St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, March 25, 1910, Image 1

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To MtoarB fof THM Wytr,
' AltkfMwt wMtoNbMMto
. wt MtM CaH I 4a4 MroN
Of idrtrlbbif ta THM Pft
nd jnm'H omr ngrat K. Be
(la a(BMs4kNprWkitM
Devte4 ta tiM Interests of tk.
Maaefacterlag Cater of (he Nortbwott
VOL. 6 v
I FRIDAY, MARCH 25. 1910.
NO. ao
its:" .
Mob Chases Hindus from
City in-1 Hurry
St Toll us was iu
most bordering on anarchy for a few
minutes Monday evening. As
result several Hindu laborers were
bandied In a manner that was pretty
"rough and wholesale arrests were
made. The trouble had been brew
ing for some time on account of the
imbiber of Hindus constantly in
creasing at the St. Johns lumber
mill. White men, it has been said,
have been replaced by these tur
baued fellows, and a strong feeling
of animosity toward them was en
gendered. It is understood tliat
they have been giveu strong hints
Jto leave the city by ncvcral of the
young men who are said to have
btfen in" the mob, but no uttcntiou
was paid tb this arbitrary demand.
The feeling of animosity against
the Hindus was greatly augmented
by the report of an increase iu the
, number of Johnny Bull's subjects,
'and the fact that several had .rented
quarters and were living, overhead
business bouse on Jersey strew
A crowd of Hindu haters met Mon
day oiight, either by accident or
design, upon the street, andjhreats
were made of chasing them all out
of town.. The ldcaecfnel to strike
the assembly as a, splendid oueTaud
'when the suggestion was made that
.the idea be put into practice at
Oence.. lt.met with general .approba
1 jt tion by the aggrieved ones. The
. larawrl lud irrown larirer everv min
Hte ,and a number of Peninsula
young men bad been attracted and
Joined the aseeeablage. The nec
1 acaaavs leader Isk cam te the
. - jtoeoAand a cwcnisnt.,was rapidly
' Tiormca 10 sees: er ine mutea wu
0 jecta and banish them from St.
Johns forthwith. With this inten
tion a crowd made for the quarters
occupied "by the Hindus, while
others went to the mill, vhichMs
running' night and day. Every
Hindu that was encountered was
peremptorily ordered to. stop work
.and. get out of town at once. If
auy kesitaucy Wm shown several
of the mob grabbed the man and
escorted him to the street car, and
the manner in which he was takeii
up the hill waa decidedly rough.
The same procedure was adopted
at the Hindu habitations. T,be
mob becauie more and more ex
cited every momeut .and several of
the Hindus were struck with fists
andiatlcks, and window panes were
broken and doors battered. Chief
ef Pellee Xredecoa: was at ltome at
the time and ta hurried call, was
' saade for -hita. Arriving op the
scene tie? r the bank corner in jig
. , time, he rc'nenejrated with the hot
beaded ones and advised and im
' J plored tbesa to deeiet from their vi-
cious attack. The soundness of the
, chiefs advise gradually began to
' K impress them, and their criminal
-acta were abaudoued. Mayor Hen
'd ricks was early on, babd and. at
eoce deputUed as nany Sremen as
he could find-to'assist him in quelling
m the dUturbaacc. Proceeding to the
mill sight, where the greatest ac
'tivity waa-ia pregreae he made a
.stirring address, to the crowd as
.asoa aa he' could make himself
beard, and tokl tbem- they were
ifdoing wrong, were adopting a very
-wrongful method, and pkaded with
M them i to deat. Hk- efforU were
ate sueeeaaful and tbcr. better senee
ef the partiei peats resumed normal
ewey. Cbeetajwe vu foe. the
"Mayor and the crowd .quickly die
MMed.c iTbe iievboye akp.dkl
whet they eeuM quiet the rioters,
' and k was only a fc w mloutea until
3 tae.etuieat b4 abated, r, m
U A umber of the Hindus were
, f placed ou rbe cars, their fares (aid
, te rorttaad aud were teW t keep
away from . Johns. One of tbc
TkHuw waa reported te have 'bad a
'leg brebea h tby'kacaajaad several
ta4MM'Wr:aUfbiy, wauaded by
of tbosa .worerob-
jaa take up Tuos-
t -J . ' doy moroiuc wstb Jartttea ueuoai
,u - Hmwmi be had hwrfsNuss
v. , -v.: w at !! eatt ki lobs)
mmim far a euuuMf bf t)siru
'." -: , -'-if ?' " s'
theTiot, the man( indicated "was at
once placed under arrest. No pro
testation of innocence or proof of
an alibi availed in x freeing the bus-
Eccts, and one and all to the Burn
er of 27 were garnered at police
headquarters in the city hall. The
only manner in which any could
espapc from going to the county
jail was to furnish ball in the sum
of ,iooo cash, or $ 2000 paper. " A
dozen" succeeded in securing bonds,
but the other 15 were taken to Fort
That the mob was woefully
wrong in taking the radical steps
they did is conceded by all. It Was
the very worst method that could
possibly be adopted, and nothing
but-censure can be attached to their
condition ni.l!!5!: !S?,b!!'?
If the people of which the mob was
composed had grievances' against
the Hindus a method inside the
limit of the law should have been
adopted, and not by riot and. bru
While the Hindus arc' aa un
desirable class of citizens by reason
of their grotesque appearance and
filthy condition, yet they ate human
beings ana entitled to our pro
tcction. so long as they conduct
themselves iu a proper manner. .It
may be. true that they have usurped
white labor at the mill, and it may
not be truc-vc do not know. But
we do know that several times
during the past ycur the mill man
agement has sent men to look
around the street corners itf quest
tor men to do work at the mill, but
the Idle mcti approached invariably
expressed themselves as not caring
to do that kind of work. White
men have been tried time and ogaiu
on the rougher work, and the man
agement never knew whether, they
would be back at work next morn-.
ing or not probably not. There
was ever three shifts one coming,
one going ana one at worK. As a
last result to keep the mill going,
the black men were employed. And
they could always be depended up
on. It able to work at all they
would be en hand every day. -They
were not. paid the wages as a' gen
eral rule that, were paid white men
because they are not worth as much
as American labor, being more slow
and deliberate in their movements.
The mill mnM net afford te aunt
down white mH" eitltvr
Would not work or could not be
secured, and as long' as Hindus
would, work and.iuake up in a
shortage of pay, what they lacked
iu ability to perform their 'tasks,
was it hot their right and privilege
so. to do? J Here may be otner
phases to the situajion that we are
not cognizant of, but these are the
facts from the mill men's point of
It is, on the other hand, a far
from nlcasinsf sight to see these
daik-skiuucd fellows, who' will not
conform" to American .customs,
parading up aud down the public
thoroughfares and it does not
speak well for a city that employs
them, "Of course they are entitled
to a living, but they should adopt
thedresti of the country, take a
bath occasionally and-atteinpt to
become citizens of the United States
instead of coming here and scrap
iug up all the money they can, giv
ing Hothing in return, and then de
camping to their native heath with
good American ceia in their pockets.
It is too bed that their nasslous
got away with the better judgment
of the young men concerned in this
unhappy 'affair, and it is to ' be
Hoped tnat none put me guiuy win
suner inconsequence. 1 utrt were
some men arrested who claim that
they were not participants in any
degree, and this fact will be proven.
Fjrcwch were arrested by the crime
method of the, and will no
doubt be dfckharged as; soon as the
fact is established that they were
aiding the Hindus instead of abet
ting tbc rioters.
As an instance of bow some daMy
papers will garble; exaggerate and
depart from tbei truth, la order to
BMjte an article more-sen sanowai,
we die tbc following; from the Port-
laud lournoi. wbieb aMered Tues-
Aay under Moody, Baring acadl
Raoe war broke out list night iHlftepiug ia roaM already, prepared
St: Johns, where fuMy '106 Hindus
were ssaeiil ted and robbed. M-
pleyesVof the; St, Johns Lumber
company mitt are- being arreetad,
this aHerooen ty tfec waoicsajc ,
the aeis. Ia atest oases tbciiiadaw
up by. men with fewoi-
yeesabd recd to.sjip their
Several were oeatesi msw
:yf Three - asoa ware
throw from a ascend story toiudaw
to we fjroueMi.' '-
Tbc trouble started
. gjg BMaMgW iaitha kiaaber
lmitl. Shortly before 7 o'efaok a
uttdaag os Sufttftoq street,
where a - wmmtmi'wmt quariowM,
were aurTauodsd by the aslll aaaji,
wbo ieed aoveral abota tbroob tbc
waadouja. Tbc rioseas ruabad i fas
aid teat ass ises altoi tbc Hisubia;
takiuf their wot choc -ood. gr'bbiog
far UHif
Is Dtstnriitje of Serious
CMsHtoratin .
The rroeltiou of a high bridge
at St. Johns should net be lost sight
of these political days. The bridge
is a necessity and would -be of
immense value to, the city. The
project, ia a large one and it will be
some time before it materializes,
out steps toward acquiring it can
nst be taken (00 soon. No better
time than Jthc present to begin pre
liminary"proccedlngs could be de
sired. It is impossible to secure a
free ferry at this time, aud, in fact,
it is not probable for a number of
years to come. The bill authoris
ing the county to operate a free
ferry at this point was limited to
two years only, and that time is
drawing mighty near to a close.
The county officials have refused
to op.Tutc the present ferry, and
the chances of calling a special
election and voting bonds for a new
one are almost nil. Anyhow, this
could not be done within the time
specified in the bill that passed the
legislature eighteen -months ago
through the efficient work of Hon.
K. C. Couch. Since we have failed
to take advantage, of this act, it is
not likely that the legislators will
pass another bill extending the
time. This being the status of the
matter in reeard to a free ferry, it
is questionable if we shall have such
an institution here within the next
five veers. By that time a high
bridge should be erected between
St. Johns end Whitwood Court. It
is the only point where a suspension
bridge can easily be built between
here and the steel bridge. , All big
uudertakiugs.auot have a beginning
and we contend ' that right new M
the time to get under way with this
project. The legislature, meets
again this fall, and a petition with,
all the names of voters on the Pe
ninsula, the west side aud. many
from Portland proper should be. got
ten in readiness and presented to
that body when it next convenes.
Such a petition of set of petitions
could not fail in securing their care
ful and thoughtful attention.
To, get such a petition circulated
properly. would require the services
several good mea for several
weeks. To provide a fund forucur
rying this work on, a mass meeting
should be called and subscriptions
solicited,. Every business man in
St. Johns, no doubt, would be in
terested enough iu the project to
lend a little financial assistance.
The' cost would be small aud- the
benefit great. Why not make the
effort? The Commercial Club might
well, devote a portion of its time to
this proposition and provide ways
and means for carrying the work
along, Now is the .time to. get
Married Sunday
A quiet wedding wascossumated
at the residence of the bride's par
ents. 35 Weet Richmond, Sunday
at 3" p. m,, when Florence Virginia;
the youngest daughter of Mr. afed
Mrs: D. N. Byerke, was united ia
marriage with Mr. Wade MeLane.
The ceremony was performed by
Rev. Allen Hkkey .of .BcHingbam.
Wash., grandfather of the bride.
Only Immediate members ef the
families or the bride and groom and
friend, Mrs. Krneot' Rand, from
Hood River, were present. The
young people went at ouce to bouse-
for them near Mr.
McLanc's work
ia Portland.
ntMer Jmks h Chare
Activity soring athletics
aMBoaeed ia real aewi set at the
of the world's cbampiearWhiec Sok
base bolt teasa, who baa boon so
cured to ce abe .OolWgc boye,'
has tofcea sborft of the squad and
Ct ;Ue e awatw, at work. ' AU
t two of tbc mea who played on
tbc fieacs kept year arc available
amw.thie season, WUh the poor
oXaH baac ball coacbaa 'ee leador
bum cc afon IM SffHtf.
CandMiis Galore
Three tickets
in the field for
the April elect
aud three Inde
bendents hav
inuounccd them
selves. The
last, one of th
ilist ticket is the
irceto enter the
race, whicn'
led last Saturday.
The three com
te tickets arc as
Mayor J
Icud ricks.
Attorney '.
Recorder Fi
C. Couch.
im. F. Kacmlcin.
Large A. W.
Davis., S. h.
Dbte and C. L.
Windle and S.
t Ward W. W.
Cook. .
lid Ward J. H.
Hiller aud J.
Mayor H.
e Ticket.
J. Perkins.
M. Essou.
t Large H.
Hewitt, H. W
Botiham and Otis
Learned, '
Irst Ward S.
Cook aud P. J
nd Ward J. 12.
Hiller and M.1
Socialet Ticket.
Mayor J. lSchurtz.
Attorney Charles J. Anderson.
Recorder P. J. McCarty.
Treasurer jl., Dickenson.
Councllmcnfat Large G. L.
Pcrriite, M.'lMSwuu aud A. Fredqr
ickson. CouucllmcnP First Ward Gay
lord Mallctt and Reuben Collins.
Councilmen Second Ward N. A.
Gee and G, W. Curtiss.
Attorney Geo. L. Perkins.
Councilman First Ward Geo.
M. Hall. 2
Councilman: Sccoud Ward P.
Hill. T
-I '
A. L. MilbV president of Port.
laruVs.Wauau- .bank, evidently
knows what 'he is talkiusr about
wheu he says the- Pacific North
west 'is the most prosperous section
of the United States. He says cap
ital of the country is easy and it is
coming this way for investment iu
Isrge quantities. Prospects for
this year are the best, he says, the
Northwest has ever known. He
naturally attributes a very large
pert of the activity aud hustle here
about to the large amount of mil-
road building now underway This,
work, he says, is showing the cpn
fidence the leaders in the financial
world have in this section and' it
'naturally breeds confidence iu
Many Men at Work
John F. Stevens, president of
the Oregon- Trunk railway, now
under construction up the Deschutes
to Central Oregon, says 5000 men
are at work pu the 109 mites now
under construction,, or nearly as
many men as ever were employed
011 the construction of the 370 miles
of the North Bank road. He says
the new Hue is of the most modern
construction and the whole thing is
being pushed with the utmost pos
sible euergy, The present plan is
to build south only as .far as Bend.
although maps have been filed from
fiend south to the Klamath Indian
Crops in Good Shape
Despite heavy weather of the
past winter, inquiry into crop and
stock conditions show that losses
have not been so general as was
feared, Some stock was lost 011
tbc range but the percentage is not
large. Prospects ia the- extensive
grain districts of Eastern Oregon
arc reported, to be excellent for a
Dumper crop, uraia prospects in
the Willamette. Valley are said to
be somewhat leal' satisfactory. Be
cause of the uuusuaMy heavy show-.
falKM the mountauM during the
pact winter, there will be plenty of
water tor 'irrigation puiposea.tnis
Future plenty for the other fellow
depends on the dollars you spend.
Firturcpknty for yourself depends
on the dollars . you saver Under
stand this? The First National
Bank makes it clear. It compounds
eyery six moot lis. it
Aeorenticos wanted at the Vogue
For Office of Councilman
of Second Ward
. In explanation of my becoming
au Independent candidate for coun
cilman from the second ward at
this time, I wilt say that I do uot
seek the position for the honor or
glory there is in it, or as a booster
for the sale of real estate or other
gain except the upbuilding and
Drosncrltv of the entire citv. Mv
prosperity and fortune and that of
. . - - r v.
my children depend entirely on the
upbuilding of St. Johns, aud if
elected as councilman of the second
ward I will apply with energy
every faculty I possess for the at
laintnent 01 sucii results. 1 "n
uot a candidate of any clique or
faction. If elected, I shall devote
my whole time aud energy to the
tuprovemcut of streets aud the I in
provemcht of Fcsscmlcu street this
year iu nccordojiee-with the wishes
ot property owners along said
street. This Improvement is the
grcutcst boost for the entire city of
St. Jolins.6f any thing that could
happen, liven the building of a
large manufacturing plant and the
employment of n large number of
men would not be the lasting bene
fit that will come through the im
provement of Fcsscudcii street.
Get good streets and other things
will come.
Get good streets and capital will
come aud do the rest; aud all per
sons owning property, be it large
or small, will reap tlic reward.
Yours for better streets and Fes-
senden street In particular,
P. Hill.
2d Hand Motors for Sale
One .vlip General Ivlcctric, Co
cycle, 1800 R. P. M.j 230 volt, 3
phase induction motor. Price $50,-
75. .
One 2-lip General. Hlcctric Go cy
cle, 1800 It. P. M,, 330 volt, 3
phase induction motor. Price f.).-
Two i-s-hrfGenera! Ivlectric fio
cycle, 1800 K. P. M., 330 volt, 3
phase induction motors, 38.50
each. '
Two i-6-lin General Electric; 60
cycle, 1800 R. P. M., no volt, sin.
gle phase induction motors, $18,50
One i-8'hp Kmetson, 60 cycle,
1150 R. P. M., 115 volt, single
phase induction motor, $11.60.
rue ouc-stx ana one-ctgiii-np
machines will run 011 lightning
One 3-hp Northern direct current
motor, 500 volts, 1300 R. P. M.,
$45.00; or will rewind for 250 volts
to run 011 the underground distitct
u Portland, for $59.50.
We also have a number of other
second, hand motors for sale, or we
cau furnish new machines at right
Gve us a call at either 418 N,
Jersey street, St. Johns, or 302
Commercial Block, Portland. Co-
uinbia Electric Engineering Co.
Library1 Entertainment
The citizens of University and
Portsmouth arc showing renewed
nterest iu their free reading room
and library.
The Library- Association has
been reorganized with Mrs. Bock
man president, and will give a ben
efit entertainment Mar. 28, 8 p. m,
Woodman's hull, University Park
Station, opposite postoffice.
A splendid program lias been ar
ranged. Special features will be
Webber's Juvenile Orchestra, read-
ugj) by the best talent from the
Gillespie school of expression and'
songs by a male quartette.
Those who attend will nave life
privilege of attending a high class
entertainment and at the same" time
assisting the library. Admission
35 and 15 cents.
Don't be stiWv 1 Simply safely
economical You get the respect
of every man who KNOWS you
Come put your money in the First
national mmk. 11 compounds in
terest every six months. it
'Preach the. asWef St. Joans,
The Pride of His Heart
Cambria, Wis., Mar. 18, loto.
EditorRcview! I am a long dis
tance patron of your paper. Wil
first thank you for gcttiug each aud
every issue here so promptly and
1 appreciate your paper ever so
much. Will kindly ask you to
give me space for n few remarks.
I am au old veteran, late of Co. II.
35th Reg., Wisconsin Volunteer
Infantry, and likewise a member of
the G. A. K. and have the honor
of belonging to Comptou Post, No.
22, Department of Oregon, St.
Johns, Oregon.
It was my pleasure to sojourn
there in beautiful old St. Johns for
little more than six mouths,
Many of the old comrades will re
member me. Many a tear of regret
Has trickled down this old wcath
crcd face since the day I left glori
ous old bt. jolitis the pride of my
Heart. Circumstances have com
polled me to remain here since, but
uot from choice. We havc had a
severe winter here in the middle.
west 3 and 3 1-2 feet of snow on
the level, aud 26 to 30' below zero,
There arcyct drifts here from two
to three feet deep.
Freeman II. Bcutlcy
The Price of Meat
Paradoxical as it may seem to
the unenlightened, the increased
price of meat unquestionably will
be of very great advantage to the
public. At least it will Induce
thinking men and women, mid a
few who do not think, to give sonic
consideration to the subject of scien
tific dietetics. I he more otic studies
this subject the more one is com
pelled to realize that, meat Is not by
any means a necessary article of
food, for one possessed 01 a healthy
stomach. One should also rciuciu-
cr that when meat is not obtain
able, one is not by nuy means
deprived of animal food. For in
stance, milk and eggs and cheese,
and the various products of the
dairy, arc animal foods, und they
practically take tne place ot meat
as far as nourishing .the body is
concerned, even for one who has
the impression that an animal diet
is necessary.
buch an impression, However, is
entirely unjustifiable. Meat is not
necessary to life oc to health; iu
fact, none of the animal products
arc necessary to health. There may
be conditions of disease, whcrc tin-
uial food, such as is found iu milk
and eggs, is absolutely essential to
(he building up of the vigor aud
vitality that arc lucking under cer
tain circumstances. Iu fact, there
may be diseased conditions where
even red meat can be used witli ad
vantage, but a careful study of the
diet question, aud of the physical
condition of those who perform
various duties, will convince one
beyond all possible doubt that au
animal diet predisposes towards
disease. Iu other words, it is in
clined to fill the sy.stem with poi
sons und' effete, matter which clog
the tissues, aud which are the
cause of serious acute and chronic
diseases. IJernarr Macfaddeu, iu
Piiysical Culture for March.
Work is Progressing
The new high school building
has taken on a new lease of life. A
portion of the structure ruined by
the severe winter weather has been
removed and a big force of men are
busily eugaged pushing the work
along. C. L. Perriue lias super
vision of the work, which is a sure
guarantee that it will be first class
aud fully up to the specifications.
Every week henceforth will snow a
arge advancement iu the work.
Almost Completed
Cant. F. E. Smith, whose steamer
Sacajawea," was partially destroyed
by tire several weeks ago, is having
the same rebuilt and enlarged,
work upon which is nearing com
pletion. Mr. Smith lias worked
up a large and lucrative business
on the river, aud when the vessel
s completed will be iu better shape
than ever to take care of his con
stantly increasing busiuess.
Building Permits
No. 43 To Geo. II. McKee to
erect a kitchen to his residence on
Gresham street btweeu Burr and
Alma; cost $200.
No. 44 To L. S. Shepard to
erect a dwelling on Buchanan street.
betweeu Ivauhoe and Hayes: cost
And Items of General In
terest to the Public
Brown is iu towu.
The ice plant is net tine in shano
to start up witli a full force next
The perfume of burning rubbish
is pervading the atmosphere with
its odoriferous odor these days.
Can Snow Hlc Samson of old.
has irotten his hair cut. but he snvs
his strength has uot departed with
ttic snowy locks.
P. J. Peterson has removed with
his family from Portland to St.
Johns, having traded residences
with I). G. Busbcc. . "Pect" could
not for long stay uway from St.
The home of Mr. aud Mrs. W.
A. Trout was gladdened by the
arrival of a bouncing boy baby Monday morning. He is au
eleven pounder and likes St. Johns
very much.
Slough the things you do uot need.
the First National Bank and know
the case of a comfortable old age.
three per cent, three per cent,
three per cent. it
Remember to vote for proposed
charter amendment 203 if you want
street work to progress without a
iihcii im. year. j low or uauiy
formed lot with a small assessment
cau tie up au entire street as the
charter now reads.
Plans arc being drawn for n
rick building to be erected on the
sitt formerly occupied by Hallberg'tt
luriilturc store on Jersey street, but
which was destroyed by fire n
couple of years ago. The exact
size of the structure has not yet
been fully decided upon,
Holmes Lodge, Knights of
ythias, held a most enjoyable
social session last Friday night. A
large ana merry crowd was iu at
tendance and everything passed off
iu a most pleasing manner. Music,
recitations and social chat filled the
hours to the full. A sumptuous re
past was served and it was well
tukeu care of.
Declaration of Principles of
the Citizens Ticket
We demand a strict aud impartial
enforcement of the laws and ordi
nances of the city.
We pledge ourselves to n safe.
rncticab!e and busluess-like'adiuiu-stratiou.
We believe in strict ecouoiny iu
civic uffairs.
We recommend permanent im
provement of streets aud walks, aud
of building au adequate sewer
system, and to this end we pledge
our best efforts.
We believe that the question of
whether or uot the couucil should
ssue liquor licenses should be left
to the vote tof the people.
California Bungalow, $175
Down, balance monthly payments
same as rent, at only six per cent.
Did you ever have a chance like
this before to get a home of your
own? Six rooms, corner lot, 50 x
100 feet, large liviug room, beam
ceiling, fine fireplace, basement,
electric lights, best plumbing. This
property iB located on Pot Hand
Boulevard, the district with the
best future on the Peninsula. You
cannot afford to overlook this offer
as it is a chance of a lifetime. Come
and see'for yourself, See owner at
once. go3 Portland Boulevard.