St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, February 18, 1910, Image 3

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Tolddo.Range guaranteed ten years, laree 18
, in. oven,reg. price $42.00;-Red Tag Price 35.00
Kitchen Cabinet, class doors, revolviutr flour
- bins,;rcg. price $12.50. Red Tag-Pride 16.50 J
Red Tag Price
( (i (i
$10.50 Cabinet
$10.00 "
$14.00 " .
$28.06 Hardwood Cabinet. Red Tiig Price"
$4.50 Treasures, this week - -
, ir-So
Rdmcmber these prices and ask for what you do
a7 rf-TeT ay Si BVS Se
ft 'Sk .BW BY m BfBT BBF m
Portland St. Johns Vancouver
,'.- -,
New Electric Lamp . a
than ,
any carbon filament lamp.
. - . ii-'
than ,tha
r i J. '
' Can ba uaad
Portland Railway Light and Power Go.
147-7111 Street"
Fat quality into the build
lag and you will do wise
k. thing. You, will have a
L better rtructure
t fim e mvc a lot 01 re-,
' pair Will later on. Good
h quality tutorial can be had
at our (tore and you will
not have to pay any more
tlua'at Portland, pivc ui
trial and be convinced.
St. Mms Htrdwart Ca
5 V
- t
CLUMBER: Slabwood. I
A n A TX "T
n A TV -
Deliveries. Green, .
.Fitmh. . OuaraatHa!. Trimmings
Phone Richmond. 131 r 4
K tPMUlM U9yn . W.f
Plumbing unci Tinning
PbMC Jersey 91 St Mat, IfajM
:V:ia iiiiiiiiiMMa
, a I
i HMy rsEiHe. Loans. inMtraiicis
Z. "... Jy. V j A,,.r.t. UrnrlrOuATSBtaad
j -;- laaliaaW aif TTtlf rTTrT ir.. t
Local News.
A Snap Victor talking machine
and outfit for sale at bainiona xiros.
We carry blank books book
keepers' sucoHes. all kinds of
writing material and "Phonograph
supplies. St. Johns Pharmacy.
Mr- and Mrs. W. H. Gregory
have returned from California,
where thev have' soent a very picas
ant winter visiting relatives and.
Mrs. Robertson and daughter
and Mrs. Rodman of California arc
new arrivals in St. Johns, and have'
taken up their resilience in a portion
of Geo. Campling s dwelling.
A citizen complains that the side
walk adjacent to the .First National
Bank is in a very dilapidated con
dition and needs repairing very bad
ly. Referred to the street com
The Peninsula Bank at St. Johns
is to increase its capitiil stock from
125,000 to $50,000. -Tills pioneer
bank will then be one of the strong
est institutions in the- state. Pa
cific Banker.
See the St. Johns Sand and
Gravel Co. for estimate on your
basement or cement and piaster.
We can save you money and make
a Httlefor ourselves. Phone Rich
mond 1571,
A manev cur "with sections of
halt missing in various parts of his
body'is one of the ornaments that
greet the eye of the sojourner along
the public thoroughfares almost
daily. The canine should be gently
laid to rest by the proper authorities.
The Wonan'a Club of Portland1
will give an Mtertainment at Bun
galow theatre Monday evening,
March 14. forree bed at the open
air sanatorium. Tickets can be
obtained at the Peninsula bank.
Price ft. 00. First class talent.
B. W. Simmons has purchased a
quarter block on Chicago street,
near the Baptist church, from
Mnnshcld & Kaemlin. The sale
was made through the agency of J.
S. Downey. Consideration' $1500.
It is likely that Mr. Simmons will
erect a dwelling (hereon in the near
S. O. C. Call has purchased a
residence on Mohawk street, and
will occupy the same in a few days..
He has disposed of his boot nud
shoe repair shop' on Philadelphia
street and will become a traveling
representative for p large Portland
If you desire to take advantage
of advancing the date of your sub
scription at the rate of one dollar
per .year, '00 wis the time to do so.
After April ist the price will be
raised to f 1. 50 per year, at which
time the paper will be eularged., it
la doubt as to just how you 'stand
with your subscription, the label on
your paper will inform you as to
when it expires.
Choose your druggist with the
same intelligent care used in the
selection of your physician. The
ability and integrity of the man
who prepares your medicine is just
as important to you as is the knowl;
edge, skill aud experience of the
man whom you trust to prescribe
it. St. Johns Pharmacy, Jackson
& Thompson, Props. .
The contracts for 'the new Catho
lic church, school and parsonage
have been let. and work will bcein
on the new structures immediately.
The new buildings represent an ex
penditure of about $12,000. Kerr
& Son have secured the coutract.
The buildings will be erected 011
Portland, boulevard aud will be
handsome additions to that part of
the city.
Revival services are beiutr held
at the Free Methodist church, cor
ner of Richmond and Hudson
streets. Rev. B. H. Alberts and
wife, of Seattle, will be present un
til Sunday, February 20. Rev. B,
Winget, general missionary secreta-
t will be present Saturday night,
ebruary 19, and glye a missionary
address. You are cordially iavited
to atteBd.
The Fourth book of .Mose will
be reproduced at the Electric thea
tre SuBday. This is the most in
teresting set of the series thus far
presented, and is of surpassing in
terest. 'The Victory el Egypt"
la the title. The children of Israel
croamsg the Red Sea is vividly por
trayed, and -many other features
that should be of special interest to
persons faniliar with the scriptures.
If you want to see' .something par
ticularly fine, doa't miss this at-
tractioa Sunday. . It will be more
impressive than a SKfiaoa,
, J. S. Downey, the real 'estate
atslT, has aa a4 ia this, issue. Mr,
Dewaey4wu forged rapidly to the
froataad s sow 'esc of our moat
successful realty- men. He has
awdc store sales tban'aay other
dealer la dirt duriag the last three
areata. And he deserves to suc
ceed. . Stkkiag persieteatly at it
whea sales wscc scaroe as aea's
teeth here, he ass buik up a'busi-
asss that he has reasea to feci quite
Coud of. There is Botbiag under
ad or unscrupulous about J. 9,
Kvsrythisg'hc des Is above heard,
sad he has ao reasoa te fear the
wrath of a duped tavestor, Aay
property left hi his beads for sale
will reesive careful atteatloa, sad.
his record proves that be is a aua
wbekaews bow to sell realty,
Apprenticcs"wahtcd nt the Vogue
Wanted. Woman to do general
housework, Apply at this office.
A Snap "Victor talking machine
and outfit tor saie at snimonu uros.
Haywood's Antiseptic Pile Rem
edy will cure or money refunded
St. Johns Pharthacy.
Fo Sale Heavy double harness
in -first class., condition, cheap.
Phone Richmond 4461.
Hobson's Eczema Ointment will
cure you or we-will give your money
back. St.. Johns Pharmacy.
Thos. Gray and wife, of Rose
bush, Mich., were guests of their
old friend, S. W. Rogers, Wednes
Go' $375 I C(in put you in a
good home. Balance any reasonable
terms. a.,u cook, ietiient moot,
Jersey St.
A full and complete line of over
alls of all kinds now on sale at
Noyes Babbitt's gents' furnishing
store, next door to the postofficc.
The Firemen's Athletic club
wilt bold another of their interest
and enjoyable dances Saturday
njght. The usual good time is as
sured". '
Chief of Police Brcdeson had a
bad attack of heart trouble Tues
day and had to be taken" to his
home from the office. He is get
ting along nicely now, however.
The ever in'tcYutliic Passion
Play will be produced at the Electric
theatre tonight, The pictures are
very clear and disiiuct and are of
special Interest to, young and old.
The ladles of the Congregational
church will serve dinner both at
noon and in the evening, Washing
ton's birthday, Feb. 22tl, in Hoi
brook building at corner of Jersey
and Lcavitt streets.
Hans Lagc, one of the men who
has helped to make Hood River
apples famous, was down from the
apple city last week and was a
guest of his old "buddy" W. 1'.
Addlemau a day or two.
The Ladies' Aid Society of the
Evangelical church will give n
social 011 tlic.cvcuiug of March 2d,
in Holbook IUock, corner of Jersey
and Lcavitt 'streets. All invited.
Good program. Admission cither
a nickel or five cents.
The man who spends all he gets',
who lives up to thei whole of his
income, will never get rich, uo
matter how much he saves. Let
the First National Bank help you
to prosperous days. It issues Time
Certificates of Deposit. it
Mayor J. F. Hendiicks has been
tussling with a severe attack of the
grip for the past several days, and
aiding iusubduiRfthc flames at the
fire Monday night did uot tend to
improve lUiatters.very materially.
He Is able to be swiad once more,
Our greatest ambition is to de
serve to be-ybur druggist and sup
ply you and your Home wltu nil tue
needed Sfck Room Supplies as well
as Toilet Requisites and other
goods carried by a high class drug
store. Our Prescription Depart
ment represents the best in duality
and skill. St. Johns Pharmacy,
Jackson & Thompson, Props.
Victor Carlson, formerly a bus!-
mail of St. Johns, having been mau
atrer for Calef Bros, in this citv at
one time, and later associated with
Colvin & Co. in the furniture bus
iness here, died at his home in Al
biua Tuesday after but, two day's
with appeudicitis. He had taken
out a life insurance policy forooo
only n week before his death.
President Peter Autzen. on be
half of the Portland Manufacturing
Co., desires to publicly express
their thauks aud appreciation to
the St. Johns fire department, the
members of the fire bot and to the
manv others who so noblv rendered
their aid and assistance at the fire
Monday uight. Their efforts were
greatly appreciated by the company
and their generous help will long
be remembered.
An attraction that should nrove
of special itlterest to the people of
at. jonns win oc uie appearance ui
At W 1 Till..
inc rovciiy juuviiik riLiuic suuw
at St. Johns skating rink, Sunday
and Monday night, Feb. .20 and
21. The Life of Christ and Passion
Play of Ober-Aminergau. 3500 feet
of colored moving pictures. - Oue
interesting continuous show of two
hours. Admission 25 cents; children
to cents. Doors kopen at 7 p. 111.
Curtain 8:15 p. m.
Win. Kuyath, Mgr.
We are the' leading post-card
dealers in this town. We carry
everything in this Hue. New stuff
arriving daily. St. Johns Pharmacy.
Every great fortune started and
faoH it. foundation laid bv Small
savings. Will you $TART today ?
The First National Bank will help
you fTAKT, , f. . lime uer
tlficates of Deposit. it
Man andBaya' Hata
at mova alan pricaa
Oae hundred "saraDle. hats,
worth $1,00 and lr.25 at the
very ' low price of-. each,'
'All shapes aud shades to
to select from.
! Candy! Candy! Candy!
r-r (in ij
We are sole agents for the noted lines JOHNSON aud
McDONALD, the two best high class confections on the
market.- They arc fresh because we buy direct. All sized
packages from 10 cents up. Once used, always used. Give
it to your girl and you will always give her the same.
Medicines j
We are agents for A. D. S. and Nyal remedies; there
is none better. Not n patent medicine. A formula with
each package.
-I- When you operate a checking account you arc laying the foundation for legitimate
credit. ...
-f- A checking account acts as a barometer on your business aud the malntaiuaticc of such
au account may assist you in securing credit when necessary.
-f- A bank account subject to check Is one of the conveniences of modern business,
It prevents the loss of money by theft, carelessness or accident
It fn
whom paid.
furnishes you with a complete record of payments, showing date, amount nud to
You arc cordially invited to open an account and to avail yourself of all our facilities.
Wc pay 3 per cent interest on Savings Accounts and Time Certificates of Deposit
The Peninsula Bank
Rout. Tukat Platt, President
F. C. KNAi'i', Vice President
' C. A. Wood, Cashier
John N. Em.iti'.siw, Assistant Cashier.
Just Arrived
New and Complete Line of Spring
and Summer Dress Goods
Batiste, Organdies, English Zephyrs, Edlnburg Swiss. Swiss Muslin, Voile Pongee, Trailer
sine, Croxton Cloth, Poplin Camille Veiling, India Silks, Lawns, aud a large assortment of White
Goods. We have also a few pieces of Wool Dress Goods for spring wear at prices that are right.
T -.11. l IT- T.. n .il . .....I Ol-.l.. 1)n1. SZtm.
iuiui-a iiuiiic juuiuui 1 urn-run mm imiuiiciiv wiiyiu uuuit ,
, how on sale.
Ci!.rv n.t.1 C(.. .. TtT.iO. I n.i.l Cl.trla MniH lu tlir.!?
.1 1 .1 a
lime 10 uuy mem, YKV O "
We still have several pairs of Shoes nt reduced prices. $12TE
Opposite City Hall.
Phone Jersey 972.
Having purchased the grocery stock, fixtures and good will of J. F, Hen
dricks on Burlington street, I solicit a continuance of the trade accorded the store
in the past and invite the general public to visit my place of business and get ac
quainted with the prices and quality of goods I carry.
Being thoroughly familiar with the grocery business, I will at all times
keep an uptodate stock of staple and fancy groceries, and if courtesy, fair dealing
and honest treatment have any merit it will in all cases be accorded to all. Nor
wegian patronage especially solicited.
' Sucoior to J. F. Handricks
111 West Burlington Street
I II I II I II I H II II .fawn 7 - '