St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, October 29, 1909, Image 1

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    Historical Society
To rabKrlfc (or THIS Piper.
AM tlx Btwi whB H U ntwi U
oar motto. Call in and enroll
Another Plant Secures a
Site Near Swifts
In Kenton on tho Peninsula tlio
Davis Safo & Lock Co. has closed
ncgotlatloiiB with tlio Swift peoplo
for about flvo acres of land, extend
lng from tlio Columbia boulevard to
tlio slough and being liOOxlHOU feet
In dimensions. Tho J'onlnsulu Is be
coming a vust manufacturing nrea
into which many concerns nro con
trading for ltrgo sites Incluuuig
tlio Swift Packing Compnny, who
nro now In partial operation, having
n largo nrea covered with concrete
for stock ynrds and numerous large
brick factory buildings besides a
bunk, stock exchnligo mid many bus
iness buildings, their holdings alone
amounting to over -0 acres.
Thero uro several good locations
for factories around 1'orllaud, but
when tho l'onlnsula Is Investigated
cnrefully by lookers for sites tho
vital necessities of transpottatlon,
flro and police protection, schools
and water nro nil found there. There
also street cur fares will be largely
cut out, also thu u.nnor pun as the
men can go home to lunch and
snvo this money to buy their homes
on monthly payments.
Thu Davis Safe & Lock Co. claims
that tho 1'uclflc Coast has been held
up by transcontinental railways to
such nn extent that the freight Is
often over half what the safe costs
at tho factory, besides they como fro
(luontly In bud condition, requiring
ropulrs and often look as though
they wero second hand goods. The
freight charges to tho coust won)
established by tho traffic association
In Chicago whoro thoy devoted more
time to mystifying tho tariff than
thoy did to naming 11 just rato and
the Davis Safo & Lock Co., us woll
as tho puunc, uro to bo congrutu
latod for deciding to cut out this
ononnous toll of tho railroads. It
Is tliotr Intention to at once orcct
on their now holdings at Konton a
main factory building 100x300 foot In
dimensions, part of which will bo
two stories In height and will bo
built of concroto and modo flroproof j
also an Iron and brass foundry build
ing 60x200 foot In slzo, and n coke
and sand shed 70x20 foot. Tho plant
will bo computed and In operation
by March 1, llu, and will employ
about 100 men from tho sturt. Tho
plans aro being propnred by the
company's architect and announce
ments will bo made lutor when thoy
are finished. Its capacity will be
20 safos and vuult doors per day.
A number of prominent Portlnnd
capitalists aro Interested In tho com
pany and It will bo purely a local
concern, Tho company has ponding
very valuable patonts and will build
a fireproof safe superior to any on
tho market today, They wll also
make their own castings, both brass
and steel. Commercial bodies from
a number of Eastern localities havo
made some very flattering proposl
Hons to the company, each offering
special Inducements to secure the lo
cation of the factory at their town.
The towns of Norfolk, Vn., Mollne,
111., and Elyrla, O., wero especially
anxious to land tho proposition, but
after careful consideration the u
rectors determined that Portland was
.the coming city and they would con
tribute their share toward helping
No industry has come to Portland
for some lime that promises greater
net profits than does this one, on
account of the protective freight
tariff that cannot be eliminated and
the superiority of their safes. Ab
Another "Burden
Things ore said to be not what
they ought to be in Woodlawn now.
Dekum avenue, the principal street,
Is in very bad Jhape, owing to the
breaking of the water main several
times during last winter, parkings
are not kept up, the streets were
watered but indifferently during tho
summer, while except at election
Ume'ao effort to help them Is ever
given by the councilman of the
ward. Woodlawn people allege that
the western half of the Tenth ward
Is being boosted to the detrimert of
their half and that although they pay
their share of the taxes of the city
tter St but little for It, Journal.
VOL. 5
Will Give Steady Employ
ment For All
Closo to 10,000 men aro now em
ployed in a dozen or moro railroad
project whoso completion will bo
of great and direct benefit to Port
land. A majority of this vnst bulk
of labor Is handled through Portland,
which means that enormous payrolls
each month aro putting groat volumci
of money Into tho regular channols
of local trade. Its larger significance
Is that n protracted crn of prosperity
and general good times should pre
vail hero not only while this work
la going on but long ntter when tho
new construction work hits boon com
pleted and the new lines and exten
sions nro under operation.
In splto of thu fact that railroad
contractors nro trying their level best
to get moro men In tho field, great
difficulty Is experienced In socurlng
mou who will stick to their Jobs.
Thousands of men who have roturnot
from tho harvest fields of tho North
west refuse to Join railroad construc
tion camps, declaring the work Is 'too
hard, llullroad employment agents
could take care of every Idle man In
Portland If ho wero willing to work,
and stoutly employment would be af
forded all winter.
These component elements in the
railroad development of thu North
west will mean great business growtl
for Portland, tho natural Jobbing and
commercial center toward which they
nro striving. They will moan nn
enormous Increnso In population In
tho noxt fow yours, building up not
only Portland but the entire region
or sections of country which nro be
ing brought Into direct and speedy
communication with tho outside
A Good Idea
The nronosltlon of tho street car
coming Into St. Johns tho way thoy
now go out Is being agitated by n
number of our cltlzons. Tlio clnim
Is made that tho city Is moro pre
possessing coming In tho short way
than by Cedar Park, as Is now mo
case, and that visitors would bo hot
ter pleased with mo outlook at first
Blanco. Anothor reason ndvanceu
la mat most people are tired out af
ter spondlng a few hours wandering
around Portland, and desire to get
home with tho greatost possible eel
orlty. Tho long trip In going to
Portland would not bo so annoying,
as all aro fresh at tho start. Tho
plan looks a very good one, and
thoro seems but little clinnco for oo
Jectlon on the part of tho residents
hero. Tho matter will llkoly bo
passed up to tho powora that bo In
tho noar future, asking that this bo
Reduction in Rates
Reductions .n grain rates of about
12. A ner cent from the Interior .0
tidewater will go into effect on the
rnllrniidH of the Northwest OU NOV.
1 and will effect a very largo saving
to the wheat growers of the Iniana
Empire, The reduc.on was ordered
m the O. II. N. lines by the Oregon
Railroad Commission and on the
Wnshtneton railroads by the com
mission of tbat stute. On the pres
ent year's crop it is believed a av
lng of about la,ev0 will be realized
to growers by the lessened freight
Big Doin's in Appleville
fit-out nreDaratlons have been made
for the annual Hood Itlver apple fair,
28 29 and 30. The display of
prize fruit Is bigger and better than
ever and tho attendance from out
airio nnlnta Dromlses to be excep
tionally large. Baturuay, Oct. SO,
will be Portland day. The roruanu
pnmmerclai Club has been invited
and citizens generally from that city
will view the Hood Ulver snow n
large numbers. Interest in the ex
hibit of fine apples at the lair is
aVbscrlbe for tha Review aad
Devoted (o (ha lotereiti of tha Peatniula, the Manufacturing
Illl'leULS IHIL.
Evidences of Awakened Activity Are
Hand and an
Whether on nccount of tho nd
vent of tho saloon In St. Johns or
In splto of tho ,iwn again becoming
"wet," thero Is no denying tho fact
that ' ihlngs are looking up." On
overy hand may bo found substantial
evidences of nwnkoncd and renowed
activity. Empty business houses and
dwellings nro filling up na If by
magic, and n spirit of optimism and
oxuboranco seems to pervade tho at
mosphcre. The man with the pick and
shovel, tho busy tennis, tho sound of
tho hammer and saw, the woll filled
streets all camblno In presenting n
picture of hustle and bustlo that Is
cheering to nil. Tho gas company
has ooo 11 quite n factor In enliven
ing affairs In St. Johns. With their
many workmen engaged In laying
pipe all over thu city, and the en
thUHlnsm which they hnvo Infused
Into their operations hero their com
ing has marked the beginning of
hotter times. Tho many lights thoy
hnvo already placed hero has given
the business uistrlct a metropolitan
nppoaranco and makes the city par
ticularly aiiurlug and entrancing nt
night. The Portlnnd General Elcc
trio Co. has also not boon Idle, und
they nro constantly placing new
lights here, thoro and everywhere.
Every Industry In S.. Johns (and uy
tho wny, thoro nro quite a lot) Is
working full time, and moro mou aru
now employed In St, Johns thun has
Charter Revision
Thorn la somo talk nbout chnrtor
revisions onco moro. Tho poor old
chnrtor has been cuBsed at, reviled,
amended, changed, trnmplod upon,
and yot It does not suit. Ino last
desired change Is to provide for
four of tho counclluien being hold
ovor each yoar, thus provontlng con
fusion nnd dlsruntlon until tho now
mombors wero Inured to their posi
tions. Wo eel love tills proposou
mondmont would curry with but fow
dlssontlng votos, as It does not look
Ilko good business to havo It possible
to turn all the officials out at ono
tlmo. It this should occur It would
tako about six months for the now
members to find out where tho lato
officials left off. Another amend
ment desired Is a provision for rnls
lng tho treasurer's salary and In
creasing tho longth of his term of
offico. This is a minor change, but
la Important also. An amendment
la doslred by somo citizens on tne
nrocess now in forco for Improving
our stroots. Instoad of tho property
owners paying for lmproement Inoi-
vldually. it Is proposed that the city
as a whole put up for street im
provement. This plan would bo tno
cause for much objection nnd uis-
sentlon were It to como beforo the
people for their adoption. Thoso whe
havo already paid for their own
streot improvement will not enro to
holn Day for other work along this
line. It would cause moro atrlfo and
111 feelings than roost any other
source were the plan to become In
vogue. Each councilman that advo
cated Improving a streot In any ui
rption would be susnlcloned of being
financially interested in Its improve-
ment in some way. Every property
owner would want his street Im
proved first, and tus bedlam would
bo let loose In fine style. Tho pres
ent system seems to work all right,
and if that 50 percent of tne as
sessed valuation was eliminated,
street work could go on without a
hitch, Property will never bo lesb
In value In St. Johns than its street
Improvements como to, thereforo It
would be Impossible to connscaio mo
property for street Improvement.
Make It a "sky limit" and no ono
will have cause to complain that
street work Is not going on with u
vim and activity at St. Johns.
a aewlne machine agent who has
been doing considerable business in
and around St. Johns, was taken up
by the Portland police department
last week for brutally assaulting a
lady to whom he waa Indebted, n
ouid ba safer, better and more ec
onomical If the housewife would give
these road agents be go-by and pat
ronlze legitimate) and local estab
lishment when in need of machines.
Il'll IWf
Era of Unexcelled Prosperity Now
Has Begun to Dawn in St.
ovor been tho enso) In tho city's his
tory. 8trnngers upon our streets
mid newcomers nro becoming legion.
Ileal estate is being sought In over
Increasing volume,' aim moro In
quiries regarding samo uro puurlng In
with every mall. Rooming houses
that havo long boon uninhabited nro
exhibiting signs of life, and tho
painter's brush and tho decorator's
master hand nro working over time In
an endeavor to keep tip with orders.
Along tho water; front overy thing
is humming with life mid activity.
With n payroll not exceeded by any
other city In tho United States ac
cording to population, every Intiustry
Ij hammering away day In and day
out, mouth in and mouth out n
never ceasing grind. The fact that
over 000 cur loads of mlscellaneotm
freight wero shipped ou,t of this city
during the month of September tells
tho story better thnn words can. Its
Immensity from such n comparative
ly small locality Is hard fur tho mlud
to grasp, and It is n record thnt no
other city of Its size In the world
can show.
Four new store rooms will soon bo
completed, all of which havo already
been leased. Ovor 100 new resi
dences hnvo boon built the past year,
and yet It Is difficult to n
vncnnt dwelling that Is fairly habit
ablo. From tho present demand ouo
hundred moro houses could find ten
To Advertise the State
Flvo thousand dollars will bo given
by thu Porl'mid Commercial Club in
prizes for tho best newspaper and
magazine articles on Portlnnd, tho
Btnte, or tho Puclflc Northwest, Tho
offer holds good during tho coming
year and tho ouo writing tha best
article will bo rowarded with a died,
for t.uuo. Second best will got '00,
and a gradually diminishing scalo of
prizes will reward SO wrltoru. Tho
contest Is open to ovoryono, Thu
conditions nro that tho articles must
bo printed In a nowspaper or iiwgu
zlno of gonoral circulation, prlutod
iiuywhoro outside of tho states of
Oregon and Washington, Marked
copy of tho publication must thon
bo sont to tho Portland Commercial
Club, where, it will bo tumod ovor
to threo Judges namod by thu Gov
ornor of Oregon. Tho articles may
bo printed between tho dates of
Novomber 1, liwii, and December 31,
laiu. Almost any phaso of tho
Northwest may bo used as subjoct
matter of tho articles. Tho longth
nnd troatmont Is optional with tho
writer. Tho plan of tho Commer
cial Club is not to havo tho North
west "boomed'' In the common mean
ing of tho term so much na It Is to
havo tho peoplo of tho country be
come more familiar with this portion
of tho United Btutes nnd glvo ex
pression to their views In such ar
ticles as will bo acceptable to papers
throughout tho entire continent. The
decision of tho Judges wllr bo
absolutely Impartial. Thero are
prizes for 80 writers nnd tho chances
for winning nro so many that ontrloa
In the contest should bo largo, That
tho publicity resulting from tho
prize offer will be wldo und thut
much good will bo ronllzod for tho
whole Pacific Northwest Is assured.
Note Many Changes
Mrs. J. h. Mlsonhimer and Mrs.
R. 8. Henley, two elderly ladles wore
In St. Johns Wednesday, tho guests
of Mrs. Agnes Larneu. Thlrty-fivo
years ago both the ladles wero resi
dents of St. Johus, but aro now lo
cated In Portland. Tho changes and
alterations that havo taken place
slnco they left St. Johns over a tulrd
of a century ago aro numerous nnd
varied. They still have a warm spot
in their hearts for this city, and
greatly enjoyed trying to discover
some of the old landmarks so fa
miliar to them in tne long ago.
A full attendanco Is desired nt the
Commercla' club next Wednesday ev
ening, as business of Importanco will
be brought up for consideration and
Center of the Northweet
UI1M 1 I U I
Apparent Upon Every
ants almost Immediately. Tha schools
show n substantial Increnso over last
year In tho number of pupils enrolled
mid nil signs point to n rapidly In
creasing population. Alt uio mer
chants nro well pleased with tho bus
Incss now enjoyed, and tho outlook
Is very promising for nn Increased
trade. Idlo labor Is n proposition St.
Johns docs not hnvo to contend with.
Any ono can secure work. Tho de
mand Is greater than the supply,
nud wages bIiow a slight Increase of
over n year ago, Humming It nil up,
there Is no denying that times nro
better than they hnvo been, and thu
crouklngs of the street loafer has
been reduced to u minimum.
Wo know not whothor tho town be
coming "wet" Is responsible In any
marked degree for thu era of pros
perity that has now dawned, and wo
cure less, Tho reason why Is of but
llttlo moment. The fact that butter
and brighter days have reached St.
Johns is sufficient. If conditions nro
not pleasing to nil, repining nud
complaining will avail not. They can
ho changed when tho tlmo Is ripe If
tho majority so wills, but until that
tlmo let us moho thu best of condi
tions us wo find them. us all
do whnt lies In our power to iiiulto
times bettor nnd better, and rujolco
In tho fact that wo aro permitted to
dwell In one of tho finest localities
that (lod over made.
Plenty of Misfits
It Is strnngo whnt u lot of nils
fits exist In this world of ours.
Seems ns though some people tan
never find tho llttlo nlcho In which
thoy uro ndnpted by Inclination nnd
temperament to occupy, but thoy go
tumbling nlung, caught first In ono
llttlo eddy und then another, until
finally Instead of progressing toward
their goal, they go whirling around
and around In a circle, grumbling,
kicking nnd complaining, first nt ouo
thing and then nnother. Tlio So
cialist tolls us of tho porfoct condi
tions existing In Now Zealand or
somo other country under socialism;
tho Prohibitionist ouloglzcB tlio hoc
lions whoro tlio sulci of liquor Is not
legalized; tho saloon sympathizer
harps on tho beauties unci advant
ages of n "wot" district; tho tin
noxatlonlst goos Into raptures ovor
tho glorious anticipation or living In
tho city of Portland and thuu It
goes all uown tho lino. Somo uro'
dissatisfied with tho climate, con
ditions, requirements and environ
monts of every place In which they
hnvo resided. Tho Ideal conditions
uro nover fully realized, und Para
dlso is always Just n llttlo furthor
on. Whllo these various mlsflta aro
complaining, exhorting, condemning
nnd execrating, ono cannot help but
wonder why theso peoplo do not
make nn earnest effort to seek tho
localities and conditions which thoy
uphold nnd preach to tholr long
suffering fellow roon, Tlio contented
peoplo would apreclato tholr ro
movnl and would tako up a collee
tlon to expeuito mattors. Man, how
over, Is prone to kick und raise n
rumpus upon tho least provocation,
und it no doubt will continue to bo
so until tho end of Umo,
Scared to Death
Mrs. Sunny Patrlwoskl, 40 years
ola, of San Diego, Cnl., wus frlghtonod
to death Tuesday by witnessing two
dogs fighting, when she hoard nor
own pot fighting it strange canine
which had entered her yard, she
rushod out to rescuo her dog. Shu
saw tho strange dog selzo her own
pot and tho sight cuused her to reel
ovor backwards, Hor husband as
sisted her to tho houso, where sho
soon expired. A physician hastily
called pronounced hor death duo to
hoart failure, brought on by fright,
Tho Hill lino has a large forco of
surveyors at work preparatory to
building a feeder for the North Hank
road up tho White Salmon valloy, A
great farming and wooded country
will thus bo opened up and dovoloped
NO. 51
Small Grist of Municipal
Business Than Usual
Council mot in reculnr session
Tuosdny ovoiilng with nil mombors
prosont nnd Mayor Hendricks In tho
chair. Minutes of tho provloiiB moot
ing wero read and approved.
Thu eiiKlnecr's ucccntaiico of Slaf-
ford streot, and endorsed by tho
street commltlco was confirmed by
Upon nftldnvlt of tho gas company
thnt nil tha ruiiulreinentH In regard
to laying pipes In St. Johns had
lrn compiled with, on motion oi
Cotiuellmnn A. W. Davis, thu $5,000
chuck was ordered returned.
Mr. Stlno was granted normlsBlon
to lay an eight-foot cement sldownlk
In front of his now business Plnco on
North Jersey, with tho understanding
thnt nt any tlmo ho will comply with
nuy ordinance that may bo passed
later making nil sidewalks In thu
liulncRM district 12 foul wide.
An nmended report of the viewers
on tho Fesseiidcu streot condemna
tion was read and then hold over
until Nov. 0th, when tho dissatisfied
ones may hnvo nnother chance to
register a kick on tho report mi
Dills to tho amount of JIIO.GO wero
A ronort sinned by . it. IwcKlnuoy
pointed out u number of unsavory
and III smelling spots around thu city
which should receive luimoulutu at
tention. Tho findings of thu until
tary commission was ordered turned
over to tho health nnd police cum
mlltco for adjustment.
A clairvoyant, having mndo np
plication for n license to dispense
fortunes In St. Johns, thu matter
was referred to tho llconso commit,
too for disposition.
On motion of Councilman Drown
tho engineer was to bo Instructed to
koeu tnb on the plpu being plnced
by tho wnter company nnd havo u
complete rocord of where tho pipe
him been laid and where It Is being
laid nt tho present tlmo.
D w SlmmuiiH was appointed
special pollcomun by Mayor Hen
dricks, tho nppolntmont being con
firmed by council.
Alter n somewhat longthy discis
sion if was docldod to proceod with
thu vacation of that part of Phlla
dolphin Btroot covered by tho dock.
According to the churter tho pro
nosed vacation must bu ndvurllsed
for sixty days, ami then u clinnco
glvon for romonstrutlng against
samo. It was decided that tho city
attorney nt onco proceod with tlio
legal steps toward thut cm).
Sewerage Needed
Rtnnn nil niiM lin taken without do
Inv tnwnril lilivlllL' a HOWeniKO Bys
torn Installed In tho neighborhood of
the water supply for tno city, uurv
ni iwwiurn oIhii suuclal urucuutlons
should bo taken to Insure thu purity
of tho water. Whllo thero Is no Im
mediate danger of tho water becom
ing contaminated, biicIi will imoiy
provo tho cuso within tho noxt five
or six years unless cess pools uro
.,,-,.!, n, it. wi nnii ftownruuu Installed In
tho neighborhood of tho water Bta
tlon. Council should omploy tho
onglnoorlug staff on this proportion
during tho winter months when
streot Improvement huu abated to u
largo extent.
Growing Too Fast
Newman, a 15-ycar-old boy of Long
Ileach, Cnl., Is growing so fust ho
him boon forced to quit school on ac
count of a resulting hoart affection.
Ills holKht has incroased an Inch
during tho last CO days and ho Is
four and one-half Inches tailor than
ho was January 1. Tho lud now
stands flvo foot threo Inches, and
Is growing so fast his father foara
serious Injury.
It is said that the Jack rabbits
stood up liko exclamation points
whon our President crossed tho
wostern plulns aftor having lndorsod
tho pollclos of "Nelson Aldrlch" and
"Joo Cannon".
Of aaVartklaf la THIS Pipe
nai roa'H nem rmt (C Br
tie t ece m4 keep rfctit at M
To Decide What Shall Be
Done With the Dock
Dy action of tha city council Tucs
day ovontng stops will nt onco bo
taken toward tho vacation of Phila
delphia street. It Is luipcrntlvo thnt
this street bo vacated whether tho
dock Is sold or retained by tho city,
Unless It Is vacated tho city has no
right to blockade, with n dock or
any other obstruction this street, any
moro than n prlvnto Individual or cor
poration has n right to block nny
street in tha city. Philadelphia
street should have been vacated be
foro it was obstructed by tho dock.
This not having been done, It Is high
ly essential that no further tlmo bo
lost In concluding tho process. It
docs not menu thnt tho dock Is to bo
sold because It, Is nocessary to va
cate tho street. That proposition
will como up Inter. When n street
la vacated Its title reverts to thu ad
joining property owners, nnd ns tho
city own nil tho adjoining property
In this Instance, by vacation it does
not pass out of Its hands, but on thu
contrary tho tltlo of tho o'ty becomes
stronger by tho legal process of vn
cation. For a period of CO days tho
proposed vacation of this stub of n
street will bu ndverilsed, and then
overy property owner lit St, Johns
will hnvo u fhnnco to remonstrate
If thoy ho doslru. it Is proposed nt
tho date set for tho hearing of tho
rcmonstranceH to hold n mass meet
lng of our cltlzciiH nud discuss what
disposition shall bo mndo of thu dock.
Tho counclluien nro nil willing to do
what tho mnjorlty of peoplo do
slro In tho premises, but slnco thu
proposition throughout has not
panned out llko anticipated when
whon tho dock was voted fur, they
uro doslrouH of learning definitely
how tho peoplo Btnnd, Whothor tho
majority favor koeplng tho dock, or
favor disposing of It, it matters
llttlo, only tho nldermeii nru anxloim
to got thu true sentiment. If enough
nro lu favor of Belling it npeclal oloc
tlon will bo vailed ami u veto lakon,
but It tho suiit'inont Is otherwise thu
matter will bo uropped. Therefore,
wait for tho announcement of tho
mass meeting, and nil will bo given
a clinnco to nlr their views concern
ing what shall bo tlouo with tho
Make a Start Now
Young man, right now la tlio tlmo
whon you should bo planting overy
cent you can scrnpo together In St.
Johns realty, Cut out pool, tobacco,
and a fow other luxuries for n fow
days and you will hnvo Bavod enough
to muko tho first pnymont down on
a lot. Mnko It, and koop up tho pay
montB. Koop tho lot for i!5 years and
for overy penny you put Into tho
nronerty you will bo nblo to extract
u dollar. Taking this vlow of It,
overy tlmo you amoko n five-cent
climr you aro in reality burning up
flvo dollars. Tho planting season Is
hero In uli ita richness, Mako up
your mind to Blunt n llttlo gold mlno
of your own. You w.l oxperlento
moro nlonsuro lu watching It dovclop
and oxpund than you did lu spend
ing tho mouoy for luxuries beforo.
Opportunity Is at tho door. Will you
not let it In? Duy anywhere North,
South, East or Wost, but buy In St.
Core Will Come High
Tho high prlco of $3.35 for tho
first grade Spltzenborg apples nnd
2.10 per box for Nowtowna wero
tho prices received by tho Hood
Itlver Fruit Orower'8 Union for their
entlro crop of fancy apples thin
year. This prlco, paid by n Now
York concern, has Just been mado
public by tho union. Thoro surely
should bo monoy lu raising nppica at
15 cents each.
Mr. Harrlman. having left an
ostato of about tl50,000,000, his oldor
son has boon entered at tale, mo
family fooling reasonably confident
that It can afford to pay his ox
pouBca lu u first-class institution.