St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, November 05, 1909, Image 2

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flaMlanjsd Brery Friday
At 117 VfMt Darlington Street.
Tns Rrvibw 1 entered at post office
In Saint Johns, Oregon, as mail matter
oi me second class under the Act ol Con
Kress of March 3, 1879,
Job Printing tisenUd In Urii eUn il
Hills lor Jsa Prlntlnr iuh nn lll.rv.
Alt sommnnleatlons should b sddrsutd to
Advwtlilnf riUf. 11.00 bit tntih mr month
All adTsrtlilng bills pajttU lint of cseb
OBatat Vsvtpspsr sf Us Olty of St. ftans.
Subscription price $1,00 par yaar.
A young lad in Portland has sot
the natives all agog over n peculiar
power ho scorns to possess. Chairs,
tables, stands, etc., perform tho High
Innd fling whenover ho goes into tho
Biiino room in which they nro con
tnlncd, Tho city papers have been
making great capital over tho lau
supernatural power, but it In still a
(MOHtlon with many peoplo whether
or not tho wholo proposition is
largo-sized hoax.
After advertising and roadvcrtls
ing for bids for tho Improvement of
East Ilurllngtoii street council was
succcsBftil Tuesday evening in so
curing u bid, which was at onco nc
coptcd. Hvory winter thin ntreot has
boon 11 voritnblo mud holo, mid it lu
with A great deal of satisfaction mat
tho people who uro compelled to do
hauling from tho Portland & Huliur
ban Kxpross Co.'h ware houso learn
of Its ultlmntu Improvoinnut. Thus
Cochran received tho contract.
ltov. Mr. Muckluy says ho blip-
llod oluveii Chinese 0110 night. True,
no doubt; 'and if bo will give each of
thorn n pretty, young American girl
for 11 teacher, bo can baptize Chinese
in squads of eleven, right along. Nu
turo Is Insistent on perpetuation of
tho race, mid mixes up thlngn won
dorfully If not restrained. Hut tho
religious idea, tho idea of propaga
tion of tho gospel, iiiiiHtn't bo per
mlttod to triumph over common
sense. There In ono Instinct of Nu
turo Hint unless restrained will
triumph over till tho rest. 14 von hu
religious Instinct u powerless before
it. Hut it wilt use tho religious In
stinct If It can an iv means to an
end. Judicious observern don't think
much of Mr, Muekloy's eleven Chris
tian baptisms of Chinese. The mo
tive of tho converts Is not found In
tho abstractions of Christian faith,
TI10 following letter lu response
to a request of tho Commercial club
through Its secretary, 0. I Wojeott,
In regard to heating tho HI. Johns
alvo but it Is duo to tho conBump
tlon of current nnd up to this time
there has been no heater Invented for
street car use which may be consid
crcd reasonably economical for heat
lug purposes. It is this particular
point which effects the St. Johns
lino as It Is a long lino nnd tho loss
of power in transmission, transform
atlon and distribution, is so great
that it would not bo poBslblo to In
stall heaters at tho present tlmo
without affecting tho car service.
I trust you will appreciate tho ar
gumcnts in my letter as to tho post
tlon wo nro in and why wo cannot
grant your request at this tlmo.
Yours very truly,
C. J. Franklin,
General Superintendent.
linrry Hunter was ono of tho vis
Iters at tho Albany Applo Fair. Ho
and Ills partner's purchased 14 boxes
of tho prlzo winners, costing them
$1.00 per box delivered at Portland
They nro going to uso them for (lis
play purposes to show that tho land
they nro offering for sale is capable
producing apples equal If not bet
ter than the famous Hood Itlvcr ro
Ho has a scries of 17 photos that
were taken of tho farm that they are
selling lu G ncro tracts, and they cor
talnly show boido rich farming land.
Ono of tho pictures shows n Btcntn
plow drawing 12 disc.
His proposition with tho Innd nnd
peoplo to back It up Is certainly a
winner. They huvu sold nearly COO
acres during tho past 7S days.
Harry states that they have never
taken a party to see tho land who
have not purchased, Kven tho l'rof-
fessors of tho O. A. C. who examined
thu soli for them purchased 10 acres.
You will find Harry Hunter at his of
fice 302-303 I.umbcrmons Dank llldg.,
5th and Stark, Portland.
A grenl tunny pious peoplo would
probably prove a far greater bless
ing to humanity If they would worry
less about their wings and work more
diligently with their liniidn and their
beads, If they would wonder less
about playing golden harps lu heaven
ud glvu more thought to gladdening
earth with tender symphonies played
upon tho golden strings of love
stretched on human hearts, If they
would have less anxiety about thu
exact nature of tho spiritual bony and
greater concern for the natural con-
lltlon nnd healthful earo of the
physical body. Wo nil ought to long
to dwell In a glorified body In thu
orld to come; but wo ought also to
strive to glorify this body In which
0 nro living In tho world that now
Is, From November Physical Culture.
While the people of Portland are
bolng agitated over tho Impuro milk
proposition, it would bo well for our
peoplo to look to tho quality of meat
they nro using. It Is of Just as vital
Importance that tho meat used should
bo pure as tho milk, and it is likely
that as many doaths aro caused by
diseased meats as from impuro milk
only it is moro difficult to traco,
Therefore, why buy your meat where
any question might bo raised as to
Its purity? do whero it has been
proven beyond peradventuro of
doubt that only good, wholosomo
meats aro sold, You owo It to your
family and you owo it to yourself.
Thcro is now moro sickness In this
city than over before, and who can
say that poor meat docs not havo its
sharo in this doplorablo stato of at'
fairs? Thoro Is ono market in St.
Johns whero you can get tho host,
and nothing but tho best In tho
moat lino. That is at MTQOOD &
COLE'S now market on North Jersey
street. Try them and boo.
Croup Cured
and a
Child's Life
"It affords mo great pleasure to
odd my testimony to that of tho
thousands who havo been benefited
by Chamberlain's Cough Itcmcdy.
My child, Andrew, when only throo
years old wan taken with a severe
attack of croup, and thnnka to thu
prompt use of Chamberlain's Cough
llumcdy hi; 1110 was saved and to
day iio is a robust and healthy boy,"
says Mrs. A, Coy, Jr., of San An
tonio, Texas. This remedy has been
lu uso for many yenrs, Thousands of
mothers keep It nt hand, and It has
nover been known to fall, For sale by
all good druggists.
is in ijPj!r a
Portland Gi Company
OFFICE IIO S.Jersey St.,
Phones. Private Ex. 26. A, 6274. Local
phone Richmond 1561
OFFICE OPEN 8 A. M. TO 8 p. M.
Our bank being a National Bank
places us under Government sup
ervision, and guarantees safety to 2
every depositor. We refer those
who have not dealt with us toll"
A mm I
tnose wno MAVt
TWICE the Light for HALF the Cost
of Any Other Light. CHEAPER for
Cooking and Heating Than Any
Other Fuel.
rami, Hog, Dairy or Chicken
Ranch, Orchard or Timber One
acre or thousands. It will pay yon
to consult Hnrtmati & Thompson,
Chamber of Commerce, Portland,
Ore. Edwin Hooker, Mgr. Farm
Tho two lots, CuxlOO each, corner
Jersey and Wall street, South St.
Johns, and on the highest nnd sight
Host building spot In the addition nro
offered for sale. Thu price for tho
two Is $8.10. See It. W. McKeon. I'ic.
Must vacate. Millinery stock and
fixtures to bo closed out in .10 days.
401 South Jersey street. O. 1 Wol
cott, Prop,
Preach tho gospel of St. Johns.
St. Johns, Oregon
Good Cough Medicine for Children
and Qrown Folks, Too.
"Wo could hardly do without Chum
borlaln's Cough Itomody," says Mrs.
Flora Dospaln of Illoyd, Ky, "I found
It to bo so good for tho croup nnd
havo used It for years, I can hoartllj
recommend it for coughs, colds and
croup In children nnd grown folks,
too." Tho above shows tho Implicit
confidence that many mothors placo
In Chamberlain's Cough Itomody, n
commence based on many years' ex
perience In the uso of it. No ono
need hesitate tj uso this remedy for
It contains no chloroform, opium or
other narcotics and may bo given to
a child as confidently as to nn adult,
For sale by all good druggists.
The Last Frontage Along the West Side of the Williamette
Fifty lots directly across the river on St. Helens and Germantown roads;
five cent fare to Portland.
Prices $300 and up; terms Five Dollars down and Five Dollars per month;
liberal cash discount.
R. H. B LANDING, Agent, Whitwcod Station
cars explains ltsdf, nnd shows that
wo may expect no heat on thu cars
tho coming winter. It follows;
"Your letter to Mr. F. I. Fuller,
our Vice President, has been turned
over to mo for Investigation and re
ply. While hentera nro Installed on
weather Is extreme nnd gots dowiij
to n few decrees above nnd in
number of places below zero, It l
A question that wo huvu had up
uulto frequently on tho toast, both
In Portland and tho Sound cities, as
to heators on tho long runs and on
account of our moderate climate, v
havo no been able to tteo tho necess
Ity of It up to tho present lime, lu
u number of cities lu thu Kust where
they havo heaters, they keep them
cut off except in thu morning and
ovenlng when tho thermometer gots
bcluw 30 degrees, You can seo If
wo adopted this practice lu this part
of tho country, which In tho Kast Is
net-opted us a reasonable one, there
would bo littlo or no use lu putting
houtora in the car,
hast winter, of course, was an ex
tremu case and Uin most suvere, ns
far as statistics show which I am
ablo to gather, that wo havo had in
tho neighborhood of 15 years and
whllo I think your request Is largely
based on (ho experience of last win
tor, I do not think it Is fnlr to take
an exception of this kind us u basis
for your request.
I also wish to call your attention
to tho heater situation in a number
o Eastern cities where, independent
of tho cold weather, during tho rush
hours tho heaters aro turned off und
only allowed to remain on during tho
inlddlo of tho day for tho reason
that tho consumption of current Is
so groat at tho peak load, when most
of the cars aro out, there is not
enough left to run tho cars success
fully. It is not tho cost of hoators
thomsolves that makes thorn oxpou-
Itev. O. I", dates cloBed his .mei
outing series of sermons on Isms"
last Sunday ovenlng lu tho Hvnugol
eal church, Tho series wore well
attended throughout, und many new
thoughts and facts were brought out.
During Uo month of November tho
reverend genlemnu will conduct nn
other series of sermons taking hi
subjects from baso ball phraseology,
Tho first sermon next Sunday oven
Ing will bo on 'The Joan at thu
lint." All lovers of tho national
pastime should attend the series, as
much food for reflection from a base
ballist point of view will be ad
vanced, ltov, antes Is an ardent nnd
expert ball player, which will make
tho series moro than usually Inter
Tho management of tho National
Aplo Show to bo held in Spokane,
Wash., beginning Monday, Nov, 15,
requests that tho opening anuouueo-
imuit bo made simultaneously In
every city, town and hamlet whore
apples nro grown by tho blowing of
whistles und tho ringing of bells for
five minutes, commencing preclsoly
nt 10 o'clock n. m., l'nclflo time,
when 1'rcBldont Taft lu tho White
House nt Washington will press a
golden koy to n Western Union wlro
running direct to tho mammoth applo
show buildings lu Spokane, This re
quest has been received by tho Couv
merclul club. Kverybouy with a
whistle please tako notice.
For Sale Squaro Chase piano in
first class condition, flue tono and
recently tuned. I'rlco 75, f 15 down
and balance on terms to responsible
party. Call 539 S. Ivanhoo street.
Mus vacate. Millinery stock and
fixtures to bo closed out in SO days.
401 South Jersey stroot. O. f, Wol-
cott, I'rop.
NeU the label e yeur pajMf.
Pnposals For Street Work
Sealed proposals will bo received
at tho office of tho Hecorder of thu
city of St. Johns, until Tuesday
November 0, 1009, nt 4 o'clock, p, in.
for tho improvement of Portland
boulevard from tho West lino of
Fessenden Btreet to tho KuBtorly lino
of Thompson street In tho manner
provided by Ordinance No, 364 sub
ject to tho provisions of tho Charter
und ordinances of tho city of St.
Johns, and tho estimate of the city
engineer, on file.
Said work consists of 6-foot wood
walk 12-foot curb, earth surfaced
lllds must bo Btrlctly in accordance
with printed blanks, which will bo
furnished on application at tho office
of the ltecorder of tho city of St
Johns. And said Improvement must
bo completed on or before CO days
from November oth. lyuy.
No proposals or bids will bo con
sldorcd unless accompanied by a cer
tified check payable to tho order of
the Mayor of tho city of St.JoIins
cortlfied by a responsible bank for
an amount oqunl to ten per cent of
tho aggregate proposal.
The right to reject any and all
bids Is hereby reserved.
lly order of tho City Council,
City Hecordor.
Published In the St. Johns Rovlew
Oct. 22 and 29 and Nov. 5, 1909.
In ordsr to Insure change of aeV
vsrtlssmsnt the cow 'or ,ucn changt
should rtach this office not latsr than
Wednesday, at 3 o'clock p. m. Please
remember this and aava the printer
Must vacate, -u.uluery stock and
fixtures to bo closed out lu 30 days.
401 South Jersey, street. O, P. Wol
cott, Prop.
Subscrlbo for tho Telegram best
evening paper on the coast ,Soo
Ed Stockton.
01 WUUrcrMa, Thml, OtycrtM, Bsc
Uh4ui MapUWssh.
It really seems strange that so many
people sutler year in and year out with
cctcma, when it Is now no longer a se
crct that oil ol wintergrcen mixed with
thymol, glycerine, etc., snakct a wash
that Is bound to cure.
Old, obstinate casts, it is true, can
not be cured in a few days, but there
U absolutely no sufferer from eciema
who ever used this simple wash and
did not had tan sedately that won
derfully soothing, calm, cool aensatlon
that comes when the itch It taken away,
Instantly upon applying a few drops
o( the wash the remedy takes effect,
the Itch is allayed. There It no need
of experiment the patient knows nt
Instead ol trying to compound the
oil of wintergrcen, thymol, glycerine,
etc., in the right proportions ourselves
we are using a prescription which is
universally found the moat elective.
It is known ai the D. D, D. Prescrip
tion, or Oil of Wintergrcen Compound,
it is made by the D. D. 13. Co. of Chi
cago, and our long experience with
tnis remedy hat given us great confi
dence in its merits.
Do You Get i
Smokeless Hot Clean. No splitt
ingno splinters. Contains 90 per
cent, of the heating value of wood.
without any water
1 1 1 S. Jersey Street. Photic Jersey ioji.
St. Johns Lumber Co.
Hns all kinds of lumber, kiln dried and otherwise.
Also slab wood. Timbers of nil sizes cut to order.
Get your winter's wood now and uve trwible.
Good Groceries? Are you satisfied
thoroughly with the quality of
the eoods and the brands and the
service f Now, when the first of
the month is connou Is the time
to make a change It you are not
perfectly satisfied.
Where you can buy everything
of highest grades ami guaranteed
qualities, from a barrel of Hour to
a box of toothpicks, there's a good
place to trade. Give us a trial for
one month. Watch our al. In the
bt. Johns Review.
Hendricks & Horsman !
The New Grocers
Phone Jersey 1021.
in South Jersey St.
All kinds of laundry work don
promptly. Roue dry was la
eenta per pound. Calls mad for
laundry at any pine. King us up
Phone Rich, m, St, Johns JUun
dry. Churchill Brea-proarieters.
Bring In your Job printing while
you think of It, Don't wait until you
are entirely out. We are equipped
to turn out neat and tasty prlatlng
promptly at Portland prices or less.
Mut vacate. Millinery stock and
fixtures to be closed out In 30 days.
401 South Jersey street. O. P. Wol-
cott, Prop,
A. M.
10, 50
II. 13
13, 8 p, III.
P. M.
1. 18
P. M.
10, jo
BLV v .onKVsnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnV
IHviiC i .1 nnnsnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnna
sansssssssssssssVBslsaisM an
Now, in Regard to Hats
or anything else in the line of up-to-date millinery, don't
imagine that because Portlaud has larger stores that they
can give you better prices, better goods or better atten
tion. When we allow them to do that it will be high
time to close up business. Call aud be convinced.
Our Charges.
As is customary, we will chanre
for card of thanks, 50c; for resolu
tions of respect, ti.oo: for notices
ol church or lodge entertainments.
suppers, sociables, etc., where there
are charges for admission, 5c per
line, but where (here are no charges
for these events, we will break the
rule and insert them free. We
make this announcement so that
our good friends may understand
our rule in this respect.
A Methodist Minister Recommends
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera
and Diarrhoea Remedy,
I have used Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy for
several years for diarrhoea. I con-
alder It the best remedy I have ever!
tried for that trouble. 1 bought a
bottle of it a few daya ago from our
druggist, Mr. It, R. Brooks. I shall I
ever be glad to apeak a word in Its I
praise when I have the opportunity."!
Rev, J, D, Knapp, Pastor M. ,
Church, Miles Grove, Pa. Sold by all
good druggists.
"The Light of the Hour''
Electric Light
It is MODERN. It is CLEAN, therefore
It is Convenient a light where you want it, when you
want it. Just press the button. It is Sanitary,
does not increase the temperature of a room
or vitiate the air. Expense includes only the cost
of electricity.
Standard Lamps Renewed FREE
Call up the Contract Department
Must vacate. Millinery stock and!
fixtures to be closed out in 30 days.
401 South Jersey street. 0. P, WolJ
cott, Prep.
Portland Railway Lieht and Power Gi.
147-7th Street
5 u