St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, September 24, 1909, Image 1

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To sastcrBN (or THIS Ppr.
AH Um mw whttt H b ntwt It
ar motto. Call la and taroll
Of aaVartMst i THM faff
4 yM! tww rtfrvt It Be
Hi at Mat m4 hatf HaM at H
Davoted (o the Interests of the Pcalnrala, the Manufacturing Center of the Northwest
NO. 46
M. J. Madison Beaten and
Robbed by Thugs
Ono of tho boldest nnd moat dns
tnrdly holdups that 1ms over occurred
In this vicinity hnpponcd Tuesday
night. As M. J. Madison of tho
Control Hotel was returning from a
visit to Richmond street between 10:30
nnd 11 o'clock and was making a
near cut ncroM the block in front of
tho Congrcgntlonnl church ho no
tlced two men com In if toward him
Doing so nonr thu contrnl pnrt of
tho town, nnd ho many residences
being cIobo at hand, Mr. Madison
never dreamed of 11 holdup. Thoro
foro, ho gavo little heed to tho men
as they nppronchud and nothing wns
snld on cither side. Tho men pnrtcd
as they met htm, ono going to
either side of Mr. Mndlson, and ns
they did 10 ono quickly draw his arm
back and struck tho hotel man a
vicious blow on tho bond with sonio
heavy Instrument. Tho blow was n
stunning ono, nnd before Mr. Mad I
son could recover from Its offocts
tho other man drew n lurgo knife
and mndo u lungo at him. Instinc
tively drawing back, tho hotel man
escaped with n ullt through his coat
not far from tho region of his
heart. Mr. Madison thon nssumod
tho nggrosslvo nnd by a lucky blow
knocked tho kulfo handler to tho
ground, Tho man with tho black
Jack or sandbag then camo to tho
rescue of his companion nnd struck
Mr. Madison twlco on tho hend with
tho Instrument. Everything thon bo.
camo oblivious to Mr. Madison nnd
whort' hrYcrwniTfd euiiuumiiMi uy
light had appeared, It being about
five o'clock In tho morning, nnd nf
tor sovoral painful efforts ho slowly
dragged himself to tho hotel, and
medical attendance wuo hastily sum.
moned. It was thon discovered that
while tho wounds woro painful thoy
woru not dangorous. Tuesday night
was ono of tho coldest since early In
tho spring nnd lying for so many
hours on tho cold ground stiffened
Mr. Madison up nnd It took sovoral
hours of vigorous treatment before
boat could bo restored to his body.
Had ho been n less vigorous man
with a woalior constitution tho ex.
posuro would perhaps havo rosultod
fatally, but as It is ho is now getting
along In good shapo and will bo
able to nttond to his duties In a day
or two. No clows havo boon un
earthed ns to whom tho two assail,
ants woro, but Mr. Mndlson believes
they are people who havo boon hero
for soma tlmo, knew of him and woro
laying In wait for him whoro hp was
struck down. One or two other
parties claimed they woro hold up
tho same night, but they managed to
escape without being relloved of tholr
valuables. Night Policeman Dunbar
took two or tbroo shots at a couple
of suspicious characters ho found
loitering uround tho north end tho
same night, who refused to stop when
ho had ordered them to do so. None
of the Bhots apparently took effect,
however. Mr. Madison found that
he wus minus 90 odd dollars which
he had In his possession at the time
of the assault. It was reported thaj
a gold watch was also taken from
him, but this la not correct. Mr.
Madison had been peculiarly unfor
tunate the past, year. About ono
year ago he was held up by two
men. Ono kept him covered with a
pistol while the other went through
his pockes, and 132 was taken from
him at that time. This occurred in
the woods along tho path several
hundreft yards from tho rear of
Frank Clark's store. Again during
the recent fire .at the Central Hotel
Mr. Madison had $150 in a bureau
drawer and when the fire started be
pulled the drawer out and took it
down stairs where he asked his sis
ter to watch it. But somehow it be
came abstracted therefrom during
the confusion. These instances, to
gether with the latest occurrence,
certainly works a hadship upon
Mr. Madison.
It la to be hoped the thugs will be
apprehended and receive the punish
sent they so richly deserve. -.Ef
forts are foot to ferret them out and
the public at large will heave a great
sigh of relief when they are piacea
behind the bars.
Found Pointer dog. Owner may
have same by paying for board and
care aad, also for this ad. Give des-
ripUea of animal at thU office.
City Presents Livelier Ap
pearance as a Result
Tho Portland Ons Co.. nftor mak
Ing record tlmo In reaching St. Johns
with their gas mains, turned tho
Illumination on for tho first tlmo
Saturday last, Their new offlco
Jersey street, adjoining tho First
Nntlonnl Sank building, has been
neatly and finely fitted un. and two
huge nrc lights placed in front gavo
a cheering, pleasing nnd fnr reaching
mollow glow. Donhnm & Currier
over up to tho hour, nlso had two
largo tiro llghtB going In their dry
goods department Saturday night
and tho brilliancy with which tho
Htoro wns 'lighted attracted tho at
tontlon nnd admiration of nil tho
pnssorsby, After witnessing tho ox
hlbltlon nnd satisfying thomsolvcs
us to Its practicability, cheapness nnd
pleasing lighting qualities n number
of our buMness men hnvu mado ap
plication for uro lights to bo placed
In their stores and In front of same.
When those havo nil been placed tho
city of St. Johns wilt nssumu a
modoru and metropolitan nppoaranco
nnd will become noted for its
well lighted business places and
business streets. Thu coming of gas
to town has already mudo quite n
stir. More activity Is In tho air nnd
n feeling of good cheer, optimism
und buoyancy suoms to havo taken
possession of all. Tho gonial repre
sentatives havo boon busily ongngod
In explaining to those unfamiliar
with tho uso of gas its many ad-
ml -able qualities, tho low prlco of
service nnd a thousand and ono
things that tho unltlatod always do
slru to know. Oood progress hns
thus far been mado In securing ap
plications, und our people Room to
bo taking to tho now product In nn
ngtooublo manner to tho innnngo
menl. Somo of our cltlzons, however, do
not duom It fulr that tho pooplo of
St, Johns should ho compollod to
pay 11.25 por thousand cubic foot
when Portland Is supplied nt tho
rato of $1.00 for tho same amount of
gas. If ono takes tlmo to uo n
llttlo figuring, howovor, ho can easily
understand tliat tho rato oxactod hort
Is fully as low as could bo oxpectod.
If tho houses hero woro as close to
gether as Is tho caso In Portland and
roachod ns high In tho air tho com
pany cotdd make mora money at 76c
por M than thoy now can at 1 1.25
per M. It costs approximately $30,.
000 to plpo tho gr.s to St. Johns, and
hit buildings being so scattored
much money la consumed In reach
ing each patron in tho resldouco dis
trict. It will ho at loast flvo years
before tho company will realize a fall
percentage on Its Investment In St.
Johns, nnd therefore, our peopjo
should not feci that they oro being
Impartially dealt with bocauso they
are compelled to pay a premium on
gas over what Portland pays. It Is
only ono of tho disadvantages of re
dding In tho suburbs of a large city,
but which will bo eradicated as tho
population Increases,
Tho franchise of this company was
carefully Inspected, section by sec
tion, by the city council, and nono
can say but that it is the fairest
franchise as far as the city Is con
cerned that has ever been granted
bv any council In Bt. Johns, nnd tne
present council Is deserving of much
praise for making it so, a fact that
should not bo overlooked in passing.
Other so-called gas companies have
applied for a franchise at various
tiroes, and as the result has proven
the councilman were wise In picking
the wheat from the chaff and giving
us wha we are now receiving.
Therefore, personally we can say
that we are glad the Portland Gas
Co. was given a franchise, glad that
they are with us today and glad
that they have the power behind
them to perpetuate gas in St, Johns
whether it is a paying proposition
In five years or whether It takes
tea years before it becomes so. As
attraction and an Inducement
for outsider to locate within our
boundaries Its strength will be
proven as time goes on. We have
heard Instances of where the" ab
sence of gas have kept residents
from coming, and now since we
have this commodity it cannot weU
help but have a tendency to attract
and interest the seeker for ideal con-
Fessenden Street Complaints, Objection to Cement Used For
Willis Boulevard, Street Obstructions and Dock
Matters Keep the Councilmen Busy
Tho regular meeting of tho city
council Tuesday uvonlng was of moro
than usual Interest. A largo num
ber of citizens woro on hand,
principally property owners who aro
Interested In tho provosed open
Ing and widening of Fessenden
street. All tho mcmbors of council
woro present with tho mayor In tho
After tho minutes of tho provious
mcotlng wero rend and approved,
Mayor Hendricks, out of courtesy
to thu guests present, nuked If tho.'u
woro any present who had anything
to ndvnnco. Mr. Wilcox roso nnd
protested ngnlnst tho assessment of
damages on Fcssondcn strcot In ro
gnrd to his property, claiming that
hi would bo compelled to movo his
ho'iH'i back nnd that tho damages
allowed him would not nearly com
ptnkato him for having this done.
.'sck llagerty asked that tho St.
Johns Lumbor Co. bo compollod (0
vacate tho strootB now occupied by
tho lumpnny, claiming that thoy
l.ntgtd throo times ns much for tho
vend furnished tho residents of 3!
Johns than thoy did when shipping
It out of town. Thoreforo, ho con
tended that tho compnny wns deserv
ing of no consideration at tho hands
of our people. Ho said that tho
mill was filled with foreign labor
wlillo thore woro mnny pooplo In St.
Johns oagor for tho opportunity to
go to work, thoreforo, ho emphatic
ally requested council to forco them
to vacate- tho streots now used.
A protest by Mrs. Eliza Maples
was road, She claimed tho vlowors
plated her damages entlroly too low,
as a portion of her building nnd
throo valuable fruit trees wero In
tho lino of progress and must bo re
moved wero' tho project to go
A remonstrance from Frank Mor
rill was thon road, Mr. Morrill pro
tested that tho vlowors did not give
him a square donl and ho wns far
from bolng satisfied with their find
Qco. McCullom uroso and stntod
that tho damngos allowed him woro
entirely too low nnd that tho as
sossmonts woro not equalized as
thoy should bo,
Chas Llnqulst became qulto In
dignant bocauso the trolley people ox
poctod tho property owners to Improve
tho ground under, their track, and
ho did not think It fair and Just
that this should bo. Justice, he In
Misled, was all he asked for, and It
was not Justlco for tho proporty
ownors to pay for tho Improvement
of tho ground under tho track. Ho
said tho trolloy people wero the only
ones who were anxious to have the
streot Improved, and ho was not
Coming Right Along
The contract for eroding tho 2-
story High School building at St.
Johns has been awarded to the firm
Kelloy ic Mahoney and work has
bom started, It will be a 2-story
brick building with a pressed brick
front, will be 96x114 feet in dl men
tions, it will contain 12 rooms on
j upper floors and in the base
ment will be a large gymnasium, fuel
rooms, furnace rooms and shower
Tbt building which will cost .about
$23,000 Is to be completed by April
1. 1910.
The brick for tho structure Is to
be furnished by the Pacific Drlck ft
Marble Co. and will be very attrac
tive in appearance. Architect C, H.
Burggraff of Albany, Oregon, pre
pared the plans and specifications
and will superintend the erection of
the school. The plumbing contract
has been awarded to E. M. Laney, of
Vancouver, and the grading will be
dons by L. D. Jackson of St. Johns.
Tho new building will be placed di
rectly across the way from the St.
Johns City Hall and will present a
very attractive appearance. Oally
Milton - Unxer left Monday morn
ing for a trip down through the
southern Dart of the state. He Is
representing a promtseat tobacco
firm, and will so doubt make a
splendid success la bis chosen calllBg.
willing to holp Improvo tho street
unless tho Portland General Electric
Co. ngrecd to do their full share.
A romonstrnnco was tho read
from tho Smith-Wagoner Co. also
claiming that tho assessment was too
low nnd that thoy should havo been
assessed damages Instead of bene
fits to a greater extent.
On motion tho communications
woro nccoptcd and together with tho
viewers' report wero ordered ro
turned to tho body of viewers for
nu amended report.
A communication from tho city
nttoruoy relative to tho proposed va
cation of Philadelphia street at tho
city dock wns read. Tho commun
ication stated that It would roqulro
ninety days hoforo this could bo con
summnted, as thero was qulto n
bunch of rod tnpo that would neces
sarily havo to bo unwound beforo vn
cation could tnko place. Quito a dis
cussion took plnco In roforenco to
this vacntlon, It scorns that two of
tho councllmon aro not In fnvor of
soiling the dock at tho present tlmo,
and as It will roqulro a slx-to-ono
voto to pnsB tho ordinance vacating
thu strcot, somo of tho councllmon
declared It would bo n wnsto of
tlmo to do anything along this lino
when It wns generally understood
that nt least two councllmon would
voto against tho ordinance. As tho
first legal stop toward vacation Is
tho circulation of a petition which
must bo signed by a number of
voters before tho irexl stop can bo
tnkon, on motion of Councilman A.
W. Davis tho city attorney wob In
structed to propnro such petition,
It Ih tho Intention of tho councllmon
to havo tho document circulated J
freely and us many ns can be given)
an opportunity to attach their slg-
natures thereto. In this manner tho
sentiment of tho pooplo in general (
In regard to tho dlBpoBnl of tno
dock will bo ascertained and tho,
solons will thon know Just what tho
pooplo want. I
report from tho onglneor out
lining n system of grades for tho
wator front streets was road, ac
cepted and roforrod to tho stroot
committee for tholr approval.
Tho engineer's accoptanco of Al
legheny street was nccoptod by tho
stroot committee and finally by
An ordinance providing for tho ro-
movnl of obstructions of tho various
streots and highways was thou taken
up. Hoforo It roachod final passage
Councilman A. W. Davis stated that
bo believed tho matter should bo
laid over for ono wook, as Mr.Ayer
of tho St. Johns Lumber Co. desired
that a commltteo of flvo business
mon meet with him and discuss
Happily Married
A very pretty wedding took placo
at tho homo of tho brldo's father,
8, I. Odgen, In tho North End Sep
tember 15th, at 3 o'clock p. m. Tho
contracting parties woro Miss Hazel
R. Ogdon and Raymond doorgo
Masters, Rev. E. A. Loonard, former
ly pastor of the llaptlst church In
this city, pronouncing tho words
that mado them man and wlfo, Aftor
tho ceremony tho guests partook of
a sumptuous dinner. On Thursday
morning thu young couplo departed
for Falls City, Orogon, whoro they
will mako their future homo,
Tho brldo Is well and most favor
ably known In St. Johns, having
for a couplo of years been tho faith
ful and accommodating assistant In
the St, Johns Land Co.'s offices.
Hor admirable traits and sweet dis
position made her many warm and
admiring friends who wish her un
bounded happiness in tho now ro
tation she has assumed. Tho groom
Is a sterling young man of excellent
habits and qualifications, and is a
resident of Falls City. May hap
piness and prosperity ever attend
E. Zimmerman of Rockford, 111.,
spent a couple of days the past week
with his old-time friend, J, E. Wil
liams. Ho was particularly delighted
with St, Johns, and believes It can
not be excelled anywhere on tho
matters In regard to tho grlovnncc
somo of our citizens havo against
the company, such as tho high prlco
of wood nnd tho foreign labor qucs
tlon. Mr. Davis said that Mr. Ayer
agreed to do anything within reason
that tho commltteo would deslro
along tlioBO lines. Thoreforo, ho bo
Moved, beforo tho stringent ordln
unco, which wns evidently aimed at
tho lumber compnny, passed tho
council this commltteo should bo np
pointed nnd porhnps matters could
bo amlnbly settled without being nt
loggerheads with tho compnny, Coun
ell, however, could not boo whoro
any good would comu from delaying
tho matter nwnlttug n conference,
nnd nil voted for tho pnssago of tho
ordinance with tho exception of A
W. Davis, who voted "no." Tho or-
dlnnnco may bo found elsowhcro In
this tssuo.
An ordlnnnco establishing tho grndo
of Polk street, Wlllnmotto botilovnrd
to Crawford, passed tho council, nnd
a resolution ordering thu Improve
ment of snmo wns adopted.
Illlls to tho amount of $32.40 wero
Special Policeman T. F. Lovens wns
appointed by tho Mayor to look af
ter tho now city dock nt n salary of
$10 pur month, tho appointment bo
lng confirmed by council.
F. M. Parsons was present and
objocted to tho kind of content W. 8.
'.authors was using In tho ccmont
walks on Willis boulevard. Ho said
tho sack comont was poor, uncortnln
nnd he would not pay for his walk
It that kind of cement wns used.
Other complaints regarding tho qual
ity of comont had reached tho oars
of tho council, nnd tho onglneor had
objocted to Its uso, but Mr. Parsons
said ho still persisted In its uso up
to Tuesday night nt lonst. Tho may
or stated that tho engineer and tho
city ordlnauco which designates tho
kind of comont that shall bo usod
would bo upheld and tho contractor
would bo compollod to undo nil ho
had done bo fur ns ho had used tho
Inferior suck comont, When this
street contract was let tho bids be
tween Mr. Luuthors nnd Thou. Coch
ran woro ho closo that somo of tho
councllmon favorod Mr. Cochran's
bid oven though It wns about $3S
higher, bocauso his work has always
proven first-class In uvory particular.
Hut Mr. Luuthors stated on thu
floor of tho chamber that If his bid
(In tho nnmo of Mr. Moore) was
ucccptud ho would guarantee tho
work to bo first class In every way,
and ns n consequenco ho received
tho contract. Council proposos now
to sou that ho bo compelled to mako
hlB word ko(.
The Livestock Show
Tho Portland Fair and Livestock
Show Is tho big uvent of tho week In
thai city. Illggor nnd bottor than
over, tho unuual event Is attracting
wldo attention all ovor tho North
west. Tho attondanco Is outdoing
that of last year and tho attractions
offered aro far ahead of lust season.
Tho exhibition of livestock Is valued
at moro than $1,000,000 and Is 25
per cent larger than laBt year. Tho
State Fair at Salem exhibits of live
stock wero brought to Portland and
numorous attractions havo boon
added that will mako tho week's
show a notublo ono. Stock entries
havo been mado from tho Central
and Eastern states that havo never
been shown west of Chicago and
Denver. Nearly C00 harness horsos
will contend for the $25,000 In race
puises this weok. Llvostock entries
will hi Ing close to 3,000 hood of
horses, cattle, sheop, swine and
pouts here.
J. J. McCann who was recently
severely Injured by falling and strik
ing his head against a concrete step
whllo assisting to carry a bathtub
unstalrs. Is ablo to be around again
after a couple weeks In tho hospital
and a week spent at Collins Springs.
Ho says tho report that ho was
carrying the bathtub up alone Is
erroneous, as another man was help
Ing blm at the tfmo.
Geo. L Perrine Points the
Way Eloquently
Wo Inadvertently neglected to
mention tho tfct Inst week that our
eloquent nnd Socialistic townsman
tluo. L. Pcrrlne, did hlmsolf proud
In dealing with tho "Promised Land,
or Land of Promlso'1 on tho strcot
comer Tucsdny evening of last wcok.
Sparing neither snlnt or sinner, Ro
publican or Domocrnt, Prohibitionist
or mugwump, hypocrlto or Pharisee,
ho delved Into his themo In n force-
ful, dramatical nnd stringent man
nor. Taking tho platforms of tho
vnrlcui: political parties for sovoral
years bnck, ho tore them apart, ills
socted them, laid tliom bare and
showed tho glnrlng Inconsistencies,
big promises nnd unfulfilled pledges
thoy contnlned nil froth nnd bitter
apple, fJco. L. then drow a montnl
picture of thu "promised land' 11
land simply reeking with milk and
honey, ponco, contentment, happiness
nnd joy without alloy. As tho pic
turo enlarged under his skillful
manipulation, ono could almost fancy
ho wns being carried to n land
where tho cares and sorrows of llfo,
tho discouragements, thu failures,
tho ruluod castles and tho blttornoss
of disappointed hopes woro utterly
unknown, whoro competition did not
exist, nnd whoro man dwelt peaceful
ly under his own vino and fig tree,
In sweet communion with his follow
man, In love with and nt ponco with
tho wholo world, Tho vision was so
bright, so hopeful, so enthralling that
his hearers wero fairly carried nwoy
to tho now, mystorlous, and yut
withal so strangely entrancing land
of promlso. Llko Moses of old, ho
'old cf tho .manner In which this
Inml could bo reached, how bottor It
would bo to gut out of tho present
rut, und by way of tho ballot join
tho small baud that had pledged
thomsolvcs to journey on toward tho
vtw laud, no matter how ruggod tho
pMhwny nor how mnny difficulties
obstructed tho way. Tho address
wus well received and wns highly
Interesting from stnrt to finish, nnd
tho fnmu cf Mr. Porrlnu ns n public
spcaikor was considerably ndvaucod
In consoquonco,
K. of P. Picnic
Quito a number of our pooplo at
tended tho K. of P. picnic at Metzgor
Pnrk yesterday, and whllo tho atten
dance was not nearly us lurgo as
wus oxpectod, what was lacking In
numbers wnu mudo up In enjoyment
und good fellowship by thoso who
did go, Tho weather wnu almost
perfect nnd tho trip Immensely on
joyed. Tho plcnlu fever hns rather
worn Itself out with most of our
people, nnd it Is difficult to nwnkon
It nguln this year. Tho cooler
woather has Induced thorn to apply
thomsolvoB moro assiduously to bus
Incss, and It wus difficult for many
of them to gut uwuy. This Is tho
prlnclpul reason why tho picnic wus
not as well attended ns would havo
boon tho cuso weru It dated earlier
In tho Bonson,
Wedded Wednesday
Miss Nettle M. Marcy und John D.
Prudhnm woro united In tho holy
bonds of matrimony ut 7:30 Wednes.
day ovenlng, Rev. O. P. Oatos tying
tho knot that mudo them ono. Tho
weddlmr took ilueo ut the home
of tho brldo's mother, Mrs. 11. F.
Murcy. Arthur Marcy, u brother or
tho brldo. acted In tho cupuclty of
best man and Miss Ella Edmondson
as brldesmuld. Tho huppy young
counlo uro now onjoylng a honey
moon at Seattle, where they will
tako In thu exposition. Roth aro well
und fuvorably known hero having
boon rosldents of St. Johns for some
time, and tholr friends jolu In wish
ing them all the happiness this world
Jerry Leahy, a prominent optician
of Mt. Pleasant, Mich., with his
bride Is taking In tho coast country,
and whllo lu this neighborhood
Btopped off for a fow hours' chat
with his old frlond, S. W. Rodgers,
tho watch fixer and real estate man.
Man No Better Than Wo
man Along This Line
In a rocent Issue of tho Rovlow
an nrtlclo purported to show tho
dlfforonco botweon tho way women
work nnd tho way mon work by
tho Illustration of tho prlvato wash
tub. On each Monday morning
uvory woman lugs out her own
laundry hniket, tubs and as much
nf tho parnphornnlln of wnshlng as
hor means afford, and at tho oxponso
of much roup, tlmo nnd labor wor
ries through tho wnshlng of hor
own family. cw If men had thi
vushtng to do, so this nrtlclo pro
fesses, what n difference wo would
seal At onco they would put to-
githor tholr brains nnd capital to
organize n co-opcratlvo laundry com
pan). Hero tho washing of the com
munlty would bo dono by Improved
mnchlnory nt n fnr lowor oxpondl
turo of tlmo, Inbor nnd nionoy.
Would thoyT Well, lot us sou.
Whllo tho Individual woman Is
drudging nwny over hor wash tub
she Is Interrupted by tho order mon
from two rival grocory stores nnd
sees two others go by hor house
nwhocl or afoot. Tho vegotnblo
men halloo hor to tho door to
view tholr produce practically tho
snmo In each caso. Two coffee agents
alight from their trim wagons nud
Importune her to Invest In tholr
brands, In thu aftornoou tho sop
nrato delivery wagons of thu four
giocery stores (not to mention thu
small, baskot-hurdonod boy from tho
coruor grocery) trail past to supply
the posslbtn two or. throo houso
wives In that port of town who pat
ronized tholr particular order men In
the morning. It nho goes up town,
In u hurry for n spool of thread or a
yard of silk to match tho dress uho
Is making, sho spends half an hour
visiting several small-stocked dry
goods stores, only to find that she
must mako n trip to tho city for
thu nrtlclo desired.
Yet thoso ontorprlsoH nro all mon-
controlled, Ono largo, well equipped
store would require, perhaps, only
half uh many employes, for no route
or work would be duplicated nud nd-
vurtlsomeut would bo superfluous.
I.obb outlay of capital would bo ro.
((Hired for store room. Stuck could
bo purchased nnd thoreforo sold to
bettor advantage. Tho trado would
bo supplied more satisfactorily und
tho tncomu would bo larger.
Tho nrtlclo criticising tho prlvato
wash tub method contained much of
truth, hut tho application was wrong.
This wautuful method is not a pe
culiarity of woman's work, but Is n
blunder common to both sides of tho
houso, Evou whoro man's Industries
havo been consolidated they havo
nllowod tho sorvlco to bo deteriorated
und the profits gobbled up by ono or
two Individuals under tho bono of
prlvato ownership, Hasten tho day
cf tho Cooperative Commonwealth,
when both man's and woman's work
shall bo dono In tho vory host man
imr r.i tho least possible, oxponso ol
euvrgy and cupltal, with thu proflta
romulnlng whoro they belong with
tho people. Then, lustoad of murk
lug tlmo by stupidly repeating our
neighbor's uctlous, each ono of us
shall work, hut not drudgo, at real
ly usoful lubor for which socloty
shall award us aduquato ruturu.
Mabel Ruudall,
St. Johns, Orogon.
Have a Fine Time
Laurelwood Robekah Lodge No.
1C0. I. O. O. l. colobruted tho un-
ntvorsarv of tho Order last Monday
evening lu tho Odd Fellows' hall In
u most pleasing manner. A largo
number of tho Rebokuhs. Odd Fol
lows and tholr friends woru lu at-
tendance und made morry until a
late hour. A splendid program was
rendered, good music was furnished
and tho good things of llfo woro on
hand In abundance. Rov. C. P
dates mado ono of the most happy
and Interesting addresses that was
ovor llstoncd to and it was especi
ally well received. Tho affair was
a success all tho way through and
everybody was dollghtod with tho
Work for a Greater St. Johns.