A "SWIFT STORY. Hi Way ths Dean Rsbuksd Hit Pub- llshtr, Faulknsr. An amusing story of Ucorgo Faulk ner, the printer of many of Dean Swift's works, who lived In Parliament atrcet, Dublin, la told by Mr. Wll- mot Harrison In "Memorable Dublin nouses." Mr. Harrison relates bow Faulkner, after a visit to London on business for Swift, called to sec the dean, baring arrayed himself In a laced waistcoat, a bngwlg and other fopper ies. Swift received him ceremoniously as an cntlro stranger and asked: "Pray, olr, what aro your commands with mer "I thought It my duty to wait upon you, sir, on my return from London." "Pray, sir, who aro your "George Faulkner, the printer." "You Georgo Faulkner, tlio printer! Why, thou art the most Impudont, barefaced impostor 1 over heard ofl Georgo Faulkner Is a sober, sedate cltl Ben and would never trick himself out In loco and other fopperies. Get you about your business and thank your stars that I do not send you to the houso of correction I" Poor Georgo returned home and, having changed his dress, returned to tho deanery and was received most cordially by Swift, who, having wel comed him "on his return from Lon don," said: "There won an Impudent fellow In a laced waistcoat who would fain have passed for you, but I soou sent him packing with a flea In bis car." THE KING'S ORDER. RESOLUTION It Wat Obsysd, and Yst th Monaroh Wat Not Happy. When King Gustavus HI. of Sweden was In Parts he was visited by a depu tation of the Sorbonnc. That learned body congratulated the king on the happy fortune which bad given blm so great a man as Scheelo, tho discoverer of magnesium, as bis subject and fel low countryman. Tho king, who took small Interest In tho progress of science, felt somewhat ashamed that ho should be so Ignorant as never even to have heard of tho re nowned chemist. He dispatched a cou rier at onco to Sweden with the lacoulc order, "Scheele Is to bo Immediately raised to tho dignity and title, of a count." "Ills majesty must be obeyed." said the prime minister as ho read tho or der, "but who in tho world It Scheelo?" A secretary was told to make Inquiries. Ho came back to tho premier with very full information. "Scheelo Is a good sort of fellow." said be, "a lieu tenant In tho artillery, n capital shot and a first rate hand at billiards. The next day tho lieutenant became a count, and the Illustrious scholar nnd scientist remained n simple burgher. The error was not discovered until tho king returned home. Ills majesty was Indignant. "You must all bo fools," ho exclaimed, "not to know who Scheelo Isl" Argonaut f THE CRISIS. THE OLD TIME NAVY. Treatment of British Jack Tars In Ntlton'a Day. Jack tars In tho llrltlsb navy In Nelson's day wore treated llko dogs and worse. Imps of midshipmen, twolro or thirteen years old, wcro per mitted to cuff nnd kick them with Im punity, and none dared protest Tor- turo, under tho gulso of punishment was part of tho regular routlno of tho service From ono to Dvo doxen lashes with tho cnt-o'-nlno-tnll could bo In flicted at tho whim of n commander, but tho usual number was thrco dozen. Such sentences wero for trifling dere lictions of duty. Fur really serious of fenses, such as vlolouco to u superior ofllcer, desertion or mutiny, offenders wero strung up at tho yanlann or flogged round tho fleet, the latter n punishment mora dreaded than death Itself, Other savago punishments, such as "starting," "running tho gnnt lot" and tho hideous ono known as "keelhauling" wcro alio frequently ro sorted to, although nominally they wero Illegal. Nowadays, of courso, a bluejacket, although subject to naval discipline, la In no mom danger of being subject' cd to corporal punlshmont than la tbo averago civilian. His officer aro courteous, kindly and considerate and If his Ufa Is not n happy and comfortable ono ho has, In nlnety-nlno cases out of n hundred, only hlmiolf to blatno. Pearson's Weekly. Loult tha Magnlfictnt As soon na ho roso ho was dressed by bis volot In n coat of bluo cloth. Two llttlo epaulots of gold cord wero sewed to tho cloth. Under tho coat was a white waistcoat, which was nl most entirely hidden by tho ribbons and wldo sashes of his orders. Ills satin breeches ended In u pair of high boots or gaiters of nil velvet, which rams nhovo tho knees ami wero moro aupplo than leather, for the thlrkness of leather on legs that wero often painful from gout would have created too much friction. Ilo inmlu n great point of theito boots. Ilo thought that they made him look llko n general, ready at any moment to spring upon a horse, though this was a physical lmMsslblllty to him since ho was much too rut nud too lullrm. Ho used powder with n view to hiding tho white locks of age, and Ibis guvo his i Loving Mothtr Quldts Htr Girl at th Fattful Momtnt. "Your wbolo future llfo depends upon It." Tbo mother, her faco tinged with sympathy which wo must ever feel in tbo presence of an Immaturity that Is hesitating between right nnd wrong, laid ber band over that of her beauti ful daughter. "Yes, dear," duo continued, "Into every llfo there comes at ono time or nnothor a supremo temptation. If tho crisis Is passed all Is safe, but If you yield at tho fatal momont you cannot retraco your steps. You aro then com mitted to a fatal policy." "Hut mother, fathor says bo cannot afford it." "Exactly. Fathers from tlmo Im memorial havo always said that It Is their way of Imposing on youth and Innocence (Jo forth at onco and buy tho gown. Do not forgot that I am with you, that I will stand back of you with all tho fceblo strength I can command." Ho saying, tho proud woman folded Into her arms tho weak creature, who even then. If It had not been for ber timely rescue would havo been be trayed Into a humiliating and shame ful surroudcr. Success Magaxlno. It is resolved by the City of St. Johns That: WIIERUAS, the St. Johns Lumber Company, a private corporation, organ ized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Oregon, is now occupying the foot of Burlington Street from a line which marks the Northerly side line of certain cement piers in said street, at its intersection of Bradford street to the harbor line of the Willam ette River, and, WHKRHAS, it is deemed expedient and necessary to permanently determine and establish the rights nnd privileges of me uiy ot St. jonns in and to tuc said portion of said street nnd wiihkuas, the city ot St. joiinsciocs not nceti said nortion ot said street nor is the same needed nt the present time for public use, and WHIiRKAS, The St. Johns Lumber Company wlsucs to lease said street lor a period of five (5) years nt an annual ren tal of One Hundred and Fifty Dollars ft K01. nnd the Council lrnvlni' full v con sidered the leasing of said portion of uurnngton street, NOW TIIl'.RKI'ORl!. UB IT RK- SOI.VKI) thnt the City Council of the City of St. Jolins hereby approve the leas ing of said portion of said Darlington street to the St. Johns Lumber Company for a period of Five (5) years upon tha lonowing conditions, limitations and re strictions, to-wlt: For the sum of Seven Hundred nud I'lftv Dollars (7.) Day nblc its follows: 75.00 on the 31st of . I . -.4 I uccemuer iqoq; nuu 75.ua on 111c isi 1 day of July, 1910; nnd 75.00 on each of said dates of each year during said term; said lease to commence on the 17 day of December, 1909 and to terminate on me 17 day of December IQU! th said City of St, Johns to receive tiie right In and to said portion of said street to lay water mains and water pipes, gas mains ana gas pipes, sewer mains nnd sewer pipes: and to grnnt nuy franchise over said Street to nny railway comnany or bridge company or trnusiiortation company or other public service franchise, and if public necessity commands the use of said portion of said street for a public lilgltwny or outer public purposes, 10, ni itsontion. unoii sixty (60) days notice to said company, terminate said tense, and In thnt event the said company to re move, at its own cost, nnv and all ob structlons therefrom within sixty (60) Joseph McChcStlCV, M. D days from the date of notice nnd surrcn- r iWRAP. siiijajajajajajajajajajajajv.siMs7 Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaai'- VE DO rtOT (LARRY THE FURS THE PIC TURE SUGGESTS. OUR STOCK OF AR GOODS CONSISTS OF AEAS OVERCOATS Atib SWEATERS Atib THE Wj4RAEST OF THE WARft uaderveradfIlaael shirts, for the ladies, CWP4TPDS DUnPflV MIIFFf PD c. unADVtc A tJt i An u xnlsr-fc (swiinuvo, riivuinn nui 1 ituiei, gv,iii 0 wm'l SLIPPERS. FOR THE HOUSE VE HAVE A FIAE LIAE OF HOME MDE COMFORTERS Ati& A GOOD ylSSORTAEAT OF WOOL Atib COTTOA BLMKETS. WHILE OUR CHRISTMAS THIAGS RIVE GOrtE RAPIDLY THIS WEEK VE ZAti STILIt PLEASE YOU ti THE LIKE OF TOYS, GRIMES JMD DOLLS: M PRETTY HANDKERCHIEFS FOR LADIES, CEATLEAErt AAD CHILDREN. WHEN YOU READ THIS YOU MAY THINK OF SOMETHING YOU WANT. JOT IT DOWN AND COME AND GET IT WHILE THE STOCK IS STILL QUITE COMPLETE. During Christmas Week we will keep open every Evening till 9 o'clock BONHAM & CURRIER COLLIER & COLLIER Lawyers. Rooms in the Holbrook building. St. Johns, Oregon. PHYSICIAN AND SURQEON dcr to said City the quiet and twnccablc possession tiicreoi wiinin said tunc. That said lease shall prohibit the St, lohns Lumber Com tun v. or Its success ors or assigns irom placing or erecting any structures oraub-stuiclurrs In said portion 01 sn d street tuni iniuiu. couui or would In any manner deprive tlie City nan fl Wrhcinr. A R M. II of St. Johns the free use and enjoyment " ' ' ' tiicreoi in tne exercise 01 tuc riguts and Day and Night Office In McChssney Dlock raont J.rMjr yn ST. JOHNS, OREQON A Stag Manager's Rut. Tho houso bill of tho Imperial the ater of La llochc-sur-Yon announced for tbo evening performance "La Tour do Neale," n live act melodrama, and "Ln Hoeur do Jocrlsse," a ono net farce. Tho drama had been disposed of, but tho low comedian was missing and could not bo found. What was to bo done? A luminous Idea finally entered tho manager' mind. The orchestra played an overture, then another, thou a third, then a polka and Anally a iundrllle At lost, when tho audi ence had grown qulto obttrcporous, tho stngo manager appeared. Ho ad- drvsm-d tho tlirco conventional bows to the spectators and said; "Ladles and gentlemen, you aro anxious, I know, to listen to 'La Rovur do Jocrlsse.' Tho pli'co has Just been acted, but through an uiiaccouutnhln oversight on tho part of tho stage hands they forgot to ralso tho curtain." privileges by said City retained: nud thnt said Lumber Company shall use said street In connection with the business witli which it is now engaged; nnd thnt said lease contnius such other covenants, restrictions nnd limitations as may seem to the Mayor of said City for the best In terestof the City of St. Johns, Adopted tills 7111 day oi December, A. M, r,!i!)UN, Recorder. Published In the St. Johns Review, Dec. 34m and jitli 1909, RESOLUTION IT IS RHSOLVHD I1V Till'. CITY OF ST. JOHNS thnt It deems it expedi ent nud necessary to lease to the St. Johns Lumber Company thnt portion of nrntnord street between baicm street ana north Hue of John St. In said City from railroad track in said street to tuc sown- erlv side line thereof, bclim thut portion of said Street that is now used by said Company In connection witli it mills, and the Mayo of stld Citv Is hereby authorized to enter into n lease with said ComiMuy to terminate on the 13th day of April, 1910, tor mat jonion 01 said street, said lease to contain such restrictions mid limitations as may seem to said May- Residence, 697 Dawson Street Office, Filter Dlock University Park, Portland, Oregon DR. RAMBO DENTIST DR. F, L PETERSEN CHIROPRACTOR Hill Block Corner Williams avenue and Russell street. Tclchonc Hast 485 PORTLAND, 0RI5G0N 1000004 II. 8. HKWITT 5ta Silas St. It. S. WRIGHT 304 S. Hayes Hewitt & Wright CONTRACTORS AND BUILDUR8 Hstlmatcs and Plans I'urnished 1I0UBUS I'OR HAU: ST. JOHNS, OKIt. Office Phone Richmond 31 First National Dank Huimuno St. Johns, Oregon Dr. W. E Hartel ocntist Phone Richmond aor Holbrook lllock .... St. Johns HOLBROOK M.0CK I'HONIt JltKHItVfll DR. J. VINTON SCOTT DENTIST Open Evenings and SunJsyi by Appoint ment or rmiltnble and lust. . . . . . . 1 Adopted tins 7lli day ot December, rFfiDKF V DlfDATD rif M II f ninmilininii I-., v v., Saw It In a Drtam. For many year Ivory manufacturers wero trying to dovlso n machlno for turning out a billiard ball as nearly perfect us possible and at the sarao time avoiding waste. Among thoso A, ."1. IIMUM, Recorder, Published In tbo St. JoIidb llovlow, Dec. 34 and 31, 1909, Don't Uc Hopeless Veterinary Surgeon. OPPICK41 1-3 UNION AVKNUK HOSPITAL 14 " " Phones - Iiatt 4016, Ii 1898. J. R. WEIMER Transfer and Storage We deliver your goods to and from all Krts of Portlsnd. Vancouver, Linntou, irtland and Suburban Itxpress Co., city dock and all ixiints accessible uy wagon. Piano ant) furniture moving a specialty. 109 15. Darlington; phone Kicumonn 01, LAUREL LODGE No. 186 I. 0. 0. F. IT. JOHNS. ORCOON Meets each Monday evening In Odd Fellows ball, at 8:00. Visitors welcomed, I P. Hill, N. G, C, r. Gates, becretary. ATTENTION!! Merchants! Mrtnufncturcrs! Fanners! Everybody! We nrc hunting for your business and have been on your trail for some tunc. Our aim is to serve you well. The adoption of our service offers a complete' solution to the transportation problem. Our rates arc reasonable and our service unsurpassed. Two trains between St. Johns uud Portland daily. We deliver Anything, Any Place, Any Time. Call and get our rates before shipping. Holmes Lodge No. 101 KMQIITS'OI' PYTHIAS. Meets every I'rlday night at 7:30 o'clock at I.O.O.P. halt. Visitors always wel come. I). V. Horsman, C.C. W. A. Storr, K. R. S. Doric Lodge No. 132 P. and A. At. Regular communica tions on first and third Wednesdays of each month In Odd Pollows' hall. Visitors welcome. IL S, Harrington, Jos, McChesiicy, Secretary. W. M. PORTLAND & SUBURBAN EXPRESS CO. C. W. STEARNS Agent at St. John. Phones: Portland Office, Main 358 St. Johns: Jersey iaa A 3358 oooo CAMP 773 W. 0. W. Office Phone Woodlawn 703 Res, I'lioue Woodlawn l&jj comploxlou nn nppearauco of youth.- W,K' "'rove to perfect audi a machlno I about yourself when you're crippled rv r? unniIMC From The Ileturn of Loula XV1IL," hv Jou Matter of the firm of wj, rhcuiuatism or stiff joints ot U. C. llUraVal5 by Qllbcrt Hteuuer. Tslllno tha Tim. Ilia homo had lost a ahoo, and as It was belni; replaced by a Somerset blacksmith bo asked tho time. "I'll toll '00 presently, sir," said tho man. Then ho lifted a hind foot of tho homo and, looking across It attentive ly, said, "Half past 11," "How do you knowT" asked Colo- ridgo. "Do 'eo think I have shod horses all ray llfo uud don't kuow by sign what tlmo it !sr Tho poet went away punled, but re turned In tbo evening nud offered tho blacksmith a shilling to show him how he could tell tho tlmo by n hoof. "Just you get off your horao, Now do 'en stoop dowu and look through tho hole ln you pollard ash and you'll seo tbo church clock," John Carter & Hon, well known Ivory manufacturers. One night, after Mr. Carter had been striving to solve tho problem for some time, tic suddenly awoke his wtf by shouting out, "I have got It," nnd rushed downatalra Into his atudy, where ho inado a draw ing of tho last knife for tho want of which ho had been so long waiting In order to complete his machine. It ap pear that ho had fallen asleep and dreamed about tho machine, and ln tbo dream tho solution of tho dlltlculty was revealed to him. London An swers. 81111 Thsrt. Pcckham (meeting an old friend) course you've tried lots of things nud they failed, lry liullard s bnowl Linimentit will drive away all aches, pains and stiffness and leave you as well as you ever were, bold by North Hank Pharmacy. DRNTIST Office hours from 9 to u ni, t to s p. Bit 7 to 8 p. in. 682 Dawson Street, UtflVKRSlTV 1'ARK 111 Health Is More expensive Than any euro This country is now filled with people who migrate across the con tinent in all directions seeking that which gold cannot buy. Nine-tenths of them are sutiering from throat and lung trouble or chronic catarrh ECZEMA LODGES IN THE SKIN Mt a Btoa' Misss-Car4y 01 ! For many years ccicma was tup- posed to be a blood disease and ws erroneously treated as such, but now the best authorities agree that eciema it only a skka d if ease, and must be cured through the akin. The eminent skin specialist. Dr. D. D. Dennis, first UQ' S'X'noJl resulting from eglectl colds, and d,d I seen 1 on for tou j ears. How are you speud ng fortunes vainly try ng to At.Pnw ui. i ,0, sir. nybVwT Dlngley-Oh. I'm Just like I , ost ,,,,, Could every t 12 Y P Hard to Tsll. "If your mother bought four bunches of grapes, tho shopkeeper's prlco being nluepeuco a bunch, how much money would tbo purchase cost her)" asked Ibo new teacher. "You never can toll," answered Tom my, who was at tbo head of tbo class. "Ma's great at bargatulugl" Loudon Answers. Of Vital Importance. Mrs. rieuhaiu-Tho doctor says that mother won't live uutll morulug. lien- ham Does ho protulso that or merely predict ItT-Now York I'ress. used to be. Ily the way, l'eckham, how's your wlfoJ You used to say you bad tho boss girl wheu you wero single, reckbatu (sadly) She's still boss, Life. sufTerer undo the past and cure that first neglected cold, all this sorrow, pain, anxiety and expense could have been avoided, Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is fumous for its A Bunch of Kicks. cures of colds, and can alwavs be "Tho world wipes Its feot on me." depended upon. Use it and the ilil (li.t ilAnviuuf 1 . . more serious diseases may be avoid ed. For sale by All Good Drug gists. H Knw. Young Woruau (adorlugly) It must b awfully nice to be wlso and kuow, oh, everything! Yale Senior It la. Yale Courant. said tho doormat. "And every baud la agalust me," aatd (ho push button. Kansas City Star, "I urn continually being sat on," com plalued the soft cushion. 'And I get beaten bard for the light est thing," the egg groaned. Boston Transcript. A Qsstronomlo Fsst. "Ah. I've sevn some rough times. sir!" said an old salt. "Once we wore wrecked nnd we'd eaten all our provl slons. Then wo ate our belts, and then tho ship turned turtle, and wo ate her tool" Thero can bo no profit If the outlay exceeda It. I'lautus, 850 TAKES THEM, Tho two lots, 60x100 each, comer Jersey and Wall streot, South St. I Johns, and on the highest and sight- Heat building spot In tho addition are offered for sale, Tho prlco for tho two la S50. Seo II. W. McKeou. Sic. Germany and France. To kill the caeroa germ, and at the same time hal the skin, Dr. Dennis compounded oil of winttrgrten, thymol glycerine, etc The rsmedy ia a liquid. not a mere salve, hence it sinks right Into tho pores of tbt skin. Washing with this oil ot wlatergreen compound seems to take away the itch at once; soon the scales drop away and the dis ease disappears. The prescription has now been used so long as to have prov en its absolute merit, and we do not hesitate to express our confidence in D. D, D. Prescription aa used wits D. D. D. Soap, ST. JOHNS PHARMACY The Correct Time War With Japan. Administrator's Notice For a Lame Back. Wheu you have paius or lameness in the back, bathe the parts with Chamberlain's Liniment twice a lav. mnssLacrincr with the nattn of 10 Mupa cuukh or com is jusi as the hand for five minutes at each soon as it starts then there will be application. Then dampen a piece no danger of pneumonia or con- 0f flannel sllehtlv with this liniment sumption. Just a few doses of Bal- Ltwi hind it cripples as rheumatism does every he estate o s1 w siu!IZ 8 W hwiD.and you.may be surprised to yea'r. And yet there is no reason "d All , " U e how quickly the lamenes. dU- why this disease should cripple unv- Mid etate we h.reby required to pre- ""s occ" r wwueumc appears. For sale by All Good one, if all sufferers will rub the of- c,,t the undersigned with uie ircaimcni wm oe longer, out Druggists. fected parts night and morning with ftTJL',. o,.", .iST ItKZ. L"e..,J" .c' oom uy A'"n . r - . . . . . 1 1 xiaiijL riitnuiuLV. i v e ... . 11 you must nuy wnnsimas prcs ents, spend tne Interest on your could not possibly make so many . N01'" hereby glyeu that the under- . I lLfl1tll liasl Uftl sltttwIlllsxl siilltitsilsi-ittna tT Ti 1. o " V' 7 n Kiaueii, 73s cnamber ol Commerce. nanu pimrmncv Ballard's Snow Liniment. Cures ronlaad, Oregon, within six months ol DauK uarmncy t. all aches and paius. Sold by North the date hereo Bank Pharmacy. Wark lor a Greater St Jotuu. O. W. SIMMONS. Administrator of the estate of S. W. Simiuoita. dvecased, IWed Nov. a6-at Wauted Bright young man to savings and let the principal stay, I learn the printer's trade. Apply a safeguard agaiaat old age. The I at this office. First NatlfiWI Baak wUl txplaia. r Meets every Wednesday evening in nickner's Hall. J. A. Cole, C. C. W. It. SwenKel.Clerk. I for ovary uae. I H Cut genaroua- H 1. r..n t. H "j't5" I iJ jJB FajflsjS aaama. 'I Pg'tfifcffaasffisajl 1 WjffwSSCSatm CoBtissUOUa sbbbT ssb bsv Wasa BsswA Bssssa BssBBBWiBSBBBl UutStaaint ffl BBSBsLv.im afl m BsVaT W ssWfcB Issfaasss UWi J Sand and Gravel I have made arrangements with the Pacific Bridge Co. for wash ed river gravel and sand in un limited quantities. Contractors figuring on street work or on building would do well to see me and get prices. Bunkers are lo cated at foot of Newton street, opposite the site for the new school building in East St. Johns. Phone Woodlawn 1 194. L. D, Jackson f(tl((ll(ltttMt4rlttielMMa((4MM s H. HENDERSON 205 Jersey St Real Estate, Loans. Insurance Abstracts of Title Prepared. Accurate Work Guaranteed. .VvFURSs wliTaeatJ!! fVa,lalkaftl aWa4 tHM mj ff WtHaesaV. BiMlffttlM ail fm aVaUfJaftk. 4B hwji Tmppm lc tax. Dwy. Tw Un 9m u4 tim to m4 U Ombv mm- fcaacTfsnflilat. 45 Oho ecaeful Iravoatr. ll'a m rMiEtla HUasla Central Market! Holbrook Block. Orefon Acficultitfal GoIIicq Winter Courses January 4th to February 18th, 1910 Practical work, lectures and demon strations will be given In such vital sub jects as General Farming, Fruit Culture, Animal Husbandry, Dairying, Poultry- See us (or the Choicest Cuts of the Best keeping, the Business Side of Panning, Forestry, Carpentry, Blacksmithing, Me chanical Drawing, Cookine, Sewing, Dressmaking, Home Management, etc. All regular courses begin January 4th and end February 1 ith, Farmers' Week February 14th to 18U1. A cordial invitation is extended to all interested. Good accommodations may be secured at reasonable rates. No age limit above 16 years. No entrance requirements. Prominent lecturers have been secured lor special topics. STREET CAR TIME TABLE LBAVK ST. JOHNS Meats Obtainable. Orders Filled and Family Trade Solicited T. P. WARD, Proprietor. NOTICE TO AOyiRTItEM. In enter to Insure a hanfe af ad vertisement the eef y fee eueh eaaaffe eheuls) reach thla eAee net' Wednesday, at S e'eteck p. m. remember Mile anal save tne printer A.M. 5.45 6. oj 6.35 6.40 6.43 6.56 7.05 7.30 7-35 7,55 8.15 . 8.35 9.00 9.33 9.44 10.06 10,36 IO.JO 11.13 11.34 II.56 13. 18 p. m. P. M. 13.40 1,00 1. 18 X.3 1.54 3.13 3.30 3.50 3.08 3.36 3.44 4o3 4.3a 4.4o 5.00 5-15 5.30 5.45 '6,00 6.30 6,40 6.50 P.M. 7.00 7.10 7.30 7.40 8, co 8.35 8,50 9.10 9. y 9.50 10.10 10.30 10.50 11.10 11.30' 13.00 Subacrlbe (or taa St. Johns Review asd keea tcteel oa Ue dolaas of the city. force of the College numbers 100. Ex cellent equipment. A special feature is Farmer' Week which comes this year Feb. 14th to 18th, Lectures, discussions aud a general re union. For further information address Registrar, Oregon Agricultural College, Choked to Death The instructional ; is- commonly said of babiea who 'X i.li Corvallis, Orcgca. v 1 1 a . nave aieu or tne croup, how Ub necesaary this is. No child ever had the croup without fcaviag a cold or cough at the start, If yoa will stop the first syenptoa ef the cough with Ballard's Horebouad Syrup there is ao daagar whatever of croup. Sold by North Baak Pharmacy.