Hllforlcil Society JOHNS REVIEW IT'S NOW UP TO YOU Ta nWcrfca fof THIS Paper. All IM ml whBa h b mw U tar taotto. Call la tad Mroll GET IN THE HABIT 01 atartbfaf la Tttlt Ptft a yaaH aarar faajral M. Ba tla at aaea aa4 hats rltat at M Devoted to (ha Interests ot the Psatawla, the Manufacturing Center of (be Northwest VOL. s ST. JOHNS, OREGON, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 5. 1909. NO. 5 ST DIRECT LINE TO PORTLAND WouM be a Great Boon for St. Johns A communication from tho n rlno Iron iorks, by Dan J. mayor, president, was road at tho Com morclal club Wednesday evening. Tho documont was in regard to In duclng tho Portland Ooncrnl Elec tric Co. to run tholr cura direct to St. Johns from Portland, Instoad ot making tho wldo dolour via tho loop. Sovorul communlcatlona which havo paaicd botwocn Mr. Mayor and tho trolley pooplo rolatlvo to tho matter wero alio submiitod. In part Mr. Mayor's oplstlo la aa follows: "With relation to tho matter In rcforouoo to tho running of tho 8t. Johns can straight through to Uni versity Pork, and dlroctly Into Bt. Johns over tho now stool bridge on Dawson street, wo submit that In our opinion tuia would bo for tho betterment of our town and as wo see It, for ovcryuody concerned. Wo do not understand how there can bo any logltlmato objection to such chango, provided It enn bo brought about, and wo urgo In connection with our suggestion to tho Hallway company in relation to a lino con necting tho town of 8t. Johns dl roctly In un easterly direction via Smith's Crossing, with Pncklngtown and Vancouver linos, that unless Uils Is brought about our town will got none of tho elements who might find rosldonco hero with us and work In tho Packing-own district, for tho roason that thoy wi.t not chaso clear around tho present lines of street railway connocuon In or dor to roach their dally work, but will minor live at Kenton, which lu our estimation la not anywhoro near aa doslrablo a place to llvo as Is the higher district incorporated In our town. Wo havo spokon to sovornl raembors of your body who no knowlodgo bolng favorably lm prossod with tho matter as pre vented, and wo deilro In closing to urgo co-oporatlon to tho ond that wo got rollef at aa early a ubio aa poa alblo from tho todloua way wo now get back and forth botwoen our town and Portland; aud further, that wo bo not aldetracked ontirely from tho benefits that might bo oura by reason of going after them along tho llnea laid down herewith." Mr. Mayer was ono of tho flrat orlglnatora of tho Idoa of running tho cara direct through to St. Johns, nnd not coming la by way of tho back door," as ho expresses It. Many people have como out to aoo St. Johns, only to keep on tho cars and go back to tho city disgusted on ac count of tho round about way of reaching hero. The Commercial club will do all In Ua power to further the cause of a direct lino, and since tho Ilallway people have agreed to glvo tho matter serious considera tion, It Is expected that the request will be granted In tho very near fu ture. Busy on the Sewer The city engineer is busily engaged In maplng out a system ol sewerage for St. Johns. Tho first ono that will bo Installed will lively bo on Burlington street, Jersey to tho river. From this line tho entire dis trict from Richmond street down could bo drained, thus protecting the water works from and danger ol conUmlaaUon from Insufficient aew erage. It has been contended that .... nn should run down Rich IUC 93 ' .r-hrvnl hulldlncr. UlUB making a circuit from Philadelphia .. .. nl.UMnn1 TtlA via Jersey and aown ;uu.umu. wisest plan, however, is sam w " hors.ua,) It is lower aown owiws- thin RIchHJoad. Whichever plan la . . . ... in adopted, no time anouia uu ceulog It under way. Contract Completed Foss Bros, nave completed their A. al MA cob trot for u oaaeH-eu u t,..njio idtalnlnr W. E. Knbjhi'a HUllia .t Whltwood Court. They a. ...j nnviitr belnf manufaC' ieXU " h. a Portland firm and found I. -o.- nnrfect satisfaction. Vlth i they were enabled to break large steed rock close to me saioua w ' Mt erackiac a . EMPTY HOUSES IN DEMAND Supply Entirely Inadequate For Newcomers At least 100 men will bo furnished with employment at tho now Kenton Bafo & Lock factory to bo built on Columbia boulevard, Kenton. Tho rectory alto Is 200x1200 foot In di mension, comprlsos n tract of flvo acres, and extends from Columbia boutovard to Columbia Slough. Tho main factory building will bo a two story concroto structure, 300 foot In length and 100 foot wldo, fireproof In construction. Tho Iron and brass foundry will bo C0x200 feet In dlmon- lion. Tlioro will also bo a coko and sand shed about 70x200 feet. After tho complotlou of tho facotry noxt spring, It will hnvo tho capacity for turning out 20 safos and vault doors pet day. City Englnoer C. E. Androw, of St. Johns, Is receiving plans for sowers to bo laid on Jersey street, tho main thoroughfare, which Is to he hard surfaced noxt spring. It Is Intended to pavo Jersey street for the distance ot at loast 10 blocks. After this street linn boon hard sur faced, paving work will bo com monccd on otlior St. Johns treol. Although tho charter grantod by St. Johns to tho Portland (lus Com pnny called for laying 30,000 worth cf gus pipe In ono yoar's tlmo, tho company has spent ovor 10,000 In laying gas pipe, and tho charter has boon granted for only isix months. Tho nmount ot piping required by the charter will no doubt bo doublod be fi.iu tho expiration of tho fiscal year emllnc next May. Loading roal citato men say that although ovor 100 residences ot tho bettor class havo boon erected since Janunry 1, 1909, It Is practically lm posslblo to satisfy tho demand for bousos to rent. Not only are all tho hoi-sea aud hotels full, but newcomers aro living In tonts until bottor accom modatlous can bo offered. Whether or not tho unparnllelod prosperity can bo attributed to tho fact that St. Johns rocontly beenmo "wef Is as hard to decide as tho Cook Pcury controversy. This much Is certain tho three saloons that at present grace St. Johns business district aro doing a rushing business nftor tho "drouth." Abstract. Building Permits No. 86 To Thos. Scales to erect dwelllnR on Dank street botwoen Oregonlan and Fessonden; cost 000 No. 87 To Albert Olen to erect a dwelllnR on Nlcklln stroet, be twoen Crulkshank and Meyers; cost 1300. No. 88 To P. J. Belyeu to erect a dwelling on Meara street, botwoen Oregonlan and McCrum; cost $700. No. 89 To Dennett Moss to alter dwelling on Mears atreet near Ore gonlan; cost $liu. No. 90 To F. E. Zook to con struct a warehouse on Fessenden street between Charleston and Rich mond streota for O. P. Wolcott; cost To Restock River Tho Columbia river will bo re stocked with Sockeye salmon aa a remit of a. visit durioR the past week of United States Fish Commissioner George H. Bowers, of Washington, D. O. lie has ordered tho shipment of 2,000,000 Sockeye eggs from the Yes Bar. Alaska, hatches to be de- llvered to the Bonneville, hatchery, and the young fry will bo turned In to the Columbia. During tho past few years the Sockeye has been Krowlne scarce in the Columbia but It la believed that this fine variety of commercial fish will be propagated In sufficient Quaatiues to meet the ravage of the fishermen by restock ing the river. F. E. Zook has Just completed a kindeoae 6-roesa busgalow at Whlt wood Court for Gertrude Hurst. Whltwood Is growing steadily, quite a number of new residences having been built there the past summer. H la rumored that construction upon a large apartment house will begla tiiera la the next couple of weeks, TIMES CONTINUE TO "LOOK IIP" Evidences of Awakened Activity Are Apparent Upon Every Hand and an Era of Unexcelled Prosperity Now Has Begun to Dawn in St. Johns With tho approach, of wot weather conditions In St. Johns aro showing a decided upward tendoncy. Every nvattablo block or building has been leased and furnished and boars tho sign "Rooms for Rent,' but porsons In search of rooms aro overywhero confronted with cards reading, "Rooms all takon." Many aro forced to room In Portlnnd who would other wise rosldo In St. Johns. This fllnng-up process has boon noticed for tho last two months, and Is in kcoplng with a general rlso In property values, a demand for roal estato and houses to rent. It Is hard to secure a modern hquso at any prlco, and thoro nro very few empty housos of any description to bo had. Indications point to renewed prosper Ity In all linos of business. All thu Industries along tho water front aro busy and nro putting on moro help ovory day. Tho St. Johns Lumbor Company has so onlarged and Improved Its mill that It now has an output ot 140,000 foot ovory 10 hours as against 70,000 a year ago, Tho Pacific Stovo ft Rango company has its plant In working ordor, and can now turn out six soel ranges, .. cook stoves and 2G hoatora a dny. This plant Is tho champion homo n siuuiion as 14 of tho 16 mon em ployed live In Bt. Johns; eight aro uiarrlod and four havo purchasod homes thoro. All aro now to St. Johns, having been brought thoro by tho company. Noxt to tho stovo works as a strict ly homo Institution, Is tho Modern Machlno orks, with Its largo plant, nowly oroctod after bolng destroyed Emigrants Galore In tho 30 dnva that tho low col onUt rates wero In force on the transcontinental lines, tho O. R. & N, brought 7164 homoseokers to Oro gon and Washington points. This yoar tho rates bocamo eiiec tlvo Boptomber 15 nnd woro offered only until Octobor 15. Last year tho sale porlod was for CO days and n tho entire two months of 1908 tho O. R. & N. carried 8477 porsons to Oro gon and Washington points. Tho record for this year thoreforo shows that In half tho tlmo tho numbor tak ing advantage of tho ratoa waa with in 1313 of the numbor that purchased tickets In the entlro period of the preceding yoar. In tho last 30 daya of tho colonist rata nerlod of 1908. which corres ponds with tho total sale porlod of this year, tho railroad brought in 4538 colonist ticket-holders, or fower than this year. Tho travol in i-u9 Doriod was over t7 per com greater than In two corresponding w days of 1908. Of tho total number of bomcsooK era who camo to Oregon and Wash Ineton durtnx this year's rato porlod, 2323 wero destined o Portland and 1389 to points south of For.anu. Handed a Lemon "There's no doubt that fellow was handed a lemou," said Circuit Judge Qatens Monday night in speaking of William C. Spence. who is suing S. V. Davldor and the 8t, Jobna Gas, Light ft Heat Compauy In the Cir cuit Court to recover 1600, minus J per cent. According to Spence, be went to work for Davlaor at an agreed sal ary of 8iw for each of the first four months, and f 125 a month there af ter. This arrangement was mauo on condition that he purchase $1 In bonds of the St Johns company, SlOuO In stock to be gives him as a bonus. He paid ftsuu down, and was to pay the balance la installments. He saya the bargain was that he might demand the return of the 600, less 10 per cent,, within a vesr. It he was not satisfied with the bargain. Ho alleges Davldor has failed to live up to the agreement Three per cent la paid on small and largo savings deposits by uio First National Bank, by flro. Murphy ft Bennett, tho pro prietors, ant1 Bovornt of tholr em ployes, own their own homes, and ovory man employed by thin Institu tion, Mr. Murphy says, lives in St. Johns. Tho pnyroll of this place Ib $35 to $50 a day, and that of tho Stovo Company $50 a day. Eighty per cent of tho payroll of thoso two places Is spent with St. Johns mer chants, Stroet Improvement work has practically ceased for tho year, only a fow contracts remaining uncomplet ed, and no now work will bo lot uutll noxt Spring. Ono of tho most Important street Improvements fin Ishcd this year, although ono of tho shortest and least expensive, wns iho renovating of two blocks on Pittsburg street, oxtondltiK from Crawford atreot to tho ferry slip. This gives n prac tical means of access to the ferry for loaded wagons, nnd a direct route for heavy loads up tho hill by way of Edison street, whoro last year thu roads woro Impnssablo, Thoro Is a decided sentiment shown In favor of moro sowers and less street Improvement for next yonr and It Is probablo that tho sowers and drnluago question wlil cut a big flguru In noxt year's election. Tho chnrter gives the Council practically unlimited powers In tho building of sowors, and It can build any amount of thorn and assess tho cost to tho proporty which, In tho opinion of tho monitors and tho City Engineer, Is benefited. Anothor proposed Improvement Is tho paving of Jer.ioy street, from Richmond to Fessonden, with hard surfaco mutorlal. Jersoy stroet will soon allow 11 Have Reorganized Tho Oregon Flako Food Co. tins passed Into oblivion, and In Its stead has risen tho Paclflo Coast Corn Flnko Co. Tho now compnny wus Incorporated a couplu ot weeks ago, and It Is tholr purpose to ninko It the leading cereal food company west of tho Rocklos. Moro capital has boon Injectod Into tho enterprise, and with tho flno start mada under Its provlous uilo ovory Indication points to n most successful career. Evor since ItB Inclpleucy, tho concoru has boon handicapped for luck of capital, and slnco this Impodlmont has been eliminated thero is ovory reason to believe that It will hence forth progross by leaps and bounds. A largo amount of orders aro on hand to bogln on right away, and many more can easily bo secured will but little effort. Tho now board of officers consist of Dr. Jos, McChos ney, president; A. M. Esson, vice president; J. A. Collier, secretary and treasurer. Tho alrectors nro Dr. Jos. McChesney, A. M. Esson, P, Bartholomew, Dr. II. A. Ruo and David Burnoss. Tho offlco of tho new company is 228-229 Henry build ing, Portland. Sad Accident Obedient to tho direction of his father, to Jump from tho locomo- tlvo of a logging ouglno, ut w.arsli field, Johnnie Smith, aged 10 years, accldently threw himself under the loKKtne train, and was Instantly killed and horribly mangled. Tho ac cident happened at tho Sralth-Pow- ers' logging camp, on South Slough. The bov was riding with his fathor, who was running tho engine ot tho logging road. The train was eoluz down a grade, and as tho speed would soon greatly Increase, tho father, desiring to protect the boy, told blm he had better Jump olf. He did so, but in aomo way fell un der the wheels of the train. Miss Isabel Esson of Gorvlas Is assisting her brother, A. M, Esson, with his duties In he recorder's of tiot, Tho Immense amount of street work accomplished tho past summer has almost swamped the recoruor in the way of making out the various assessments and keeping up with hla other duties, great Improvement at night, and 10 1000-cnndlepowor gas lights havo boon ordorod by property owners nnd buslncHS men, nnd thu electric com pnny has Installed a i.--cnndlcpowor light In front of Itn now offlco In tho new Stlno block, Just being complet ed. Another Important help to tho mcr chnnta Is thu Installation ot n local freight Borvlco, thus making it pos sible to fillip gooda from tho East to St, Johns at tho snmo rato as to Portland. In addition it glvos ship pers n much cheaper rato irom Port land to St. Johns than heretofore enjoyed. It has boon ascertained that there Is an nvurngo of COO tons of local freight lu and out of St. Johns each month, In nddltlon to 900 cars 11 month, lu cnrlots. From Juno 1 to October 1, 3100 cnrlots of freight wero billed from tho at. Johns of fice, nnd lu nddllion tho Portland & Suburban Express Co. handled an average of ISO cars a mouth. Tho ostnbllshment of tho new rnto will necoBsltnto tho unlargomont of tho ofllco force of tho O. It. & N. by at least two inuu. P also menus a tele graph office will bo Installed thoro. T'.i railroad track Is bolng bn! lai'td, raised and placed In first-class condition, and that portion of it lying 011 Bradford stroet Is to bo planked oven with tho top of tho rails thus giving a first class street. An application Is soon to bo mndo for n franchise) for a 3000-foot aiding running from Philadelphia stroet down thu river. With all those Im provements planned it. will not . bo, difficult to socuro an up-to-date depot Ed L. Stockton in Sunday Oregon Ian. Just As Expected Ho was a proachor nnd ho claimed to havo u dlvlno revelation that the world waa to como to nn end on a certain day aud at a certain hour. Ho had preached tho coming event so often and so oariieHtly that ho bo- Moved his flock was as fully con vinced of tho coming event as him self. Ho had exhorted his followers to moot with him In a lurgo field at tho tlmo ho Indicated, and thoy would all bo takon up to hoaven In a body. Bright and early tho morn ing of tho fateful day tho proachor arrayed himself In hla asconsion robes and hied himself to tho field lu question. After walling for un extended porlod and nouo ot his flock appearing, ho grew weary and uscendlng a hay stuck near by ho lay down and finally wont to sloop. A counlo small boys happening along saw him aud decided to havo a llttla sport. Accordingly they sot fire to tho stack and dlscrootly beat a retreat. Tho minister finally awoke. Flames woro dancing all around him and smoke wus arising In a cloud. Gazing with ngonUod oyos all around him, ho gasped: "In hell Just as I oxpoctod." Will Be a Model Store Tho larco storo room formerly oc cupied by Knight & Qlovor on Burl ington streot is bolng complotoly overhauled and embellished by tho painter's brush. Mayor Hendricks has leased tho compartment for u term of years, and wheu It has been remodeled and adjusted to his liking will move hlu hardware stock there In. A larger lino will bo added nnd ono of tho most modern and up-to- date hardware stores on tho penin sula will result. Tho room 1b largo, well lighted and Ideally locatod. J. F. Gillmore, wife, son and daughter havo returned from a six woeks' trip to Texas and various nolnts In tho Southwest. Tho va cation was greatly enjoyed by the party, but all wero moro than glad to onco moro sot foot In St, Johns. Mr. Olllmoro desires to announco tho fact that ho has re sumed buslnoss In his roalty offlco on Jorsoy streot, whoro bo may hero after bo found as of yore. CITY SOLONS IN SESSION Usual Grist of Municipal Business Disposed of Council mot in regular session Tuesday evening with all tncmbors present nnd Mnyor Hendricks pro Biding, After tho minutes of tho provlous mooting wero rend and ap proved, a communication wan read from Rov. C. L. Owen of tho Bap tist church requesting permission for Evangelist E. A. Smith to hold noon day rcllglotiB services In tho city dock. Upon motion of Councilman A. W. Davis tho request was granted provided duo precautions ho taken against fire. No smoking Is permit ted on tho promises nt any tlmo. Contractor Llnd asked for pay for an oxccsH of rock ho datum to havo placed on Oswego street over tho en gineer's estimate. lu looking ovor tho records It waa found that tho city sold Mr. Ling 201 yards moro rock for this street limit tho engin eer doomed necessary. Some tlmu ago the council mndo n ruling that It contractors placed moro rock on n street than thoy woro authorised to do by tho onglnoor tho loss would bo on tho contractor, uh noltlior council nor thu property owners uould bo held responsible for tho 3XC0SS, Therefore, It looks very llko that Mr. Llnd tuny ns well pock et his loss w. h tho bent grnco pos sible. Tho ruling of council In this regard In apparently n wlso ono, u' nr chock wns placed on tho amount of rock placed on a stroet, at tho prlco of $2.50 per yard many con. tractors would bo glad to work all summer piling rock upon ono street. Ino matter was finally turned ovor to the streot commlttog. to,'j?oo. Jf anything could bo done to make Mr. I.l.id's burden lighter. Bills to tho amount of $1510.05 woro allowed. Included nmong them woro aularlcs for thu month of Octobor, payment nnd Interest on tho rock crusher, payment and in terost on road roller, plumbing, printing, etc. A report of tho city treasurer for tho month of Octobor showed a balance on hand of $5017.31, Mr Hunter of Stafford atreet was proiient aud ho sorlously objected to tho fact that tho Stafford and Polk streot slduwalkH did not Jlbo, as alio was about six iiichcu higher than tho other. Both havo beau accepted by council at different times aud ho behoved the property owners should no' ba competed to go to further ex peuso lu righting tho former engin eer's blunder, Mr. Hunter also staled that ho emphatically refused to pay anything toward lowering tho water main at Stafford street aud that thoro woro about fifty moro of tlr same mind lu hlu neighborhood. Ho said ho did not hollovu It right that property owners should ba us erased to aid a prlvutu corporation. Tho streot commlttoo was dotullcd to look Into thu matter. Thrco bids woro received ou tho Improvement of West Polk struet. Tho first ono opened was from J, B. Phillips aud road: Cut 38c, fill 15c sldowalk and curb $1.02, crosswalk 45c, box gutters 50c, crushed rock $2.b0. Bid ot T. II. Cochran read; Cut 30c, fill He, sldowalk and curb $1.02, cross walk and box gutters 35c, rock $2X0. Bid of L. Soybold: Cut 35c, fill 13c, sldowalk aud curb $1.04 crosswalks aud box gutter 45c, rock $2.45, On roforrlug the bids to thu onglneor ho found that tho bid ot T II, Cochran was tho lowest uud It was accepted by council. T. H. Cochran offered tno only bid on East Burlington street, which wan accopted. It read: Cut COc, walk 47c, rock $2.50. Tho high price on tho cut wus mado uucossury ou account of tho miscellaneous assortment of brickbats and other debris that has from time to tlmo been dumped up on this thoroughfare. The Oregon Wood Distilling Co. ot tho west sldo asked permission to storo several hundred sacks of char coal In the city dock, which waa granted at Portland ruto ot storage. An amended report of tho viewers on Buchanan streot was read and re ceived, It will be adopted by au or dlnanco noxt week. Tho nttornoy was directed to draw up a resolution opoulng up Polk street through tho Copies tract to Lehigh and havo it lu readluoss for adoption noxt Tuesday owning. TO ADD SOCIAL FEATURES Commercial Club to Adopt New Departure Tho Commercial club held nn In teresting mooting Wednesday oven tin;, and among other things It was drtldcd to mnko tho club moro of a social order, nnd to this end n com n'llco ot four wns appointed to form u'nto plans nnd suggestions for In tiro:t!ni5 social features, and to re port noxt Wodncsdny evening, when steps will bo taken to outline aud carry out tho now depnrturo. Tho club wan not formed nnd carried on mi n political organization, ns soino seem to Imnglne. Politics nro never mentioned, nnd would not bo toler' ntcd for n moment. Its prlmo object Is tho good of tho city, nnd it ban hewn right to tliln lino over slnco Its transformation. It Is bullovcd that by adding social functions occasionally moro Interest will bo takon In tho club, moro members will bo desirous of Joining nnd that moro good may thus bo accomplished, 'iho apart ments nro amply largo, well lighted, woll hontud and well furnished, nnd thoro Is no reason why many onjov nblo social ovont should not bo oc casionally Interjected during tho com ing long winter evenings, u will nt nn excollont opportunity for tho mom burs out ot their lethargy, nnd It a few social ovoutH will not accomplish this, thoy will likely bo left to slum bur peacefully on and now blood bo Injected in tholr Blond. All should muko It a npoclal point to ba on hand next Wednesday evening nnd help tho committee to ouinnu some nttrncllvo events. A communication from Dan J Mayer of tho Marino Iron NYorks wns tho occasion or quite n discussion on best menus of Inducing tho trolley company to run u direct lino from St. Joliun to Pncklngtown and Kenton, and discarding tho long loop. Mr. Mayer'H plan wan to havo tho term Inus of thu Jorsoy streot lino uonr tho bull grounds, ami tho loop ex tended to Hwld's to connect with tho Kenton lino. This would glvo St. Johns paoplo two routes to Portlnnd, mid tho workers at Pncklngtown would hnvo a good opportunity to build nnd .rosldo In St. Johns. Mr. Muyer'u proposition wan unanimously endorsed nnd Iho aocrotary Instructed lo write tho company requesting that this Horvlco bo inaugurated It pos sible. Other communications woro rend and filed, nnd a gonornl discussion or tho good of tho city followed, Tho resignation of John N, Edlefsun as treasurer was read and accopted, and 8. W. Rogers nppolntod to fill tho vacancy. Mr. Edlefsen stntod that owing to a press ot other affairs no wus unablo to do tho offlco full Jus tlco. ruto nave nit. A Portland man in writing to ono o' tho city puperH gives nn interest lug comparison in tho prlco of llv Inj ovor that It wns In 1SUC, aud fol low v; "Several references to tho In cronrcd cost of living being duo to n mure luxurious habit of llfo, havo led mo to look un our "household expenses" book for i)C, nnd com paro sovoral Items with tho cost or today, I find buttor, good croamory, 40c per roll, now 76c to S5c; broukfast bacon, 11a to 16c, now 18o to 27c; Valley flour, sack, 75c to 85c, now $1.35, small whlto beans, 15 pounds for 25c, now 5 and C ppundBj Mosler apples, fancy, $1 por box, now out of tho qucBllon for n clerk. Rout $10 per month, now $20 uud for tho samo Iioubo; cordwood, $2.50 per cord, now $C; nnd fresh moata ubout 60 percont higher. Tho only articles wo fid ns choap, aro oysters uud cran berries, and nt present grapes. Mar velous Improvements havo been mado In making cotton suits look llko those of wool, but cholco nil-wool garments cro moro than doublo tho prices of thoiio days." Religious services nro bolng hold at tho noon hour each day In tho city dock by Evuugclist H. A. Smith. This onablos tho mill hands to hoar tho gospel yvhllo thoy oat tholr lunch.