St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, December 03, 1909, Image 2

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PahUthad Every Friday
At 117 WMt Burlington Street.
Th RsVIKW entered at pott office
In fUlnt Tohni. Oregon, aa tnall matter
of the aecond claa tinder the Act of Con
great of March 3, 1879.
la irtt-eUsi stls,
.TaW tMMIn mwtmtimA
All omaaletlon should bt addMsisd
M. at Tn Vi n Om mrn .
AdrtrtliliC tiln, tl.00 pr Inch pr month.
All dTitlilBf bllli pirstls Aril of cb
Ofled Vewveaper ef Ua Oily af M. Jaksa.
Sukaerlptlon prlea $1,00 par year
Since there has been so nine
contention raised over the placing
nf the nronoscd new briucc at Port
land, why not make a suspension
bridge of Hand place it at St. Johns,
We could use it to advantage al
right, all right.
Now Is the time to make arrange'
merits for your holiday advertising
No business man should be too
poor to help the printer out at least
during the holiday season, auvct
Using space is the only tiling we
have to sell, ntld we would like to
dispose of n little of it just now.
So don't wait for us to come nnd
ncrsonallv beir you to advertise in
the Review. You will feel belter
and we will feel better if it is done
voluntarily. So make up your
mind to do a little advertising this
"Gold Brick" Davidor has fiu
ally run his course in Portland. The
gilt has been rubbed oil nnd only
mud was discovered underneath.
Wc tried very hard to hoodwink
the people of St. Johns, but he was
sized up for what he proved to be
before he got it accomplished very
successfully. He is now a lugtttvc
from justice after robbing limner
ous orphans nnd widows through
bogussalcsof land. May he finally
get what he deserves.
The Glory Class of the Baptist
church held their Harvest social
Friday, Nov. 26, at the Baptist
church. A short program was ren
dered in the main auditorium, sup
per was served in the lecture room
after which the young people spent
a very pleasant evening in their new
class room. The social itself net
ted the class about Sis, and one of
our foremost workers, Mr. Wood,
surprised us by handing the Presi
dent a donation from the business
men of St. Johns, increasing the
treasury greatly.
The Glory Class of the Baptist
church wishes to announce that
they have changed their Sunday
school hour, meeting from 12 to 1
o'clock. All young people not in
terested in any other Sunday school
arc requested to come nnd meet
with us.
We desire to thank the business
men of bt. Johns and others who
contributed so liberally toward the
room of the Glory Class. Class
November 20th will long be re
membered in G. A. R. nnd W. R.
C. circles. The Post gave a camp
fire in their hall, about one hundred
and fifty nttended. The boys server
1 tine luncheon after which they
istcned to some patriotic songs by
Mrs. R. II. Miller, assisted by the
At 2 o'clock the W.'R. C. re
paired to their hall escorted by the
the Drum Corps of Oregon City,
whose courtesy was highly nnnrc
ciatcd by every member.
It was decided to hold socials
every two weeks, the first to be
tcld at the home of Mrs. Brody 011
lliursduy, Dec. 2.
On Saturday, Dec. 4th the reg
ular yearly election will be held,
lso initiation of three members,
please be on time. Mrs. R, II.
Miller, Press correspondent.
The people of St. Johns are be
ginning to realize that when they
want good meat the very best the
market affords that at Bitgood &
Cole's is the place to get it. Their
business is steadily improving day
by day, and it is another proof that
merit always wins in the cud. If
you have not yet "fallen in line
now is the time to begin. A tria
order is all that is required. Begin
Women as n class jrossess perhaps
even greater vitality than men, but
in most cases their energies arc so
poorly controlled or diverted to
such useless ends as to place them
in the immeasurable weaker phys
ique than man. This condition
should not exist. The utilization
of the nervous force which women
so frequently waste upon their nt
tirc, their affairs and their emotions
in wholesome and rational exer
cise, and a proper degree of atten
tion to the needs of the body will
enable those women who have the
intelligence and indcivndcncc to
think for themselves to live more
fully and completely than they have
Por a Lame Dock.
When you have pains or lameness
In the back, bathe the parts with
Chamberlain's Liniment twice n
day, massaging with the palm of
the hand for five minutes at each
application. Then dampen n piece
of flannel slightly with this liniment
and bind it on over the scat of the
pain, and you may be surprised to
see how quickly the lameness dis
appears. For sale by All Good
How One Doctor Successfully Treats
"in treating pneumonia," says
Dr. W. J. bmttli, of Sanders, Ala
"the only remedy I use for the lungs
is Chamberlain s Cough Remedy.
While, of course, I would treat nth
cr Symplons with different mcdi
cities, I have used this remedy
many times in my medical practice
and have yet failed to hud a case
where it has not controlled the
trouble. I have used it myself, as
has my wife for coughs and colds
repeatedly, and I most willingly
and cheerfully recommend it as su
jxrior to any cough remedy to my
knowledge." 1'or sale by All Good
Christmas Month is here. No
money? What did you do with
your earnings last Summer? You
should have put them in the bank.
The First National Hank will Help
you to start Now. It issues Time
Certificates of Deposit.
Mrs. Jennie Smith of Colby,
Kansas, desires to thank all of the
good people that so kindly assisted
11 the care of her son, P. J. bmitli,
u his affliction mid gave him such
nice burial, and has extended to
icr sucli kindness and courtesy.
muu irieuus one ami an, may mis
kindness be to you as bread cat!
upon the waters, to return after
many days, and may you never
know such a great sorrow, is her
prayer. Mrs. Jennie Smith.
HrliiK In your Job printing whllo
you think of It, Don't wait until you
uru entirely out. Wo nru equipped
to turn out nunt nnd tuaty prlntltiK
promptly nt Portland prices or loss.
Preach the gospel of Bt. Johns.
Every Lire has it
Why. not dacide to secure yourself today
against old age, sickness and loss of employment
uon t take chances of an unexpected strain on
your finances. Incomes melt away before those
demons, expense and extravagance. Begin now.
to save, how welcome it will be in that needy hour
that is apt to come.
We will pay you three per cent interest on the
money you put In our bank and compound the in
terest every six months.
St. Johns, Oregon
Oregon Railway & Navigation Company,
Car load business handled daily.
Local car arrives at St. Johns
Thursdays and Saturdays.
Local freight forwarded Mondays
Wednesdays and Fridays.
Freight and Ticket rates to all
;oints furnished 011 application
office, Lautlicrs Warehouse, foot of
IlurllngtouSt. A, W. Davis, Agt
For rent 8toro room, next to
poitofflco, brick, Inqulro John Noco
at vwi
Preach the goapel of St Johns.
Burr Street to be Graded
From Portland Boulevard to Fcssenden Street.
expense of
This work to be done at the
the company. There will be no advance in the price of the property
on this street until after the grading is completed.
For You to buy property in East St.
Johhs on easy monthly payments.
Offices t E. St. Johns Sta.,
41 Hamilton Bldg., Portland Phones: Richmond 601 Main 4915
dreamed of. From
Physical Culture.
The St. Johns ferry ran into n
catastrophe Wednesday morning.
A Government boat was passing up
the river with some pontoons fol
lowing in the rear attached to n
cable from the boat, and the ferry
people after waiting for the vessel
to pass, attempted to cross the river.
The cable was not noticed until the
launch ran into it. The shock
threw out the engineer and Henry
Gosucy into the water and smashed
the top of the launch in pretty bud
shape. The men in the water suc
ceeded in grasping the cable uud
after a strcuotis effort reached the
boat in safety. Henry says the
water was awful cold.
Don't lie Hopeless
about yourself when you're crippled
with rheumatism or stiff joints ot
course you've tried lots of things
and they failed. Try Dallam's Snow
Liniment it will drive away a
aches, pains and stiffness mid leav
you as well ns you ever were. Sold
by North Dank Pharmacy.
i lie application of John Ton as
road supervisor was unanimously
endorsed by the Commercial Club
at its meeting Wednesday evening
ami the secretary instructed to di
rect a letter to the county cutiimis
sioners apprising them of the fact
and also that bt, Johns is entitled
to the appointment. Mr. Poff ii
competent every way to fill the no
sitiou and it would be gratifying to
our citizens if the commissioners
would make thlsappoiutmeut.
The funeral of P. J. Smith, who
was burned to death in the Wiiite
House hotel fire, was held Tuesday
afternoon at 2:30. His mother,
Mrs. Jennie Smith of Colby, Kan.,
was present at the last sad rites.
Mr. Smith was said to be a' fine gen
tlemau iu every sense of the word
and was well liked by all who knew
For Sale Rooster and 10 hens,
White Leghorns, M. W. Vaughn,
1008 No. Fillmore St.
How Is Your Title?
Have your abstracts made, con
tinned or oxumtnod by Poutniula
Titlo, Abstract and Roalty Co., II
Henderson, inunugur. Accurate work
Ileasouablo foes. Coraont Ulook
building, Jorsey troot.
For Eczema, Tetter and Salt Rheum
The intense itching characterise
ic of these uilmetits is almost in
stantly allayed by Chamberlain's
Salve. Many severe cases have
been cured by it. For sale by All
Uooil Druggists,
Administrator's Notice
Notice la hereby given that the under.
aigiicil Ims been appointed administrator
01 llieetuteos t. v. btmmoiu. lUcrui
nl. Alt persons having claim against
sain cttate are iwreoy reuuircti to pre
tent the ama to the undersigned with
uorwr voucher at the office of II. It,
Kidilell. 715 Chamber of Commerce.
Portland. Oregon, within tlx months of
the date hereof.
Administrator of the estate of
S. V. Simmons, deceased.
Dated Nov. j6 jt
Work (or dratw Bt Johni,
You get full weight and tint
quality at the Central market. Just
try It awhile.
Subscribe (or tho Telegram boat
ovening paper on the coast. See
Ed Stockton,
Notice of Sale of Real Estate
In the County Court of the State of Ore
gon, for the county of Multnomah.
In the matter of the estate of lUlxabcth
J. Ward, deceased.
Notice Is hereby given, that pursuant
to an order of the Hon. Lionel K. Web
ster, judge of the ulxive unmet! court,
made In the above entitled court and
cause, 011 l)ecemler 1st 1409, the under
binned ndmiiiistrutor of tuculxive named
estate, will sell at private sale, the fol
lowing described real property belonging
to said estate; to-tvit;
Lots numbered seventeen and eighteen
nineteen and twenty In block numbered,
one, Hi Micpanl's addition, subdivision
block "11" Oak l'ark addition No, 1
St, Johns, Oregon, according' to the nlat
thereof 011 fde in the office of the county
reconlcr lor Multnomah county, Oregon
All 01 lot numiereii thirteen 111 Mock
No. four of Trcmout l'ark, Multnomah
county. Oregon, according to the duly
recanted plat thereof iu the oftice of the
county recorder tor said county.
i.ot numbered nine. In mock num
bered fourteen In Thurlow's subdivision
iu North St. Johns addition to the citr
01 t, joints, uregon,
. ... 1 , .. 1.. ,., 1 . -
i.ui iiuiiiDcrcu uiii-cn in iiiuck ru. ?
in the subdivision of lota j, 3, 7, 8, 9 and
1001 .North bt, joints, bt. Joints uregou.
according to the duly reconled plat
tuereoi on me 111 aiuimomau county
Together with the tenements hcredtt
umeuis and appurtenances thereunto be
That from and after the 6th day of
aiiuary iqio. the udmliiistrator of the
above named estate will proceed to sell
said property ut private sale in separate
iiarceli. Th'at at least one half of pur
chase price therefor must be paid cash
iu hand at the time of said sale, the re
maining portion to be secured by a first
mortgage upon the premises, to become
due in one year from date of sale and to
oear interest at 7 per cent per auuum,
That the first publication of this no
ttce is 011 December 3, 1909, and the
last publication thereof will be on Dec.
G1M1KRT WAKD. Administrator.
Collier & Collier, Attys for Administrator
In order to Insure a change ef ad
vertisement the -copy for such change
should reach thla office not later than
Wednesday, at S o'clock p. m. Pleas
remember this and aave the printer
Iu the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for Multnomah County.
Muttle A. Whltmore, Plaintiff vs. T.
M. Whltmore, Defendant.
To T. M, Whltmore, the aboye named
In the name of the State of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed against you
In the above entitled Court and suit
within six wceka ot the first publication
of this summons, to-wlt: November 19,
1909, and if you fail to so appear and an
swer or otherwise plead la said suit that
the plaintiff above named will apply to
the ubove entitled court for the relief de
manded iu her complaint in said salt, to
IV 11
between Plaintiff and
now and heretofore existing
laiut n aim vourseir. ami ao
solutely dlvorcim? Plaintiff from you
and that l'laintiff have to her restored
her former nine,to-wit: Mattie A. Shep-
uru, ami ror such ot tier ana turiuer reuci
as may seem lust and cuultable.
This summons la published pursuant
10 rue onier or trie itoneraoie K. u. uro
naugh, Judge of (he above named Court
made in open court in this suit on the
1Mb day of November, looo. which or
tier prescribes that this summons be
published in the St. Johns Review once
a weeic ror a period of not less tban six
weeks. The first publication of this
summons was made on November 19
1009. and the last publication will be
December ti, 1909.
11. if. V.U1.UIHR, Att'y for Plaintiff,
An Ordinance Adopting the
Viewers' Report in the Mat
ter of the Proposed Open
ineof Buchanan Street in
the City of St. Johns Be
tween the Northerly Line
of St. Johns Heights Addi
tion and Willis Boulevard
in Said City.
The city of St. Johns does ordain as
That whereas, the viewers heretofore
appointed Iu the matter of the proposed
ning 01 nucnanao street in the city 01
Si. J
...St. Johns.
A lot 100x100 and two 6-room
houses, two blocks of city hall,
f 3600, if taken in uext ten days.
A new 6-room house, modern
iu tvery respect, in East St. Johns
75 950 cash; balance terms.
A lot joxPoo at Newport Sta.,
I400, 10 per cent down aad $$
per month.
A lot 50x100 and a io-room
house on Jersey St. I4300.
H3JtrySt FSnk: tick. SI
olius from the northerly line of St.
Johns Heights Addition to Willis boule
vanl iu said city, ns shown by resolution
now of record nnd on file in the office of
the city recorder of said city, which res
olution is hereby referred to and made a
part of this onlinancc, have filed their
report with the recorder of said cltv.
Whereas, the city recorder has sent a
notice postpaid to each pcrsou who has
been or will be dauiHucd bv
posed oiteulni! of said street, to the Post-
office address of such owners as shown
ny the aiiinavit 01 sain recorder, now on
file in the office of said recorder, and Is
hereby referred to, slating the time and
place when said report would be by the
council cousldercd, and when nnd where
they could hie remonstrances or ob cct
ions to anythlui! iu said report contained
Whereat, the
Copies ami A
considered by
to be without merit and
Whereas, said report seemed to the
council of said city, In all things to be
reasonable and lust ami should be adont.
cd and approved, which report is as fol
lows, to. wit:
Condemnation On Buchanan Strukt
Skcono Pkockkoinos
Viuwkrs' Amkniikd KltrORT.
To to the Honorable Mayor and Council
of the City of St. Johns, Oregon.
We. the undersigned viewers. ani)olnt
ed by yonr honorable body, to view and
assess damages and benefits to pro
affected in the proposed opening of Bu
chanan street, between the northerly
line ol bt. Johns iiciKUts add t on. to
the city of St. Johns ami Willis boule
vard, according to the plat and descrip-
11011 lacrcoi. prepared ov me citv en.
gineer, C. K. Andrew, which plat and
escriptlon thereof is herebvTreferred to
aim mane apart iiereoi, in winch pro
posed opening and widening of Buchan
an street a strip 01 land 27.5 feet wide.
extending betweeu the points above
named (excepting therefrom the por
tion inercoi wunin me limits 01 uewson
street) Is to be appropriated. The same
containing, as shown by the plat above
referred to, .31 acres. We find and de
termine that A. I). Osborn, owner of a
tract of land bounded and described as
follows, tn-wit:
lleuiunine at a Point in the west line
01 wuai is Known us tue nruzce tract.
nuriu, ij ucgrccs, 775 leet irom the Iron
pipe at the intersection of said line with
the north line of the right of way of the
City & Suburban R.R.;thence northerly,
uegrcrs 27 minutes cast, aoj.7 jeet;
New Electric Lamp
any carbon filament lamp.
than the
Can be used
Portland Railway Light and Power Go.
l47-7th Street
Smokeless Hot Clean. No splitt
ingno splinters. Contains 90 per
cent, of the heating value of wood,
without any water
nt S. Jersey Street. Phone Jersey 1021.
St. Johns Lumber Co.
Has all kinds of lumber, kiln dried and otherwise.
Also slab wood. TimltcrS of all sizes cut to order.
Get year winter's weed row and save trettte.
rull line of Rebes, Caskets, eto., kept In stock
Office riiont Woo.ll.wn 1)74
KttMtncc I'hont Woodl.wu 31a
If you are lookine for an investment that
is a sure winner buy half of block 16 at
piece is
:oox6oo feet, lnvs fine nnd almost level.
e remonstrances of Nancy Lots across the street from it are selling at 5350 upward.
the'coXi'deca Kf Pce was cut into lots 3ooo could easily be realized,
aim uieu me 101s wouia oe mucu cnenper than any can
be bought for in that neighborhood. In five years $5000
would not bean exorbitant price. IF TAKEN AT ONCE
$1800 BUYS IT$soo down: S.qoo in six months and the
balance at $10 per month or, $1500 cash will secure it.
If the money was not badly needed $3000 cash would not
take it. For further information see
Real Estate Office, Whitwood Court
the south line of Willis boulevard.
Thence westerly along the south line of
said boulevard to the east line of Tyler
street; thence 52 degrees west along the
east line of Tyler street, 463.57 feet to
the north line of Dawson street: thence
easterly along the north Hue of said
street to the place of beginning, except
that part taken up by Folic and Stafford
si reeis.
In the opening of Buchanan street we
nnu u necessary to tane a strip of land
37.5 feet wide by aji.9 feet long from the
aoove uescnoeu tract, we
thence north seventv-one decrees and
eighteen minutes west, 415.37 feet;
lucnce souui nineteen degrees anil tmy.
five minutes west feet: thence
south seventy-one degrees and seventeen
minutes, 417.17 feet, to the place of be.
In opening Buchanan street we find it
necessary to take a strip of land 37.3 feet
wide by JOt.6 feet lone from the ilmvr
described tract. We find that A. D. O-
born isdamaeed br reason of ottenW n(
1.1 ...-, " " . . n .
miu xiucuauan sireci 10 ine amount of
J57-40. we also assessed benefits by
reason of opening of Buchanan street,
to said A. D. Osborn. to the amount of
1 1 t r. - 1 1 1 . . .....
c uuu anu iieiennine mat nun
Caples, owner of tract of land bounded
auu aescrtocu as follows, to-wlt:
Beginning at the intersection of the
norm line ot Dawson street and the weet
line of the avaaee tract. ninnlo
thence north nineteen degrees and twen-
lyseven minutes east to a mint wi 1
feet southerly from the south line of the
Willis boulevard: thence north mrntv.
one degrees and eighteen minutes wet,
415.37 feet:
and fifty-five
find that
Nancy Caples is damaced bv reason of
opening of Buchanan street, to the
amount 01 fcjtw.oi, we also assessed
bcuefita by reason of opening Buchanan
street, to Nancy Canle. to the amouut
of 9383.01.
We find and determine that W. D.
Jones, ownerof a tract of land, bounded
and described as follows, to-wit:
Beuinnini! at a stake at the intersex
tion of the east boundary line of Leonard
street, with the division line betweeu
husband and wife-portion of Caples dona
tion land claim-section la: thence iik.o
feet along said division line, to the west.
erly line of the B razee tract; thence
north twenty-three degrees and fifteen
minutes east.along the westerly line of
the Braxee tract to the intersection with
the south boundary line of Dawson street;
tuence westerly along tne soutn bound
ary Use of Dawson street to the east side
ol Leonard street; thence northwesterly
iu me (jikc 01 DCKinning,
in opening twebanan street we find it
necessary to take a strip of land 37.3
feet wide by 87.8 feet lone from the
aoove aeacribeti tract. We find that W.
B. Jose la damaged bv reason of own.
law of Buchanan street to the amount of
154.00. we also assessed benefit by
reason of opening said Buchanan street
to w. u. Joues to tbe amount of f 154.0S.
Jicapccuuiiy suuHiiueu;
H. W. BONAAM, Viewers.
Dated St. Johns, Oregon, thlt 5th day
viewers be and it Is hereby adopted and
approved and the city recorder is hereby
authorized and instructed the prop,
er time enter the assessments in the dock,
ct of city liens.
Tassed the council November 30, 1909.
Approved by the mayor, November
3. 1909.
Attest Mayor,
Published In tho St. Johna Review,
December 3, 1909.
nineteen degree of November.
AWtljrfiku's MM of FI11I mm.
Notice is hereby given that the under
signed, Cecile B. Bittner, as administra.
trix of the estate of Douvla v. dm. .1.
ce.s?d llM ,fi,ed her fin account 0 her
administration of said estate in theCoun.
ty Court of the State of Oregon for Mult
nomah COUntv. together ivllhlin.tliln.
praying for the final settlement l
estate, and that the said court ha a p.
pointed Monday, the tenth ilav of u.f,.
at tbe hou' ' o'clock of the
said day, aa the time, and the
court room of the said court in the Mult-
uuuiau vuiiniy court House in the city of
r "si me piace, ror tae
hearing of the said final account and
said petition for final settlement of the
said estate and obJecUons thereto, If any.
Now. therefore, all persons interested
are hereby notified and required to ap
pear at the aaid time and place, and then
and there to show cause, if any they
have, why the said final account should
not be allowed as filed and th mIA
tate settled aa craved far d ..u
administratrix discharged and her bond
Dated this 30th day of November A.
Administratrix of the estate
n a imi.of Do", V, Olda, dee'd.
B. A.Kliks, dec 31
Attorney for Administratrix.
Subscribe, few ta Bartow uU U
, 303.051eet.tol Sections. That said report of said