Right Goods I- t Prices The Direct ActkO vjas iai is Lusai $13.00 TO $50.00 On Easy Terms Local News. . k. C. Hurlbert hna novoil L.t,. Iiln nauuBoB 10 now rcstdonco. o " - M. a. H. Carlson Is making or "ingon icnta for a trip to Europe 0 wri,. ciins darllck is assisting at . Wolcott's mllllnory storo this wool;. Honry Qosnoy has returned from Dakor City nnd will onco moro toko up IiIb nbodo in St. Johns. ci Must vacate Mllllnory stock nnd fixtures t.o bo closed out In 30 days. ox South Jersey stroot. o. 1. Wol Ut, Prop. AT CALEF BROS.' Opposite Postoffice Another Car of the Famous Lentz Dining Tables Just in, Direct from the Factory in Michigan In Stand Tables We have the Newest Pnterns and best Values iouib Himpson is now n full fled. eu conuuetor on ido trolley lino, open u,nB on tho Droadway branch o tla syBtcm. Tho l0 was so uonso hero Satur day mo. ,nB "st that It was almost Imnosslb o to steor to tho other sido of tho sti 'cot without tho aid of n compass. 0 Tho bt. Jonns Cleaning, Pressing and Dyeing Co. has opened up for business ovc. mo oakery o-n jersey stroot. F. E. Collins Is nvanugor ot tho concern . L. J, iMoulton has romoved I'eiidloton to St. Johns. from Clinsi Vanuusen hns moved hi family to this city from Wisconsin. A now girl baby enmo to glauuen tho homo of Frank Stodmnn this week. 0. Jf. Thompson of Estncada greeted his many St. Johns friends hero this weoU. The North llnnk I'hnrmncy offers something of special Interest, to tho ladles in a now ad this week. Don't overlook It. Hov. Dates will wind up his scries of n-wrmonB on 'isms" next Sunday ovcnlng. All hnvo been full of In tcrtjst, and tho final one will provo no exception. 0 Mrs. Smuli and Miss Hannah of S( lo havo boon tho guestB of Mrs. O J. Anderson during tho nnst week. Mrs. Smith left yesteruay for Carl ton, whero sho will spend somo tlmo with hor sister. It Will jaaMHHHflHMttiaj) cost you 111 I Invest!- lB""" Goods I I I I and wc m I 1 arc I P. J. and -oJin Patterson, formerly well known citizens of St. Johns, hnvo opened up a uono'rnl morchan dlso storo in Portland. Vhoy wcro I recently burned out near McMInn- villa and havo decided to locato nearer 8t. JohnB. sure to please You Our Stand Tables are also bought direct from the Michigan t factory. OPPOSITE POSTOFFICE Wc Buy Right I I Wc Sell Right Chief of Police Drodcson la off on a two weokB' vacation which will bo spent In tho southern pn.rt of tho state. Tho chief la greatly Inter ested in securing a homestead in a favored locality, and hopes to run across 0110 to his liking beforo hu returns. 0 Pnschol Hill brought homo with him this week from Nolmlom a dozen or mo of thu finest trout over exhib ited In St. Johns. In one hour'it tlmo ho caught twenty In 0110 rlnte, tho smallest of which was 12 Inches. And this Is no "fish" story, either, mind you. Goo. II. Campling, tho hustling and imorgotlo plasterer, has returned from a six wooks' sojourn at Snlom, whoro ho was engaged in making tho Insane asylum moro habitable for tho Inmates. Ho says tnorn Is an awful crazy bunch confined within tho Institution. Stoves whl at St. Joluii Hardware Company are all ol the new variety that have scientifi cally arranged draft. The kind that draw with out blowing the kind that make heat and no smoke. Sec our plendid assort ment of everything In the stove line from the kitchen range to the parlor heater. Tho Mother's mooung ot tho V. C. T. U. will bo hold at tho homo of Mrs. Klngsburry, 025 East Charles ton stroot, Monday, Nov. 1, at 2.30 p, in. Tho subject for this mooting Ij "Influonco." Thoro will bo a well prepared program. Tho mothers aro most cordially Invited. u Mrs. Q. W. Hulls, ovangollst of tho Oregon Conforonco of tho J-rco Methodist church, will proach at their new church located at corner of Hudson and Richmond streets, St, Johns, Sunday. Sorvlces will bo hold at 11 n. in. nnd 7:30 p. m. A, cor dial Invitation will bo extended to all. i "THE SAFEST WAY IS THE STRAIGHTEST WAY g r-- THE ROOT OF CONFIDENCE IS VALUE NOT TALK W We've been telling our customers that we are responsible for our JFU '. ii... .... rarrfni not to make claims that were strom;. V & & & 5 5 e,Sr mcKdb We don't charge a big Profit. We would hP, t orVood it b low nwslti s.id know tW you ate satis- fil with the blk' value you get. We have tounit out early 111 our mis . Sri ?e lenc that there', no profit In selling a person their first bl Snoods If Its their last. Talk wont bring you back If you think you U ijuwuii t. , , ,..,,, Tlinl'a Hir phirl reason whv re not cetttllK vame anil buw h" ...... - ---- - we handle good goods. A trial will convince you, COUCH & CO. P,!1a,l,lr,hla St. rll0ne Jy 97 Tho St. Johns Volunteer Firoinon have organlzod an athlotlo club and havo loaned tho St. Johns skating rink, whoro they will PuU off nil kinds of athlotlo stunts, such us basketball, sparring matches, otc. Their opoulng dance Is announced to be- given Saturday ovonlng, Novem ber 6th, 0 A woman on Mohawk street Is arousing the Ire of that ontlro neigh borhood by the cruel tnnauer l which she boats hor little chlldreu. Unless alio ceases clubbing tho little fellows ao desperately, some of tho neighbors ay tho attention of tho authorities will bo directed toward the caso. D. C. Tallmau returned this week from a flvo months' sojourn in his nntlvo stato, Now York. Ho had n most cnjoyablo visit, but says there Is no plnco llko Oregon nnd good old St. Johns for him. I To the Ladies Who Appreciate High Art If you will leave your name and address at our store we will (jive you at a later date a very beautiful Water Color Painting. It Is something that will last and is very beautiful from an art standpoint. Don't fail to leave your name, as this is an exceptional gift. We only have a limited number, so first come first served. NORTH BANK PHARMACY HOAIE OP THE FAMOUS NYALS REMEDIES. llnlsln grapca havo proved bo prof Itlcss in Southern California that they aro being used for horso feed, Quo farmer thero has CO tons of raisins, which ho produced from his 80 acres and hna been unnblo to market. A mass mooting wilt soon bo called to dotcrmlno what shall bo done with tho dock, If anything, Shall wu Bell It or kuop It? Every 0110 will bo given n chnaco to air his views. An nouncotucnt of dato of public meeting will bo mado In duo tlmo. Ah tho annexation question cannot como up for balloting beforo n year hence, tho matter will hnvo n chaiico to cool off. I'orhaps coudlllnnH may chango to such an extent during that period that tuu proposition will not appear so obnoxious to tho great majority as Is now tho case. 0 Tho bachelors' club gave n de lightful dance In lllcknor hall last Thursday evening. Tho largest crowd of tho year was in attendance and all enjoyed themselves to Vto fulleal posslblo degree ilio hall was tucio fully docoratcd In orange tuid pre sented a most pleasing nhd Inviting nppearauco. Somo peoplo may not know tho fact that tlioy aro liable to a &0 fine for trespassing upon newly laid co- mont sldownlks, This fuct may bo brought forcibly homo to several parties In this city It tuoy persist In making "trucks" In tho nowiy laid cement. One contracting firm has offored a reward of 'i for tho ap prehension and conviction of tho pnrtlcs who marred ilio South Jersey walk recently. Wanted Situation to help with tho housework and tuko euro of children by girl IS yours old. I'lrst class recommoiidutlous, Leuvo word at this office. Must vacate. Auulnory stock and fixtures to bo closed out in 30 days, 401 South Jorsoy stroot. 0. V, Wol- co", rop. o For Sale Six months' scholarship In ono of tho leading business col leges of l'ortlunu; also now bicycle. 1082 Princeton street, Portland, Ore. Phono Richmond ioal. George Mcintosh, aged 19, and Qnv ployed at a lumber camp nenx Marsh flold, Oregon, was badW Injured by tho accidental dUcbargo of a shot gun Satur4sy4 Ho was looking at tho gun and evidently did not know' ' was loaded, when It exploded. His fnco was burned, an eye. Injured aud a band and arm l,CrctedK Tailor Made Suit or Overcoat FITS YOU PERFECTLY BECAUSE THEY ARE CUT TO YOUR FORM- THEY HOLD THEIR SHAPE BECAUSE THEY ARE SHAPED TO YOUR FIGURE. THEY LAST LONGER BECAUSE THEY ARE BETTER MADE. JOHN NOCE & CO., Fashionable Tailors 408 N. Jcrey St., j4 door 8, ol P. o. That the Ctar p( Russia will Unvo a royal orcnaro in Doumsrn wisw H tho Information Blvcn out by two nobles of his court, Anton Petroskq vlch and Peter oterhof, who have. Just completed au Inspection of the Paclf Northwest tq locate aucn au orchard, They docided to recommend the Rogue JUver Valley and aro ex pected to close negotiation just made for a traet near wwiord, EDMONDSON CO., Plumbing and Tinning 213 S. kfity StTMi Phone Jersey 91 St Mu, ft$ WagonlOds of trout were taken from the Hermlston, Oregon, dUcf when the water was turned off. ftl the close of tho eoep. lndfeat' Ing thai Utt avejnme,oA f sh screjni are tneUectlyot Wery family n the sottlemont was we,U supplied with rout as a ruU of the big "catch," land, because meat markets toW the. fish QArt of. season tu oprletors were U?4 W Ho keepers were lw arrested by a deputy wu warden, who tnslited oa (ioe ho- cause trout wet ierv4 to guests Many ot tP farmers who fouud the f lib. la their own ditches salted down I the trout for futuro uu. Subscrlbo for tho Rovlow and bo nappy. 1 o Tor rent Storo room, next to postoffice, brick. & Co. Inquire John Noco Cliili-concarnle nt the 0. K. Res taurnnt every Saturday mid Sunday evening. , iii 1 You got full wolght nnd first (luallty nt tho Control market. Just try It nwhllo. 0 1?. C. Hiirlhcrt Unn four lots in St. Julius for sale $100 cheaper, than nuy adjoining property. 0 It you want to btiy.ront, soil or oxchnugo proporty boo Wolcott, (Thu Runt Man.) 401 South Jorsoy. Sldo outranco. o - Must vacate. Millinery stock and fixtures to bo closed out in 30 days. 101 South Jersey street. O. P. Wol- cott, Prop. o Havo your proporty Insurod In tho St. Paul or Northorn tiro Inaurnuco companies. They are tho bost, 8. Ii. Doblo. ugont. o All our moats aro govornmont In spected nnd tho bost that money can buy. They aro noatly and careful ly handled. Como In aud loavo your ordor for frco delivery, ward's Central Markot. Must vacate, .,uliiory stock and flxturcu to bo clocd out in 30 dayu. 101 South Jorsoy street. O. P. Wol cott, Prop. A snap If taken hooii; 100x100, closo In, fence, nil In fruit trooH, now l-rooin house, fIBOO 8oo cash, balance ?10 per month, -137 Leonard street north. For ront cheap Flvo room, mod ern Iioubo; no chlldron wanted. Call 512 Duyton street, St. Johns, o For Salo Kimball piano, ?5j 437 Leonard street north. Gas Appliances Arrived. Those who have been patiently awaiting the arrival of the Gas Mains and have louceu to put lu Gas for Lighting aud Cooking on account of its convenience aim cheapness, will be glad to learn that the HENDRICKS HARD WARE CO., have installed a com plete line of Gas Appliances for their patrons. None can question tlie tact that Gas for Cooking is cheaper than wood and far more convenient, and this blessing is an attainment now available by the housewives of St. Johus. we notice the nice display win dow in which they exhibit "Jewel" Gas Ranges, Gas Fixture etc., and we feel sure that the people ot tins City will bio glad to be able to go to a reputable locally established firm lor tueur uas Burners anu nxtures, Mr, York will represent them in living estimates on house piping, ustalling fixtures aud the like, and orders given Mr. York will be ex ecuted by the HENDRICKS HARDWARE CO., iu a thorough wanner. To say that the HENDRICKS HARDWARE CO., is handling the t'lewel" Gas Range is in itself a feature, as this, well-kuown Gas Range has been the leader both for economy and durability for years throughout America, Call up Richmond 936 for infor matlou about gas. $20 Howard Will bo given for In formation leading to tho arrest aud conviction of thu party who tres- pusscd upon tho newly laid cement walk un South Jersey suverul daytt ago, Kilkenny 11 rim, o How is Your Title? Havo your abstracts mado, con tinued or oxamlnod by Peninsula Tttlo, Abstract and Roalty Co,, II. Hondorson, manager. Accurato work. Roasonablo fees. Comont Illock building, Jorsoy stroot. Do You Know that you can buy a brand new modern imnguiow, with large living room, U-amed ceiling, fine fire-place, large basement, best of plumbing, corner lot, jjoxCo, located in neu residence imuici, For Only $100 or Mor Down balance same as rent. Price (or a few days only l6jo. Why ay rent when you cun get home on such liberal terms, Sa Owner et One 90S Portland lloulevard Just to be Sure You Read Our Ads We Make You This Offer CUT OUT OUR AD IN THIS PAjMSRi BRINCI TO OUR STORE AND WE WILL ALLOW YOU FOR IT AT THU RATE OE 2c ON EVERY YARD OF IMECE GOODS YOU BUY. FOR EX AAIPLE, BY BRINGING IN THIS AD. WE WILL SELL YOU THE 7c PER . YARD PRINTS ATjic. THE 10c OUTINGS AT 8c. .DON'T FORGETjrO CUT OUT THIS AD. BONHAM & CURRIER rmmmmamoimmammommmm T All lAfU I u mil vvmij vwcai HATS Ten Per Cent Discount! On All Hats i Mrs. . J. Martin's Millinery I STORE 118 North Jersey Street Adjoining the Moving Picture Building J J UNITED t X EVANGELICAL t X CHURCH J X Rev. C. JJ5atcs, Pastor t 4 Subject Sunday evening, Oct. 4- 24, at 7:30 o'clock: "The Devil n Christian Sci- entist? or the Shadow of Atifi.riirist." the 4-f I Five Reasons For Fall Painting 4, 1. The wood Is thoroughly dry. T 3, Paint penetrates deeper in 3. I'all weather it warm. drv. T dependable. 4. wei weauier decay, unpro tected surfaces. . I'all painting keens out wlnt X er moisture. Acme quality ralut & l'liililies. X Saa us. Wa havatha "Goods" iir.mni'iyri HARDWARE CO. . St. Johns Lumber Co. Has all kinds of lumber, kiln dried and otherwise. Also slab wood. Timbers of all sizes cut to order. Get your winter's wood now and save trouble. f hirst National Bank 3 i 3 2 St. Johns, Oregon Paid in Capital - $25,000.00 OFFICERS Henry W. Coe, President A. R. Jobes, Vice Pres. F, P. Drinker, Cashier Drafts issued on all Foreign Countries. SAFU DEPOSIT BOXES FOR RENT. 1IKMSTOCK CKO. U. UBMSTOCK HEMSTOCK BROS. UNDERTAKING AND EMBALMING Full Una of Hobaa, Caskets, etc, kapt In atook I.AIIV ASSISTANT iSSfflSftSSSSSUaii. oKivimsiTv pahk, obboos I i 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 t