St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, October 29, 1909, Image 4

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Proposals for Strut Work,
Tha Maglttrata Wat Firm and Tried
to Be Genial.
In tho "History of Beverly," Mnss.,
the following anecdote Is related of n
pwd Justice of tlm pence In tho old co
lonial tluien. On n cold night In winter
it traveler called at Ills houso for lodg
In);. Tho ready hospltnllly of tho Jus
tlco was about being displayed when
tho traveler unluckily uttered n word
which his host considered profane
It Is rcBolvcd by tho city of St.
That Whereas, tho Council did, by
Ordinance No. 202, passed by tho
council and approved by the Mayor
October 12, Vjm, adopt tho City Kn
Klncor'fl report In tho matter of vld
enlng Charleston street In fluid city
from Chicago street to tho North
west corner of tho Point View tract,
ACCEPTING A Sealed proposals will be received
Rooms In the Hoi brook building.
St. Johns, Oregon.
'' tho city of st. Johns, Oregon, untu Joseph McChesney, M. D.
.MAY W. HOL-1 4 o'clock p. m. Novembers, 1909, for
tlm Ininrnvsmnnt nf East Tltirllnirtnn
imOOK TO THE CITY OP ST. street from tho oast lino of Jersey
street to tho east lino of Kellogg Day and Nlfht Office In MeChainey Block
sircot uy siuowaiKing ana oy lower-1 moot jemy vsi
ing tho street to sub grado ana ma- sr. JUMN5, - OREQON
cadamlzlng tho samo without a sand
SoVtZmTSrZrthat rdlnnn. j Tho city of St. Johns does ordain Hjftl, !?, Daniel 0. Webster. A. B. M. D.
Im tvn. n ,Mnrflrnfn nnltiffful nnf itin IGrrCU 10 mill II1UU0 11 iun OI U11H l"". i" "iT"
,.u .....n.. ,ru....u iM..(i i 'i ntif n mrinin innnntiirn nr ueeu i unu luuuiaiiK 10 n uuuin ui hix iuluub
nnturo of tho offense and explained tho I f,nrnnI, 7n nt,nr thin tlmn mado on tho 20th day of October, at either curb, In tho mannor pro-
dooms It necessary and expedient to VMS, and signed by j... U. Holbrook vided by ordinance- No 102 and tiio
nppolnt viewers to assess tho bone- and May W. Holbrook conveying to charter of Bald city and In accordanco
fits and damages caused by Bald pro- tho city of St. Johns, for street pur- with tho plans, prof lo and Bpeclflca-
nosed wide-nine of Bald Charleston poses, tho following described real lions of tho city engineer now on fllo
utrm. n nfnmanM M,u, Thorof nn.. nronorty. to wit: Lota "A" and "u In tho offlco of tho city recorder.
If tti l.nrnliv rnflnlvml fiv Ihn nhv nf I In Mock 4. Court 1'lacc. St. Johns, Sunnrato proposals may bo mado
St. Johna that S. W. Itodgors, II. 8. Oregon, which said deed la ocknow- for either grading, macadamizing or
Howott nnd T. Hansen, thrco dls- icugcu on 1110 zutn uay 01 uciouur, biuuwuikius iuuiuuuu m uum nuyruvu
Interested freeholders of tho city of 1008, by tho snld M. Ii. Holbrook, mont. Each bid must bo accompanied
St. Johna nnd possessing tho ouallfl- nnd Mny W. Holbrook, his wife, bp- by a certified chock payablo to tno
cations of Jurors of tho Circuit foro C. E. Unlley, n .Notary I'umic mayor for n Bum not less tnan ten
necessity of its being expiated by nit
ting an hour in the stocks,
Remonstrance was unavailing, for
custom at that time allowed tho mag
lstrato to convict and punish nt once,
nnd In this case ho acted as accuser,
witness, jury, Judgo and sheriff, nil In
Cold as It was, our worthy Justice,
aided by his son, conducted the travel
er to tho place of punishment, nn open
placo near tho meeting
the stocks were placed
clcr wan confined In the usual manner,
tho benevolent executor of tbo law rc
malnlng with htm to bogtillo tho time
of Its tedium by edifying conversation.
At tho expiration of tho hour he was
reconducted to tho houso nnd hospltn
bly entertained till tho next morning,
when tbo traveler departed with, let
us hope, n determination to consider
his words moro carefully be foro giving
them uttcrnnco In tho hearing of a con
sclcntlous magistrate,
Residence, 697 Dawson Street
Office, l'lllcr Dlock
University Park, Portland, Oregon
V .n J . wi,Vw Court of Multnomah county, bo nnd for Oregon, bo nnd tho samo Is hero- pprcont of tho contract price, nnd no
tr m) in thoy nnd each of them nro hereby by accepted by tho city of St. Johns, bid w It bo considered unless nccom
. Hero tho trnt- npi,olll0(1 n viewers to assess tho Passed tho Council October 1'Ctli, panled by bucIi check, nnd upon
ilnmni-pu niul linnefltn in tlin rusiiGC- llU'J.
tlvo lots, blocks and parcels of land Approved uy mo .Mayor
nrnnnnml In condnmtinil In tho 1 20111. l'JU'J,
wlilniilntr nt nnl.l Charleston Btroot. J. l' HENDIllCKS,
im iiforeBaid. as well ns tho bonellts Attest: Mayor
nf tlin nrnnortv nnrilnliliirlv bono- A. M. ESSON,
filled thurobv: and t hat each of snld iiecorucr.
vlowers shall qualify as provided by Published In tho St. Johns Itovlow, t , . nn ... 11... ni. .1... rl.. I Ciitt 'Mill tllll'l. I .... A ' i
blanks furnished by tho city recorder
October for such purpose
Said improvement must bo com
pleted on or before Dec. 28th. iqoq.
Tho right to rojoct any and all bldi
is hereby rosorved,
Tho cstlinato cost of said Improvo-,1
Office Phone Richmond 51
Pirst National Hank Huimhng
, St. Johns, Oregon
Dr. W. E. Hartel
Thy Arc Built to Rstlit tha Shock of
an Earthquak
A rcmarkablo fact In Japan Is that
pagodas built hundreds of years ngo
embody tho prlnclplo of tho modern
seismograph, which Is to mlnlmlzo tho
effect of carth(i)iako motion by tho
combination of nn Inverted pendulum
with an ordinary pendulum, or, In
other words, by tho union of n stablo
nnd an unstnblo structure to nroduco n
neutral stability, which renders the
whole building least sensible to earth
quake shock.
In tho hollow well of every five sto
rlcd pagoda
suspended freely
tongue, from
ground, but
nt tho shock
large pendulum slowly swings nnd tho
strucluro sways nnd then settles bach
snfely upon Us base.
Section 82 of tho Charter of tho City Oct
of St. Johns nnd proceed to nssens
tho dnmagcB nnd boncfits as pre
scribed In Section 82-8I1 of snld
Adopted October 10th, 1009.
Published In tho St. .Irtlins Ravluw,
Oct. 22nd nnd 29th, 1909.
Uy order of tho council.
city itocordor.
Phone Richmond 201
Holbrook Mock .... St. John.
In tho matter of tho estoto of
Elizabeth J. Ward, deceased.
To William Leo and Jennie Olovcr,
In tho nauio
gon: You nro hereby cited nnd ro- city of St. Johns, until Tuesday
quirea 10 appear 111 tno wunijr wuri Novcm,)cr 3( nt 7:30 o'clock, p. m.
Published In tho St. Johns Rovlow, rito.vujKRflUYwi
Open Evening and Sundays by Appoint-
Proposals For Streef Work
nf ii,., B.aio f ore- B j" b GEORGE KIRKPATRICK, M. D. C,
of tho Htnto of ore- nt tho offlco of tho Recorder of tho ....
. , . , u, of tho state of Oregon for tho county for, c' OI'PICK4i-a
Is resolved by tho city of St. of Multnomah at tho court room IIOSPITAIi .4
1 1. tit v!t nmnn ,i, mi ..... i. lho.r.f nl 1 ' JSnay. vanl to the southerly line of Craword Phone. . -
Veterinary Surgeon.
11 11
........... .... simi (iuy, ami men nun inero inc cunricr ana oruiunnccsoi
October 1-, lvi, adopt tho city l;i cllHo, If any you hnvo, why un order of St. Johns, and the estimate o
llnoor'B report In tho mnttor of w Id- lu Mol, tl0 following dowrlbed real cmrluccr. on file, l'nulnccr'a
oning uiiiiriosion Btroot in Bald city .,ro.,urty ).. .l0 c01lly of Multno- iH yards cut. 178 yards fill.
.V.'"1.. w,,r.ona'i 10 . co"nc.11 ''.H1: county, on Monday tho 29th day of Utrcct in the manner provided by rdln-
. UV..: r... ... "f November, 1009, nt ten o'clock of nncc No a6o iU,jcct 0 the provisions of
tue city
I the city
M6 ynnltl
Rstlmntcd cont. .VVQ.3o.
must bo strictly In accordanco
ted blanks, which will bo
on application at tho offlco
Recorder of tho city of St. I
.... iimm -iit. iini i'iipu a 11 11 1 1 if 111 1 juiiiiH. .iifi nnlil liiiiiruviiiiiuiii. muni.
- - 1 nnrii ' 1 w v. i . 1 w 1. . . . . . ...... .. - I
Iippoini VIOWOrH W IIMSOIIS IIIU UeilO- N.,, ., ... o, JollIIM.UroitOII. IlCCOn Unu' l,n pnm.,1.,,1 nn nr l.f..r Dpppnllipr iH. I
raliH1.1l liv mi lil I : . ... in.' ... .1 I ...r.- '
11 mi 1 ,10 1110 pini inereoi 011 1110 111 1110 oi-11000,
Mnld LlinrleHlOII I .. ... H. ',,.. lw tlir Mil 111 I K!n nrnnninl. rw uilll lin nnn.
. 1. . . . ,,,.u vi ...u ...w...i.. ...... ,.u 'l uyuouin UI U.UI. ..... UU
This Is also the prlnclplo followed In P"01-. "forosi in. r.ow. mormon. MtiltnuiniLli county. Oreiton. sldorcd unless accompanied by n cor-
the construction of nil bell towers 'i iiorouy resoivou uy tno city of of , ... nuinbered thirteen In titled chock payable to tho order of
throughout Japan, where Iho licll ncln ,"""H "l ,louKr, u. p, ock nmnbored four of Tremont tho Mnyor of tho city of SUohiis,
ns pendulum, and Iho roof, supported ,,,IU ";",' ",l,V , Park, .iiultnoinuti county, Oregon, nt- certified by n responsible bank for
by posts, forms nn Inverted pendulum, 'J, ..." .." i.. . ... ....Viii7. wording to tho duly recorded pint Inn amount otiunl to ten por cent of
" -.""... -i v.. . ... nr.wir mi run 111 hii iwniiiiv unu 1 inn nL-LTimnin nrntiniini.
Rast4ot6, II 3898.
I fi-n... lliii.n.i.t t. 11nrlrulrnm'a I ' . . . . . ....... I "
n innt'V tnn nf I nilm. I """" "'' .. - ."11111111. BII1UI Of UrCKOII. lO Will TUCK.
.. iiiimj .no.. .v. A.1.1111.,, ...l.lnli Mnlil ..r.illll.tlp.. lu I . . ' .... I
. iiUi. nn i.nLti.mti '"..".'. ,U . .. . Ixiih nuiiiuoreu BOVllllieuil tuj, IUS
, .... . . i..r(ii,v ruiiirriiii in iinu iiiiuiu ii iinri i ..i..i.. iut ..i. .......... nm .....i i ujiii. rii
tho ton right to tho ,r ri.Miii ,i "'"" ' . T"" ' .V"1'. .
... i.. 14 I ' ' ' ... IWUIIIV l-UI III 11IUCK lUIIUUUrulI UIIU iuniiohvu
not in cmnnci wiui u. mm Whuroilfl. t 10 council nt 111 III I Itiiu . i , i ui.. 1.11 .,t...n,Llnf d.,.
fir fill nriliniinL'O tit 14 I i mmu It iinniiuuncu ttiitl ivmt. limit I ft 1 . ' ... a . .. . .a.i.... I
.... -- - ...... , HVVMin II IIVVUDDHI J lit VA1IUUIWIIL IU ul
Office Phone Woodlawn 703
Res. Photic Woodlawn 1655
Office hours from 9 to 13 111.
1 to 5 P. in. 7 to 8 p. m.
683 Dawson Street, Univhusitv Pah it
Fine Premium Offer is
Stjll Open to All
The People for miles
around arc showing their ap
preciation of The St. Johns
Review and its generous
premium offer in a practical
manner. Scores of new
subscribers arc being added
to our already extensive list
daily, while old subscribers
arc taking advantage of the
premium offer by advancing
their paper a year ahead after
paying up to date. It is, in
deed, an offer not to be
lightly turned down. Re
member you get a pair of the
celebrated Conway8-inch ten
sion steel Shears, which usu
ally sell for $1.00; you get
Bonvillc's Western Alonthly,
for one year, a handsomely
illustrated, short-story maga
zine, which would otherwise
cost you $1.50 per year, and
you also get The Review for
one year, all for ONE DOLLAR.
Fashionable Dressmaking
by MRS. DDAN, Room 5, Over
Calcf Dros. Purnlluro Store.
Pit Guaranteed.
ns In tho seismograph.
When nn enrthgunkn occurs a pagoda
or n bell tower may bo rotated or dls
placed, but It cannot bo overturned ns
11 whole. Wide World Magazine.
Ptsllna a Snakt.
It Is dllllcult to skin 11 dead snake,
ami tho skin Is often spoiled In the
course of the operation, while, on the
other hand, It Is a simple matter to
dkln n live snake, and the skin thus
gained Is worth much more. Dead
sunken bring from U to fi cents, accord
ing to their slie, nnd live one from
23 cents to $1. One of the largest
nako Nkln companion has factories lu
Sumatra. When n smiko Is received
from 11 hunter It Is seized adroitly by
on operntor, one baud wiuerzlng tho
neck ami tho other holding the lull,
It Is then attached by tho neck to tho
trunk of n palm tree, tin assistant
holding It by tho tall, With tho point
of n knife (lie operator cuts tho skin
Just Mow Iho head nnd, pulling with
all his strength, perls It from the
writhing reptile In tho snmo way that
a woman peels n pair of gloves from
bor hand. Popular Mechanics.
Two Points of View.
"Good morning, Jones!"
"Oootl morning, Drown! Any news
today r
(Ions of Jurors of tho Circuit Court Li,:,,,
01 .Miiiuiomiiii couuiy, im 1111 uioy ,. i,i ,,1,,,, l,. ninrif rmir.
nam oacn or inoin nro nereuy p- . ... T,,row. fib-dlMslon In
poiniea ns viowora 10 assess 11101........ u, i..i...u a n.. 1,, ti... Mivl
dnmnucH and benefits to tho respee. V".V ,w '
!?" :"". Tr" ""L'3M II "J',!! Iot numbered fifteen In Dlock num
Tho right to reject any nnd all 3. "KWITT
bids Is hereby rcsorvod.
Ily order of tho City Council,
A. M, i:sson,
City Itocordor.
Published In tho St. Johns Itovlow,
504 S. Hayes
of pmpTty' parlVc!drVtl'lnefUled J,'",Ih' 11,0 r,,cor,K", ",wl ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE.
ju Silas St.
Hewitt & Wright
KstiuiAtcs and Pluns Purnlshcd
M.hnli,, "ot b0 mmlM UB I'myod' for NolCo Is hereby glvon that I,
tiUHUlu niiiui iiniii)r ua iiiutiiu 11 uy i . iinllllnii nf fllllinrt Ward. ail. I lln....r '... II.,
owcuun 01 1110 uimnur ui uiu cur .1 nv.k n..m...i
Ua I.. I I at-,., iiiuiiun I HMIHUUIHHI l'l w.a
III Ola u 11 II ll n llllll l'l Ui VMM i unovnn I a,..,
f Iky 1nintiiku si. I liiillitfltu ftU unit. I (UU
scrlbod lu Section 82-83 of
I'iuishiiipr a Specialty. Estimates
Robert Catlln, Administrator of tho
I'jstnto of Jumes John, docoosod, in
nlimlliinrn In nn nrilnp nf thn f!nllntv
This citation Is published ur r..r, ()f Multnomah countv. Orocon. I cheerfully furnished.
miant lo tno onier or inn iiouur..u,u w, on nm, nftor October 30th, 1U03. .26 N. Lively street, St. Johns.
I. ntinl II U'.ilmlnr. .linluii nf thol..,ii ...i. ...... .,i.. 1 o n I .iiikni ui. juiim.i,
ubovo named court, mndo and ontoroc h 0f block 22 of Jnmes John'a AddL i n VVPIMPD
(in tho 20lh day of October. PJuy. ,nn to Rt. Johna In Multnomah! V VClnli-K
Adopted Oclobar l'Jth, lUOtl.
a. m. i:hhon,
... Vi?" a. ........ , Tho first publication of this cltn eoUnty. Orecon.
il II II mil. (1 III IIIU 411 HWIIlin UUIIUil.l.i ... .....m. a.... kanl.n 11111(1 I ' ' ... . .
Oel "'nil mid 21lh 1DU!) ' lion is llio -jii imy oi uci.iuir. ww-, Offers Wl ho rocOIVOd tOT BB1U
uti. nil unu -rfin, uuj. ,.., ..... .., tin nn tho "M i (lav I ....... ,i. .,
...... ' IIIUI'VIIT lib WIU UVUI U.
of November, luoy. J County Court Houso botweon
Transfer and Storage
Proposals For Street Work
Sealed proposals will bo received
at tho offlco of tho Itocordor of tho
city of St. Johns. until Tuesday
November I). 1DUD. at I o clock, p. in.
for tho Improvement of Portland
boulevard from thu West lino nf
IVsHoiiden street to thn Knsterly Hue
of Thompson Htrcet lu Iho manner
provided by Ordlnuncu No, 2CI sub.
Wc deliver your goods to and from all I
thn parts of Portland. Vancouver. Llnutoii.
..... . .IWW.....J . .W..U VW...VV.. I ..1 ... - . "I
witnesH my nana and mo sow m hours of 10 nnd U o'clock a. m. of omanii aim nuuuroun -.xprcii v.o
said Court affixed Ihla 20th day of Ha October 30th. Offora will altio city dock and all points accessible by
October. Itt09. bo received at tho offlco of my at- ""illl",7'l!f i,r,Vi,,tr,, iIo?,?
1'. 8. KIIH.DH, County ( lork. ,oruy j, NCl0las. room 716 f, , PccU,Vvi 109 K' ,,ur,lKton; phone
Ily ll. (1. Schneider, Deputy. bXcfnlin bulUDng, Portland. Ore lUclmomf 6,
Notice of Assessment
lory 1 suui
I tha best ad
I ml... .
and 231.3 per cent moro Allows hall, at 8:00. Visitor, welcomed.
Is confirmed nnd tho ro- ,, Q Secretary
i. i. mnrii.m.n i . oaies, occrciary.
gon nt nnr tlmo up to November I
2nd. PJ09. Aftor which tlmo If tho
offora thero mado oro not satlsfac
tory I shall negotlato such salo to
tha best advantage.
Tho terms ot sato nro 10 per contl
cash down
I when salo
No. 186 I. O. O. F.
Meet each Monday evening In Odd
' Mcrclmutsl Mnutifncturcrsl FftrmcrsI Evcrybodyl
Wc nrc liunting for your business mid have been on
your trail for sonic time. Our aim is to serve you
The adoption of our service offers a complete
solution to the transportation problem.
Our rates arc reasonable and our service
Two trains between St. Johns and Portland
Wc deliver Anything, Any Place, Any Time.
Call and get our rates before shipping.
Agent nt St. Johns.
Phones: Portland Office, Main 358 St. Johns: Jersey 122
A 3358
win-. h. You know mr hroihiT . w,,.",."",v" '.V " " '" All i.ronortv owners on said stroet mnlnder to bo aecurod by monsaKO
who works nt tho bank? Well, be went ,0,dK T,f Kt. wllhln tho assessment district which on tho property bearing 7 por cent
to business tbo oilier day and found j0i,- n,i to ostlmato of tho city covers nil lots frontliiK on said street "A... i"1'""'0 " ur
(iiiKlneer, on fllu. I between Mohawk and llurr streets, T, ' ,)r0n0rtT will bo
boforo two
1,000 on tho counter And what do
you (hluk ho did? Kioto thn money
nnd tripped off to Cnimdti. And when
the nnwM reached my father It broke
tho old man's heart." Dldu must bo strictly
That's funnv! You know, mv broth, with printed blanks, which
or works nt a bank, too, nnd when ho furnished on application nt tho offlco ,90a ,0 w,,,ch ,lal0 nppllcutloii8 to
0.. ...nnn. will lin .nl.l In Inta
U,...l, ......ululo t rt.f.. .vnn.l . . . "u
w. u l'-VfT. xt , ., artli surfnee uro ,,erol)' 0" ,,,nl 1,10 ,,w" ,or r na a wholo na may nppoor 10
.V do rrctu wd Upr(lvtiuent has been docketed brtnB tho boat price.
'Slid- must bo strictly In accordanco and will draw Interest nt rato of C An UI bo furnished to
"What-Btolo MY'
"No: took It HtrnlBht to tho man.
...III I... I . t ....I ....... V'.....,.w. It l l,'"',.l f
..... u-.llur , ,,, ...... mivi ., w. , , , exam no tho samo.
t 1.. r
from November Qth. Itioy. city Itocordor. Atlu"'"' 1
No proposals or bids will bo con i,,.,iiu...... ... ti... k. Jnlum lluvlow.N-..n n.n.w.. .Mnn.i.
sldored unless accompanied by n w L ' ,. flKol OAfll3l V-nUKWn
Holmes Lodge No. 101
Meets every l'rldoy nicht
at 7:30 o'clock at I.O.O.I'.I
hall. Visitors always wel
come. 1). 1'. Horsnian, C.C, I
W. A. Storr, K. It. 8.
f aar
went lo pusiness mo inner moruiiiK 110 "7 7 "V bond will bo recolvod.
found 1,000. And what do you think J'"'" And said Improvement must 7f'?u '
im .ii,iv 1,0 fomploted on or beforo CO days A. M, hHHo:,
UU,,,U' . . .. fr.11.1 N' nth l'lll'l nil Mar
ORcr'a otlice. And when the news flud chuck lmyuWo ,0 ,h0 order of October
reached my father, do you know, It (,o Mayor of tho city of StJohus, "
broke tho old man's henrt!" London
8trams of Light.
Ono night we were lu n denso crowd
wutchlnt; a parade when during one of
those unaccountable lulls which so of.
ten occur In largo crowds a little fel
low who was perched high up on his
father's shoulder shouted: "Oh, papa,
you ought to seel Way in tho street
they ore Just squirting light all over
tho people."-Pellneator,
Corner Chicago and
Lively Ms.
I certified by n responsible bank fori
nti unimntt niinn. t.i l,.ii m.p ft.ilil nf I
i. I...I..IU.I I KTnnn 1. t, ni...... ii.ii. Ilinl CAI.ItNPAR
IIIU llt,hiyhU t.U.uu,. I milHU IB UUIVUJ- !.,.. V" I ln,nlB
tho rigni 10 reject nny nnu an partnersnip neroioioro vsisiuik ui- i(,,i0rhip, r-y
unia is nereiiy reservod. itween j. it. Kerr, aikiy lierr unu j.iBunaayiciioui. . m
. . 1 " - 1 ll v l 1 t.'
Ily order of tho City Council, . niack under tno name or J. ::;" 11lur;
A. .M. kshu.n. I Kerr & t o. is on tins unto uissoiveu Tlmrwiay . 1
t'lty llocoruer. ibv mutual consent.
Published In tho St. Johns Itovlow. J. it. Kerr nnd Andy Korr assumes
Oct. 22 and 2tl and Nov. 6, IDUi). nil liabilities for tho completion of oyR oO;."ror
I contracts for work In tno city or si. . ,
6; jo p.m.
8 p. m.
Well Known Hotel Keeper Uses and I Johns and J, 11, Black assumes u Li iumhinc. word oi
Sucesssful Publicity,
The king of successful advertisers
was given an Interview.
"My methods nro very simple." ho
said. "I learned them from watching n
girl trying to keep her engagement n
secret." Newark News.
Recommends Chamberlain's
Colic, Cholera and Diar
rhoea Remedy,
like responsibility for work now con- hope ,
1. ,..,.! f ... 1I1.. ..Hi. nf Pnrllnml. ,.1'1IU1
ami iltfil ol
traded for in tho city of Portland.
Signed, J. It. Kerr,
Andy Kerr.
Oct. 27th, 1909. J. II. niack.
How to Cure a Cold,
Ulllctciicr lu diy
The imtillc U InvileJ
to mtfnJ our church.
The ttutiKcr'i home.
Conrad L. Owen
John N. Keelcr
Mrs. R. Hutchison
S. S. Suit.
Mrs. R. Hutchison
John N. Keeler
J, K. Grow
j, H. Helm
Hdward Cox
W. L. Churchill
W, H. Wood
Doric Lodge No. 132
F. and A. Jn.
Regular communica
tions on first and third
Wedneslays of each I
month in Odd Pillows'
hall. Visitor welcome.
K. S. Harrington, Jos. McChesney,
SecreUry. W. M,
CAMP 773 W. 0. W.
Meets every I
evening in
J. A. Cole, C. C.
W. 15. Swengel.Clerk.
"I tnko plcnsuro lu saying that I
have kept Chamborlain'a Colic, Chol
era nnd mnrrnoon uemeuy 111 my Tie ns careful as you can. you will
family medlclno chest for about flf- occasionally tako cold, and whoa you
toon years, ami hnvo ulwuys nnd I do, got a medlclno of known re'
satisfactory results from Its uso, I liability, ono that has nn established
Central Market!
Holbrook Block.
Sand and Gravel
Sometimes 1 get discouraged nnd sny
to myself, "What's tho user' I'rlend-
Don't glvo up, old man. You can't do
worso than you've doue, you know.
Education Is n capital to n poor man
and an Interest to a rich man. Horace
See us for the Choicest Cuts of the Beat
Meats Obtainable.
Siye,9,J. mlmlulstered "it to a great many reputation and that is certain to ef
troubles for which It Is rocoiumondoii, (ect a quick euro. Such a medicine
una hnvo never failed to relieve ha chamberlatn'a Cough Itomody. It
thorn," suya J. C. Jenkins, of alas- has gained a world wldo roputatlou
gow, Ky. This remedy Is for salo uy jtB rcmarkablo cures of this most orders Filled and Family Trade Solicited
by all good druggists, ailment nnd can always bo depended
upon. It acta on nature's plan, res
Slightly Colder with Snow. Ilovcs tho lungs, aids expectoration,
loncus tho secretions aud aids nature
1... . .!.. .. ,
w won you oeu mm mu ui . -.,atorn. tli svstom to a healthy
by all good
T. P. WARD. Proprietor.
The Dest Plaster.
Cold Wtathtr Advice
I to all Is to beware of coughs and
colds on tho chest; as neglected they
readily lead to pneumonia, con
sumption or other pulmonary troubles.
that kind of
A pleco of flannel dnmpenod with wthor forcust you know that rhou- coml,tou For Balo
Chamborlnln'a Llnlmont nnd bound 'aU8' wentnor is nt nauu. uev
on to tho affected parts is superior ready for It now "by gottlng n bottlo
tn in nlnntnr Whnn trnnliln.l will, Of Uallltrd's SllOW LlnllllOUt. Finest
lame back or Pains In tho sldo or thing mado for rheumatism, chll- $100.00 REWARD
chest slvo It a trial und you are cor- blalns, frost bite, eoro aud stiff would gladly bo paid for a euro by Just as soon as tho cough appears
tain to bo moro than nloaso.i with Joints and muscles, nil aches and many people who nro crippled with troat it with Ballard's Horehound
tho prompt relief which it affords, pains. 25c, 50c, and 1 1.00 a bottlo. rhoumaiism, yot ir tuoy oniy kuow syrup tno standard cure or America,
This Is certain to nloasa nnvnnn suf. Sold by North llank Pharmacy.
forinir frnn, ihn. iiinnmin Rni.i iiv of Uttllord's Bnow Llnliueut. and tho a euro and preventive for all night
all good druggists.
I have made arrangements with
the Pacific Bridge Co. for wash
ed river gravel and sand in un
limited quantities. Contractors
figuring on street work or on
building would do well to see me
and get prices. Bunkers are lo
cated at foot of Newton street,
opposite the site for the new
school building in East St. Johns.
Phone Woodlawn 1194.
L D. Jackson
Real Estate
Call on
J. E. Williams
I Office - - - - St. Johns Land Company f
420 North Jersey Street
Headquarters for Farms and Acreage Tracts
Business Property, Factory Sites, Dwelling Houses
and Vacant Lots on Easy Terms.
; 1
H. HENDERSON 205 Jersey St
Real Estate, Loans, Insurance
Abstracts of Title Prepared. Accurate Work Guaranteed.
Not ths lasl m ysur fjr.
For Chapped Skin.
Chapped akin whether on tbel
It, thoy can ho cured by a few bottles Use us directed perfectly harmless, hands or faco may ho cured lu one
of Uallard's Snow Llnlmeut, and the a cure and preventive for all night by applying 'Chamberlain's
Subscrlbo for the St, Johns Rovlow price la only, 25c, 60c, and 1.00 per diseases of tho lungs. Prlco 25c, Salvo. It Is also unequaled for soro
Hn.t vn noted on tho dolnse of bottlo. Sold by North Bank Phar- 50o and $1.00 per bottle sold by i nipples, burns and scalds. For sale
tha city. Iinacy. North llank Pharmacy. oy au gooa aruggisis.
m numm vi tur rwiom mm. bmim awiuari ssufftaf mmm msamm W
.bout TrMMr.' t'.mlfc Sprt Tn
ftMiHffal Si'fc Our llMMftu hM ui UM -" ..Im.I. la MM Bl.ft mmm UW. ftftta mmm
ao a4 run t u uj tj Miai uttm.' Amfmrn MiaHMBtVrlraaaaaaaifebakM.
. Lam. Em mA ft. ftmu. fta
rrift,ts. Ml
ftft ft k
I rwiMBHaa,,..,. 1f.TtBr.l11 1 .