St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, January 28, 1910, Image 2

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Published Every Friday
At 117 West Darlington Btroot.
Tun Rkvihw is entered at post office
in Saint Johns, Oregon, ns mail mnttcr
of the second class under the Act of Con
gress of March 3, 1879.
Prlnttnf ttenttd la flrit-elMi atIt.
rrinunc tun on dtiirerr.
tlllli for Job
All eommnnlestlon ihoold be ddrmiJ to
th Knw, hi. Johni. Oregon.
AdTtrtlilns ralat, 11.00 per Inch per month.
All adtertltln bills prtl flnt of each
OffleUl Vawtpapar of lbs Olty of Bt Jamas.
Subscription prlea $1.00 per year.
The long continued cold weather
of the winter has not line a bad
effect 011 crops, ns might hnvc been
expected, bin has been rather bene
licial to them, according to reports
front different parts of the state.
Fruit prospects throughout the
Northwest arc now the brightest In
years, it is said, the cold weather
holding back the buds so long that
there Is little fear of damage by late
frosts. This is showu particularly
in the apple and pear orchards,
wncrc tnc crop during tile past year
was tlic smallest in several seasons
The snowfall of the winter is said
to have been generally ample to
protect fall sown grain except in
some portions of the Willamette
valley. The snow, too, hns added
moisture to the ground in the drier
The Artisans did it ngaiti last
Wednesday evening. The exem
plifies came over from Arletn and
put on the work in the best manner
ever seen in the city. It took 45
minutes to do the work and there
was not a mistake made by them.
Then followed a feed such ns the
local assembly is noted for giving.
ntid a social time until the witching
hour, before the gay bunch went
home. There was a large class of
initiates and more than a dozen ap
plications to be acted on at the next
meeting. The Artisans of Portland
will make n big demonstration
Feb. when a class of more
thou 3oo wilt be initiated. This
will be followed 011 March 4 by a
fine banquet in the Commercial
Club diner of Portland, when the
new members and those who
secured them will be guests of
A. W. Davis, who hns been for
a number of years one of the most
trusted aud reliable assistants in the
O. R. &. N. Railway department
and who lately has been conduct
ing the office for that company in
St. Johns, has become nssoclated
with that well known and hustling
real estate man, J. S. McKinney.
An office will be opened up in the
fine room occupied by the Portland
General Electric Co. on Jersey
street. The new firm will make a
stroug team. Councilman Davis
has ever been a booster and a
pusher for St. Johns, aud anything
lie could do to further its interests
was cheerfully and enthusiastically
done. Thoroughly reliable in every
respect, no man need fear that he
will get the "worst of it" in any
realty deal he may make througl
Mr. Davis, and we know that he
would rather lose a sate than make
one through misrepresentation or
distortion of facts. Mr. McKinney
has long been a leading and most
successful local realty man. Of an
optimistic nature, the world and the
situation always looks cheerful to
"Jerry." Kven in the dullest
months he is there with "the
goods," and if nny one can make n
sale McKinney can. Therefore,
the combination of these two St
Johns pushers means that the realty
business in St. Johns will take on
an impetus and energy such as it
has not known for some time. A
fine list of property has been listed,
and bargains galore may be found
at their establishment when they
arc ready to do business together,
which will be about February 1st.
Here's hoping that the new firm
will make a grand success of the
business, nnd we have no doubt but
that such will prove to be the case.
The regimental ball given in the
skating rink Saturday evening wns
largely attended nnd 11 splendid time
was enjoyed. The drill teams of
Multnomah, Webfoot, Portland
Prospect, Arleta and Rose City drill
teams gave the bull.
l'ronch the gospol of Bt. Johns.
The regular meeting of the De
mosthcucs Debating Club was held
Friday. Jan. 31. The question for
debate was as follows: Resolved ,
that nn eight-hour working day
should be established in the United
States by law. On the affirmative
were Howard Brice and Theodore
llugbce, while the negative was
handled by Jerome Whislcr nnd
Ralph Carlson. The debate was
exciting from start to finish ns well
as o icof the speakers. The decision
of the judges was in favor of the
negative. Immediately after, an
open discussion of the question was
held, led by two members of the
As the 6 weeks term of the offi
cers had expired, new officers were
elected for the ensuing term as fol
lows: President, Archie Smock;
Vice President, Jerome Whislcr;
Secretary aud Treasurer, Win.
Woods; Reporter, Arkie Anderson.
TfoMKBurtflav; I've fot
my money in the bank,
ste sate.. :
YOUR MONEY WORKS for you too
when it is in our bank. When money works
more for you, you will need to work less.
We offer you a secure place to keep
your money.
We will pay you three per cent interest
on the money you put in our bank and com
pound the interest every six months.
Remember, when you want
GOOD meat that Bitgood & Cole's
it the place to get it. An ever in
creasing trade is sufficient testimony
of the fact that they are giving per
fect satisfaction. Nowhere else in
St. Johns or Portland, for that
matter, Is better meat sold. The
prices are always just right and the
meat is ever fresh, pure and whole
some. If you are not a patron of
their market as yet, it will be to
your advantage to give them a call.
A full and complete line of all meats
usually kept iu a first class market
Is always found at this market.
Courtesy, fair dealing and honest
weight iu connection with the very
best meat the market affords is
what is increasing their trade in
such a gratifimg manner. Call aud
place a trial order. Bitgood &
Cole's the place.
School Patrons.
St. Johns, Oregon
The new school term beginning
Feb. 7. iqio, we should like you to
take notice of the following resolu
tion adopted by the board: "Chil
dren who have not attended school
will not be admitted into the first
primary grade after the second
week of the term."
Parents having children to enter
will do well to sec the principal of
either building Mouday, Jan. 31, or
during that week. Kindly attend
to this matter early.
Chas. II. JJoyd,
Every Mother
Too Aluclt Face.
R. Gradeii is adding a kitchen to
his residence on Mohawk.
You look as if you had one face
too many when you have Neuralgia.
don't you? Save the face, you may
need it; but get rid of the Ncuraldn
bynpplying Ballard's Snow I.ini
incut. Finest thing iu the world
for rheumatism, neurntgia, burns,
cuts scalds, lame back nnd all
pains. Sold by North Hank
IlrliiK In your Job printing whllo
you think of It. Don't wait until you
nro entirely out. Wo uro ouulppod
to turn out nout and tasty printing
promptly at Portland prices or loss.
I Five Reasons For Fall Painting
1. The wood is thoroughly dry.
a. 1'alnt penetrates deener hi
The Cheerful Liar That Mad a Fool
of tha Qrand Monarch.
Louts XIV. was taken Id once Id a
moot humiliating way aud by 11 11 Im
postor whose ouly nrt was lying. In
1007, just after ho bad returned from
otio of his most dazzling military suc
cesses niralnst the Dutch. Louis lo
Grand received word thut uu embassy
from Persia had JUat landed at Mar
seilles cd route to the French court to
bring salutations aud presents from
tho sbab. Pleased that bis fame
Bhould actually have ruu around tbo
world, ho sent word that all tho towns
od the way from Marseilles to Paris
should feto tho ambassador.
As a result the Journey to Paris was
a march of triumph. Children sang
and (lowers were strewn along the
way. Arrived at Torls, several regl-
meutfl of tho Swiss guard met tho
shah's representative nnd escorted him
to a magnificent suit In the old palace
of tho Tullcrlcs. Louis sent no less
a person than tho Due do Illchcllcu to
wclcomo tho potcntato and Invite him
out to Versailles to a special reception
In tbo hall of mirrors.
Tho ambassador presented himself
as Illza Boy of tho Persian court and
after showing his credentials ad
vanced to kiss tho hand of Louis lo
Grand and givo him tho shah's con
grutualtlous on his recent victories.
A caravan of presents from his Im
perial sovereign wcro on tbclr way
and would arrlvo in Paris In a fow
days, said tho ambassador.
Festivals followed nt Versailles. The
bey recolvcd magulflccut presents from
Louis and royal entertainment II 0
lounged gracofully on divans at tbo
Fruueb court and smoked In Persian
languor, tic gavo tho grand tnonarquo
a few fragments of opal and turquoise.
saying that they eamu front a Persian
district bordering on tbo Caspian sea.
Tbo woods thcro wcro full of them, ho
explained, aud ho offered to dlvldo
with franco had planted tho French
flag there already, as It wcrot
At Inst the day came for tho formal
presentation of tho shah's gifts, nnd
on that morning early Ulza Itey melted
Into spnee. Ilo was never seen or
hoard of again. lie had, as rouio one
said, "gono glimmering through the
d renin of things that wcro." The
gems thnt bo bad left wero worth. If
anything, about 15 cents npleco, being
glass. Now Vork Tribune.
Don't fail to sec our Linoleum
and Matting before buying else
where. Salmond Bros.
One-half million dollars seeking
investment in St. Johns. Bring iu
your bargains. S. C. Cook, ce
ment block, Jersey street.
Burglars almost NEVER trouble
the man who is KNOWN to keep
his money in n bank. The First
Nntional Bank offers safety to you
with Time Certificates of Deposit.
Do you get paid by the month?
Take something from the pay check
and put it in the First National
Bank. It will grow there. Interest
is compounded every six mouths
there. it
All kinds of laundry work dona
promptly. Rough dry washing 8
conts per pound. Calls made for
laundry at any place Ring us up
Phono Rich. 091, St. Johns Laun
dry. Churchill Bros.,proprletora.
Salmond Bros, hnvc got a bar
gain for you in Clothes racks aud
Ironing boards.
Mrs. Geo. Campling left Wednes
day evening for Los Angeles, Cab,
where she will remain until June
with her daughter, Miss Stella, who
is taking a course in a Normal
school there. George promises to
be good while his better half is
T dry wood,
3. l'nu weatner is warm, dry,
4. Wet weather decays unpro
tected surfaces.
5. l'nll painting keeps out wint
er moisture.
Acme Quality Taint & I'inlihes.
Saa us. We havethe"Qeeda"
is or should be worried when the
little ones have n cough or cold.
It may lead to croup or pleurisy or I A Fine
pnctimouin, then to something more
serious. Ballard's Horchouud Syrup
will cure the trouble at once and
prevent any complication,
by North Bank Pharmacy.
Point In Equity That Navar
Was Dacldad.
An old tlmo story of tho lino points
of law nnd equity which nroso In car-
ei.i 1 ryuig out an amicubio coutract is tola
a iuo I'uuaucipum iiccoru. xuero
wcro four brothers who had Inherited
11 storngo warchouso from their father.
Ho hnd divided tbo property equally
among thorn.
Among the uppurtonancca was a cat
a duo animal, ozecllcut for mousing.
This, too, was divided, tbo eldest
brother owning tho right front quar
ter, tho socoud brother tho left front
The undersigned desires to thus
publicly extend her sincere thanks
to the W O. W. and neighbors and
friends who so kindly lent their
assistance and sympathy during the Quarter and tho younger brothers the
death nnd bur al of her be oved lwo "luu i""
Nat tha lakel
an yaur aaaer.
Mrs. W. Penny.
Put in Jail
If you arc tired of paying rent
If yon want to own your own home nnd pay for it on the easiest ternis--scc us at
once. We want to build a few more houses for residents and will make prices and
terms to suit.
Less than a year oro we started to clear the timber at Hast St. Johns. The
mprovements made the past year is but a fraction of what will be made the com
ing year. If you want to Ret in on the Rround floor, now is (lie time.
unices : t. m. Johns Ma., 41 Hamilton Bhhj., Portland Phones: Richmond 601
Main 4915
very accurately describes anyone s
feelings who is confined to the
house with an attack of rheuma
tism, lumbago, stiff joints or mus
cles. Ballards Snow Liniment will
cure the trouble, relieve the pain
aud make you as supple as a two
year old. Sold by North Bank
How is Your Title?
well known
been engaged
iu the
Chas. Moycr, the
Chiunmaii who has
iu the trucking business
il a
norm ctm lor several years, guve a
splendid turkey and oyster dinner
last Sunday in honor of the visit of
n son of the Chinese Consul, who,
by the way, is a cousin of Chiu ley's.
Two Chinese ladies from Portland
Cured of a Severe Atlnck of Urou
chilis by Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy.
"On October i8th, last, my little
three year old daughter contracted
u .severe cold which resulted iu u
bad case of bronchitis," said Mrs.
were present ami niso me louowing y. tf. Gibson, Lexington, Ky.
bt. Johns people: C. A. Wood, "She lost the power of speech coin
wife and two children, 1 F. Hdlef- pletelynud was a very sick child,
sen, wife aud daughter, John N. Fortunately we had n bottle of
uuiciseii aim wue, ami .miss Anna Chamberlain's Cough Remedy in
Ryan. The dinner was nn elegant the house nnd gave it to her uccord
one, und none of the trimmings ing to the printed directions. On
Have your abstracts made, con
tinued or oxamlnod by Peninsula
I Title. Abstract and Realty Co., H. I
Hondorson, managor. Accurate work.
Reasonable foos. Comont Block
building. Jersey street.
For Rent- Small 2-room house.
cheap. Coll 515 No. Hayes Street.
were omitted. Charley fully demon
st rated the fact thut he knows how
to prepare a feast of a high order.
The party enjoyed themselves im
mensely and report a most pleasing
A fire iu the smnll brick furnace
room at the rear of the First
National bank at the noon hour
Wednesday attracted u huge crowd
in less thuii no time, The fire lad
dies were there with both feet
and the fire apparatus in jig time
and soon had the blnze effectually
squashed. The conflugratiou'started
- from having n pile of kindling too
near the furnace, aud when the
Oregon mist hud been extracted
therefrom by the heat the wood
began to burn. The damage done
wus but slight.
Mrs. Kdwiu S. Miller of Fort
land is forming vocal classes in St.
Johns on Wednesday afternoons
and evenings. For particulars call
phone Richmond 331 or cull at 310
West Johns street after 1 p. in.
Mrs. Miller is the soprano soloist in
the Taylor street M, P.. church,
and for years has been identified
with the prominent vocal teachers
of Portland.
Pay your subscription.
the second day she was a treat deal
better, uud on the fifth day, October
23d, she was entirely well of her
cold and bronchitis, which I nt
tribute to this splendid medicine.
I recommend Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy unreservedly, ns I have
found it the surest, safest and
quickest cure for colds, both for
children and adults, of any I have
ever used." For sale by all good
A Great Piano Lesson
To introduce outselves to the
music loving people of St. Johns.
and get our work started at once,
we make the following remarkable
Our first ten pupils takimr be
ginning lessons will each be given
fifteen lessons for $.s in advance
Regular prices 50 cents nnd $1 per
lesson. This olfer will not be eood
ufter February 15,
bt. Johns Piano School,
Conducted by
Mrs. I.illie Wells Carey,
ooj Fesseuden Street.
Smart, Plain or Fancy Gowns
Familiar with all the latest patterns. You can obtain
the pattern of any design cut by the S. T. Tailor System
Perfect Tit and Easy to Execute
French Block ... St. Johns
Subscribe for tbo Telegram best
I evening paper on the coast. See
Ed Stockton.
Have your property Insured In the
St. Paul or Northern fire Insurance
companies. Tbey are the best. S.
L. Doble, agent.
An idle dollar, like an idle field
or an idle mau, produces nothing.
Have you any idle dollars? Put
them iu the First National Bank.
They work there. 3 percent, it
oooaooooaooaooaoo oo000aoao
Flue Blocks
Contractor and Builder
.Muiituaciurer ot L'ement Blocks, Flue Blocks, Cement Drain Tile, !
bewer Pipe, Cement Sidewalks, Steps and Fouudatious
Cement Block Building a Specialty
Phone, Drop me a Card or Call at Residence and Office 646 Hartman !
Street, Clar Park, St. Johns
You got full wolght aud
luullty ut tbo Central market.
try It awhllo.
H jssjqssasj yroasj
If you want to buy, rent, sell or
exchange property see Wolcott,
(The Rent Man.) St. Johns Office.
401 South Jersey. Portland Office,
no, ana street, t'liones: Main 174.1
A 1743.
All our meats are government In
spected and the best that money can
buy. They are neatly and careful
ly handled. Come In and .leave your
order for free delivery. Ward's
Central Market,
Rare bargain Fine six-room
house, well finished, concrete base
ment, lot 100x100. perfectly level.
nicely fenced in, fruit, flowers, etc..
splendid view of the river, well
located. Can be purchased for half
cash, balance on easy terms. For
particulars, call at the Review
now, unrortunately, tho cat in one
of Its nocturuul prowls Injured tho
right front paw, and tho eldest
brother attended to that portion of bU
property by binding the lujured nicnv
her with a greased rue
The cat, thankful for this relief to
Its sufferings, went to sleep content-
edly before the tire, but lu tbo midst
of Its slumbers a falling coal Ignited
tbo rag, and the aulmal, howling with
agony dashed through the warehouse
and, coming In contact with soma com.
bustibles, sot tbo building on fire.
U'lion tho Ions camo to bo tlgured
out tho three younger brothers wished
to throw It all upon tbo eldest on tho
ground thut had he uot tied up bis
part of tho eat with the lutlammable
rag the building would not bave been
lie, on tho contrary, contended that
had the cat only been poasesNod of the
front right paw-bls property It
would have stood still and burued to
death. It wait the three other paws
tbat caused the damage.
Iho brothers argued tbo case until
they died, but tbey never reached an
What Should She Sayt
"1 toll you, little wife, you can't
imagine how lonesome t am when I
am separated from you. You are the
best little woman la the world, bo dif
ferent from Drigg nagging aud scold-
lug wlfo. You know tbat a man must
got ahead lu the wortd uud be freo to
give his business his full attention.
My little girl isn't of the auspicious,
doubting kind, Is sboT Why, dearest.
this very night I ought to go down to
the club. Drown of Drown, Kallbo &
uo. u in town. Tneyro among our
best customers. Ought to know htm
socially, hadn't IT Dut unless you In
sist, toy little sweetheart wife, I won't
go. It may mean a loss to tho flrra.
but I'll stay with my precious."
Well, now, what can a woman do?
Chicago Journal.
Samuel Hill, formerly of Pennsyl
vania, but who has recently been
located at Mcdfom, was a pleasant
visitor to this office Wednesday,
lie says the cllmutc in Mcdford is
fine, but there arc some things the
boosters of that place do not men
tion. One is the fact that only about
once iu eight years do the apple
trees there prove a paying crop,
and there arc some orchards that
do not bear at all. Mr. Hill is now
located iu Portland.
S. C. Cook, a pioneer realty man
who has for long conducted a real
estate office near Cedar Park, has
secured fine quarters in the concrete
block building on Jersey street,
where he now may be found with a
fine list of bargains. Councilman
Cook is so well known to every
man, womau and child in St.
Johns, that he needs no introduc
tion since his advent to the heart of
the business district. But if you
have nny property you want to sell
ami want to sell it quick, you
could do no better thau see Mr.
Chas. Foss has secured the cou
tract for excavating 18 feet deeper
through the solid rock at Whitwood
Court for W. T. Bush, who has al
ready had 36 feet cut out of the hill-
side preparatory to erecting a large
business Diock thereon. Mr. Foss
is also busily engaged on a contract
for clearing off hulf a dozen lots 011
Patton nveniie for ex-Mayor II. W.
Bricc. It doesn't take Charley louir
to get busy 011 a contract when he
gets one, aud that is one reason
why his services are so much iu
demand. Then he is always care
ful to give perfect satisfaction.
The second annual bannuet of
the "Glory Class" with John Keeler
as teacher, was held at the Baptist
church Friday, Jan. 21st. The
room and tables were tastefully
decorated with the class colors, red
and white. An elaborate menu had
been prepared by thecommittee, Kva
Clark and Roy Crouchley. Harry
Rawsou acted as toast master.
Toasts were giveu by the following
members: Rev. aud Mrs. Owen,
Mr. and Mrs. Keeler, Mrs. Shaw,
Bert Simmons. Eva Clark. Marv.
belle Whltmore, Rov Crouchlev.
Katherine Coffyn. Leslie Wood.
Myrtle Dickie, Archie Mayer.
After giviug the Glorv Class veil
and singing the "Glory Soug,"
the crowd dispersed votiner it the
most successful event iu the history
of the class.
Came Near Choking to Death.
A little boy. the son of Chris, n.
Peterson, a well known resident
of the village of Jacksonville, Iowa,
had a sudden and violent attur-lr
of croup. Much thick strltmv
- - " n j
Unpltaiant to Have Around.
"Are you still engaged to
"No. I broke it off last week. 1
ll'd a ntratA tn malw 1.1m ST a lnnwa
(nn mi. oh 1 nrA him anmn Hhhnn tn PUIegm CQIUe UP after Llvil1f Oham.
match. He found It In the first store berlaiu's Cough Remedy. Mr. Peter
be went to, and be bought It for 2 son says: "I think he would bave
cents below the regular price.'
Tha Barrier.
Blobbs No; I shall never marry.
Slobbe Dut you don't seem like a wo
man hater. In fact, you seem very
fond ot tha fair sex. Blobba Tea, aad
I talk In my sleep. Exchange.
At the German Baptist church:
Suuday school 0:45; preaching ser
vice 11:00 a. m.; young people's
meeting 7:00; preacntng service at
7:30. Tuesday -Young people's!
meeting at a;oo p. ui. Wednes
dayPrayer meeting at 8:00 d. m.
f Church at comer Ivauhoe and St.
-jonns avenue, u. reidmetn, pas-
1 tor.
Lenity Is a part of Mercy, but she
must not speak too load for (ear of
waking JtMtlce. Jovbert '
Say, if you want to find the kind
ot a Grocery Store you are looking
or, can iu at scales & Curty,
Just because you can't beein with
a large sum do not put off making
a siurt ou mat savings account.
The First National Bauk welcomes
that small deposit with Time Cer
tificates of Deposit. it
Preach the gospel of St. Johns.
cuoked to death had we not pIvmi
him this remedy." For sale hv ll
good druggists.
Apprentices wanted at the Vrurne
Trads Ui
ltlr tmuimout opinion inSmbMUuTS
ajwlsl aetfct, without ch.rwV tat".
StkWifk JliRlIc.