St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, March 25, 1910, Image 5

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40 Tears' Satisfaction
For Bradley Shoe Wearers
Why should you bother to experiment wiih other shoe
when you know the Bradley Shoe is sure to give perfect
Mtfehction? '
If it didn't, men wouldn't wear the Bradley Shoe, (and no
other) year after year, for 40 years, as we know plenty who do.
And it is neither prejudice nor imagination nor because
they are cheap shoes.
But rather because Bradley Shoes are not cheap.
We have taken pains to find out just how the Bradley
Wmot is made and ju3t how other shoes are made.
So we can tell you exactly why people continue to wear
the Bradley Shoe once having tried it instead of any other.
The Bradley Shoo is the honest shoe the satisfactory
hoe. Even an expert shoe man could find no slightest flaw
in the Bradley shoe from sole to lining.
Fe5tyI-l(WortWer-.TIie Bradley Shoe Will Salt Tea
It will stand the closest inspection and the severest kind
of a test
That is why even at less profit to us we prefer to sell
you the Bradley Shoe.
But the best recommendation of the Bradley Shoe is the
Bradley Shoe itself. Come in and try a pair on and you'll
' know more about real true shoe satisfaction than we could
ever tell you in print
Youll find every good style in our Bradley Shoe stock
ted more actual worth and down-right economy than in
my other shoe stock in town.
Shoe for Men, $3.50 to $5.00
Km la All Style for West, and CbjWra.
The Hindus attempted to defend another eucss on the amounts since
themselves,. but against" such odds there is some nrosncct of cettinir
nothing could be done. indemnity. The fact of the matter
The mob by this time had gone is that it is extremely doubtful if
mad, and turned their energies they lost anything through being
towards robbery, rne mm pay- robbed.
I -I n i i . i I
luuy wis ouiuiuHy, uuu iuc gicmcri "Hp m till "
number of men had their mnnev in
their belts. The amounts stolen Politics had to rather take a back
ranged from f 8 to ioo. Several seat for a day or two.
reported losses of $73, but the
average loss was $10.
When the mob had completed its
work of destruction here, it went
to another house, where there were
number -of Hindus. Here the
same methods were used. Mr. Box,
It is said that there was scarcely
an intoxicated map in the crowd.
St. Johns is not the only city
that ever became involved in a race
It will certainly be safe for our
an old Hindu, was forced to jump Inhabitants with 30 or 40 Hindus
from a second storv window. His carrying revolvers witu ortiers 10
leg was broken. Two other men use them at any time.
were grabbed and thrown from the St. Johns .will become better
window. One had a nine-inch gash known by the world at large as a
on his forehead, aud the other has result. Perhaps not so favorably
a broken arm, Kobbcry was tlie Ins micht have been the case, how-
I chief motive of the mob. The ever.
trl i. 1 1 .t it I
niimua were kdukkcu uuwii ukc iim ..!!.. !... ...... i -..,11
I.m4.1 I Hullk uui Mv me vuain
luuic. ...Ill , ..... f .1.
-si 1 . nli r i . . . I mil i; 1 lit wuy suuit ui muse who
n, ..n11 H.- n.M lu.t I.I. ""
IS -J.. 1" " .V... will find the verdict to be in sub
cuui is were ui nine accuuiu. muyur
Hendricks also took a part in
J)rop Irw -Jy
canoed j
Half Interest. REAL ESTATE BUSINESS !r,,1,1 nM exceptionally good, and cheap
$300Uxccllcnt list! eatable partner: au '"vestment mm win prove very profitable
Cop;flM t(
r omeum A4ftU'iij c. ,ciri
Mar. 11, 1910,
Dear Friend:
They put so many things
iti caus now. I do not sec
ttnttf t1 -r 1...A. 1.1. .1
n.nut(v.a.a mw ivm n Mau iu - . . uvy VUVV (.till UUL LlltEV UO.
checking the mob, but his talk only Thc rc ,bc11 8lves a few tons . , ' uul uo'
made the men more desperate. Monday evening to call the And things that conic m cans
..i r in. ,i I.. I Urcmcn s mcctiiisr. Assistant Dis-lnrc nlu-nvc frodi n., fl,n
SjKrn.S JpA IK, - Xoep ,ho nif o. The
and robbery. w,,y ,ne bcl1 rauB vct' wl,en a,,y grocer man told me I could
At 9 o'clock a Urge number ol schoolboy in St. Johns could have get things iu cans for mama
the Hindus were placed aboard a suPPIicd e information? " ans ior mama
car and sent to Portland. Other It Is peculiarly stranuc what hlch ",u,ll-y
handed outrages may be permitted Your friend,
in the name of the law. This fact T A POT?
members of thc colony kept follow
ling until this morning when 18
were allowed to pass the mill aud
take a car. This afternoon it was
was never more fully demonstrated
than during the aftermath of the P, S. Can you p:o where
I can, to
Muck Mercantile
Phone, Richmond 8a 1
Want A Home?
Fruit Land on the Clackamas
$75 Per Acr.e
Here It a genuine opportunity for any innii with little money and the ambition
to make liiniMlf Independent for life by buying tome of tlii very productive land
wane 11 may no purciiascu ni n iracuon 01 hi intrinsic value, anil on terms wltuln
xtbe reach of all, Hera the Mil, wuter and climatic comlltloiu are ideal for the
tuccewful growing ol fRUIT, GRAIN AND VCCCTAM.CS. Here you will find men
miu women uoiii); iiiiiiki worm wuiie, aim wuose example miut prove an iuiplra'
lion to you.
$75 Per Acre
Aside from its productiveness this land must of necessity quickly crow in value
uy iwuuu 01 mc cxiwuuuu 01 uic communiiy, you can readily verily tills state
went by a visit to the property.
A Profitable Investment
reported that all the Hindus had small riot Mondav. Men were nr. I
letandare being quarteretlin the rested who were not in St. Johns n B tilings m cans,
Hindu colony in Portland. when the trouble was on, as were
The management of thcmill were others who were at their homes.
unable to do anything last evening, aud even deputies who were assist-
and what few Hindus worked on ing in quelling thc disturbance were
tlie night shift left at midnight, taken iu tow. No proof of ititio
The members of the St. Johns fire ccucc, however iucoutrovcrtnblc it
department were called by the was, uvnllcd in freeing the prison
police chief to assist, but thc mob crs. So long as n dark-skinned
consisted of fully 350 men and Hindu said he was one of thc assail
uoys ana greatly ovcruumbered the ants, it was all that was necessary
ponce protection. so far as thc deputies were con
1 ne iiiuaus receive si. 00 a uay, cerucu. it was not sate lor anv
while the other laborers receive citizen to be on thc street when thc
I from $2 to 12.50. The company spotters passed by, because if the
planned to bring in a larger mini Hindu crooked his linger at him
bcr of Hindus, and this is thought the drag net trathercd him iu. -All
to have precipitated the trouble. were held under $3000 bonds that
Thc Hindus all appeared at the could furnish same, while others
I district attorney's office to-day and went to jail thc just cud unjust
through John Kim, their intcrprc- together. This mav be law. but it
tcr, tolu of their losses uuu assaults, is surely not justice and it is a re
Deputy District Attorney Garland proach upon any state, country or
began issuing complaints lor the nation that permits such a system
rioters. to be inaugurated. A man should
Officers of the lumber company have an opportunity to establish an
asserted to-day that uo mill men alibi before being thrust into jail.
employed by them participated iu
the riot.
"The trouble was started by a
gang ot loafers, who wouldn't
ily 4
Half acre Tremont Station Ait. Scott
carllnc, fS25 Needs but f J15 to secure
tuts; you'll wnut it.
Corner lot East Ninth street, North and
Hecch, J800 Uest bargain in town fornn
inside homcsllc.
Market and (Irocory on First street, half
Interest. JIJ50 I'lsh, iwtiltry, butter,
eggs, cliecsc. This is n live, busy and
very profitable place, with n permanent
and ever growing business; well equipped;
rent only 87 and a t1mroiinlil
date partner.
Nice 6-room liouso ami Int. innxinn.
1400 hearing fruit trees and small
fruits.. At Newport on tlieSt. Johns car
llnc: one block from koIiixiI mut rr
half cash takes it.
Corner, 100x100, on WW carllnc, 1800
'Habitable shnck. ami ftnxinn riitil.-n.
clj fruit trees; a bang-up good invest
mcnt. 19 Acrss Tlno tlottom Land with homo
and lot situated on linker's l'crrv Burnt.
close to Ooldstons. 011 south ImnV nf
Clackamas river, only f JJoo, half cash.
Sec us about this at once
OOinlnz llOUSC. 10 rooms on Thirteenth One ncr nnil verv iletlrnhln A.rnnm
street, $5Su Nice location.rcnt only 40; houso,f27oo Situated at I'irland on tho
money-maker. Mt. Scott carllne; 13 bearing fruit trees;
Restaurant Wnihlnilon street, cood na- nil nljuinkurc of sumll frnlm: rrn1lfiit
tronaec, 550 Well cqijlpped and rent water; nice property and home; hall
Choice five-room modern bunznlow and
nlco lot, f32oo Situated on Hint Wash
ington street; full basement; first class
iilumbiim; gas and electricity; porches
Iront and rear; two rooms can be furn
ished in the attic; a bargain at thu price.
Let us show it to you; fnoo cash will se
cure you a warranty deed to it.
Here Is a modern homo that will ticklo
thc taste of discriminating investors who
appreciate thc best in architecture, finish,
Intrinsic merit aud environment; 9-room
up-to-date residence on Kast Itightccnth
street; lot looxloo; stone foundation; hut
water plant; cement walks, set laundry
tubs, sewer connection, large conserva
tory, good barn, bearing fruit trees,
Mowers and small fruits, no Incumbrance;
warranty deed; 7000; ONI A ONH
If you nrc seeking investment In Ore
gon wc can supply your requirements,
and it will 'certainly prove profitable
to you to consult us before you dcciijo
American-Scandinavian Realty Co.
New Address. 212 HENRY UU1LDING Phone Main 6701
Mr. King Criticizes
Municipal Affairs Receive
Careful Attention
For Sale. Hatching eggs, White
Leghorn, St. 00 per setting. Cull
513 Dayton street.
work if they had a job," said one
of the officers.
ASl UlUleraiauU tlie Situation Tomorrow tilrlit the lflrrmiMt'ii
the disturbance was created through Athletic ciuh wilt crlv nne nf it
".7.7, i-" wi".r i ' " .i"f' 1V.1" " Ju"u..rVtra u,.c stated that he would be ready to
"""n i iiri wciiJiciii o wi uiii: m it 1 ilia
quarters on Ncw Jersey street, becu secured and a fine crowd is
where they lived over a butcher Uvtw.p,i. Vnu en n't nffnnl to ml
auujj. 111111 uiuku 111c jiui,. 1 lie I t.
At the 51st regular meeting of
thc city council Tuesday night al
members reirartcd for duty, the
mayor presiding.
A communication from M. J.
Mease, lessee of the rock crusher,
supply rock niter March 37th.
The viewers' report on Charleston
Hindus employed by us do work
that other men will not touch. They
are peaceful."
Gov. J. II. Fletcher, after serv
ing 33 days on the federal gram!
jury, is once more witnessing the ,or 'ien"nK on
vrit!fT vhtiMin nri coiuleiunutiou.
the session the jury returned in-
18 timber aud
In your search for" home farm the questions that confrout you are: Is the soil
good? It the price right? Can I afford to Invest? Will my Investment grow?
Our appeal Is made to intelligent people, and it it up to you to ascertain the facts
asuueciucaa 10 mc nonewy or uisnonesiy 01 our representations, Your most
critical Investigation, will convince you that there is no section of the state of Ore-
?;on where greater inducements are offered earnest, Industrious homcscckert than
n this beautiful rMJtTLAND acreage on the renowned Clackamas river, A visit to
the laud will prove its richness of soil and wonderful depth. It is incapable of ex
haustion or diminution of ttrcnuth. Your .axnerience hat douhtleu made vnu
KNOW that the land for tillage is cheap or dear according to its productive capac
ity. Yon will be at the dqor of Portland's generous market, only eight miles
away, with Oregon City but four miles west of you, and that in the natural order
01 tmngs mis wiioie section win uc griuironed with electric lines of street railway,
We have prepared the banquet for you and extend to every earnest man and woman
who would put doubt and uncertainty behind them forever an optuhearted hottest
IsvlUtloti to the feast.
$75 Per Acre
If you are looking for an investment that
is a sure winner buy half of block 16 at
The piece is 100x600 feet, lays fine ' and almost level.
Lets across tlie street from it are selling at $350 upward,
If tfcw piece was cut into lots $3000 could easily be realized,
a4 Umb the lots would be much cheaper than any can
be Mttgfct for in that neighborhood. la five 'years $5000
wom 4 not bean exorbitant price. IF TAKEN AT ONCE
ixfte BUYS IT$59Q down; $500 in six months and the
.balance at $10 per month-or, $1500 cash will secure it.
If the Money was not badly needed I3000 cash would not
take x. ifer farther information sec
. - , Red Estate Ofrka, WMtwaaa Omti
I'rout the Portland Labor Press,
Monday night at St. Johns, a
suburb of Portland, the Americans dictuents against
cuipiujcu 111 111c luuiucr aim uiuuciq tlliCVCS.
a demonstration agaiust Hindu
laborers. Nobody was really hurt.
but the Hindus left St. Johns. Geo. M. Hall has announced
Now British Consul Laidlaw has himself as a candidate for council
invoked the strong arm of the law. man from the first ward. Mr. Hall
and many arrests have been made Ms a sterling citizen, honest mid up
of men supposed to have been in right, aud stands high iu the esti
the St. Johns "mob.M nmtlon of the people of St. Johns,
Nothing will come of the "tern- au that lie will commaml a large
pest in a teapot." Every one knows vote is quie certain.
thtft these Hindus were imported
into Uritisli Columbia for the pur
pose of reducing the wages of the
white subjects of King lid ward.
These subjects made a demonstra
tion against the Hindus, and they
were moved into United btates ter
ritory. When Loudon officialdom!
sirect, properly signed, was rea
and accepted by council, Couiicilnien
Dobie aud Kellilier voting in thc
March aotli was set as thc time
for hearing on tlie Charleston street
Dills to the amount of $193.30
were allowed.
Chief of police Ilrcdcsou reported
that Oliicer Dunbar has used con
duct unbecoming au officer. He
ferred to thc police committee ior
Attorney Collier was instructed
to look after thc firemen who were
picked up iu the drag net during
the fracas Monday night, aud whom
were assisting iu quelling the (lis
turbaucc, having been deputized by
the mayor.
The theme at the Kvangelical
church next Sunday morning will
be "The Empty Tomb" an Easter
sermon. In the evenliiK the sub
ject will be "The Hole In the
Wall." This subject will deal
howled about the unlawful acts of "j Jn?"B aLi,r ni5 ?
British Columbia subjects, that c?1 Political campaign, and bear
theaselves. That, if British Colum- wnP8".
bia could not remain a white man's o
country under the British flag, it At the Congregational church
would have a flag of its'own. That Sunday Easter will be fittingly
quieted London. observed. There will be an Easter
The at. Johns demonstration will I sermon with special music at the
prove whether the white men of mornIg service. Iu the evening
Oregon, under the Stars and Stripes, lau Easter praise service will be
nave Iu rights than the men of given in wlilcn some 01 the uest
British Columbia.- It will prove talent in the city will participate,
whether Portland courts can be All are invited to attend. G. W.
bluffed by the roar of the British -Nelson, pastor.
Lion. 0
Dr. Vinson Scott, the up'to-the-
nour dentist, this week installed a
basdsome fountain cuspidor in his
office. The Dr. believes iu keen-
We refuse to believe there are as ine strictlv uo to the times, and as
many thieves in St. Johns as the soon as au appliauce is placed 011
Hindus proclaim, the market that has a tendency to
The eitv tun Mrtainlv tnv facilitate his work, he gets it. It
better applianced dental office can
be found even iu the city ot l'ort-land.
Future plenty for the other fellow
depends on the dollars you spend.
Future plenty for yourself depends
on the dollars you save. Under
stand this? The First National
Bank makes it clear. It compounds
interest every six months. it
The Aftermath
advastage of the situation to
Soc of. the arrested osee will
haye a trial this afternoon and
eveaiae. Others will follow risht
aloag. Nearly 100 lovers of athletic
Aa far aa r k.v aKU n sport gathered in Ely's gymuasium
Wara bo okftok were fnd at anv Central Hotel last nigutto
tie durwg the cveaisg, the city f tb. Pfcfessor Uustrate the Uif
mmts to the corarv. aotwitk- fere8t holds used in box-
ts ad lag ling and wrestling. Then thc fun
TheMUce desotdeterve all the u't
UiHcudMasMntkfv .,. rmiv who uu neraiu, auu wyim
htTolt!r!ry ruI' "? of Professor Ely's
: !.-. 1 iKvome Kiiotara. i hch iuuuwcu
mumtm were a trr.rnt,nA ,:. niiKif"
m.H. I iyi-iim ......
fir 1 . 1 1 1 . A
woww u iae intra m who claim the instructor show his c everuess.l
variiM wau el taeaey were stelM All were well pleased 'and several
frew then weId't like to sake I new wewbers jeiued the school,
ofthe Little
I .-J Ik. IsMm. s4
Bm m I HMryCMnsr,
"Ot. stiks'
Pus PilM sm
im4 f m lot ri
ua ytn.hii1tcfc
m4 ptla la U(k s4
mm dwr fH
25 DfMs 25 Cfcnt
I Mt, Dr. MikyA-Pil Pll
nil nun Sm wM l is llrSl
(Paid Advertisement)
Several months nio I presented an ap
plication to build a lean-to on thc north
end of thc building where the Home
Ilnkcry Is, thc Imlldini; to be Inclosed
with galvanised Iron, so there would not
be any danger of fire. Thc council
would not let mc build it. Mr. Uoblc
said he would not allow any such build
ing put up In thc fire limits.
Hut wc sec that there has been n build
ing put several feet higher than It was,
aud Instead of n ualvaulied roof Is
shingled with cedar shingles. Now this
was done apparently on pttrxc to let
Mr, Lauthcrs have the building. If It
had been I Instead of Mr. Laulhent they
would have turned mc down. So It
looks as though they mlht be doing this
for something more than love (or Mr,
Now, I upM)c they will fine Mr.
I.mithcrs about fio and he will have
his building. If I had gone ahead with
the little building thnt I asked crinls
Ion to build they would have urrvsicd
incnud given mc thc limit of the penal
ty Iu fine,
Now, then, these nrc facts and
t'icy cannot get around It. Aud
here several month auo I went down to
thc saw mill audi wiw that thc milling
company was putting up piers and were
going to erect a larue tower for water
In the intersection of llurliiigtou and
Uradford itrcct. Thc foundation cx
tended to nearly thc center of llradiord
street. Kcclni! this, I went to Mr.
Hendricks, thc mayor, and made the
complaint. Mr. Hendricks wanted mo to
make out a complaint aud I said to him
'Is It ncccskury for mc to make n com
plaint to keep the streets from being
confiscated when thc whole council new
what was going on?" They knew that a
this building was being built, but I went
niter him so hard he called 11 special
meeting of Ihu council aud at that meet
ing they ordered the ixilicc to have thc
construction stopped. So thc couiaiiy
commenced to take thc foundation out.
Then Mr. Davis ami Mr. Aye, got their
heads together and commenced to pluu
sonic way that thu milling coniMiiy
would be legally protected In putting up
this tower, and he accomplished it, by
mukiug thc council believe the city had
uo right to the streets, and if they would
ease them to thu company then the city
would have u right to take them when
thc lease expires. And Mr. Ayer made
the council believe that he could move
that tower cutler and cheaper utter It wus
up and finished than he could iu the con-
illtion it wus ut that time. It looks as
though this council was too well In.
formed to believe such u statement us
this; but they gave the company a lease
011 the street to run for five years, Now
this lease is from the Willamette river
to the north side of the cement piers now
in thc south half of Uradford street.
Now this is nearly the center of llrudford
Now, I will leave this to tiny set of
progressive men and men that huve-got
sense enough to keep out of thc fire. If
this leasing of thc south half of Uradford
street is not n scheme whereby thc mill
ing company can have thc legal right to
the street aud keep off any other railroad
that might want to come,
I was talking with Mr, Cook about
this street and he said he would see that
it was cleaned out of thc sheds uud
docks to the full width of thc 6utd
Dradford street; aud others of thu coun
cil I talked with were not iu favor of the
milling company having thc tuu of Urad
ford street at ull, but at once they all
turned over the opposite way aud gavu
the milling company a ktiso oil Uradford
street on the southerly half from Suleiu
street to John street. Now why did they
do this? Iu pretense to keep it covered
up, they said the city would have a bet
ter right to thc street after they had
leased it to thc comiianr than thoy had
before, Now does this look reasonable?
II u party has a right to lease a street he
certainly had a right to order it cleaned,
when there was an ordinance passed to
clean those streets.
Then turning around aud giving the
company the right to use the said street I
Does this not look as If there must have
been something more than good will to
the company to make those couucilmen
change their mind aud want the com
pany to use the street?
This Uradford street is 60 feet wide
aud the milling company is using
thc southerly half of it, and the O, K, &
N, conipauy the northerly half, so that
there is no room for anything else to go
there, The property on thc upper side
of thc street will have to put their sldu
track on their own laud If they get one,
and this will keep out other railroads un
less they buy out thc property above the
street aud some of it is owned by the
milling company.
Now thc CDinjmuy Is at the present
time using thc foot of three streets. It
seems to mc that this ft enough to give
away to one couTpauy. If they had
confined the conixiny to thu tatt of
Iltirllngtou street that Is south of thc
south line of Uradford street there would
not hive been anything said about It;
but to let thc company put permanent
improvements In thc sonlhcrly half of
Uradford street so as to hold it for an
indefinite time, I, for one think that thc
leasing of that portion of Uradford street
is thc worst thing that this council has
done; and It Is not doing for the city
what Is for the best interests of thc city
but to thc best Interest of the couiuny.
Thc milling comiMuy could have put
the tank on their own laud so that It
would not have incumbered thc city
property, aud if thc council had done as
It should have done it would not liuvo
becu In llrudford street at this time.
Now, considering what the mayor and
the council have done that Is to the
disadvantage and welfare of thucity of
St. Johns, does It look llku it would
good judgment on the part of thc tax
uyers and citizens of St. Johns to have
this kind of (undue continued
font number of years?
V. 11. KINO,
?oH Hast IlurlliiKtoiu
of good health should prevent sick
ness instead of letting themselves
get sick and then try to cure it.
So long as you keep your liver,
stomach nutl bowels 111 11 healthy
uud active condition you won't get
sick. Dallard'rt Ilerbiuc relieves
constipation, inactive liver and nil
stomach and bowel troubles. Sold
by North Dunk Pharmacy.
All parties raising iwtiltry are
hereby notified that they must keep
same f rout trespassing tinou the
premises of others or become liable
for nrrest and fine. No further
notice will be given.
Chas. Ilrcdcsou, Chief of Police.
Smifii Pre
has widened its market un
til It includes the whole civil
ized world; has become the
typewriter of over 300,000
operators and has, during
130C, broken every previous
record of sales, because it
has from the beginning best
met every typewriter need.
rMIEtri-color feature of
thc Smith Premier
Typewriter is recog
nized as the greatest im
provement in modern type
writer construction yet in
providing it, none of the
strong fundamental fea
tures, for which the Smith
Premier lias always been
noted, havebeen sacrificed.
Complete literature on re