IfUfortenl Society ST. JOHNS REVIEW IT'S NOW UP TO YOU To Mtaaft for THIS Paptr. AIMmmwi vkhKkumli tar iMtto. Call la aa4 Mroll GET IN THE HABIT Of atmlailnt ta THH PfW and yoa'H nartr ntni H. Ha llo at Km as lata rlfil at M Drotd to th IstemU of (he Penlawla, (be Manufacturing Center of (be Northwest VOL. 6 ST. JOHNS, OREGON, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 12. 1909. NO. t MAY GET NEW INDUSTRY Another Big Shipbuilding Plant Probable If such action is found within the law, the Port of Portland Com mission may lease the St. Johns drydock, which cost $500,000, to the Oregon Drydock Company, placing both structures under the management of the same concern. Should the deal be consumated, a modern shipbuilding plant will eventually be established alongside of the Port of Portland drydock. A proposition for leasing the dry dock at St. Johns has, been received by the Port of Portland from the officials of the Oregon Drydock Company and was read nt a special meeting of the organization held last week. The proposal appeared to meet with favor, inasmuch as an attorney was instructed to look up the matter and sec if such a proced ure would be strictly legal. In the proposal submitted it was stated that if such a deal should be closed the lessees would put in a plant at the Port of Portland drydock whereby it would be possible for all ordinary work in the shipbuilding line to be done at that point. In time the members of the commis sion were led to believe that a mod ern shipbuilding plant at St. Johns would result. Telegram On the Editor Following is a small boy's essay on ..editor, which we clip from au exchange: , "I don't know how newspapers came to be iu the world. I don't think God does, for he hasn't any thing to say about them and editors in the Bible. I think the editor is one of them missing links you read of. He stayed in the bushes until after the flood, and then came out and wrote the thing up, and has been here ever, since. I don't think he ever dies. I never saw a dead one and never heard of one getting licked. If the editor makes a mistake, people say he ought to be hung; but if a doctor makes any mistakes he buries them and folks don't say anything, be cause doctors can read and write Latin. When the editor makes a mistake, there is a lawsuit and swearing and a big fuss; but it a doctor makes one, there is a funer al, cut flowers and perfect silence. A doctor can use a word a mile long without anybody knowing what it means; but if the editor uses one he has to spell it. If the doctor goes to see another man's wife, he charges for the visit; but If the editor goes he gets a charge of buckshot. When the doctor gets drunk, it is a case of being over come by the heat, aud if he dies it's from heart trouble; wheu an editor get3 drunk it is a plain case of too much booze and when he dies it is from a cause too disgrace ful to speak of. Any old college can make a doctor; an editor has to be born." Clearing More Land Chas. Foss, the energetic land clearer, has secured a contract for clearing ad plowing 20 acres of land at Northern Hill for J. B. Holbrook. He has a big crew of men now busily engaged in clearing off the timber and getting the ground in shape for the plow. The clearing of this large tract of laud will make a decided improvement to Northern Hill, as a dense forest of trees and underbrush now ob struct the view as seen from the car windows. It U the intention of Mr. Holbrook to plat the tract out into lots and place them on the market. The land lies admirable for buiWiBg purposes and will like ly be utilized to a great extent by the employee of Packingtown as an idcel residesce section. The clear is of tWe property is another step forward ia the progress of the Pe aiawila. 3 per cent. 3 per cent. 3 per cent. These are the signs of the Savers Club's 500 members with btadqHarters at the First National Bask. Meetings held daily from 9 is the morning until 3 in the after twee. Come any day and Join. DOCK MAY YET BE LEASED Councilman A. W. Davis Proposes New Plan Owing to the fact that the petit ion for the vacation of Philadelphia street was not presented to the council in proper form, the city at torncy declines to prosecute the matter further unless the petition Is gotten up, circulated and sieucd by others than councilmcn and then presented to council iu due form. The pctitiou now before the body is signed by councilmcn which the attorney states is very bad form, since it is practically councilmcn petitioning themselves to vacate a street. Therefore, unless some cit izvti with the matter so much at heart takes it upon himself to cir eulate a pctitiou nothing further will be done, the way it now ap- tcars, Consequently the mass meeting that was proposed to be held in regard to disposition of the city dock will be postponed indefi uatcly. Iu regard to the dock Council man A. W. Davis has advanced a scheme that looks well on the face of it, and would no doubt be sat isfying to all our citizens. That is to amend the charter so that the dock may be leased for a period of 35 years, instead of live years, as now obtains. Dy this plan it is be- icved that the dock could be leased for enough to cover the interest, in surance and principal, thus relicv- ug the city of the burden, and giving it the benefit of the increased valuation ot the property at the ter mination of the lease. There should be no trouble in securing a essee willing to put in a spur and assume the entire iudebtedness of the dock on a 25-ycar lease. Mr. Davis has also devised an ex cellent plan for getting those streets mproved wniclt tue 50 percent. valuation of property as specified by the charter prohibits, and that 3 to amend the charter so as to al ow for improvement to the full val uation of the property assessed by the assessor. Wc understand the Portland charter provides for full valuation on street improvement. It would scarcely work a hardship upon any property owner since the Bancroft bonding act allows of ten years to make payments, and in no case would the property not en hance at least as much as the as sessment comes to iu value. This seems the only feasible plan where by we may improve those streets where a so per cent assessment will not permit of so doing. Many streets had to be given up the past summer on account of the assessed valuation not warranting the im provement as the charter now reads. The only other way would be to have the property assessed higher, and it is patent to all that taxes are already high enough on residence property. Other amendments to the charter could be made without coming amiss, and it is more than probable that a commission will be appointed in the near future to recommend such changes as appear necessary and beneficial. Difficult to Get Phones It seems to be a difficult matter for narties desirine ohones in St. Johns to get them installed. At least half a dozen parties have made application for phones of the Pa cific States Co., but for some rea son they are not forthcoming. The Review office has had an application in for at least six weeks, but out side of a promise to have it in stalled in a week or so, no action has been taken. Why this deplor able state of affairs should exist is beyond our ken. It is too bad their franchise did not require in stallation of phones within one week from date of application. The centenary of the first Ameri can settlement on the Pacific Coast will be celebrated by Astoria in - re 191 1 and plans tor tne anair are al ready heme discussed. Descen dants of John Jacob Astor will be asked to join in the commemoration of the planting of the first American city on the Pacific Coast by the founder, of that famous family. The story of the fouudiug of Astoria is told in Washington Irving' s book that same. PITY 11 AM Portland Boulevard. Tacoma and Pittsburg Street Improve ments Accepted. Resolution Adopted Opening Up and Extending Polk Street to Lehigh Council met in regular session Tuesday evening with all members present and Mayor Hendricks pre siding. Minutes of previous meet ing were read aud approved, A communication was received from the St. Johns Transportation Co., asking for the privilege of changing the ferry time from 40 minutes to au hour iu order to meet the hourly service of the trolley line on the west side of the river, and also to give teams more time to load with crushed rock at the crusher aud catch the same boat on the return trip. This concession was granted on motion of Council man Johnson, who deemed it quite satisfactory to all concerned. A communication from Sam Cochran asking for a rebate of over $600 on his liquor license, claiming that this sunt was due him owing to his closure by order of the- Court for an extended period, was referred to the finance committee on motion of Councilman A. V. Davis. Report of the St. Johns Trans portation Co., for the months of September and October were then read. The former showed: Foot passengers, 4002, single rigs, 350, double rigs 139, commutation tick ets 46. For the mouth of October: Foot passengers 3910, single rigs Local Freight Local freight service went into effect in St. Johns Wednesday at the following rates between St. Johns and Portland: First class, roc, second class 9c, third class 8c and fourth class 7c per cwt. Only tri-weekly service has been secured so far, car leaving Portland Wed nesday, Friday aud Monday nights for delivery at bt. Johns early the following morning. A schedule las been arranged for prompt re turn of the car St. Johns to Port- and. If the tonnage with the ser vice justifies it will be extended from time to time, and of course if the tonnage does not justify main tenance of the service it will in due time be taken off. The Commerc- al club was very instrumental in securing local freight for St. Johns, and it is hoped that daily service will soon be inaugurated. Half a oaf, however, is better than none, and it is likely only a question of a few weeks until the busiuess justi fies daily service. Boosting Oregon Under the banner of the Oregon Development League, the state has never taken a more decided forword movement in community publicity than now. With the various cities thoroughly aroused and actively at work to advance their interests, the outlook is very bright. Never tas there been a stronger adver tising pulse throughout the state. There is a determination to set forth to the world the manifold ad vantages Oregon has to offer to the home seeker. During the past week, under the direction of the Oregon Development League, re markable meetings have been held in various parts of the state. Tre mendous interest has been shown everywhere. Secured First Stove D. L. Page has the honor of pur chasing the first heating stove turned out by tne stove factory at the foot of Richmond street. It was delivered to Hendrick's Hard ware store, and the mayor sold it to Mr. Page Saturday evening. If this stove is a criterion in price and quality there is no doubt but that the St. Johns plant will be swamped with orders as soon as tbeir output becomes known. The Home Telephone Co. has decided to erect a telephone station here in the spring. The company owns a lot at the corner of Jersey and Chicago streets, and it is likely that it will be located on that plot of ground, The building, we un derstand, will be a two-story brick. IM PFf.lll 335, double rigs 137, commutation tickets 58. A check for $16.48 as the city's dividend for the two mouths accompanied report- Both were accepted by council. Portland Itoulevard, Fcsscndcit to Oswego street, was accepted by council, after being accepted by the City engineer and the street com mittee, Pittsburg and Tacoma street Im provements were also accepted by council after being duly approved by the engineer aud street commit tee. Dills to the amount of $99.10 were allowed on motion of Council man Dobic. Two bids were received on the improvement of Portland Doulc vard, formerly known as Stewart street. The first was that of M. T. Sw'au and was as follows: Cut 35c, fill 15c, sidewalk and curb 48c crosswalk 45c. Dy L. Scybold: Cut 35c, fill 15c, sidewalk ami curb 47c, crosswalk 47c. Upon referring the bids to the engineer it was found that the bid of L. Scybold was the lowest, aud he accordingly was awarded the contract. A remonstrance was received from Mrs. Mary Delicti protesting against the viewer's assessment of her property on Fcssendcn street. Kenton Building Up Clearing of the land having been completed, excavations will be com menced immediately ou the two story concrete block apartment house owned by Judge Carey to be located one square south of the bank block in Kenton. The struc ture wilt contain 8 apartments of 5 rooms each aud cost about $36,000. The Kenton Duildiug & Contract Co., has charge of the work. Grade work was started Monday morning on the site of the Davis Safe & Lock Co's., plant. Contrac tors Isou ft Durus were awarded the job. Two or three weeks will be required to finish the grading, after which the concrete work will be commenced. It is estimated that 35,000 cubic yards ol gravel will be required for concrete buildings. The contracts for concrete work have not yet been let. Excavating for the Dupuy dud and the Diugham blocks to le com pleted with a few days of fair weath er. The former of these two build ings will be constructed of red brick, the latter of concrete blocks. The Kenton Duildiug & Con tract Co., will receive figures for the erection of two cottages aud a two story frame residence. Work will be commenced immediately. Plastering work will commence this week ou the concrete block residence being erected by Dyer & Co., at a cost of $5000. Carpenter work has just been commenced on Mr. Krueger's bun galow at the corner of Holland street and Albiua Avenue. The residence will contain five rooms, be externally finished in California rustic, rough side out. The cost of erection will be $2500. Ed. Countiss, a bridge builder, is erecting a dwelling in block 19, Fairport, at Farragant and Mason streets to cost $2000. Charles Rowley, a Troutdale bus iness man, recently purchased lots 32 and 34, in block 2, Kenton, and will commence the immediate con struction of a two story and base ment concrete building. The esti mated size of the proposed structure is 50x70 feet. The lower floor will be devoted to stores, and the upper to offices. Will Help Spme Establishment of a direct steam ship line between Portland and Antwerp was announced this week and this new channel for commerce is important to the whole North west. Coast cousumers will be able to take advantage of commod ities brought directly here from the old world and the vessels will have large loading space available for carrying Coast products back to European markets. , Work fcr a areata St, Johns, AO tFKMN It was obvious to Council however, that Mrs. Dclictt became confused between assessments aud benefits, and where she believed she was as sessed costs in rculity she was al lowed benefits. Smith-Wagoner Co., also filed objection to their assessed benefits on the same street, stating that the amount awarded is wholly in sufilccut. Remonstrance ordered placed on file ou motion of Council man A. W. Davis, it appearing that the remonstrance placed an exorbitant price ou the property aud also that the size of the lam! was not given correctly. The viewer's report on Fcssen dcn street was held over until next week iu order to condense the original report and the amended report into one. An ordinance relating to resisting an officer was passed by the Coun cil. A resolution opening Polk street to Lehigh was unanimously adopt ed. A W. Davis made a motion that the recorder write the North West Warehouse Co., to ascertain if they will entertain n proposition to take the City dock off the City's hands ou a lease for a term of years. Carried. A New Method Nine raw eggs and two quarts of milk, shaken together, formed the first real meal in eight days to find its way into the stomach of William Williams, the first Presbyterian Church burglar, who was captured at Ballard, near Seattle, Nov. 1. The eggs and milk were forced Into Williams' stomach with a rubber bulb by way of the nasal passages. liver since the morning of his ar rest, when he began shamming in sanity and carried it to the point of bumping his head against the steel door of his cell in the City Jail, Williams has refused food as he lies handcuffed 011 his bed iu the City Hospital. At various times the nurses aud surgeons have been able to force small quantities of liq uid food down his throat, but he has bitten so many rubber tubes to pieces that this method had dually to be abandoned. The heroic treat ment of administering food through the nasal passages was decided on and carried into effect Monday eve ning. Williams fought against taking his food iu the manner pre scribed, but he had been securely bound to his bed. Another Industry As soou as a few of the minor de tails regarding transportation fa cilities have been arranged for The John S. Deall & Co., will purchase two acres in the Swift Tract on the Peninsula extending from Columbia Boulevard and the O. R. & N. tracks to Columbia Slough. It is the intention of the company to commence the immediate erection of a plant to manufacture corru gated iron gables, iron culverts, water tanks of all kinds, water troughs aud iron curbiugs. The main building will be a two story and basement affair, presumably frame, 75x150 feet in dimension, Capital to the amount of $50,000 will be invested. After the date of completion of the plant, next spring, about 50 men will be employed. Metal of a special analysis that will test 99.94 per cent, pure iron will be used exclusively in all man ufactured product. Mr. Deall says that galvanized iron of that purity is free from rusting and corroding and is more durable and less heavy thau inferior grades. Abstract. A girl's basket ball team was or ganized at the home of Miss Mad eline Shirley last week and the fol lowing officers elected: Madaline Shirley, president; Pearl York, vice president; Eva Edmondson, secretary, and Ellen Dassey, treas urer. After the team has had some practice games will be arranged for. Preach tho gospel of St. Joans. MINISTERS HIS VICTIMS Made a Mistake by Com ing to St. Johns A young fellow who gave his name as I. R. Truman had the ex treme pleasure under the supcrvis ion of Officer McKiuucy of clearing off a few of the muddy street cross ings during the nasty weather of the past few days for his board and lodgings. He in a rather slick young man with a sanctimonious countenance and alow, sympathetic voice. Iu an endeavor to get along in this world without manual labor he had hit upon the scheme of working religious organizations for money, clothing, lodging, etc. For several mouths he hud tra versed Portland with a nice little talc he concocted. Ministers were liis strong card, and if there is one in Portland who was not approached and iu most cases buncoed by this young man he is yet to be heard from. The most effective argument he brought to bear was that he had secured a job but that it would not be ready for him for several days, and iu the mean time he had no money and no place to lodge. Usually he worked upon the sym pathies of the ministers to such an extent that they usually rendered him financial assistance, After fin ishing up in Portland he came to St. Johns aud called upon Rev. C. L. Owen. After telling his well worn talc iu n pathetic manner, the reverend gentleman secured lodg ings for him in a Jersey street lodg ing house where he was to stay until his job was ready for him. Upon calling at the rooming house the next day Key. Owen learned that the bird had flown. During the recent Daptist convention at Salem, Rev. Owen happened to mention the incident, and among the ministers iu attendance from Portland it was found that not one escaied being made a victim of the young scamps visitation. Last Friday as Rev. Owen was walking up the street he happened to spy the individual loitering 011 the street corner, and he was not long iu in forming an olhcer and the young man was haled before Judge Ksson on a charge of vagrancy. A sen tence of live days imprisonment was imposed upon him, and the young rascal put them iu doing what was likely the hr.st manual labor he ever done. The street crossings were cleaner as a result aud the young man is 110 doubt wiser iu consequence. Death of Mrs. Couch We clip the following from the Henry County, (Iowa) Signal, con cerning the death of Mrs. Amanda Couch, mother of our well known townsman, Hon. K. C. Couch: "Mrs. Amanda Couch was born iu Herkimer County, New York, June 9, 1828, and died Oct. 13, 1909, aged 81 years, 4 mouths and 4 days. When she was 22 years of age she moved to Lorain, Unlo, aud made that her home. Iu 1854, when she was 26 years of age, she was united in marriage to C. II. Couch, and to their union were born six children, five boys aud one girl, all of whom survive the moth er. Airs. Loncii has been a mem ber of the M. E, church for many years aud graced the church of which she was a member by her Godly life. She was patient; be lieving that all things work togeth er for good to them who love God. Building Permits No. 91 To G. W. Ford to erect a dwelling on S. Hayes street be tween Richmond and Mohawk streets; estimated cost $1500. No. 92 To II. S. Hewitt to erect a dwelling ou Portland Jloul evard betwecu Chicago and New York streets, for M. Maplethrop; estimated cost 1 1200. T. I?. Williams loft Mondav eve ning for Los Angeles, where he ex pects to remain for the winter, f lis health has not been of the best for some time past, and the trip is made in tue nope that it win prove ueue- uciai. FIREMEN'S ATH LETIC CLUB Held an Enjoyable Dance Saturday Night The biggest dance of the season was given by the Firemen Athletic Club in the skating rink last Sat urday night. Over sixty couples were on the floor at one time and all seemed to enjoy themselves to the highest possible degree. The firemen know how to make a dance a most successful and pleasing affair aud the date of their dances arc al ways looked forward to with a great deal of pleasure. The next dance is booked for November 20th and nil lovers of good dancing should make a special effort to at tend. The skating rink makes an excellent place for dancing, being commodious, centrally located and possessed of a very fine floor. The laddies know how to make nil feci at home, aud no effort is spared iu making each event as enjoyable and interesting as possible. The Firemen's Athletic Club is a recently formed organization. Its purpose is to promote healthful aud clean sports of various natures. Dcsidcs the periodical dancing par tics given, basket ball, boxing, wrestling aud other indoor amuse ments aud diversions will be in dulged iu. They deserve all the aid and assistance the public can give, aud judging from the attend ance at their initial dance, they are going to receive it. Well Attended A large attendance was present nt the first mass of the Catholic de nomination at the French block last Sunday morning, and the capacity of the room was taxed to its utmost capacity. A baptism took place and an Altar Society wasorgaiiizcd. Next Sunday two masses will be held, the first at 8:30 and the last nt 10:30 11. m, Sunday school will be held between the first and last mass, at about 10 o'clock, Father F. J. Kctteuhofer, who has charge of the parish here, is greatly pleased with St. Johns. He is a booster of no small degree, aud wilt use his best efforts toward furthering the cause of St. Johns. Will Cut it Out After this week Douville's mag azine will cease to be given as u premium to Review subscribers, The shears, however, will be given for a few days longer. Kvcryone has been given a chance to secure the premiums and we feci that it will serve no particular purpose to continue them. Quite a number of new subscribers were enrolled as u result, however. Hard on Space The "Who's Who" matter rather hampers us for space this week, and as a consequence news Is some what curtailed. Wu trust it will not be many weeks before we will be enabled to enlarge the paper. It's all up to the business men, however. If they would all adver tise, the Review would have been larger long before this, Married Saturday Ralph W. Reynolds and Miss Sophia J. Murphy, the former of University Park and the latter of Portland, were united iu marriage at the Evangelical parsonage Sat urday evening, Rev. C, P. Gates performing the ceremouy. Thousands of new settlers have come to Oregon and Washington during the period that the low one way colonist rates were in effect aud are now building permanent homes here. Dr. Rambo left Sunday morning for Spokaue, Wash., and expects to be abseut about two weeks. Not th label on your paper.