St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, October 15, 1909, Image 1

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    Hfifaf Jen SotUl,
ST. Johns review
To MbccrRN for THIS Ptptr.
AH tht nm whD It b ntwi U
oor motto. Call In and taroll
Ot admtUInt In THIS Pipw
and jron'U ne'er rtjrt It De
lia at onca and kttp tight at It
Devoted to the Interest of the Peninsula, the Manufacturing Center of the Northwett
VOI,. 5
ST. towns. nRrcnnrr. prttiav. nnvnnvn ... t
i 1
Passes Worthless Checks
and Goes to Jail
Wiuc nuil women arc said to be
the agents responsible for the ar
rest of A. n. MpDnimlil. n tlnnr
maker, who has lived at St. Joints
and who now rests behind lock and
key in the city jail. McDonald
charged with having passed
number ot worthless checks in
Portland and despite the strenuous
citorts of the police and constables,
he had eluded arrest until an early
Hour buudny morning, when he
wait arrested by Detectives Coleman
and Snow on a clew furnished by
Constable Wagner.
A number of worthless checks
bearing McDonald's signature
caused the arrest. One was passed
on A. b. Arata for -T 15, three on V.
E. Liubcrg, each for $15, one on
Litibcrg for $10 and a $40 note on
Liubcrg for $40. Three other
checks, totalling $150, are in the
possession of Constable Wagner
and three others, totalling $40,
have b.'cn turned over to the
District Attorney.
Thcie checks were all passed
about three weeks ago. McDonald
has been working as a door-maker
at St. Johns, but it is said he began
drinking heavily, became enmeshed
in an entanglement with a woman
and spent money so lavishly that
his funds needed replenishing, and
instead of working for the money
he is charged with having circulat
ed the worthless paper. He is a
single man, 35 years of age, and has
an aged mother living at St. Johns
who is dependent on him for help.
According to the records at de
tective headquarters this is not Mc
Donald's first derelection in this
direction. On July 20 he is said to
have pjssed four checks on Hlder &
Conrad for $64, one on J. J. Rich
for $15, one on Gus Plcischmau for
St. Johns Stands Without a Peer in the Way of Natural Ad-
Liquor Applications Held vantages, Resources, Magnificent Scenerv and
Over for One Week Intelligent and HosDitahle Pennle
1 1
Council mot ns usual In regular
session Tuesday Jght with nil hands
around tlio board. Minutes of the
previous mooung woro rend und np-
Chief of I'ollco llredeson petitioned
for a leave of ubsonto for a period
ot two weeks, wl.lch wns readily
Steps for its Accomplish
ment Soon to be Taken
To pen a picture thnt would do
Him dtv of St. Johns, Oregon, full
JtiHlrt nnd dcscrlbo Its numerous
merits In a mniuicr commensuratu
with Us wondorful udvnntngcs nnd
n vim uh would, Indeed, require the
mur.tcr hand of nn nrtlst and noot
granted on motion of Aldormnn John- coiublLPd. Nowhoro on Qod's green
Petition fur 1111 nre light at the
liubibgi.Iuu of Grcslinin nnd West
Charleston Btrcot wns uccoptcd nnd
c-il-rod filed.
Two bids for tlio Improvement of
South Jersey strcot, Itlchmoud to
Molmwk, woro recolved and oponod.
I'hu first wns by V. S, Lnuthors
nud rend: Cut 3Sc, flit 10c, sldo
wulk 11.05, box guttors 16c, crush
i'd rock ?2.C0. TIiom. Cchritu'a bid
ad: Cut .luc, fill lCc, sidewalk
11.02, crooswnlk 40c, box gutters
10c, crushed rock $2.G0. On motion
of Johnson tlio latter bid wns ac
cepted, It being tlio lowest.
Tlio engineer's ncceptnuco of Alle
gheny strcot, Portland boulevard to
ilils bouluvurd, und contlrmod by
the street commliieo wns ndopted
V. W. Mnson, upon request, wns
grained un extoiiHlon of 1C days Lino
on the Improvement of Portland boul
evard, nud M. T. Swan one weok on
Pittsburg street.
The engineer was Instructed to
forthwith furnish tlio grndo on
Thompson arcet, ns the property own
om nro Quito uoslrous of construct
footstool hns nnturo been i." UyUh
vltl; Li.r beneficent glttH. Blessed
vill.'i u cllmnto thnt Is lucompnrnblo
In nny Is n ronl plensuro Just
to bo nllvo In this glorlouB locality.
As n iiingnlflcent slto for residences
It has no equal. A scenlo bonuty Is
here presented thnt would iituke tlio
fitfi d wonders of tlio Alps pnlo In
comparison. The ntiowcrowncd moun
tilns In tlio dlstnnco rlso In their
r.ruiidour, scomlngly to cimoiit cm.
nrii o with tlio worlds on high, In
t'ib'r robes of white. Tlio land
nrnpo Is picturesque In the extreme.
With tho mighty waters of tlio Co
lumbia nnd tho stntely Willamette
washing Its feet, the effect la H.mply
ravishing from an artist's point of
Hut us n manufacturing situ Is
whoro St. Johns ahlnoa to greatest
in wen tnKcn up wltn numerous
mntiufncturlng plnntn, nnd hero may
be found, on Its western shore, saw
mills, nsbeston plant, stove factory
wood working establishment, pinning,
mill, ship bm.dlng plant, dry dock,
foundry, box factory, machliio works
flouring mill, laundry, woolen mills
vonecr works, etc. Along Its eastern
boundary Is located tho I'ltchless
Lumber Co., snsh nnd 'door fnctory
nud uivcrnl other largo Industries
In prospect. Farther enst Is located
the mammoth Swift packing plant
und stock ynrds. This In Itself In
sures tho future of Ht. Johns. It has
ucen tue History or oilier chics
whoro tho packing plant nud stock
ynrds have locateu, such ns Chicago,
Kansas City, Otnnlia nnd other placet!
that the population In tho Immedlnte
vicinity increased by big leaps nnd
bounds. Thercfore.thero Is no reason
.0 bellovo that tho lower peninsula
will ho an exception to this rule,
Adjacent to tho packing plant Is con
structed the Inrgest nud most mod
ern saw mill In the world, which wilt
help to swell In a subklunilal man
nor tho population of this favored
section. It Is n well established fact
advantage, llolng situated upon tho that after ti few miinufncMrliig plnnti
rcnitisuia nujoinmg tlio boundary i,uvo been urected In it loenlllv nth
urs rapidly follow, If nvnlhuio sites
lino of the city of Portland, with
deep ui'd nnvlgnhlo water surround
ing It upon three aides, 11 Is pocti
Daily i.dnptod for importing and i.x-
polling nrifif-H thu h'gh soup. Thu
hathor livJ'ng Into tho groat i'v U
Portland laps Its shores, nnd hugo
$5. These checks were made good, J nu ordlnnnco amending tho prcsont
however, before there was any 1 ordlnnnco governing tho numbering
prosecution. or houses to conform with tho now
Since the last checks were passed pi,,,, proponed by tho numbering
the accused man has been in littliu I cortntltteo nnd adoptod by council
nud has evaded every effort made I ,.0k
Ing BldownlkH thoreon beforo tho wet ocean vossels nro continually passing
woathnr sota in. ,, ,, uowll U untlro length. Hold
Dills to tho amount of f 182.16 g tho key, ns It doos, to tho sltun
woro niioweu. t0, t ja only nuturul thnt In the
on motion or councilman cook mo vo,.y rm. muro tho ontro wntor
city nttornoy was directed to prepare fr0llt L(. R,von u ,rt n,unufur
mrnit; piantv, docks, etc. witn no
brlds f tn Intorforo with river traf
(hi, it U bound to nppoal to tho most
prejudiced mind as tho only logical
locm.r.i fo: tho Industrial plants of
tho future. Its shipping fucllltlea can
Ac ordlnnnco nssoaslng tho cost of nol i,0 OXcollod, elthor by wntor or
WllinmOUO IV rnii Ti, n n nml Is?, rnllwnv
by the police to locate him,
l f- 1 r I . . I '"
livwonuw uiwv.uiunuu n ci c uuillv . . ,,rnvin Tnllr Rtrnnt
i..l l..w.l.o .!.. . l. ....... w'iro I" who
had passed. On Saturday night
Constable Wagner uppeured at a
rlirnr K!nr iipnr fi! vleiitli nm!
Washington streets and asked con- "rums' addition, also paased.
cerning McDonald. The man at An ordinance adopting tho eng..
the place' detiied knowing McDon-1 er'i ro-'ort on tho wll,en,n ,of
aid and Woguer believing this to , Charleston stroot, Chicago to Point
be untrue became suspicious and
told the man he had 920 for Mc
Donald. Wagner's theory that
the man was hiding in the neigh
borhood and knew the cigar man
proved true a short time later,
when the Constable received a tele
phone message from McDonald,
telling him he would scud a mes
senger for the $20.
Then Detectievs Coleman and
Snow, who were also hunting iu
the same neighborhood for the
man, appeared and the trio waited
until alter midnight tor tue mes
senger, and finally at 1:30 a. in.
Sunday morning they located the
man, whom they knew by descrip
tion, at Sixteeuth and Washington.
He was promptly taken to the po
lice station where he was booked on
a charge of obtaining money under
false preteuses. Monday's Oregon
Work Plentiful
You fellows who croak about the
slowness of times in St. Johns do
you know that it is the hardest
thing in the world to secure com
mon labor here these days? Almost
every day some one is scanning the
street corners for men to do a few
days work, but they cannot be
found. The Gas company is par
ticularly anxious to secure men to
dig trenches, but they are compel
led to use foreigners in lieu of Am
erican labor. Times surely cannot
be so bard when it is so difficult to
secure laborers. All a man has to
do wbo claims he cannot get em
ployment in St. Johns is to stand
oa the street corners for a few hours
most any day, and the opportunity
will come to him. Wages run from
2 per day up.
fmsk tfea fol eC 8t Johns.
An ordlnnnco adopting tho engi
neer's roport on tho widening of
Charleston stroot, Hudson to Hack-
Vlow tract, was panned.
Tho dltferont applications for li
quor license woro road. Tho first oni
on file was that of B. O. Magoon
dated Oct. 20, 1908, tho placo of bus-
inro rh tho confer, and frolght und
puuruiRt,- service is obtained 01 tho
Portland Gonornt Electric Hallway
lino, which furnishes a rapid modo of
transit to and from St. Johns, as
1 resldonce district Its location is
superb. Long stretches of lovel nnd
illghtly rolling green Mother ICartli
greet tho eye on every aldo. Elovat
t.d abovo tho water to tho extent of
about one hundred and fifty foot,
with a gontlo Incline loading to tho
water below from tho crost of tho
tan bo soctireu. The Inrger the vol
unio of manufactured products tho
tho bettor freight rntes nnd hotter
shipping facilities nil around can be
obtained. Therefore, It Is simply 11
manor of 11 very fow yours until tho
omlro wator from ulinon surround
Ing St. Johns will bo n solid muss of
manufacturing Industries,
Today St. Johns Is reprosouted In
firs' class stylo by many stores and
buslnoss houses, livery want thnt
Itu alliens muy require can bo oh
talncd In this city. In an oducit'
tlonul way no bottor schooling fai'lll-
ties can bo found In any city of its
sUo on tho continent. Three hand
soino, modern nnd commouloiiH struc
tures and a 910,000 high school to bo
completed uoxt spring take euro of
education in un oxculleut manner.
Six churches nro now located hero
with 0110 or two moru In prospect.
Tuxes are lower thuu In almost any
other city In tho United Mated. Tho
doath ruto for tho past year was only
n fraction over four to tho thousand
Inhabitants, When it is realized that
fow c'.Ucs can boast of its low death
rato ns nluo to tho thousand, tho
fact can bo upproclatod that long life
la our Inheritance.
Many handsome brick blocks adorn
tho principal buslnoss streots, and
elegant rosiuences can bo found Iu
ubuudunco. Fruit of Hourly every
variety, flowers, shrubs, etc., grow
hero In great profusion, and many
homos resemble a vorltablo flower
garden. Tho wator supply Is fully
Burlington is Beginning
to Make Good Showing
f,,,mt0. fr n.n,Uch lar?cr As time goes on more pcoplc arc The town of ntirll.mton. Kevnr.,1
i.ui., mm ns a ueverngo il vies wmi occonilUg interested III tile Sttspctl- ,ics ,c0... t ..... I,"' i'f, '
ih., niwt,..iuf ., .,..i.... ,..nin. aint. t.-..t . at -..I ""'v1 ut, iiniuoii on mc united
II .1 i.. J .... i . ..It ...I... f " I
Railways line, is coininir riiiltt to
..inn- uioiiBniius m tionnrn imvo uoun oome who lorincriy scorned tne Idea tlit front with n melt i ne ...i.
spent on tho numerous thoroughfares nrc now heartily in favor of it. the III rlE ton ii '.her c S
In the city, nnd hard m.rfnco streets Since it is obvious to nil that the formffi SeV.I.'ur
and cement sh.ewnlks Is the genernl free ferry pronosition is n .lead let J ' sau tlie r He n't
rule. With 1500 souls nt the pros- tcr for some time to come, the fens Wlilinmctic Slough. The mill 1 will
em uiiio. mo Donu niioii is run i y "" I'mmtuuiiiiy oi me iiii.,..i ,i,.:t., ...,:... t . r.
Increasing, llelng situated so closely bridge nt this point is becoming The mi, insists of Jsocrcs
to Poruund tho benefit m great l.r "lore npjinrciit. It is rumored that with i3f,o feet of water front, so
tho way of now residents. Porllmid " public nicellng will be held some ,lnt nm,,e sinpphm facilities have
proper Is now so fui.y occupied that '""j ' ' when the mM Kccured. ' jl'wo rnilroads-the
i, i. .,....-.. . ..i. , in. matter will be thoroughly threshed a v. n i 'i ".. . ...
. v llllll lliu V, HUfll KIIIIWIIVS
to obtain homo sites of any mil lire,
and ns a result thu now arrivals
must comu to the penlusulii to secure
siitlsfuctory hnbltutlou. This being
true, It Is not malting It too strong
to statu thnt tho population of Ht
out und funds will be raised to send
solicitors throughout the Peninsula,
L,iiinton, Tiiiilntin valley und Port
i i .
kiiki in nu endeavor io .secure an
immense number of signers to it pe-
run within n short distance of the
proposed new mill. The new mill
will be iu oienitioii December t.
nud will employ too men the year
nrotiiid, a force of workmen be-
the boon. It is
t oil asking the legislature to grunt ., MflI1(,,lv. ,irm1l ,. ,,
exacted that the for llle mlll( ,, ' e 7,rivcr ,)C.
iiiiiiuiiM iiiiii if in i r. ..! . tit. 0 - . m
years. Therefore, ns a plnco for In tn-1 Iiu mimes of so innny Influential liincU tfl i,, or -rt , n , 1
vestment tho opportunity Is unpural. I1IC11 tlmt lc iCKWllUle w, "0, T?. t0 c water
.loliim will at least double every five list wj so volliiiiinotis nnd con
think it proper to to (rent the tunt-
Taken ns a wholu thu city of St. tcr itidilicreiitly.
TMfltlu fln iinm t.i It... t......l f
.i ....... . Mui. in hm iiiiiuin ui
iiM il LUlllllv Icoillriictnr fur llm lin
t.ilmu Mfr.kt-u iiiiii.. .iHn.ii.tiiU i.i.i. I lirifi(( tin rnl in lint unu tnv.iul. . . . " ""n
tur opportunities and the most
..i.i.. ii .. .., .i...
iiiiiu ciiuiuioui any cuy uu uiu I'lieu i ", ivii unu iuu i urnirrli-d ,1
I IT.. I. ...I Il-Il If I I I I'" J--- -
io count. or tlin untlni worlUTnr Unit wunvi iuiiuy.-i vmi ueni ilium- i, l,,i..,i .... ,i. timii ..
, ...... ..t..n - , luvinvii tm 1 1 it iiiiiiiuuiii:
matter. To visit It Is to become ""y , "r u.e privilege o crossing Slough, which will be tlredml. nnd
greatly Impressed will, it nt UMC0. "oii ie i rmge nun inere iy ,e ... w ,mve lc mo,Iuny C,'U,.,.
The person who does nut like ... " ' 3 Ta Z "1 tllu f cnrgouH
jiiiiiui or wno dooH not neiiuvo it huh , , ,, ., .V " Willi dtspatclt niidut miiiimumcost.
"IIW -llll UI lUllllllill WllllHI WU1I I A r,,tl.r.. ..t .1...
1H, bet bridge the cost in the way of taxes 1,3. " "t
. ndmlr to each of our cltl.ens would be but " S
.. ......, I I...-,.-.. I. .......I.I I.I.I
deed, be u grent curiosity. Tho doors fftift ihCJ!!i?,i mo"ril Hie handling of
of tho city nro iiUvnys open to tho ceiilc route fnmi PiMiiutl to St re,",,UI T"ls wMI ,,ot ""
strnnger, who Is over cordially re- jnTl S! Th re is m d 1 Sn,5kT,
celved and welcomed. Tho peop o :..,-.. ... (np. .lln, , t.-i.t,,.. l'.0St(' lock will lie nil iiinovn
hero nro so ennmored with their Kffi Hou in this district, insuring much
beaumu! city that they feel like " . K , S ! f'!. safer haiulling of freight than tin-
dny system of
citv nud would eiv
. . . . . . . . . . i t "
snouting uio Kiaa UdiURs or u per tntH-ttlH of ureal force. The trade
feet habitation so that the whole fr0ni Ttialniin vnllev. nl.nnst In Iu
worm may kiiow or inoir goou or cntircty, would be ours, the nut
uiiiu mm siiuro iv "uu muni a muy ronngc oi tue west side oi tue river
so deslro. would reach here in ureater or
Lnbor is iiiwuvb In domniid In Kt. lesser degree, ninny moiiied men
. . .1 1111.11 tlVkl
... a. 1 K-.ISliI wr l- if I litnli,-li W .. I . "
joiiiis. .u uio presoni unio ii in ",., v a,, j,,,.,,, .. ,ow 1()ck iSc.)arilte fro, Ulu , , ,
d ff cu t to secure suff c out eomnu. leum oi u.- miiiiiniMie imvuiiuiKCS ,ii. a r. ,i r
tent help. Common labor commands jl iauy other factors would cuter ,, . t() , (, , . . t-
' . . .... i I into tlic iimnnsltlnn tlml wnn 1-1 In. iiuiiuii. lilt iru(,lll IlllICII
per any uuu up.hiiii iu uuiiiiiiiii -- , , uiore rapidly a ml wild less daiiiaue
tier the present
I he dock is to hnve n fioiitauu
of 1350 feet, 350 by 50 of which
will he known us low dock, nud
1000 by so feet to be known nt 11
high dock. The object of having n
Iness being nt Knlgtt & Glover's old piatoau above, good hoalth, good nlr
stand on West Burlington stroot. Tho nud a maeniriccnt vlow Is afforded,
next was that of Thos. Olover dated Airoadyi although yet In Its swad-
Nov. 17, 19011, desiring to o business dng ci0thos,tbo glfta of naturo havo
In tho room Just cast ot tho Rovlow b oreatlv augmented by tho hand
office on Durlington streot. Samuel of man Tho inja,,, water front
Cochran was next In order with an
finnllf-nllnn fin tnH Mnrrh a. l&UJ.wltll
K.V.Val;rr"rS Moving Pictures Popular) Charcoal For Fuel
August 3d, 1603, to do business on
Wont Tliirllnirtnn nnd AueUSt. H.
Johannesmelr concluded tho list un- It seems that the people of this
dor date of Sept. 28, iw9, with bus- country never tire of the motion
iness Place designated In the Valen- picture views, and, in fact, they are
tm bulldlne on Burlington. On well wortu tne sman price 01 aumis
request of Chairman of the License
s greater than tho supply.. Tho city
lighted by both gus ami oluotrlol
If you live iu tho emu, blustery
cllmnto nf thu fur Ktist, or in tlio huh
baked country of the ..--.o Woat,
comu to a land whoro tlio oxtremos
heut and cold nuvur roach you
whoro zero woaliior Is 11 curiosity,
where wagos are over good, whoro a
man m u man whatever his financial
circumstances muy bo.wheru thunder
Morula are never hoard und light
Ing seldom scon, where poverty Is
but llttln known, where flowers nro
In bloom tuo yeur around and thu
V V "P'" "'' winiiii in- morc ra,.(y ll(l w,, lcss ,,
tire to the benefit of ht. Johns. , c ,W ... . ..
Therefore, if there Is anything that Snbo' e ofi hi h
S'T 1 . aftv for the storage of
slou bridge nt St. Johns. Whether
it be located nt Pcssciidcu or Phila-
udelpliin streets does not matter.
I lie principal thing is to get the
bridge, nud the wheels .should be
set iu motion to accomplish the ob
ject with the least possible delay.
What is Your Pleasure all applications for license
cense were held over for one week
in order to give the matter a care
ful investigation, although Council
man JohnBon objectod to bo doing on
sion. Nearly all the up-to-date,
hustling managers of such thea
tres believe in the power of print
er's ink and iu most towns they
both advertise iu the local papers
and put out daily or semi-weekly
dodgers, giving tne titles ana a uls
tho ground that it gives one party , t, f t, pictures to be nut
a monopoly of tho business for on every day, thus informing the
least one week longer. iover these entertainments of the
Tho subject of changing the fr treat in store for them. It's a cood
limits of North Jersey street.ChlcagO gcjjgjn for au attractive discrip
to Richmond, from 200 feet to HO tjon 0f the evening's program at-
t In order that one or two parties tracts hundreds who had not
owning property on Kellogg street thought of attending. The titles
will bo permitted to erect frame aU(j description of the pictures to be
dwelling bouses, afforded quito a dls- shown also serves to assure the fair
cuBslon. Councilman Cook finally sex and pareuts that they will not
made a motion that the ordinance be unexpectedly confronted with
be changed to this effect, which car pictures of objectionable character.
rled,all Toting In tho affirmative with Just the very pictures that the ma
the exception of Doble, jorlty of people would like most to
The engineer wag ordered to es- see arc frequently passea up tnro-
Ubllsh grade on Gilbert strcot Ignorance ot tneir appearance. 1 ne
Upon motion Councilman Jobnon cost ot advertising is consiaerea a
.i.i.. nofT.T.i r.nmnir.n uun Tn rpsiiir.
was instructed to secure a ceriuieai t--- ......
codv of the articles of incorporation
T . I . r .. . HnMM.A . 1 . .1
rixtures to be closed out in 30 days.
Now la the time to oil harness. 401 South Jersey street. O. P. Wol-
Call at tbe St. Johns Harness Shop. I eo, rop.
Hlsewhere iu this issue may be
found an advertisement fo the Ore
gon Wood Distilling Co., iu which
they offer for sale charcoal as fuel.
This is practically a home pro
duct, as the company have their
works directly across the river and
St. Johns labor is employed almost
exclusively, As 800 pounds of
charcoal is equal to one cord of
wood, at the price they quote it is
much cheaper than wood. One
does not have to fill his hand
full of splinters in preparing it for
ill bu
ill in-
storiiue of emtio
even during the greatest freshets
ever seen 011 the Williauiette rivur.
A thoroughly cntiiiipcd dock with
the most successful mechiiiiicnl de
vices for saving the cost of labor.
etc., it is held will place this section
111 11 position to successfully couiutc
with any other loading place on the
const, mid with the facilities for
storing nud loaditur urulii it will un
doubtedly attract the tonnage front
the eastern part of Washington nud
1 Ir.-ttrm 11. 11I klifinm iu..iif.. Pdinwl
f 1.. nut I f ell .1... . ...... mII.. I . . . . . ... . 1
. " ...v. . w.v wU tnc increased facilities, a ton
dock, or do you want to keep H? nge that would go elsewhere.
me iiiieMiou is now 11 1 10 you. in,.,,,,.., 1... Ki.....ui,i.. .1..
r,,iii,.,uu nr ,.,,,1 ti... f iK.i.i.f i..iti;..c Mct-i..., ,,nir. ..!.. . .1 --in ii
, ,, , ' , '. ' . f i.r-i . TV ; . V emlwrk nt Htirliugton and come iu
iuukii iiihiiuoi. jiuiiutuuii i-uiiiu uuu imn oi i iiii.tucipiiiii nueei luuiu m() Portland on the United Railways
iiiiTiiiir nm nir fiiii-u' iiii riiriw.(u iirit . . .
. .. .... -nine sooner man tiiey could con-
now in circulation and if you nre u,,,,,. i1(. unin 1
It c if .1 liiliiv inr (iu 11 IIUUIMVMW MUt 11114
the happiness In tins our city most in favor of selling the dock you )C. nUQl at one ()f tlu i)rascut
beautiful. should place your signature upon (j0CSi J
one ui me ieiiiiiioiis wiiiioiu ueiay,
Whoever, gets the dock, or if the
1 j. , . 1.. .. . i.
can never be used for anything else 1 0 UOUDle 1 mT CapaCltV
mull iv. 1 fiii jwv;; ivii 11a
the dock is there. The city has 11
standing offer of 7,5,000 for the
grass Is over green, whoro tho mm
loves most to dwell, und whoro thu
A Better Plan
The daily papers have been giv
lug free trips, pianos, laud, etc., to dock, but naturally the bidders tie
solicitors who secured for them the sire the streets legally vacated he
greatest number of subscribers. In fore agreeing to take the dock. It
this way the solicitors secured all is necessary, therefore, to vacate
all the benefit, Our plan of giving the street if the dock is to be sold,
the subscriber the beuelit, we be- und a petition asking for the vaca
lieve is better. The handsome nud tiou must be signed by our citizens
serviceable tension shears, llonville and presented to council before that
monthly and the Review for one body can take action. According
ll ,llln. ul.n..1.l .,.,....! I 11,.. nl. .1... ,11. 1.. '
jvui ui iui uik wuiiui aililllil iiuivui I w llivj viltlliwi mi;, III Ufliui I IIC ,t.
tn nil ns nu nttrnrtive nronnsitimi. to lie- noli I. must In- nut itti for ll.l "tl-'i e company
s Try to buy a pair of tension shears and witli a standing offer of $ 75 ,000
r like ours any where nnd you will i. is possible that $100,000 or more
the stove, and that half-hour lost get au idea of the bargain that is may be offered. Petitions may be
every day iu splitting the kindling oilered you in this combination, lound at bcales Uros. store, city re
is saved. The charcoal is all in If you can get them for less than a corder's office and at the office of
chunks small enough to easily go dollar you nre very fortunate. The the city attorney, Matters can be
into any stove and is free from nil way the people have been taking hastened by the petitioners signing
moisture. All the oil is in the ; advautage of the offer is really stir- at once. So if you favor the prop-
wood, making it admirable lor prising, and it it keeps up at tnc osttiou, get your name 011 the
starting a fire quickly. Orders same rate lor a short time our sup- paper. If you don't you will have
may be left nt Hendricks & Hors- , ply will become exhausted. We are a chance to get up a remonstrance
man s store and they will receive trying to make arrangements for an- later 011
prompt attention, If you are dis-' other shipment at once, hut have
gusted with wood, give the char
coal a chance to show you what it
will do.
Champion "Nigger" Johnson was
neatly laid on his back by an over
hand chop blow delivered by an
able-bodied seaman named "Gun
boat" Smith, Monday. It sho'
was no po'k chop dat time.
been unable to do so as yet. So if
'PI.,. , In,.!- ..i,.,.i
. . , 1 .... v, nv.r I'uiivt v11 4 11V.U111U cniv-i;i
vnll nr irt timnnrr lli liipl-v n.lf:l .... 1
f " V :. :: i r VI " . will herealter cease to exist. Con
,U uvu u,c,..Se,ve3 u, u Uac T, Cochra has l,ai n
when it is offered them you cannot force of d . ,
blame any one but yourself. "lhe nast weck nr sn -.., ,,A,,
cruslied rock. When cotnoleted
early bird catches the worm."
Iv.E. Brotiwer and wife of New
berg were recently guests at the
home of Councilman II. 15, Ilillcr.
the improvement of this thorough
fare will add greatly to St. Johns'
attractiveness as seen from the car
It was announced Saturday after
noon by A. I). Parker, Northwiwt
representative of the Associated Oil
Company, that the comituuv will
double the steaming ami pumping
capacity of their plant at IJnnton
within the next few weeks. Mr.
Parker said that on account of the
greatly increased business which
they have had within the last fow
has decided
that it will be uecttsury to increase
their boiler area and also to nut iu
additional pumps nud it n cxpectod
that the work of installing the new
equipments will be begun within thu
next ten days. He said thut this
had been found to bu a good field
for the crude oil business and that
they had started in here with the
idea that it would increase, but the
rapidity with which it has done so
within the last few mouths is a
source of elation to them and is the
reason for their making the in
crease iu the capacity of the plant
sootier than they anticipated.
Huth lirynu Louvltt hus announ
ced herself uu u candidate fur tho
nomination for cougresa at Ugnvor,
Col. It la predicted that her fattier
will speak i.i her bohalf If sho ro-
velvet) tho iiomlniiion,