St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, February 18, 1910, Image 2

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    im 11 : -
PublUhed Every Friday
At 117 Weat Burlington Btreat.
Tub Rbvirw la entered at post office
In Snlnt Johns, Oregon, as mail matter
of the second class tinder the Act o( Con
gress of March 3, 1879,
Job Prlntlof nonUd In ril-eln iljU,
ntlti for Jpb Prlntlnff eatb nn fUtlTsrr.
All eoamnnUktlou skoald b address! to
ns Bmir, flt. ohm. orcron.
Adrtrtlllnr ralM. SI. 00 nr Inch txr month
All sdTtrtlila bills psratl Brit o( each
oaetal Knrrptptr of lis Otty of Si. Jakss.
Subscription prion $1.00
Scientists have discovered a ma
chine with which n fellow can dis
cover whether a girl is in love with
him or not. Still the old fashioned
method is not likely to he abandoned.
W. C. T. U. ITEMS.
The ladies of the Women's
Christian Temperance Union will
hold services next Monday after
noon at 3:30 in the Christian church
in memory of l-rnncis h. Willard,
the founder of the World's Woman's
Christian Temperance Union. An
interesting program will be rendered
and wc cordially invite all to nt
Next Sunday, Feb. 20, will be
observed all over the world as Tem
perance Sunday. There is n tem
perance lesson for all the Sunday
schools, and the churches every
where will observe the day. Our
own dear city of St. Johns will not
fall behind in this.
We desire to announce to our
friends aud patrons that on or
about March tst wc will remove to
our new location on Iiurliiigtou
street, which is now being placed in
first class condition, Our already
large stock will be. increased and
we will be in position to serve the
public with greater facility and dis-
Eatch. IJvery line we carry will
e fully up-to-date as heretofore,
aud the prices 11s low as the lowest.
I.atithcrs Mercantile Co.
2d Hand Motors for Sale
One .vhn General Electric, 60
cycle, 1800 R. P. M.; 220 volt, 3
phase induction motor. Price -150.'
One 2-hp General Electric 60 cy
clc, 1800 R. P. M., 220 volt, ;
phase induction motor. Price $44.
Two i-2hp General Electric fio
cycle, 1800 R. P. M 220 volt,
phase induction motors, $28.50
Two i'6-hp General Electric, 60
cycle, 1800 R. P. M., 110 volt, sin
gle phase induction motors, $18.50
One i-8-lirj Emeisou, 60 cycle,
1150R. P. M., 115 volt, single
phase induction motor, Itt.Go.
The one-six and oue-eight-hp
machines will run on lightning
One 3-hp Northern direct current
motor, 500 volts. 1300 K. 1. ai. ,
$45,00: or will rewind for 250 volts
10 run on 111c underground uisinci
in Portland, for 50.50.
Wc also have a number of other
second-hand motors for sale, or wc
can furnish new machines at right
Give us a call at either 418 N.
Jersey street, St. Johns, or 30a
Commercial Block, Portland. Co
lnmbia Electric Engineering Co.
The door to Wealth is locked
tight. The key that unlocks it is
Insistent, systematic saving. The
First National Bank will help YOU
GET THE KEY. Pays 3 per
cent, interest compounded every six
months. it
Cot 5375- I can put you in n
good home. Balance any reasonable
terms. 5. C. Cook, Cement Block,
Jersey street.
A good St 'Johns house and lot
for a Portland home. A block of
vacant laud in St. Johns in ex
change for good house and two lots.
A lot with small house in exchange
for team, Will pay difference. St.
Johns property for 54, acres good
laud on Willamette river close to
market. A good lot for good team.
Will pay or take difference. Stock
aud farm implements for a good
home In St. Johns. St. Johns prop-
city for a good ao-acrc orchard
close to Salem. Good house, bam,
etc. This is n snap,
small house in Oak Park
in property; will pay difference.
We want some small Inrms in ex
change for St. Johns property, Wc
have 50 acres good level laud at
Mollaln Station to trade for nice
home in St. Johns. Good trade in
this. 154 acres, house barn, stock
and implements, orchard, close to
small town, to trade for St. Johns
property. 5 acres close to Portland,
to trade for St. Johns property.
Have calls for houses to rent.
iu limit;
for closer
REGRETS don't bring money back to
to you when it has burnad up or whan you
have fooled it away. It takea WORK to do
Put your money in our bank and it can t-
burn up, and you won't fool It away.
We will pay you three per . cent Interest
on the money you put in our bank and com
pound the Interest every six months.
'niieiir u et euram mamti iJL
St. Johns, Oregon
We have re-adjusted our prices
to conform to the best Portland
prices in the general drug line, but
wc arc still a little cheaper than
Portland on most household re
quisites. St. Johns Pharmacy.
Feb. 17, 1910.
Dear Friend:
I used to think that corn
was good only when it came
off the cob right fresh. I
was wrong. We had some
corn for dinner today that
tasted real good aud sweet.
Mamma paid ten cents a can
for it. She also bought a can
of fine tomatoes for ten cents
and some awfully fine apples
at $1.25 per box, raised on
their own ranch in Cowlitz
valley aud fine Cowlitz po
tatoes $1.50 per sack.
Your friend,
P. S. The things were
bought at
Muck Mercantile
Phone, Richmond 821
? And in Repairing, Three Special Points i
Wc Arc Strictly in the v
. ' Leather Business
Knp Everythlnf Found in a .
First Class Harness Shop
Novelty Moving Picture Show
At The St. Johns Skating .Rink
Our line of Ilrown's high grade wash boilers, guaranteed
not to rust, prices from $1,50 to $3.00
Our spring line of wall paper will be here soon, the RIGHf
The policy of this store is -"Wc give you what you ask for."
If we do not carry in stock the article YOU wish wc.will get it
for you regardless of cost to us
What we want is not only customers but . Pleased Customers
Hendricks Hardware Co.
New Bungalow, Ready to be Occupied
Stop Paying Rent, You can buy it for $9501
Reasonable cash payment down, balance monthly. Property located half block away from grammar school; one and
ouc-half block from car line; onc-luilf block from new Catholic clinch aud school and one-half block from Portland boulevard' with
its cement sidewalks leading to the husiucss'district of St. Johns.
Offices: E. St. Johns Sta., 41 Hamilton Building Portland s Phones: Richmond 601 Main 4915
Remember, when you want
GOOD meat that Ditgood & Cole's
it the nlace to fret It. An ever in-
I creatine; trade is sufficient testimony
I of the fact that they are giving per
feet satisfaction. -Nowhere elae in
St. Johns or Portland, for that
matter, Is better meat sold. 'The
prices are always just .right and the
meat is ever fresh, pure and whole
some. If you are not a patron of
their market as yet, it will be to
your advantage to give them a call.
A full and complete line of all meats
usually kept in a first clasn market
is always found at .this market.
Courtesy, fair dealing and honest
I weight in connection with the very
best meat the market affords is
what is increasing their trade, in
such a.gratiGnig manner. Call and
place atrial order. Bltgood &
Cole's the place.
Lame Shoulder,
.Sunday" ma Monday Klghts, Mniity 20th md 21st
Passion Play of Ober-Ammergau
3500 Feet of Colored Aloving Pictures. One Inter
esting Contlnlous Show of Two Hours.
Admission 25c Children lOo ,
Doors open at 7 p. nr. Curtain 8: (5 p. m.
WM. KUYATH, Manager
Flue Blocks
Contraetor and Builder ,
Manufacturer of Cement Ulocks, Flue Mocks, Cemeut Dtain Tile, !
Sewer Pipe, Ceqent Sidewalks, Steps and Foundations
. ' Cement Jllock Building a Specialty
Phone, Drop me a Card or Call at Residence and Office 646 Hartmati !
Street, Cedar Park, St. Johns
Worn Out
That's the way you feel about the
luuH when you have a hacking
cough. It's foolishness to let it go
on and trust to luck to get over it,
when Ballard's llorehoiiud Syrup
will stop the cough and heal the
lungs. Price 35c, 50c mid $1.00
per bottle. Sold by North Bank
Unby I lands
A Snap Victor talking machine
and outht for sale at Salmoiu!
Mrs. Berry, 519 Tioga street,
wants work by hour or day at home
or away from home. 3t
Wanted Some good modern
houses for rent, 8. C. Coot , Cement
Block, Jersey street.
You got full weight and first
quality at tho Contra! markot. Just
try It awhile,
Hereafter wc are going to devote
one of our show windows to the
exclusive purpose of displaying
articles with speciully reduced
prices, said prices to remain iu force
ouly while sakl goods are displayed.
bt. jouus l'luruwcy.
O. P. Wolcott has returned from
an extended visit to I.os Angeles,
Cal. He reports the weather
iu that southern clime "flue aud
The Commercial club met Wed
nesday eveuiug, aud the atteuduuee,
while small, spent a very pleasant
evening iu discussing matters of
importance to St. Joints and out
lining plans 'for the future. An
effort will be made to arouse more
interest in the club.
will get into mischief often it
means n burn or cut or scald. Ap
ply Ballard's Snow Liniment just as
soon as the accident happens, and
the pain will be relieved while the
wound will henl quickly aud nicely
A sure cure for sprains, Rheuma
Usui mm all pains, rrlce 35c, 50c
and fi.oo a bottle. Sold by North
Dank Pharmacy,
How is Your Title?
unvo your abstracts made, con
tinned or examined by Penluaula
Title. Abstract aud Iloalty Co., II
llondorson. uinnugor. Accurate work
noaaonablo fees. Coiuont Ulock
building, Joraey streot.
For That Terrible Itching.
Uczema, tetter aud salt rheum
keep their victims iu perpetual
torment. The application of Cham
berlain's halve will instantly allay
this itching, and many cases have
been cured by its use. For sale bv
an good druggists.
We will have lots of pretty Easter
post-cards for the season, St. Johns
' 0
A Snap Victor talkiue machine
aud outfit for sale at Salmoud
Subscribe for tho Telegram bout
ovoulng paper on tho coast. See
Ed 8tockton.
0 v
If you cau find nothing to relieve
you pf your torturous rheumatic
paius, ask for our best cure aud you
will ever be grateful. St. Johus
Proacn the goipol of St. Johns.
Realty Bargains
If you are looking for some
thing in the way of real estate
that is bound to increase rapidly
in value, hut which can be pur
chased at a very reasonable
price just now, call in aud let us
tell you about it. We have a
number of bargains listed, but it
would require too much space to
enumerate them, Furm lauds,
city lots, acreage and river fron
tage are all represented. Don't
wait until some other party picks
them up and theu kick because
you delayed too long. I,et us
show you something good.
Jersey Street.
St. Johns Sand and
Gravel Co.
Osacral Contractor
We are prepared to do auy and
oil kinds of excavating for street
work and other purposes. We
also haudle sidewalk aud build
ing material.
Newton aud Fcsseuden streets
St, Johns, Ore,
Phone Richmond 1571
Have your property insured la the
St, Paul or Northern tire Insurance
companies, They are the best, 8.
Doble, agent.
Clean-up of UKUts' Waists
at 69 cuts mil
Samples, odd sizes, and
odds and ends many wo"rtb
from $1.00 to $1.50. Your
choice while they last at only
.69o aoh
We have just received our
complete line of Spring Waists
and can please you in style,
quality aud prior.
No Credit. No KMt.
Iktltr GakU tor t Monty
This is a common form of mus
cular rheumatism. No internal
treatment is needed. Apply Cham
berlain's Liniment freely three
times a day and a quick cure is
certain. This liniment has proven
I especially valuable for muscular
I ".."a . a a
and chronic rucumattsm. &oia oy
all good druggists,
An ordinance Directing and
Requiring the City Recorder
. to Sell Certain City Improve
ment Bonds of the City ol
St. Johns, Multnomah Coun-
. ty, Oregon, in the sum o
$28,500 In the Dcnomina
Hons of $500.00 Each, and
one Bond in the Sum of
The city of St. Johus docs ordain as
That whereas, under the Provisions of
a cough that has been hanging on the city charter of the city of St. Johns
for over two months by taking W'7r-,rturin.u
lard's Horebound Syrup, If you been filed with the recorder by interest
have a couub. den't wait Stop it I cd parties under said charter, and the
ot once with thhi wonderful remedy, oonumg provmn tnercoi aKgrcgat ng
flAwM fruW tM Asfhut. the sum of ti8,8;o aud for street Ira-
--v- --. 7 v 1 Movements in said city uacl
I influenza, broachitis aud pulmou
ary troubles. "Price 35c, 50c and
tt.'oo. Sold by North BankPhar-aaacy.
Improvement Bonds
, City of St JelMf,
Sealed nronosala will he mcIvA b
the undersigned at his oftcc in the city
halt at St. Johns. Otcnea. until Tmssdav.
March 8, 1910, at si o'ckMk p. as, for
sale at not less than Mr value and accru
ed interest of imprevcaMMt bonds si lite
Whereas, under the said charter, anil
its provUioui, the bond lien docket hss
been made up aud the council is author
ized to issue Its bonds iu denominations
I not exceeding 9500 each, and in all equal
w a loiai awouni 01 uanaiu assessments.
All Marts at kuw4rr' wsrk teaelaud. v
RatftfUy. atcHftdt Cry waahta wnereas, sucn oonas iy urass thereof
aia per senna, uaua bui wnd he navhiin oi.i oni., r
nmriiu suae uviteu states aud bear interest not to ex-
Pbom Rich, Ml, gt, Johns Lawn-lcced six per cent per anuum, payable
Mwi-anauaiij. siu interest to ie evi
denced by coupon attached to said
boMs; Now. therefore:
bi. .- ... . .1 .nswiiui Mi juubi uucs uruain as
tj, ChnrchU krtftian.
city of St, Johns, Ofwten. (the aaaac to be
issued by authority of ofdtnance No.stj
ScAUsfi it Cukty, Grocers:
1. Courteous trtteut.
2. Good goods.,
3. Low prices,
"4, Quick service.
5. AccosmodatioH
Cedar Park and East St, Johsa,
for the whole or any ract 4 twaevy
iiiousauu eiunt Mssswtf
870) dollars,
yauty (fadr
Said bonds will btf iaae4 in
nations of y cash, -nayable ten year I
(rout date, beiuii aennen bonds.- baariM I
six per cent inteeet. parable aemi-M-l
nuallv.and subiect toafl the, BOSHliMana
imposed, directe aM
what is known as '"The
I ia possession of
nsedersi nngslo
tiputeted hjr
HaawroK SMd-l
ng Act," under whssh act, aa amended. I
aid bonds are issued.. . r .1
The ritsht is reserved to reieet anv er I
-1. .11. Mf.0M I
ail UlUJ. A. M. aWIM, I
Recorder for th City at 8i. Joliaa,
Published in the St. Jehne Review
February iSand' ad Marefc 4, 1910.
a PottUad Banleyardr-St. Johns' re
stricted district. Six rooasa, large
HTtngsaisu.bss ceilinjr.fta g real see.
e4ectssc Ufhta, beat ptuaabia, earner
lot. Ptfic tao, $js down, balance
$15 fit wath at ata par seat. SK
OWNKRateace-lt Portland boat-
evard.- Don't asisathia ofineHnnky
to get a besac o yaw own, and have
something to ahaw'for, your rent
Preach Um oaft a at. Jakaa.
That the clfv recorder of the citv of
St. Johns is hereby ordered aud reaulred
to issue $8 bonds of citv improvement
bonds of the city of St. Johns, Multno
man county, uregon, bonds and coupons
properly signed as required by law aud
the charter of said city of date of year
im uue in 10 years from the date of
said bonds; bonds numbered twenty-one,
31. twenty-two. ai. twentv-thrce. 31.
twenty-jour, 24,-twenty-five, 35, twenty-
w, 9, iweniy-seveUk. 37, twenty-eight,
a, twenty-nine. 3Q.
31, thirty-two, 33, tbirty-Urec, 33, thlr-
Z'V,' wwy-nve.
35i thirty-six,
forty, 40, forty-one, 41,
3, laiay-seTtn, 37, thlrty-eiaht.. a8.
khit-iwu, 4, tonyiaree, 43, WVHMir,
441ftrty-aye. 45.fotty-sut.4a, forty-seven,
47. forty-ekht. 48. tortv.Biiie. u. fifiv
y, fifty-one, 51, fty-two,5, fiity-tlsree,
53, Rfty-four.4. fifty five 1 35, fifty-six.
. nfty-eevea. fiftv-eiaht. s. ertv.
en, 77, each to be of the denomination of
joo and bond No. 78, seventy-eight,
to be of the denomination of 370.
That said city recorder do publish notice -ol
the time and place when and where
bids will be received and oacaattfor the
sale of said bonds, which said bonds shall
be sold for the highest price obtainable,
but for not less than par and accrued In
terest, and shall reserve the right to re
ject any and all bids and re-advertise
the sauie,
Pased by tlie council January 4U),
.Approved by the mayor January 4th,
1910.' . " -.
J. F. HENDRICKS, ' ...
Attest ' 7 ' Mayor.- 4-
A. M. ES80N, ' i . l.
Published la the St, Johns RovUw.
Peb. 18, 1910. .
Report of the Condition of the
Liwtoi Sayies iMk
At Linaton in the State of Oeeaon.'sat
the close of buaintss Jan. 3 1st. ioi;v ;
Loans and discounts. . ..,..$,' .
Hanking house, furnitare sHd 4.
r 1 xi u res'
uue 1 row approyea -reserve
on hand ..............
Total ....... V.-....
UAaiurnn -
CapiUl Stock paid im....,,.'
Undivided proflu, .... V. .V
inuiviuuai ueuostu sunioetta
check .-. - iT:t8.c'
Demand cerU&catM of dtfostt 377. IS
- 37ii .
State of Oregon
County of Multnomah
I.'S. M. Mann. CasMer of she above--,
named bank, do soieasalv swear that the
above statement is true to the beet ol wy S -,
knowledge and belief. . i
sk at. asasn, vsinisr. - .
Snbccribad aad "- - mm .-fe
thie7thdayoFe.;ioio: 1 " -t
i.m. Bcnaeter. otarrreHC.
Correct Attest:.
I. Faaak WaAaaa.' .
.C; a; witAr.." -V v.
K'M.ltswp v V
1 35. fifty-six.
wht. .&. fiftv.
ine, 59, sixty, o, sixtyKme, 61, dxty
two, 6, sixty-three, 63, aixty-fonr, 64,
Sixty-five. 6. Slxtv-Six. bC sfxtv-u-rrn
7. sixty-eight, 68, sixty-nine. so. sewn.
ty. to. seventv-oue: n. sevtfatv.tu-n it !
Kventy-three, 73, seventy-four, 74; sev-M - E..C. HUtIsUIRT. 'JCk-,
r"J--.Ji "vk,-s, 7a, seveaiy-sey- 4ao jersey m., 3rrwUaasJ PMkht. r
1 nave MM SMaay ta saaa.' :
Amauals front ta fwMsH t.
per ceat ihl ftau s astafgy, , ,