St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, February 25, 1910, Image 3

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eeeeeeaeeeeeeeeeeeeee -rt-rtttttttf mmmh
Week of
Tag Sale
$30.00 Extra Axuiinster Rug 9x12
28.00 Saxouy Axmiuster Rug 9x12
20.00 Tapestry Rug 9x12 only
14.00 Manor Rug 8-3x10-6
17.00 Maple Cheffonler at - '
14.50 Maple Dresser at . -
29.00 Quartered Oak Dresser extra large
25.00' " "
25.00 Oak Buffet in Early English
6.00 Sanitary Couches at
7 n.50
We have the store full of
Bargains for. this Week
Local News.
Born To Mr. and Mrs. Clias,
Garlick Friday, February 1 8, a son
' 0
The county Jail has just installed
another new rock crusher on the
west side.
Rev. K. Fcldmeth js having a
handsome residence built on North
Jersey street.
Eastern Oregon Oil & Gas Co
stock advanced to fifty cents per
share last Saturday.
J. B. Campbell is making prep
rations for clearing off his property
at Whitwood Court.
. Portland St. Johns Vancouver
am ' , m
New Electric Lamp
any carbon filament lamp. .,'
' ;
. and ,
than th
Can be usad
n-ii.-j n.'.i...... 1 1 n n
i roiiifliiQ nanwiy upi aim rower uo,
t 147.7th Street
Put qaallty into the build.
' lug and you will do a wIms
tklag. You will nave a
'irosgeraad better ttructurc
t firt and uve a lot of rc.
fir bill later oa. Good
quality material can be had
tour afore and you will
sot have to pay any wore
than at Portland, Give us
trial and be convinced.
The plank road to the ferry is
completed, and is a great assistance
in getting to the boat.
The ferry has been placed in com
mission this week, after a thirty
days layoff for repairs.
James Catto has purchased the
Duke property on North Fillmore,
and is moving into same this week.
A fruit and confectionary store
is about completed on Pittsburg
street, near the ferry landing.
J. H. Canright is building a fine,
modern residence between the
Christian and Baptist churches.
Hon. K. C. Couch's new rcsi
dence on John street, near Portland
boulevard, is being rapidly com
Building permits are
in a gratifying manner
tainly has ail the earmarks
banner year in St. Johns.
keeping up
manner. This ccr
of a
A landslide near the rock crusher
last week played some havoc with
the bunkers and other pnraplier
ualla belonging to the outfit.
Mrs. M. Roberts' is having her
house moved from near the oil
tanks in North St. Johns to- the
county road, where it will be put in
first class shape. N. A. Gee has
charge of the work.
Pound Lady's fur collar. Hand-
into this office by business firm
,vho held it a mouth or two await
ng the owaer, who can have same
by calling at this office, paying for
ad, and proving property,
Hood River has just sold 'too,-
000 wortk of municipal water bonds
bearing five per cent interest for
$90,736. St. Johns might well take
lesson from the apple, city when
comes to selling municipal bonds.
Several men were put off the
trolley cars on the west aide of the
river last week for not paying their
fares. One of tke delinquents
pulled out a revolver and fired a
iple of shots at the conductor,
but no damage was done.
Miss Joaie Watklns. blind musi
cian and elocutionist, assisted by
the Willamette Pour and other
local talent, will give an entertain
ment in the M. W. A. hall Wed
nesday evening, March 9. The
program will consist of vocal and
nstrumental music, readings and
recitations. MUa Watkins is welt
known to many here who praise
her work highly.
Wanted. Woman to do general
housework; - Apply at this office.
A Snap Victortalking machine
and outfit for sale at salmond Bros
Wanted Man with horse
wagon to clear away garbage.
Chicago street.
J Candy! Candy! Candy!
Fo Sale Heavy double harness
iu first class- condition,, cheap.
Phone Richmond 1401.
Got $375. I can put you in u
good home. Balance any reasonable
terms. S. C. Cook, Cement Block,
Jersey street.
A full and complete line of over
alls of all kinds now on sale at
Noycs Babbitt's gents' furnishing
store, next door to the postomcc.
a- f I
We arc sole agents for the noted lines JOHNSON and
McDONALD, the two best high class confections on the
market. They arc fresh because we buy direct. All sized
packages from 10 cents up. Once used, always used. Give
it to your girl and you will always give her the same.
Medicines j
Wc arc agents for A. D. S. and Nyal remedies;
is none better. Not a patent medicine. A formula
each package.
The Marine Iron works now have
a'force of 200 men working on re
pairing the Chinook, and every
thing is moving along like clock
Your savings are secure with us.
Save from your pay today. The
First National Bank has pointed
the way for others by compounding
interest everysix. mouths. it
if you want to buy, rent, sell or I
exchange property see Wolcott,
(The Rent Man.) St. Johns Office,
401 South Jersey. Portland Office,
no, 3ud street. Phones: Main 1743
A 1743.
See the St. Johns Sand and
Uravel Co. tor estimate on your
basement or cement and plaster.
Wc can save you money and make
a little for ourselves. Phone Rich
mond 1571.
W By regular monthly deposits on Interest at 3 per cent, compounded semi-annually. I
All our meats are government In
spected and tho boat that money can
buy. Tlioy are noatly and careful
ly handled. Como In and Inavo your
order for froo dollvory. Ward's
Control MarkoL
Owing to the illness of a couple
of the ladies having the matter in
charge, the social that was to be
given by the ladies of the Congre
gational church iu the Holbrook
block March ad, has beeu post
poned indefinitely.
By regular monthly deposits on Interest at 3 per cent, compounded semi-annually.
Years ?l per month $2 per month $3 per month $5 per month $10 per month
1 $ 12.20 $ 24.39 $ 3-59 60.(j8 t I2I.96
2 24.76 49.52 74.28 123.80 247.60
3 377 75-4 13.11 188.52 377-4
4 5'-0 . 102.08 53-'2 255.20 510.40
5 64.78 129.56 194.33 323'89 647.78
6 78.93 t57-86 236.80 394-66 789.32
7 93.51 187.03 280.54 467.57 935.8
8 108.54 217.07 t 325.6f 542.68 1,085.36
9 124.01 248.02 ' 372.04 620.06 1,240.12
10 139.96 279.91 419.87 699.78 1,399.56
We can help to attain the above. All that Is required on your part is the regular
monthly or weekly deposits.
After one of the bloodiest and
most desperate fights that has ever
been pulled off iu, a prize ring,
Battling 'Nelson was defeated Mon
day by Wolgast after 40 rounds of
grueling. Such affairs should not
be attractive to thc American peo
ple, out somehow, ttyeyare.
Mrs. Ed. h. . Stockton has re
turned froiu Los Augelcs, where
she has been speudiug the past
several weeks. While the weather
ias been very pleasant iu that
southern clime during a portion of I
the uay, after 3 o clock p. 111. it
becomes very chilly. She was glad
to return to St. Johns.
The Peninsula Bank
The St. Johns Pharmacy has an
oteresting display in their window
entitled, "The Cause" and "The
Cure." The layout invites the im
pression that the originator either
has a very fertile imagination, or
else has an admirable understand'
sg. The display, however, is very
unique and attractive.
: : lumber: subwood :
X Rough, Prompt Dry,
. Dressed, Dlivrfes. Green,
J 1 FlooriBg,- QiwWy Blocks,
- Fimsb, Guaranteed. Trimraingi
. Phone Richmond 131
Plumbing and Tinning
Pbeae Jersey 91
H. HtNKRSON 2f5 Jttyst
Jttal Estate, Loans, Insurance
1" ... . . - X - ."--- - -
Abstracts at Tkk Prepared. Accurate Work Gttrateed.
V. C. Oryall of Stevens Point,
Wis., is a guest at the hotne of his
brother-in-law, N, A. Gee. Mr.
Oryall is delighted with conditions
in aud around St. Johns, and he
says it is his intention to make this
section his permanent abiding place.
Just now he is ia quest of a suita
ble plot of ground upon which to
cooduct a chicken reach.
Peter Autzen, president of the
Portland Manufacturing Co,, has
(resented the fire department with
100 as a tokea of his appreciation
for the good work done by the de-
Eirtmcnt at tke recent -tire. The
ortlaad Wool a Mills Co. has also
presented the boys with enough fine
cloth to outfit the entire department
with regulatioa shirts. Both gifts
are greatly appreciated by the fire
Wosbiagtou't birthday was ush
ered iu Tuesday iu rather a cold
aud breezy way. Snow fell tke
greater part ef the day and the
temperature got daws to a rather
chilly degree. Asa celebration of
the wiater spent at Valley Forge it
would have prayea quite a success
Kxcepting the banks, postoffice,
public schools, and recorder's office,
which observed' the day by closing
shef), little heed was given to the
day. Meet people believed, appar
eatly, that siaoe George did ' not
celebrate his ewa birthday by lay
iig aside aunual labor, they had
ae geed rssisa far se deiag.
Got I375. I can put yeu iu a
good'hosac. Balance any reasonable
terau. S. C, Cook, Ceuteat Bleak.
it lias been learned that some
arge manufacturing plant will he
constructed on the site of the ve
neer works which was destroyed
by fire last week, but the nature of
the proposed new plant has not
altogether been determined. It
may safely be assumed, however.
that it will in no wise be inferior to
the one destroyed.
The Grace Church Male Chorus,
together with the church quartet,
will give a grand concert Wednes
day evening, March 2, at Grace
Methodist church, nth and Taylor
streets, Portland. Those who have
heard this noisy bunch of boys
should not fail to hear them this
time, as they have something new.
Price of tickets 35c, See Perkins
at Hendricks' Hardware store.
Be Loyal to Your Home Town
Your home town cannot do without you. Your Irome merchant cannot do without your
trade.- Wc feel that we are entitled to your business aud we are doing just ns much to merit it as
we know how.
Wc spare no pains to bring together for your selection the choicest assortment of the various
lines we handle. Wc believe that wc can please you but if we do not have iu stock just what you
want wc will gladly get it for you aud wc are confident we can save you money on evciy purchase
you make iu our store.
Wc stand back of everything wc sell. If it is not satisfactory, re
turn it and get your money back.
Wc arc agents for tho Ladies' Homo Journal Patterns.
Opposite City Hall.
Phone Jersey 972.
Oscar P. MasoH of St. Johns
underwent an operation for chronic
appendicitis on Monday at at. Viu
cent s hospital. Mr. Mason was
meut of the Portland Manufacturing Jf
exposure and over-exertion incident
to the fire aggravated bis old trou
ble, making an operation necessary,
At last reports he was doing nicely
and his ultimate recovery is assured.
$175 will put you in possession
of a modern bungalow on Portland
boulevard St. Johns restricted dis
trict. Six rooms, large living room,
beam ceiling, fine fireplace, electric
lights, best plumbing, corner lot.
Price Iiqo, I7.S down, balance
$15 per month at 0 per cent, See
owser at once 908 f ortiand boule
vard. Don't miss this opportunity
to get a home of your own, aud
have something to show for your
rest money.
Having purchased the grocery stock, fixtures and good will of J. F, Hen
dricks on Burlington street, I solicit a continuance of the trade accorded the store
in the past and invite the general public to visit my place of business and get ac
quainted with the prices and quality of goods I carry.
Being thoroughly familiar with the grocery business, I will at all times
keep an uptodate stock of staple and fancy groceries, and if courtesy, fair dealing
and honest treatment have any merit it will in all cases be accorded to all. Nor
wegian patronage especially solicited.
Succtsior to J. F. Hsndricks
111 West Burlington Street
A vonnf man can have coniforta-
f Minimum iimiumiiimh