St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, February 25, 1910, Image 2

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Published Every Friday
At 117 Weit Burlington Street.
Tint Rkvirw in entered at post office
In Saint Johns, Oregon, as mail matter
of the second class under the Act of Con
gress of March 3, 1879.
Job Printing iisenUd In flrst-elsis s.jls.
tltll. aw JTaW Ilfitln ft.h All !1lVIrT.
All eomraanltstlons should b ddrMd to
TBS Bsttsw. Rt. jorniK. oreton.
AdTtrtlila rstM, (1.00 per Inch ptr month.
All idttitliln bill! prtl flrt of eeh
OffleUl Hnrtpspsr of tt City of Bi. fskaa.
Subscription prloe $1.00 per year.
I shall be nn IndmkniI!NT Can
didatc for the ofTicc of City Attor
ncy for St. Jolnis, Oregon, for the
cnstilntr term. My platform shall
be "Strict adherence to my oath of
office, if elected." Absolutely no
other nlcucc to nny person or party,
If any man says differently, demand
his proof. Geo. J. Perkins, Alt y.
Council Meeting
Owing to the fact that Washing
ton's birthday came on Tuesday,
no letral business could be trans
acted, nntl therefore council simply
met and adjourned to meet the fol
lowing night. All members re
ported for duty Wednesday night,
but the grist of municipal business
before the body was very scimpy.
Next mouth will make up for the
less busy sessions, ns preparations
for street and sewer work will be
under way aud many long sittings
will ensue as a consequence.
After the minutes of the previous
regular meeting were read and np
proved, the nutter of delinquencies
on the widening of I'csscuueti
street was discussed, nud it was dc
cided to give them one more week
to "dig up," after which they will
be dealt with in the regular legal
manner. Council is desirous of
pushing the improvement of this
street nlong ns fast ns possible, but
work is delayed 011 account of slow
pay 011 the part of some whose
benefits exceeded their damages ns
per viewers' report. Notice to the
delinquents appears in this issue,
and those interested should not fail
to read and heed the announcement.
The proposed churter amend
ments were adopted by resolutions
and will be printed In pamphlet
form . and a copy mailed to each
On motion of Councilman Cook,
eight fire hydrunts were ordered
placed on Fessenden street. As
the water company have to order
their pipe for the main from Vlr-
2d Hand Motors for Sale
One 3-hp General Electric, 60
cycle, 1800 R. P.M.J 220 volt, 3
phase induction motor. Price $50.-
75- ...
One 2-hp General Ulcctric 60 cy
cle, 1800 R. P. M., 220 volt, 3
phase induction motor. Price 144.
Two i-2-hp General Klectric 60
cycle, 1800 R. P. M., 220 volt, 3
phase induction motors, $28.50
Two i6-hp General Klectric, 60
cycle, 1800 R. P. M., no volt, sin
gle phase induction motors, $18.50
One i-8-hp ISmetson, 60 cycle,
1150 R. P. MM 115 volt, single
phase induction motor, $n.6o.
"The one-six and one-eight-hp
machines will run 011 lightning
One 3-hp Northern direct current
motor, 500 volts, 1300 R. P. M.,
$45.00; or will rewind for 250 volts
to run 011 the underground district
in Portland, for
Wc also have a number of other
second-hand motors for sale, or wc
can furnish new machines at right
Give us a call at cither 418 N.
Jersey street, St. Johns, or 302
Commercial Block, Portland. Co
lutnbia Klectric Engineering Co.
A good St Johns house and lot
for a Portland home. A block of
vacant land in St. Johns in ex
change for good house nud two lots.
A lot with small house in exchange
for team. Will pay difference. St.
Johns property for 54 acres good
laud on Willamette river close to
market. A good lot for good team.
Will pay or take difference. Stock
and farm implements for n good
home in St. Johns. St. Johns prop
erty for ij good 20-acre orchard
close to Salem. Good, barn,
etc. This is n snap. To trade
small house in Oak Park for closer
in property; will pay difference.
We want some small inrms in ex
change for St. Johns property. Wc
have 50 acres good level laud at
Mollala Station to trade for nice
home in St. Johns. Good trade in
this. 154 ncres, house bam, stock
and implements, orchard, close to
smalt town, to trade for St. Johns
property. 5 acres close to Portland,
to trade for St. Johns property.
Have calls for houses to rent.
NOW IS TUB TIMH for you to
save money. Then Adversity can
have 110 terrors. The First Nationul
Dank pulls the fangs from Adver
sity's jaws. It issues Time Certifi
cates of Deposit. it
Save PART of the money you make
and put it in the bank. Put just five dol
lars a week in our bank and in twenty-five
years this sum and the interest on it will
be a snug fortune.
We will pay you three per cent Interest
on the money you put In our bank and com
pound the interest every six months.
Fessenden Street
All owners of property assessed
for the -opening of Fessenden
Street are hereby notified that said
assessments must be paid to the
CHy Recorder on or before five
o'clock p. m. March 2, 1910, to
save costs. A. M. ESSON,
The Willamette Four rendered
some fine vocal music at the Klectric
Theatre Tuesday evening. The
addition of this attraction was quite
pleasing to the many patrons of
the theatre.
In possession of n
modern Bungalow
on Portland Boulevard St. 'Johns' re
stricted district. Six rooms, large
livingroom.bcam celllng.finc fireplace,
electric lights, best plumbing, corner
lot. Price I1950, f7S down, balance
$15 per month at six per cent. SKB,
OWNER at once 908 Portland boul
evard. Don't miss this opportunity
to get a home of your own, and hove
something to show for your rent
Baby Hands
will get into mischief often it
means a burn or cut or scald. Ap
ply Ballard's Snow Liniment just ns
soou as the accident happens, and i
thc-Daiu will be relieved while the
wound will heal quickly and nicely.
A sure cure for sprains, Rheuma
tism and all pains. Price 25c, 50c
and $1.00 a bottle. Sold by North
Bank Pharmacy.
How Is Your Title?
as per announcement on page
turcc, Uco.J. Perkins has announced
himself as an Independent candidate
for the office of city attorney. Mr,
Perkins is so well and favorably
known here that comment is un
- o
The proposed charter amend
ments will soon be in the hands of
the voters for their consideration.
Have your abstracts made, con-
Untied or examined by Peninsula
Title, Abstract and Realty Co., II.
Henderson, manager. Accurate work.
Reasonable fees. Comont Block
building, Jersey street.
"For, That Terrible Itching.
St. Johns, Oregon
Eczema, tetter and salt rheum
keep their victims in perpetual
torment. The application of Cham
Pamphlets containing all the changes bcrloiu'rt Salve will instantly allay
submitted will be mailed to each this itchiiiir. and' many cases have
voter in order that they may vote been cured by its use. For sole by
intelligently upon same April 4th. all good druggists.
very JSJfc .
MlUMt It n MTMWf. m M, MM Ma
Our line of Brown's high grade wash boilers, guaranteed
not to rust, prices from $150 to 3.00
Our spring Hue of wall paper will be here soon, the RIGHT
The policy of this store is-r-"Wc give you what you ask for."
If wc do not curry in stock the article YOU wish wc will get it
for you regardless of cost to us
What we want is not only customers but Pleased Customers
At the Congregational church,
corner of Ivanhoe and Richmond
streets, there will be preaching ser
vices suuaay at ti a. m. and 7:30
p. m. Sunday school services at
10 a. 111. Young peoples' mcctinc
at 0:30 p. in. All welcome. G.
W. Nelson, Pastor.
The St. Johns Protective Assoc!
lotion will affirm Monday evenintr.
February 28, at Bickner's hall, that
the voters should vote out the sn
loons at the April election. All
who wish to deny will be given a
respectable hearing. Special
ic. Committee.
Rare bargain Fine six-room
house, well finished, concrete base
ment, lot 100x100, perfectly level,
nicely fenced in. fruit.'flowcrs, etc.,
splendid view of the river, wcl
located. Can be purchased for half
cash, balance on easy terms. For
particulars, call at the Review
Do YOU mortgage your next
pay-day by spending all you get
this week? 'Tis a sorry way. The
First National Bank knows a better
one. rays 3 per cent nnu issues
mus- Time Certificate of Deposit. it
Hendricks Hardware Co.
Bungalow, Ready to be Occupied
Stop Paying Rent, You can buy it for $950!
Reasonable casji payment down, balance monthly. Proper! located half block away from grammar school; one and
one-half block from car line; onc-hntf block from new Catholic clinch and school nud one-half block from Portland boulevard with
its cement sidewalks leading to the business district of St. Johns.
J. R. Johuson will preach at the
Christian church Sunday evening
from the topic: What is Heaven.
On the following Sunday evening
he will give his audience an address
Ion Hell. These are topics that
should, interest ull. for sometime
all will go to one place or the other.
All are therefore cordially invited
to attend these and all other scrvl-
Ices of the Christian church.
All klada of laundry work done
promptly. Rough dry washing
senta. per pound. Calls made for
laundry at any place. King us up
Phone Rich. 891, Rt. Johns Laun
dry. Churchill Brosproprletors.
Offices t E. St. Johns Sta., 41 Hamilton Building, Portland
Phones: Richmond 601 Main 4915
W. C. T. U. ITEMS.
giuiu, it will be several mouths be
fore these hydrants will be installed.
This was a good move on the part
of council, however, as the enter
prising citizens along Fessenden
street are very worthy of good lire
On motion of Councilman John
son a vote of thanks was extended
to the chief of the Portland fire dc-,
partment and the crew of the fife '
uoanoriue very ame assistance i y)fra of her We. Those who
mey rendered at tlie lire Monday , kc , e((rl t0 aUellli this
night of last week.
Council's attention having been
called to the fact that the I.utitlim
Mercantile Co, was violating the
provisions of the fire restrictions,
the fire committee was ordered to
investigate same.
we desire to announce to our
friends mid patrons that on or
about March ist wc will remove to
our new locution on Burlington
street, which is now being placed in
first class condition, Our already
large stock will be increased and
we will be in position to serve the
public with greater facility and dis
patch. livery line wc carry will
be fully up-to-date as heretofore,
aud the prices as low as the lowest.
I.authers Mercantile Co,
Worn Out
That's the way you feel about the
lungs when you have a hacking
cough. It's foolishness to let it go
on and trust to luck to get over it,
when Ballard's Ilorehouud Syrup
will stop the cough and heal the
liiugs. Price 25c, 50c and I1.00
per bottle. Sold by North Bank
A Snap Victor talking machine
aud outfit for sale at Salmoud Bros.
The Prances H, Willard memorial ser
vires held at the Christian Church Pel).
31, mid Riven under the auspices of the
W. C. T. U. of St, Johns, was a success.
There was a good ntteutUiice aud a good
offering brought In from various churches
to help put this erll out o( our homes,
for which Mi Willard kvc so many
did not
jtuUtcd hearing Mime vexg iuttresting
Mrs. Scott, the president of the Union
gave a talk alone the Due of what has
been uccoumli.hed through the noble
work scartcd by Prances 1, Willard
some ol them are as follows: 10.000
Uuluus in the United States;
women ami 300,000 children iu the
United States that are not ashumed to
wear the white ribbon and ready to carry
I lie banner o( truth nud right whereter
they luiKht be called to do so.
Mr, James Donaldson's talk on "The
l'resent Day Outlook (or Temperance
Reform" was full of points of interest
Among them which is of. great note, is
that Suuduy school temperance lessons
that are being used several Suudays
during the year is due to Prances If. Wit
lard; also that the time has come that
instead of the schoolhouses aud churches
being moved away from these places of
evil, they arc taking the place of the
saloons, and saloons must go. Wc do
not have to go far to note this change,
Idaho has sj counties aud 14 arefrtp from
this evil. May this good work that one
l'ruuces It. Willard, who devoted all of
the rich strength of her life, coutiuue to
In the year 1905 the Illinois legislature
voted to place In Statuary Hall iu the
nation's capltol building at Washington,
L). C. the statue of Miss Willard, the
first aud only woman thus honored,
Press Cor.
M. E. church notices: Sunday
50019:50 a. tn. Subject, False
and True Discipleshio: public wor
ship ti a. tn.; classmeeting 12:150.
in.; junior league 3:00 p. m.; lip-
worm League 0:30; topic,, How to
Work; evening seryice 7:30; prayer
meeting Thursday 7:30: choir prac
tice 8 no p. tn.: Boys' Brigade
rrlday, 7:30. The public cordially
invited, rrant Sandifer. pastor.
Utile Johnnie Oleson was in at
tendance on his first day at school.
rtt m a a.
1 ue teacner asiced mm wnat was
name. "Yonny Oleson," he re
plied. "How old are you Johnnie?'
"Ay don't know how old ay bane,
-IA..II IfltttltltA Illh.H I A r A .inn
Five cood things you cau net at
bCAMts & (JUKTV, Grocers:
t. Courteous treatment,
2. Good goods.
3. Low prices.
4. Quick service.
5. Accommodation
Cedar Park and IiastSt. Johns,
A Snap Victor talking machine
and outfit for sale at Salmond
Subscrlbo for the Tologram boat
evening paper on tho coast, See
Ed Stockton.
Preach the goipl of St Johns.
Feb. 24,
Dear Friend:
Do you like cheese? I like
cheese when it is good cheese.
I will tell you how I like
cheese. I like a piece of
cheese with a piece of pie '
when I get nearly through. , v
Papa says cheese makes his
coffee taste better, and his
cigar when he smokes. UntiL
I went to the grocery store "
I didn't know ,how many
kinds of cheese they hadi ( .
Cheese for 22 cents a pound;
brick cheese for 25 cents a
pound, and Swiss cheese for
30 cents per pound. )Ve
also bought another box of
fine apples for $1.50.
Your friend,
P. S.Thc things were
bought at
Muck Mercantile
Phone, Richmond 8a t
For Rent
The store now occupied by
the Lauthers Mercantile Co.
D. C. Rogers
214-215 Board of Trade bldg.
I have some money to loan,
Amounts from $300 to $1000 at 8
per cent int. Real estate security.
420 Jersey St., 303 Portland Boule.
Apprentices wanted at the Voeue
On Feb. 26 Gen. Comptoti, W.
R. C, of St. Johns, will give an
entertainment at Portsmouth. There
will be u camp-fire from 3 to
5. The old boys (und old girls)
will relate some of their amusing
experiences during the war, and
will sing wur time songs, This is
free to every one and the public is
cordially invited to attend. A warm
sunper will be served from 5 to 7;
price 25 cents.
A fine musical and literary pro
gram has been prepared for the I
evening, free to those who have
bought supper; others will pay 10
ce Us. Come out and help a good
cause. Mrs. Harriet Mills, Press
Girl Wantcd-Houscworlr. sm.ll Lb2r"?'' "v tane bc .t
f.mll" n.n Sff,,l .,. ' 1 H UIIC aicp UlUllCr. 1 UC
A Sunn VlVfnr tollrlnrv ni.ol.ln I innt "
auu outfit for sale at Salmond
geography class will take their plac
es aud little Johuuie may eat this
Wanted- Man to do several dajra
work urouud a yard. 440 Chicago
On behalf of the St. Johns Fire
department, I desire to publicly ex
press our sincere thanks to the
Portland Woolen Mills Co. for
generously presenting the depart
ment with enough fine material to
furnish each member with shirts,
and also to Peter Atitzen for a cift
of 1 100. The gifts were greatly
appreciated by all, aud the kind
uess and generosity of the donors
will ever be gratefully remembered
by the department
Chas. Bredeson, Chief.
For sale or trade Grocery store.
. 1 . mt. ...
locaieu at 334 i iitra street, corner
of Market, Portland. New stock;
about $1500 in value. Will sell or
trade for St. Johns property. Mv
business requires my presence in
St. Joints to such an extent that I
canuot give the grocery business
the attention it requires. P. T.
'eterson, phone Main 5851. or
Review office.
Mrs. Berry, 519 Tioga street,
wants work by hour or day at home
or away from home. 2t
An aviator meet that promises to
be of widespread interest will be
held at the fair grounds, Portland,
March 5, 6 and 7. Several of the I
"air boats", that took part in the
Los Augeles meet recently, will be
on hand, besides a atumber of others,
several valuable prises will be of
fered, A monster crowd from far
aud near will no doubt be in at
tendance. When it comes to keep-
tog up wita tne timts Portland nev
er takee a back seat,
Wanted Some good modern
houses for rent. S. C. Cook, Ceineut
Block, Jersey street.
v-.. ... .Ttl,. ..Tb wriMeof UyiFimby to
Biiu iini miss Susan Galloway, both of St,
mam iu wuni aamt. Just j0hns, took place at the home of
iry 11 Iiwnile. I,),- ltrM'a naivnt. in P..I s.
Have your property lasurtd la the
St. Paul or Northern (Ire taauraace
companies. They are Ue beet. 8.
Ij. Doblo, ageat.
Industry and Thrift are the right
Johns at 5 o'clock, last Sunday
evening. A goodly number of rela
tives and friends of the contracting I
parties were present to wituesa the I
ceremony, which was said by F. N.
Saudifcr. pastor of the Methodist
church in St. Johns. After coa-
and left hand of fortnu. th gratulatious were offered, a splendid
wcaaiBg aiuner was served, special
music was readered by several of
the guests present. The bride is
one of St. Johns most highly re
spected young ladies aad has a
Urge nuttber of friends who wish
herself aud compauios leog aud
happy livee together.
wisely. Tbev will work for voa.
The First National Beak iseues
lime Certificates of Deposit to
savers. it
if "And In Rpft?lring, Thra Special Paints i
We Are Strictly in the
Kitp EvMytMiif PmnnI ii i
First Class Harness Shop
The Wonwa'a Club of Portland
will give an eatertaiaawat at Baa-
galow theatre Meaday evcaiag,
March 14. for free bed at the oaea
air sanatoria!. Tickets caa be I
obtained at the Peaiaaal balk.
Price 1.00. Pint claas take.
Woo Fortune by thriftily saviue
your spending mouey. Then you
can kuow an easeful old aee. The
First National Bank will help vott
and pay you 3 per ceut. it
a cough that has beea kaagiag oal
tor over two aaoatlM by taktag awl-
Ism's Himknyul Svrun If vna I
Wanted To borrow soo for a
rVAPlfV1 SfC..A .7 . m. - . - I
p..Ww4.,VK ywi; -rjr I ot oce wltfc ttiU wo4tlnl rtwsedy. I
for iuiprovenieat of Kw-acre tract Spkadki for coughs, cold o cheat,
icy, waso. r rsi mortgage oa arv trouble. Price iu. tecssd
Flue Blocks
place given as security.
W" this oSce.
Address ti 00.
Sold by North BaakFlur
Ceatnteter arts' BuIMmt
Maaafactarer of Cement Slocks, Flue Blocks. Ceawat Draws TiW
Sewer Pipe, Cement Sidewalks, Steps and Fouadatieas
Ceawnt Mock Buildtag a Specialty.
Pbooe, Drop me a Card or Call at Resideace aad O&ce 646Hartaaa
street, cedar Park, St. Joaas