ST. JOHNS REVIEW Wt.T IT'S NOW UP TO YOU To lulxcrlbt lor THIS Paper. All Iht now! whit It U ntwt U oar mollo, Ctll In and enroll GET IN THE HABIT Of a4rrtltlni la THIS rapt and jwt'U nerte rttrtl H. Be tin at ac aai kMp right at M Devoted lo (he Interest! of the Peninsula, the Manufacturing Center of the Northwest VOL. 5 ST. JOHNS, OREGON, -FRIDAY, AUGUST 27. 1909. NO. 42 MAKES A GOOD SHOWING Resume of Building Per mits and Street Work Tlio total nmount of St. Johns bulldltiK permits slnco Jnnunry 1 is $57,0.10. or this nmount, $51)00 Is for 28 ponnlts of less than $500 cncli, nnd tnken out In nunrly overy enso to in uk 0 alterations In buildings ul ready erected. Ono was for tlio $10, 000 school now building In tho oust ern pnrt of tho city, nnd tho remain Ing 32 worn for residences, of which tho average- cost Is over $1400 each,.$50 and tho winner to tako tho "pot." While this largo amount of building has been going on tho City Council has had to work until midnight ono night each wook and sometimes mora ; In order to keep nnywnoro near caught up with tho street Improve monts asked for, nnd Is now deluged with petitions for work which cun not poss'bly bo completed this Win ter. Sovcniy-flvo thousand dollars have been spent this season on 1 streets, which urn In various stages of Improvomuut. Oswego street has six blocks Improved at n cost of $1, 200; lluchauun six, costing $1000; I'lttsburg, Sulum and Crawford, one block each, at a total cost of $1000; Wall street, four blocks, $6800; Staf ford street four, $5 HO; nlno blocks of cement walk on West Itlchmond street, which Is n county road, at n cost of $0500; Portland bouluvard Is being Improved from Fossonden street to Duchnnnn street, n distance of 13 blocks, at n cost of $12,000; Willis boulovnrd Is being Improved from Fossonden street to St. Johns avonuo six blocks, to coot $3300; and Alio ghnnoy street Iiob cost $0500 for Its four long blocks. This mnkos a total of 70 blocks, somo of which aro 450 feet long, upon which work Is under wuy or has boon finished this season. In addition Improvements huvo boon asked for on numorous other stroots, nnd contractu will soon bo let for nearly $75,000 mora.. This docs not tuko In tho Intondod Philadelphia streot Improvement, tho estlmatod cost of which Is $33,000, or that of Fossonden street, which will cost $100,000, nnd which oxtonds from tho Portland city limits to tho WlllamotU river, n dlstanco of 11 nillo and n half and which Is to bu nlacndainUod tho full width for tho ontlro longth. Telegram. See the Elephant Tho harbor shops of St. Johns all closed Tuesday nftornoon In ordor that tho whisker nmputatora might bavo an opportunity to tako In IUngllng Dros.1 circus at Portland. Tho shops havo all been kept so busy lately that this bit of recrea tion was sadly neoded by tho harbor fraternity and It was enjoyed to tho fullest posslblo extent. Ned lerapu ado, glngor bread, peanuts and pop corn were taken In copious quanti ties and the boyhood days lived over again. Tho tonsorlul artists returned to their labors Wednesday morning greatly refreshed and gave vivid tales of tho great things they had wit nessed to their unfortunato patrons who were unable to be In attendance. Selling Fruit Land Harry C. Hunter Is now handling exclusively Linn county fruit lands and reports that ho Is meeting with marked success. The land Is located In tho Willamette valley and Is cut up mostly Into five acre tracts. Tho tracts sell for $1270 on the easy payment plan, and for this sum tho company agrees to plant It to trees and take proper care of It for a period of five years when It Is turned over to the purchaser a commercial orchard. "Happy" has his head quarters at 302, 303 and 30f Lum bermen's building. Portland, where he may be found by any one desiring to talk over the fruit land proposi tion. Dr. Muaford will speak at the Evangelical church next'Sunday morn Ing. Ho Is an outgoing missionary to China and is d very interesting talker. His wife, who will accompany him next month to the Celestial king do, will also tako part in this service. LOCALS DEFEAT -GRESHAM Heavy Stick Work Lead ing Feature of Game Tho btiso ball fnns of St. Johns wcro treated to an Interesting ex hlbltlon of tho National gamo Sun day afternoon, Qrcsham, which was second on tho list when tho Intorur ban teaguo closed, wore- the oppon ents of tho locals who woro second In tho Trl-Clty league. The contest was purported to be played for n purso of $100, each sldo putting up , This Incentive was tho moans of at trading qulto a number of lovorn of ih0 Rj,ort to tho local grounds. (Jrcsham was fairly represented In n fandom way with qulto a sprinkling 0f tho fair sex In ovldonce. Tho ilia nxiKi or lM0 Mcr w'l011 tliulr chain ,,01, miu0 n ,,oor vay wnn cx, pressed In an emphatic way, and whet St. Johns carried off tho gamo their disapprobation was loo deep for words. Tho font tiro of tlio gamo was tho heavy batting proclivities of tho locals. Singles, two baggorn and triples emtio so rapidly that they fin ally co.'sed to nrotiso comment. Pitcher Olncy, Stone, Summers, Pem broke and Behuffer wcro there with tho goods when It enmo to stick work. Pitcher Olnuy had tho gamo well In hand throughout, nnd on only ono occasion did tho Urcsham lads look very duugcrous, and that was when tho scoro was 0 to 5 In tl'.D local's favor nnd tho bases wero filled with Oroshnm runners. Tho next hatter, howovor, was retired on an easy chnnco to pitcher, making three out. Schnffer was a llttlo off color at short and had several errors to his credit. His good batting, how ovor, offset tho damage ho was re sponsible for In tho field. Adams played a good game at second. Stone, howovor, at first, was tho bright star of tho gamo. Everything that catno hla way was gobbled up In a man ner uovor vxcollod In 11 major league game. Wild throws nnd grounders hot off tho bat all looked nllku to htm and ho gathered them all In without an error. Stupid and III ad vised base running on tho part of tho locals kept tho scoro down much less than It would otherwise havo been. Tho most stupendous act along this lino was when Poff was on third with no ono out. Heavy hitting Schnffer was at tho bat at tho tlmo, and the conchor gave tho signal for a hit nnd run play. Tho battor, never a success In tho bunting line, attempted to do so but missed tho ball and Poff was put out at homo with ridiculous easo. Tho Greshatn catcher was tho most accurata thrower seon hore this year nnd after a couple of local runners had mado a dismal failure of stealing sec ond, tho coachor still advised thorn to mako the try, but not one sue coded In purloining tho base uuless there was a runner on third. Tho local outfleldors had nothing to do, not oue fly being captured nor an error mado by them. The scoro at tho end of the game was 9 to 6, In favor of the locals, These two clubs have now each won a gamo In tho series of three. Tho final game will bo played in St. Johns Septorabor 12th. It will bo well for the fans to bear this date In mind, as It will undoubtedly bo the most Interesting and exciting of the throe. After Many Days The proposed Improvement of rtlchmond street through tho Caples tract has now reached a point nearer consummation than has yet been the case. The viewers' report has been accepted and the matter will be pushed as rapidly as possible from now on. It Is likely that the courts will be called upon to decide the matter, as It Is an Impossibility to satisfy both Mrs. Caples and the Severance estate however the assess ments mlsht be mado by any body of viewers. Tho Improvement has been pending In council for several years and the people are anxious to have the street go through without further delay. BlUood & Cole aro now nicely lo cated In their new market on North Jersey la the Turner stand. Drop in. COUNCIL HOLDS LONG SESSION And Burn a Little Midnight "Oil" in Effectually Disposing of the Rock Crusher Proposition and Looking After the Details Connected With Street Work Council met In rogulnr session Tucbday night with all mombers present. Tho Bosnian was ono of tho longest that him yet occurred. Con- nM.trnliln m u-no tiiknn tin In ills. cussing tho provisions of tho rock crusher contract, and In looking over now nroflles of streets unon which; li. rrovomont Is desired. After tho minute vrro rend and approved, tho contract for tho op- peratlon of tho rock crusher by N. a. Nolso wns takeH. and after several nlieratlons and changes woro mado Hereto. waB unniilmnusly accepted by council. 1 A remonstrance registered by Mrs.' W. li. Ashbcy mid presented by W. H. Ilasscy against B. C. Hurlhcrt as vlowur on tho condemnation as - si-cMnents on Fossondun street from; Jersey street to the Wlllamotto river was rend. Tho rlmrrn uinde was thu thu said viewer was a real estate agent and was distasteful to somo of tho property owners nnd tho docu ment asked that a man of tn'llir Judgomont bo appointed In his stead. After somo discussion tho communi cation wns accepted and placed on file, muncll not dooming tho chnrgoj sufficient to disqualify and dlsplacot Mr, Hurlbert. Thiro wns ono bid on thu lm-' provement of Tncomn street by Thos. Cochran, ns follows: Cut 25c, fill From Bad to Worse Ksthor Mitchell, tho central figure In Seattle's Holy Holler killings of two yoars ago, Is In tho hands of tho Provincial Police at Victoria, 11. C, having been found, horribly omnclatcd and heavy with opium in n Chinaman's shack at Departure Hay. She Is hold for vagrancy and will probably go to a rescuo homo. In Soattlo during July, 1007, her brother shot Joshua Cref field, a Holy Holler priest, whom ho charged with ruining tho girl. Ksthor, mooting her avenging brother at tho Union De pot, shot him dead, allegedly bolng Inspired thereto by Crofflold'a wife. Sho escaped punlshmont on tuo ground of tompornry Insanity and has slnco fallen lower and lower, consort ing wholly with tho Chinese of late, and living only to satisfy her craving for the poppy. Ksthor Mitchell loft Fort Stolla- cooni asylum, noar Tacoma, whoro she had been confined, somo months ago, without being discharged. Slnco that time the Washington authorities hnvo been quietly scoklng her, nnd sho may be brought back to tho asy. lum. Home From the Springs Adam Kaeralcln nnd Charles Dor rle returned the latter part of last week from a two weeks' sojourn at Collins Springs. They spent a day also at Hood Hlver and took a drlvo out through tho valloy, Doth woro agreeably surprised at the beautiful country In the valley and the man ner in which the orchards aro kept thero, Each tree Is given moro at tention than Is generally accorded a whole orchard In the east and tho ground under tho trees are as well kept and as free from weeds as a flower garden. The Indian maidens around Collins Springs tried hard to make a "mash" upon our two hand some townsmen, but they remained true to their Interests here, Treated Badly The woolen mill base ball team Journeyed to Woodlawn last Sunday and defeated the club of that place a score of 8 to 3. Tho manage ment complains very bitterly of the treatment accorded" them by the Woodlawn aggregation, as they were impelled to pay their own car fare and pay a boy to carry water. They will not be iu a hurry to play another game In that town. Ask your dealer for Easy Shine Shoo Polish. . 20c, 12-foot plnnk sldo walk 85c per foot, crushed rock $2.50 per cubic yard. Tho bid was accepted by coitii- ctt. An thorn wnn no bid filed for tho Improvement of Knst llurllngton I street, It was decided to Instruct, tho engineer to prepare now estl- i mates and rendvertlso for bids. It semis that thero Is ouch n conglom- oration of brick bats, plnnk, mud, dirt, nnd dobrls 011 tho streot that no contractor cared to tackle it at tho estimnto under which tho recent cnll for bids was made. Dills to thu nmount of $300.85 wcro allowed. 1 Tho engineer reported thnt n number of tho streets In South St.; , Johns upon which Improvement has been asked for nro prohibitive on tic - i count of tho low assessment of tho ' pronortv nlonif theso streuts. Tho same conditions obtain In somo of tho North Knd streets. It seems thnt tho assessor placed tho assess - monts entirely too low nnd away out of proportion to tho real vnluu of tho property. A number of tho lots aro assessed at $200, when It Is very doubtful If any of them could bo bought for less than $500. This In- adequate nssessmunl work of tho County Assessor promises to provo n serious Impediment In tho way of street work, nnd It Is certainly to bo Will Be a Banner Year Nlnotoon hundred nnd ton Is to bo tho banner year for now settlors In the Northwest, according to rail way men, Of tho third of n million applicants In Undo Bain's land lot tery, It Is believed that ono half will como next year to locate. This moans tho unsuccessful ones, who saw tho Inud to bo had horo and wero Improssod by tho opportunities. Thu big travel to thu Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Kxposltlou Is expected In Septomber, when tho farmers In tho , middle west hnvo handled their crops. Those who havo been hero and gone back home, nro boosting harder than over. In fact tho outlook for 1910 Is 'so promising that operating depart-' ' monts of all Northwestern lines aro ' planning to buy moro equipment. Likes it Fine On a lour of tho Northwest to get material for a sorlos of letters j to his paper, tho Chicago Hocord-1 Herald, William K. Curtis, probably! tho host known correspondent In tho! world, was a Portlund visitor during tho past wook. In discussing tho, Hoso City, ho said; "Portland Is tho, best city on tho Pacific Coast and I! would rather llvo hero than In any other city of which I know, Port land Is farther along than any other; city on tho Pacific Coast; by that I moan It Is moro mature than nny of thu big cities of tho West." These aro strong words, coming us thoy do from a man who has travellod all ' over tho world. Japs Are on the Way An ovent of groat Intorest, es pecially to tho Pacific Coast, will bo the visit of 30 of the leading busi ness men of Japan, who will nrrlvo on Soptembor 6 for a tour of 50 cities of tho country. Tho vlsltora nro coming to learn of tho resources and commercial methods of tho Unltod States. Tho trip about tho country will bo mado In a splondldly equlppod special train at a cost of $76,000, contributed by tho business Interests of tho United States. A committee of prominent men has been named to have chargo of tho visitors while In Portland and arrange for their entertainment here. Mrs. W, P. Fennell and two chil dren of Eaglo Creek, Mich., who havo been visiting at tho homo of their old time friend, Mrs. H. E. Knight, for tho past week or so, left Saturdaj for their Eastern home, regretted thnt n man familiar with tho trim values of tho lots In St Johns did not hnvo charge of tho . assessment work. A report Of tho Viewers Oil the condemnation of FesBondun Btroct Jersey to tho city limits wan pro sented nnd referred to tho street committee and city attorney to look Into. It wnn n voluminous doctiiiiont, 1 nnd will rcqtilro somo tlmo to digest. ltesolutlon for thu extension and Improvement of Charleston street ; through Cedar Park wnM adopted and , tho engineer Instructed to prepnro tho nocessury plans and estimates. I A resolution providing for tho con 1 demnatlon of a strip of 30 feet of land on Knst Charleston street was adopted. 1 An ordinance nuthorlxlng thu Mayor to enter Into n contract for tho op oration of tho rock crusher wns passed by tho council nnd may bo found elsewhere In this Issue, ! An ordinance assessing tho cost of ' tho Improvement of South Jersey from Itlchmond to Mohawk, was passed and appears In this Issue, j It having come to tho notice of council thnt It wim qulto probnhli that thu city could socuro Catlln street from tho railroad to tho river, tho Mayor wns selected to confer with Mr. Marker and tho Woyerhaueser In terests In regard thereto. Almost Got Him ' P. II. Kdlefsen nnd family returned Monday from n couplu of weeks' tnsto of camping out Hfu on Kilt Creek. Tho "Huron" Is roported to hnvo had qulto an oxporlonco with n hoar thero. Ho sighted one In tho woods 0110 day, nnd not having any sort of weapon with him ho decided to glvo It it cIiiiho anyhow. Making, a desperate npurl ho managed to mb It by tho tall with two of his fingers nnd ho held on for two miles but could not gain enough to gut n good handhold. Just when ho thought ho wan going to maku 11 all right ho tripped over a root and tho varmint got nwny. Wo cannot vouch for this, but only report It ns wo heard It. Seeks the Peninsula Another largo company has se lected tho Puntnsula as a nultablo situ for thu' operation of an Immense plant. It Is tho Pacific (Jiib Traction Co. and will construct u new typo of traction onglno for use In farm work. Klght acres havo bcon socurod at Kenton and $100,000 will bo oxpondod In factory buildings and waruhouses, About 1C0 fcklllcd workmon will bo given employment. Plnns for tho fac tory building aro now bolng drafted and tho final negotiations will bo con cluded In a few days. Tho Ponlnsula Is certululy securing Its share or largo Industries these days. Wouldn't It Pay St, Johns seems to bo badly In noeO of n first class livery stablo where driving horses may bo secured at any and all times. Wo havo In quiries ulinost every week ns to where to secure 11 horso and buggy to drlvo over tho city, but whether there Is not enough demand to maku It u paying proposition or whether It has Just been allowod to go by default Is a quostlon wo uro not pre pared to answer, but It Is u fuct that a good livery would bo n groat accomodation to many visitors that come hero. Abandoned All Hope Tho police havo practically aban doned all hopo of solving tho mys tery surrounding tho death of Mrs. May Heal, who was, run down nnd killed by a big red touring car on the LInnton road August 6. Tho many clows developed. all proved to bo unstable, ENTHUSED WITH OUTLOOK Expert Eamos Writes a Glowing Letter Following aro n fow oxtracls taken from n letter received this week M. F. Loy from It, W. KnmcH, tl great 011 expert who in In ctinrgo affnlrs on tho ground for tho Kastc Oregon Oil & (las Co. They ip-ov beyond n shadow of 11 doubt thnt Mi Karnes has unbounded faith In tho fut uro of tho oil fleldH of this local company and Is Intensely onthuiiliMtl over tho outlook; "Wo hnvo not titiucturcd tho OUSI1KH basin yet. but from pre ent Indlcnlloim wo will soon, Tiiero Is n very marked Improvement In thu gas and oil coming from tho well nl present. It Is very strong nnd of hlith urndo. Wo nro uolnir to redttco tho boro nnd push down ns fast us conditions will permit In order to get thu itushor for Thanksgiving. All tho other wells near us are on tho verge of tapping thu pool. Tho oil and gas Indications nro gutting stronger nnd of better grado. "While thu production of petroleum Iiiih Increased wonderfully, every nlno years wo havo to produce as mucii ull ns In nil tho preceding yearn In order to keep up with tho demand. Therefore, wo will huvo to hustle homo In tho next nlno years. The demand Is now ahead of thu pro- kluctlun and Is Increasing flvo times 11s fast as tho production. WK AHr. ON TIIK BVB OP AN OIL PANIC. This dorado will experience ono of thu greatest famines over known In any ono commodity nit oil fumlno, "This statement Is corroborated by Walter It. Dunham of California nnd other good nutliorllli'N. Mr. Dunham In acknowledged to bo ono of tho host statistical oil authorities In tho world. Ho has visited tho Valo field twice and In IiIh recent visit ho ex pressed himself nH satisfied that wd havo 11 wonderful oil fluid hero that will tiroducu hliih grade olla. such as lubricating and Illuminating produclH, tin,: tho fluid Is duo to como in soon and thnt Valo will bo the IIUUB KYK OK TIIK WOHI.I). "I tell you, friend l.oy, thero Is very llttlo question logardlug tho grout futuro of this field. All tho lusldu Inud has been taken up and liuiulrles aro being madu for moru; Htocks nro Hulling readily; InqulrloH for general Information coming in dally; tho outside world Is taking no tice of us, iind within Blx motuim this field will bo In u statu of the wildest boom over experienced In tho oil camp. It will mako u boom gom cuiiiii seem llko u Kruvo yard. Thu greatest opportunities to mako a stuku aro rapidly passing, novor 10 return, I havo u drlllor from Califor nia who has had flfluen yearn of ex perience thero uud Is well quulirieil to express un opinion on thu fluids, uud ho says: 'There Is no uouin about oxlstouco of oil In largo quan tities hero.' I nut urging my frlomm to OUT IN NOW. Oil lauds, oil stockanything In oil hero will bring ., rnturii of 1000 iur cent In tho near futuro, lu my koi. Kvory day udds now proof of this belief; ovory ex nort Iiiih so decided; ovory oil mun that bus visited the field has gono away with this sumo conviction. It iH u i.luco to bring u Mlssouriun you can show him uud convince him hero, "Kvorytliliig Is nllvo hero now. Valo Is full of trniislunts. Tho very uir Is full of oxpoctuncy. Lund vul- uos aro going up uud will soon bo out of tho reach of tho smull in- ester. This will not roiuuln open but u very short time, so If you havo a friend that wants to mako a stako hero OUT HIM IIKHK QUICK.' Home Talent Play A homo talent play entitled "No- vuda, or tho Lost Mine" will appear t tho Eaglo hull Thursdoy, bept. vw ho play will bo under tho direction f W. II. Shanklund of this city, nnd also under tho uuspices of tho Fra- lornul Hrothorhood. Tho event prom ises to bo of moro than usual In terest nnd will no doubt bo strongly patronized by our peoplo. For cust of characters, etc, suo hand bills. Wuyno h. Mills and fumlly will movo to Whltwood Court Saturday. WOMAN SEEKS POINTERS And Learns All She De sires to Know Thoy woro In tho grand stand to root for St. Johns thnt Is, ho wns. Sho wan thero to obtain flomo In formation, n wns evidently her first npenrnncu nt tho National pastime, llu stood tho flro of questions ad mirably for two Innings, then tho sin I In vnnlshcd nnd n perceptlblo frown nppenred. At tho end of tho fourth his collar wan badly wilted and now wrinkled furrowed hln brow, whllo hard, cruel linos woro tighten ing about his Jnw, Sho, hln luqulnl tlvu llttlo wife, wnn still mulling nnd Inquiring nnd unfortunately oblivious of tho storm gathering In her vicin ity. Finally, with three men on bases, two out and Pembroke nt tho bnt ready to do or die, sho again drew hur distracted hubby's attention from tho game to Inquire whether It was called a run when tho "umplro" said "threo strikes." llu looked nt her lu strong slleuco n moment, gulped hard, thou roso to his foot nnd shak ing lid finger In hur fnco roared: "Now, woman, look hero; I've stood for this outrageous questioning ho long thnt thu players all look llko Inter rogation points to mo, nnd I urn go ing to hand you n bunch of Informa tion nil In ono cluster. Iot me In form you that I don't know why tho (Ireshnm pitcher hits moro lints than Olnuy doen; I don't know whether those base bags nro stuffed with sand, rolled onta or pop corn, and I don't enru whether thoy would look nicer with Inco trimmings or not; I don't know why Poff wears n blue stocking on his loft leg mid n red one on his right, llu probably belongs to tho flro company and tho National guards, or else got them' mixed In muking his annual change; I don't know why thu umplro keeps looking nt thnt hulo In tho fenco when ho Isn't busy, 'though It's posslblo that ho may havo to go through thero presently, Tho short stop doeu not havo to ho short to hold that posi tion. Tho wlro netting lu front of us wns placud thero to keep out foul halls, not fowls; thu man behind us meant thu ball when ho referred to that easy fly, not mi Insect. I don't know whether tho first baseman Is u married man or not, but I don't think he la ho looks qulto Kunalblu. Thu policeman Is hero to keep order and not to provent players from stealing u busu; 1 do not know why Adams tried to catch n bull with oiiu hand whuu ho Is allowed to uso both; 1 do not know why tho center fielder ran over to left field to catch it fly when thero wus u man In left field for that purpose; iiulthcr do 1 know why Schuffor dous not stop tho bulls when tho gamo Is being plnyod when ho proved that ho could do so during practice, but l do know this, however, thut I would as soon bu un alienist on tho stand before Jeromo ns try to enjoy baseball In tho company of u woman who doesn't know enough uboitt tho gumo to tell thu dlfforoncQ botwoou thu home plato and cunter field, nnd If I am over duffy enough to tuko another woman to n baso ball game I hope tho losing team will liitstuko mo for tho umplro uftorward and beat my crazy block off." Are Being Shown J. H. Coffman nnd wlfo of Hates county, Missouri, aro guests ut tho homu of their daughter, Mrs. O. lu Perrlno In this city. Oeo. It, Is doing tho honors ns guldo and Is busy showing Mr. Coffmnn tho many at tractive sights and scones to ' bo found In St. Johns and vicinity. As Mr. Coffman Is from Missouri, of course ho bus to bo shown, nud thero Is no ono hero who can show one lu a moro elaborate manner and mako moro bowlldorlng statements tlinn Mr. Perrlno. Mr. nnd Mrs. Coff- man will visit Senttlo and Victoria before returning to their nutlvo soil. Mrs. E. J. Martin uunounccs tho Fall opening of hor millinery goous Wednesduy, Soptembor 8th. A full lino of tho latest and most modern in tlio mllllnor's art will bo on exhibi tion at hor storo on North Jersey streot.