St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, February 11, 1910, Image 3

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The Wrong Way. See Us
Our Annual
You can find bargains all along the line
and several odd pieces we will close
out below the manufacturer's price
No. 461 1-2 Q. 0. Dresser sells regular $25.50
Red Tag Sale price - - $18.00
No. 385 1-2 G. 0. Dresser extra large rcg. $29.00
Red Tag Sale price - - 21.00
Slo. 104-27 Oak Chef fonlcrreg. price $15.00
Red Tag Sale price - - 11.50
Iron Bed No. 998 extra massive rcg. price $15.00
Red Tag Sale price - - 11.00
$28.00 Chatham Cabinet - - - 18.00
Other Articles Equally Discounted
Chief Mivd
New Electric Lamp
any carbon filament lamp.
than tha
Can be used
Portland Railway Light and Power Co.
147-7th Street
Q I w , x
CJ liit rtHn1Uvtn(ntie hllUd- - ZL.
6 m m
Jng and you will do a wise
Q thing. You will have a
q strongcraml letter itfiicturc
3C at first and aave a lot of x-
pair bill later on. Good
quality material can be had
at our atore and you will
not have to pay any more
than at Portland. Give ua
a trial and be convinced.
St. Johns Hardwire Go
LUMBER Slabwood . 5
Rough, Prompt Dry,
Dressed, Deliveries. Green, J
Flooring, Quality Blocks,
Finish. Guaranteed. Trimmiugs J
Phone Richmond 131
Local News.
If bard up Snow will relieve you
W. B. Rogers of Hood River was
a euest of D. N. Byerlcc last
Mrs. McKeon is spending a few
days with her daughter, Mrs. H.
G. Ogden, at Dayton, Oregon.
Dusty roads this early in Febru
ary Is quite pleasing. Good thing
grouudhogs do not thrive in Ore
Checks to the amouut ot over
$22,000 were cashed by the banks
and business men of St. Johns Sat
urday night. The pay roll in this
city is getting to be something itn
The Eagle dance held in the M.
W- A. hull Saturday night was an
unqualified success. The atten
dance was so large that the hall was
taxed to its utmost capacity. Every
one had a splendid time.
Mnclc Mercantile Co. has come
right to the front with an illustrated
and very interesting series of ads.
It will orove profitable to rcud them
each week, because they are of in
tcrest to all who have provisions to
bnv. Their store carries a full and
complete line of groceries and dry
goods, and If you Have never visited
there yet you should do so without
further delay.
Plumbing and Tinning
213 S. Jtney Stmt Phone Jersey 91 St MM, tajM
H. HENDERSON 205 wst
Real Estate, Loans, Insurance
Abstracts of Title Prepared. Accurate Work Guaranteed.
John F. Portr. of Jamestown, N.
D., made his brother, E. M. Portz
of this city, a very pleasant visit
last week. The brothers had not
seen each other for ten years, and
the meeting was a joyful one.
Building permits are being se
cured at the city hall at an amazing
rate, twenty being taken out up to
February 7th. For January the
total amounted to $10,400, while
January, 1909, showed only $2700.
The Peninsula bank has been
giving some handsome mementos to
its patrons in the shape of orna
mental thermometers, which are
both useful and decorative. The
remembrances arc highly appre
ciated by those who were lucky
enough to secure one.
The contractors on the new high
school have been given an exten
sion of time for completion of same.
The unusually severe winter during
the past three months greatly in
terfered with progress, and it is
likely that some oi the work will
have to be redone on account of the
frost cracking some of the bricks.
One of the tilings badly needed
n St. Johns is an up-to-date apart-
rvent house. There is a crying need
for such n structure, and there is
money in it for the man who sup
piles the want. A cemetery and
undertaking establishment would
also be welcome innovations, al
though the most of us would rather
get along without them.
J. M. Van Rureu and wife of
Port Aneeles. Wash., are snendinc
the week with their nephew, L. N.
Bellinger, and family. Tiiey nave
been visiting a number of the cast-
rn anri Knnllirrti rlflrs. and stnnned
N. I ' r,
off on their way home to visit in
St. Johns, which latter, by tne
way, is very pleasing to uotu 01
F. M. Phillips' smiling visage
was visible upon our streets last
Thursday. He is engaged in the
furniture business in Vancouver,
Wash., where he is making a splen
did success of the business. He
has many warm frieuds in St,
Johns, where he resided for a num
ber of vears. who are clad to learn
that he is prospering so well in his
new location.
We are willinsr to forgive the
weather man for the many mean
and disagreeable things we have
said and thought about his work
the past three months, The beau
tiful weather we have enjoyed since
February made its appearance is
comrensation for what we have
suffered. But if it is not out of
olace. we would ask for a contin
uance of the same for a few days
more at least. P. S. -The above
was written on Tuesday.
A letter received by the editor
from C. W. Potter, formerly a well
known and popular resident of this
city, but now located in Aieatora,
has the following to say: We (Mr.
Goold'a family and my own) are
well and enjoying our ou-of-door
life and work very much. This is
a ereat valley, and Medford is a
wonderful city for one of its size.
The four banks have aggregate
deposits of nearly 2,000,000.
There are more autos owned in and
near Medford than in any city of
its size is the country."
The man who rides his bicycle
morning, noon and sight can pay
for a $3,500.00 home when be is
fifty years old with the street car
fare be saves. The First National
Bank will explain this. It issues
If you want n few dollars sec
E. B. Russell of Portland has
been added to the clerical force at
the First National bank.
The Electric tneatrc will pre
sent an entertainment of special in
terest Sunday. Do not fail to see it.
Got $375. I can put you in a
good home. Balance any reasonable
terms. S. C. Cook, Cement Block,
Jersey St.
The H. C. Roe and O. P. Wol
cott buildings on Jersey street are
practically completed and will be
occupied in a few days.
A 500 party was held at the home
of City Attorney H. E. Collier last
evening. About 35 persons were
present and a most enjoyable even
ing was spent.
The Buster Brown Shoe Sale is
still on at Cobb's. If you haven't
supplied your wants in this line,
don't delay, for the Sale prices will
only last a few more days.
Crossings have been placed by
the street committee during the
past week at Baltimore, Chicago
and Tacoma streets, and the travel
ing public is now offering up thanks.
Wc have several houses for sale
that wc will accept a lot as first
payment and let you pay balance
monthly. If on the buy or trade,
call us up or come and sec us. Mc-
Kinney Davis.
The Portland hotel changed
hands Tuesday, Norman Bros, of
Spokane being the new proprietors.
The price paid was in the neighbor
hood of one million dollars. Ex
tensive improvements are planned
by the new owners.
Prrwnoritv is the result of mil-
deutly preparing for its coming.
Prosperity never comes to tnosc
who arc not prepared. The First
National Bank will belt) YOU and
nmnnro vnii for nrntvrltv with
Time Certificates of Deposit.
G. E. Moulton, who was injured
at the St. Johns Lumber company's
mill, and has been in St, Vincent
hospital the past four attd n half
months, suffered the amputation
of a limb below the knee two weeks
ago. He is improving in health
quite rapidly.
The United Artisans arc carry
ing the war Into Africa, or words
to that effect. Last Monday night
they initiated a nice little class of
candidates. After the frisky goat
had been exercised satisfactorily,
they enjoyed a season of social
gauies,a feed and general good time.
Hubert Simmons and Mrs. Mary
Elliott were united in marriage last
Thursday evening, and have taken
up their residence in their handsome
new home on Hayes street wiucn
Mr. Simmons recently purchased
from Thos. Cochran. Both are
well known here and have many
friends who wish them many years
of happily wedded life.
With cement streets on Fess'endeu
street as proposed, it will be up to
the property owners along jersey,
from Richmond to go
and do likewise. Burlington, Jersey
to Hayes, and Philadelphia, Jersey
to Hayes, should also become in
oculated with the same complaint.
Hard surface streets have great at
tractive propensities for the stranger
within our gates. Let the good
work proceed.
M, E. Loy left last evening for
the Malheur oil fields, where he
will personally superintend opera
tions uow under way for the East
ern Oil & Gas Co. Methods will be
adopted to extract the water from
the well and ascertain the true
quautity of the flow. Oil has been
found, but the heavy weigiu ot tne
water keeping it down prevents the
exact capacity from becomeng
- Q
A report was circulated during
the past week that a three story
brick hotel would be erected upon
the corner of Hayes and Burlington
street. Iuquiry has developed the
fact that there is little for credence
in the report. The owner of the
ground, who resides in Portsmouth,
has eiven the matter some thought,
but has not yet decided to erect the
structure. We believe, However,
that a modern and well appointed
hotel would proye a good invest
ment here right at the start, and it
is bound to come in the no distant
The W. S. Lauthers Mercantile
company is having the front of the
..i.j; t I.. ..:.! ...
DUUQing, lunnciiy uvvupicu uy
Thos. Cochran as a livery and feed
barn on Burlington street torn
away, to be replaced by a glass and
corrugated iron business front. The
interior is being remodeled and ai
tered and placed in first class con
dition. We understand that the
company will remove its stock from
the Jersey street location to the
new one as soon as the improve
meuts are completed. The altera
tions will be a decided improvement
j Candy! Candy! Candy!
6 w
We are sole agents for the noted lines JOHNSON and
McDONALD, the two best high class confections on the
market. They arc fresh because we buy direct. All sized
packages from 10 cents up. Once used, always used. Give
it to your girl and you will always give her the same.
We arc agents for A. D. S. and Nyal remedies; there
is none better. Not a patent medicine. A formula with
each package.
The Peninsula Bank
The Capital Stock of the Peninsula Bank
will be increased. April 1st, 1910, from
$25,000.00 to
Wc pay 3 per cent interest on Savings Accounts and Time Certificates of Deposit.
Rout. Thhat Pf.ATT, President
F. C. KNAi'i', Vice President
C. A. Wood, Cashier
John N. Em.iii'.sitN', Assistant Cashier.
M. L. Hoi.iikook, Capitalist F. C. Knwit, Sec. Peninsula Lumber Co.
PitTitit Autzun, President Portland Mfg. Co. R. T. Platt, Piatt & Piatt, Attorneys.
II. L. Powuks, Vice President and Gen. Mgr. Tuos. Cociikan, Contractor.
Lcwistou Laud & Water Co. C. A. Wood, Cashier.
6th Annual Clearance Sale
Co pairs of Misses' Vicl Kid and Kangaroo Calf school shoes, sizes nj4 to 2, up
to I2.35 vnlues, cut to $1.49
40 pairs of Children's Vicl Kid school shoes, slzcsStoii, to $1.75 values, cut to... 1.25
All Ladies' shoes $3.50 values for 3.00, 3.00 values for 3.50
One lot of Selz $4.00 Men's work shoes for $3.50, $3.50 values at 3.00
Wc are making this sacrifice to make room for our stock of Spring and Summer shoes,
soon to arrive.
Ladies' 50 cent Union Suits for 37 cents
Ladies' Fine Ribbed, Fleece Lined, Pants aud Vests, 35 cent to 35 cent val. for 19 cents
Ladies' regular 15 cent cotton for . , . . 10 cents
Mens' $3.00 and $1.50 sweaters for $1.35. Men's $1.25 work pants for $1.00
Especially good values in blankets $1.00, $1.25, 1.50, and 1.75
Opposite City Hail.
Phone Jersey 972.
Having purchased the grocery stock, fixtures and good will of J. F, Hen
dricks on Burlington street, I solicit a continuance of the trade accorded the store
in the past and invite the general public to visit my place of business and get ac
quainted with the prices and quality of goods I carry.
Being thoroughly familiar with the grocery business, 1 will at all times
keep an uptodate stock of staple and fancy groceries, and if courtesy, fair dealing
and honest treatment have any merit it will in all cases be accorded to all. Nor
wegian patronage especially solicited.
Successor to J. F. Hendricks
111 West Burlington Street
Time Certificate of Deposit. 1 1
for that part of Burlington street.