to St. Johns at once, or take the money? If this would not be good policy, why require bonds for the-faithful carrying out of this contract, or any other? Council has a duty to perform, and the people of St. Johns should demand that tbey use their power in this respect. There is no danger of "scaring1 the telephone companies away, because the ose sew oper ating here must have a veritable gold nine of it at the prices charged for service that is far from irijt class. It is time that we de manded our rights. The more aowe people can impose upon a community the greater license they will take. Let us show the tele phone companies that a contract with the city of St. Johns means something MORE than a promise to be broken with impunity. The braggart says : ' ' We1 11 be a longtime dead." The wise nun Xf.fAv: "We'll be a long time alive' The First Natwnal ak helps wise ' fellow's to 'greater wis dom; alt K ea. r Three per cent and Time Certificates ef De nnett. M Deeen't . yonr ewt look tnebby? Why neve H tnnt way whew yen earn have it denned a4 Pressed n sewrt settees the St. JMmw Ciena--insv froaiag and Dyeing W, ' Gale! Been, sett the new St. Jefcn Usage. It will nay ytw te name yen My. . Old Mount Hood (Written by V. W. Hotcomb, of St. Johns a native pioneer of OreRon for the Review,) Old Mount Hood, Oregon's pride, you all know, In grandeur he stands in white robes of snow. Shaped like the tcut, native wigwam Homes, Formed and with solid . stone. Here's to Hood, grandest mount of earth in air, Forever that white robe and crown to wear: May your beauty and duty never cease, And smoke for Oregon the pipe of peace. Many years ago I beard your praises sung By an Indian chief in jargon tongue, Who had lived to know a hundred snows, And counted his beads to prove it so. It was old blind Nuki, then nearly dead. Told mc what his father to him had said: Mount Hood and Helens had an awful fight, And it was fearful by day and at night. Bach at the other threw the hugest stones, Yelled the war whoop in thundering tones; Made the earth shake while louder they spoke, The heavens were lurid with fire and smoke; They both raised their lcads high up in the air, And native tribes did slaughter, wound and scare; The bright sun was gone from our sMit for tin vs. The moon and stars were all beyohd our gaze; The heavens on fire, and lightning as well, While great showers of ashes over us fell. Hood threw at Helens a bright ' little stream, And made the swift waters now flow between; Destroyed the Cascades, a long, high ridge, That' mode over the water a natural bridge. The great Columbia river in her flow. Quickly moved from where she used to go. The Great Spirit joined with Old Mount Mood, And then snid his work and changes were good; Then by him and us both named our King, And to his praises we always will sine. Then a big sun on fire, with a long tail, Came in the heavens with a deathly trail: It went East, and very fast, cursed our tribe, And nearly all my race were sick and died. All our medicine men then truly said, The Indian race will soon all be dead. Then the white men in greater numbers came, And took from us all our lands, fish and same: Leaving us "Old Mt, Hood," with coming years, Sobbed the old blind chief, 'mid strayiug tears. All hail to "Old Mt. Hood!" fabled, sublime, Reserved by us, ' where for old Father Time From that ever soft, snow white, lofty chair, Too say Amen what and where, neje ana tnerev At the Stock Yards T.Jve stock recelots at this mar ket for the week ending April 16, . . . . ii . 1 nave oeen 1229 came, ly caivca, 2o6 hoes and 128'; sheep. Prices on good cattle have been steady. The hog market Has easea on some what and sheep have not looked attractive to buyers.. The sheep market lias been somcwnai a e mor alized and buyers state that the de mand for mutton by consumers has not been consistent The hog mar bet has eased off in sympathy with much lower prices at Eastern cen ters. However, a .high, plane of ?icee obtained with tnps nt here has been a scarcity of good cattle on the Market bnt with the arrival ef a train of Mentnnae the receipts shew np tie the average. D. 0. Lively, General Agent," Standard shirts and Helmet Col Um w great variety amy be fennd mt Vuim BnMiiM'a If vou want anything k this line, eM wnsk the is targe aM eesfMc. GETTING BUSY ON SEWER Work to bfl Pushed With Utmost Dispatch All members were on hand at the regular meeting of the city council Tuesday evening, with Mayor Hendricks presiding as usual. After the minutes of the previous adjourned and regular meetings were read and approved, Attorney Geo. J. Perkins spoke concerning the widening of Willis boulevard. He stated that . 80 feet had been dedicated for the street, except through the Caplcs tract, by the former owners, and the parties he was representing were desirous of establishing au Ho-Ioot tnorougii furc throughout. He asked that action upon the matter be delayed until alt the property owners along the street 'could have an oppor tunity to learn the true status of the street, and an extension of one week was granted. The committee, on .bell tower recommended that bid of A. A, Schrimslice of $475 for construction ol same be accepted. Upon motion the contract was awarded to this bidder, after he be placed under 5200 bonds for faithful performance of the work. Committee 011 M. L, Holbrook's petitions for widening three north end streets reported that it is ex pedient and necessary that the streets be widened to sixty feet, by condemnation proceedings if the property owners were not willing to voluntarily donate the land. A petition for placing several fire hydrants along Willis boule vard was referred to the water and light committee to report on same Tuesday evening. Hills to the amount 'ot S19.B5 were allowed. The bid of T. H. Cochran was the only one received for the im- Crovcment of Thompson street, and eing above the engineer's estimate it was rejected and the call for bids ordered re-advertised. Report of, the city treasurer showed a balance on hand of $4, 601.43. An ordinance providing lor tue proper numbering of houses was passed and may be found in this issue. A resolution was ordered drawn changing the grade on Burlington street in accordance with the new profile. The sewer subject was then brought up, and upon motion of C. L. Johnson it was decided to dis cuss the subject at an adjourned meeting Thursday night. It was the sense of the council that this work proceed henceforth with all possible dispatch. The engineer has concluded his plans, etc, for this work, and it remains for coun cil to pass upon same and begin action. The announcement of the mayor that the Bradford street lease held by the St. Johns Lumber Co, had expired was the beginning of a rather spirited debate, councilman Downey then made a motion that Bradford street, Richmond to Fes senden, be improved by grade, plank surface and six-foot sidewalk on the eastern side. The motion met with some opposition at first, one or two of the councilmen be lieving that the work could not be done on account of remonstrances hat they felt sure would come in against the project. This did not deter your Uncle Samuel, however, and he reiterated bis motion, whlcn was promptly seconded by Alder man Windle, and when the motion was' put all voted in the affirmative. Mrs. Harrv Hemlow. who has spent the past winter in Los Ange les, Cel., is spending a few days with her sister, Miss Caples, in this city before continuing her journey to her home in Vancouver, B, CI' She brought a nice bunch of orange blossoms with her, aud the editor is indented to Miss Caples for a bouquet of the same with its pleasant perfume of that' southern dime. Mrs. Hemlow is purchasing 1 S to a arruvt daoi of St. Tnhna raaUv during her stay in the city. Tk miv A" 9 renart ilinw that there is something' over $600 in the general fund. Mrs. J. C. Scott is visiting her sea Dr. W. 1. Scott, and fssafly at Seattle this week;. SomethB on Germs Most pcopll wadays are well acquainted wj crms. Tliat is to say, they hav perhaps, bv c ard of them, and I instruction by arned whattllcy the doctor, ha look like; titer, what the patient looks when he has them growing in abundance in some portion 1 is sensitive attat- omy. Germs I P things I I often think they juorc credit and more blame tc tan they deserve. I have heard iple blaming the devil for bog ings that might have had theil tin nearer home. And so it is ' Well do I erms. farm just join- ing my father back in the old ich was provcr-i Buckeye state; blal for the iendous crops it producedof " tic burrs. I do not kuow tha titer's farm was one whit bcttt stitid, but I do remember ana crop, this time of youngsters, 1 with a sire that had au eye to Bc.19, every year er's .fields, (yes, went over the i and woods too,; id faithfully re re of every kind moved every of dock and bv Ndw the tnefnTtis this: What the plow, hocp'njSlishovcl were to father's clean aeeeaback in the old Black Swamp,' 'semlight, fresh air, pure water, and Tight living arc to the rooms of our S houses, or the organs of our bodies. Sunlight will fade that rich carpet, or tarnish the due furniture. 'Shut it all out! But don't blame ftlothcr Nature, your Creator, nor., the spirits of evil because miesstntic germs, dis ease and death 'nii' the guests of your abode. ! t Thousands of people nrc cured every year of that dread germ dis ease, tuberculosis, by living out of doors day ami night. Why don't the rest of us let in at least enough out doors at nlghl'n.i well as day to keep the tu ...A -SI 1 fif bacilli from making any ut tent upon our mortal economy. bunlight and 1 11 as found in rid' s greatest fresh air, arc t germ killers. don't we use all we can of Iht ore. rue trusts get at' it and bottle them up? .Dark, damp corners, gloomy rooms, and musty beds arc the best breeding places for disease germs. Rhettmu tism, and a thousand other ills are often propagated here. Don't fear the germs, but clean them out, From every corner, drain and spout. Just let the blessed sunlight in, And out the pesky germs will spin. Albert Carey, M. D. Wedding Bells Alexander S. Scales, the popular and well known Fessenden street grocer, surprised his many friends last week by hieing himself to Toledo, Wash., last Thursday and there becoming united in marriage with Miss Eddie Johnston, one of that city s fairest and most accom plished young women. The bride and groom were 'old school mates, aud the strotig attachment for each other then formed has existed ever since and culminated in the wed ding as above stated. The marriage was a nttlet affair, being witnessed only by the Immediate friends and relatives of the contracting parties. The. groom fs one of St, Johns brightest aud finest youug men with a host of friends aud well wishers. He bad a home already furnished and in readiness for the bride at 601 Allegheny street, where they are now keeping house. The Re view joins with the legion of friends in wishing the newly married con- de a most pleasant and prosperous ourney dowu the stream of life to gether, and may wedded life to them ever be "one grand sweet soug." A handsome combination, water. cream and milk refrigerator was this week installed at Uan's urill. The nrnnnaitinn is a beautv and a joy forever, aud Dan is: as tickled over it as a boy witn nis tirst pair of copper toed boots. . It is certainly well adapted for the purpose for which it is intended. A top of a horse's collar was seen sticking out of the ground on Bur Ungten street below; the Burlington hotel the other day. The report be came t current ,that a horse was under it, or possibly two with a wood wagon and driver. Investi gation disclosed the fact, however, that if tnere was anytumg more to it then the collar the balance had gone on through to China or some ether "seaport." a ' Fay yeer saeiirlftlsm. A FEW LOCAL BREVITIES And Items of General In terest to the Public Keep your eye' on the block man. The ferry boat business Sunday. did a flourishing King 8c Wright have taken con trol of the Central hotel. S. Peterson is erecting a' substan tial dwelling on Dawson street near Burr. Sunday was surely and the visitors to St. an ideal day Johns were numerous. The call of the stream is begin ning to appeal strongly to many of our fishermen. J. W. Norcnc Is erecting n hntuU some residence for H. D. Winters on Tyler street. G. B. Darowitlt is making some substantial alterations to his home on Dawson street.' James Catto is building an ad dition to his residence ou Fillmore street, near Maple. Rev. Fcldtucth has moved Into his new home on Jersey street which was recently completed. A five-cent fare from Portland to Liunton is now in force on the United Railways on the west side. W. T. Bush is making prepara tions to erect n business structure adjoining the station at Whitwood Court. J. J. Karr has disposed of his residence on Portland boulevatu. Au ad in the Review done the business. Mrs. V. Ziuk of Portland is a new resident in St. Johns, haying purchased a house and lot ou North Fillmore, Mrs. 15. Reeder and John Qttectte of this place have both gone to near Alberta, Cau., to take up homesteads. L. B. Wilson has exchanged some Portland property for the residence of Mr, Ford ou North Hayes street. S. Schelter is constructing on Mohav,'k one of the handsomest aud most modem residences that adorn that street. No move has yet been made toward establishing a cemetery in St. Johns. Some one is passing tip a good investment. , V. W. Mason is doing the con crete work for the Portland Manu facturing plaut, which means that it will be done jusf right. 0 The Portland Manufacturing plaut is rapidly rounding itito shane and nart of the plant is al ready doiug business as of yore. ( Mrs. Luke Huiskamp and Mrs. H. J. Preager and son of Sau'Jose, Cal., have been guests at he home of Kd, S. Currier the past week or so. John Trotuott of Canada haa purchased a house and lot ou the corner of Thompson and Stewart streets and will become a citizen of St. Johns. Donald, son of B. L. Strickland of Oswego street, while walking oa the top of a fence Thursday evening of last week, accidentally fell to the ground and broke his arm. Property owners interested iu haviog'the street adjacent to their properties improved this summer should get up petitions and present same to council without delay. The sooner they are presented the sooner action 111 ny begin, Mrs. James Kugland, formerly n resident of this city and residing for some time on Dayton street, died at Saginaw, Ore., the first of the week. The alcohol plaut ou the west side wilt enlarge in the near future. A paint factory will be added aud a number of additional workmen will be required. Hubert D. Smith lino sold lili house at the corner of Tohn nnd Fillmore streets to C. F. Dohcrty, recently from Dulutli, Minn. B. L. Dobic consu mated the deal. Mrs. Alice Romig nnd Miss Jessie Romig of Kansas City, Mo,, arc guests at the home of Mrs. L. B. Wilson on Jersey street. The for mer is the mother and the latter a sister of Mrs. Wilson. O. Ii. Learned i.t ninklnir tlio rounds as assessor of personal prop erty. This is an assessment that the good old state of Oreeon should soon dispense with. It is burden some and unjust and very few states impose it upon their citizens. The Sacajawca will again be placed in commission next Monday, says Capt, F. K. Smith. The ves sel is larger aud better in every way than before- the fire which damaged it to quite 11 considerable extent. Two horses hitched to n wood wagon were instantly killed Mon day night, ou Bradford street, by the passenger train which was going at a swift gait through the city. The driver had a very nar row escape from sharing the same fate. Tust for a little dlvcralou Sundav afternoon, Mrs. Witidlc' and Mrs. Manning kept count of the nutos that passed the Windle residence ou Willamette boulevard from t tn 6:30, or three hours and n half. There were just 139. Who would have thought it? William Bailey has removed to his new home at Whitwood Court. The view from the new residence Is something magnificent utid any oue interested in scenery could spend days at a time there utid never tire. Mr. Bailey certainly has much reason to feel proud of his new location. B. R, Hutchinson and son of Plaitifield, Wis,, ure guests at the home of Chas. Foss in this city. Unlike most visitors to this vicinity, Mr. Hutchinson is not greatly im pressed with it, aud thinks it "lias nothing ou" some of the eastern cifies for beauty. He says he was disappointed with Portland ou ac count of its narrow streets, and that it was not as pretty as he was led to believe it was, A year's residence here, however, would no doubt change his views wonderfully. The Peninsula ball team of the Trl-Cily League, under the tute lage of Postmaster F. W. Vulentiue, defeated the Vancouver Pioneers at the grounds of the latter Sunday afternoon by the score of 4 to 3. The game was hard fought from start to fiuish. The next game will be played on the new grounds at Portsmouth next Sunday, pro viding they are in shape for the purpose, Mr. Valentine says he has a team of the first water, and will have a hand out for the pen uaut at the end of the seasou. For the last three years Oregon has been chief among the states in attracting Western immigration, aud while it is too early for com prehensive figures on this year's colonist travel it is already certain that the total will be the biggest yet. Trains have been running in from two to four sections to accom modate the travel, aud owing to the active work of the Oregon Development League in furnishing advance information through the commercial bodies in dozens of Oregon communities, these new comers have their minds definitely made up as to location, aud buy their ticket to that point. 0 Your wages for tomorrow are uncertain. But tomorrow's wants are sure, Have you a savings ac count wherewith to satisfy tomor rows needs? The First National Bank makes it easy by interest com pounded every six months. it BUILDING REC ORDS BROKEN More Permits Taken Out Than Ever Before Following arc the buitdihg per mits issued from April 12 to April 18, and arc more than have ever been issued for the same length of time since the records have been kept at the city hall: No. so To J. McKec to erect dwelling on Grcsham street between uttrr aud Buchanan; cost 1500. No. 51 To A. W. Sarvcr to erect dwelling on Armour street between Midway and Orcgoulau avenue; cost $tooo. No. 52 To Kuianiicl Weber to erect dwelling on Richmond street between bencca and Portland bou levard; cost $200. No. 53 To J. J. Karr to erect dwelling on Fessenden street be-' tween Newton and Newport streets; cost $1400. No. 54 To W. J. Clark to erect dwelling on Dayton street between Hudson and Portland boulevard: cost $1000. No. 55 To Joincs Catlo to build addition to residence on Fillmotc street between Maple and North city limits; cost$3oo. ' No. AO To G. B. Darowith to alter dwelling ou Dawson street be tween Ida and Alma streets; cost $400. No. 57 To J. W. Norette to erect dwelling on Tyler street be tween Willis boulevard and Hudson for II. D. Winters; cost $1000. No. 58 ToS. Schelter to erect " residence on Mohawk htrcct be-1 twecu Portland boulevard aud Hud son: cost $2000. , . 14 No. 591 o of, Peterson- toercctgt . dwelling bit Dawson street between Burr nnd Alma; cost $1000, Twelve hundred fluffy little chicks one day old enclosed in a circular space twelve feet in diame ter and mothered by a single oil stove, represents one of the ecu!inr features of au experiment which is now being carried on by Prof. Jumcs Drydcu of the Oregon Agrl-" cultural College. The experiment is for the purpose of testing the feasibility of raising chickens in large flocks. It has been the be lief up to this time that chickens , should be raised only in small broods. If the new method proves successful it will be a great boon to the poultry industry. The chicks which are being used in this ex periment were hatched in incuba tors, Twelve machines were used, the machines producing an average of oue hundred chicks each. This number of chickens were hatched from a total of 1350 eggs. ISvery once in a while large ads of a "coming city" appear in the dally papers and a large number shell out their earnings to the ex ploiters, the latest scheme is "Warrentou" at the mouth of the Columbia. A great city has been put ou paper and railroad termi nals nicely pictured. The "city" consists of 11 couple of blocks in the little village, where people were stung once before. It seems strange that reputable paticrs sell their space for such wildcat schemes. 'there are promising towns aud districts all over the Northwest, aud the swindles react on them. It makes the stranger distrustful of the whole country aud hurts the honest advertiser us well. There ought to be some way of putting a muzzle on these fakers. White Salmon Ktitcrprise. So promising are the prospeefs this week in the Vale oil field that oil experts from different parts of the United States, who have been in the city the last few days, state that the oil flow will be reached within two weeks. T, D. Hay worth, au oil refining expert, has decided to remain iu Vale to await the good news, He is now making arrangements for the immediate shipping of his ioo-barrel refining plaut as soon as the flow of oil is reached, and he and others are cer tain that it will be within two weeks. At the Columbia well the sand pumpiugs of the past week have revealed small quantities of oil. Oregouian. WANTED. Bright youug matt to learn the printer's trade. Call at this office.