St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, August 20, 1909, Image 1

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    riUforleat SocJy
To iubwrlb lor THIS Ptftt.
All lh ntwi whlb It U newt U
ear .motto. Call In and tnroll
Of adrntbaif la THIS Pft
aad jwa'B amt rttrtt H. B
t la al aaca tut kata rfeht at M
Derated to the Interest of the Peninsula, the Manufacturing Center of the Northwert
VOL. 5
NO. 41
Explosion of Oil Causes
Death of Mrs. Basey
Tho saddest and most distressing
accident thnt wo hnvo been called up-
on to clironlclo In St. Johns occurred
Saturday evening at tho homo of V.
8. llasoy on North Edison street.
a result Mrs. llnsey Ih dead and hur
slstor. Mrs. W. 13. Ashboy. Is still
In a critical condition, Tho women
wero nt tho RoBey homo about flvo
o'clock and In order to Blurt n quick
flro kerosene was used, Tho oil ox
plodcd and flow Into Mr.s llnsey'i
faca and sot flro to her clothing
Mrs. Ashboy enmo to tho rcscuo nnd
In tho endeavor to put out tho
flames her clothing also caught flro
To inako mntterB worse, tho womon
threw over themselves tho contents
of a can supposed to bo water but
which In reality 'wan kerosono.
Scronmlng with pain and both blnx
lug, tho two rushed from tho build
Inir in tliu yard, where tho attention
of George Klhorldgo, who liven nuur
by, wan utlracted. llo Immodlntcly
ran to thorn, tore tho clothing away
und smothered the flames with his
baro hnnds. llo was severely burned
In his heroic efforts but not seriously.
A physician wan called and both
women removed to their homes,
lloth woro badly burned about tho
front of tho body and tho neck.
After lliiKorliiK nlong tll about
noon Sunday, suffering excruciating
pain, Mrs. llasoy succumbed to her
Injuries and passed to her long homo
In thu Oreat Ileyond, whuro pain nnd
suffering are unknown. While still
suffering much pain, It Is bolloved
that Mrs. Ashboy will eventually re
cover from her Injuries. Tho dis
tressing nffnlr cast a pntl of gloom
ovor tho city, for both ladles uro
well known and well liked.
Mrs. Ilasey was aged about 30
years and loaves to mourn hor un
timely death a husband and Httlo
daughter, ltecontly tho llttlo girl
captured first prlxo In tho baby con
tost at tho Kluctrlo Thoatro. Tho do
conned was a most ostlmublo huly.
Sociable, gonial, loving nnd entirely
devoted to her family, she was an
Ideal wlfo aud a fond nnd loving
mother. She possessed tho hnppy
faculty of making frlonds readily nnd
easily, nnd thoreforo hur frlonds woro
Cure for Diphtheria
Mrs. A. B. Alpaugh, of Darton.
Or., has sont in tho following Oor
man remedy for diphtheria; "Put
equal quantities of pine tar and tur
pontine In a tin cup or equally good
receptacle, and place on tho stovo
where It will slowly slmmor or fry.
Shut nil tho doors and windows.
Bring In tho patient und let him In
hale the fumes for an hour or more,
according to the severity of the cuso.
I cured a very soro throat with that
method In flvo minutes. For sev
eral days the sensation In my throat
was delightfully pleaasnt. I also
cured a severe case of sore throat In
a fine calf I own. Tho calf simply
put Its nose . In the can and seemed
to enjoy It Immensely," Journal.
Here From Alaska
j, f, Hopkins, a millionaire mining
man of Stewart, Alaska, was a guest
ot Postmaster Valentine's home Sat
urday and Sunday. Mr. Hopkins Is
an elderly man whom the party of
Alaska tourists sent out by the Tele
gram recently met while In that coun
try, and he did much to mako the
trip an enjoyable one. As a souvenir
of Mrs, Valentine's trip to the land
of the midnight sun Mr. Hopkins pre
sented her with a handsome bracelet
made of small uniform sized gold
nuggets which he selected himself.
Martin Stewart of the same town ac
companied Mr. Hopkins here. The
two left for New York city Monday
morning and will spend a few more
days, here on their return.
' Dr. George Klrkpatrlck, a veterln
ary surgeon of Portland, has a card
.Li. tlo Ima hnri veara Of
experience along this line, and any
. . . . I I J An
one desiring nis services wouiu
well to call him up.
Promises to Make a St.
Johns Man Wealthy
A. C. Onirics of this city has Just
received letters patent on ono of tho
most Ingenious Inventions of modern
times.' It Is what might bo termed
an expansion wheel. Tho spokes nro
"f thu finest Hteel nnd of curved
shniio. Tho wheel Is admirably
adapted for automobiles as It docs
away with tho pnoumntlc tiro entirely.
With these wheels nttnehed to an
auto, driving over 11 rough nnd
rocky road Is almost n plcasuro, as
tho springy spokes relievo tho con-
concussion nnd tho shock la much
lighter than would bo tho enso
A-cro tho latest and most approved
modem pnoumntlc tires substituted.
On a whcolbnrrow thoy nro also
irent. With this wheel attached to
1 barrow ono could push a load of
eggs ovor almost uiiy surface with
out breaking onu of them. They nro
ilso adapted for passenger trulun,
.rolloy curs und nil kinds of vehicles.
A cursory elnnco at ono of tho wheels
Is all thnt Is necessary to ronllzo tho
groat possibilities and Inestlmnblo
value of this Mlmple yet Ingenious In
vention. Uvory ono who has yet
neon tho wheel uro quite enthusiastic
ovor It nnd bellovo It will soon como
Into universal uro. A crude model of
thu Invention Is now on exhibition at
I'. A. IJredeen's real estato officii on
North Jersey struct, nnd It Is well
worth tiny ono's whllo to look It
over. Mr. dallies Is to bo congratu
lated upon tho result of his brains
und labor, nnd wo hope ho will mako
11 million or two out of It.
Grasshoppers Plenty
Tho grasshopper has struck us
good nnd hard during tho past wook
and is inuklng u clean sweep of somo
of tho gnrdons In town. At this writ
ing their ndvont dates back only a
fow days, In fact slnco Sunday, but
tho amount ot damngu they have al
ready dotio Is nlmost unbelievable.
Corn and bonus so fur scorn to bo
tholr favorlto eating and theso thoy
hnvo stripped cloan down to tho
ground. Icnvlug only tho baro stocks
behind. If thoy continue to sproad,
which no doubt will bo tho case, tho
many fine gardens about (own will
look protty sick In a fow days time.
Kersey (Col.) Horald.
Will tho man who claims mat
Colorado Ib for suporlor to Orogon
kindly apologize for tho above?
A Thoughtful' Idea
in lieu of nn up-to-dato city direc
tory, B, O. Mngoon has placed at the
disposal of tho public a book for In
scribing tho names und addresses of
nil the residents of St, Johns. Every
rttiion of St. Johns Is requested to
call at his storo on Jersoy street
and record tho desired Information.
Mr. Magoon has offored to do this
bocause so many messenger boys nnd
strangers dally come here In nn en-
doavor to locate somo one, and as
there Is no rellablo and up-to-date
directory In existence It, Is difficult
find the parlies dcsirea. u woum
well to remember this and tako
advantage of Mr. Magoon'a public
Made Things Lively
Quite a lively scrap took placo In
one of the prominent alley-ways ot
tho city last Monday afternoon. Tho
participants were two well known bus
iness men who, apparently, did not
lovo each other as well as tho Good
nook advises. A pair of badly dam-
aged visages and sore beads resulted
from the fracas. Several other setios
a minor scale are also reporlea.
The "dog days' as a rule are re-
sponsible to a large extent for this
lack ot amiability, and August Is
noted for its vast amount of discon
tent, touchiness, disagreeable feeling,
combatatlveness and general "don't
care a cuss'-edness.'
Bltgood & Cole are now nicely lo
cated In tholr new market on North
Jersey In tho Turner stand. Drop In.
Viewers' Report on the Condemnation of Richmond Street
Through the Caples Tract Accepted by Council
in Spite of the Vigorous Protest
Council met on Tuesday night with
n full representation of officials and
before tho ovonlng wns over disposed
of tho rock crusher proposition on n
rood U'liuo,
After tho minutes of tho previous
mooting woro rend nnd approved, n
communication from tho St. Johns
Lumber Co, In reply to an Inquiry
made by tho city attorney as to their
authority for placing permnnent Im
provements on West Ilurllngton street
was rend, accepted and ordered filed.
It mny bo found In another column,
as wc doomed It of sufficient Interest
lo publish It in full.
A report of tho St. Johns Trans
portation Co. showed thnt GD7G foot
passengers, 303 singlo rigs and 1G0
niLlo rigs had crossed thu river on
tho ferry during tho month of July;
nlso 32 commutation tickets had been
told. A check for $8.80 ns tho city's
dividend of onu and one-half per cent
of tho gross receipts accompanied tho
report, both of which woro accepted,
Rids for tho leaso of tho rock
crusher were then taken up. There
were two on tho tnblo, ono by W. K.
Menso of Portland, nnd tho other by
M. T. Swan of this city. Tho former
tfercd to supply tho city rock at tho
rule of 82 Hi cunts por cubic yard nnd
tilvo n royalty of 10 cents por yard
fnt till rock sold to outsldu pnrtles.
Wo bid asked far a lease of from six
months to two years aud tho bidder
offered to put up a bond In tho suni
One on the Horse
"My hntl" screamed thu fair ono,
as she was seated with hor back
to tho strcot on Yamhill, between
Second nnd Third, waiting for a car.
"Savo my hat," was tho next appeal,
and with It n blushing, half fright
ened, half npologetlo woman sprung
from tho bench to tho wnlk, with
both hands clutching nt nn ornato
ploco ot headgear which sho had
snatched from a horse's mouth, Up
on examination It was found that thu
groat millinery creation was sound,
with tho exception of tho tips of
somo artificial oats which adorned
After soatlng horsolf for a fow
minutes' wait, a dellvory boy drove
up behind hor with somo fruit for
tho llttlo store. Thu big horuo had
boon brought to a stop with his
head only a couple of feet behind
tho tempting basket from which pro
truded tho oats. Innocently ho
reached for a llttlo blto of tho
green stuff. As ho smelt It somo
doubt appeared to wander through
his mind, but avldontly recalling
that his taste und olfactory organ
might be proverted by a long diet
on chop feeds, ho munched at tho
ontB. Tho lady, feeling somothlng
pulling lightly at hor hat, put hor
hand up, when this member ran
against the big, soft equine mouth.
Then thero was the scream and tho
ump and tho glare at man's devoted
friond, which, however, changed to
laughter when tho situation fully
dawnod upon tho owner ot tho big
hat. Telegram.
A Great Gathering
During late Soptombor and early
October, Portland will be the scene
the greatest gathering of under
takers ever held In America. It will
the occasion of tho annual con
vention of the National Funeral Dl-
rectors' Association, In conjunction
1th which will bo held the annual
conventions ot the Oregon and Wash.
Ington stato associations, Septem
ber 28, 29 and 30 and October 1 and
are the dates set for the throe
conventions. This will be the first
time the national convention has
been held on the Pacific Coast.
Preparations hnvo been made to
give the visitors a warm reception.
They will be dined at the Com
mercial Club, formally welcomed to
the city by the Mayor and the
Club officials and taken about Port
land and up tho Columbia river for
sight-seeing trips.
Praach the gopl ot 8t Johns.
of J2500 for tho faithful carrying out
of the obligations entailed, Mr.
bwan'o bid offered to furnish rock to
tho city for 8G cento per ynrd nnd al
low 10 cents royalty on all rock sold
to citlMdcrs. Ho offered to put up n to the amount of $500. Upon
motion tin bid of Mr. McnBo was un
niilmuusly ncceptcd nnd tho attorney
Inetruclid to draft an ordlnniico cov
ering tho leaso of tho samo.
Hills to tho amount of $77.GG,
which Included Janitor service, rod
man, wood, drnyago and work nt tho
rock crusher, woro allowed.
Mr. Darling, tho pop corn man, was
present to discover what nmount of
license money ho wns llnble for un
der tho provisions of the city ordin
unroh, nnd It wns decided to charge
him tho rnto of fin por quarter, which
was quite satisfactory to tho corn
A lengthy objection to tho exten
sion and condemnation proceedings
of Richmond strcot ns assessed by
the recent body of viewers was In
troduced by O. 12. learned. Ho did
not think tho findings wero fair nnd
equltnblo and offered to trndo land
lustund of stand for thu nssessment.
If this could not bo .done ho asked
that a now sot of viewers bo ap
pointed. Council, however, decided
that nothing would ho gained by
further delaying thu matter, and nn
ordinance adopting tho viewers' report
wns unanimously adopted, and mny
Would You Be Happier-
If you had seen tho ncrup?
If wo had a telegraph offlco?
If tho kuockors woro nil boosters?
It tho ferry was on tho freo list?
If local freight woro In operation?
If tho schools woro now doing busi
ness, !
If tho houso cleaning days wero
ovor? I
If you owned more lots In St.1
Johns? 1
If more people did tholr trading In
St. Johns.
If tho grndo on Kdlson strcot was
established? j
If you could porsuado your wlfo to
tako In washing?
If tho posky fllos would only koop
off that bald spot?
If your board would grow fnstor
slnco tho lady burbor camo to town?
If you woro 0110 of tho Kovlow'tt
regular subscribers? Of course you
If you could got out of utornul
Hades as oaslly ns you can escapo
from tho ono at tho Oaks?
If tho poach basket hat wns In no
danger of dovoloplng Into a. poach
orchard adornment next yoar?
If ono of tho river front proporty
owners would accept tho llarrlman
railroads as part puymout for a fac
tory site on said land?
Will Have to be Careful
Joy rldors havo boon put under
tho ban by tho Portland Automo
bllo Club und stops wero taken at
a meeting hold this week to do away
with rockless motorists. Kccont
killings by autos on spoodways
about the city by tho class of drlvors
known aB Joy riders havo caused tho
Automobile Club to start a campaign
to restrict dare-devil automobile
speeding. Resolutions wero passed
at tho meeting and members of the
club aro going to do everything they,
can to put a stop to speeding on
public roads.
Large Cereal Mi
Work has been started In Port
land on what will be tho biggest
and most complete cereal mill on
the Coast. The mill Is being built
by Albers Dros. and will be located
on the river front, where additional
property tor tho purpose was recent
ly purchased. When comploto, tho
plant will represent an outlay of
$1,000,000. It Is expected tho plant
will be ready for operation this
bo found In thin Issue
On recommcndntlon of tho city en
gineer and tho street committee tho
grading and sidewalk ot llurr street,
Jersey to Wlllnmotto bottlovnrd, was
accepted by council.
A resolution was ordered drawn
covering tho condemnation proceed
lugs ot Hast Charleston nnd Chicago
streets, ris all difficulties previously
In tho wny hnvo now been removed.
A resolution directing tho ctiglu
ccr to propnro tho necessary plans,
specifications nnd profllo for thu Im
provement of Crawford street wns
read nnd adopted.
Thu attorney was directed to pro
pare n resolution for tho extension of
llurr street, Portland boulevard to tin
county road on tho Kant with cement
sidewalk on ono sldo only, This res
olution wns nt onco drawn und
passed by tho council directing tho
engineer to propnro tho necessnry
specifications, etc.
Tho communication ot tho St.
Johns Lumber company wns then dis
cussed at length. It wns thu con
census ot opinion thnt this compnny
should hnvo a leaso for tho uso ot
Ilurllngton street In order to pro
tect themselves from any action any
future council' might bo disposed to
tnko In tho matter. Only n nominal
rental will bo requested, as It Is not
tho desire of any of tho councllmun
:o work 11 hardship with this enter
prising company.
The Way-Man Would Do
Could anything ho 11 hotter Illustra
tion of tho wny womon do their work
ns compared with tho wny mon do
theirs, thnu to look over a village of
say, 11 thousand families, on Monday?
In a thousand llttlo kitchens a thous
and women would bo soon thrusting
wood Into n thousand llttlo stoves,
heating a thousand llttlo wash-hollers
bending their backs over 11 thousand
llttlo wash-boards and hanging their
clothes 011 n thousand llttlo clothes
lines. It, by somo singular social rev
olution, tho men of such n village
woro to undortnko to do tho work,
their first step would bo to got up u
stock company, Invest capital In
building nnd machinery, so orgnulxo
tho work that nbout u half doxon
men cuu do tho work for tho whole
town, rccolvu good salaries thoreforo,
und tho rest of tho men would go
about tholr business on Monday Just
us on uny other days. lix.
Will Entertain the Japs
Kxtonslvo plans aro now bolng
made for tho reception and enter
tainment of tho. Jupuueso excursion
ists who will visit tho Northwest dur
ing tho early part of Soptombor. Tho
party Is expected to spend two days
In Portland und they will bo exteii
fclvcly ontertulned whllo horo. A ro
caption committee has been named b:
t'i-i Portland commercial bodies that
will tako chargo of tho ropresonta.
lives of tho laud of Nippon and seo
that nothing Is overlooked In making
thiun welcome. Tho visitors nro very
prominent In tho commercial lifo of
Japan und hope to bring nbout closer
Industrial relations bawcoii tho two
Prominent Visitors
Governor Shnllenborgor, of Nobrus.
kn, with his staff, will visit tho Pa
cific Northwest this mouth and will
be tho guest or Portland 011 August
21 and 22. Whllo In tho city ho aud
his party will bo entertained by tho
Portland Commercial Club and ovory
possible courtesy will bo shown tho
visitors. Tho purty will mako stops
at pother Coast points, including a
stay of flvo days at tho Seattle Ex
position. The trip Is made for the
purpose of getting hotter acquainted
with tho Coast and coming Into
closer touch with Its people.
8. C, Ilurk of Oregon City was a
business caller in this city Tuesday.
Rumored That It Wanted
New City Dock
Ai.athcr vast enterprise will bo
housed In Portland or on n ncnr-clty
slto beforo tho closo of tho year. Thli
was Indlcntcd yestcrdny by tho nn
nouncomont mndo by Attorney O. F.
Martin that tho Pacific Car nnd
Foundry Compnny had taken ovor
tho W. K. llolmnn Car Manufacturing
Company, of San Francisco, and nftot
enlarging tho plant there would In
stall a $100,000 branch factory hero.
A slto Nn not yet been selected by
tho mnnufneturers, but suvoml ronl
uHtnto firms havo been consulted, A
deep water nnd rail situ on tho Pen
Insula mny bo chosen.
Incorporated for $1,000,000, tho Pa
clflo Car nnd Foundry Compnny Is
represented by men of high stnndlng,
M. J, Ilynes, Its president, being
president of tho National Dank of tho
Pacific In Snu Francisco, other of
ficers nro; J. W. Itolss, former mini
ngur of tho W, I,, llolmnn Company,
who will bo manager of thu new con
corn; C. M. tlreeno, treasurer; W.
II. Judsoii, vice-president; 11. W. llux
ton nnd II. F. Mnrtln, tho Industry's
legal rupreseutntlvo In Portland.
To employ In tho neighborhood of
2S0 men from tho outset, nnd In all
probability to bo awarded contracts
by thu Hill lines, thu Southern Pa
cific and tho Oregon Railroad & Nav
igation Company In tho manufac
ture ot locomotives, freight cars und
coaches, tho Industry nbout to locate
horo Is ono of tho most Important
enterprises lured by modorii Port
laud. Coupled with hugo contracts
In tho giving of tho Northwest rnll
roads, tho Portland Railway, Light
and Power Company, tho O. W. P.
and other railway Hues will with
out doubt pntronlzo tho cur inniiii
fucturcrs. In fuel, It hns been hinted
that ussuruueu of this trndo wns
given tho firm beforo Its decision to
locate horo was reached,
Tho W, I,. Iloliumi Company, ab
sorbed by tho now concern Incor
porated recently, Is un old manufac
turing plant of Han Francisco nnd
curs boarlng its Htamp uro found in
tho four corners of (ho United States.
Its enlargement will, It Is under
stood, ho 1111 extensive oi'u, but will
not necessarily delay thu construc
tion of u brunch factory horo. llo-
foro 11 fortnight ulupsoH It Is ho-
Moved tho site for tho plnut will huvu
boon chosen hero, und Attorney tl, F.
Martin Is confident ground will bo
broken for thu factory's first building
before tho closo of thu year, Tuos-
duy's Orogouluu.
A Desirable Change
A most doslrublo chungo In thu up-
puaruuco of tho Oregon Statu Fair
grounds ut Salem hus been mado In
thu form of u new main entrnnco,
Tho mnsslvo concrete archways of
tho main gates nro flunked on either
sldo by commodious rooms which will
bo used ns offices by tho fair manage
ment and tho superintendents aud
clerks of tho various divisions, Tho
structure Is built or reinforced con
crete and Is a thing of beauty us
well as affording comfortablo quarters
for tho transaction of tho varied bus
inesses consequent on thu holding ot
an agricultural exposition of so groat
Importance as tho Oregon Stato Fair,
tho next annual exhibition or -which
Is scheduled to bo held during tho
weok boglnulng on Soptombor 13,
Building Permits
No. C8 To N. A. (loo to build u
basement on Oswego street, be
tween Hudson und Portland boulo-
vard, for A. V. Nolson; ostlmuted
cost $300.
No. 00 To A. Schulto to erect a
dwelling 011 Jorsoy strcot botween
llurr nnd liuchanau; estimated cost
No. CO To S. Scholter to erect u
dwelling 011 Stafford stroet betwoon
llurr nnd Iluchnnan for II. 12. Collier;
estimated cost $lb00.
Subscribe for the Rovlow und be
Consideration is Deserved
All Will Agree
Following Is n communication from
tho St. Johns Lumber Co. In rcsponso
to n lottor sont thorn by tho City At
tornoy regarding their authority in
tho mntter of placing concroto pillars
upon WeBt llurllngon strcot. Tho
communication was road beforo tho
council Tuesday night, and as It
gives tho public an Idea of Just how
matters stand In this regard and al
so disclose tho feelings of tho com
pany In relation thereto, wo publish
It In full:
St. Johns, Oregon, Aug. 1ft, 1009.
Mr. H. Collier, City Attomoy,
St. Johns, Oregon,
Dear Sir: Your lottor of tho 12th
liiBtnnt duly received. Previous coun
cils hnvo claimed that they had no
authority to grnnt tiso or occupancy
on unoponcd streots, nt tho samo tlmo
advising us to tnko our clinnco on
using tho streets nbuttlng our prop
erty, when thu samo did not cut them
off from being n thoroughfare.
Wo havo a contract with tho St.
Johns Wntor company and for two
years their mains wero connected to
our flro protection system. Thoy sud
denly cut off this connection, claim
that your Council hud so ruqucstcd,
on account of tho fear that river
water might get Into their mains. Ab
surd ns this wns, and rather than
have any legal troubles, wo nro
obliged to go to tho expense ot erect
ing our own wntor tower nnd tank.
This tower will In 110 way obstruct
tho right-of-way or thoroughfare; 011
tho other hand It will bo sightly nnd
"St. Johns" will bo displayed In largo
loiters to 11 wide view, which wo bo-
lluvo will do our city more good
thnu harm.
No doubt you would do a great doal
to got n new industry of our capacity
In your city, but now that wo arc
hero wo bulluvo wo aro entitled to 11
fair consideration.
Vory truly yours,
St. Johns Lumber Co.,
N. K. Ayor, Malinger.
More Should Try It
L. II. Wilson recently wrote nn
urtlclo doscrlptlvo of St. Johns nnd
tho Northwest nnd It was published
In his former homo paper. Ho re
ceived u letter concerning It this
weok which 111 part says: "After
reading your letter In tho Indopou-
dent It got mo Interested In your
country nnd wo hnvo sold some land
und will soon bo hunting for n lo
cution, so I would bo pleased If you
would glvo mo soma prlcos on light
ly Improved farm laud, ulsn 011 un
improved land. Wo will havo our
salo tho Inst of August." Wo pub-
Huh this to provo that a lottor
written to tho formor homu town
paper bears fruit, aud It would bo
well If more of our citizens would
tako tho tlmo to follow tho oxamplo
of Mr. Wilson.
To Be Remembered
A famous Oregon ploneor, Dr.
John McLaughlin, will bo romom-
borod on Soptombor G at Orogon
City, whon his old houso, now ro.
stored aud moved to a public park,
will bo dedicated. This grand old
man ot Oregon, who did so much for
tint early settlors of this stato and
mado pursonul sacrifices to usslst
others, Is at loust to havo public
honor paid him for his work, Sop
tombor 3rd Is tho dato of his doath
nnd on tho following Sunday u mem
orial sorvlco In his honor will bo
hold, und tho old dwelling, whoro ho
lived for many yours, dedicated as a
memorial of hla kindly life. Tho ser
vices promise to bo lurgely attondod.
That St. Johns will havo local
frolght sorvlco Is now nn assured
thing. Tho Commercial club has boon
working for this desirable Innovation
for some tlmo aud It Is pleasing to
note that tholr efforts aro to bo
crownod with succoss. Preliminary
urrungomontB nro now under way,
and tho sorvlco will bo In operation
withlu tho uoxt thirty days.