St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, October 22, 1909, Image 2

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PubUshsd Every Friday
At 117 Wont BurlinRton Street.
Tint Rkvikw Is entered nt post office
tu Saint Johns, Orison, ns tunll matter
of the second class under the Act of Con
Kress of March 3, 1879,
Job Printing eieeuted In flnt cln tti.
mill lor Jcb I'rlnllnc cuith on dll?err.
All eomraunlcsllon. should h sddrnt.d to
Tn BtTiew. flt. Jnlini. Or(on.
Adrtrtlilnc tstrt, Sl.00 par Inch pr month.
All tdtcftltln Hill prtU flnt of csch
OSelsl Hawipspsr of lh. Olty of BU Jelms.
Subscription prlco $1,00 per year,
Noting U10 talk about nnnoxatluii
of tho suburb of Ht. Johns to the
city of Portlnm), the St. Johns Jte
vlow Buys: "Of course, Portland
tvnnta tia nm! ti'ntita iiu liflil. With tl
bonded IndobtcdnoKs U10 Interest orf ctt council will hnva no choice In
tin attempt to carry n point. Tho
Idcn that Portland wants us In order
to pluck us may appear funny, but
Is no cIoho to tlm truth that then)
Is no fun In It for the people of 8t,
Hy action of tho city council Ttios
day nlcht tho pcoplo of St. John
will havo n chnnco to vote on the
liquor question at tho coming April
election. St. Johns Is Independent
now, and no outsldo district may hn
attached to It on voting upon th!u
question. Any Just man will readily
concodo that this Is only fulr and
right. While tacking Unlvorslty Path
to this district ns was dono nt tho
last so cullcd local option election
may have boon legally right, It was
morally wrong, unfair nnd unjust
no matter what tho result showed
According to tho charter amend
which runs over'O.OOU, the bur
den Is Betting ery heavy and out
sldo assistance would bo very wel
come" Now, In fact, tho annexa
tion of HI. Johns would bo a bur
den to Portland, Just as It was whan
annexed uforolime. Portland was
taxed then to mako flno Improve
ments In St. Johns. Then St. Johns
seceded. St. Johnii Is n gronlng
suburb, and uveiitunlly will bo In
corporated with Portland, lint thu
taxes ht. Johns would pay In, If an
nexed now, wouldn't meet the ad
ditional cost or schools, llghls, flro
engines and employes, police Her
vice and tho like, that would ho
thrown upon tho city. Dy all moans,
If St, Johns doesn't want to come!
tho matter of grunting licenses after
next April. If tho pcoplo decide
they want 11 dry town, dry It will
bo. or vlco versa. Hogardlcfls of
what a councilman's feelings may bo
on tho subject ho must bo governed
entirely by tho wishes of the voters,
This Is surely right, and good men
may thus bo elected as councilmeii
however they stand on tho liquor
question, This constitutes local op
tlon In Its truest and best sunsu.
iU'ornoy Oenernl Crawford has
stepped Into tho llmollght long
enough to assert that two of tho ti
premu Judges who voted on tho
Cochran case had no legal right to
do so. In rebuttal Judge U'Uay,
11 Hi, JOI1IIH uuunii 1 wiiiii iu uuiuv - ,
Into tho city, let her Btuy out. llut fomisol for Mr, Cochran, makes tho
the Idea that Portland wants her In
order to pluck her Is funny Indeed.
St. Johns would at onto bring more
expenses to tho city than her own
resources could pay for, and would
bo calling constantly for "more
Sunday's Orcgnnlan.
Now, wouldn't that stun youT
Coming, too, from tho Oregoulan,
which ninny people look upon as tho
most rollnblo paper In Portland, Tho
writer of thu canard Is either
strangely Ignorant of conditions as
they now oxlst and have existed In
St. Johns, or Is wilfully trying to
mislead tho Inter arrivals In Ht. Johns
fur reasons that are not too com
mendable. In tho first placo St.
Johns seceded bocnutu It was not re
ceiving benefits nearly commuiiBur
nto to tho amount of taxes It paid
Into thu city of Portland. Thu bene
fits It received consisted of four arc
lights and 11 four-room school house.
Flro protucllon, city water, police
and Improvements of any nature
wore conspicuous hy their nbsunce.
And yet thu Oregoulan claims It was
u burden to Portland. Thu only ap
parent burden was lining St. Johns j l bound to loimi and will bu tho
money for some other purposo tluin jciiuhu of many of tho worklngmuu of
stiitument that 110 provision Is made
In tho state for tho office of alter
ney gonerul. Whatever tho merits
of either contention may bo, It Is a
safe wager that tho decision will
stand as rendered. To undo all that
the supremo court has already done
would bo a gigantic task, nnd thu
chances are that all their rulings
will bo ratified If tho question Is ovo,
taken to a higher tribunal. Whether
.Mr, Crawford will prosecute tho
proposition farther, since hu has beei
threatened with losing his "Job" by
tho same token, remains to bo seen.
Verily, the constitution and soiuo of
thu laws of thu state of Oregon aro
something fierce, and passuth tho
understanding of mnn,
It Is particularly pleasing to note
the many now Industries that have"
secured sites on tho Peninsula In
tho neighborhood of tho Swift pack-
ug plant. While not as close to St.
Johns proper as wo could wish, yet
their value to Rt. Johns will bo Ines-
'tlmahlu, Thu projected trolley lino
direct to that territory from this city
FIRST:Wood contains from 35 per cent. to 60 per
' cent, water; charcoal, contains from 1-2 to
2 per cent, water. '
SECOND :800 pounds Charcoal $4.00
I load of wood , $4.50
in S. Jersey Street. Phone Jersey 1021,
In publishing tin Item concerning m
the private meeting of council Tucs-
day night In relation to tho license
qucsllon tlio city dallies stated Wed
nesday that It was a "hot" and
"stormy session." Thlfl was far from
tho truth, as It was conducted It? 11
quiet, orderly and dignified mnniior.
li was also Btatcd: "If tho supromo
court decides the town shall havo no
saloons, theso licenses will bo re
voked." Tho fact Is that tho Bupromo
court has nothing to do In tho mat
ter. It has passed from their hands
to tho city council, and tho Alder
men's will In tho premises Is su
premo. Tho pnpers of Portland seem
to tako peculiar dollght In applying '
such terms as "stormy," "sensation- ' ' : ' ' "
nt" "r.iiifiiiilnn " "plums' inn! tlm llko C82OC8MCH38MCKKh5WHXHO0
whenever posslblo In describing any
of the happenings of St. Johns. It
seems to bo tho butt of nil their HI
timed "Jokes." Possibly It Is being
dono to whip vis In lino for annexa
tion. Whntovcr tho cause, our poopl
would feel moro kindly townrd thosa
publications lr they would cotiflna
themselves to tho naked truth In
mutters pertaining to St. Johns,
Whllo tho pooplo of Portland aro
boltiR agitated over tho lmpuro milk
proposition, it would bo well for our
pcoplo to look to tho quality of moat
they aro using. It is of Just as vital
Importanco that tho moat used should
bu puro as tho milk, and It Is llkoly
that as many deaths nro caused by
diseased meats as from lmpuro milk
only It Is moro difficult to traco.
Tlmroforo. whv buv your moat whoro
any question might bo raised as to1
Its purity? Clo wlicro It has boon
proven beyond poradvonturo of a
doubt that only good, wholosomo
meats nro sold. You owe It to your
family and you owo it to yoursolf.
Thcro Is now moro sickness In this
city than over before, nnd who can
say that poor moat docs not havo Its
share In this deplorablo stato of af
fairs? There Is ono market In St.
Johns where you can got tho best,
and nothing but tho best In tho
moat lino. That Is nt I1IT00OD &
COLU'8 now market on North Jorsoy
street. Try them and seo,
St. Johns, Oregon.
Established 1905
? 30,000.00
R. T. Watt, President P. C. Knopp, Vice President
C. A. Wood, Cashier
R. T. Plutt, President, Attorney
V, C. Knnpp, Vice Pres., Sec. Pen. Lumber Co,
M. ti. Ilolbrook, Capitalist
Peter Autrcit, Pres. Portland Mftf. Co,
H, L. Powers, VicePrcs, and Gen. Mngr.
I.cwlston Sweet Water & Irrigation Co.
Thos. Cochran, Real Kstntc
C. A. Wood, Cashier
1'nrni. Hoe, Dairy or Clilckcn
Rnncli, Orclmrd or Timber One
ncrc or thousands. It will pay you
to consult Hnrlmnti iv: lliompsoii,
Chamber of Commerce, Portland,
Ore. Kihvln Hooker, Me,r. I'nrm
Must vacate. ....nlnery stock nnd
fixtures to bo cloned out In II 0 days,
tut South Jersey street. O, P. Wol
cott, l'rop.
Full Una of Robaa, Caskata, ato,, kapt In atook
No bettor meats woro over sold any
whoro than can always bo found nt
T. P. Ward'! mnrkot. "Quality wins"
Is his motto and ho lives right up
to It. Tho nrlcci nro as low as
good meat can bo sold for and al
low n living profit- If you want
good meat go to Ward's, If not go
somowhuro olio. Special prices on
Must vacate. Millinery stork nnd
fixtures to bo closed out In 30 days.
401 South Jorsey street. O. P. Wol-
cott, Prop.
Subscribe for tho Tologram best
evening paper on tho coast. 800
Ed Stockton.
Proach tho fospal of St. Johns.
The Last frontage Along the West Side of the Williamette
Fifty lots directly across the river on St. Helens and Germantown roads;
five cent fare to Portland.
Prices $300 and up; terms Five Dollars down and Five Dollars per month;
liberal cash discoun t.
R. H. BLANDING, Agent, Whltwcod Station
St. Johns' benefit, t'nlvorslty Pnrkjt,0 ,l0W ,,tB building and residlm,'
also utmost seceded for tliu samu
reason two or more yours ago, In
judging of how wo would to treated
woro wo to again become part of
Portland, It lu only natural that wo
should determine that by how that
city has boon looking after tho wul
faro of Its suburbs. Taking Univer
sity Park u h an illustration It be
ing iieurcst and mutt familiar to our
people wo find thuy nro still pay-
lug all their money Into Portland and
receiving llttlo or nothing In return:
exceedingly few Ughis, barely any
pollco protection, few lmprou'd
streets, no flro protection utid no pub
llo Improvements, They nro paying
into tho city trousury at luust flvu
dolluru for every ono that romea back
lu tho way of a direct benefit. Wo
havo no right to export any hotter
treatment, and tho ohauccH aro that
wu would not bo treatod lu any wlso
Tho tax levy In St, Johns is piae
tlcutly tho Biuim or less than tho city
of Portlnud. Out of this tho schools
nro kopt up, three policemen and
tho vnrloiiB officials nro paid, the
Interest on the bonded Indobteuness
Is met, and tho city prlntiiiK, tight,
water, otc, proUdod 'or. If unuox
utlou took placo the Uy would bo
no If sb. but tho off trials would be
dismissed, at least two policemen
would bo discharged, priming and
part of tho lights cut off, This sav
ing of seven or eight thousand dol
lars would go to burden Portland,
and It Is thu only manner financially
or otherwise tho city of 8t. Johns
would over become a burden to that
city and nobody knows It better
than tho Orceonlan mail. Portland
would bo only too glad to have a few,
moro burdonu of tho same nature.
Tho annexation of. tide place with
Portland will never como through
misrepresentation uud distorting of
facts. Kven if tho Oregonlau is
plquod nt our porvcrslty it should
not waudur bo far from thu truth in
iu flt. Johns, Thu trend of all tho
tast Industries of thu future is to
ward thu peninsula, and they will
keep crowding this way until finally
Local Freight
Tho Commercial club held another
our entire water front will bo given highly Interesting meeting Wedues
over to them, Kvury wuuk brings! day night, Local freight servlco for
further proof that thu peninsula Is
rapidly coming into her own.
Tho way tho prlco of butter Is
soaring to tho clouds wo poor mor
tals will soon havo to forego tho
butter hub!, or use pottelluo us a
substitute, it is really shameful tho
way tho butter men havo tho pub
lie by tho throat mm nro forcing
thorn to pay 'JO cents a roll for first
class product, Uutter should never
get ubovo 7.1 cents per roll lu this
country. When It does mo cousum
ors aro being robbed,
' 1 t 1 1
Tho old Pennoyor block on Mor
rison, West Park, Alder and Tenth
si i eels lu Portland Is to bo thu site
ol mi enormous department store nnd
hotel, It is leased for a sum that
shows a value of 7&U,ltv). it Is as
sessed, however, for only 370,OeO, It
takes u good many farms to equal
the value of this llttlo piece of ub
solutely baro ground,
Do you know that you ran buy a
urn ml new modern bungalow, with
largo living room, beamed celling,
flno fireplace, largo basement, best
of plumbing, corner lot, 60x60, lo
cated lu bust residence district for
only $11)0.00 or moro down, balance
saino ns rent, Prlco for a few days
only 1GM).
Why pay rent when you can gel n
homo of your own on such liberal
Seo owner at once. 908 Portland
boulevard, '
Wanted Young woman (or gouor-
al housuwork, Apply at 520 S, Ivan,
boo street.
St, Joints wus taken up. .Mr. Morse
of tho O, It, & N, was present and
went Into the inattur thoroughly with
members of thu club and representa
tives of river front Industries who
were presont, A very favorublo im
pression was created and Mr, Morse
gave thu club groat encouragement
llo said he would recommend that
at least trl-weekly servlco bu placed
and that hu would lend his influence
toward securing dally service. Tho
members of the club and the shlpperi
wcro unanimous In declaring for
dally service and believed that any
thing less would not provo successful
for tho railroad company," Boerotary
Wol cott bus been coiniuendubly en
ergetle lu furthering the caimo of lo
cal freight, and If It Is secured at
this time, It will bu only on account
of his efforts backed by the club,
J. I Woods, recenily from tho
east, In company with V. W. Mason,
presented a proposition to the club
nnd asked Its assistance lu developing
and promoting u machine for digging
and loading dirt. Mr, Woods Is the
patentee and claims by his machine
that dirt can bo raised and loadod foi
threo cents per yard, whereas by
man and shovel It costs lu the
neighborhood of 20 cents, The in
ventlou Is adaptable for railroad work,
Irrigation projects, street work, etc,
Tho proposition Is a very good one,
and It is hello veu Mr, Woods will ex-
porleucu no difficulty in interesting
capital for Its development, lie Is
highly pleased with St. Johns and is
desirous of locating a plant for tho
construction of his Invention at this
To thu friends and neighbors and
especially to the Odd Fellows and
Itebekahs, whoso bolp nnd sympathy
sustained and comforted us In our
sorrow through tho loss of our bo-
loved husband and father, wo wish
to extend our slncero gratitude,
Mrs. K. W, lloblnson,
Hazel lloblnson,
Xqlllo lloblnson.
Do You Get
Good Groceries? Arc you satisfied
thoroughly with the ipialitv of
the goods nnd the brands and the
service ? Now, when the first of
the mouth is coming is the time
to make n change if you are not
perfectly satisfied.
Where you can buy everything
of highest grades anil guaranteed
mallties, from a barret ol Hour to
n box of toothpicks, there's a good
place to trade. Give us a trial for
one month. Watch our ad. lu the
St. Johns Review.
Hendricks & Horsman
Jhe New Grocery
Phone Jersey X02i.
1 1 1 South Jersey St.
about n cough there's no noed of
worry If you will troat it at It's
first appoarnuco with Hallard's I lore-
hound Syrup. It will stop tho cough
at onco and put your lungs nnd
throat back into perfectly healthy
condition. Sold by North Dank
Our Charges.
fita Mm UUI on your wr.
Wo deslro to publicly express our
sincere thanks to tho friends and
neighbors who so kindly nnd gener
ously lent their aid and assistance
during thu Illness and death of our
son uud brother, Marvlu Johns, and
can assure them that their kindness
will over bo remembored,
It. W, Johns and family.
A school or college that permits
hazing hurts' Its reputation and
ultimately affects tho value of
property In tho town where located
ScuVcspectlug young men and their
parents do not deslro to even look
over an educational Institution that
iermlts its students to relapse into
It you are looking for an Invest-
niout that is a sure winner, buy half
of block 16 at Whltwood Court. The
tract Is 100x600, lays fine and lots
across from tt aro now aeUtng at
1350 for 60x100. If cut Into lota
13000 could easily bo realked, and
then tho Iota would bo cheaper than
auy can bo brought for la that neigh
borhood. Iu five years $10,000 would
not be an exorbitant price. If tak
en at ouce 1800 buys It, 500 cash,
$500 in six months and the balance
at $10 per month, B, H. Standing,
real estate office, Whltwood Court.
As is customary, we will charge
for card of thanks. 50c: for resolu
tions of respect, $i,oo; for notices
of church or lodge entertainments,
suppers, sociables, etc., where there
are charges for admission, 5c er
line, but where there are no charges
for these events, we will break the
rule nud insert them free, We
make this announcement so that
our good friends may understand
our rule in this respect.
The Best Piaster.
A piece of flannel dampened with
Cbamberlaln'a Liniment and bound
on to the affected parts Is superior
to any plaster, When troubled with
lame back or palna In the aide or
chest give it a trial and you are cer
tain to bo more than pleased with
the prompt relief which It affords.
This is certain to please anyone suf
fering from that disease. Sold by
all good druggists.
Must vacato. Millinery stock audi
fixtures to bo closed out in 30 days.
401 South Jersey street. O. P. Wol-
cott. Prop.
For Sale Square Chase piano In
first class condition, fine tone and
recently tuned. Prlco 76, $15 down
and balance on terms to responsible
party. Call 629 S. Ivanhoo street.
Bring In your job printing while
you think of it. Don't wait until you
are entirely out. We aro equipped I
to turn out neat and tasty printing
promptly at Portland prices or less.
Mut vacate. Millinery stock and
fixtures to be closed out in' 30 days.
401 South Jersey street. O. P, Wol-
cott, Prop. tv .!'.
Portland QjAS ComPany
OFFICE 110 S.Jersey St.,
Phones. Private Ex. 26.' A, 6274. Local
phone Richmond 1561 -i
' 'a ill
Represented by d. -englander
OFFICE OPEN 8 A. M. TO 8 p. M. i
TWICE the Light for HALF the Cost
of Any Other Light. CHEAPER for;!
Cooking and Heating Than Any
Other Fuel.
SI. Johns Gas Equipment Co.
Estimates on House Pip
ing for Lights Made
Work Guaranteed in Every Particular .
Six Year's Experience
Gas Fixtures and Gas Electric Fixtures
Headquarters at Hendricks Hardware Store
Hats ! Hats ! Hats !
PKX.saafaHUssttK 9sssHsssssfl
Kif' k
BBsssssW- iHf
aaaaET fBBaaaaaaaaaaavflBaaap?rt. vjyiaw
LaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaHR '"WT
'avsBaaaaaaaVaVaVaaPn- J
sssWavT' . ..j
The Light of the Hour
Electric Light
It is MODERN. It is CLEAN, therefore
It is Convenient a light where you want It, when you
want it. Just press the button. It is Sanitary,
does not increase the temperature of a rooni '
or vitiate the air. Expense includes only the cost
of electricity. "
Standard Lamps Renewed FREE
Call up the Contract Department
Portland Railway Light and Power Co.
H7-7th Street
I. .1 l,A