St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, November 19, 1909, Image 4

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    "Who's Who"
Don't go to Por
you can buy in S
ns cheap all kinds of
spices, extracts, can
etc. Also plain and
land when
. Johns just
cas, coffees,
ncd goods,
dishes of nil kinds and descriptions;
dolls and Christmas toys and pres
ents of all kinds. Cull and he con
vinced both as to quality and price.
National Tea Store.
Variety is
One of the
Greatest inducements to our
Elegance is displayed in your
home store.
Many cities of much greater
Importance have not the
Line of goods, to say nothing
of the
Low prices and
Neatness of making
Exhibited in this store where
we arc
Relying upon
Your appreciation.
Vogue Alllllncry.
Onu of tho oldest and most rc
liable mercantile cotnpnnlos In St.
Johns carrying a complete line of
dry goods notions nnd shoes, Their
courteous nnd honest trontmont of
patroim nnd nn oxcoptlonnlly flno
lino of goods havo won for them an
onvlnblo patronage. Their system
of ono cent green robatcn has bcon
very popular. Watch their window
fcr tho flnoRt lino of holiday goods
over shown In St. Johns.
M. S. Cobb.
"Result! Cannot be Measured by
We'd llko to glvo Tun Dollum
Worth for flvo, but wo don't mis
tako tho doslro for tho fact. Thu
uunost limit of vuluu Ih money's
wuttli. That Is thu fartheHt goal
wo'vo over reached, and when wo
ronchod there, wu did not sou any
footprints beyond, Wu Sell merchan
dise villi nil thu nklll, with nil tho
honor, with all tho enro that wu ean
command. Wo rumomber that 10
yours of oxporlenco can bu dostroyud
by a sltiglu hoiihoii of cnrelusNnesHor
dnrupllon, Friendship, past dunllngH,
or promlsus can't avail against ex
porlonco. Thu moment wu don't
uarn a snlu, wo luiiru to fall. "A
pair of Sola Hoynl Illuu shoes will
eunvlncu you."
Ono of St. Johns progressiva drug
stores, whoro you may obtain every
thing you want In tho drug, soaps
nn J stationery lino at tho popular
prices that can't bo beaten ovon In
tt.o largor cltlos. It Is thu
hui.tu of tho famous Nyall
nun dies tho best known nnd
most rellablo remedies manufnc
turcd In tho United States to day.
C. C. Currin.
"Cleanllnets It akin to Godliness."
This enterprising firm Is engaged
lu tho business of keeping you on
tho road to Godliness by keeping
your linen, cotton nnd woolen goods
clean by tho most modern sanltar)
methods at less cost than you can
do it yoursolf. Tho latcBt Improved
collnr simper. Satisfaction a cer
St. Johns Laundry.
Thero may havo been a. tlmo In
the history of St. Johns when it
ws ncccssanry to send out of town
for something in the hardware line
but that tlmo is not to day. This
firm opened its doors about thrco
years ago with a complete line oi
hardware and has been kept com
plete from that day to this so If you
wuut hardware they havo It at
hours' prices. Agents for tho fam
ous Acmo Quality paints.
Hendricks Hardware Co.
Tho Diamond W goods aro stand
aids wherovcr good groceries aro
appreciated, You don't havo to try
mem to una out, ror tneir conun- Th,8 nrlclo g ,n roprCBontntlon of
ued use by discriminating grocery flt John bUBtaoM ontcrprlflC(
that they havo survived tho test. So Slvln employment to several hun
why experiment with something "Just drcd mon. Whoro you may obtnln
as good" when you know tho 1)1 a- Ul I kinds of lumber at tho lowest
mond W. As tho policy of this house Lrrc8, Timbers of all bIzos cut to
Is standards you win nnd mo uesi
of ovcrythlng
and shoes.
In dry goods, notions
Muck Mercantile Co.
order Now lo tho tlmo to get your
wlntor's supply of wood.
St. Johns Lumber Co.
About three years ago a little gro
cery store opened up at Cedar Park
for business. Its stock was small, its
trade was small in fact they used
a whcclborrow fora delivery wagon,
but the proprietors' confidence was
Rooms In the Holbrook building.
St. Johns, Oregon,
Joseph McChesney, M. D.
Day and Night Office In McChesney Block
rnons JtrMy ya i
Daniel 0. Webster, A. B. M. D.
Mcrcliantsl Manufacturers! Farmers! Everybody!
We are hunting for your business and have been on
your trail for some time. Our aim is to serve you
Residence, 697 Dawson Street
Ofllcc, 1'llter Block
University Park, Portland, Oregon
Office Phone Richmond 51
I'irst National Bank Buimmno
St. Johns, Oregon
Dr. W. E. Hartel
Phone Richmond aoi
Holbrook Block
St. Johns
Open Evenings and Sundays by Appoint
Veterinary Surgeon.
ll A I . f l.llt. I
large ami wieir auimy was on par . Phonei . . Host 4016, B 3898.
Willi IUV UVCIUKC Willi IIU1IV.-31
Aro you buying good groceries? goods, honest prices and courteous
Tho Monopolo canned goods aro rcc- treatment they have built up their
ognlxed ns thu best whurovcr good business until today they have two
g-.ccorles aro appreciated. You havo large stores one in East St. Johns
tried thu rust now try tho best, and the old one at Cedar Park-
About threo yoars ago a certain
firm opened Its doors In this city to . ..... , , . , cnch 8tockcd with a large nnd com
display a stock of food and grain. It know.. by discriminating coffee P,clc ,of Zla n,ld cach hovIuB
buyers. Cull and Inspect our lino of n cnvinuic patronage.
didn't hnvo so very much stock 1,ut Jewelry.
Davis & Gaines.
Scales & Curty.
they occupy two largu buildings,
Couch & Co.
Tho business of this enterprise Is
io furnish your homo, They havo
n largo stock of both now nnd sec
nnd hnnd furntturo which they soil
ul oxcoptlonnlly low prices, if you
huvo some nrtlclo of furniture, os
poclnlly stovoH or ranges, that for
soino reason does not plonso you
thuy will cheerfully uxcIiuiiko for It
something that dixis, (lu to this
otoro nnd select whnt you want and
havo them tako your old nrtlclo at
fil! value. Highest prices paid lu
ensh for second hand goods,
Qus Salmond.
This Is tho pioneer ruuleutato riii
of tho city. Ono of tho members of
this firm U probably tho bust known
cltlzou of tho city. They tiro not
only very successful In their own
luminous but you will find them at
Hit hond of overy public movement
that will benefit St. Johns. To such
men you can safely trust the pur
chiiBo or sale of your property,
King & Brodahl.
Its malinger had honest business
nblllty and nn abundnut faith In St.
Jon.iH. nun ms iniiu wns juniuieu , nm ro. ,, vml Ulxn.v ......
Ilea In their unusual succors, Toilnylyour dross counts much for your suc
cess In life as well as your physt
(iiu or Intelloclunl powers? Did you
havo a largo stock of lath shingles, uvop g011 .i.,.,...,,.. ,,.,,, fnllw
lime, planter, cement, grain, nay I hi n good position? Think It over. St. Johns up-to-dato toggery offora
feed, fire brick, coal, paints, oil, I know tho tnatoa of bustnesa, pro- Quality goods nt no ront prlcos.Dooa
1 . . . . . it Hi staiui to reaaon tnnt a firm
,in,. .....1 ,..ii,,i.u a ..,,, u rnr isBioiiai ana omp oyeu men. iet 1110 : .
i.ww.n iiiiu nv..o .w. - , - III,,,, tin. n unrif amnll nvnjmti, aam
lllDHit vml rnp itlnri, lillMlnoSM ft l ...
, .. .. 5(Jll ft boUor qUnniy of goods nt a
largor practlco or an Increase In I lower prlco than ono with a hoavy
salary. Itonsonablo prlcos, courtoous ixpouso. Think It ovor. A call at
Cupid and Hood lllvor flour.
Lauthcrs Mercantile Co.
Office Phone Woodlawn 703
Res. Phone Woodlawn 1655
Ofllce hours from 9 to 13 in.
1 to n. m. 7 to 8 n. m.
68j Dawson Street, Univkksitv Park
Hill Block Corner Williams avenue and
Russell street.
Tclchone Uast 485
Fashionable Dressmaking
by MRS. BEAN, Room 5. Over
Calcf Bros. Purnlluro Store.
Fit Guaranteed.
The adoption of our service offers a complete
solution to the transportation problem.
Our rates are reasonable and our service
Two trains between St. Johns and Portland
We deliver Anything, Any Place, Any Time.
Call and get our rates before shipping.
Agcut at St. Johns.
Phones: Portland Office, Main 358 St. Johns: Jersey 122
A 3358
420 North Jersey Street
Headquarters for Farms and Acreage Tracts .
Business Property, .Factory Sites, Dwelling Houses
and Vacant Lots on Easy Terms.
I H.HENDERSON 205 Jersey St.
i Real Estate, Loans, Insurance
g Abstracts ot Title Prepared. Accurate work uunrautecu.
and satisfactory
troatmont guaran. ,0"o wl convlnco you.
513 Silas St.
304 S. Hayes
fe. WE
John Nocc & Co.
Hewitt & Wright
Itstlmates and Plans Purnishcd
iw cub. fo 1" rj mmmanft for rn la thlf Pars u4 KUaalaMlhaa to
4M rMM. InUw Vm4, MUiIm MUw fliti tmmtmm. IUHtraUt U rf 1.1S4U. 1U
Wm,I TrewwV Dmw,.. Tim, Omm Uu M Hi lMt to In. M M hmmmi ft M
Mtlll lr.prr. IH npUl toCTtt p , 111, tlwilinin, II V MI4atH.laU
Im.UI.1 Mm. Oor hi Ul tmt Pw, MMl ulHll t! WM, ll.M ff liWIl. Jlklf mm
state of onuaoN, VOH TUB
Central Market!
Holbrook Mock.
Thoro la probably no other lino
u busliieHH where iiuullty eounlu
fur moro than It doea In hnrdwaro.
A puor urtlelo Ih praetleitlly as bad
at noun at all, With thU In mind aim has been to never ol any
tlii: k but Htnudnrd kooiU that huvo
been tried and proven. That thin
policy Iiiih been n kuoi) ono wo havo
Tliis is one of the pioneer stores
of this city. Coming to bt. Johns
about four years ago, the store was
started on a comparatively small
scale, hut It has steadily kept step cheerfully furnished
with the progress of the city, ami 436 N. Lively street, St. Johns.
touay it is tue largest ana best
stocked store in St. Johns. Gro-I J. R. WElAlER
In tho mnttor of tho estato
Bllzaboth J. Ward, docousod.
To William l.uonmi J0111110 uiovcr,
ot See us for the Choicest Cuts of the Best
Meats Obtainable.
tji!..i e 1.1... x. .... uruuiuiKBi
iniiis muKawiiy. Dumuica of tho atnto of Ore
Kon: You aro hereby cited and re
quired to nnuoar In tho County Court
ot tho ntato ot Oregon for tho county
lor .Multnomah, at tno court room
I thereof at' Portland, Multnomah
Orders Pilled and Family Trade Solicited
T. P. WARD, Proprietor.
St. Johns Hardware Co.
Whoro do you usually tako thu ccries, staple nnd fancy, are here to Tfatiefan aeif C4nA eam.iv. n Monday suth dnv of
irt K'rlntlon tho doctor bIvoh you? he found in creat varietv and alum. wiiaiwi caiiu OlUl BKV v....,,..,., imio n, 1,.,. ntl
y to 8t. Johns' pioneer pharmacy dance. Dry goods, shoes, notions. we ueiiver your cowls to ana from all 8nla day, and then and there show nroKen BacK.
0; rnurao. They have the largest mens' clothing, etc., arc ever kept Portland Vd SuWrtaV RP to J M T ,nt pa" a bnck Ctt",0f 7
atock of druua nnd atntlonorv on thu In slock. Courtesy to customers, cltv dock and all twlnti accessible hv ' ". r?.ll0w,"..U0,cr.,u...r?"' lumbago, stiff muscles or a strain Is
I'miliimiin mui two moiiinrn,) ,ir,.. I strict attendance to business and wason. Piano mn4 furnltur movlnn ..." ?;::...;.. ' nn easy thlnit to net rid of. I)al
. mo- 1 . . 1 . " i. . I 111 a 11. Biuiu 111 vji l'kijii. lu nu 1 "
Klsta Hint nlwiiya glvo you Just what prices as low as good goods can be .P'"7i. 109 "Kn, puone Xn nurabored ovontoen (17). '"d's 8now Linlmont cures rhouma.
I In- doctor ordora. No aubstltutlnKl80'" fr has placed this store iu the I elghteon (18), nlnotoun (19), and tlsm, lumbago, sore and stiff muscles
ihorc. irontrank. ' 1 AIIDPI innnP iY?nfx "L.
n 1. . ... & 1 SBsnssBBSb.
. , , I UUIIIIMIII M. Will licit
si. jonns riiarnmcy.
1 1 ir. innN iiukimim i - ... . . .s- .
to the plat thereof on file In the of rnortn iiauk Pharmacy,
I first Strugcl- Meets each Monday evening In Odd fi- nf .hft ronntv liocordnr fnr aald
Qmllty, atylo nnd vnluo nro linked MB to emerge from a small village bellows Uall, at 8:00. isltors welcomed. Multnomah county, Oregon.
to a broader ana wider me, one of i r.,.. ah or Jot numuerua tnineen m
When St. Johns was first struggle
About slxteon months ago n new
lnnk oponod Us door a for business
lu Ht. JoIiiih. lu motto la "A bank
for tho people aiiporvlavtl by tho poo
P." It la u NiUluunl bank and In
eoiiacMiuonco la aupervlsod by tho
irnvnrimipnt nr Ihn noonlo. No ono
. I tnir.ll lint l.t ln nffaflltnu n, ttil.t ...ll
can open u National hank wiiuout Jts Krcatest needs wns found to be
cnillnl. Not omy that bin tho im-ry more, a uispiay Boiuom oon n bank. Its very best nnd most
government requires that It bo rtK o t f-'do of tho larger cities. Jaunty substantial citizens then KOt together
uin-iy iiiipoctod Dy govornmoni ex. , gnnno8 or dashingly hand, nnd established such a concern. It
nmluera. so that every dollar dopoa- l . . wns started right, and it has been
. ... 1. ...... ml I " . - ... ...Uv., nu . ll , !. mi.. i
iu; in uuBuiuiuiy ouiu, iimj "rul,. . .... ''Ki" ever since. 1J1C IJCOpiC 01
ciinltiilliud at $25,000. nnd huvo do- ",u B"u,l,, " ways felt that the r monev was ner
poslta of J100.000. Kvory courtesy trimmed In wlnga, fancy feathora and fectly safe when It was deposited
la linen putroua and every accommo obtrlch plumes the latest colorings there, and the soundness of the
UKfcL. LUUUfc (1) In Bhepard's Addition, aub dlvl- Bcald8 ' ' n ' h ' Y '
No 186 I OOF Bln "ock "R" Oak Purk Addition 8c'ds and all aches and pains You
inHN nwnnN No- 2 ,0 8t Jol'.Oregon, according ood a bottle In your house. Sold by
jfe. II0I1
2 M
Holmes Lodge No. 101
conalateut with nnfo bank.
First National Bank.
nnd combinations, a very
showing to choso from, StyleB
pli'UBo ovury Individual fancy.
Airs. E J. Martin.
New Electric Lamp
any carbon filament lamp.
than tha
Can ba usad
Portland Railway Light and Power Go.
147-7th Street
Di.wn deep In tho heart of ovory
normal man Is a doslro for a con
gtnlal mate ami a nlco cozy home. If
you win furnlan tho wife wo will
furnlch tho homo, Wo aro a branch
of Portland's plonoor furniture store,
and wo would bo only too glad to
fi mlsb tho homo of overy honest
yuini? ruurrtod couple lu St. Johns
ou our easy payment plan. So
you havo tho brldo In mind
inrn institution was never in question,
" m I .1 1 1 1
w)' uicic ia uu ucuci, auuuucr
or more substantial bank to be
found in any city of the size of this
oue anywhere in Uncle Sam s do-
Peninsula Bank.
niock numbered four of Tromont
Park, .Multnomah county, Oregon, ac
cording to the duly recorded plat
Meets evervPrldavnleht ulBrt01 " 1,10 " county nun
isfi 'lfwb at l 1 1 1 1 If I m vi
Vtflitnra alwsvi iart1. I Lot numbered ntno In Iilock four
come. D. lMIorsman, C.C. Mn In Tnuriow'a biiu-uiusion in
. .. 1 I k T . I It . . 1 .1.11.1.... A . I . . ,..
W. A, Storr. K. K. O. I oorin oi. joiuib auuiiiuii 10 iuu cuy
of St. Johna. Oregon,
Doric Lnde-e No. 1.12 Lot numbered fifteen In Wock num
Fnnti A M I uuivu inu III vuu ouu'uiiwuu ui .uio
ailU A. IH. I . a o n ,n ol
Reuular commuiilca. J2 ' 4".u"u"" ," "
tinn. 01. fit .n, tl,ll Joiino, nccoruing 10 luo rctoruvu ji.ui
- .. -. . . ,
should not bo mado aa prayed for
lull, visitors welcome, in o peuuon oi uiiDort waru, aa-
E. S. Harrington. los. McChesnev. mlniatrator ot the auovo namoa 08
SecreUry. W. M. . .
I TI. I f -.,I,1II..J
1U1H Cliaviuu in uuu.iftueu
CAMP 773 W. O. W.
Meets every
eveniug in
I sell the earth or at least that
if part of it situated in St. Johns. I
don't have a large list of the very best
wait but seo ub and acloct from tho buys to be found anywhere. Per
most comnloto stock obtainable. Just sons looking for gilt edged invest
ments in a realty way snouia not
fail to visit my omcc on North Jer
scy street.
J. S. Downey.
J. A. Cole, C. C.
W. B. SwenKel,Clerk.
what you need and pay
us aa you
Calcf Bros.
Ikes your abstract tell tho truth
al'out tho title? Is It safe to buy
property unless you know? Wo have
Just removed to our new quarters,
and are now prepared to furnish you
wi'a an abstract on short notice.
, 1 tnJ 1 - . ,
,ou vm uvou ,uur A piaC wchaveprtpared( KivJng you
list of city and farm property for pleas,ng an(J lMtractive catertain.
f. I ...... . 11 .
I luwuv u u vciv aniin iun
Peninsula Abstract Co, Electric Thaatr.
Everyone Must have a period of
relaxation from the worriea and
cares of a struggle for existence.
To get this relaxation it is always
best to get into aa atmosphere as
totally different frota your place of
business as possible. Just such a
Sand and Gravel
I have made arrangements with
the Pacific Bridge Co. for wash
ed river gravel and sand in un
limited quantities. Contractors
figuring on street work or on
building would do well to see me
and get prices. Bunkers are lo
cated at foot of Newton street,
opposite the site for the new
school building in East St. Johns.
Phone Woodlawn 1194.
L D. Jackson
auant to the order of tho Honorable
Lionel It, Webstor, Judgo of tho
above named court, mado and entorot
on tho 20th day of October. 109.
The first publication ot this cita
tion la the 29th day of October. IW'J,
and the last will be on the 2Cth day
of November. 1909.
witnosa my nana ana me seui or
said Court affixed this 26th day of
October, PJ09.
P. S. fields, county Cleric.
By II. O. Schneider, Deputy.
Beginning Sunday, November 3ist,
will begin a scries of morning sermons I
on the subject:
"QMfttiau TMt km Acted."
Oil ol WUWrtra,Tfe7aol. OtyoriM, BtC
Ustdasa SlstpU Wuk,
It really seems strange that so many
people suffer year In and year out with
eciema, when it is now no longer a se
cret that oil ol wlntergreen mixed with
thymol, glycerine, etc., makes a wash
that Is bound to cure.
Old, obstinate cases, It Is true, can
not be cured In a few days, but there
Is absolutely no sufferer from eoema
who ever used this simple wash and
did not find ImnMCHaUJy that won
derfully soothing, calm, cool sensation
that comes when the itch is taken away.
Instantly upon applying a few drops
of the wash the remedy takes effect,
the itch is allayed. There is no need
o( experiment the patient knows at
Instead of trying to compound the
oil of wlntergreen, thymol, glycerine,
etc, in the right proportions ourselves
we are using a prescription which Is
universally found the moat effective.
It is known at the D. D, D. Prescrip
tion, or Oil ot Wintergreea Compound.
It la made by the V. D. D. Co, of Chi
cago, and our long experience with
this remedy has gives ua great confi
dence in Its merits.
A Hair's Breadth Escape.
Do you know that every time you
have a cough or cold and let it run
on thinking it will just cure itself
you are Inviting pneumonia, con-
The following three Sunday evenlnes sumntlnn nr aniriA hoi nulnnnaow
1 :ii i r "
"c jvw. trouble? Don't risk 1 Put
The theme for Nov, 3i will be:
sjvasaa I nn wana
Dec. 5-
Dcc, 13
X7 .0 MCt mA T)..Vi: TMt.,a.ttl ' " "
Dee.'.-.-Secret.nd Public Giving TS '"J" alth and stop
Secret and Public Uvingf " nC0U. Hoittou
2 Syrup. Price oc, 60e and il.bO per
Subaerlha for th St. John. Ravtew uoluo' U y onH UaDK rnara
and keep posted on the doings of I "
ths city.
Ak mf aatsmiMiafcss.
sfsssj) fsafsuwj vn jvar Brwssw 9
Subscribe for the TdMraaa bast
evening paper oa U coast. Sm
Ed Stock tea.