Mitotic! Sneltfy REVIEW 1 IT'S NOW UP TO YOU To Mbtcrtw for THM Paper. AH Mm imwi whB M k mwi U oar oKo. Call la aad eorotl GET IN THE HABIT Of aewrtblag Id THIS Paear and yoa'M omt rtftrtt M. Be la at oace aa4 ketp rlejbt at M Devoted (o the latereeU of the Peatatela, the Manufacturing Center of the Northwett VOL. 6 t ST. JOHNS, OREGON, FRIDAY, APRIL 15. ioo. NO. 23 ST JOHNS i FURTHER DELAY DANGEROUS Imperative That Council Gets Busy on Sewer Since the new council lias been . . . f organized aim is now rcauy ior business, the matter of the greatest and most vital importance confront ing it is the sewer proposition. This is something that cannot be evaded or side-tracked, and the sooner the wheels are set in motion and then kept going briskly the better the people of St. Johns will be pleased. The fuct of the matter is that the sewer system has been delayed entirely too long. Every thing should have been in readiness for letting the contnict not Inter than the first of next month, but that is now impossible. Ton much time has been lost in gating the proposition under way, and now it is up to the new council to get busy at once. The longer the mut ter is put off the more imminent be comes the danger of a contaminated water supply with its attendant evils. The city really cannot afford ' to take further chances. It is rather a miracle that the water supply re mains as pure as it does, sur rouuded as it is by cess pools of varying depths. But the most op timistic cannot hope for it to much longer remain pure with such un sanitary and dangerous surround ings. Therefore, too much speed cannot be exercised in constructing an adequate sewerage system. The engineering department should be kept busy every minute of the day in preparing plans and details. If the force is too small, more help should be added. If council can riot make good progress at the regu lar meetings, owing to a stress of othcr'buslucss, let special meetings be called. Anything to push the work along with celerity and dis patch.. ",. Oatsiile of the danger from con tamination, the Jersey street hard surface improvement is being held up. Nothing can be done with Uiis desired improvement until the sewer is laid, except to prepare for it. We hear complaints everyday bout our poor and inadequate sys tem of sewerage, and it is begin ning to hurt the city. People do not desire to locate here when there i extreme- likelihood of contagious diseases becoming rampant, which la bound to happen as soon as the .water of the city becomes affected. The council has a grand oppor tunity to earn the thanks and com mendation of the entire people by expediting matters along this line, and (we believe they will do it. They are all men of at least ordinary intelligence, and they well know Ihe danger that lurks in further Jlelay. A good sewerage system is tbebest heritage we can have, o let's to it. Building Permits No. .45 To August Wilhelm to erect a' dwelling n Oswego street between Columbia and Willis bou levard for' C. A., Derrie; cost 500- , . ' . . ' No. 46 To A, A, Shrimshee to erect a dwelling, on North Hayes between St. Johns avenue and Ma ple street for the Portland Woolen Mills Co.; cost $1,000. No. 47 To R. L. Lamb to erect dwelling on Portland boule vard between Fessenden and Hart man streets; cost $200. No. 48 To. G. E. Lee to erect a dwelling on Fillmore street between John and Leavitt streets; cost ft,- nnn. No, 49 To M. Young to erect a HuflUnor nn Tersev street between Buchanan and Burr streets;, cost Tk dollar that savs "Goodbye" te you forever, w the dollar you uad. The dollar you save te raadv to rreet vou aav .and every MeraiRg a yew wish, when yew will. Toe rtrst .national jmwk arreaia vmi. If U the bank of erect ZLr Ita.vewra tbere. They work a4 ears a, per ceat jtbere PaW aWeai. sett the ew St. TfcM Range. It witC ?ay yen tq see tfaeea before yen buy. 'r New Ball Grounds At an enthusiastic meeting of the promoters and subscribers of the new athletic field located at McKenna Park on the peninsula, held Saturday night, a permanent organization was formed and a con siderable sum subscribed to build and operate both an athletic field and n ball team In the Tri-City league. Fred Valentine of bt. Jolins was elected president, Dr. Oscar De Vaul of Portsmouth, vice president, James J. Foreman of Portsmouth, secretary, and L. Allman treasurer. A committee, consisting of T. A. Kctchcm, O. B. Southworth and A. H. Brown, prominent business men of University Pork, and Forts mouth, were appointed to draft the by-laws for the new organization. The club will be called the Mc Kenna Park Athletic association, and the ball team will be known as the Peninsula club. Uniforms of white, with cardinal trimmings, have been purchased and arc ready for distribution. Clarence A. Partlow was elected manager of the base ball team, and w assume his du'ics at once. A coti'rnct was let tor the building of the fence and grand-stand, and vort: will start immediately. Mr. Partlow. the new manager, Is an experienced man at the game,bclng one of the original organizers ot tue Tri-City base ball league. He managed the lruukmakcrs and Oregon City clubs in' the league in 1907 and 1900. . The Peninsula team is a formida ble bidder for favors, and will be a credit to the section which it repre sents. Oluey, Fitchncr, McFurlond and Uroughtou arc on the twirling staff, Pembroke is catcher, Griffith, Todd, Walter Day and Adams arc the infield. Rogers, Hatch and Hcrshlcr arc on the outfield, aud are n trio hard to beat. In addition to these are several good fast men who arc trying for the team. Ed Kennedy, Portland's former first baseman, may play the initial sack for the "Suburbanites." If the big leaguer joins the team, he will break up more than one close game in the Tri-City this sea son. The manager of the motion pic ture theatre, located at Portsmouth, donated the theatre for next Satur day afternoon aud evening, seven performances, to the association. A special benefit program will be put on in which a fine base ball film, a dandy scrapping match picture, aud several comedy sketches will be prominent features. The athletic field will be ready for occupancy about May 1. The business men are taking much in terest in the proposition, and every thing looks favorable for a success ful season Journal. Filled to its Capacity The extraordinary importance of the modern Young Men's Chris tian Association in the twentieth century city is emphasized by sta tistics omaiuabie at tue rortiaua in stitution, The great 8-story build ing at Sixth and Taylor streets was opened six months ago and con sidered ample for twenty years. Witbiu 60 days from the opening every available jnch of room was being utilized. Today it is the permanent residence of 367 men, and 70 take their meals there daily. An average ot 75 dttJerenl classes, meetings and gatherings are held in the buildiug every night, Suuday excepted. Three physical directors are regularly employed aud more than 1500 men and boys take part in physical work. There are 3883 members ou tue rolls, aud in excess of 3,000 men, visit the building daily. Probably the most striking statement is the fact that the Port- laud Young Men's Christian Asso elation has more students than any other single educational institution in Oregon 908 nave registered this season. There are classes itf carpentry, plumbing, brick-laying, trades, chemistry, mining and as saying, automobiling, gas engines, electricity, telegraphy, book-keep ing, card writing, salesmanship, architectural, me cbantcal, sheet metal and free band drafting, apple culture, poultry rawing, and if ty other Mbjeew. John Jacob Astor accumulated a fortune of more tbaa 1 30,000, 000, He begea peatiaf fun at 92 per week. Ifa maaeaa save seme of that The First National Bask ex pkiaa aad compound hrttreet every stx mocKM. 11 ABii-iiur -! I 1 every Mtt. gwaraateed far ie years, oaly $32.59; $5 down, $5 asaaihly. At Caw mm. eayasm yeateaiee, NEW COUNCIL IN CONCLAVE Gather Up the Reins For Another Year . The first meeting of the new city council convened Tuesday evening with all members present and the mayor presiding. A number of visitors were in attendance to sec that the new council got started right. A petition for the improvement of Fessenden street with hard sur face roadway aud cement sidewalks, from the river to the cast city lim its, was the first matter taken up. Three petitions were out for the Improvement of this street, but only one has been returned to the city hall so far, The matter was referred to the city engineer and street com mittee to ascertain if the property will stand for the class of improve ment asked for. Petitions for widening St. Johns avenue, James street and lirucc street in the North end to sixty feet was presented by M. L. Hoi brook who offered to give twenty feet of his ground for the purpose, und he believed the parties owning land ou the other side of the streets should be willing to do as much. Referred to street committee for report. A remonstrance signed by a dozen or more property owners against the widening of Willis bou levard to 80 feet was read. The signers claimed they would suffer great loss by such a procedure, and believed, it much better to improve a 60 foot street in a first class man ner than to poorly improve an 80 foot street. The engineer's report showed that at the present time part of the street is 80 feet, part 60 feet aud part 40 feet. Miss Caplcs was present and stated that they would be wilting to pay the $ too difference to break the deadlock ex isting on the Severance triangle on Richmond street and improve it to Jersey if Willis boulevard was made a 60 foot street. Mutter wasreierred to the street committee aud engi neer to make report. Two bids for the construction of a bell tower were received. The first one opened was by A. A. Schritnshee and the amount of the bid was $475. The other bid was by L. W. Stadelman, and be offered to erect tne tower lor $40. re ferred to the building and grounds committee and city engineer for recommendation. Bills to the amount of $117.15 were allowed. The engineer asked or instruc tions regarding an excess of rock that had been placed on Burr street and for which no provision has been made for payment. The ex cess over the engineer's estimate is in the neighborhood of 100 yards. Referred to the street committee, city attorney and engineer. The following report of tne chief of police from April 13, 1909, to April 8, 1910, was then accepted and ordered filed; Number of arrests, 330. Causes of same Intoxication 89; assault aud battery 7; disorderly conduct 16; other city ordinances 40; assault 8; vagrancy 7; concealed weapons 3; adultery 3; ugtuinga; indeceut aud immoral conduct 3; cases taken to the juvenile court 1 1 ; number of cows impounded is,; number of horses 10; dogs killed and buried 31; lodging furnished 66; meals (for which they per formed work) 69, A resolution to improve South Hayes, Polk to Buchanan, was adopted. Au ordinance to amend the vehi cle ordinance was passed after some little discussion. Councilman Davis thought some action should be taken toward cor rectlng the impressiou given by the city dailies that at. Joans was a wide open town, wbea the fact of the matter is the city is the most restricted oae w the Mate, and the regulation imposed here arc being mutated ta various cute 01 tae Northwest. Mayor Hcadricks stated that he weald like to sec the various com mittee appointed do. their work ia committee roam' aad the make their resort for acceptaae or re jection te council, iaatead of beiag thrashed oat during the regular ses sion. Much time, he believed, ceuld be saved ia tkie maaaer. W, G. Lytic suageeted that hairs aad tables be alknrad ia the aeJeeaa, bat actiea eci the sugges At the Stock Yards Receipts at the Portland Union Stock Yards to April 9th have been: Cattle 2444,Tcalvcs 79, hogs 1339, sheep 353 andhorscs32. The general tone ot tue market is steady. Cattle have been Tstrong to high with a few loads of extra quality selling at higher prices thau have heretofore been giv$n. The sheep market has been steady to high iu all grades. A fewshcared sheep arc now coming iato market and where they havejshown quality they have brought good prices. The hog market while still high has cased off slightly. Tops arc selling from $11. 00 to $11.10, while there is a tendency to pay under the 1 1 cent mark for anything that is not first-class. Cattle buyers arc looking for chesper prices when the grass catttc run begins and from country reports there will be quite an offering of warmed up grass cat tle that arc thin in fesh. There is some inquiry for sockcrs and feed ers, and while good hay fed ani mals will not show 'lower prices, fl Is reasonable to expect that a lower ranee of values will'apply when the grass cattle run begins. D. O. Lively, General Agent. f n? t tion was deferred. The mayor then? appointed the various committees for the ensuing term as follows: I Streets aud Docks S. C. Cook, W. W. Windle, C. L. Johnson. License J. S. Downey, J. 12. Hillcr, A. W. Davis.' Water and Light-W. W. Win dle, A. W. Davis, S: L. Dobie. Finance A. W.K Davis, S. L. Dobie, J. E. Hillcr.? Builditics aud Grounds C. L. Johnson, j. S. Downey, S. C. Cook. Health and Police- S. L. Dobie, 9. (J. cook, J. s. uemncy. Liquor Liccnsc-T-j. l, Hillcr, W. W. Windle, CL. Johnson. Chief of PolicerK. McKiuncy. Day Policeman Robert Johnson. Night Police J. W. Dunbar aud Geo. Etberldgc. , City Physician A. W, Vincent. City Engineer C, E. Andrew. Upon motion of 'A.1 W Davis all appointments were confirmed by council. It was then up to council to elect a president of that body. S. L. Dobie and A. W. Davis were both placed in nomination, aud a ballot resulted iu Dobie securing three votes and Davis four. Mr. Dobie then moved that Mr. Davis be made the unanimous choice for the honor, which was accordingly done. Had a Happy Time The Junior Society of the Chris- tiau Church held their regular monthly meeting at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Schelter on Bruns wick street last Friday eveulng. There were about 25 of the members present aud after a short business session the young people spent the remainder ot tue evening In games, telllug stories aud visiting. They were just the happiest bunch of "youngsters" you ever saw. This little society is doing a fine work. They arc growing in numbers very rapidly and are learning to carry on the business of the society in a splendid manner. When they grad uate irom tue junior to tue oiuer U, society there will be no drones to go into the older body, but all workers. Mr. and Mrs. Schelter deserve and received the thanks of the society for the splendid time they enjoyed in their hap'py home. A delicious lunch was served by Mrs. Schelter and the house was given to the society for the time. Lost to St. Johns The Western Cooperage plant, which rumor hnd it was going to locate near the dry dock, will not come here. The difficulty they had with the railroad compauy at Aberdeen, Wash., has been satis factorily adjusted, and ou account of the pressure brought to bear upon them by the business interests ofthat city, they have purchased more ground and will remove their plant upop it there immediately. It Is' said that the company has sold their holdings near the dry dock to a Portland syndicate for something over $600,000, and that it will be held as an investment. The fact that the cooperage plant will Hot locate here as expected will be quite a blow to the parties ewaiag land in ine laiaMaiaie vicin ity of the proposed plant; as some of them had raised the price of their realty in anticipation of the 1 . e t 1 1 .1 & coming or mis large mquury. Preaea the goasel el gt Joans. FEW LOCAL BREVITIES And Items of General terest to the Public K. L. Lamb is erecting a small residence on Portland boulevard. Boru To Mr. and Mrs. David Sorbcr, Monday, April nth, a son. 0 M. Young is buildiug himself n neat little dwelling ou Jersey street, near Burr. Mrs. II. G. Oirdcu of Dayton, Ore., greeted her ninny friends here last Saturday. o. Clias. Dcrric is having a fine modern residence constructed on Oswego street. G. H. Lee has begun the con struction of n handsome home ou Fillmore street. Thomas Glover has been making some noticeable improvements to nts business piacc on uurungiou street. R. W. McKcon left his new ranch at Cauby long enough to say "hello" to his St. Johns friends aud cronies last week. The Portland Woolen Mills Co. is erecting another residence ou North Hayes, which will be occu pied by one of its employes, u . Messrs. Hoagland & Gordon, who are located in the Jowcr build ing, spent several days iu Scio this week looking the situation over. M. S. Cobb and family attended the funeral of his sister, Mrs. Lulu Ellison, at Roscbiirg the first of the week. Death resulted from con sumption, A girl, 13 years old, who goes to school, wants a place to help with light housework for room and board. Address 524 Tiogo Street, St. Johns, Ore. The Electric Theatre is nilttimr ou fine shows all the time. A tour of the moving picture shows of Portland will convince anvone that the local theatre has got them all "skinned." The pictures are all clean, wholesome and highly inter esting. W. E. Swengel aud wife were iu attendance at the United Evan gelical Conference which was held in Dallas last week. They took occasion while, there to visit our former townsman, H. G. Ogdeu, who showed them all over his ranch, which Mr, Swengel says Is thoroughly up-to-date in every respect. o The sensationalism that one or two of the evening dallies injected into the Hindu fracas has not been healthy for their circulation, as a number have stopped their sub scriptions aud one dealer has re fused to handle one of the Sunday papers by reasou thereof, It doesu1 1 pay to wander too far from the truth, even for a newspaper. - V There will be "big doings" at the W, 0. W. Camp next Wednes day evening. District Organizer W. L. Plummer will be present for the first time since last December. Preparations are being completed for a rousing meeting. No member should absent himself from the Camp ou that night. A local business man iu looking over his books for the year ending April first discovered that his busi ness had increased a little over 40 per cent over the year previous. In looking over our files we find that this same establishment spent over 35 per cent more in advertising in the Review for the year ending April first than it diet during the previous year. "Nuf ced." 0 - Fred Washburn, . lately appointed oae of the official umpires of the A Tri-City league, dropped iuto the office the other day, aud it took us some time to recognize the fact that he aud ye editor used to be boys to gether way back in the Keystone state. Fred has been ou the coast for the past dozen years and has changed wonderfully since we saw him last, which was about 16 years ago. Richmond street through the Caplcs tract is being graded and work is progressing rapidly. The deadlock existing by reasou of the Severance estate not being satisfied with the viewers' report still pre vents the completion of the street to Jersey. It is expected that this matter will soon be adjusted, how ever. Now if some of the brush would be cut in that neighborhood the result would be quite, pleasing. R. R. Churchill has opened up a real estate aud insurance office in the room formerly occupied by Wolcott's millinery on boutli Jer sey. As R. R. has plenty of push and energy iu his makeup, there is but little doubt that he will make a success of the realty business. He still retains his interest iu the laun dry, but owing to ill health ou ac count of the confinement, was forced to seek au avocation that provided for more fresh air. J. P. Sampson, who had his arm broken at the St. Johns lumber mills some time ago, attempted to commit suicide the latter part of last week. He liccamc despondent over the ill success attending the knitting or tue broken bones, and rather than take chances of his arm ever becoming useful again, decided to end it nil. Owing to prompt medical attendance the nolsou he swallowed failed of its object, and he is now almost fully recovered from its effects. Officials of the Portland Rose Festival have been advised that the moving picture trust will scud ten operators, with five moving picture cameras, from the headquarters of the trust in Europe to Portland to take complete pictures of the com ing Festival parades aud exercises. These films, when manufactured, will be distributed very widely and shown all over the world. It is estimated by Festival officials that no less than 100,000,000 people will see the attractions of Oregon roses in this way. E. C. Hurlbert has sold all of his property In St. Johns and says he will hunt a dryer pasture. Ed has resided in this city for the past eight years, during which time he has built aud sold twenty-two houses. The overpowering damp ness that has settled upon the city is drowning him out, he nvers. However, like the cat, we expect to see him back endeavoring to carve another fortune out of the city, whether It is wet or dry. In spite of any local conditions that might exist he will have to truvel many wearv miles before he finds the equal of St. Johns from a business man s point of view. Phonographs clven awav. En- quire about it at Calcf Bros. Wnnleil To borrow t too or J0O from one to three years. Gilt edged security, wan at tins oiucc. Wanted tojexchange Good mod ern house, finely located, ull modern improvements, for vacant land iu St. Johns. Call at 500 South Hayes Street. For Sale Thoroughbred Ply mouth Rock and Buff Orpington setting eggs, $1. 00 per setting. In quire of L. A. Smock, 1415 Oswego Street. Standard shirts and Helmet Col lars iu great variety may be found at Noyes Babbitt's. If you wont anything iu this line, call while the assortment is large aud complete. Doesn't your suit look shabby? Why have it that way when you can have it Cleaned and Pressed on short notice ut the St. Johns Clean ing, Pressing and Dyeing Works. Persons desiring cement blocks, flue blocks, cement drain tile, ce ment sidewalks, steps aud founda tions or sewer pipe should drop me a card or call at residence aud of fice, 646 Hartmati street. Cement block buildiug a specialty. V. W. Mason. o Despise your dimes and you'll never, never double your dollars, Dollar doubters find much help at the First Notional Bauk, it NEW OFFICIALS SWORN IN Ml Told They Make a Pretty Likely Bunch The two new members of the city council were sworn iu with becom ing ceremony Monday night, nnd Messrs. J. W. Davis and J. D. Kelliltcr retire from the field of action. Both have performed their duties iu a creditable manner nnd can look back upon their past record as nklcrmcu with a good deal of complacency and satisfac tion. J. S. Downey and W. W. Windle arc first class representative citizens nnd the general public can look for nothing but gilt edged ser vice from each one. The council as a whole would be very difficult to improve upon, and we believe the end of the term will prove that each one had been' faithful to each trust imposed upon him and that the reins of government had been handled ably nnd well. A. M. I'.ssou, who renewed his oath of office, is n gentleman in every sense of the word, faithful, honora ble, well versed in every detail that relates to the rccordcrship, pos sessed of a good knowledge of the laws and customs of the state of Oregon, a first-class municipal judge, careful aud accurate, we believe we are not exaggerating the truth when wc state that he has proved to be the the very best city recorder St. Johns ever possessed, and wc know he will continue to serve the people of St. Johns iu the same careful, accommodating and affable manner as he has done iu the past. W. Scott Kellogg, who succeeds J, E. Tanch as city treas urer, is a fine young man, intelli gent, of irreproachable liabits'aud charactcr.and jKHScsscd of a thor ough knowledge of book-keeping, he Is well fitted iu every way to take care of the city's exchequer iu a satisfactory and competent manner. Under the new law newly elected city officials must file n statement of the amount of money they have expended iu securing said election. l iic voucher sworn to states that the sums named are all that the candidate has spent, aud also in cludes all sums spent for him by any person, club or organization. The following list which has been filed shows that 110 official went iu very deep. The money was most ly spent for cards: J. F. Hendricks, no expense; A. M. Esson. $8.50: W. Scott Kel- logg, if 8; If. E. Collier, $7; A. W. Davis, $5! a. L. Dobie, s; C. U. Johnson. $5; 3. C. Cook, $6; W. W. Windle, W. J. S. Downey, SO; J. E. Hillcr, $5; making a total of $59.50. Referred to City Dads Ed. Review: Since it seems ap parent that we will have hc new city dock ou our hands for sonic time to come, why would It not be a good plan to get .something for its use? I understand that a num ber of our business concerns are availing themselves of its use to quite a considerable degree, and vet it seems that the city is getting nothing for the privilege, and the city is paying $10 per mouth, I believe, for a watchman. A public dock does not necessarily mean n free dock, and If these coucems are saving mouey by the use of the dock, would it be asking too much if they pay the watchman's salary at least? Citizen. TO WATER CONSUMERS. Rates for spriukliug through hose: 1 Lot $1.50 per mouth $6.00 per season. 2 Lots $2.50 per month $10.00 per season. All rates payable iu advance. A Lot is 50x100 or 5000 square feet of ground, Including the space occupied by the buildings. St. Johns Water Works and Lighting Co., By P. H. Edlefsen, Mauager. Uavo your property insured In tho St. Paul or Northern flro Insurauco companies. TUoy oro tho bout, 8. Iu Dobie, ugout.