THE ST. JOHNS REVIEW FubUahad Every Friday At 117 West Burlington Street. BY A. W. MARKLE DO in Saint Johns, Oregon, as mail matter of the second class tinder the Act of Con Kress of March 3, 1879. Job Prlnllnc itcatcd In flrit-eltii title, nllli tor Job Printing rath on dellterr. All eommanleatloni iboold b (ddrtiitd to Iht Btrttw, Rt. Johni. Ortcon. Adrtrtliln rtn, 11,00 per Inch pr month. All (dttrtliln bill! pujill Orit of rich mnnlh. Offldkl Nwipipr of the Oltr of St Johns. Subscription price $1.00 per year. FRIDAY, SKPTKMDBR 3, 1909. Tho Amorlcnn workmen who nro asslfltlnR In Inylng tho gns mains through tho streets of St. Johns must feel highly flattered to havo 11 dark skinned, turbnned son of Egypt work ing on either sldo of them. "It Is hotter to hnvo loved and lost than not to hnvo loved nt nit Is n vary doubtful hit of logic who nppllod to tho cnHo of Mrs. I.ovo of Portland, who first mnrrled Lov thon ditched him by dlvorco nnd loved six other men well onough to marry nnd ditch them also heforo olio discovered Hint sho would Just lovo to ho loved ngnln by hove, nnd they wore remarried. Isn't thn lovely? Latest. ronortH from fur off Africa given tho Information that tho tin tlvos In that region nro grenlly ilea lighted over tho fact that dangerous wild nnlmnls of any variety nro ns senrcu ns lion's teeth thero. Less than four months ngo It was con nldered no great feat for n native hunter to bring In thrco or four tigers, u half doxun IIoiih nnd fifteen or iwomy wonycoddioB nfler ono day's hunt. Now It Is n different matter to bag an uhle-bo.lled ground squirrel In Hint length or tlmo. Tho natives nro greatly puzzled over this strnugo disappearance of the beauts of tho Jungles. 0 curso of poverty, nnd yet thero nro many in that sumo Potter's field who desorvo n respectnblo resting place far more than many who occupy tho marble tombs, if they must bo ro moved, then In tho name of common decency nt least glvo Ufom'Sf "Chris tian burial. of of Oh, Its too bail It's simply awful Tho committee that was to havo welcomed William Howard Tnft to thu city of Portland is In tho dumps, Notliln' doln' this load of poles. With n suite of six rooms ongaged In one of tho host hotels and u program mapped out In honor of tho dlstlii gulshed guest that would havo donu them proud, and now comes tho sad word that II. W. T. wilt ho received nnd entertained almost exclusively by 0110 Senator Jonathan lloiiriio. Oh, you Jonathan truly thou art 11 foxy ono. About thu only ehuiico tho cone mlttoa will hnvo to cluster around, trnniplo upon Hill's corns and pump that mighty golflsh right arm will bo when tho Senator has stepped out Tho telephone girl sits still In her ehulr nnd listens to voices every where. Sho hears nil tho gotwtp, sho hears all tho news, sho knows who I happy and who has tho blues ; sho knows all our Borrows, sho knows alt our Joys, sho knows every girl who is chasing tho boys; sho knows our troubles.knows of our strlfo.know avory man who In moan to his wife sho knows every tlmo wo nro out with the boys, sho hours tho excuses each follow employs, In fact there', n uecret 'nenth each saucy curl, that unlet, demure looking telephone girl. If tho telcphono girl would tell nil she knows it would turn half our friends Into bitterest foes; sho would sow tt small wind that would soon be 11 gale, engulf us In trouble and land us In Jail; sho could let go n story (which gaining In forco), would cause half of our wives to suo for dlvorco; sho could get all tho churches mixed up in n fight and turn nil our days Into sorrowing night; In fact sho could keep tho whole town In a stew If Bho'd tell tho tenth part of tho things that sho know, Now, renlly, doesn't It mnka your head whirl when you think what you owo to tho tele phono girl? Ex. It was, ns u matter of course, nn American who reached tho North polo first. Thin, too, right upon tho heels of our recent urlel navigation victories show that "wo-nll" nro going soiiio. It only remains for tho com plot Ion of tho p'roposed wireless con auction between this country nnd .Murs to put tho finishing touches to our superiority over tho slow-going nations of tho world. Tho members of tho Glory class and their friends spent 11 delightful oven lug at tho homo of Miss Woodley, corner of Mohawk and Willamette boulevard, Tuesday nt a "plo" social. Every ono went homo declaring that tho members of tho (llory class know bow to have u good tlmo. The pro coeds of tho evening netted tho class about $11, which will go toward fin Ishltig tho class room. Tho class has leclded on putting their mnrk at 100 members by tho first of the your, so nil young people tiot Interested In any other Sunday school nro strongly rged to coiiio nnd help us get this iiumbur, Wo meet nt 10 o'clock each Sunday in our room In tho llnptlst church. Press Cor. o Work frr n (Ircutor fit. Johns. Mr, Iluslncss Man: Don't overlook the fuel that you are earnestly re quested to nttend tho open meeting of the Commercial club next Wed nosdny night, ns It Is to bo held for your special benefit. Tho object Is to formulate ways nnd menns for keep Ing nil St. Johns patronngo here. Do not wnlt for tho "other fellow" to attend to It for you. Como yourself, It will do you much good to mlnglo with your competitors nnd buslne associates, and much good may come from it. No ex c 11 bo goes. lie on hand and do your duty. It does not mean 11 few of tho business men, but ALL of them, from tho confectlonury merchant up. Ho sure and attend. It Is becoming moro apparent day by day that n high bridge nt St Johns is something hndly needed. It would afford n flno wuy for tho United Uallwnys to tap tho Swift territory, and that would be the groatest boon Hint St. Johns could hopu for. Wo hnvo stocked n complete lino of musical Instruments strung for tho convenience of those using this. article. St. Johns Pharmncy. Tho fire department held an en Joyuble dunce In tho Eagles' hull last Saturday evening. Tho North llnnk Pharmacy Is pav. Ing tho wny for keeping St. Johns trade In St. Johns. Note his nd above Ilcnjnmlti Iluntlndon, wifo nnd daughter, Miss Trncey, of Cnstlo Itock, nro guests at tho homo of E S. Wright on South Hayes street. ltemember there Is only ono place n this man's town where you can get rending matter of all kinds, and thnl'i ut tho St. Johns Phnrmncy. o BUILDING PERMITS, No. CI To A. Wllhelm for ropnlrs to building on Allegheny street, bo tween Hudson and Portland boulo urd for Mr. Harrington; estimated cost $100. No. 02 To M. C. Soulo to erect n dwelling on Allegheny street, be tweeu Senocti street and Portland boulevard; estimated cost $800. A Ourglar In Town his nnmo Is "bad cough." Ho does not care for gold or silver but ho will steal your health away. If ho ap pears In your house arrest him nt once with Ilulliird's Horehound Syrup, It may moan consumption If you don't. A euro for nil coughs, colds nnd chest troubles, l'rlco Wo, COc mid $1.00 per bottlo. Sold by North Dank Pharmacy. IN NEW QUARTERS. Wo take tho ploasuro of announc ing to tho people of St. Johns that wo arc now locnted In our now quarters at 113 North Jorsey street, Splendid Coal Cheap Continued from first page. price still higher, the comparison Is In favor of coal furnished by you. Yours very truly, John N. Edlcfson. recently occupied by S. Turner. Wo nro handling tho best meats at tho lowest prices obtainable. Wo also take this means of thanking our many pntrons for their llborni patron ago and Invito tho public to Investi gate our prices and the quality of our goods. Remember with every purchase of Illtgood & Colo you rocolvo n guar anteo of first clnBs mcnts, which Is bneked up by, tho long and continued patronngo of those who havo found our meats to bo all that wo claim. nrraooD & cole. Portland, August 2C, 1009. Peninsula Feed & Fuel Co., Gentlemen: I wish to sny to you that tho sack of Potlntch coal I ro colvod from you has given entlro sat isfaction. As a heating coal I hnvo never had anything to boat It. It 1 . ... uurns uown cionn without any clinkers to a fine ash, und I must say Is In that respect superior to any coal I have over used. Respectfully, F. D, Harrington, 1C92 Drummond street, Peninsular. 1009. A Sprslned Ankle. As usually treated a sprained nnklo will dlsnblo tho Injured person for month or moro, but by applying Chambcrlaln'sLinlmcut and observing tho directions with each dottlo faith fully, a euro may, In most cases, bo effected in Icsb than ono wook's tlmo. This liniment is n most romnrkablo preparation; try It for a sprain or brulso, or when laid up with chronic or muscular rhoumntlsm, and you aro certain to bo delighted with tho prompt relief which It affords. 'or sale by all good druggists. Portland, August 13, Peninsula Feed & Fuel Co. Gentlemen: Am much plenscd with Potlntch coal. Will want at least four tons. Truly yours, Itobcrt Hicks, 1222 East 14th St. North. Portlnnd, Ore, Aug. 10,1909. Peninsula Feed & Fuel Co. Tho samplo of coal you delivered us last week has been testd and wo find tho samplo coal to bo very good, froo from clndors nnd tho aBhcs aro very light. MrB. II. I). Ilaucus, 1292 Vlllard nvc, Willamette station. A REAL BARQAIN. If you aro looking for an Invest ment that Is a suro winner, buy half of block 10 at Whltwood Court. Tho tract li 100x600, lays flno and lots across from It aro now soiling at $350 for COxlOO. If cut Into lota $3000 could easily bo roallzod, nnd thon tho loti would bo cboapor than any can bo brought for In that neigh borhood. In flvo years $10,000 would not bo an exorbitant prico, If tak en at onco $1800 buys It, $000 cash, 500 In six months nnd thu balance $10 por month, I). II. Illnndlng, runl ostato office, Whltwood Court. Portland, Oregon, August 10, 1009. Peninsula Feed & Fuel Co. Gentlemen: Coal Is very good, burns well and gives good boat. 0. W. Itlggs, C66 Gerald street. Vogue Millinery Fall Opening Wednesday, September 8, 1908 Wc extend to you a special invitation to come and view the most complete line of trimmed hats ever shown in St. Johns. Remember wc have a beautiful gift for everyone; also, music by orchestra The Vogue Millinery 1909. August 14, Peninsula Feed & Fuel Co, Gontlomon: Coal is flue. M. McKlnloy, 225 Willamette boulovnrd 1009. Wnnlod: Intelligent man man to tnko torrltory, and canvassers to soli our wntor flltors. Exclusive torrltory. and nice, profit able work for tho right party. Seuo- ca Filter Co., Sonoca, Mo. , o You got full woljtht and first quality at tbo Contral market. Just try It awhllo. Portland, Ore., Sept. 1, Peninsula Feed & Fuel Co., University Pnrk. Gcntlomon: I havo used tho sack of Potlntch coal left for mo and find it very good not equal In heat to bard coal, but I think much butter than slab wood. It burns clean and New School and New Church The German Evangelical Lutheran Synod have bought four lots at the corner of Midway and Olympia streets in East St. Johns where they intend in the near future to erect a school, a church and a parsonage. Investigate Our Easy Terms. Exceptional Inducements to Home Builders. or wo- nppolnt leaves no cinders. Frnnk Morrill, 750 Syrncuso street. University Park, August 13, 1909. Peninsula Feed & Fuel Co. Your Potlatch coal was tried by the undersigned recently und proved to bo nil that you claim for It, demon strating to mo Hint it Is tho choapest fuel I can got. I can cheerfully recommend It to my neighbors, Youra truly, C. A. Dotson. EAST ST. JOHNS LAND CO., East St. Johns. Phone Richmond Cot to telephone Hint "Tnft It with me, nnd I'm with Tuft mo anil Tnft." Tho honored guoHt will breakfast with Uoiirne, lunch with llouriie, dino with llourno aud occupy rooms next to Bourno, while tho committee -well, tho committee may ns well beat It down to tho back entrance nnd "rush tho cnu," They will bo excused, so it Booms now. "Potter's Field," tho resting plat' of tho pauper dead In Portland, lias been sold by tho comity authorities und tho remains of t'uu unfortunate who gave up life's strugglo for ex istauco in poverty will bo oxhumo aud burned, They will bo dragged from their proper resting place, Mother Earth, and cast Into tho burn Ing llko u lot of old rubbish, mill thus will vanish former from this world tho remains of 700 human bodies, tho most sacred work of God And why la this done, you ask? It Is being douo because tbo almighty dollar, as usual, Is placed so hlgli uuovo humanity in value mat oven tbo rights of tho dead aro not sacred enough to prevent thu desecration of their graves and bodies that the 111 thy lucre may bo secured, It Is be lug done, It seems, on tho supposl tlon that tho poor, having no claim upon tholr moro fortuunto fellow men when living, aro surely entitled to no respect or consideration when dead, By tho methods of ancient barbarism this heartless thing Is bo Ing donu In tho Interest of modern progression. Multnomah, Multnomah, do not annex this stigma to thy fair name. Romombor that those un fortunate remains were ouco living, active and hopeful human beluga who wcro in most Instances accused of only ouo crime poverty; that they woro dlfforent from tholr wealthy neighbors In only ono thing povorty, and that their remains would be ro posing in h rosewood casket within r marble tomb woro It not for tho The Commercial club hold nil In teresting session Wednesday night. Tho subject of tho merchants or Rt. Johna offering special salos on Sat urday ofonchweek In order to Induce the local trade to do all their busl. ness In St. Johns was taken up and thoroughly discussed. Tho Idea ap pealed strongly to all the members and In order to give It a trial It was decided to hold mi open mooting next Wednesday ovenlng and Invito ovory merchant nnd business mini In St, Johns to be In attendance In order to formuluto plans for such n departure, The club Is ery much Interested In keeping all the trade possible In St. Johns that belongs here, and Is ready and willing nt all times to aid In sue endeavor, Tho hideous uulso made by many of the conductors on tho street cms while In St, Johns wa given attention, und it was decided to able council to take steps toward hav lug it cut out, It la a decided nuls mice the way sumo of the bright conductors delight In making ns much din ns possible with their nolso ntok lag apparatuses, aud since tho people of Portland will not stand for It there Is no reason why our people should be afflicted with it. o Jacob Stuller of Java, South Da kota, called on our genial postmaster, W. Valentine, Monduy. Tho 1 M, and Mr. Stuller used to play hockey together In tho old days, und the meeting was highly enjoyed. It has boon twenty years since tho old boys hnvo seen each other and they wero kept busy for u while asking nnd answering questions. Mr. Stui ler is also postmaster In Java. GAMBLING your llfo against 25 cents is just ex actly what you nro doing If you nog. lect u cough or cold on tho chest In stead of treating It with llallard'8 lloreliouud Syrup, A 25 cent bottlo of this splendid remedy will cure an ordinary cough, heal thu lungs und act as a tonic for your entire system. Sold by the North Dunk Pharmacy, full und complete lino of all kinds of gas apparatuses und uppll nuces will bo placed in Hendricks' hardware store next week. Don't or der anything in this lino until you huvo Inspected the stock next week at Hendricks' Hardwuro. StopPain Take ONE of the Little TbkU and the; Goae HEADACHE NEURALGIA "Dr. Mlki' AM Pui Putt to feu vm1 by tor rto. autfc ptlu, Im1k fci jl la UU t4 MM Ur tm futmi MittitrSM." Horr Ctoww, H.X- k 4fl Following nro a fow individuals ant concerns that havo ordered and somo aro now using Potlatch coal, Skep tical ones can easily roach any of I them to verify tho statomont If do- Islrod: I). V. Hart. University Park. Sonator 8. C. lleach, Arbor Lodge. J. II. Cnmpboll, 1012 Williams avo. Prof. Hughson, Portsmouth school. A. W. Ilugloy, Unlvorslty Park. F. P, Harrington, 1592 Drummond street. M. McKlnloy, 225 Wlllamotto boulo- vard, Albers Bros,' mills. First National Dank, Portland. American Chicle works. Medical building, Many others could bo cited, but It roqulroa too much spaco to enumer ate farther. Bond all orders to tho Peninsula Feed & Fuel Co., corner Hodge and Dawson streets, Unlvorslty Park, Fall Arrivals Electric Tungsten Lamps The most economical Incandescent Electric Lamp made 40 watt 32 candle power $ .85 , 60 watt - 48 candle power $1.00 100 watt - 80 candle power $1.30 250 watt-200 candle power $2.50 These prices arc the lowest in the city. , It gives twice the light of the ordinary incandescent lamp for the same cost per hour. Portland Railway Light and Power Go. 147-7th Street AMI tlU MM Of RHEUMATISM nd SCIATICA 25 Doses 25 Cents Ymt DrMstui wilt Dr. MSu' Ae-Pj Wit tiutorufel i rourt ito pel of ito Km tMirl It U (till M Uatlll The Smiih Premier Typewriter has widened its market un til it includes the whole civil ized world; has become the typewriter of over 300,000 operators and has, during 1906, broken every previous record of sales, because it has from the beginning best met every typewriter need. THE tricolor feature of the Smith Premier Typewriter Is recog nized as the greatest im provement in modern type writer construction yet in providing: It, none of the strong fundamental fea tures, for which the Smith Premier has always been noted, have been sacrificed. Complete literature on request. THE SMITH PREMIER TYPEWRITER COMPANY SYRACUSE. N. Y. fOl RENT cards at this office. Not th m yew papar. We've just received the finest assortment of Men's Fall Hats ever sliown in St. Johns. Stiff hats in a dozen differenf styles: soft huts in a score of shapes and shades, You can find here the hat you want a style to fit your face at a price to suit your purse. Our fall line of fancy shirts is a witiuer light and dark pat terns; plain and pleated fronts 35 dozen to select from. Sum mer shirts at X off. S1.00 Monarchs, 7c. Cluetts. ---w , 11.15. We have an excellcut showing of ladies' tailored waists in the most popular Fall styles, priced from 85c to ta.a.s. A few sum mer waists left at 65c to 95c. xvo credit. No rent. Better goods for the money. I I I " HENDRICKS & HORSMAN The New Grocers Cater to the trade Now Doing Business One of the most com plete and up-to-date gro ceries in the city. All good strictly fresh, no old stock. Fresh fruits nnd vege tables daily. Your patronage solicit ed. Prompt delivery. Phoue Jersey 102 1. in South Jersey St. Proposals for Street Work 311 South Jersey Street. A BURNT CHILD droada the (ire, The dread la whole some, but not the bum; that can be New Fill and Winter Woolens Now In Ladies' and Gentlemens' Suits, Cleaned, Pressed and Repaired. Work called for and delivered. JOHN NOGE & CO Ft5oT 'Phone Richmond 941. 408 N. Jersey St., sd door S, of P. O. I Sonled proposals will bo recolved I at tho office of tho city recorder of I tho city of St. Johns, Orogon, until H o'clock p. 111.. Sopt. 19. 1009. for I tho Improvement of East Burlington .stroot from tho ouist lino of Jersey street to tho oast lino of Kollogg j street by eldo walklrm and by lower ing tho street to sub grade and ma I ciulamlzliiB thn samo without a sand bliulor, said macadam to bo twelve Inches deep In tho center of street I und tapering to a depth of six inches ;at either curb, In tho manner pro vided by Ordinance No. 193 and the ; charter of said city and In accordance with tho plans, profllo and specifica tions of the city engineer now on file in the office of tho city recorder, Separate proposals may bo made for cither grading, macadamizing or siuowaming included in said Improve ment. Each bid must be accompanied by a certified check payable to tuo mayor for a sum not less than ten percent of tho contract price, and no bid will be considered unless accom panied by such check, and upon blanks furnished by tho city recorder for such purboso. Said Improvement must be com pleted on or before Nov. 1st, 1909, Tho risht to reject anv and all hldi la hereby reserved. Tho estimate cost of said Imnrove. mont is I922.&5. By order of the council, A. M. ESSON, City Recorder, Published In the St. Johns Sept. 3, 10, and 17, 1909. i HENDRICKS I HARDWARE CO. NOW IS TIE TIME We have a fine assortment ou "t 1. I ", iiuuu. in ana pick out what you want. HENDRICKS' HARDWARE CO. All ktada of laundry work donei healed and Instantly relieved by ap- proUy. Roufh dry washing 6 GEORGE KIRKPATftrCK. N. D. C. Veterinary Surgeon. piying uaiiaru'a Snow Liniment, santa per pound. Calls made for Prepare for accidents by keeping laundry at any place. Ring us up a bottle always In the house. Best (Phone Rich. 991, St, Johns Laun for sprains, bruises, cutsscalds rheu dxj. 'Churchill Bros-proprtetors. mausm, neuralgia, ouniona any and o all acuea and pains. Price 25c, 50c. Wanted Young lady to solicit sub and $1.00. Sold by the North Bank svribera for tho Review. Good com Pharmacy. mission paid. Call at once. OFPlCK 4 l-a UNION AVENUB HOSPITAL 14 Phones - East 4016, B 2S98. Subscribe for the Telegram best evening paper on the coast See Ed Stockton.