St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, November 19, 1909, Image 3

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    Small Profits
Big Sales
Give Your Wife
i something to be thankful for Thanksgiving
Special Net
Prices on
Lace Curtains
One Week
j.pnii'vrr'.pcrrTranni i mi'jviiji mm
A new dinner set
A good Pedistal Dining table
A solid Michigan White Oak
- $10.00
Local News.
The pesky fly has begun to seek
its winter quarters.
Now is the time to order
Thanksgiving turkey.
i Or agaiu you might make her happy with a new
Mattress for her bed.
We have the BEST and the CHEAPEST
$2.50 to $16.00 on easy terms.
Easy Terms , Right Prices
"When you think of Groceries, think of COUCH & COMPANY."
All kinds of staple groceries, canned goods, delicacies for
your tabic, fresh fruits and vegetables.
A large list of satisfied customers Is our best recommend
Dry goods, notions and shoes. Try us on these lines. Wc
ore not giving goods away, but wc arc making prices as low
as a safe business will permit. Wc try to make it your inter
est to Buy 1'amily Supplies HIvRH.
306-108 Philadelphia St. Phone Jersey 972
wlit at St. John Hardware
Company arc all of the new
variety that have scientifi
cally arranged draft.
The kind that draw with
out blowing the kind that
makes heat and no smoke.
See our splendid assort
ment of everything In the
stove line from the kitchen
range to the parlor heater.
or even when you are sitting or standing. Our Suits and Over
coats always look well and command the admiration of every
student of correct dress for men. We make the most stylish
Suits and Overcoats, perfect from fabric to finish, and there is a
distinctiveness about the details in the cut and the "hang" ol
the garments, that stamps the work as artistic tailoring.
Cleaning Pressing and Repairing
Fashionabla Tailors
Next to Post Office Phone Richmond 94
Flue Blocks
Contractor ana Builder
Manufacturer of Cement Blocks, Flue Blocks. Cement Drain Tile, !
Sewer Pipe, Cement Sidewalks, Steps and Foundations
Cement Block Building a Specialty
Phone, Drop me a Card or Call at Residence and Office 646 Hartman ;
Street, Cedar Park, tt. jonns
Plumbing and Tinning
MS.JM Strut
Phone Jersey 91
The new high school building
under progress of construction on
Philadelphia and Hayes streets is
coming alone at a rapid gate.
Miss Jennie Rice has returned to
icr home at Dlllcy, Ore., after
spending several days very pleas
antly in St. Johns the past week.
The St. Johns cleaning and press
tig establishment is now located on
Burlington street in the room form-
crlyoccupicd by the Home Bakery.
W. R. Evens of the St. Johns
Hardware store, has become a resi
dent of St. Johns, having taken up
lis residence on Portland Boule
W. A. Bennett made a business
trip to Ranier one day last week.
A doll given free with every $2
purchase Saturday at the VOGUE.
The business houses of the city
all report business flourishing and
getting better right along.
The brick work on Wolcott's
new building on South Jersey
street is rapidly being laid.
1 0
The "frost was on the pump
kin" and a few other things sev
eral mornings the past week.
L. II. Campbell left last week
for several weeks at Spangle, Wash.
where he has business interests.
Last week
out sale.
of Wolcott's closing
J. L. Higgins has purchased the
house and two'lots owned by James
For ront Storo room, next to
postofflco, brick, lnqulro John Noco
& Co.
You got full oight and first
quality at tho Contra! markot. Just
try It awhllo.
Three 1 pound packages regular
diamond Wtea, $1 M. Iv. Holleti
beck Cash Grocery.
D. J. Mayer of the Marine Iron
Works made a business trip to
Hood River during, the past week.
E. O. Magoon is having the front
of his cigar store enclosed in order
to keep out winter s chilling mast.
"Daddy" Maples has been quite
ill for the past couple of weeks, and
is little if any improved at this
Miss Violet Smith, who has been
visiting her brother Lcroy II,, has
returned to her home in Clinton,
Whidly Island.
The four double gas arc lights
ilaced around the Hollbrook block
las illumiuatcu the exterior and
mmcdlate surroundings in splendid
Smith-Wagoner Co., sold last
vcek to L. H. Campbell of St.
ohns, a 100x100 in North Port
land warehouse district. The pur
chase price was 14500.
The revival meetings at the Bap-
church, which hud been con
ducted by Evangelist E. A. Smith,
ere brought to a close bttnuny eve
ning. The series were well attend-
and were fairly successful
L. H. Campbell and mother arc
visiting relatives in Pullman and
n Spangle, Wash., where Mr.
Campbell will look after business
nterests before returning, mey
expect to be back iu bt. Johns
again in a few weens.
Homer N. Clark, formerly the
second-hand dealer In our town, is
now running a grocery store on the
corner ot -orbett ana wmttaKer
streets, South Portland, where he
las a nice place and nue business.
The Commercial club held on in
teresting session Wednesday even
ing. The ladies preseut helped to
make the meeting more enjoyable.
The object of the ladies in attend
ance was to organize a sort of aux
iliary to the club, and in this man
ner arouse more interest in the or
ganization. Plans were outlined
for some interesting events which
will be announced later.
E. C. Clodfelter, of Portland,
purchased during the past two
weeks, lots 3, 3, 13, 14 and 15 of
Multnomah Acres and lots 4 and 5
of the same tract were purchased
by E, Gross, also of Portland.
These sales leave but one 5-acre
tract unsold In Multnomah acres
that was placed on sale in June of
this year. The entire tract was
handled by the smith-Wagoner Co.
The Raymond House on the cor
ner of Jersey and Leavitt, which
has been run for the past three
years by Mrs. Minnie Planner, has
recently been sold to Mr. nd Mrs.
C. R. Fletcher, who have already
taken charge of the bouse and re
port that all their rooms are sow,
filled. Mrs. Plattner has moved
into the house just north ol the
feed store, where she intends re
maining for a short time during
Mr. Planner's absence in Denver,
where he has gone to look after
business interests.
gabaertt for & Bartow ud bo
Get the habit. Save a little every
week. The lurst National Bank
helps $$$ to make $$$ by paying
per cent.
ir you want 10 ouy.ront, sou or
exchange property soo Wolcott, (Tho
Ront Man.) 401 South Jersey. Sldo
Havo your property insured In tho
St. Paul or Northern flro Insurance
companies. They aro tho host. S.
L. Doblo, agent.
Money is given for your money
if you save with the First National
Bank which issues Time Ccrtifi
catcs of Deposit.
Four packages Wadco Condensed
Mince Meat, 30 cents M. E. Hoi-
leubeck, Cash Grocery.
Harry Mansfield, the veteran
barber and all around mechanical
genius, has been laid up for the
past week or so, but expects to soon
be able to ply his razor agaiu as of
A shooting gallery will locate iu
the room now occupied by Ma
goon's tobacco and confectionery
store, and Mr. Mugoou will remove
his stock into the room adjoining
on the south.
Councilman J. E. Hillcr is busily
engaged these days iu harvesting
his crop ot spuns on ins rnucii at
Milwaukee. He says the mud is a
foot deep and still rising, but the
"Mttrphys" arc turning out hue.
Roy Inclcduc, the accommodat
ing assistant at Bonham & Currier's
grocery, is once more at ins post 01
duty, after a short vacation, part
of which was spent nt Independ
ence, Ore.
Ml our moats aro govornmont In
spected and tho bost that money can
buy. Thoy aro noatly and careful
ly handled. Como in and loavo your
order for froo dollvory. Ward's
Central Markot.
All kinds ot laundry work done
promptly. Rough dry washing 0
ont por pound. Calls made for
laundry at any place. Ring us up
Phono Rich. 091, St. Johns Lauu
dry. Churchill IJros,proprlotors.
What do you buy with your
money? What have you got to
show for the money you earned last
month? Get wise. Save n little.
The First National Bank helps sav
ers with Time Certificates of De
Titos. Cochran has had a force of
men busily engaged iu improving
East Burlington street the past few
days. This improvement was need
ed as badly as any other iu the city,
and it is pleasing to note the work
under way,
Gas Appliances Arrived.
Those who have been patiently
awaiting the arrival of the Gas
Mains and have longed to put iu
Gas for Lighting and Cooking on
account of its convenience and
cheapness, will be glad to learn
WARE CO., have installed a com
plete line of Gas Appliances for
their patrons.
None can question the fact that
Gas for Cooking is cheaper than
wood and far more convenient,
and this blessing is an attainment
now available by the housewives of
St. Johns.
We notice the nice display win
dow iu which they exhibit "Jewel"
Gas Ranges, Gas Fixtures etc., and
we feel sure that the people of this
City will be glad to be able to go to
a reputable locally established firm
tor their lias juirners and nxtures.
Mr. York will represent them in
giving estimates on house piping.
installing fixtures and the like, and
orders given Mr. York will be ex
ecuted by the HENDRICKS
HARDWARE CO., in a thorough
To say that the HENDRICKS
HARDWARE CO., Is handling
the "Jewel" Gas Range is in itself
a feature, as this, well-known Gas
Range has been the leader both for
economy and durability for years
throughout America.
Call up Richmond 936 for infor
mation about gas.
Too Much Turkey
And pumpkin pie might spoil the remainder of the day for
you but for our aid. Better lay in a supply of our digestive
Nynl's tablets and pain tablets in case of emergencies.
The drugs in our remedies
Are nil ns pure ns it is possible to get them. The remedies
themselves arc of proven merit. Taken at once, if there
should be trouble, they will relieve immediately and prevent
serious complications.
It is a new Lice and Mite Killer, a Naptha Nest Egg to prevent and kill chicken lice. They
are 50c a package, and with each package we give you free a wall cabinet, size 1 1-2 feet by
2 feet, a mirror front, and it is a very beautiful and useful piece of furniture a good addition
to any kitchen. The eggs and cabinet can be seen in our window.
The Peninsula Bank
(Established 1905)
In the selection of a bank the first thing of importance to be considered is ab
solute safety. The prudent depositor should know the character and the standing
of the bank with which he deals. Therefore, before inviting his confidence and
soliciting his patronage, wc beg to submit a list of directors who arc all practical
and successful business men:
Rout. Tkkat Pi.att, President
F. C. Knait, Vice President
C. A. Wool), Cashier
M. L. HouiitooK, Capitalist
F. C. Knait, Sec. Peninsula Lumber Co.
I'KTHlt Autzkn, President Portland Mfg. Co.
R. T. 1'l.ATT, Piatt & Piatt, Attorneys.
II. I.. Powkkh, Vice President nud Gen. Mgr.
I.cwistou Land & Water Co.
Tiioh. Cociiuan, Contractor.
C. A. Wood. Cashier.
Interest paid on Savings Accounts and Time Certificates.
Open an account with the conservative
Pioneer Bank
Ladies' Suits That Suit
the Ladies
Something new in St. Jolins-A new and complete line of
Ladies' Dress Skirts, Silk Underskirts
Long Coats, Rain Coats and Capes
Will be on display TOMORROW at the Vogue Millinery
The ladies of St. Johns and vicinity arc cordially invited to call and iuspqct this new Mock
of ladies' apparel. The goods were bought direct from the manufacturer, thus saving the middle
man's profit. Our reputation for first class goods and tiptodutc styles iu the millinery line should
be sufficient assurance that the new will not inferior either iu material or design. Cut prices will
prevail iu the millinery department for a few days. Remember, you also get free library tickets.
Vogue Millinery
Rev. C. P. Gates, Pastor
Subject Sunday evening, Nov.
21th, at 7:30 o'clock:
I Fine Reasons For Fall Painting I
1. The wood is thoroughly dry.
3. Paint penetrates deeper in
dry wood.
3. l'nll weather Is warm, dry,
4. Wet weather decays unpro
tected surfaces.
5. Pall painting keeps out wint
er moisture.
Acme Quality Taint & I'juishes.
Sao us. We havetha "Goods"
For Sale Square Chaso piano In
first class condition, fine tono and
recently tuned. Price $76, $1S down
and balance on terms to responsible
party. Call 029 8, Ivanhoo street.
Men's Clothing
We have the agency
for the Rothchild line
E Guarantee their wear and fit. Wc also carry a
few Overcoats and Cravcnettes of the same line.
No marking up ioo per cent, profit and then
marking down. We just give you the value for your
money in this line, as well as in the
Shoe, Dry Goods and Grocery Lines
Aquapelle Clothing, Fish Brand Slickers and
Boston Rubbers are in demand now, and there are no
better brands on the market.