4 Right Goods Right Prices FIFTH SATURDAY SALE SATURDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1909 We have a fine line of Stationery of all kinds. If you cannot find it in our large stock we will get it for you. COMBS AND BRUSHES OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS ONE-FOURTH OFF THIS WEEK A COAIPLETE LINE OF BOX CANDIES, CHOCOLATE AND BON BONS-THE BEST EVER OUR PRESCRIPTION DEPART AENT IS THE A10ST COAIPLETE IN TOWN, AND YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS WILL BE TAKEN CARE OF PROMPTLY AND CAREFULLY WE HAVE A NICE LINE OF POST CARDS, A PLACE FOR YOU TO WRITE THEM, STAMPS, AND WILL MAIL THEM FOR YOU. DROP IN AND SEND SOME TO YOUR FRIENDS. FREE PHONE. Stoves That Are Right V 3 : G If yon must lmve a heater, It cortiiluly will pay you to Ret one that will do some nooil and last a few years especially when THK PRICE IS NO MOKE. OUR "MASCOT" is made with a large door and also with a sliding top to take in large blocks of wood, Is Lined with Heavy Cast-iron and Trimmed with Best Nickel We Carry the LARGEST LINE OP STOVES IN ST. JOHNS and will give you 60 DAYS TIME AT CASH PRICE OPPOSITE POSTOFFICE We Buy Right 1 Wc Sell Right IOOOOCM If you are going to build Sec St. Johns Hardware Co. -FOR Builders' Hardware, Sash, Doors, Paint and Oil Estimates Figured Promptly 1 1 Buy the Celebrated H jo6-3o8 Philadelphia St. mm No-Mend Hose 1 for your Boys and Oirls at the regular price of 25c, and if they do not wear 30 days, send them to the factory and get a new pair free. Could we offer you anything better? COUCH 4l CO. Phone Jertey 97a KINO & BRODAHL LAND COMPANY 420 North Jersey Street Headquarters for Farms and Acreage Tracts Business Property, Factory Sites, Dwelling Houses and Vacant Lots ou Easy Terms. EDMONDSON CO., Plumbing and Tinning M3 S. Jtrxy Stre Phone Jersey 91 n m t m t t m t t t t I I I NORTH BANK PHARMACY C5o I Local News. 'Iruncn nt l'ic por pound nil var ieties. Sco V. Hill. 0. J. Miller linn roturnod from i business trip through tho southern part of tho state Many St. Jolum ncoplo will travel to 1'ortlnnd tomorrow to get n look 111 President Tart's smiling vision. 0 B. T. Uolden has purchased ten ncres of fruit land nt Hood Illver nnd loft with his family this week to tuko possession of same. o P. W. Hlnmnn left Monday mom. Ins for an oxtonded Eastern trip. Ho expects to visit friends In MIchlKiin. lown nnd Now York be fore returning to St. Johns. 0 ' C. Stockton nnd wlfo loft Sundny for their Colorndo homo, nfter ov ontl weeks spent In this locality. They think so much of this country that they expect to return nnd en roll ns permanent residents next your. Proach tho gospel of St. Johns, o Stiver, Hungarian and Italian prunes for snlo at l',4c per pound. P. Hill. Tho banks will close tomorrow In honor of President Tuft's visit to Portland. Subjects for Sundny nt UnptlBt church! 11 n. in, "Tho Victory of Ptttlonco," 7sfl0 p. in. "Hosen: Tho History of n Vineyard, and thu Des tructton of n Nation." Urlug In your Job printing whllo you think of It. Don't wait until you are entirely out. Wo nro equipped to turn out noat nnd tnsty printing promptly nt Portland prices or less. Chas. Scauff. tho florist, brought ti bunch of tho finest pansteu wu have yet noon to tho Review office tho first of tho week. Thoy wero beauties In ovory sonso of tho word. und for this tlmo of year uro ro murknble. Dr. Mary MucLuchlun has given up her practlco hero and has decided to locuto In Portlnud. Dr. h, K. Ornvos, u ludy physlclun, well known to man; of our chitons, will succeed her. Dr. Mary's departure is eroatly regretted by her hosts of frlonds nnd patients hero and tho bost wishes of all go with her to lior now location. W. Uantnm, formorly chief clerk un der J, II. aiovor, tins boon appointed agent nt Stockdale, Jointly for the 0. It. & N. nnd 8. P. & 8. rullwny. Stockdalo Is now an opou station for car load business. A day nnd night train crow nro bundling tho business nround tho St. Johns line, Including an Interchange of cars nt Stockdalo. Miss Emellno Mason nnd Arthur Wheolor wero united In marrlitgo nt tho homo of the bride In this city Sunday, Sept. 13th, nt 6 o'clock p. in. Itov. J. U. Johnson of the Church of Christ pronouncing tho words that mado tho two one. Tho young coupU have departed for Dakota, whero thoy will make their futuro homo. Prof. 0. L. Martiolff and wlfo of Athens, Ohio, wero guests of their old friends and neighbors, E. 1). Holcomb nnd family, on Thursday of last week, Mr. Mnrtzolff Is profes sor at the Ohio University at Athens. Doth were delighted with St. Johns nnd expect to return soon again, They visited the Seattlo ex position beforo they returned homo. Upon investigation it has been found that thq cement being used by W. 8. Lauthers in the concrete side walks along Willis boulevard Is Portland Standard cement and Is be ing used extensively for concroto sidewalks. Much of it la being used in Portland and it has been employed almost exclusively In street improve ment in St. Johns this year. There fore, the report that It Is of poor quality is erroneous and unfounded. The woolen mill base ball team, under the able management of J. Crouch, wound up the season last Sunday by defeating the Arbor Lodge team by a scoro of 6 to 4 on tho local grounds. This club has made quite a record this year, hav ing played nine games and won (hem all. They got started late in the sea son, and with the short practice they obtained, played remarkably well. Alf. Wolfe pitched tho game Sunday for the locals and his cannon ball delivery bad the Lodge boys scared to death. Next season tho woolen mill wus will likely begin operations earlier and their string of scaips will then be more extensive. "Life Lcssoiih from tho Hook of Hphoslnnn" will bo the toplo for discussion In tho Christian Endeavor socloty nt tho United Uvnnuollcul church Sundny ovonlng at 0:30. This will bo very Interesting. Everybody welcome. A series of sermons on "Isms" will begin nt tho Evungellcnl church next Sunday ovonlng, tho themo bolng "Tho Snnko In tho Garden, or tho First Spiritual Medium." It wnt bo worth your whllo to nttend tho series ns nil tho discourses will bo full of Intercut. A young lad by tho namo of Don aldson vamo In contact with tho huels of At Harris' colt 0110 day last week, und ns n rosult has been un der tho doctor euro with suvorol teeth missing and other sovoro In juries sustained. 0 Frank Wlmplo of Ithaca, Mich., spent n fow hours with his old friend und neighbor, II. S. Snttorlco, Mon day. Mr. Wlmplo Is nlrondy so much In love with this pnrt of tho world that ho hus decided to stay. Ho has n son in Portland and will muko his homo with him for tho present, but he much porfers St. Jolum to Portlund. A gnng of young boys In St, Johns have bcon In tho hnblt of breaking panes of glass In vacant houseo whonover they run across one. Whnt plensuro or enjoyinont tlioy find In such nn occupation is diffi cult to detormlno. Thoy nro now bo lng wutched. howover, nnd tho first ono caught in this desplcnblo act will got tho full limit of tho law, und furn ish nn example for all other evil doors In tho same class, Any ono knowing tho namos of any of thoso bovB would do woll to hnnd tho In formation to tho chief of pollco. Gas Appliances Arrived. Tlmo who lmve been natientlv awaiting the arrival of the Gas Mains and Have longed to put in Gas for Lighting and Cooking on account of its convenience and cheapness, will be glad to learn that the HUNUKHJh.o uakw WARE CO.. have installed a com plete line of Gas Appliances for their patrons. TJnne run nnestloii the fact that Gas for Cooking is cheaper than wood and tar more convenient, nnd this hlessin? is an attainment now available by the housewives of St. Johns. We notice the nice display win- flniv in wlilrhthev exhibit "lewel" V W f f Gas Ranges, Gas Fixtures etc., and wcfeel sure that the people ot tins I iru w ill hf clnd to be able to eo to a reputable locally established firm for their lias winners ana nxtures. Mr. York will renresent them in giving estimates on house piping, installing nxtures aim me nice, unu orders given Mr. York will be ex ecuted by the HENDRICKS HARDWARE CO., in a thorough manner. To say that the HENDRICKS HARDWARE CO., is handling the "Jewel" Gas Range is in itself a feature, as this, well-known Gas Range has been the leader both for economy and durability for years throughout America. Call up Richmond 936 for infor mation about gas. For sale Fnt ducks, chickens nnd celery. l!05 N. Edison, nenr woolen mills. 47tf. You got full wolght nnd first qunllty nt tho Contra! market. Just try it awhllo. 0 Two nlculy furnished Iioubo keep ing rooms for rent, reaBonnblo. l.i qulru 81C Stafford street. For Sale Funthor boil, good now goose feathers. Cull 100S N. Fill more, or nddrcBB box COS. 0 Wanted Good Health magazines. Will pay COo per dozen for them. Will cull. Address Hoy Turrell, St. Johns, Girls' School Caps If you wnnt to buy.ront, soli or oxchnngo proporty soo Wolcott, (Tho Itont Man.) 401 South Jorsoy. Sldo ontranco. 0 Hnvo your property Insured In tho St. Pnul or Norlhorn flro Insurnnco companies. Thoy aro thu bost. 8. L. Doblo, agont. 0 Wanted Woman wishes work by tho day washing and Ironing pro forrvd. Mrs. Donlon, C29 Druuswlck atreet, St. Johns. Tho headquarters of tho Portland Journal aro now locatod at 111 N. JerHoy stroot, Pntroim plonuo mnko n unto of this, Cloo. W. Simmons, Agont. For Itont Oioon Ilungalow, six rooms. Flno homo, good location, II 0. Miller, Cor. Nowell nnd Oberltn strcots, St. Johns, pd Wanted airl for gcnornl house work, good wages. Apply corner of Derby und Wlucholl, Kenton, two blocks from Hank building, o All our moats nro government In spoctod und tho boit that money con buy. Thoy aro noatly and careful ly haudlod. Co mo In and loavo your ordor for froo dollvory. Ward's Contral Markot. o WANTED Succoss Magazlno wunti an enorgetlu und responsible mun or woman In St. Johns to colloct for renewals uud solicit now subscrip tions during full or spnru time Exporlouco unuecessury. Any ono can start among frlonds and ncqualn lances and build up a paying and permanent business without capital. Complete outfit und instructions freo. Address, "VON," Success Mugnzlne, Itoom 103, Success Magazlno Iluild Ing, Now York City, N. Y. o - How Is Your Title? Have your abstracts mado, con tinued or oxamlnod by Peninsula Tltlo, Abstract and Iloalty Co., II. Hondorson, inanagor, Accurate work. Ileasonablo fees, Coment Illock building, Jorsoy street, f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f t UNITED X I EVANGELICAL CHURCH 4-f-f-f4-f-f-f4-4--f-f-f-f-f4--f t Rev. C. P. Gates, Pastor Subject Suudny evening, Oct. 3, at 7:30 o'clock: "The Snake in the Garden, or X the First Spiritual Medium." f Everybody Welcome. Fine Reasons For Fall Painting 1. The wood Is thoroughly dry. a. Paint penetrates deeper In t dry woou, 3, Pall weather Is warm, dry, dependable. 4, Wet weather decays unpro- T tected surfaces. 2 5, Pall painting keeps out wint- er moisture. Acme Quality Paint & I'lnlsbcs. Sas us. We havethe "Goods" HENDRICKS' HARDWARE CO. We have decided to close out our line of girls' Caps and Tarns and are offering about 6 doz. 50c and 75c Caps and Tarns at 25c Each Here is a chance to get something that your school girl can wear on her head all winter for a very small price. i BONHAM & CURRIER IOOOOCM ATTENTION!! Merchants! Manufacturers! Fanners! Everybody! We are hunting for your business and have been on your trail for some time. Our aim is to serve you well. The adoption of our service offers a complete solution to the transportation problem. Our rates are reasonable and our service unsurpassed. Two trains between St. Johns and Portland daily. We deliver Anything, Any Place, Any Time. Call and get our rate before shipping. PORTLAND & SUBURBAN EXPRESS GO. C. W. STEARNS Agent nt St. Johns. Phones: Portland Office, Main 358 St. Johns: Jersey 122 A 3358 oooo H. HENDERSON 205 Jersey St. Real Estate, Loans, Insurance Abstracts of Title Prepared. Acctirnte Work Guaranteed. 3 St. Johns Lumber Co. Has all kinds of lumber, kiln dried and otherwise. Also slab wood. Timbers of nil sizes cut to order. Get your winter's wood now and save trouble. V'twi MoriAtiol Ratlin ? 1 HOI JL lUUVllUl UUII1V o 2 $25,000.00 f) 2 2 2 2 St. Johns, Oregon Paid In Capital - OFFICERS Henry W. Coe, President A. R. Jobes, Vice Pres. V. P. Drinker, Cashier . Drafts issued ou all Foreign Countries. SAFU DEPOSIT 110XES FOR RENT. s43 c0 r r e!3 rS 43 44 r s43 0 s-O 0