THE ST. JOHNS RCVICW PuMkkM Srarr Friday At 117 Want BwMafton Street. BY A. W. MARKLE Tmk Review Is entered at post office In Saint Johm, Osegon, as mall matter oi tne second class nnaer tne aci oi ton grese of March 3, 1879. Job Printtai inU4 la flnlettM 17! tllila n JaW Tvlnllfi i..h m Amilrmrr. All soramnnletllOBS ihovld t addrsusd to Adrnrtlilar tatsa, (00 pr Inch psr month. All drlllnc bills pylU Ant of oocb month. OHetol ITtwiyaaff of tka Ottf of M. Me. Subaerlptlori price $1.60 par year. ' FRIDAY, APRII, 8, 19. The Review's course in taking nclthcr.sidc on the liquor Question during' the campaign which has just closed, seems to have met with general approbation, judging from many complimentary remarks we have heard concerning same. There were, however, at least two in stances that wc know of where this course did not please. The day after-election one local business man peremptorily ordered his nd. out, presumably because wc did not take up the dry end of it. Another shining light in one of the churches ordered his paper stopped, and since he sent a dollar along to pay up his arrears wc took great pleas urc in wiping his name off the slate. Now if there are any more men in St. Johns of the same call brc, wc would like to hear from them without delay, and to let the people iu general know how indig nant they feel and to what lengths they will go In expressing said dis approval wc will publish their names free of charge. If a busi ness is to be boycotted iu n small way because it did not follow the lead 6f some' dry enthusiast or wet enthusiast, the world must be get ting better fast. This paper at one time traveled very nearly the preci pice of business disaster by advo cating a principle like unto the recent one, and as "a burnt child dreads the fire," wc decided there was more room in the middle of the road so far ns the paper was coticerncd. And wc believe wc did right. The paper was Open to an argument from cither side, and both sides took advantage of the opportunity. The only remark the .Review made was iu deploring the fact that personalities had been in jected into the campaign. Person ally; our views and impressions on the question arc strictly private property; We vote according to the dictates of our conscience and we intend to keep it up. If wc are to be further boycotted for our course in the matter wc would like to know it right now, so that wc cad govern ourselves accordingly. The Meat Question The schemes of "civilization" to put food materials (mixed with some materials that arc not food), through various complications that greatly increase the price and hence the profit to the mixers, and that capture trade by putting out a prod uct that has a different appearance, color, odor or taste from the same thing in a less expensive form arc entirely based upon our anthropoid curiosity. Iu the case of meats, for instance, the farmer takes grain worth a cent and a half a pound and feeds it to a steer who completely consumes fourteen out of fifteen pounds of it, and deposits in his carcass together with the fifteen pounds of grain, two pounds of water. Now this steer the farmer sells to a packer at a rate high enough to pay for all his feed, labor and the loss from animals that did not thrive. Next the packer turns forty per cent of this steer into fertilizer find fuses and fixes the rest of it up and passes it on to us through the hands of n dozen storage men, wholesalers and retailers; finally, it reaches the con sumer a pitifully meagre share of the original food grown on the farm, and hopelessly loaded with the product of the steer's physio logical economy and the packer's chemical laboratory. ' When one considers the waste and folly of the whole proceeding, instead of being surprised that meats arc high, he wonders that they are so low. From Physical Culture for March. George II, Williams, "Oregon's grand old man," passed peacefully to his home on high early Mon day morning. His was a life full of honor, of good deeds, of fine statesmanship and his character was above reproach, bitch men have a tendency to make the world better and purer, and his memory will 1 iiccr long with those who knew and restarted lilni so highly. Since the election is over and the Hindu Minimis has abated, every body should buckle down to busi ness niiil push St. Johns progress rapidly along. There were no helps for savers in Carnegie's youth. The First National Hank helps savers now. It will help you by compounding Interest every six months. it. NOTICE. All persons arc warned not to loaf or trespass on my premises above the Dry Dock on bluff. Mat MmMm IfawVL ccmU - ONE LITTLE DOLLAR, so ily spsnt, if put In the bank at 10 par cant compound interest would in 5oo yaars amount to 496 qulntillion, 984 quadrillion, 196 trillion, 731 billion, 226 million, 689 thousand, six hund red and twenty-nine dollars, ($496,984, 196,731,226,689,529.) Money grows if you wlH let It. We will pay you three per cent Interest on the money you put In our bank and com pound the interest every six months. MAKE OUR BANK YOUR BANK FIRST NATIONAL BANK St. Johns. Oregon tfm. MO. t Report of the condition of the Pminsula Bank at St Johns la the State of Oregon, at the close ot business March 29, 1910: TRK900CM Loam and discounts 1169,893.30 Overdrafts, secured unsee'd 4,791.2a Banking house, furniture and fixture! Due from approved reaenre banks.... 131,292.02 Checks and other cash items ,a83.o6 Exchanges for clear ing house ....... 1. .4,369,00 Cash on hand..,. 3,403.9 .11,031.07 Total J"3,3S.S9 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in. 40,000.00 Surplus fund 3,000.00 Undivided profits, let expen ses and taxes paid 3,130.37 individual deposits subject to check 1133,703.63 uetnana certiorates r .,-..-.-14 Tittle certificates of deeoelt Certified checks. Cashier's checks outstanding.... Havings deposit,.. 3,9o8.i6 2,373.00 3.00 39-35 t5,9i4-96 -173,138.02 Total S2as.308.tQ state 01 Oregon, r Count v of Multnomah. " I, Charles A. Wood, cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear tnai tne above statement is true to tne best of mv knowledge and belief. cnaries a; wooii,tainicr, - - ' - .1 1 I mis tne at)! day 01 April, 1910. Geo. J. Perkins, Notary Public, Aiuitnoman county, ure. I v-orrect Aiie.t: reterAuuen, M. h. Holbrook, Robert Treat Piatt. Directors. No. 047. $300 per month Income on a $25,000 Investment C 1 fitliA New S-room bungalow, good one, lot '50x100 on improved PlOVU itreet. Splendid bargain. i AMi 5,room plMtcrcd house, large nlry rooms; lot 50x100; $400 cash I lUV and balance on easy tcnus at 7 per cent. , , fliAA Six room house on Hayes street, close in, lot 50x100. This is a 1 lUU moneymaker. Take it quick. y g aa Five room modern bungalow, full basement, toilet and bath UVv lot 55x180; 500 cash, balance on good terms at 7 percent. 1000 It 100xto0i corner, on Hayes street; 300 cash and balance on: "77A"k 5 room bungalow, modern, full basement, toilet and bath, on LLJJ easy .terms. IyOok at this and you will sec a bargain. 1000 "5XIO 5n point VIcw block 'of car 'Hue; W w gioo jown and $10 per month. 50x100 on block 7 in Point View. W jjo down and $30 every three months. ftQO 50x100 on Oswego afreet in block 7 Point View. ' "$50 do wri and $30 every three months. Many other Birgains. tall in and sec. , 1 J. S. DOWNEY JERSEY STREET COME IN AND SEE Our Hue of Urowu's high grade wash boilers, guaranteed not to rust, prices from 1 1.50 to $3.00 Our spring Hue of wall paper will be here soon, the RIGHT KIND at the RIGHT PRICES. The policy of this store is "Wc give you what you ask for." If wc do uot carry in stock the article YOU wish we will get it for you regardless ot cost to us What we want is not only customers but Pleased Customers Hendricks Hardware iai a I LOTS TOR SALE EASY MONTHLY TERMS Why not buy now before the choice lots are gone? Why not build now while you can get a building discount? Why not buy on cosy monthly terms instead of paying rent? Why not come out to East St. Johns and look over the property? Electric Lights Water Graded Streets Sidewalks Near School and Carlinc. EAST ST. JOHNS LAND CO. Office! 1 E. St. Johns SM 41 Hamilton Bulldlnj. Portland Phones: Richmond Ml 1 Mala 4915 W. C. T. U. 1TEA1S. 2d Hand Motors for Sale Xfra T.iilit T nLf1fifii1 ?lmrliiril ,ni,in.r- n, iinniut nf.nrr.1. OucaOip General JJIcctrlc, Go navf .Qlirwlftit fi (tr. n m cycle, iboo k. i, ai.: aao volt, one who has heard her will ,nss I P'asc induction motor. Price 5o. hearing her nguin. The Morning i 75' . , . . , , Oregoniau says of her: Mrs. Shep. I , ? V. Gccr? 1lectrIc 6o, herd is a noted club woman niid!cl.c ,8.00I R;. p M" 3?10. 1 has q wide exjerience as a teacher, j I'baseiuduclloii motor. Price .4. lpnvlncr llin Knlmnl rnntti in tnlr . 5 till. iiLtrnrm fnr hmnoniKn. tlmnr.1, I TWO l-S'llt) General KleCtriC GO li, l mnrli In .limatwl fnr rlnh Cycle, l8oO R. P. M., 220 Volt, meetlmrs as a siwaker. The Seattle l)1, iJuctioa motors, 28.50 Daily Times says; Mrs. Shepherd has gained the title 'Silver tougued orator of the Rocky Mountains' on account of her exceptional power as a platform orator." There are also favorable comments from Boise papers, Dutte, Montana, Lewis ton, Lagrandc, ami many others. Do not fail to hear her at the Haptist .church at St. Johus next Sunday afternoon at 3:30. The American Palls press says: "People are glud to pay $2.00 to witness a play that , is in no way superior to the enter tain incut Mrs. Shepherd provides." Do uot miss it. We wish to auuounce to the ladies of St. Johus that the mothers' meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. S. J. Doualdson, at 506 West Charleston street, next Monday afternoon at 3:30, We expect to have an interesting program. Mrs, Carey has promised to slug for us. "Come thou with us aud we will do thite good," Do not forget the time and place, next Monday, 2:30 . in.. 500 west unariesion street, our blocks west of Central school. "Your appendix is badly Mu flamed, only its immediate removal can save your life." "My nppeu dixl Oh, Lordyl Hain't uothln the matter with my supplement, is there?" Bickuer's . hall Tuesday sight. each Two i'6'hp General Ulectric, 60 cycle, 1800 R. P. M., no vault, single phase induction motors, i8,. 50 each, One i-8-hp Kmersou, 60 cycle, 1150 R, 1 M 115 volt, single phase induction motor, fit. 60 The one-six and oue-eight-hp macmues will run on lightning cir cults. One 3'hp Northern direct current motor, 500 volts, 1300 R. P. M. 45.00; or will rewind for 250 volts to run on the underground district in rortlanu, for f50.50. We also have a number of other second-hand motors for sale or we can furnish new machines at right prices. Give us a call at either 418 N. Jersey street, St. Johus, or 302 Commercial Block, Portland. Co lumbia Ulectric Engineering Co. "Six or slveu plates I Phewl It s alsy to say phwat the matther is, corned bafe and cabbage is the worm st shtou iu the worm Id to take care ay. It's iudigiston yez nav." uut you won't nave "iudigis ton' ' if you see 'When Doctors Disa. gree" iu Bickuer's Hall, Tuesday night. Subscribe (or tho Telegram best evwdug pap on tha, coast. 600 Kd Stockton. ORDINANCE NO. 285. An Ordinance Creating tho Office of Chief of Police and Providing Assistants therefor. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State, of Ore. nan for the County of Multnomah. Daniel G. Huron, plaintiff; vs. Cora jiuron,ucicmiant. To Cora Huron, def eudaut above naatad; In the name of the statt of Oregon you are hereby renuircd to appear and answer me complaint nieci The City of St. Johns does ordain follows; Section I. That there be. and Is hereby, created the office of Chief of 'after the lit da; I'ollce of the City of St. Johns. Section II, That said Chief of Police may have three assistant police or patrol men, which said patrolmen shall act under the supervision of the said Chief 01 ronce. Section III, That said offices shall be filled by apixilutuieiits, to be nominated by the Mayor aud with the consent of the majority of the Council in reuular teuton appoiuicu. becuon IV. That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith arc Hereby rcpeaien. l'asied by the Council this xth dav of April. iQio. Approved by the Mayor this jth day oi April, 1910. J, r, JIMNUKIUKS, Mayor, Attest: A. M. HSSQN, Recorder, Published in the St. Johns Review April 0, 1910. it alnst n the you in the above entitled court auove cnmiea suit on or Before oaturuav. I the aut day of May. iaio. which Is tub- thera sequent to the expiration of six, weeks How Is Your Title? Have your abstract! made, con tinned or examined by Peninsula Titlo, Abstract and Realty Co., II. Houdorson, manager. Accurate work. Reasonable fees. Cement Block bulldtug, Jersey street FOR SALE. Will receive bids for lot six (6) Block two (2) St. Johns Park Ad dition to St. Johus up to April aoth, 1910. jotiu uacon, Mew Albin, Iowa. . Apprentice wauted at the .Vocue MUlfaery. iv 01 ABrtl. Itio. the date oi tne urst nuDiicatioa 01 una sum mom Report of the condition of the First National Bank at St. Johns, In the state of Oregon, at uie close 01 business March 39, 1910: RKSOURCKS. Loans ami discounts io.6qi.i6 uveruraits, secured flc unsee'd 149.95 U.S. bonds to secure circulation 35,000.00 Premiums on U. S. bonds 1,000.00 Bonds, Securities, etc. . . , 3,79.i Banking house, furniture aud fixtures .- 3.0O4. 55 use irota National Banks (uot reserve agents) $ 3,000.00 Due from State and Private Banks and Bankers, Truit Com panics and Savings Banks X.&87.0J Due from approved re serve aceats 39.114. J7 Checks and other cash items 778.16 Fractional paper cur rency, nicitcis.ceiiis 04.05 Lawful money reserve in bank, vli: Specie.... 7,46.95 begai'ienuer notes. . . 345.00 Redemption fund with U. 8. Treasurer (5 ptrct. of circulation) 1,350.00 47,9.39 ToUl 1187,389.67 Liabilities. Capital stock paid In $35,000.00 unuiviueu proms, less expen ses and taxes paid National bank notes outstand'g 35,000,00 individual (leposits subject to check... tvi Demaud certificates of deposit g.70t.6 Time deposits '7,S7o5i 134,333.34 Total , I187.389.67 State of Oregon, , County of Multnomah M I. V. P. Drinker, cashier of the above named bank, no solemnly awear that the above statement ia true to the best of my Knowledge anu oeuei. r. r. urinxer. t-asaier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 7th day of April,, 1910. w. k. nan, notary ramie. Multnomah county, Ore, Correct Attest: A, R. lobes, H. K. Collier, R. M. Tuttle, Directors. RESOLUTION It ia resolved by. the City of St. Johns: Taat u deems It expedient aa neces sary to improve Tyler Street from I the west line of Jersey Street to the southerly line of Crawford Street in the City of St. Johns in the following man ner, to wit: S. C. COOK E..A..BJUEW Increased Business Increased Facilities TWO OPPICRS-ONH AT 311 NORTH JERSBV STRHKT, AND ONM AT CORNER OP 03WKGO AND l'HSSRNDUN STRHUT3 Bargains In all Kinds of Real Estata ' Houses, lots blocks or acres. Watch this paper for bargains , COOK & BLEW HAZELWOOD ICE CREAM BEST BY TEST A. UNGER, Sole Agent 0 103 N. Jersey street, next to the Peninsula Bank w LOOK FOR THE BIG YELLOW SIGN Special prices to church parties, socials, etc. Phone Richmond 11 LOOK YOUR BEST and you're likely 'to act it. Wear good clothes not expensive clothes but clothes tailored expressly for you fall of style and comfort the kind that put you at ease. Before you buy a suit come in and let us show you our new Spring and Summer Woolens. You'll be delighted with what $25 to $35 will buy in a Gcnuiue Man-tailored suit of clothes. 1 JOHN NOCE & CO. Fashlonabla Tallars Next Door to Postofice PHONE RICHMOND 941 J 1, "'e ur" puoiicauoa ot tnta ummons, By grading same to established f rmde it he UK' prescribed la the order foraald orgrAe to be established, by cnt and tiiili1lallnn Ilia nlil autatHinMa rvuk.l ..n 4 ... publication that said summons be pub- finrand by sidcwalklnx same on either 1. : .1." i--i: ue w.a. -,0'. wa,i3-root i t 7 ' ' """' u 1 euro, and uy piacimz Krip 01 macadam mi iv wj iiwr ami uiwcr. lor vm iiumf in imii u ,i i.j , fi wm -pyir vucismtobciJitwi(l. 8 inches above entitled court for the re! for in his complaint, to-wit: a uecrce (involving aoaemtei deep in center. 6 inches on either aide, said walk ana euro to uve expansion jotnu aa di- Iv tae I .k i Ji... um .u.k oomis oi niauiinonv Heretofore ana now i i..-. .n ,i.r.. . ... existing uetween tne Maint and Ue ,11 work to tse don necordlnB to skua ueiemiaui lor ine cusey or tne cuildrtn .& .MclAcadMa of the cit mawiur or. r , ' tie in toe oace oi tne city recofoer rei 17 years o( age; Cliarkw, 9 jeara of aSej ative thereto, which said plana and specl Joe. seveu vears o( age, and that .defend, ficationa and estlnsetee arTati4actory ant be declared to have M richt. claim I .... t,.k .s cm rlaut. claim I .... ... t,.k . or interest in any 01 uwamiaenom goods, meats to be made in accofdaae perwna, eiiecis, urniimw .. otner. per charter and ordinances of the cit vM, 9ta improv with the A RARE BARGAIN 58 acres of land 2 1-2 miles from Oregon City tonai properly 01 tne Pnua, and lor joaM and under the Mwerriaioa and sucii oiuer, juriuer or aw-srent reiiei as dlrectlo of the city engineer. 1 r W' . I Tbat the cost of said imnrerraMat to nHwlehM In tne St. I k. .. t,.. .k. .!. v.. Johns Review pursuant t an order of ttr upoa the proparty eeMeUllr ad par lion. Robert O. Mtrnv, ttrsaidiBc I ti.i.i. uIitLi -.3 uti. r.r .v.. .v,..- ,.,i tZ I . . . . . Tr."s TT" . w. .-v -tv fmjwnwm rr"" 1 Beftoy oeciarea to e aai or toa, aana m and entered the 6th day ot Match, iio. lott, (, 1ck, Md parceU of land between Date of first pub 'cation h April I, Wo.Jthetemlnlof anch iasproveenaarte abut- date Of last publication U May SO, IlO, I unon. aUeaut or nnsltMai ta mmlA GKORCUI, PHRKINS. TOr tr k ml li. Attontey Mr naistiu. of Mid ttrect hack to the venter of the Mock or blocks or tracts of tend abutting ior i.35 per weeic. it w rtcora iBrovMt dWrkt afoeseaid ia ifkr that he saved tWtty-iV ctat 1 4ectered to he VLool laiBwv int Die-1 pieces. Today he Imwm time pao- triet ij. 34." . , -I pie busy helping Mm umd the Iuterest on his bkmmt. If Canseeie I 1 rvUr atri u tTL It a l. i W. ' a a u -a vs i.iIj. v a. '. -. - .1. beKan that way, why ta't ytMl? That Use cost of paid TyleTstreet to LiH II JHIfs I M WM P KM, IN fjf HfT lOTW and. compwi-rHmr lateral I JL"J I At $50 per. , acre. Enough Andrew Carue ir iM I U. rt? i. aa tlllflDer UPOH SlITie tO PV fOr. it. Running water on place. you every six months ' A Bargain Hottoe mm! Wta, Calcf Bros., oppoMt it cKv hartec oi the etty Adopted the stk day of April , 1940. Oh thm rtaHy warkt to4iay. Must M UkMi nk it UhWHIM I a. 1-- Sot I Fnk4iaked in the St. lokMKorkw Cll ! 8411 April eta HM IJUI, 1910. J, J. CNftPICN Car. TMmM- 4 Q Htaaft Wt 44mm, xr9mr