THE IT. JOHNS REVIEW PnbUahM Brery Friday At 117 West BerMBgtoB Street. BY A. W. MARKLE . pos In Saint Tohnt. Otetron. a mail matter of the second date under the Act of Con- Kress of March 3, 1879. Jtk PrlaMae ttseaUd la Ant-class styls. Ullla tar Jk Prlntla ruk on dallTtrr. All saHaanleatloaa tkoali bs sddrsassl to The aevtew, St Joins. Ortfon. . Adrsrttslae rstw, 1.00 par Inch pr month. All adTtrtlilac bill) paratlt ! of Mb moath. OAoui iimmr ef Ik onr ef ft. Jama. Subaerletlon nrloe $1.60 per year. FRIDAY, APRII, 1, 19. With reference to the article, or dialoctie. written by Mr. Aver and published on the first pace of this paper, it is greatly to be regretted that a prominent business man should descend to personalities in public print over the wet and dry, or any other question, for that mat ter, as we feel that every one is en titled to his opinions or impressions, nnd one person should not abuse or condemn and censure another for holding views different from his own. Mr. Wood stated to us that he had no reason or intention of getting after Mr. Aycr, but on that day went down to have a talk with Mr. P. Autzcn, one of the batik's directors, on a matter of business. Afterward Mr. Thos. Autzcn in vited him to look over the new buildings that were being con structed, and finally they walked up the railroad track. As they were about to pass the St. Johns Lumber Co.'s office, it occurred to Mr. Wood that as n matter of courtesy he would call upon Mr. Aycr, who opened the alleged con versation referred to. Wc utterly fail to sec in what way the two have a case against each other, and regret that the matter has gotten into print. If it docs no harm, it is certain that no good can come of it. We published it because it enmc to us in the shape of an ad vcrtismcnt, and since it is not libel ous, as a newspaper catering to the general public, wc had not sufficient reason for refusing it. It surely docs not, however, inure to the benefit of the city when n promi nent business man takes such petty methods of airing his opinions. Our fountain, the best in the town, will start soon. Wc arc now giving soda tickets with each dollar purchase which is good for 10 cents nt our fountain. North Hank Pharmacy. Mrs. Fred Rathbuu of Wash., has been spending days with her sister, Mrs. . Magonc, Kelso, n few II. S. SESSION OF THE CITY DADS Municipal Affairs Receive Careful Attention The 53d regular meeting of the city couucil found all members and the mayor present Tuesday even ing. After the minutes of the pre vious meeting were read and approved, a petition for the im provement of West Tyler street, Jersey to Crawford, was read and a resolution adopted authorizing the preliminary work upon same. A petition to abate a nuisance in Point View signed by eight or nine property owners was read. The nuisance complained of was a num ber of bee hives with their inhabi tants that seemed to be making it rather warm for some of the resi dents over that way. Matter was referred to the police for investiga tion. A petition for the improvement of Myers street with dirt grade and 6-foot cement sidewalks was read. Same was ordered referred back to the petitioners to ascertain if they would not agree to placing crushed rock upon the street and also to secure waivers if possible from the corner property owners to prevent interference with the improvement of Fesscudeu street. Petition from four draymen ask ing that no change be made in the existing drayman license, except that tags be permitted to be placed upon harness or vehicles. The ordinance was ordered changed to conform with this request. A communication from the attor ney of the Severance estate pre sented a proposition of settling the tie-up of Richmond street extension by the payment of $200 over what the viewers allowed in their report. Attorney Collier stated that M. L. Ilolbrook agreed to pay half of this amount, leaving $100 to be paid by the city. Owing to the fact that the cost of threshing the affair through the courts would in all probability exceed this amount, and much time would be consumed thereby, the attorney advised set tling on this basis. The matter was delayed until a written agree ment from Mr. Ilolbrook could be secured. Hills to the amount of 77.75 were allowed. A bid for the construction of a GREAT OAKS EROM LITTLEvAOQKNS QfUM X GREAT FORTUNES ARE MADE BY THE DOLLARS THAT WERE DEPOSITED IN THE BANK Everybody now on earth would have to live five hundred years and work every sec ond of both day and night, and count $21 a second, just to count what one dollar would amount to if put in the bank at 10 per cent compound Interest for five hundred years. We will pay you three per cent Interest on the money you put in our bank and com, pound the interest every six months. MAKE OUR BANK YOUR BANK FIRST NATIONAL BANK St. Johns. Oregon III l XI tU TXT kr oauamlt AnUU C..caa Mar". 31, 1910. Dear Friend: All eggs are not the same just because they all have shells around them. Its the inside, not the out side of au egg that counts. Can't you tell a fresh egg when you taste it? I cau. My mamma wants fresh eggs every time. Your friend, JACOB. P. S. Mamma always buys her J eggs at the , Muck Mercantile Company Phone, Richmond 821 ORDINANCE NO; 283. .0. COME IN AND SEE Our line of Brown's high grade wash boilers, guaranteed not to rust, prices from f 1,50 to $3.00 Our sprllig line of wall paper will be here soon, the RIGHT KIND at the RIGHT PRICES. The policy of this store is "Wc give you what you ask for." If wc do not carry in stock the article YOU wish we will get it for you regardless of cost to us What wc want is not only customers but Pleased Customers I An Ordinance Providing (lie Time and manner of Im proving Thompson Street in the City of St. Johns from the East Line of Willis Boulevard to the West Line of Myers Street in the Said City of St. Johns. $300 per month Income on a $25,000 Investment New 5-room bungalow, good one, lot 50x100 on improved street. Splendid bargain. 5-room plaitcred home, large airy rooms; lot 50x100; $400 cash and balance on easy terms nt 7 cr cent. Six room house on Hayes street, close lu, lot 50x100. This Is a money maker. Take it quick. I'lve room modern bungalow, full basement, toilet and bath lot 55x180; $500 cosh, balance on good terms nt 7 per cent. Lot 100x100, corner, on Hayes street; f 500 cash and balance on time. , 5 room bungalow, modern, full basement, toilet and bath, on easy terms. Look at this and you will see a bargain. 125x100 in Point View, J4 block of car line, $100 down and $10 per month. 56x100 on Richmond in block 7 in Point View. $50 down and $30 every three months. 50x100 on Oswego street in block 7 Point View. 50 down and f 30 every three months'. Many other Bargains. Call In and see. J. S. DOWNEY JERSEY STREET $1800 1400 1400 2500 1000 2200 1000 600 600 The City of St. Johns does ordain as follows: The city council 01 the city of Johns having ascertained the cost of St. Im- S. C. COOK E. A. BLEW Drovlntr Thompson street from the cast line of Willis Boulevard to the west line Increased Business Increased Facilities TWO Ol'IMCRS-ONH AT jit NOKTII JRRSItV STRHItT, AND ONtt AT CORN15R OP 03WKOO AND I'HSSHNDUN STRKHTS Bargains in all Kinds of Real EiUti Houses, lots blocks or acres. Watch this paper for bargains COOK & BLEW Hendricks Hardware Co. of Myers street in the city of St. Johns as I shown by the resolution of the city cc cil of the City of St. Johns dated the 15th iamii day of February, 1910. and of record. In tne oincc ot me recorder 01 sam cny anu the btjolins Review, a weekly newspaper oi-gencmi circulation, on tue me loin and a notice thereof having been published in Do you want a home ? Why pay rent When you can buy n nice home on easy monthly terms? NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY. JUST ONE HOUSE LEFT That is already built for sale on reasonable cash payment, balance monthly. Wc would like to talk with you, come to our office. If you have n few hundred cash, wc will build your plan of house and sell on monthly terms. EAST ST. JOHNS LAND CO. Offices E. St. Johns Sta., '41 Hamilton Building, Portland Phones : Richmond 601 Main 4915 auh tlava of February, as shown the affidavit of the foreman o( said pa W, C. T. U. ITEAIS. We hope that none will miss the opportunity of hearing Mrs. I. l' Additou Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock, at Wckuer's hall. Mrs. Additon is a national lcc turer on Social Science, but the particular phase of the subject which she will take up Sunday afternoon, The Relation of Temper auce to Capital ami Labor, will be of interest to nil. Those who heard her when she was here two years oro will be sure to come again and those who did uot hear her then will surely want to this time. One who has heard her before says: "Her voice and enunciation are excellent. She is logical in her arguments, clear and forcible in her conclusions and apt in her illustra tions. She invariably pleases an audience of laboring men or a gen eral audience, and where she lias spoken once is sure to find a vel come afterward," Come one, come all. We want you to help us sing come of the old tunes that you sang wheu you were boys and girls and that everybody sang a half a ecu tury ago and you will enjoy sing ing them again: "Tramp, Tramp, Tramp, the Boys are Marching," "Battle Cry of Freedom," "March lag Through, Georgia," "The Wearing of the Green." Don't forget the date, Sunday, April 3d, at 3 p. m. bell tower was received from Clias. Goodman. The amount specified in bid was $547, which did not in clude studding and enclosure. The bid not proving satisfactory same was rejected and call for bids ordered re-udvcrtlsed, A communication from the Water Company submitting a plan for numbering houses was received and referred to street committee for consideration, A report of the police committee found Officer Dunbar guilty of con duct unbecoming an officer, and recommended that the offender be reprimanded by the Mayor, since it was his first olleuce. Fire board reported that Mr. panthers had made no move to make alterations which he had agreed to do to conform in a greater degree to the fire ordinance, Conn cil decided that lie should be notl fied to get busy at once or suffer the consequences. Au ordinance authorizing the improvement of Thompson street was passed, and may be found in this issue, Put Thii in Your Smoke It Pipe And The spent dollar is a dead dollar. It is like the past month. If you have nothing to show for it, might it better not have come? The First National Bank is full of live dollars. $ $ and Time Certificates of Deposit. it Hi Wc are agents for the two famous brands of caudy, Johnson's and Mc Donald's. North Bauk Pharmacy, l'M Advcitlir tucnt To the citizens and officials of St. Johns: Now and hereafter I am not interested iu politics, but will say whoever is iu power or may be elected, whether Progres sive, Citizen or Socialist Ticket, whoever is Mayor, Chief of Police, Attorney or Recorder, I am through beiug "jobbed" iu order to cover up "vice," "A word to the wise is sufficient." JAMES MCCLKI4I4AN, Proprietor O. K. Restaurant. Apprentices wanted at the Vogue Millinery, ' Remember, when you want GOOD meat that Hitgood & Cole's it the place to get it. An ever in creasing trade is sufficient testimony of the fact that they are giving per feet satisfaction, Nowhere else iu St. Johns or Portland, for that matter, is better meat sold. The prices are ulways just right ami the meat is ever fresh, pure aud whole some, If you are uot a patron of their market as yet, it will be to your advantage to give them a call, A full and complete line of all meats usually kept iu a first class market is always found at this market. Courtesy, fair dealing and honest weight in connection with the very best meat the market affords is what is increasing their trade in such a gratifimg manner. Call and place a trial order. Bttgood & Cole's the place. SUMMONS. When a dollar is earning 1 per cent compouud interest FOR YOU it is doing a dollar s rightful work. The more dollars you have at work the less you'll have to do. The First National Bauk pays 3 per cent on many, many live dol lars. Are they yours? It issues Time Certificates of Deposit, it Have your property Insured In the St. Paul or Northern (Ira Insurance companies. They are the beat. 8. J.. Doble. agent. Work tot a Greater St. Jafcaa, In the Circuit Court of the State of Ore- Ken for the County of Multnomah. Daniel O. Huron, plaintiff: vs. Cora Huron, defendant. To Cora' Huron, defendant above named: in tue name 01 tue state 01 Oregon you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled court in the above entitled suit on or before Saturday, the am day of May, 1910. which Is sub. sequent to the expiration of six weeks after the 1st day of April, ifio, the, date ot the firat publication of this summons, it being prescribed in the order for said publication that said summons be pub lished once a week for six consecutive weeks, in the St, Johns Review. If you mil 10 so aptnar ami answer. lor waul thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the above entitled court for the relief for in hie complaint, to-wit: A decree dissolving absolutely the ootids 01 matrimony uereioiore sail now existing between the plaintiff and the ilcietulaat: tor lac custody of the children 01 piaintw ana aeienaant,uamely: hyaa, 17 years 01 ace; v.nanee, o years 01 aee Joe, seven years of age, and that defend ant be declared to nave no rleht. claim or Interest in any ol the household goods, personal effect, luraiiare ar outer per tonal property of the plaintiff, and for sucu otBer, mnacr or uwcrcni reitel at the court may deem prater. inn summons is swoitsnea prayed by ner which said alhdavlt It oil Hie lu the once I of the city recorder, and legal posting of notices of such improvement as shown by the affidavit of the city engineer on ule with the recorder of said city and no remonstrance having Ixcu filed and aa provided by said resolution the sum of 1 1.5676.51 bcimr the engineer's preliml- nery estimate of cost of saNJtnprovcmcnt out suaiioc more accurately ascertained by said cnidiiccr. The time within which said Improvement is to be completed Is hereby fixed at 60 days from the ilatu of the last publication of notice of proposals lor said worxj that said proposals must be hied with the recorder of said city oa or before the 18th day of April, 1910, at a o'clock p. in, 01 said day. now, tnereiore, it is hereby ordered that said street between the points above designated be Improved as follows, to- wit: by grading tame to established Krade. by cut and fill and by placing cc meat side walks on either side luercoi tor the entire lenicth: said walks to be 6 feet wide, 13 foot curb and all necessary wooden cross walks and box nutters: also by placing a strip of macadam 10 feet wide in the center of said street: said macadam to be 8 inches deep In the cen ter. 6 iucbet deep 011 cither tide: macad am to run full length of the street to im proved; sata walk and euro to have ex pansion joints aa directed by the city engineer: also by placlnir 4-inch tile drains in curb every 50 feet and by plac ing nucn rtngt at directed oy me cuy eugineer. That the citv. recorder than ulve no tice by publication for not leas than three insertions in the St. Johns Review, a newspaper published at St. Johns, Ore gon, inviting proposals lor making said Improvement. bald luiprovtuients shall In all respects ne none and completed in conformity with the provision! of Ordiuauce No. ito and Ordinance No. iqi except aa other wise provided in this ordinance, and said resolution. All work to be done under the direc tion and supervision of the city engineer. That the coat of said improvement shall be assessed against the property in the local improvement district as des cribed In said resolution and designated aa local improvement district No, 3a, Patted by the council this 39th day of Marcn, 1910, Approved by the mayor thU 39th day 01 Marc leio. J. P. HKNDRICKS, Mayor. Attest: A. M. RSSON, Recorder. Published in the St. Johns Review April t. 1910. HAZELWOOD ICE CREAM BEST BY TEST A. UNGER, Sole Agent 103 N. Jersey street, next to the Peuinsula Bank L LOOK FOR THE BIG YELLOW SIGN Special prices to church parties, socials, etc. Phone Richmond 1 1 Still Time to Order Your SPRING SUIT CLOTHES may not make a Man but they can make him mighty proud that he is a man. OUR TAILORED TO YOUR MEASURE CLOTHES WILL. Ask the wearers or try us. Suits to Order $25 to $50 1 JOHN NOCE & CO. Fashionable Tallara Next Door to Postofice l llVtiK IUUIMUN1J 941 Z MivtMMtaaMsjMaaJ A. B, HXMSTOCK CKO. U. XXMtTOCK HEMSTOCK BROS. UNDERTAKING AND EMBALMING full line e Rokee, Caskets, ate., kept In eteek LADY ASSISTANT urn raoa wooaiawa 1174 atsUtate rkoai WoodUwn si UNIVERSITY PARK, ORBGOX Prtptsals for Strut Wtrk Sealed nronnuli will be received at the oSce of the recorder of the city of in the St. Johns Review pureaant to an order of Hon, Robert G. Morrow. Presidlnsrl judge of the shove entitled court, made and eutered the 36th day of March, 1910. Date of fiset mtbUcattoH U April I. iqio. date of laet pwhticatiea U May so. 1910. uuku j. raaaini, 1 Attorney for Plaintiff. Part with YOUR noaey osly after yu kutvc couaWerea the prob able, poatible, ccrtaia OHtcoaac. Put somm meacy im the bank, k m safe, rat it ia qMattoaabk Tta tures mi it kaa.wiaga. The Firat National Baak wiM give yea every help paatjak ha deciding haw to invest . year ataeey. Ask. It's free. Paya 3 par oat. it A Bargaea Mantw aad teat. Sac Calef hva. j tjajajsjaiitjiptjajtaaae. Beela this month by saving soaw thing from the pay-check to-day. The First National Baak stakes it easy for yoa. Fays 3 per cent and compound iatereet every six Mouths, it 9 NOTICE. All Bcrsoaa are warned aot to loaf or trespass oa aty preaiises above tae JDry Dock oa waff. How k Yaw TiUtt Have year afcstreets United ar awlaael by Peakuala TKk. AUtraet and Realty Ce, H. Hsaaersaa, manner. Aeearate wars. Reueattla fee. Cetaeat will he St, Johns until April 8, 1910 at o'clock p. m, for the Improvement ol Thompson ttreet from the eeat line of Willie Baalc vard to the west line of Myers ttreet in the manner provided by Ordinance No, tubiect to the proviasona of the charter and ordinances of the city of St. Johns and the estimate of the city engin eer, on file: wMek visa reaniree 6-foot ceaaeat sidewalks, 13-foot curb and 10 feet ol macadam etna. Bids must be strictly fa accordance wkb Minted Maafca which will be tarn' iahed oa anclkatiea'at the omce of the the Recorder of the city of SC. Johns. Anu saui imarovcmctK mwat ae com pleted oa or before eo days from .April Mjiew. we arapeetie or awe win ae eentiaerea bXaaaat aUMammmBmakitaal BMT B ntjtf4alsmeaal aamNaamlt naeti aeaatvwBvmBietfvwna wFwdmerej tvepia payable to the order of the mayor of the city of St. Johns, eeetjaed by a respon sible baak; for aa emonnt, eeaal to tea cent, of the aggregate proposal," The right to reject any aad all bids is My oraer 01 tax ok coaacii, ' A. Mi amun, K reorder. --"---- a bc a lakMS IhIm April i, , aad ij, mo. DRESSMAKER Sawt, Plain aaa Faacy (tew Familiar with, all the latest pattaraa. Yoa'caa obtain the pattern of say desiga cut by the S. T. Taylor ays teat. Perfect it aad easy teexecate. - MRS. M. J. YEAQY French Slock St. Johas. Ore. FOR SALE. ' Will receive bids far let six fV Heck two (a) St. Takaa Park Ad- Ktiea to St. Jeans up te April ajth, 1910. John Bacaa, New Afcia, lews, Yoar Mvial'sccoaat Matties pattaer working;. for you day ai. k sre. trc it bacomea the aiore work k e. Tae First Natieaml iceass Tisae CertiWas Vftmk. ' It