THE TONGUE. It Appears That Thla Organ Can Ba Eloquent Evan Whan Silent. From tho observations made by n physiognomist It appears tbitt tho tongue when quite still can he as elo quent In giving its owner away n when It Is worbIur sixteen to tho dozen. This Is a hard fact for u silent man to swallow In silence. Ills only roinedy Is to keep well so as to obrlitto the necessary Injunction of the doctor to put bis tongue out, for by this thrust out sign tho doctor shall know blra. Tho tongue of the talker when ob truded Inclines to tho right side of tho mouth, wo arc asked to believe, where as tho seldom used tongue gravitates to the left side. Orators, prcnchrr.i and barristers are endowed with right sided tongues. Verbally parsimonious persons havo left sided tongues. Furthermore, "the tongue that shoots out straight without turning or wavering Indicates a solid, reliable man of affairs." Tongues that turn up Indicate Impractical natures. A AFTER THE BATTLE. An Inoldant That Seemed to Explain Joahua'a Miracle. There was an Incident In our life at Drnndy, connected with Gettysburg, which Is worth relating, Ilatchelder. whoso map of the battlefield of Gettys burg Is authority and whom we hail fallen In with while wo were there, asked to Join our mess at brandy when ho came to tho army to verify the po sitions of the various commands. One night wo had just sat down to dinner when lie cntcrod our big hospital tent, quite tired. "Well," he announced after taking his place at tho table. "I have been down In tho Second corps today, and 1 believe I have discovered how Joshua made tho sun stand still. I llrst went to regiment and had tho olllcers mark on the map the hour of their position at a certain point. Then 1 went to regiment In tho same bri gade. They declared positively It was one or two hours earlier or later than that given by the other. So it went THE SAFFRON PLANT. li la Among tha Vary Oldait of thi Vegetable Products. The particular species of crocus that haB from time Immemorial been culti vated for Its dried stigmas, a product known under tho name of saffron, Is Crocus satlvus, which Is wild from Italy to Kurdistan. Saffron may be reckoned among the very oldest ut vegetable products, being alluded to In tho Song of Solomon among other spices of Lebanon. Tho name crocus Is Chaldean or Greek and was first used by Theophrastus of KresUH about SCO It. C., and that It was a well known nnd admired (lower In Greece soon nftcrward Is shown by Sophocles, who mentions the "crocus of golden beam" In his "Cedlpus at Colonos." Tho word saffron seems to bo n cor ruption of tho Arabic name "a I zahnfa ran," and the product Itself was first Imported Into England as a spice or condiment, being also used as a color or dye for silks nnd other fabrics of tho eastern looms. At a later date, exactly when Is not on, no two regiments or brigades downward, drnnnliiir tonctln linlntiu-i agreeing, and If I hinted that some of ,nt..n. (tin tilntil Itnelf wns niilllrnfml to a person born to poverty nnd n them must certainly bo mistaken they , EnRnn,i, moro especially In Essex. ready eye for the hopeless side of " " mom . w wnCn C0Unty tho namo of Saffron nrvi'if uiKiuiy, v uru iiirru, imiuu- elder, nnd wo ought to know, I guess,' and I made up my mind that It would tako n day of at least twenty hours Instead of thirteen at Gettysburg to satisfy their nccounte. So when Josh ua's captains got around htm after the light and they began to talk It over tho only way under tho heavens that ho could ever harmonize their state ments wns to innko the sun stand still things, Tho cruel tongue flattens and broad ens when extended. The delicate speaking organ with curled up edges Is the property of an Imaginative and nrtlstlc being. When tho tongue Is sues forth as If gripped In n dental vise It signifies a love of life more than ordinary. Finally wo aro warned that tho In dividual who thrusts forth his tongue Waldcn remains In evidence of tho fact Again, wo havo In London Saf fron hill, which formerly was a site Included In tho bishop of Ely's garden at Ilolbom, onco famous for Its saf fron beds as well as for Its strawber ries. Today, however, saffron Is but little used. London Chronicle. to Its extremes! verge is a person to "nd lv ,llum n" n chance." whom no secret should ever bo con tided, for he Is an trresponslblo chat terer. London Chronicle. Any ono who has ever tried to estab lish tho exact position or hour when anything took placo In an engagement SUGAR AND CANDY. 8atltfy tha Cravings of tha Chlldran For Sweets. Children may eat too much sugar, will confirm noteholder's oxpertenco nnd they may also stay too long In and possibly, If not too orthodox, nc- their bathtub, or In tho creek when cepl his explanation of Joshua's feat they go In swimming, or get tanned or Itullt of the product of the PACIFIC BRICK & MARBLE CO. Manufacturer! of ELBRAM MANTLE BRICK CHURCH NOTICES. Do You Need a New Set of Teeth? Baptist church C. L. Owen, pastor, Sunday school at lo a. m. Preaching at II a. in. U. Y. 1. U. 7 p. m. Preaching at 8 p. m. MMliod st en urcu-i,. li. uew-ari, pas- ,f , wl kc ct thnt tor. buiHlayschoolioa.m.; I'hinK , J k t, kc tceth at It a. m. and 8 p.m. Upworth League , t , , ' molth oml face hofy Cross Catholic church, Portsmouth n"1"1 "prctrfon. station: 8:15 a, in., low mass; 10:15 a-1"., nigh mass; 7:30 p. m., vespers and ucne diction. Christian church Meets every Sunday in Tabernacle as follows: Sunday school at too. tu.; preaching at u a. in. and 8 p. in., and Y. I. S. C. K. meeting at 7 p. m. K, J. Johnson, pastor. St. Andrew's Episcopal Church Ports mouth Rev. Dr. Van Waters, Chap lain. Sunday Services 7!W p. 111. Sum day school 10 a, in, Holy Communion first Sunday in the month at it a. m. Evangelical church Sunday school at 10 a. 111. Preaching 1 1 a. 111. Junior K. L. C. E. 3:30 p. m.; Senior K. L. C. li. 7 p. 111. Preaching at o p. 111. Uieslcr r Gates, pastor. First Congregational Church G. W, Nelson, pastor, Sunday school id a m.; preaching 11 n. m. and 7:45 p. tu, Y. P. S. C. 15. meeting at 7 p. m. Prayer mcctlnir Thursday at 7i.W n. 111. A scat ami welcome to all. Baptist Church, University Park. Rev. BSraBraBraBraBraBraBraBraY BSrasrasrasral BSSaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaf SSSaaaaaaal fflHH ' v'ssaaaaaaal f J A " t r 7EiESSaaaaWMSSaaaaaaaaa1 &ts--V 4 TaTaV'PIBaaaaaaaaaa1 EflESEflHassVasW .asael DR. W. A. WISE President and Manager. 22 Yaara Eatabllahed In Portland. Silica Precd lltiek, Clay Ilrlck, lilhram Sanitary Base Hoards, A. H. Walt., pastor. Regular services w , , ( k )(1 I'.lbram Floor Tile, I'.Ihram Wiilnscoatlng, Out Side Chimney and Pacing Ilrlck, I every iuiula morning ami evening. or norcclaiii crown for ?.... V Knilil. tint,-..! nti.l tniH.ii( ...!... 1.. I A-..-...-.. (I... .it... .!... .1. ,.... I..- I.. .1.1 .... r onicc 402 Corbet Illd'g., Portland Phone Main 5399 I'actory at tit t A.-.. - 1V. JUI1I1S, ICffUII Phone Richmond 641 I BARGAINS0 I ucrman iiaptist ciiurcn services nciu M,,ir rmwn .oo each Sunday at Iiaptist church as follows: ajjj bridge teeth 3.00 Sundayschoolap.m., preaching at 3 p. Gold or enamel fillings 1.00 in. Rev. Faltmcat, pastor. siller fillings 50 German Lutheran Services at 10:4s Inlay fillings or nil kituis 3.50 a. m. every Sunday morning at corner of Good rubber plates 5.00 l'ciutisuia avenue ami KtipairicK street, 1 no dcsi rcu ruoucr piaics 7.50 University Park. Alt Germans of St. Celluloid plates to.ou loiins coniiaiiy invitcii 10 attcnii. rainless extractions, witu iix:ai ... .50 Ilucchlcr, pastor. Painless extractions, with homuo Cht I.I nil Splniri. Unit tlnllinwik lillt. lorill l.OO Sundays 1 1 a. 111.: Wednesdays nt 8 p. 111. Pilules extractions lac when plates -Morris Hchaff In Atlantic. A MONSTER SKULL Ona That Waa Said to Ba Blgatr Than a Dushal Baakat, One of the most remarkable finds of gigantic human remains of which wo a headactio from playing too long In tho nun, or chilled by staying too long In the open air, but Is that any sound reason why they should bo deprived of sweets, sunlight, baths and fresh air or discouraged from Indulging in them? All thnt Is needed, says Dr. Woods Hutchinson In Success Mngazlne. Is a of a great stretch of timber mid "'p any record was that . said to have 0 cmnlnon ense regulation nnd Ju w, a man built a eastlo. Horn.- I"' '"'' nt Palermo Sicily, In the d,clou ,,pm.,,,oni MOt prohibition 01 ..... .,...,. ii.u.i nKviu.u., u. denunciation. Most of the extra unheard of proportions was linear lied Imry crnvIK for 8U , by some inarlile quarry men. These .. , . ,.,, , mammoth remains measured exactly nVerage child to Inevitably "founder llilriy-foiir feet from head to foot and Mmwir f cfl t0 0WI, ,vcot ., HE WANTED A PARROT. Tha Uaa to Which tha Old Man Would Put tha Qrn Dlrd, Wo nrc nil striving for two thlngs sdecess nnd happiness. To get these many of us are struggling for 11 third fortune. In striving to attain our desires many of us need n green par rot. In n little town In Iowa, In the midst meadow thing over f'.'.I.OOO ho spent In building n home. It was finished within with tin lines) polished woods. Tliu founda tion wns of hniwiistone, tho windows of Trench nlale. mid every detail was carried out In the best manner. He "'" f'-t seven Inches from point to nm, )0X of cnm,Vi , (uo ,0 Htntl, nan grown 10 do 1111 om man. no nan "" """ - or artificial nnd abnormal sugar star always lived in a modest cottage or rt ""' " una m umc 1 vntlnn. produced by an tnsulllclcnt six riHims. This tuauslou had fifteen. 'n"' ' "H ''" rnlt'rmo In ammmt of t tf Invnliinblo food In Its On one side there wns a magullleent 01 "l0 isoroiu niiiseiiiii, Mono arch over tho pavetl drlvo that 11 w l,m,1, 11 uiuisn loouing, line children who nro given tilontr 1111 up 10 me uoiise. 110 nan just com pleted showing 11 friend over tho plan nnd reached Hits point when the visitor exclaimed: "Well, .I0I111, you ought to bo happy. This Is a magnificent home. Hero Is everything one could wish for." "Waal," replied the old man, who wns n cuttle buyer, "a fellow ulwnys wauls something else." "What 011 Jrtrth could you want)" was the itiery, ' "A green parrot to hang up thar In Ibe drive." "Why a green parrot)" "So every morning nforo I drive- out he would say, 'John, you're 11 darn fool.' "-Cleveland Press. IN I Residence Office - Real Estate Call on J. E. Williams - - 818 North Jersey St. Johns Land Company J o grained bowlder nnd appears to bo nxmr on tlll.,r ,,, 1)rom, nm, but. j J .i.HHi ,,-r, .-.Km nc ues h ub i,y one tcr nm, ptKltllniTH. a rcpilar allowance foot broad and iilno Inches through u of cakf. iml ptllty of HWC).t frutg nro lie iiiuKrn, ,., i, rt musiy. rusiy khik ,m)Ht frt0 fron, for Ing lag otloeheil lo tho relic Informs .iiln tnndeiwv i, m.r.. iinmirn. i Ihe visitor that It wulghs fifty-two .rf1( , rnll .......i- ,, pounds. I.ul tho gonorul verdict Is that W(. iJ0(i. tho cnll.,- ,, ..., ,,. mr 11 Li ..... .....i.. i. ....... ti.i,w ... i.i. i . - .. i ...Ik ..V.H.I u u. t...t, til . )OWI iy-iive poumiN. The Nkeleloii was burned by n mob In the year UWi during the prevalence Parkar Houaa Roll. Materials. Three tablcspoonfuls of Couldn't Turn It. of tho black death nt Palermo, the butter, one teas)ooiiful of salt, one-lialf Ui.orn..t. superstitious people boiler- cupfu of ,uUtnvilrnl wntor t n that It was connected n some myH- Clk0t two c fu,H o( k ' " V , ' blcspoonful of sugar, two egg whlton ' t. Tho skull of this giant, nc- ..,,' ri,Ilfu cording t. Ahbo l erregus. "was largo- Wny of .ru,mr11K8ca,t, 10 , ly ..xceHHlv. of the baakets sayd to nn( ,,,, ,0 u , , ho I.I the hiuhel. being nboyo mid ,oft Ut ,,, , U'kovnrn. ,., COLUMBIA PHONOGRAPHS f 35.00 to fuj.oo Cash or Iiistallmcuta at PORTSMOUTH DRUG CO. the only agency for phono graph supplies on the Peninsula. Imleitriiclahle records . minute record' Double records 2 tunes for the cost of one. We take old and broken records In exchange for new. PORTSMOUTH DRUG COMPANY Ko. DAWSON STRKIST C. W. Bowhay, Mgr. Subject Spjrll. COLLIER & COLLIER Lnvcr. Rooms In the Ilolbrook building. M. joints, urcgou. Joseph McCltcsncy, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SUKIIGON Day and Night Office In McChoncv lllnck I'liont Jttuy vji ST. JOHNS, - - OKGOON Dr. MARY NacLACIILAN f'hyilclan and Surgeon. Office In Holhrook's lllork. Residence, 215 Haves street. Phone Scott 090,5. Daniel 0. Webster, A. B. Al. D. or bridge work is ordered. Work guaranteed for 15 years. THE WISE DENTAL CO., Inc. Aaalatad by Dr. H. A. Huffman. Dr. A. B. Stilus, Dr. Van E. Bllyau, Dr. D, S, Bomgardnar, Dr. J.J. Plttlngar. Tho Tailing Bldg., 3d and Waah.Sta., Uffloa Houra--0 n. m. to O p.m. Sundaya 9 to 1 Phonas A and Main 2020 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE III tho County Court of tho Stnto of Oregon for tho County or Mult-nomnli: of ic3i icOi llii'lowe wltho teeth to tho number of mid three cupfuls of Hour ntul beat for Tho cyo of little WIIIIo'h teacher was O'-foiiro. Ihj. each of which would vt ,,lu,Mf A(It dUsolvetl yeast id and sorry, for. notwithstanding himMvelclu-tl two ounces. and let stnud until It Is a very Ught, nit ho was her favorite pupil, ho stood aWr Hcroy claimed to havo found tMhy u)nI1i ,u 'who foro her convicted of the heinous " lll',on V'1"'"'" "in, "nd "lx,y beaten to n stiff froth, and tho remain- mid that be charge of a theft of randy from n fil- low pupil, It wns n first offense, how ever, and she did not desln to Inlllct corporal punishment. A moral lecture, sho thought, would fit the case. "Hear In mind. Willie," she conclud ed, "that these temptations can bo re sisted If determination Is used. Al ways turn 11 deaf ear lo temptation." I.lttle Willie's lip trembled. "Hut, teacher," ho answered, "I ain't got a deaf car." teeth. Westminster (Jarotto. Animal Mimicry. OhsrrwrH of nature aro frequently Ktruck with the singular resemblances of Insects to leaves, dried sticks, etc.. lug flour. Let rUu again until It Is twice Its original bulk, placo on youi molding board, knead lightly and then roll Into a sheet half an Inch thick. Take a largo biscuit cutter and cut tho dough Into rounds. Ilrusli with melted A. II. HltMSTOCK Bfc OHO. II. HltMSTOCK HEMSTOCK BROS. UNDERTAKING AND EMBALMING full Una of nobos, CaiHati, alo., Kept In atook UNIVI5RSITV PARK, ORP.OOV Residence, 697 D.iWMin Street Onicc, Plitcr Meek University Park, Portland, Oregon Office Phone Woodlawu 70J Ret. I'lioiif WooiIIihvii 1655 D. E. HOPKINS DHNTIST Office hours from 9, to 13 111. 1 to p. 111. 7 to 8 11. 111. 683 Dnwhon Street, Univkksitv Pahk II. S. HKWITT 31 j Silas St. onkr I'tioiie WcMxIlawii 174 in tmr rnotic (MMIIMH JIU It. S. WRIfJIIT jo. S, Hayes and these likenesses nro supped to ,luor fot, over ,, Uj have grown out of the necessity of t0K,.u,r, ,n buUem, pnn ono l.roHH.Ho.1 agaluHt or concealment ,,K.,, ,mrt 1ct rUo , , from cneiiiles. An InterestliiB cxamplo nm, ,,nkw , ,,ot ovt. nf,co mnutei, -National Food Magazine. Making Hubby Appreciative. A din-tor tells of n nolo ho received from n woman saying that her lmn- liaud, who was about lo umkn him n of this kind of rcsemblnnco waa brouuht to tho ntteiillou of tho Km tomologlcul society In Indon by n uatiiralUt, who exhibited a spider found Inhabiting soino rocks near 1'u lilies, 011 which were also fastened lint cases of 11 species of moth. When t .i m .. . . m . I li ratMi 1 iiit Miiniiir ttviiiriiiiui niiiifiair 1 ' r. ,o,,", .- mm cm " m ..u. v h 2 ; ,;;v: .",".; -t"y it. presenti, iiiiuieuimicrsnepcpam, , or .... - , Iho U.ilonUt leader had to leave one nppeaini 10 me pnyHiciaii ior nm. the house of commons, nnd 1110 uoc or o xn 1111 lieu uis paiieut, win Tt,rry nt ns, foulu, ,,er tonKUOi 11.1.1 11 siigiii iiuacK 01 iiiuigeHuoii, nun . 1.,,.. ,.., rellove,l to llnil thnt aim 1 , u 11 u 11 M 1 ilia iviiy inniKiimiivinr t n 1 ..- ...... ..w told him to cut out luncheons, to eat nnthlnir but 11 slleo of Innsl nnd 11 01111 I newspaper, of ten. Tho xelimn.. "Please let mo havo tho woman's Jy. Of course hubby returns home In I"""'." lie said. tho ovcnlng, cats uvcrythltig In sight nnd votes Ids wife's cooking even bet ter than mother used to make, Iloston Record. Thrifty. A Scotsman and his wife were trav. cling from I.cllh to I-omlon by boat. When off the Yorkshlro coast u great storm arose, mid tho vessel had sev eral narrow csciiim's from foundering. "Oh, Sandy," moaned his wife, "I'm 11a nfcard o' decln', but I dliina care to dee at eco." "Dlnnii think o' dceln yet," oniwered Sandy; "but when ye do, yo'd better be dnioned nt sen than anywhere cue." "An' why, Sandy?" OBked his wife. "Whyt" exclaimed Sandy, "Rccause ye wouldua cost sau mucklo to bury. lie carefully tore off a pago nnd handed It to her, It was 11 full page advertisement of a millinery oHiilng. nnd ho chuckled it hi own little Juke. Still, she wus revenged. She went to the opening, and he paid tho bill. Chi--ago Post. A Duck of a Man. Kllen Terry and .Mr. Ualfour met for tho first tlmu nt tho table of Henry W. I.ucy In toudon. During tho en suing cun versa t ion miss Terry ro il for Kllen Her had not been bored, llrluglng her closed hand down on tho table, she exclaimed with n glauco toward tho door through which Mr. Ualfour had passed, "1 think that's u duck of n ma ill" Advantages. "I suppose you are glad to bo freo again?" The ex-couvlct sidestepped a trolloy car. dodged an auto and looked nerv ously toward a clanging ambulance. "Oh, of course, of course," ho said. "Hut let me tell you 11 man lu prison An Ample Teat, The Insurance Agent Suro your mart Isn't weak? Tho Insured One- feels mighty safe." Philadelphia Led )h. yes. yes. The Agent-IJver test ger, NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT. Louisa Keognu ICstnte. Kotlco Is hereby given that tho undersigned ndmlnlHtrator of tho es tate of l.oulso Kcokuii, deceased, has filed ills final account In tho County, Court of the Stnto of Oregon for .Multiinmnh county, nnd that Monday, tho UOth day or August, lOOK, at tho hour of 9 o'clock of tho forenoon of wild day, In tho court room of Bald Court, hnB boon appointed by sold Court its tho time mid place for the settlement of said account, and for hearing objections thereto. Richard II. Keogan, Administrator of tho estate of Loulso Keogan. Win. A. Munly, Attornoy. Klrst publication July 23. St. Cholera Infantum Cured, "Somothlng like two years ago my baby, which was thou about n year old, was taken eorlously III with chol- era Infantum, vpmltlug and purging PI Do STREET CAR TIME TABLE LHAVI5 ST. JOHNS A. M. P. M. P. M. 5-IS U.40 7.00 6.03 1.00 7,10 6.35 1.18 7. jo 6.40 1.36 7.40 6.48 1.34 8.00 6.5 3.13 8.35 705 3.30 8.50 7.30 3. jo 9,10 7.35 3.08 9.30 7.55 3. '6 9. SO H.15 344 10.10 8.35 4.03 10,30 9 00 4,30 10.50 9." 4.40 11.10 9.44 11.30 10.06 5,15 3, 00 10.36 5.30 10.50 5.45 11.13 6.00 11.34 6,30 11.30 6,40 13. 18 p. 111. 6,50 Hewitt & Wright CONTRACTORS ANli lll'II.DRRS HMlmatc and Plan furnished IIOUXl'.S I'OK ham: ht. JOII.S'rt, owt. E. B. HOLCOMB DESIGNER AND MJIM)KK Finishing a Specialty. listimutcs 1 . . . . . 1 cheerfully lurnlslicd. 436 N. Lively street, St. Johns. Central Market! Ilolbrook lllock. In tho mutter of tho estate Robert Johnson, deceased. All pontons tiro hereby notified thnt Ilert Johnson, as administrator of the above named estate, has filed, with the clerk of tho ai.ovo named court, his final report and Recount nnd tho court hint fixed upon 10 o'clock A. M. of tho 10th day of August. 11)01. ns tho Place, when nnd where all persons lmvlug any objec tions or exceptions to anything In said final report contained, or any net done by said administrator ns such, may present tho vnmo nnd ba hcanl: pud when mid wheio said final roport and account shall be finally n tiled. This notlco Is published pursuant to an order of the Honorable Lionel It, Webster. Judge of tho above named Court, mode on tho Tth day of July, 11)00. HKIIT JOHNSON, 3C-Bt Administrator. Plant an ad. in The St. Johns Review See us for the Choicest Cuts of the llrst Meats Obtainable. Orders Pilled and Family Trade Solicited and watch your business grow. St. Johns Ferry Time Card. Qood Advice. If: The Insured-Yes. Indeed. I watched a fifteen Inning ball gaino with the score 1 to 1, Cleveland Plain Dealer. Open Confeeilon. Aunty Tommy, I put three plea In hero yesterday, nnd now there Is only sue. How Is that? Tommy Please, A Drawback. "Your ocean trip was pretty nice, I s pose?" "Oh. yes." "Saw Icebergs nud such things, eh?" "Yes, but 1 missed the billboards, I ran tell you." Washington Herald. "Young man." said the boss, "come U w Jrk "uiity, I dln't see that hither and listen." He nppronchod. 3el--udou I uucn. "When you've mude 11 mistake for get It and go on to the next Job. Don't potter around all day adding a lot of finishing touches." Louisville Courier-Journal. There never was a day thnt did uot t rated Ults, bring Its own opportunity for doing good that never could have been done before and novor can be again.-W. H, Burleigh. Tha Reason. Discontented Wife Beveral of tho 111 u 11 whom 1 refused when I mnrrled you are richer tbau you are now, The Huibaud-That'a wtiy.-IIIua- Caution Extraordinary, "You have a ulght key?" "Of course," answered Mr, Meektou, "only I'm so cureless that Henrietta keeps It locked up In the safety de posit so that I won't loso It." Wash Ington Star. He Is tho noblest who baa raised bltuself by bis own exertions to a higher station. Cicero, Amateurish. "Am I the first girl you ever kissed?" "You are 1 swear It!" "I accept your apology" Cleveland Leader. DISAGREEABLE AT HOME. The Laxleat Man In the World. I GRANULATED SORE EYES CURED i-ota or men and women who nro would not bo contented to bo kept "For twonty years I suffered from agreeable with others, get "cranky" In the house and doing nothing by a bad case of granulated sore eyes," ut Home. Its uot disposition, Its tho ibouumtUin. Neither are you, who says Murttn Doyd of Henrietta, Ky. iivor. ir you find In yourself that are always busy and active. Thou "In February, 1003, a gentleman yoii feel cross around the house, tittle don't neglect tho first twinge of an asked mo to try Chamberlain's Salvo, things worry you, Just buy a bottle acho or pain that you might think Is I bought ono box nud used about two of Hullurd's Herblno and put your Just n "crick." Rub well with Hal- thirds of It and my eyes have not liver lu shupo, You and everybody lard's Snow Llnlmont uud 110 matter g'ven mo any trouble Blnco," This around you will feel better for It. whut thu trouble Is, U win disappear sulvolsfor sale by nil good druggists. Prlco 60 ceuts per bottle. Sold by ut once. Sold by North llank Phar- North Uniik Pharmacy. uiucy, rrtdi tha gospel of 8L Johnj. T.P.WARD Proprietor. J. R. WE1AIER Trancfat an1 Qintnrra Leave L'at Side (A. M.) 6uo. 7:10.1 "I,0,W U,U,M6V ofusolv writes J w Domnsov of 7:5, 8:30, 9:10,9:50 10:30,11:10, 11150. p. e deliver your goals to and from all V:., of Porttand. Vancouver, I.In.ito,,, ''"'i""j. " i :io 6:00. rorwami ami Miuuroun express to,. to reiiovo her but did hor no good, Leave West S de (A. M.i 6:w. t-xn. cy " points acceudoie by nml linlnc . nr .,...). nlnrmn.l nl.nnl 1 8:10. 8:0. O'.XO. IO!IO. Il-Cn. 1 1 WagOll, PnO Unel fUrnltUM mOVlna I h.,r u-,, mr i.vipin i... r.n..i r 1 J!'. i :30,a:io, 3:5o, 3:30, 4:10 ?. ptc,u. '9 nurliiiKtoiii phone ...... ... ........ -; 4;jot 3:30,6:30, 1 nicumonn di, find 0110, bo enmo back by Rider Ilro8, 1 & Carter's store and Mr, Elder rec ommended Chamberlain's Colic, Chol era and Diarrhoea remedy, I pro cured bottjo of It, went homo ns quickly ns possible and gave the babj a doso of tho remedy. It relloved her in fifteen minutes and soon cured her entirely." For salo by nil good druggists. 0 YEARS' XPCRICNCK TRADE MARK! DeaiaNS COPVRIOHTB AC TO WATER USERS. Water used through hose for sprinkling yurds or sidewalks or wushlng windows must bo paid for tu advance, and used only botweon tho hours of 6 and 8 n. in. and and 9 p. in. It must not be used for sprinkling streets. Any ono using wator contrary to these rules, or wustefully, will bo shut oft without further notice. It paid In advance for thu mouths of Juno, July, August und September entitles tho user to water for this purposo until January I, 1910. St. Johns Water Works and Lighting Co., P. H. Edlefsen, Super intendent ACTIVE AT 87. This would bo unusual news It men ;nd women would keep themselves free from rheumatism and all aches uud pains as woll as keeping their muscles and Joints limber with Bai lout's Snow Liniment. Kor sale by North Dank Pharmacy, Bonville's Western Monthly The Western Magai zine that tells about the West. Leave orders at the St. t Joluis Review office. 15 cents a copy $1.50 per year. LAUREL LODGE No. 186 I. 0. 0. F. ST. JOHNS. OW-qON Meets each Monday eveulne in Odd Fellows hall, at 8:00. Visitor welcomed. P. Hill, N. G, C. P. Gates, Secretary. Anvone undln m tk.lrh and d.arrlntloa um qulcklr Mcerulu our omiuIuii tm hrttir ea invention prontoi? nai.niftDta. lummnnii llontatrlcdreouadeuthl. HANDBOOK onFetw unt frM. tlldMt AjiAiicr fur .Munii l'tDU Uk.a luruuili iluna A Cc, reoetT SckMifk Hmmn. A hendfomelr tltaetnted weeklr. iJinieet dr- rulktlnn at mnr MluitlSa lonrn&L Tsrmi. 8S A imi 1 toar mouth. tL Solil bj Bl newedUe. Our Charges. Holmes Lodge No. 101 KMIII1IS Ul PYIIIIAS Meets every I'riday uiKht As is CUStoniarv. we will charm r'liFi.i.T T tor cam ot tltatilcs, 50c; for resolu come. D THrrrMtionS of respect, S1.00; for notices -T. . .Z I t t. W. A. btorr. K. K. S. u whuiwu ut iuukc cmcrmiuiiienis, - - - - I Klinvw-rC CrwMntltC alr. ,.t1i am llia.n Doric Lodge No. 132 are charees for admUsfon. tf- nr .. , j r - line, mil wtiere there are uo charges F. and A. M. TIME TABLE 0. R. & N. uegmar comi iunica- fn .. VVR win Kol, '.1,- tirstand third , T , ' " . tlnnc nn Wedncstays of each ru,e a, insert tliera iree, We month in Odd Follows' make this announcement so that hall. Visitors welcome, our coorl friends mnv iinHoretanrl Union Depot, Portland. No. a Chicago Special leaves 9:15 a.m. No' a Spokane Flyer leaves at, 5:00 p. ui. No. 6 Kansas City Exp. leaves 6:00 p. tu. No, 8 Local Passenger leaves 745 a, m. -". 1 v-mcugu opcciai arrives 0:50 p. m. No. 3 Spokane Flyer arrives 10:00 a. tu. No. s Kansas City Exp. arrive 7:20 a. m. No. 7 IJcal Passeuger arrives 545 p. tn. Ec . wut nicuua iituy uuuctaiaUU . S. 1 l.'irrl tit.lnn Ia. MrPlictinv I - . - - J . 0 j . -"--""-J 1 I nn r rill, it, thic rMnw.1 r Secretary. W. M. CAMP 773 W. 0. W. Pointers for our Patrons. NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS. In order to Iniur a change of ad vertisement tha copy for auch change should rtach this orfict net later than Wednesday, at 3 o'clock p. m. Pleaaa 'member this and save tha print' Preach tha gospel of St. Jobs. Meets every Wednesday evening in liickner'a ilall. D. Tallman, C. C. W, E. Swengel, Clerk. Mall Schedule Mail arrives at St. Johns at 7:10 a, in. and 1:15 p, ni. Leaves at 10:20 a. 111., and 4145 p. m Office open week davs from 6li a. m. to t:io p. si. Sundays from 9 to 10 a. m. ' We do not ailow any printer to put out nicer work than we do and we put the best stock into our jobs The difference betweeu poor stock and first class stock on a job is a small item when you consider the value of the job. It is the price of a satisfied customer. It is better to make 50 ceuts less on a job and have a customer who will come back, than to use the flimsy stock, make the extra 50 ceuts and lose your customer. That is the way we figure it.