CURRENT EVENTS OF THE WEEK MILLIONS TO FIGHT SHARKS. Doings of the World at Large Told in Brief. Uentral Resume of Important Evants - Preterited In Condensed Form for Our Busy, Readers. Roosevelt and his party dlno with king and queen of Italy. President Taft gavo a dinner at the White Houso to conservationists. It Is reported that Roosevelt still has confidence in Taft and his policies. i Premier Asqulth's policy In the houso of commons won by a voto of 357 to 261. Two hundred tnxlcnb drivers In Chi cago.nro on.strlkc, and the remaining SOO are expected to join them. An aviator at Alameda, fell 80 fcot with' his blplano into San Francisco bay, but was rescued by a skiff, Tho incldcnt botwccn Colonel Roose velt and tho Vatican at Romo grows in Imbortanco and promises to become world-wide. of Plan Is to Charge Only Legal Rates on Furniture" Security. New York, April ' 4. Mrs. Russell Sago has inaugurated a state-wide plan to thwart tho loan Bharks who fatten upon tho necessities of the poor. Sho has returned from her trip across the continent to put Into immediate effect measures to save tho unfortunate from tho exactions of the usurer. Tho Sage millions will capitalize a chain of model loan establishments which will advance money to the poor on their household goods at tho legal rato of interest. Tho plan has been prepared by tho Sage Foundation, In cooperation with Orion II. Cheney, state superintendent of banks, and awaits only Mrs. Sage's final approval. Mr. Cheney, who has been waging a bitter war upon tho loan sharks, said today: "When tho Sago Foundation enters this field not only will it accomplish a most worthy mission, but at tho same timo it can be mode financially profit able. Tho concerns which tako unfair advantago of tho unfortunates who aro financially embarrassed will bo oithor driven out of tho business or forced to conduct their business on tho samo fair basis as tho Sago Foundation." Mr. Cheney said hn believed tho poor who havo to resort to tho securing of loans on their furniture should be cared for in preference to tho class that cures advances on salary. INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AND PROGRESS OF OUR HOME STATE CRATER LAKE ROAD ASSURED. Portland, member of the constitutional AVIATOR SWOOPS TO convention of Oregon, and eminent pioneer lawyer of the coast, is dead, 'unemployed In Taeoma to the num ber of 50 refused to do longshore work feV lets than 40 cents an hour, and were chased off the dock by policemen. Dr. D. K. Pearsons, a Chicago phll- fti.u making ,tH-nl.t. .irtd Oft vnra. aava h haa mo. 1 . w" 1 whl'8 making an exhibition flight hen yesterday. He was circling the royal palace Uncle Sam Approves Plant, and May Give Subttantlal Aid. Tho Crater Lako road will bo built. Government approval of tho project has been secured by Will 0. Steel, a recognition appropriation of $5,000 made, Engineer D. F. Hcidlo sent by the government to Mcdford, and tho promlso given that GO per cent of the work will have been accomplished by July 1 of this year. Tho Mcdford Com mercial club's subscription of $25,000 for tho construction of tho road is well under way and there will bo no further delays. Mr. Stcol has just returned from Washington. Ho represented tho Mcdford Commercial club and inter vened on Its behalf with Secretary of tho Interior Ballinger and other gov ernment officials. "Tho government's approval of tho Crater Lake road in effect nullifies the decree handed down by the Supreme court last month," said Mr. Steel. "I found about tho halls of tho cap ital a focllnc of resentment that even so august a body as tho Supremo court' should deem tho Crater Lako national park n local affair, any more than that Ycllowstono national park should be bo Be- considered. "Sccrary Ballinger asked mo how much money wo would bo wanting from tho government for tho Crater Lako projccL I told him wo would need eventually about $2,000,000, In THINNING NEAR AT HAND. Fan Sebutian, Spain, April 4. An other Trench aviator haa met death white making a flight in an aeroplane. Hubert Leblon, who, prior to his tak anthroplst, aged 00 years, says he haa aided 47 struggling colleges, whlck are now all thriving, and will now give hit pocketbook a rest. In a case of Nebraska and Arkansas against tho railroads, tho Supremo court of tho United States has decided that tho roads havo aomo right that must bo recognized. J. J. Hill called to pay hla respects to President Taft. Ho says farmers In the Northwtst aro a month ahoad of timo with their spring work on ac count of the fine weather. A Berkeley, Cal., man offered to con tribute 1100 toward paying off a 1.17 A TIT AM DATIC nceu cvcnuiaiiy bdou. ,uuv,uuv, in IFLA1HJ UN IwLAd. eluding making of traits and various other improvements, no assured mo of his belief that wo would get that much, at tho same timo stating frank ly that had it not been for tho Indom itablo energy and persistence of the Mcdford commercial interests nothing further would ever havo been done following tho Supremo court's unfav orable decree. "I received an official communica' tion stating that the United States fish commission would placo 60,000 rainbow of Mlramar at a height of 140 feet when his motor broke. Ho attempted to glide back to the shed, but the ma- chlno turned and swooped with terrific forco against tho rocks. The aviator was crushed. Mmn. Leblon witnessed tho Taccldcnt and when tho body was recovered from tho sea, the rushed shrieking towards tho ambulance to which it was being carried. Sho threwZheraelf upon tho lifeless form, repeatedly and refusing to be led away, As the.weath- or was stormy, Leblon a flight was un- nsMctMl and onlv a few iteonla church debt If tho womon of tho church Mmb!ed to see tho f start. Af ter tho ..i.i .. a l r .i. ...... . . start, however, an enormous crowd quickly gathered and followed the body to the police hospital. There was an examination, but the doctors were only able to confirm that death must have been Instantaneous, or It would remove their hata during vices. The women refuted. The political altuatlon In Etgland extremely tent. Roosevelt will be aa cloaely guarded aa any king during hie vialt In Rome. Secretary Ballinger will bring suit agalntt Collier's Weekly for attacka upon him. At leaat tlx bankara will be Indicted at a result of the PitUburg graft acan awl and Investigation!. A guide who helped Cunningham lo cate illegally on Alaska coal clalma, being chagrined at the amall fee paid him, haa told all ho knew about the matter. Eight caaea of amallpox have devel oped in tho town of Charleaton, Wash., near the Puget Sound navy yard, and all achoola, taloona and billiard halla ITALIANS CHEER ROOSEVELT. Seen In Theater at Naplat Recelvtt Grand Ovation. Naples, April 4, Ex-Prealdent Roosevelt was given a tremendous re ception at tho Theater San Carlos, where he attended a performarice to- nlnht Tho Americana In tho boxea started the cheering, which was taken up by a great body of students seated in the third gallery. Colonel .loose- velt rote and bowed hla acknowledge ments, which only served to Increase the tumultous applause. During an Intermlttlon students to the number of 200 marched to the rear fry In tho Crater lake, to add to tho ntnpk nf flili nlrniulv l)iprr. " Crater lako road, completed, will bo 87 miles long, Engineer Hcidlo will give his timo not only to making a sur vey of all roads now planned, but in making a survoy of all roads and trails to bo constructed at any future time. Klamath Falls Depot Finished, Klamath Falls Tho finishing touch cs havo boon put 'on tho magnificlcnt depot erected by the Southern company In this city. No date for the formal opening of tho building has been an nounced and will not bo until word la received from San Francisco. When It waa announced that the rail road company had decided to erect In this city a depot that would coat In the neighborhood of $20,000 few peo ple believed that that amount would be Invested In the structure. But Instead of a $20,000 structure tho company hat given the city one that will coat nearer $40,000, and one that turpattet in elegance anything of its kind in the west. The fact that the Southern Pacific haa seen fit to rflvo Klamath Falls such afino building ia indicative or what that company ex pects this city to be. Tho depot Is tho direct outcome of tho petition that waa sont to Chief Engineer Hood, ask Ing that this city be favored with what tho company expected Klamath Falls to bo. kave been closed. Deeollttto dressea will be barred 0f Colonel Rooaavelt'a box. whero thav un.... n.i... ,.... .n nnn , r n Mont. ... ' . " .-.I .' .C ' -Iij". i "" ''"' "J' uu'uuu rrm Sr7...L Mcdford -Sam Stlne, of Wallla Professor Bogglano, of the University w.n. i... . i .i.. W.i.i. VT...1... l ..... .1 I ", llua 1JUIII1IU1I.-U lliu 1TUll.ll iuriu "'"""" T"'"' nf 480 acres l Antolono vnllov. ml I I.. . . - I JU'T Joining tho Von der Hollen tract at fret the Eucharist congress in Mont- Mai next September, which will bo at tended by Cardinal Vanutolll, papal delegate from Homo, 'Donald Gravea, 14 yean old, waa hot through tho right eye at hla home at Long Beach, Cal., by Jesse Franson, aged 11 years, and died two houra later. The two lads were playing In Man with a 22-calibre rifle. A plan la being formulated by tho heirs to the millions of Russell Ssge, to make i a systematic war on loan sharks by establishing loan agonclea where people in stringent circumstan ces can borrow at reatonablo ratca of interest. Maintaining utmost tecrecy until the hour of attack, government secret tor vice agents made ralda simultaneously on bucket shops in. New York, Phila delphia, Jeraty City, Baltimore, Cin cinnati and St Louis. In all 16 arrests wero made. Five millionaires aro said to havo been caught In the dragnet, ex tending from tho Missouri river to the Atlantic, Admiral Fournler of France predicts war between the United Statea and Japan. A Seattle woman la believed to have poisoned nearly 60 valuable doga in that city. l'lnchot refuses to say whether or not he was summoned to meet Rooso velt In Eruope. Nat Goodwin, the noted actor, haa purchased a ranch of 869 acrea near San Jacinto., Cal., for $64,000. More thani 8,000 white and negro men, women and children, employed In the American Tobacco company's atemmerios in Louisville, hy have struck for hlghor wages. President Taft says the policy of re turning men to congress for successive terms makes tho East more powerful in that body, The French government la conduct ing extensive experiments in aviation and is considering the appropriation of at leaat $,uuo,uoo for aeronautics. Three hundred thousand coal miners In Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, Illin ois, Iowa, Missouri, Kansaa, Okalohoma and Arkansas have quit work, pending settlement of a new wage acale. recalled tho colonel's parting tion to Prealdent Taft, that the great- eat problem for the United States waa tho maintenance of a tho moral well- being and strength of tho people. rroiossor uoggiano said that thia waa also tho greatest problem for all coun tries. Colonel Koosovelt, replying, appeal ed to tho student to aspire to tho high- eat Ideals, but warned them that thuir aspirations must bo coupled wlthi prac tical methods. "Life la a strugglo." he said. "You must not keep In tho clouds. Your Ideals must bo such aa can be real ized." Pel Dog Funeral Elaborate, Chicugo, April 4. Beth, a blooded cocker spaniel which has won many blue ribbons ut bench shows, Is dead, but If there Is uny post mortem satis faction for a departed canine In an elaborate funeral, Beth mutt havo It. Wrapped In an embroidered opera coat. her casket lined with tho trophies of horshow victories, ueth was burled be neath a fine old mission willow yester day, sorrowing friends witnessing the ceremony. Beth waa tho pet of Miss Suzetta Newton, the young daughter of Mrs, California Newton. Fund is Pledged to Cook, New York, April 4. On tho author ity of Captain B. F. Osbon, ono of tho most active supporters of Dr. Freder ick A, Cook, tho explorer, it was an nounced tonight that about $176,000 had been guaranteed toward a fund to help Dr. Cook provo his claim to ills covery of the North Pole. "A prom Inont Western man," said Captain Os bon, "has pledged $100,000 of this sum, and Eastern friends of the Wellon, for $60,000. The entlro tract will bo planted to orchard. Ono hun dred and fifty acres aro being set out and tho balance will bo planted next winter to apples and pears with each fillers. Tho In ml is similar to thnt of tho famous Bradshaw orchard near by, and Is under tho FIbIi Lako ditch. It is planned to mako it ono of the finest commercial orchards in tho valley. Model Farm In Jackson County. Medford Tho Oregon Good Roads association has offered to build n model road ono milo long freo in Jackson county. The association asks only that tho county officials furnish tho labor necessary for the building of tho rood. Colonel Frank Ray has offered to glvo tho crushed rock necessary for tho building of tho road. The association bollovcs that by building a model road its superiority and advantages will mako everyone a good roads advocate. Restore Lands to Entry. Washington The Ontario Commer cial club has wired Senator Bourno to endeavor to induce Secretary Ballinger to restore to all forms of public entry all lands previously withdrawn for the Malhuer Irrigation project under tho Federal reclamation act. Bourno Is looking into the matter to ascertain tho facts. The subject has been dis cussed many times and tho opinion In Mulheur county has been different in tho past as to tho wisdom of abandon ing the government project entirely. plorer the remainder, Mora will bo forthcoming it needed to complete tho vindication of Cook." Warships for G. A, R. Encampment, Washington Senators Bourne and Chamberlain have requested tho secre tary of tho navy to Bend ono or two ex-l warships to Astoria for tho twenty Hood River Will Need 2,000 to 4, OOO Handt Soon. Hood River At the.annual mcoting of the Hood River Applcgrowora Un ion, it was stated that the crop this year would reach 35,000 boxes and that In four weeks from 2,000 to 4,000 em ployes would bo necessary to thin tho fruit A resolution adopted fixed tho prico of marketing the apples this year at at 10 cents a box, Instead of 5 cents, In order to handio the big crop proper ly. Strong recommendations were mado for improvements in pack and grading. Although tho big mcoting of tho growers was unanimously In favor of adopting a plan to pay tho directors for their services for tho coming year, which never has been dono before, the directors declined tp accept any re muneration and fought tho motion on tho floor until it was lost A letter from Representative Haw ley, read to the meeting, said that tho Lafcan bill had not been reported and was considered dead. The new board of directors elected consists of C. II. Sproat, L. E. Clark, C. Dethman, E. H. Shcpard, G. W. McCurdy, J. L. Carter, G. W. Simons and O. L. Wal ters. Water for 73,000 Acres. Salem At a meeting of the desert land board recently State Engineer Lewis and Attorney General Crawford were authorized to enter into a con tract with tha Almnral-Evana mmninv for the reclamation of 78,000 acrea of I JAPANESE SPIES. NAY h inu GLASS TRUST PROBED. Imperial Company Is Said to Control 33 Factorlef In Eleven States. 'Pittsburg, April 2. It was learned tonight that after three months' Inves tigation,' Federal officers aro ready to present to a special grand jury hero next Monday evidenen that tho Imper ial Window Glass company is a trust in violation of the Sherman act The corporation formed under tho laws of West Virginia, is said to con trol 33 large window glass factories in 11 different states. The company haa offices in Illinlos, inaiana, Kansas, Massachusetts, Mich igan, North Carolina. New York. Ohio. Pennsylvania and West Virginia. Many prominent glass manufacturers from these states aro said to havo been served with subpoenas to appear before tho grand jury as witnesses. United States District Attorney Jor dan said tonight:, "Tho investigation of tho Imperial Window Glass company has been under way for 80 days, and agents of the de partmcnt ot justice have visited every ono of tho 33 plan a operated under tho charter or the company. "Tho company waa Incorporated in West Virginia early this year, and Its alleged control of tho window glass business is to bo Investigated with In tent to show that it ia a monopoly In restraint of trade. " xne.imeprtai Window Glass com pany ia a holding organization, the manufacturers Doolintr their outnut and selling through the company exclusive ly. Prices have .been compared with those of tho American Window Glass company and there ia but slight differ ence." JUDGE WILLIAMS PASSES TO REST Grand Old Man of Oregon Has Crossed Dark River. End Came ss He Had Often Wished, In Harness and In Full Pos session of Faculties. GEORGE H. WILLIAMS, Of no distemper, of no blast ho died, But fell liko autumn fruit that mel lowed long, E'en wondered at becauso it fell not Sooner. Ago seemed lo wind him up for four score years, Yet slowly ran ho on seven winters more, Till, like n clock, worn out with beating time, Tho wheels of wearly life at last stood still. Portland, April 5. With tho samo serenity that had marked tho later years of his long and useful life, Judgo ueorgo H. Williams early yesterday morning pasted to the Great Beyond. Sunday night Oregon'a erand old man had retired at the usual hour, 'af ter a quiet day apent in Rood health FACTS IN TABLOID FORM. arid lands In what Is known Powder River valley project Negot iations have been pending for a year aince tho first announcement of the project waa made. The total coat of tho project will be $3,800,000. It Is, in fact, two separ ate protects combined, and tho segre gation to be' reclaimed lies in Baker county within easy access from tho main lino of tho Oregon Railway & Navigation company. About 40,000 ncrcs only Is government land, the rest being In private ownership. Tho work will go ahoad at soon as tho NOT BE PUNISHED. Washington, April 2. The War de partment haa turned over to the local Philippine government tho prosecution of the two Japanese alleged to havo been engaged in securing plans for tho fortifications of Corregldor, Manila harbor, through tho bribery of Joseph G. Saxe, an American soldier. This has been dono In tho hopo that the local attorneys in Manila may bo ablo to find some section that will will go ahoad at soon as tho necessary . ,,.. " , T , ,, withdrawals can bo secured from tho lJ'J!1 Sf. vi.unuv.o, miviii iiju uiiiicu Dimes Interior department Tho largest project includes a dam In Thief valley 110 feet high and a concrete and solid rock distributing canal nlno miles long, with a carrying capacity of 600 cubic feet of water per second. Tho other division will bring water through Cretton hill by meana of a cement lined tunnel two mllea 'long from Balm creek. All the entailer feed canala will be cement lined. Cart Mutt Stop Where Promlttd. Salem Judge William Galloway on tho circuit bench haa rendered a declt- ion in which he holds that the right of way contracts made with farmora In Marlon county by tho Oregon Electric Railway company, by which tho com pany promised to stop cart on farmt code docs not touch. It Is quite evident however, that tho charge of bribery will not .hold, aa tho Supreme court has ruled that tho bribe must be offered to an official. Of course, Private Saxe can and prob ably will bo tried by military court martial, but it doea not seem probable I that thero will be any way of punish ing the Japanese If found guilty. BBBBE''fPaaBlBlBlBlBlBlBV aHatjDvv Il vYtHbhshsbH ttiafisalllllB BBBBBBW'' BBBBBBH - ' jH POWER SITES ARE WITHDRAWN With- through which the lino passes, aa part m.t c.vL. ' " vuii.iuvi.nvii, mil .aiiu miu I nnrarl I SI withdraw tmrr i and spirits. At the riling hour the empty tenement of clay waa found re dining aa he hid gone to sleep, the face aa placid aa that of a alumberinir child, ihere waa no evidence of struggle aa the spirit left the body. Indication that thero had been the link.... . t...l iimiiimkhjiii rJt,l .11 RIUU1 UIU- I w ll.M. h.H .!.! I .1.. .n mo o hld 0 ten w thed-by "simply allp of waterpower sites on the pafallc do- ntm? awav " Mm- Vnr ivffk Jiufon Willi. m. ,mA lw.n Washington and Idaho Lands hsld by alllnger. he the Oregon Eloctrie right of way for tho consideration of $600 and a prom lso to stop cars on hla ranch, tho Columbia river In Washington. Approximately 4Z.7G0 acrea of and in Montana waa designated for settle- mnf ItrtffAi thtj AnlatI Imtviaiaiiaiairl ,..,, i ..ft.u, ... Thia land. wu H wa nnt .igin ino xoiiowing ueais were re-1 itiicentlhla nf ti-iiiftil irrirr.M . ported last week: David Llnd to A. a reasonable coat from any kaown Hill, 11-acro orchard tract south of source of water tupply. This makes a Elgin for 13,600: S. M. 8lough. one- total of 2fl.RflR.2io hm-m In Mnni.n. nauuiocK in worm fcigin to waiter designed for settlement under tho art uiiss, oi roriiand: the union fcstato The coal landa withdrawn from the company to h. m. biough one and one- public domain, It waa announced, in half blocka In North, Elgin; Hackott elude large areaa.withln unopened In cumber company, one wock in Hind- dian and military retervatlona. Aa ing than for several years. For a long time prior to last fall he had been In convenienced by an internal disable ment more or lets chronic, yet It waa of such a nature that hla actlvo inter- eat and partlcipationjn business affairs waa not Impaired, and not even hit mott Intimate frienda realized tho pain he had tuirered, I6TH AMENDMENT WILLIAMS' man a .addition to L. Davis, Walter Hill sold his C3-acre ranch and Mrs. Baker her G0-acre ranch. such withdrawals are without effect Mr. Ballinger haa cancelled them to clear tho .record. These landa were already withheld from entry becauso they wero within Indian or military reserves, and their inclusion within coal land withdrawals waa a duplicate oi meir reservation. The total area Oregon Jurist Latt of "War Senate," and Close Friend, of Lincoln. "The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the united States, or by any aiaie, on account oi race, color or previous condition of servitude." The foregoing la the Fifteenth Amendment to the constitution .of the Will Build Two Hotels. Klamath FallsWork is to be beirun in tho near future on a three-story ho tel in tho Hot Snrinira addition. Tho building permit for tho structure has Involved in the correction of tho rec Unllwl States, adopted by congress in been granted. This, togother with tho 0rds was 811,864 acres, located in res- IHJU ""V 'VST mmeU, by h0 BtatM 160,000 hotel planned by the Liver- orvatlona In Nw aiolm rWnin Tho text ot tho amendment waa pre Utah. North Dakota. Washington and Rareu ? ureK.n ""eaman. Montana. mores, will give the city ample comodatlon tn the hotel lino. ac-1 ninth annual encampment of tho G. A. R. of Oregon, Juno 21 to 24, and have been assured that the request will be cranted If nosslble. Definite action Swltchmon Ask Increate. WU1 bo delayed a few days to dtter- Clnclnnati, April 4. Committees mine whether the ships will bo avalla- rcprcscnting vuo swltchmen employed ble at that time. In tho Cincinnati division visited off! Coal miners of the East demand an immediate increate in wagea or a atrlke wilt follow. , The department of agriculture haa forbidden the feeding, or "floating," of oysters in brackish water, previous to sending them to market, believing it a fruitful source of typhoid infec tion. The Young Egyptian company haa Atari i a - - a. ' a 1 puunsnea a protect, aganiai oionei icyan university, latt night made a Roosevelt's speech at Cairo, declaring bonfire of tholr hats. Dancing around that hla remarks were offensive to the the bonfire, they tworo never again to whole nation and were made only with imperil tho hair of their heads by at oujtci oi pleating nia omciai noaw. waaring naia. cals of the roadt today to present de mands for changed working conditions and higher pay, based upon the Chi cago rate. The men affected aro the Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago & St. Louis; tho Chesapeake & Ohio; the Cincinnati, -Hamilton & Dayton; the Cincinnati Southern and the Baltimore & Ohio Southwestern. Students Have Hat Bonfire. Delaware, 0 'April 4. Cheering for tho ancients, who never had bald heads, or ought never to have had them, tho boy atudepta of. Ohio Wot- leyan university, latt night made Plenty of Water at Athena, Athena Either because of the re cent election or because of the abund ant rainfall, the springs which supply the city of Athena with water aro gushing forth with abundance. The big reservoir is running over and the sound of the pump haa ceased. The Athena people aro dellghtea to havo abundance zt Bolt water. Madford Raltet 2 B.OOO. Medford The 126,000 for the Carter Lake highway that was expected to be aigned for this city has been subscribed after uto subscription paper was In cir culation only two weeks. Now that Medford haa pledged $35,000 toward the road V construction, people of the entire state will be asked to lend their aid to the enterprise. PORTLAND MARKETS. Wheat Track prices: Bluestem, (3:1.02; club, 06c; red Russian, 94c; valley, Jl; 40-foId. 97s98c. Uarley reed and brewing, 24,60 27 ton. Corn Whole, $34; cracked, $36 ton. Hay Track prices: Timothy. WU lametto valley, $20ftzl per ton; East ern Oregon, $23(324; alfalfa, $10.50 17.50; grain hay, $1718. Oats No. 1 white, $27.50029 ton. f resh trulls Apples, iKtrz.oo per box; cranberries, ?8w per barrel. Potatoes Carload buying prices : Oregon, SOtffiGOc per hundred; sweet potatoes, 3Gi31c per pound. Vegetables Asparagus, 3(9c per pound; cabbage. 116)Sc; rhubarb, 4 6c; spinach, $1 per box; sprouts, 9c per pound; turnips, $1 per sack; ruta bagos, $1(1.25; carrots, 85c$l; beets, $11. 25: parsnips, 6076c. Onions Oregon, $1.76 per hundred. Butter City creamery, extras, 33c; fancy outside creamery, 3233c per pound; store, 20c. Butter fat prices average l)c per pound under regular butter prices. George II. Williams, and waa present ed and adopted with only a minor rhftncrA In wnrmniT- ciociro-vigor is oarreu. jud(ra willloma was one tJ tha IL Washington, April 2. Tho postmos- if not the lost, member of tho "war ter goneral today Issued a fraud order against the Dr. Hall Electro-Vigor company at beattle and denied it the use of the malls, A short time ago a similar order was issued against thia senate, and had been a warm person al friend of Lincoln and also of Grant Sent to tho senato from Oretron in 1864, he soon became a power in the administration forces. He was the company at San Francisco, Denver and originator of the "reconstruction act," Chicago, on the ground that it was a which he later, aa attorney general In iBKe concern. wr.en ino company Grant'a cab net. enforced. ,i .. .. . -..-i . sougni an injunction restraining the postmaster-general from issuing the order the court denied the Injunction and held the department's action waa proper. Prices Blamed on Tariff, Washington, April 2. Increases in the price of olive oil and macaroni are laid at the door of the Payne-Aldrich tariir uw by Wallace fierce or Boston. .Tierce said ino duty on paper was re sponsible for an increase of half a cent a pound in the price of macaroni, be cause tho macaroni waa wrapped In paper, in a similar way, olive oil waa higher on account of the duty on tins He testified that there had been a gen Cotton Mills Closing. Boston, Marh 31. Fifty per cent of the tpindlea in Southern cotton mllU are idle, according to statistics assem bled by the American Wool and Cotton Reporter, The figures tho w the cur tailment now In progress not only in the South, but In all sections of the country, ia more extensive than has ever been known in the history of the trade, even taking into consideration the panic year of 1907. Mill ater mill Is closing down entirely until new cot ton arrives or market conditions Im prove. Eggs-Fresh Oregon ranch, 23124c eraI upward tendency in the price of per dozen. Pork Fancy, IStlSle per pound. Veal Fancy, UllSc per pound. Lambs Fancy. 15 18c per pound. Poultry Hens. 19n9e per poun8: broilers, 27028c; duvke, 2223c; geese, 121c; turkeys, live, 2225c; groceries In the latt ten years. San almost incessant rain for the last three days haa put the streams if) this aec- tlnn T ....L 1 dressed. 25t29c; squH Pr doten: not been recorded in 20 v pm!a n.f .JUTT Mfua 7R. "ot. peen "corded In ZO yeara. fiV tn i rrVili" JlZTur At rlotown, aouthwett of here, tho fair to good, $5.556M: atrictly good I v- . ,i , . i 2?a,?7,T?r!.1."'r """' V their homea. ULU,t.U. llafllL LfllVCB. m aV I a nftTJT VtU I T IT 1 J n A-v ves, Um; bulls, ,47fi .tagi, MWed frIhlT.nd' S ovtao.ou. At Kwt to.i... fikun Tloot .....ih.. tB& OA fall- - " - " " TV. " -- "-"l' " ""-1 www. - - , .... .... .rwir haa an,, I , I. 1.111. .J 1 tt.v- in. I 1 .L. 03110 " - m Ml - Invasion Now Boomerang. Ottawa, Ont, April 6. There Is much rejoicing in the column of the Canadian press over the continued and ir.Hf .w.analtr. I.uuliui a .1. . Storm In Tivii Samaiii. I - . . ' - -i .n NATTaWUT Milt lattM 1 mlmn a Antonio, lexas, April z, An conalderable outflow of Canadians to the United States, Thia Canadian moveaaent toward the United Statea ia particularly noticeable in the province ol umbk. un every day or lut year. at an average, that province loet 52 of itt InhabiUnu by emigration, the at ioritv ef whew left for luMnaa in tke goaia per- United Statea. Hogs Top. $lMeeiMS; fair to good. $106(111. ; Hops 1909 crop, lTtlltc per pound; oids, nominal; mo c irtett, .ac Wool Eastern OraMN. 163Qe per pound; valley, !MWe; meaair, choice. 256126c. 1 " ' Hida-Dry hides. lM17c Mund; dry kip, 1617c; dry eaMskhVlS zoc; salted hides. 7Mt; atJted caii- tkin, nc; green, lc Curtitt Firm Intolvent. Buffalo, N. Y April 2. An invol untary petition in bankruptcy waa Med here today against the Henring-Curtiaa company cn Hammondtpert, N., Y., manufacturers of flying machines. Three eraditera allege intolvency. titena n, curtitt, Um aviator, ia vice-prat Went and general manager oi caused the the eoaapany. Mad Mullah it Raging. Aden, Arabia, Abril 5. The feroc- ieua campaign of the Mad Mullah againatthe aultanatea under Britlth Muteettea eentinuea unekecked. light hundred of the tribetatcn friend ly to the sultanate have been alaugb- tercd, vaat areaa laid waato and towns rased. It is believed here that this will lead to another expedition against the "Mad Mullah," who 1ms British gevwnwent I anxiety for maay yesM, Near two hundred million people la India are dependent on agrlculturb for their living. Sovcn years ago thero were two thousand students In China, and la 1907 there wore 175,352. In tho last ton years 325,000 people have emigrated from England and be come Canadian farmers. In the rural districts of England and Wales the death rate is about 23 per cent lower than in the urban districts. Twenty tons of ostrich feathers, val ued at moro than $500,000, were re cently carried by tho Mauretanla to New York. The Koh-l-noor diamond originally weighed eight hundred karats, but by successive cuttings has bean reduced to 10C karats.. At tho end of the last flscal year ia tho United States 278 life-saving sta tions had been established, ot which more than two hundred were on' the Atlantic and gulf coasts, sixty-one on the coasts of the Qreat Lakes, seven teen on the Pacific coast and ono on the Ohio Rlycr at Louisville, Ky. More than six hundred persons aro number ed tn the crows and tlioro wero 833 disasters In which tho uorvlco took an active part. According to report a section ot tho amphitheater in King Arthur's round table Held In Monmouthshire, England, haa been' partially exhumed. The Archaeological Society haa made five excavations around the walls and the searchers found tho main entrance, the sand which formed tho bed of the arena, and a corner stone. From In scriptions on the stono they trace the date of the theater back to 110 A. D., or eighteen hundred years. 'At the Court Theater at Darmstadt a Christmas play In flvo acts, entitled "Bonlfaclus," was pcrformod a few weoka ago. The plot Is laid in the Illack Korctf; the timo the eighth cen tury. The subject treated Is the con version of tho heathen by St. Boni face. The play was well received and It now becomes known that tha author, on tha bills as IC. Manii, Is tho grand duko of Hcsso, who Is hailed by tho German press as tho latest recruit to tho ranks ot royal dramatists. Tho year 1009 will .always be re membered aa tho year In which tho ef fort to maintain finished steel prices collapsed, but In tho light ot tho his tory tlnco mado it will bo woll to ro membcr that tho year It alto conspicu ous as witnessing a healthy and rea sonable reaction toward fair prices with an absolutely open market, but with a spirit ot fairness and good wilt pervading the trade which nover be foro existed under similar outward conditions. Iron Trado Review. Thero ia no Incident of Christmas benevolence within our knowledge ot auch far-reaching acopo for future good as the gift of Henry Phlpps to the University ot Pennsylvania In fur therance of hla plana for the study, treatment and prevention ot tubercu losis. Mr. l'hlppi, who haa bow ex- ponded $3,000,000 with a view to the extirpation of thlt mott dettructlve of maladies, has made ture of the future eCectlvtnest of hit object by putting Itt direction in charge ot a capable In stitution already organised to make the mott competent use of the wea ons placed In Its hands. Philadelphia Record. Nearly one million new farms bars betn created In the United Statea dur ing the last teu years. In the last tea yeara the total number of farmt haa Increased 18 per cent In the older States, from Ohio eastward, there has been going on for twenty-years a tea- dency toward the amalgamation of farms distant from market Into larger holdings. On the other hand, this sec tion has witnessed the cutting up Into smaller tlret of many farmt nearer to market There are now almost tbrea times as many farms at In 1870, and an unprecedented Increase In the value of farm lands and live stock. Ameri can Agriculturist In India such surnames as these art frequent: Tllak (a caste mark on tha forehead), Plyart (beloved), Cub Kourl (alx little shells), Longa (a clove), Kurbanl (sacrifice), Motl (pearl), 8uraJ (sun), Kharg (sword), Ball (strong), Phul (flower), Bahadur (brave). There sometimes they glv their children bad name so that evil spirits will pass them by and not, barm them, thinking they are worth lets aa Bhlkarl (beggar), Bbangt (tcavauger), Chuba (rat), Gobar (cow dung). I know a high caste family who lost several children In Infancy. When the fourth was born they called blm Bhangt, and be lived. They at tribute his life to the name they gave aim. MuiaKarpur Christian Advocate. Some people believe that the banana waa the original forbidden fruit of the garden of Eden, In any case, It Is one ot the curiosities of the vegetable kingdom, being not a tree, a palm, a bush; a shrub, a vegetable o ran herb, but a herbaceous plant with the statua ot a tree. Although It sometimes at tains a height ot thirty feet, there Is no woody fiber In sny part of ita struc ture, and the bunches growing on the dwarf banana plant are often heavier than the stalk which supports them. No other plant glvea such a quantity ot food to the acre aa the banana; It yields forty-four times more by weight than the potato and 133 times mors than wheat. Moreover, no Insect will sttack It, and it la alwaya Immune from disease of any kind. Public btatfaetloaa ot the larger tort during the year bow closing are believed to kave reached $HX,W0,0O9, which beats the record by $.9,000,0, mott of this exeees being due to tha death f 'Joha S. Ktaaedy, whose ba tjuett flgures-. la the beaetaetteas at the year to the exteat et $S,660,6. Nearly $13,000,000 Is credited to Jaka Rockefeller, aad evsr H.wM.oaa ta Andrew Carnegie, while Mrs. Christo pher L. Msges H put dowa for $ es,090. Two mllllont ltft to tha Uni versity ot Wtfcoatta by Coloatt.Viiaa, . wka was la tie flrtt Clevstaat eaataat, . lacluded. Mrs. Sage fare away atarly two mlll(oaa, aad tat knutatti at Ofarge Crocker far saaaar resisrtk era batweea a million aad a half aad two mllltoas. Mare thai third al Itiy'i AaAaJ taasLa kI Cat alua f a-a) a ana a i N S v- I a-PC ay-fbbbbbb-