i i .r; . AN OLD HAS-BEEN, WEDDING BELLS, IT IS IN THE EATING. ORDINANCE NO. 245. j " -pjfT 7 THE ST. JOHNS REVIEW Published Evory Friday At 117 West Burlington Stroet. BY A. W. MARKLE Tint Uhvihw In entered nt jiost office In'Snltit Jolmi, Orison, as mnll nmttcr of the second class under the Act of Con gress of March 3, 1879. Job Printing rureuted In nrit-clam ii. Illlli lor Job 1'rlntlnc cniih on delivery. All rommunledloni ihould b nldreiieit lo The Hertew, fit. Jolmn, Oreeon. AdTerllilnit relet, 1.00 per Inch per month. am uteruiinK tuna partus nnt or eneu monlli. OfficUl Mewiptptr of the Gltr of St, Johni. Subscription price $1.00 per year. FRIDAY, AUGUST 6, 1909. The OroRott State Fair nt Salem Kept. 13 t 18, proiiilHOfl to oxcal tiny thing of 11 llko nntnro that him over boon hold In ilio past. Klnhornto plans uro holtiK consummated to nuiko It a httnituor In every roupcct. A hill will ho brought tip In Con KniBB thlH Fall for four public high wnyn from tlia Atlnntlc Const to tho l'nclflo Const. It provides for Fed ilcml Htirv(y for tho proponed rondo mid tho appointment of a National commission on highway Improvement, Tho commission Blinll cnttso n ntiroy to ho timdo of four or moro onst and west highway, 21 foot wldo, to run from const to const. It Is mild that l'icslduiit Tnfl linn promised to sup port tho project, Tho editor or tho ltnvlow dragged hi hrothor, the writer, nlotijr with I1I111 to tho bull grounds Wodnnwlny Mr. Frank I,. McLood of Omnhn, Nob., anil Miss Inez N. Warner wort1 milted In imirrliigo July CStli at tho "Vi'iiltiR to see him piny hall. Having homo of tho brides parents, Mr. and Tho prlco of hops In sonrliifj and tho advnnco mentis money In tho pocliotB of tho N'orthwost growera. A repetition of tho idlrrliiB days of 100 1 In tho hop trade Is promised, llrow. urs of tho world aro said to bo facing a serious Hhortngo of hops. Tho market In I'ortlnnd has hemi lifted In a few woods from 10 to 20 Minis. Kvun old hops command good prices. Offers of l:i (outs have boon mndti for the 1908 crop, that a few weeks wt'M ImguliiK for 8 ceiitH. Hlmrt uiops In England mill (lurmiiny aru ' roporled to ho hoostliiK tho prluo. seen him "f(i soine" in nomo pretty fust lonnis many yenrs ago, wo went with tho expectation of kcoIiik sonio stunts performed that would tnuko tho fans sit up and tnko notice. And I hey did. Wo had failed to realize that Incrensod ace ami stoutness com bined with family cares make a dif ference to tho man behind tho bat, Tho "old fellow" seemed to hnvo all his old-time conceit, however, as ho wnddleil to his position out In right fluid, hut when n nice, oasy "fly" cunw flocking out thnt way tho writer was amazed to boo It drop to tho ground with a dull, sickening thud, while tho old-timer wns still holding up his mitts In ovldont oxpcctntlon of something falling Into them. Might Imvu seen a balloon. It was th sanio way at tho but, llo punted a foeblo llttlo grounder out lo short and thinking It wns otio of his old tlino "homers," tried to go on tirouiid 011 it, but emtio to grief on second It wns oxplaliiHi! to us confidentially after the gnino that darkness wns tho ontlro cntiHo of tho bnd showing It may not bo safo for us, but wo could not help noting that tho other players seemed to find tho hull nil right. Yes, tho old-timer hits seen better dnys on the field of action, but litem Is 110 use In trying to con vitico him of tho fact. Mrs. W. II. Warner of 101 Tncomn Somo moat men may laud their business to the skies with poetry and prose, and In Blowing torms tell of tho grent benefit accruing to mankind through tho operation of street in tlto presence of relntlves their ment markets, but In this par and friends. tlctllar market neither nrn nnrpfltnrv. Heforo tho corentony .Miss Edith "Tho proof of the uuddlne Is In tho Oliver, niece of tho brldo sung "He- eating," nnd Just so It Is with ntir cause." Soon after tho bridal couple, monts. Thoy spenk for themselves attended ly Uonnld C. .MoI.eod, nnd tho flno natronntro wo nrn nnlov. brother of tho groom, as best man, ng conclusive nssurnnco thnt our .Mrs. Manuo .McUod ns brides maid, meats aro not without merit. Whllo ami .mihh hdltlt Oliver as maid or others mny ondeavor to sccuro pat honor, entered tho room to tho ronnao by omntv wnrda nnd nmhlirii. Btrnlns of Montllesohn's wedding 0us phrnses, Wli DELIVER THE mnrcn piayeti py .Miss i.onn I.otig. 0001)9. Wo conflno ourselves strict. Tho brldo was dressed In a cronm y t0 .'nnddllnt? our own mnon" nmi silk mid cnrrled a bonutlful bonnet ,o I10t rolv, linnn .ihiin ,, r .l.l mi... - . I 0 oi IIU.I..-H roeon. ino rooms wore Uui,ncBa by tuar,lg nnothcr down uitueiiiny occornieu in evergreen mid AN ORDINANCE ACCEPTING THE DEED DATED THE 24TH DAY OF APRIL. lDOn, AND MADE AND EXECUTED UY M. L. HOL1J1100K AND MAY W. HOUmoOK, HIS WIFE, TO THE CITY OP ST. JOHNS, FOR THE FOLLOWING DESCHIDED LAND: UEUINNINU AT THE MOST NUHTI1ERLY POINT IN ULOCIC I, P. T. SMITH'S ADDITION TO THE CITY OF ST. JOHNS; THENCE AL.UNG THE NORTHEAST LINE OF SAID ULOCK I CO.R FEET. MOIIE Oil LESS, TO A POINT IN. HA ID NORTHEAST LINE OF ULOCK 4 125 FEET FROM THE EASTERLY COllNEll OF SAID ULOCK 4; THENCE SOUTH 21 DE JIIEES HO MINUTES WEST. PA It ALL EL TO LEAVITT STREET AND 125 FEET THEREFROM. flC.l FEET TO NORTHEAST END LINE OF PHILADELPHIA STREET; THENCE ALONG THE END LINE OF PHIL. ADELPHIA STREET NORTH 31 DE- A HAPPY RE-UNION. A LIVELY GAME, Tho ClirUilnii iniil KvmiKullcHl church folks gathered at tho tmll grouitds WtMliinsday otouliiK to watch their roprosontiilhoM Indulge In a kiiiiio of ball, Tho fair sox was out In godd force mid thoy miido tho welkin ring with vociferous applause vlin one of tholr cliiiiiiplniiH sitet'ued' ed In reaching a lmw. Tho gmno was warmly coiilested, and owIiik to tho I obliging decisions of tho iimplr and 11 few erroni by the Clirlstliius, tlu A happy reunion wns held nt tho old home of Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Hamilton In this city Ttiusdny. The following sous were present; Rev. (. L. Hamilton of Portland, W. II-, Jr., of Vancouver, Wnsli,; E. I)., of Jrehsiii; and Elmer of Woodland, Wanh., toxt'thor with their wives, Two daughters, Mrs. A. E. While side of Porllnud, ami Mrs. 8. C Cook of Vancouver, were also pros Hitt. Fred McKlllott, brother of Mrs. Hamilton, and wife, and eight grnnd clillilitui of tho elderly couple were among tho luippy crowd. Two sons, Waller of Hun Francisco and Elba of Ltm AiikoIoh were absent, Mr, and Mrs. Mnmlllon have been married W ysr and thoy have 17 grnnd- rhlldren mid 7 groat grandchildren. Mr. 1 1 ti in 1 1 1 011 served for four years In th.. Civil War. Iloth ho ami hlsj wife liavit a host of friends In St. Johns mid hope Hny will llo lo ex perience mmiy more luippy reunions Iwforo the Journey of life draws to No oucstlon sweet peas. .,, nf nt mnnla . I O EES 30 MINUTES WEST 70 Rev. I. N. Monroe, t.nstor of Ca v. ... V. 1. " 1" . .. . .?T T THE PLACE OF I1EGIN- I OUII Ul IL IH lll'I'IIINd I III) flllllfiri 11111 f V V Vri rt n n (1AII I Itii sa! nlrv- tlMMlIm rlnirnt, ,.r t,.MI.wl ..r. . " "f? '"s3 "WUrtllK HJKT, " was never nrosented. our mnntn nrn 1 .nuitu on .ess. ALWAYS PURE, Try thorn nnd boo 1JITG00D & COLE. formed the ceremony In a very Im presslvo manner, After tho wedding refreshments were served The bridal couplo will spend a fuw weeks visiting friends mid relatives In ami near I'ortlnnd, after which they will leave for tho east, going DISAGREEABLE AT HOME. Tho city of St. Johns does ordain ns follows Thnt a curtain deed mndo on tho 24th dny of April. 1805. by M. L, Holbrook mid May W. Holbrook, his wife, to tho city of St. Johns for tho following described land, to-wlt: uegintiing nt tho most Northerly Lois of mon nnd women who aro ngrccablo with others, got "cranky" by tho way of the Canndlnn Pnclflc " . Umo- 119 "0,1 "-POltIon. ts ho point In Ulock 4, P. T. Smith's Ad .. .. . . ... . liver. If you find In yourso f t bnt I illtloii to tho city of St. Johns: Kuuwny, stopping nt hoamo mm .., . . . tbenco nlont: tho Northenst lino of ntlier Hnnt.it r-ltlm. nl Mlniinntinlli. . " " w'UDO '"uu" ' " ,,. ,,, ., . T. " and r Paul. M;. mTuo,! is wlh "?T JU"1 ft. bUI M n M-U in ih'Nort ..,,0 oi th will 111 flit 1 mill H 1 1 lUl-UUU l l 1 1 ll tli 11 1 . . " ... ..v ....uv 1 vi v. o c hi P M f Rv Tbev f I,n,lnrd 8 H"blno nnd put your Illock 4 125 feet from the Easterly iii Im 1. Ui ...... l,vor ,n 8l"P- Yo "'"I ovorybody corner of said Ulock 4; thenco South III reside In Sioux Clt. . nruum, , 2l tk.Br)J08 30 ,nuutes West, parallel . firllll ulrHk.il ne.1 lOr. A PLEASANT EVENT. Prim r.n i.mi oi.i 1... to 't'nvitt street and 120 feet there- North Rank Pharmacy. 0 'of Philadelphia Btreot: thenco along tho end lino of Phllndelphln OFFICERS INSTALLED ft" ' " V10Rr"!',u i" "UYi8 ning balug 1088 Bipinro feel, mure II. E. Knight wns mndo tho victim cf a plensmit birthday party Hntur Im. ilulit I., I.. 'II I. ...I ..I ". ""W 1IU1I1J 111111 mi... a T..I...- f ... I i,, , 1 xuiino i.uuhu ui niu rrii-iur iubo. .. .. ... . ' .. . . . . ,u... "'l "rotherhood Installed tho fol- Which snld deed wns duly and Tho c'wir, full, brilii-nt t iro rX C. ' . '. Indestruc tible Cylinder Icsitis 1b ti Wit . W ;1 .vCxcir grow ing popular:;. matter howcarclirayuu at . . "A i.ovor wenr out, no :nntf r hcv-1 .., - y thorn. 25 cents! CVI'V - AsplcnTt'1 rr; .- ! ' . --nn.I iro aro adding: to it i' ." i . ST. JOHNS PHARMACY ORDINANCE NO. 244. """ "" 'i lowing officers Frldnv nlnht tho roguinny Bigned ny Ilio snld M. Ii. bo fitting nnd appropriate to com- "7 "7 , Holbrook nnd May W. Holbrook. momorn.o tho event In a sociable V" k "? pi1 , 0,1 b? ,M l,,I,,nn 1 hl-.wlfo. on tho IMth.lny of April. manner llo hnd retired for the dB0 dL8ruo loBn,s n,ld J " Ucct, ,005' aml wns "cknowledged by tho i n n .er 110 nnd retired ror tim Hn(0 , f Oregon, being tho nld M. L. Holbrook mid Mny W. nlnht when tho pnrly arrived, but ,11B(,ll.,llf ,,. " Holbrook. his wlfo. on tho 17th day EvatiKi'llcnl forces flnnlly nosed ahead and kept the lead until ilurknesH a cIoho. settled down upon the field of ne- I .. , lion. Mote enthusiasm was ills-1 Suhscrlbo for tho St. Johns Review played at this contest Hum hutt been mid keep potted on the doings of tho ease at any lime thlk year. Tho the city. whh soon extracted from his bed and thirty-four good hentthy- thumps wore Inflicted upon his body bo thnt ho would be sure to rotillxo what n grent rko 31 yearn Is. Henry, by tho way, was extremely thankful thnt he wns not many yours older. The party was n Joyous 0110, every one being do termlneil to hnvo 11 good time, mid they had it to tho fullest extent, TI10H0 present were Mr. and Mrs. (1 L. EppH and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. DA0V MORPHINE FIENDS W. M. McDonald, Mr. mid Mrs. Jos. ro "lo by all soothing syrups mid Crouch, Mr. and Mrs. M. I). Newton, "'I')' mcdlclneii thnt cotitnln opium Mr. mid Mrs, ('. L, Johnson, Cnpt. ' nurcotlcs. McGeo's Unby Elixir Whltcnmb, Miss Nellie lllrch, MIsh tontalus no Injurious or narcotic Past President N. A. Goo. President LouIn llopfltiger. Vlco President John Kingsbury. Chaplain Alice Galloway. Secretary Kd. L. Stockton, Hergonnt-at-Arms Raymond Loo. MIstreMS-at-Arms Husiin Galloway, ltd, 10011. Inner Doorkeeper Wesley Heck. Outer Doorkeeper Clyde Dnlloy. AN ORDINANCE ACCEPTING THE DEED OF M. L. HOL11R0OK AND MAY W. IIOLIiROOK, HIS WII'E, TO THE CITY OF ST. J C UN'S FOR I RACTIONAL ULOCK I IN JAMES JOHNS ADDITION TO THE TOWN OF ST. JOHNS. Tlio city of St. Johns docB ordnln an follows; That a certain warranty deed from M. Jj. Holbrook and May w. Hoi- gon, lei. ml Passed by tho Council this 3d day the City of St. Johns, by resolution V" ":", ' J,'0J'?i'L "'?.. of Auutist. 1000. adopted Mny -1 tit. li)UU. directed tho 7 . " .., ." " . '' df May, 1005, beforo O. I. Raker, Notary Public for the state of ore AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING THE REPORT, PLAT AND SURVEY OF THE CITY ENGINEER, RELATIVE TO THE PROPOSED WIDENING OF FES8ENDEN STREET, IN THE CITY OF ST. JOHNS, FROM THE SOUTH WESTERLY LINE "OF JERSEY STREET TO THE WiLLaMETTL RIVER. ORDINANCE NO 240. gon, together with the land thereby Tho city of St. Johns doen ordnln drooi," I Is wife of Portland ore conveyed, bo mid the sumo Is hereby ns follows: I c J l r, "f" . Orn nccepteil by tho city of St. Johns. , , Jlmt whrron. fho city council , of r ,orn& "for Vrn h n. T niu .ij ui 01, uoiiiin, uy rusuiliuiill j-... Inliim l.Mr.i .i,ln . 7 adopted May Ith. 11)00. directed tho i"""B ...i'."8. 1 !rn .A 111 ,lo . " " I .. . A1JII fll MI. .JMI1I1M llnlml lit.. Approved by tho .Mayor, August city engineer to mmto survey of tno'Uny or v." 7. , t. , " proposeu wmeiiiug or Fossom en , m i.,i r.w.t, . . i . ? street In tho city of St. Johns, from ftjt nV".lbnr" " 'Vny ))' 1 " ti... i..ni.iv.mi..ru. ii,,.. 'i.... "Fuok mid acknowledged on tho C h J. F. HENDRICKS. Attest: Mavor. tliu Southwesterly lluu A. M. ESSON, street to tho Wlllnmellu river, and Recorder. to mnko a mirvey and plat and Published In tho St. Johns Rovlow, written report of sumo containing a August 0, 1009. full mxl complete description of said proposeu ciuiiigo uy wiuening or suiu nncni iiTinM i vsseaueii street ami mo uouuuarUH of Jersey . ."V." y"u-ugeii on uio out ui .luinu , , inr.,. .. ... .. L. Holbrook and May W, Holbrook before Richard W. Montague, to gether with tho Innd therein conveyed, bo mid the same is hereby accepted. Paused by the council this 3d day ui oiihwoi, lilVU, A ............. t ... and fciirvoy within twenty days from 0um,uu "y 1,10 Mn'or "B"Ht thereof, nnd to file said report, plat mid Mirvoy within twenty days from lltll.l ill,.. ,, .,!.... unl.l ....... ....... I... I . I .Hill 1.I.IU HIHVPI OIIIU ...lU " ... Uj Mnynio Stone of Eureka, Oil., nml uf any klml. A sure and safe rnniv.! i.v ti.n h,v r Rt II council extended, mid, Mr. and Mrs. II. E. Knight. Mrs. cure for disordered stomachs, bowels H 'VA.0"0."6" uy 1,10 Cliy 01 m' Whoroas. thereafter, and on tlio McDontild received tho guestH and frelfulnehs splendid for teething Tml r' dooms It expedient and 25Jh 'Jny of ,,M,' lu!. Council k nam ru- "' Atigust oliOOO: J. F. HENDRICKS, Act Mayor. A. M. E880N, Reconlor. Miss Hlou.i mid Mrs. Knight served inrnniB. hoi.i uy North liatik Piiarm- necossary to liuprovo South Jur-r;;" V" - ' " " Published In tho St. Johns Rovlow fa,... U. ..,.! r . A . .. ..... UAtllllii.lll 1 III.. .'- "1 M....V ...... . U , .. llui m , Ul I ..... anw. ' of Richmond street to tho Northerly w ! ' " 1 tin.. ,,f Mol.nwlr Hlr.,.,. In tin, rllt . WhoroBH, pursuant to Snld TOHO lunch. Work frr a Grenter 8t. Johns, rench tho gospol of St. Johns tho tttch EAST ST. JOHNS Is the rccntilC(l cuntur of intliistrial activity in the eastern part of St. Johns. This vnhiahle property ntljoins the only depot on the entire I'oiiiiiMilu, tints affording local anil through passenger, freight and express bcrvice. EAST ST. JOHNS Is tilrondy the site of suver.il small fnctorles, others in course of construction. Present growth indicntes thnt In only n few months the pay rolls of these plants will he snUicienl to support the entire district. I-AST ST. JOHNS is not only a Alniuifnrtiiring District hut hns a fine Residence Section that is high nnd sight ly, The Huildiiur Restrictions of 51,500, 51,000 and 5500, provides suitable home sites for the laborer and the business man. The Water, Lights, Phones, Graded Streets and New Schools arc not promises, but facts. COAU: OUT AND SEI3. GOOD INVI:STAENTS OPFI2RUD. LOTS $275 AND UP, TEN PER CENT DOWN,30 PER MONTH TALK it over with any RKAI. P.STATIv AGKNT. East St. Johns land Co., Easl SI. Johns Station Phone Richmond 601 imomuaa fmiH mid fmiarlnoB were In n JuM hint mood, ami the din i.Hid at tlio end of tho Kami) iilnuwt slmtlerod Ilio twIllKht. Tho suoru iru 7 to I. In favor of t lit Hvmiaallcsl nimiii Proposals lor Street Work. St'iUtd prtipogalu will bo rowlvod Ion. Anoihor khiiio will llkoly 1 ' tht' tUo of tlio Itccordcr of tho ...n. ,.r ... n. ... . .. . ''HV "f ht- Jl'll"". tlBOIl, Ullll I'tilUd off In tli iimt fwtutv u... ul.llHk p. ,. on lUv Villi dliy of Aug.. twutiu thono wnrrloitt IUUU. for (liu liiilirovtiiioiii nf 'l'lini. i uih iriHt from tho wtst lino of Jor- RESOLUTIONS OF CONDOLENCE.1 "V' "lrr" ,,1'0 vH "no ."ayoa i trml by plaultiK huiiio to HiiliKrado .... ,..,,,. . M 'own by pmfllo tlioroof, and by VhnrMM, Ood, In hit ItirlNll wta- um..I).utlIHM full width from Jorsov dotH, Iiim onlerd thu howt at mv mr.'.t u unhm ktr.ift, mid a fttlp hruthur, T. J. Mouatiau, aim! our l ',, fn,w Uanhoo to llayoH tor Itlllm MouahMH ami luuil trtl'i- llliprut flllHIlt til bv Li., i . Tu i , , . Irlilwt Uy rowdutlon dated to tho sflilulnjc Hliortt thtdr twlovwt a.Uki' tt. tuis. Hud miuadam ilNiiflhttr. Viiuk. Iw It lld a prnvliU'd by Ordiumieo No. Itweolvtfd, That wi m HiuiuUttra at ls lrf ,," '" f Johmi. AIo . . ,. , . ,. , .. i oiilh wiW of Hald tmt oxtom liiK tililto In Moiidliif our hwrtfolt ajrm- j Utm jBrs..v sllwtl ,0 1lt Proposals For Street Work r4 sr. v.iA- l" fol,ow",B ,,,n"- SfVi0 SZ'T.dV,,i li'v Ki-udlti" snmo to catablUhed roI,ort. )lB' ""rvoy of Kiild pro .ratio by cut nn I fill and by a do I'onotl wldonli.K of huI.I ntrci-t, which wnlklMR , on olthor riuolth o. ?n' W !".,lt .""W mid walk and curb to have oxpan- P.1. " ?'V'fflcU r' " Hloa jolntH when directed by cuy on- tl,,M"Hj, 01 n f0w. ,0,w"l.lin Blneer; curb to have Inch tlio drain ",rt'0 !: uno ovory 60 foot; a ho by placlnB a To 1 ,u "oiioMlto .Mayor and t'oun 4trlp of crushed rock In tho center ,. .!.i,,. .. , . . , . thoroof. entire loiiRth. 10 feet wldo ' wldonlng l-cwenilon "treot fioni a ii.ni.... i.. n i..ni.nu mi v iri'ui iu uio river. II win no either sldo with nocommry O foot hocownry to condemn tho follow Iiir Wn"!, "i"! 'Sd, ?MBiT?il Northwont corner, Inc to tho Planu and BDoclficatlotib of ".'fli. ': 1,1 .Jn",J.,"!, I..,.. m.. i., ti,.. fi... ituiiiiiun to uio cur or m. juiiiib. of tho city reS t,wnco 8oulh 50 ,1JRrces NV"1 wbVnrn anJrdrBnL, rcm . present Utterly lino of tlmatesaromitlefactory and aro hero- f"0"""" "W" . ' Wlllnmotlo by approved. Said Improvemonta to lor ,.0" run Haatorly to n no nt hi mndo In accordance with the ?. fu0' ,l,8,"nco n Poniondlculor chnrtor and ordinances of tho city of " ro" "2U ""'u"mt:i,1 V. ' St. Johns, and under tho supervl- onto, No.tl' co 0Bree Bunt to Blon uml dlroctloii nf tho dtv onuln. BuuiiiwcMony imo ot uorxey I " " I fllrnnr thulton en n nlnnn until Cnutli. CThat tho cost of said Improvement llLZuZ1 X? "n to bo assessed as provided by tho " , f L I, cltv phartor nnnii Ilio nronortv osnoc. -" ..w.....v llfv .....1 nnrtlVtilnHv l.nnnrlln.l tl.nrn. "fOOtH, 1U.IB0 Squnro fOet. Said imthloB to tliw Iwrwavwl family, mid bo It further HwKolvod, Thnt a copy of tbM rMulutluuu I miuI tu tlw tterwivvd family, a copy to tho IucmI imiiw and a eoiiy Uw Nprund on the rui-oids of our I.odn. "All, wlilgh Is bwitfor many yonrs ro trwid u ruugh nmi ilnijHy way Or at hound to win the goal . ud vulur Into iwrfevt dnyr" Alum llatlmwuy, Jlary Dowuoy, .Mary KUIott, Comiullto. A REAL DARGAIN. If you uro lookluc for an lnvut meut that U a sure winner, buy half of block 10 at Whltwood Court. Tho tract Is 100x000, lays flno mid lots across from It aro now ealllUK at 3S0 for 60x100. It cut Into lots $3000 could easily bo realized, am! then tho lots would bo cheaper than any can bo brought for In that neigh borhood, la five years 110.000 would not bo an exorbitant price. If tak en ut one IIS00 buys It, fAOo cash, 1500 in blx mouths aud tho balance nt $10 per month, 11, II. lllitnding. real estate office, Whltwood Court, j of Illock 19, Jituie John Addition ttaid tuiurovenifut tti bo done In arcurrtuiit to the plans, profile aud MH'iru-utiou or tlio city utiKltitier now uu flh' In (Uw ofiKt of tho elty ro- coram-. Much bid must bo luioiupauled by 4 curtifted clunk imbU to the mayor fur a mini not Ions than ten iwr cnt of th contract price, aud no Hid will im considered unless ac couuuiiilud by sueh check, and tinoti bUuka furiiUhed by the city recorder ror mica purpose. iiaid improvement ttitist lie com plelod on or beforo Ootober SSth 100. The right to reject any and all bid l hereby rorvcd. Th Htlmated cost of said Improve meut IH Jiis.67. Hy ofdtir of tho city council, A. M. H.SSOX, Htioorilor. l'ubllshud in the St. Johns ltovlow. August u, is, :u. lyun. HENDRICKS & HORSMAN The New Grocers Cater to the trade b I i"j euui n I hillv mul nartlcularlv bonofltoii there. ,or ""e""1. v,imu o.iuuro luei. nam t'o all or lots, parts of lots, blocks It's I.uok to Smoke l'uck Tho lletter than 6o Cigar Tho Olstir In the Green Uox If you want to buy.rent, soil or exchange property seo Wolcbtt, (Tho Iteut Man,) -101 South Jersey. Side I outrauce. Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the city recorder of the city of St. Johns, Oiokoii, until I o'clock i. m., AiiKiist L'l, lloy, for tho Improvement of Kast HurlliiKtoii street from the east lino of Jersey stroet to the east lino of KoIIokk street by HldewalkltiK aud by lower Iiik (lie Htivet (o sub arade mid ma- eailamlzliiK tho same without a sand hinder. saJd macadam to be twelve liicliea deep In the center of street mid tuperliiK to a depth of six Inches at either curb, In the maimer pro vided by ordinance No. liij ami tlio charter ot said city aud In accordumo with the plans, profile ami spccltlca tlouti of the city engineer now on file ' In the of fire of the city recorder. Separate proposals may be made for either uradliiK, macadiimliiliiK or I sidevvaiklug Included In said Improve ment. Kuril li 111 muni Im m-rniiiiiiiiiliiil by a certified check payable to t.ie I Ceries ill the citV. All percent of the contract price, and no K00 Strictly IreSIl, 110 uid will lie coiisiuored unless accom-, 0i.i ctnr.1- l.m.lu.l I... Html ,.L- .,.,.1 ...II WHIULK, ' l "' M..1II 1..1VI1, ...111 lll'UII blanks furnished by the city recorder for such purpose. Said Improvement must be com pleted on or before October 25, lyou. l he rlKht to reject any and all bldi Is hereby reserved. rue estimate cost of said Improve. meut Is ISlKi.li. Hy order of tho council, A. M. KSSON, City Recorder. Published In tho St. Johns liovlow. AURitst 0, 1, 20, IDOD. I UIUVIVB I i n.lnl of such Improvements abutting .V VZi ? h lamo.JohS upon, adjacent or proximate to said j "-- J d 7- ' ,SJo,3n South Jorsoy stroot, from tho mar- ,,, V. , .mi,,' glnal linos of said street back to tho ln'l 05Il'.a.rta. ?L',U or I,ot No U 1,1 center of tho block or blocks or "" "Y" . ""u "; v., , trnni. nf lm.il ..l.nlllne llinronn nr Also beBlllllllIK at tile Northeast nrovlmatn thoreTo " I' of U 8 Illock 6 In Chip t " . . ' 1 That ail tho proporty Included In MS"! u ? S"'.."1 said Improvement district aforesaid Z T w1, T Ii horobv declared to bo "I ocnl Im. Wesl n,0I1S t,u Present Westerly ... Ut.'a.r-C.. ,.I'0Cl11 lm lino of Fessendon stroot to tho WIN v,Z"T r. " "S laraetto river, thenco run Westerly 1I1UL tllU Lilt U11UII1UUI B uaai'DO' I . . ". ..'.......r .." . to a point 5 reot distant in a uer Is? b Tessa's rs OS's Now Doiie Business LyJs? Sand and Gravel I Imve iiintlenrroiiKettR'tits will the Pacific Uritlfje Co. for wash- cd river gravel nutl sand lu tin limited quantities. Contractors fiKiiriiiK on street work or on building would do well to sceine and get prices. Hunkers are lo cattd nt foot of Newton street. opposite the site for the new school building in Kast St. Johns iiuslness phoiif Woolnwn 1104 Residence phone Richmond 134 1 L. D. Jackson ; 1 t One of the most com plete and up-tO'date gro- .,,illu. ...v.r "'"street lo tho Sonthwnstorlv mon. propony m sa u local assessment , ,.".,-- ,",,' "'-.. I rJ?of tho'cltyoi St Johns0 n,0 South'wosKa.y lino of I ibuy T y 8 ginning; contalnlnB In all aud omltt- '-'V-". n,, n.,. 1,....,1.. ,l.lln... . ., . . HENDRICKS I HARDWARE CO. NOW IS THE TIME To lay in your supply or J UAKUfcN TOOLS I We have 0 fine assortment on iiuihi. tan in ntm pick out what you want. HENDRICKS HARDWARE CO. A. bust 6 uud lit, IfCl' I Fresh fruits and vege tables daily. Your patronage solicit ed. Prompt delivery. Phone Jersey 1021. Ill finntli Torspv St. ..... j . a Treasurer's Sale of Delinquent Assessments Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Dl- arrhcea Remedy Never Known to Fall. "I have used Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Hemedy since 1 was first Introduced to the public 11 1S7-, ami have inner found one Instance where a euro was not speed ily effected by its use. I have been commercial traveler for eighteen ears, and never Mart out on a tln without this, my faithful friend," says II. S. Nichols of Oakland, Ind. Tor. For sale by ull good druggists. Bids Wanted S, ,'..,. purposes. 10,750 square feot. Said i.,i.ii,..i , .i. o. ,..., 10,750 suuaro feet bolnc composed " 7 ". ' rTC,u ". of tho following fractional parts of lots ami tracts; 10 parts of lots 8 and 9 In Blocks 1 and 5 In Chipman's Addition: .10 parts or Lots LM and 25 In n ock 4. Chipman's Addition; .10 parts of lot 1, uiock iu. and .10 parts of lot 1 and 10 in Illock 13 St. Johns Park Addition; .0053 parts of a 14.33 acre tract, owned by tho Merchant In- t-.iiit in i .1 'p.,...! rn rnA n Notice Is hereby given that I will r," Mu'i . nn Mnmlnv 111.. !trtih f !,.., v.vv "4 w w. ... v,u. o ll8.iv libor.t tho hour of-lo'-o'cTock a. m: ? Vocks"! 'TZa V ta Urs u!i. for'iho Cltv Silt Vohns0 ''S tho" c.tyof kl "joSS" It ill for tho City of St. Johns, Ore- .nnj.,u. ... ., pm. ... i.i.I.IIa -!. ... . .!, " v....ub ... uuuio uco- bidden casrTn ha;,d7 the toUooTo Plecu o'. real estate, or so much UL imL, d0 trom Jer86y 8treet tol thoreof as will bo necessary to pay Roanectfuiiv w. V ...iu costs against same: "HAZELWOOD" Ice Cream The Best Obtainable Cosiest place in town. Bring your friends around and treat them lo something fine. Get our rates for church parties, socials, etc. Note the big yel low sign. A. UNGER 103 N, Jersey St. Intenso Colicky pains Relieved. C. E. ANDHEW, Utty Engineer. ut FVlr Rfimn Vnno t m Sealed proposals will bo received 1. 2 and 3. M& V C,,Cky pa,ns wh,ch " the office of tho City Recorder un- 118.80. Pe- ?u'1 t.he und ?ach ot- th.om are Como on at times ami frnn, tthit. t Ul 7 o'clock p. m.. Tuesday August Said sum against tho property Is Btd the Colclljffi? 27th cou,d relief." says I. S. Ma 10. for the lease of tho city rock duo by reason of assessment placed 1909 council juiy Beaver nam i- crusher and utilities now located at upon tho city lien docket of the city ,...,, hv ihn ytmr hrii. n , ' y' Cham" Whltwood Court. Further Informa- of St. Johns on tho 16th day of June iqnPP ' tt ly 27th ber,a,ns Co,lc. ad Diarrhoea jiumeuy was recommended to mo by a friend. After taking a few doses of tho remedy I was entirely relieved. That was four r., 1,1, .... i .... o. i. V....I. I. " '"ho must 6 1909 iwviuw. ua8 been no return of the symptoms lion regardlm; tho same mar bo ob- 190S. tamed at any time at tho city hall. J. E. TANCH. The right to reject any aud all bids city Treasurer of St. Johns. is ruserveit. Published n tho St. Johns Review. A. M. ESSON. August 6, 13, 20, 27, 1909. City Hecordor, Published In tho St. Johus Review. Subscribe for the Rovle w and ha 1909. . J. V, HENDRICKS, Attest Mayor. A. M. ESSON, uecoraer. August 6, 1909 since that time." This remedy is for August t, vm. ' 1 happy, Pay your subscription. sale by alt good druggists,