St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, October 01, 1909, Image 4

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ir.rn.tnMf.rtnr.. nnnrol Pnmnqnn Pnol I AN UKDINANUE TO I'll-VEIST
She Waa Once One of the Quaint Char- . . . ' . OBSTRUCTIONS IN THE STREETS . , ... ....
actera of Washlnaton. ' ul u "'"'OB1 THE CITY OK ST. JOHNS. AND "1.'""VU "
... , .. i n r . . . i nn innn r - . .innna.
. . ... ... t . . t. i m. .iuiiuh. uru., dl'ui. luvij, i frri tinnirirm a iipmattv miii.Mn..i
ui.i. (infiiir. niiiirii iiiuiriiL'fi .1111u nui i - ' ' i w n 41 . ......... x ahui.iv-
n irnvrlnr n.llirK9 ii iiii,.rvlownr. Circular No, I. K.OH. AND. TO DECLARE WHEN
was for muny years n familiar tlguro Tiioro will bo ncia
tlio city of St.
That It tloemB It expedient and noc
n special OnSTItUCTiONS Fn Ti STREETS J'?, ""V 1 amoUo
n Post No ARB A NUISANCE AND TO UO. ' lnpl.hC,rJy 1 MOqnll?Lrt! S , ,r
"0".i VDIE FOIl REMOVING THE SJmE. i So u hcrly lino of
In the streets of Washington, trpttlng meeting of Oon'l Compson
Indomitablv nbout her business, very 19 n a r tlmlr l.ntl In b uiu nu oiwu... Btrn. ellv of g.
poor, very persistent, often trouble- Jo'mifl" py 0cti 30, nt 2 p. m. No Tho city of St. Johns docs ordnln ?!'na ln lho following manner to-
,iav ,i thn dnv LU'.V".". V1 "u" ",' .V ...', umo on both siting with cement
pay duo homago bo allowed' to pW cm or In. lo JfS; Srft hoSnffl
rdVchlef of our or remain standing upon or within ' walk J W
hi j in n. uili!ii ruiiuii. uul wuu iiuuii i . . ... . . .
, - - . irncnint mnniinif win tin limn Hnt as iuiiuwb: i .
tics of honesty and courage to bo re- J " " fiocton ,. TIm, no buildinir. house. u? Bluing "mq to obmuiwhou
Iected. url" .u,ar.'"uul"?.. ".7 .booth, stand, or other structure. oil0' f ?a !. "V?811 S,
T inr U pI von In I n alnrv of hnr COUtll or IHO viBii oi rruniuoiu imi ., .!,,, . i,r.,r.f. m nu anu omonaiiuuB
life by sarau iiarrey L'ortcr a ueiigni in rorunnii tnni
following. I.ut us
to tho CommnndoMn-Chier of our r ' : bIoii Joints when directed by tho
norlouB nation. T .ui city engineer, snld curb to hnvo 4
Yours ln K. C. & L, Hohns. .Uvlded that this section '". " -very r,0fcotj also
W. S
ful glimpse of her visit to ex-President
Madison and his wife. The contrast
between tho gracious mature beauty
of charming Dolly Mndfcon, elegant In
her rustling black silk, and the funny
llttlo limping, shabby llgure In nntl
quoted skirts nml ridiculous wadded
bonnet, could scarcely hnvo been en
As usual, old Anne ltoyall had tramp
ed to snvo carrlngo hire; as usuiil, her
errand, probably none too welcome to
her hosts, was to secure an Interview
and use n dcscrlptlvo background. Hut
Dolly Mndlson saw In the absurd, In
nulaltlve, bespattered person before
her neither the reporter nor the guy-
only nn aged and wenry woman who
was her guest
her a glass
$75 Per Acre
Homeseekers' Opportunity
1'KUITDALE ACREAGE, on the renowned CLACKAMAS RIVER within eight miles of
I'ortlntul, is so well known and offers such superior mlvnntages to the thinking investor that any extended
relation of its merits here is unnecessary. When you reilect that FRUITDALE is within sound of the
church bells of Portland on the banks of the famous river where the trout and salmon afford generous sport
and revenue for the fisherman; that n profitable market for every product of both land and water is at your
door; that the soil is of unusual depth nud richness, and thnt in establishing a home here you enjoy ever)
i . t . - c .r . a .t . 1 ... ...... 3 Tf ....
....... ... . i - aciva iinee oi u ciiv residence ui a irnci on or inc cosi .T7s.oo Her acre tioes ii nui uwijcui io yuu i n vuu
It. II. Miller, Post Com. shall not apply to drinking fmin- fj, tl i, d Uox g u t to" h That a strip rc at all open to conviction you can find incentive and assurance in the action of the many well-known rest
McCollutn, Adjt. t Ins or monmnentB or n'n'"f f 0f macadam bo placed In tho center dents of Portland who hnve availed themselves of the opportunity to acquire some of this acreage and who
How to Cure a Cold.
walk. And provided further that thereof, (full length) said macadam are to-day building homes upon tills garden spot of prolific CLACKAMAS COUN 1"Y.
this section shall not Includo over- J ho 8 .fcut wltl. 8 inches In cell- lesson in wisdom and farsightedness may be had by an examination of the plat of this acre-
hend porches and balconies of lur'. 0 Inches on ci tl10' B'U0, . nRe, which was made accessible only on March 9th last. A visit to the property will prove an inspiration to
hotels, halls or public buildings. nccordiiig to tho lilnns and the most skeptical, for there arc men and women there who are doing things worth while, and through
nrm,"firL nJ nrnnH,0."inii!i specif Ictttlon of tho city engineer whose energy and thrift FRUITDAMJ is destined soon to command the respectful admiration of everyone.
niM..M ..9 u,.n)in.. 1 nr u 1 &iiu 111 liiu uiii.u ui vivj iv 1 v uiiL' nun 1 uuwci i v iuuv ami lw uiuuiiilu ul us utuciik uiiuki ve wuu uiku wvwi -vv. v
Uo na careful nn you cnii, you will
Joccnalonnlly tnko cold, nntl when you
- 1 i 1. .....!
liability, ono that has an cBtabllshed , f rii,in,. -i.-n i ,n dnnmod irnlitv c?rdo' rclntlvo . thoreto, which said advertisement to endeavor to secure some portion of it. for onoortunity seldom occurs to procure a home
reputation and thnt is cortuln to of- of n mis-demeanor and upon con- j),nnB n,u' B1!?ci" , , ttn. i.0' ,, whercthe soil and environment ofTcr such advantages of pleasure and profit as does PRUITDALE. Some of
feet a (inlck euro. Such n medicine vlctlon thereof before tho municipal ""?. ".",u nhi hunrovomon s to it was heavily timbered, some of it is cleared, some of it is improved. You may secure just what you desire
ib uuamijoriain s uougn uumuuy. , v' . ..... . bo mndo ln accordanco with tho anil witu nny ot it in your possession you will enriy realize wuai we mean wueu we icii you iiiai in riun-
w"" I I . A . II II.. ITTTilr.. - ..... II I
,st. Shu hurried to bring ,. Kttnod a world wldo reputation H .I'l0." .f1"?. ?.f
of water, the., quite .... y t r0marknblo cures of this most by i.nrlson.nont In tho city Jail 'not St. Johns and under tho supervision
It Is small wonder that Mrs. Itoynll's Hoves tho lungs, aids expectoration, ll0"10,'' "'"i 0r otliur struc- c,ty clinr,-'r xiVn 1,10 Vtopattf cs-
clothes wero queer. Hl.o wns scarce
of a bent of mind frivolously tn pursue
tho fashions hnd she find the time mid
money, but she had neither. Her pa
per, the Huntress, of which she was
owner, alitor nud chief reporter, onco
published conspicuously on the cdl
torlal page n notice which Is perhaps
unlnuD It. journalism:
"No paper will be Issued from this
otllco this week. Wo really must take
ono week onco In ten years to fix up
our wardrobe, which Is getting shabby
Our next Issue will wclcumo congress."
ly opens tho secretions nnd aids nnturo t any 'portion thereof, placed poclally and particularly boncfltod
no I In restoring tho system to a healthy or orcclca or jofl rotnalnlng or suf- 1 rohy, and whlc h Is hereby do-
condition. 1'or salo by nil ood ,Str n any -WSt Wlit. nT'p.. And
druggists. "'' v, 11 , " ' Rny " ;1 tho termini of such Improvements
Phone Alain 6701.
, 7,1 "ntaln.. mo u- "butting, upon, adjacent or proximate
I MM m m mm t - I IHillltu tf It V li I tl tru fitIff 111 fill !4 tnot I lO
riKOi uni 'ioi lIj0V0 lho Bllown)k and all
Rooms In the Holbrook building.
St. johni, Oregon.
They Never Feed Without Throwing
Out Scouts or Sentrlei.
Homo of the common snylngs con
corning birds nro stupidly wrong.
"You stupid goosul" Is nn expression
constantly heard, yet the goose, wheth
cr wild or tame, Is most sagacious,
Wild geese, fur Instance, never feed
without throwing out scouts or sen
tries. J, U. Mlllnl describes how ho
saw n Hock of geese feeding with sen
tries out nnd how after a time onu of
tho sentries went up to it bird that
wns feeding and gavo It n gentle peck
on tho back. Tho latter (hereupon left
Its gritting nud went off to tnko up
guard, while the sentry took Its turn
to feed.
"Ucntlu ns n dove" Is such a com
iiion proverb thnt tliu dovu has become
tiie emblem of pence. (Julio u mis
take, for nil tho tluvo and pigeon tribe
Corner Chlcngo and
Lively Mi.
MotnlnK woinlilp, II
Itxctilnu wiiroliln. 7:Jo
HiiniUy Khool. - lo
II, V. O , U- 6'iop.m,
I'rnyrr mcctliiK,
Tinirwiay in.
IllJtt MOTTO:- -''I'or
I ii t a rill
III .UMllllir,ll Mdtll lit
hntf kihI a ilrnl ul
hrliiliittitMiniike n Mil
llllrirncr In niUy
Tlie piiiinc l. iiiriini
In allcnil our cliuicli.
I'riic .lemiKir'ii home.
said I'olk street, from
..... . .i i . , . i.i.
nlso ox 1 1,10 marginal lines oi sum mrui-i uuun
.. i .......i. .....i 1 10 mu cuniar ui mo uiuvk ur uiutnn
LeiuniK uvuiiiuuii iiuiciiva iimi uui-i . ,. . .. I i f rv
conies of hotels, halls or public Pr ir"clB ,an" ' JOSCpil mcwiicsncy, m. U.
buildings. Is hereby declared to bo a """"""." V'"1"' .... .... . . . ... nnvoriiw iun
i I ....I. II l... . tl.n - I 1IIUL Ull LIIU IllUIIUIir iliviliuuu III I ..,... .....
tOlirnil I.. UWCII MIIIUIIU llUIWiaV, U.IIW. I II uhi 1 ui . I .'.. .Il,;i, SUUflRON
TuiiAiiiiuidi nriMimiiil nf mifli liullil nir. liouso
John N. Kcclcr booth, stand or other structure or " norooy uccmre , io no my nnd MrIU Olflce In McChnney BlocK
Ct.KKK nnv nortlon Iheroof. shall abato or proyoinoni uisirici, io. v. i-nont jetwy vsi
Mrs. It. nutchlwn ci,,,b., in abated, or romovo or Thnt tho city engineer s assess- ST. JOHNS, - OREQON
I " . . I lli. timilinlil.. lnlnl tul r
H. H. SUIT. rmmn tn In. riimnvi.i t in Blllnil with. I ""?". ul l,,u l'i""'u luuii i. u.
Well Known Hotel Keeper Uiei and
necommends Chamberlaln'a
Colic, Cholera and Diar
rhoea Remedy.
Mrs. U. Hutcl.lwn hours after receiving notlco W ,'ll,orovcnl0"t of mM ,,()lk "trUot nniliol O Webster A R M D
llUACnNH frnm Dm (!l.lef of Pollrn of rnil.l cllv M 3309.20. UQIHCI Ur. VVCUSlCr fti U. 111. U.
... ... . " That lho cost of snld I'olk
" l" i t. i .
Hnrl , .! T ml It nil nit lm nn, I In airuui lu uo udbvdduu uk" '
i i ,i... .ii f ni,i,.r property in said local ussessmeni uis
IIVIVMI llltlilU (IIU l IIU VIMWi 17 j . ..1 a at. la.. . . .
of police or pollco department of as provi.iea oy u.o cuy cunur
.1... ..I... ... U. .....I ....... .i.i.llfl LIIU LILT Ul ill. ..If... m.
liiu I'lijr ill oi. .iiJiiiin nun vuui niu --, . . ," .. ... .... niilliiirli..l i.n.l i-inimworuil In I .Miopiou mo iii uny ui oopv.
romovo or causo to bo removed any M003, t ,,QanK.
and nil of such obstructions from the A- i '
Published In tho St. Johns Ilovluw,
Sept. 21th, Oct. 1st 191)3.
John N. Kcclcr
J. K. Grow
J. II. Helm
1'ilwnrd Cox
W. U. Churchill
V. II. Wood
Rcsldenrc, 697 I)nwion Street
Ollicc, Plltcr Illock
University Park, Portlnnd, Oregon
streets wheresoever found.
Suction fi: That a written or
printed notlco demanding tho re
moval of any structure unuinemled
in Section I of this Ordinance, signed
by tho chief of pollco. and posted up
on suuh building, house, booth, stand,
Proposals lor Street Work.
"Ming that I T. ,cmn .!! -jlU'o received
ai mo okico 01 mo itucoriier oi mu
city of St. Johns, until Tuesday
"1 tllKO pieiisuro 111 saying mm 1 ,.. ,,,, ,, ,wili ullrrlr,,. no,
hnvo kept Chninborlnln'H Colic, Choi- tco Wthln tho meaning of this or
urn nnd Diarrhoea llemedy In my dluiiiico.
fii.nllv niiiilli'lnii rhi'HL for nbout flf Section 0:
Ofllcc Phone Richmond ji
1'ikst National Hank
St. JoIiik, Oregon
....... ....... .... October 12. ltiO'J, nt o'clock, p. 111.
I mil iirtcii mi iimi ,., Im,..,,...,,.,,,,,, ,lf Uniiili lr.
Dr. W. E. Hartel
such bunding, i.ouho. boon., stand ori". : . . ' r ..r. ;
loon years, iiiki .mvu ..iu," . .,,. irL.l,iro. or nnv iiortluu there- 7 n.V. ! ,u "1
..11....... .. ...... 1 ... i iiiciiiuuiiu aireei 10 mu .oriu 11110 01
ui.llur,ml,iru niul.llu frnm llu IIKII 11... 11 ... - .1..
UIKO, ror nil HID tluvu Ul.ll pigeon trilio -"" - m uro unowen or nuuuruu "' M0iinuk stront In thn milliner nro-
nro greut lighters, uud In tho breeding hnvo ndinlnlHtered It to 11 great many In uny street or alley In tho city M v 0 1 .,v ordlm
nn in,, iwii i.iiinii.o in i.,.i. ir.iniii.iM fur wiiifh n lu rneoiiiiiieiiduil. at. Jonns. snail iiu uoometi u sepn- , ..... ,,...,
v .....nw ... ....- " - ... . ..1 1 iui....i iu mu inuiinii.i.n ui mu viiiuivr iiuii 1 .. . ...
and hnvo never fnlled to toIIovo""""" ,,' -" of tho city of St. Johns, """"
er -- 1 iimi lit 11 ami l Mt ii r it nr liui I'llt. Iiiiflii.l
at. I.. 1 1 ........ nw umiimiHj vi vej leuMin 1
Section 7: In as much ns " "V J . T"S?LuSr 'n ... "7"
Phone Richmond 301
ties royal.
Tho foolish
St. Johns
prejudice ugati.Ht
birds of nrey Includes that pretty little
hawk tlio kestrel. Now, If tho kestnd
were known ns the mouse falcon It Is
pusnlblo that keepers would not In
variably shout It on sight. The kestrel
lives mainly on mice nud wlreworum
It Is quite Innocent of killing par
In 11 gnino preserving district In
southern Scotland kestrels were prac
tically exterminated 11 few years ugo,
WI111C was the result? Over 11 tract of
country of 1,'JOO squnru miles Held iiilcu
Increased it. such myriads that tho
grilling win absolutely ruined. One
sheep farmer lost $8,uot ln one your.
The Wheel Problem.
Which, nt tiny given moment, Is mov
Ing forward fnster-tl.u top of u couch
wheel or the bottom?
The answer to this question seems
wimple enough, but pmbably nine iht-
sous out of ten, asked ul random,
would glvo tho wrong reply, It would
appear nt II mt sight that the top uud
bottom must bo moving at the sanm
rate that Is, tho speed of lho rnrrlsgo.
Hut by 11 llttlo thought It will bo dis
covered that tho bottom of thu wheel
Is In fact, by tho direction of Its mo
tion around Its uxls, moving backward,
In 1111 opposite direction to that which
tho carriage Is advancing nud is con
sequently stiitlounry In spare, whllu
tho point 011 top of the wheel Is inov
Ing forward with tho double velocity
of its own motion around tho axis and
tho speed at which thu carriage moves,
mum," says J. u. joiikiiib, or ui- ., t)f this ordlnnnco.
Low, Ky. This remedy Is for snlo
by ull good druggists.
nro murium uiimiiiiKii iiiiw piiii.u.ih ,, , ... ...i,,., ,.. 11,i.11
.....I I ...... u.n.l.... I.. Hi. -w ivw. ,,...v ... V
Subscribe for lho St. Johns Itovlow lr'
I lu conrso of construction In thr j
'ots of St. Johns, 1111 omurgoiicy 1 ,,h,),"'
and koop pestod on thu doings
thu city.
I S o ioratlK froS? and lifter tho a (r"M" ' "I'ldlcatlon at tho office
bo "I'omllvo fro nnd after mo ap- of , llocor,cr ot tno c,y of st,
Illds must bo strictly lu nccordnnro
'kg Open Hvcnlnci and Sundayi by Appoint-
Cold Weather Advice
I 1 . m .1. . .... I ItUVWMIVI UIV VIJ
IirUVUI Ul IIIU .UUUI. I u,.l.l ewi..,i....... nuJ I
Passed by tho touncii, Hoptemuor ,J0 clliplttlBI, on or ,)0foro 00 days M.lJJ7.
.1, isvj. ...... . . frnin n.lnlinr 12Hi. I!l0!l. I n Af I AMD M r
U, IIULLniM, ill. u.
Hr.., Tnliorjlfi, A jSy;
... .ill lu In liriu'nr.i .if rnlllllH nllll I '
" " Approved by tho .Mnyor Hoptomijer " "H "1 Yi., ' ...111 1.., ,..,.
colds 011 tho chest; ns neglected they aiMt I'joa. ,, ,rol,10,,u," or ,w 1,0 t0"
... ... ...I. . .. imiiniiieira sh ored unless ncco npnii ed by a cer-
readily lead to pneumonia, con- 4. p. llhNUUItKS, tmui! check pnyablo to tho order of
sumption or other pulmonary troubles. Attest: ititorutr. tho AIayur ot tll0 c,y of stJohns.
Just ns soon ns tho cough nppuiirH a, .11. r.nnujx, I certified by a responsible bunk for I oi'i'icil
iruat It will. llallnrd'H Horehound ..,..,...., ... . 1 , 1. J ii.i..u. momn equal in ten per cent on
" " - ' II llUlinilUll 111 lllll W I'lMIB nuilVIII II.,. ..i.i.iiiIh imn.winiil
Syrup tho stnudnrd euro of America. September 2tth, lUUIl. pur,. tor 200 foe t of w
uso as diroeteii periocuy iinnniuas
A euro nnd provonllvo ror 1111
diseases of tho lungs. Prlco 2Sc,
' 'v" ' w " ' ' OOUCO IH ueruuy givoii mill 1, ... , ,or..liv roHnrvml
r.0e nml H.OO per hottlo sold by itotort Catlln, Adinlnlstrntor of tho 'nVorior of tlio City Council
North Hank Pharmacy. Kstnto of Jamos John, decoased, In ' A M K880n, '
obodlonco to an order of tho County ' ritv iinenr.ior
A i!ood. llvo solicitor would find It . . " M""?n,"!.. 5S"nZ-. Sf SS!!' I l'ublUhoa In tho St. Johns Itovlow.
" " ' I "ill on nun liner utiuuur uum, uvj, Sunt. 17 "I nml net. 1. l'JOil.
mi easy matter to pick up u i" goi m prlvuto stilo lots 1, 2, 3 nnd . -
ulk has
been granted, to bo completed with
thu contract.
Tho right to reject any and lull
llt, llclmoiit Mini
ruillaml, Ore.
1 tlOl'KH. to to li Jloj, linnlnir by
Office Phone Womllnwn 70J
Rc. Phone Wooilluwu .655
Office hours from 9 to 13 111.
1 to 3 P. in. 7 to 8 p. m.
681 Dawson Street, Univiiksitv Park
"More People"
'Pass the word to your relatives and friends to come now.
Low Colonist Rates
To Oregon will prevail from the Kast
September 15 to October 15
Oregon Railroad & Navigation Co.
From Chicago $35.00
" St. Louis 32.00
41 Omnha 25.00
" St. Paul 25.00
" Kansas City 25.00
Fares Can Be Prepaid
Deposit the amount of the furc with the nearest O. K. & N. or S. V.
Agent and the ticket will be delivered in the Hast without extra cost
Send us the name and address of anyone interested in the State for
Oregon literature. t
General Passenger Agent,
or guutlumun,
dollnru overy day by Bocurlug sub-h of block 22 of Jnmea John'a Addl
rrlii,.r in thn Itovlow. Youiik lady tlon to St. Johi.B III Multnomah
con iv. uri'Kou.
Offeru will uo received for nam
nronertv nt tho west door of tho
NEVER WORMY County Court House between tho
about a coutih there's no need of I hours of 10 and 11 o'clock a. in. of
., ., ir vnn will irivil II lit It'alHIlId OctOUlT HUUI. Ulfors Will 1IISO
" ' . . Mi., nt llin nfflr.i nf mv ill
. ....... 1 ...11.. u.l ... 1 l..l. I "U VV.W.l ... . ........ ... I. 'J ...
first lippearanco wuu umm.i.o .... iv- Nicholas. room 71G
hound Syrup. It will mop tno couhu ort,BOnn bulldliiB. Portland, Oro-
at unco nnd put your Iuiikh nnu KOn at any tlnio up to November
ii.n.i.i imok into norfuctly healthy 2nd. 100i. After which timo If tho
londlllon. Sold by North liatiK . 'Y. ""V " ..
Sand and Gravel
Tli. Whlitla Tankard.
A rare form of drluklut; vessel Is In
tho poHM-sslon of the corporation of
Hull, This Is a whlstlo laniard which
buloiiKtHl to Anthony I.umbert, mayor
f Hull lu HUK), This lino specimen
31 old KukIIsIi sllverwuro Is fitted
with n whistle, which comes Into play
Alien the tnuknrd Is empty and Is evl
deiitly menut to ho used ns n signal for
moro lliiuor It Is snld that only ono
other whlstlo tankard Is to bo found
In Kiifilnml, so temperate Is KuKland
aowl I)udon Chroulcle.
In order to Insure a change of
shall iieKOlluto such salo to
thu best advautiiKo.
Tho terms of ualo nro 10 per cent
cush down nnd 23 1-3 per cent moro
when salo Is confirmed and tho ro-l
malnder to bo secured by mortKHKO
on tho property bearing 7 per rent
A Good Alarm Clock.
Husband-Why don't you hnvo tho
cook shut tho kitchen door? Ono can
smelt tho I rt'akfast cooking nil over
the house. Wife Wo lenvo It open on
purpose. Tho smell Is nil that Kt'ts tho
family up. J.hIro.
. . . 1 , VI. ...V .-.w..V.. - I
vertlsement the copy ror sucn cnanga t0rest payable on or before two
tnouia rcacn hub uihs n ! ""i years,
Wednesday, at 3 o'ciock p. m. ria T)l0 ,,ro,10rty will bo sold In lots
'emember this ana save ine pnnwr w, . npponr to
brim: lho best nrlco.
$100.00 REWARD An abstract will bo furnished lo
would Kindly bo paid for n euro y lurelmcr with ample oppen
many peoplo who uro crippled wltn HOUKIIT CATL1N
rheumatism, yet If they only knew Administrator.
It. thov can bo cured by n fow bottles hi 11. NICHOLAS.
liuiiiir.i'u uiinu- i.iiilinnnt. nnd tho I Attorney. Otf.
nrlco la only. 25e. 60e. and $1.00 per
bottlo. Sold by North Hunk I'hur' ffprif HO I Mflrkpt f
iiinev. iwa mwi
I have made arrangements with
the Pacific Ilridge Co. for wash
ed river gravel nud sand in tin
limited quantities. Contractors
figuring on street work or on
building would do well to see me
and get prices. Hunkers are lo.
cated at foot of Newton street,
opposite thu site for the new
school building in Kast St. Johns.
Phone Woodlnwn 1194.
L. D. Jackson
513 Silas St.
504 S. Hayes
A Real Bargain
Hewitt & Wright
KttiiiMtc and Plans PuruUhcd
Finishing a Specialty. Estimates
cheerJully turiitslieu.
426 N. Lively street, St. Johns.
Transfer and Storage
We delivt
narts ot
city dock and all points accessible by a ml then the lots would be much 'cheaper than auv can
riga.itV"KXrita that neighborhood. In five years $5000
If yon are looking for an investment that
is a sure winner buy half of block 16 at
The piece is 100x600 feet, lays fine and almost level.
ivcr your goods to and from all Lots across the street f roni it are selling at $350 upward,
and silSLXpi""' If this Picce was cut iuto lots 3oco could easily be realized,
P.iS.'",V k. rarSSSS be bought for in that neighborhood
hu.omt6i. would not bean exorbitant price. IF
Holbrook Illock.
No Terminal Facilities.
"They soy Harold CodlliiKton has
bralu fever." ,
"Impossible! Could nn angleworm
hnvo water on tho knee?" Chicago
Children that will bo six years bee us (or the uioiccst uuts ot tue lien
nl.l Imfnr.i 1,'olirunrv next nnd that .Meats uutuinaiiic.
nro oxnoetlnn to enter school this
torm should do bo now, oven though
Beauty is part of tho finished lan
guage by which goodness speaks.
they have not roachod that ugo.
ChuB. II, lloyd, Supt.
Orders Pilled and Family Trode Solicited
For Chapped Skin.
T. P. WARD, Proprietor.
The Best Plaster.
Slightly Colder with Snow.
dimmed skin whuther on tho
A nloco nf fianiu.i .ininnnnmi with bauds or faco may bo cured In ono
pi.nminrini.,.u i i.,i...... i i lUKUt uy uppiiiue uiiumuuriinu wnou you seo uiai Kinu 01 a
on to tho affocted nnrta la sunorior Salvo. It la also unequaled for aoro weather forcast you know that rheu
nipples, burns uud scalds. For salo mattsm weather Is nt hand. Got
w piuwivi a 11 uvil t UIIMIVU n I I
lahio back or pains lu tho sldo or u' 0,1 Kood drugglstB. ready for It now by getting u bottlo
choHt i n trial im.i vm. nr.. r.,r. of llallard's Suow Liniment. Finest
tain to bo moro than nleasod with Wuntod Young lady to Bollclt aub- thing tuudo tor ruoumausm, cnii-
tho prompt rollef which It affords, scrlbera for tho Itovlow, Good com-
lc Cream
The Bost Obtainable
Cosiest pluce in town. Bring
your friends around and treat
them to something fine. Get
our rates for church parties,
socials, etc. Note the big yel
low sign,
103 N. Jersey St.
No. 186 I. O. O. F.
Meets each Monday evening in Odd
Fellows hall, at U;co. Visitors welcomed.
P. Hill, N. O.
C. P. Gates, Secretary.
Holmes Lodge No. 101
knioiits op Pythias.
Meets every Friday night
at 7:30 o'clock at I.O.O.F.
halt. Visitors always wel
come, 1), F, Horsman, C.C.
W. A. Storr.K. K.S,
Doric Lodge No. 132
r. and A. M.
Regular communica
tions on first aud third
Wednesdays of each
mouth in Odd Fellows'
hall. Visitors welcome.
S. Harrington, Jos, McChesney,
Secretary. W. M,
CAMP 773 W. O. W.
price. 11 TAKEN AT
$1800 BUYS IT$5oo down; $500 in six months and the
balance at $10 per mouth or, $1500 cash will secure it.
If the money was not badly needed $3000 cash would not
take it. For further information see
Real Estate Office, Whitwood Court
This la certalu to ploaso nuyono buM mission paid, Call at ouco.
forlntr from that dlaouso. Sold by
ull good druggists. 1 FOR RENT card at this office, Sold by North ilauk Fharmacy.
blalua. frost bite, soro uud stiff
Joints aud muscles, nil aches nud
palna. 25c, 60c, aud $1.00 u bottlo.
Veterinary Surgeon.
HOSl'ITAI. 14 " "
Phones . - Kast 4oi6, B 3S9S,
Freach the goepel of St. Johns.
Note Um Ubl m your pfw.
Meets every!
evening In
I). Tallmau, C. C.
W. Ii. Swengel, Clerk.
Subscribe for the Review and be I
Real Estate
Call on
J. E. Williams
DaalJaiio MIA Nb Im
Office - - - - St. Johns LantJ Company I