North. W C July 1-fl Assessor's Offire, i . II. ST. JOHNS REVIEW 1 1fcllll IT'S NOW UP TO YOU To tutMcrltw (or THIS Piper. An lh MW( whIU II U newi It oar motto. Call In and enroll GET IN THE HABIT Of aJrtrtbtog It THIS I tat yVn arm rfrt K. I la at net u4 km rkM s4 H Devoted to (he Interests of the Peninsula, the Msnufacturlnf Center of the Northwest VOL. 5 ST. JOHNS, OREGON, FRIDAY, AUGUST 6. 1909. NO. 39 LOTS OF STREET BIG PLANT FOR A FINE TIME AT NOT PROPERLY COULD BE MUCH CAT HAD MANY THE CAVES ARE WORK ON Council Kept Busy Push ing Mailers Along Council met In regular session Tuesday ovenlng with all membors present nnd Mayor HondrlckB In tlio chair. Minutes of tho previous moot. In;? wore road and npproved, A petition for llconso far tho salo of liquor presented by F. C. Kirch nor & Co., W08 rend nnd ordered plnccd on file. Tho place of business designated was 10S Philadelphia street. A communication from V. 8. Lttuthers stated that his team becamt untied 0110 nftornoon Inst week, nnd wlillo ho was trying to locate It some other party plnccd It lu tho city pound, nnd ho was required to dig up $4 before It could bo released. Ho asked, undor tho circumstances, that council refund tho money. Mat ter was referred to tho health and police commltteo with power to net, A communication from Contractor W. H. lllller stated that ho had mndo tho changes nnd alterations aug nested by tho city engineer on Oa wogo street, and tho matter was re ferred H the engineer for verifica tion. A bid from J. Cunningham for tho lonso of tho city rock crusher was opened, nnd tho offer was made to suply rock for tho contracts now on hand at tho rate of SS cents per yard, and to allow the city C cents per yard for all rock sold to outside parties. As tho proposition left fu ture contracts on tho part of the city lu the dark so far as price Is concerned, It was unanimously do elded to reject tho bid nnd ro-ndvor-tlso tho call another week. A 1 court of tho onglncor Instruct ing tho street commltteo concerning tho condition of Iluchanan street was road. It stated that tho sidewalk was In fair condition with tho excep tion of about 30 foot, which will have to bo relald, nnd tho grade still re quires n number of ynrds of crushed rock, Many cracks nro visible on tho surface or tho sidewalk, nnd tho property ownors aio not overly ploased with tho work. Matter was left with tho street commltteo. A communication from tho city at torney statod tho vlewors on tho Iluchanan street condemnation failed to specUy tho different tracts In tholi roport, uud thoreforo, tho proceed ings nro not proper. Tho roport wns ordered returned to tho vlowers to correct tho .defect. W. 8. Lauthors brought up tho icailur of tho two bids on Willis touleard and stated that tho bid presented by J. II. Moore wns really ruado out by him, that ho would guar antee tho woik In every reBpect nnd that ho would glvo nocessary bonds for tho faithful porformanco of tho .ontrnct. After some dlscuEslon Councilman A. W. Davis mado tho HiOtlon, seconded by Aid. J. V. Davis that tho bid of J. H. Mooro be ac cepted. Upon vote nil favored tho motion with tho exception of Council men Drown and Johnson. Mr. John son stated that since there was so lltllu dlfferenco between tho two bids that he believed in giving it to the contractor who has done tho best work for tho city Instead of the ono who has done tho worst, nnd there fore he voted in tho negative. An option of tho city attorney concerning the vacation of North Al bany and west Chicago streets was read and ordered placed on file, Saim may be found elsewbero in this Is sue. BU'.o to tho amount of f 249.64 wero allowed, A report of the city treasurer for the month of July was read, accopted and ordered placed on file. The appointment of viewers on the West Fessenden street luiidfin nation proceedings was held over un til next week In order to select suit able viewers. A resolution for the Improvement of South Jersey street from Rich mond to Mohawk was adopted, and way be found elsewhere In this Is sue. On motion of Councilman Doble It was decided to re-advertlso for bids on the Improvement of East Burling ton and Tacoma streets. Two ordinances accepting deeds of M. L. Holbrook and wife were passed and appear In this Issue. On motion of A. W. Davis It was decided to have the mayor appoint committee for the establishment of PENINSULA To Cost $400,000 and Employ Many Men That tho trend of tho largo manu facturing plants Is toward tho Pen lundn Ib becoming mora nnd more np rurcnt. Tho ndvenl of tho Swift Packing plant wns only a forerunner of many moro Industries to follow. Tho Incomparable location, facilities mill natural ndvatitngcB become moro :ipoallng as they become bolter ki own and realized. The latest largo Industry to como this wuy Is tl.u National Wood Plpu Co., nnd while It doesn't come ns close to 8t, Johns ns could bo desired, yet it will bo an Important factor In .attracting .''.!,( 1 manufacturing plants lu this Unction. Concerning tho new on Cti prise, wo quota thu following from Saturday uvuiilug's Telegram: Deciding that for an Industrial en terprise of thu magnitude contem plated, Portland occupies thu most K.ratorilo petition, tl.o National Wood Pipo Company has purchased 1R acres of mud on tho Kenton lownsltu ly ing between Columbia boulevard and Columblu sluut,h, end w III erect a factory nr.u auxiliary buildings ropro sonllii an i.ivontn.oiit of lime lors than $100,01)0, and giving employment to 175 111011. Thu dual was completed, nnd trans fer papers signed thu middle of Inst week, tho company being represented by llalph II. Lloyd, vlco-presldent nnd general manager, and tho Kenwood l.niiu Company owners of the real property, by aoorgo lleusner, Its genera' manager, mo consideration Is withheld, but thu price Is said to linvo been comiuensurnto with tho vnluo cf tho luuds lu question. Thu Kenwood Land Company, ns U well known, Is thu luud-lioldlug concern rf tho Hwlft Packing Company. It Is said that thu company an nually usos millions of feet of timber, and supplies all tho woodon pipes nnd tar lis used In water cystoma on( osst, from Alaska to Moxlco. It has two other lame factories, ono at Han Francisco and nnothor nt Los Angules, According to protont plans, Portland will hereafter bo thu head quurtoi and chief distributing point for the compnny's wares, though minor stations will bo maintained lu California, (trading tho land will Login within two weeks, under thu direction of tho company's engineer, nnd tho con struction of tho factory and nuxlllary structuroB wilt begin as soon ns pos sible and bo rushed to completion, Factories would really bo rtui proper term, aa two Immoneu concrete build ings will houso thu machinery. In ad dition thoro will bo n Fargo ware house and a drying kiln. Tho size of of tho buildings uml other details will depond In a measure on tho report cf tho engineer after grading has boon accomplished. Extending Car Lines A large force of men has been put to work on tho extension of tho Port-1 and Railway, Light & .Power Com-1 pun tracks on Alblna avonuo from North Alblna to tho Swift Packing' plant on tho Peninsula. Work was j suspenued on this extension after a quarjer of a mllo of grading had beei done, when tho extension was held up by the referendum. This Is now out of the way and tho work will go rapidly forward. Grading Is In pro gress and during tho coming week a larger force will be put to work. At Kenton tho line will connect with tho Kenton Traction Company's track, which is of similar grade and width. Between Kenton nnd tho packing plant tho track Is completed! and It Is Intended to have cars in f operation to tho Swift plant within ten days. At present the, company will push the construction of tho Peninsula ex tension owing to the demand for transportation to tho Swift plant and the big lumber company's plant. concrete sidewalk district. Council men A. W. Davis, S. C. Cook and F, P. Drown were selected to act. Mayor Hendricks Is having his residence raised. on South Ivanhoe street preparatory to constructing a modern and commodious basement underneath. THE COAST W. E. Swengel and Fam ily Enjoy Themselves W. E. 8wongelwho with his fam ily, has boon enjoying a pleasant so journ nt Columbia Ucach, contributes tho following from that resort under dnto of July 20: This being our first trip to tho ocenu, our souls wero full of chcor nnd enthusiasm. Tho morning was very cool and cloudy when wo left Portland, but there was enough In termittent sunshlnu to mnka tho Journey pleasant. Wn alighted upon tho turf several times along tho way as tha train stopped, nnd It seemed good to jet upon our feet nnd feel tho soft sunshine. Approaching Abtorlr our eyes were turned In nn onger cnuonvor to sou If perchanco wo might got a view of that groat objoct wo sought, when to our dollght wo beheld u great, distant smooth hor izon toward tho mouth of tho Colum Ma. Yut wo did not sco tho ocean piopur. Hero Is that city of so world-wide fnmo for Its production, export of lumber nnd Columbia river salmon, Astorln has over been a grert fishery station, founded In tho earliest days of tho Oregon country ns n trading post of that noted fi nancier nnd rent estate boomer of nnrlenl New York, John Jacob Asor, vhoso IntorpBtH lu thu Hudson liny Co at this placu wero Important, Though tho oldest city lu tho North- wtft, It Is yut Inferior to tho lively nnd up-to-dato cities farther In tho country. It lacks thu scenic beauty of St. Johns or Portland, but horo wo wero greeted with n BOft wost wind nnd partly cloudy sky. Noon had already arrived but wo had not yut reached our destination. Moving rapidly through tho sylvan solitude of wild forests and finally thiough oponlngs whore nro stock nnd dairy ranches, wo arrived at ou.' Jumping off place Morrison stn lion. Thu first pleasant, old tlmo, gonial fnco to greet us was Mrs, llul lis, well known nnd esteemed by so many or our St, Johns pooplu. Nood Iobs to say that from then 011 our cares wero nil ended not only that our wants woro woll Buppllod, but wo woro assured that thoro was nothing on tho ground stronger than wi.tor. Personal effects woro per fectly safo lying around nnywhoro. Wo staged It about a mllo to tho camp grounds nnd woro nsslguod a commodious tent well furnished, A camp stovo was eroctod In tho outor court and tha joy of camp Ufo bognn. Tho wrltor secured a Binall rako and went Into tho woods for a few spruce limbs to cook tha meals. Sammlo was sent to "Jacob's woll" for water, and tho wlfo needed no Introduction to her dutlos. Tho camp resembles nn army oncampmont In vnatness, and U beautifully locatod within a circle of lovely spruco, west of which If a strip of sand hills to tho beach something llko a mllo. Upon the last and huncst Is a lurgo hotel In splendid view of all that Is grand and beauti ful Horo tho visitor first beholds the mighty ocean with Its deop bluo waters and white surf. 8tretchlng from North Head to Tillamook Head la ono .grand and Inspiring sweep. To tho right Is tho view of a wide, smooth beach nnd open sandy plain. Four miles above us is tho wreck of a threo-masted ship cast upon the nun threo years ago, Far up and qulto visible to the naked eyo Is the goverumont Jetty whoso longth Is snlil t bo fifteen miles out Into tho sou, "o our left tho beach taksa . gr.i.elul curve Inland, and af'er some 30 miles are spent sheylelds a solemn to old Tillamook Head. Trl', prominence holds a stubborn position, defying oven a hill construc tion company. Within this lovely swtfop Ilea tho town of Seaside, quite visible from hero. Proudly before her bold position lies two mighty rocks at sea, tho oner ono having upon Its crest a poemraent light houso. To the east and south is the view of moun tain und forest, and to tho west up on d smooth horizon Is tho path of ocean steamers, gilding to and fro, as it were, In passing pride, Tho boach Is a lovely drive. It Is a natural highway Its entire length, and thero are many curfous things to be seen washed ashore. One thing notable Just at this time Is a sea Hon lying In tho sand, and his great bulk can be seen for two miles. VACATED North Albany and Chicago Yet Owned by City As much Interest hns been ovlnced over tho alleged vacation of Chicago and North Albany streets, wo here with publish City Attorney Colllor's finding In tho matter, which wns brought beforo council Tuesday oven lug: To tho Honornblo Mayor and Council: aontlomon: Somo tlmo ago you re quested that I glvo an opinion In writing ns to tho regularity nnd le gality of certain street vacations, among which wero Albany street from tho northerly lino of Chicago street to tho northerly lino of Ilaltlmoro street, and of Chicago street from thu westerly lino of Ilrndford street to tho Wlllnmotto river. Tho nbova described portions of streets wero attempted to bo vacated by Ordinance No. 27, which passed tho council on tho 10th dny of Feb ruary, 1904. I find from tho Journals that thu mooting of Februnry 10th wns a special mooting called by tho Mayor. Tho records do not show any call except a recital In tho minutes that It had been cnlled. Tho called moot ing did not statu tho purpose for which It wns called. Tho records do nut show that notice of thu called meeting was given or served on any of tho councilman. Thoro wero only four of tho six membors present, Tho ordinance, after Its passage, was not posted or otherwise published, Tho chartor of St. Johns nt that tlmo provided, among other things, "And ovory ordlnanco to bo valid must recelvo tho affirmative of tho majority of tha mombers of tho coun cil, whoso names must bo entered In tli Journal; nnd within five days from tin- enactment of any ordinance n copy thereof must bo posted In three public places Iti said town." Tho nbovo roqutromonts woro nec essary to glvo validity to tho ordin ance, I urn not In a position to stnto whether or not nny of thoso formal Itlcr woro compiled with, but It they woro tlioy do not appear In tho min utes or other rocords of tho council that I have beon able to find. All U which should appear of rocord. I also find that tho ordlnanco was not signed by tho Mayor. Whether or not tho signing by the Mayor, un dor tho charter referred to, la ab solutely necessary to 'glvo validity to tho ordlnanco Is a mooted ques tion, nnd. In tho light of tho nbovo named Irregularities, this Is not nec essary to consider. Ilospoctfully submitted, Honry B. Collier, City Attorney. Building Permits No. Gl To J. J, Karr to erect a residence on Portland boulevard bo twoen Newton and Iluchanan streets; estlmntod cost $1000. No. 62 -To George Drokaw to erect residence on Hartman street botweon Crulkshank and Moyera; estimated cost $400. No. 53 To II. M. Waldref to erect temporary dwelling on Dayton streot botwoen Seneca and Fessenden; es timated cost $50, Feel a Lot Better A trio composed of J. 8. Dpwnoy, P. Hill andW. W. Windlo enjoyed tho medicinal qualities of St. Martin's hot springs last week, and all assert that they feel tho better for It. Many marvelous euros havo resulted by bathing In and drinking tho mineral water there, and while tho accommo dations are very crude, few havo como away without benefit. Dathlng and surf riding la great sport and qulto safe, no disasters having yet been chronicled. Clam digging Is another sport' much indulged In, as clams aro very plentiful. They thomsolvea aro smart diggers and ono must be quick to fcet bold of them. The wind blows a cheery breezo from over the sea all day and the sun warms the beach nuking It Idoal for bathing so that ono, II ho onco enjoys this privilege, wiU again seek It, WORSE St. Johns People Do Not Have a Kick Coming Wo havo nt different times been nsked to consura thu trolley lino pcoplo through tho Iluvluw tor stow service, cold cars, poor track, etc., but wo hnvo so far foiled to " dis cover wherein thu pcoplo of St. Johns had nny Just cnuso for com plaint. Wo nro well nwnro of tho fact that It Is n slaw nnd torturous rldo to Portland many times, that tho cars were not nlwnys ns warm ns they should bo for comfort, nnd that thu track In somo places would bo tho hotter far n Uttlo repairing, but hnvo thu pooplu horo sufficient grounds for complaint by reason of thoso conditions? Can they expect tho company to supply ns efficient service on their suburban routes ns obtains lu tha heart of thu city whore many times ns many passen gers nro handled? It Is a lung haul from Portland to St. Johns nnd tunny times thu trips do not pay. Tho com pany is nt nn Immonso expense con stantly, but In splto of this wo bo llnvo they nro willing to i'o anything within renson." Tho faro of flvo cents Is certainly rensonnblu enough, nnd thu enrs run offer enough to satisfy tho mnjorlty of tho people nnyhow. In few cities can bit found first elnts sorvlco on tho suburban routes. It Is ono of tho petty niinoynnci'H of suburban life, nnd It tnkes tlmu to overcome. As long ns a porporntlun Is doing ns well us It profitably can, why should It bu cuiiBiirod? No prl- vato Individual or firm would do moro, and likely not an much. Mora ei.n bo gained by being thankful for what wo hnvo received than by knock ing hecausa wo cannot got moro. Thu company Is fully nwnro of the defi ciencies that exist, nnd nro llkoly as anxious aa nny ono to hnvo I hum remedied, but It tnkes tlmu uud money to do so. Aa tho population 011 tho PoiiliiBiiln Increases better facilities will bu Inaugurated. In tho mouutlmo, lot us aid rather than hinder und annoy. Visits New Town Site Thu Columbia Trust Company con ducted an excursion from Portland to Ilrondmond last Saturday, tho oc casion being 'ho opening for salo by this company or this beautiful tract 3t land situated 42 miles nbovo Port land on tho Wost Side. About n hundred or Portland's enterprising citizens, with n sprinkling or our peoplo from St. Johns went with tho train and found ubout COO pooplo with a bass band nt thu station whun they laudod. Tho dny was nil Idoal ono nnd thu location thu prettiest Im aginable for n town slto. it Is on thu famous llroaduiond estutu owned by tho Lndds and Is being platted and jiold In small ncroages. Hveryono in this suction knows thu reputation of this splendid property nnd It wus no surprlso that thu laud went from tha start llku hot cakes lu a logging camp boarding houso. Wo found P. J, nnd John Potorson luto of Mc.Mliiu vlllo locatod thoro lu their own two story store building with a big stuck of goods busy as bouvors, nnd thoro Is ovory reason to bollovo thoy havo a very favorable leoutlon, for It Is u splendid country all around them. Tho farmers aro all woll to do, many of them rich, und this now town starting at a fuvorublu distance from nny othor largo place Is bound to gruw rapidly, all of which will mako "pudding" for Poto und John. May their shadows nover grow less. Tho ciowit nto everything In sight that tho comp.iny had and they wero obliged to muUo two or threo trips to McMinnvllli with autos to got moro provlndor to feed tho visitors. This was donu and ovorybody was flllod and happy. Many sales wuro madn on tho grounds and tho tract formully opened for salo. Wo wont up via Oregon City and camo back via of Forest Grovo and everywhere tho oyo was mot with views of tho finest of crops of all kinds, Verily tho Wlllamotto valloy Is a perfect Paradise. Tho man who has a farm or any kind In this valley will certainly regrot It U ho over lets It go. One or tho Party. Pay your subscription. LIVES Contractor Mason Has a Strange Experience Contractor V. W. Mason met with nn odd oxpcrlonco ono morning Inst week. Upon nrlslng nnd going out fildo for n whiff of fresh nlr his nostrils woro greeted with nn odor Hint would havo mndo half n dozen gluu factories combined look llko thirty cents. Tho nlr wnB heavy with tho strango purfumo, nnd Mr, Mnson docldod Hint hoforo his souses woro wafted nwny on tho "wings' of thu morning, ho would mako n little Investigation ns to Its source. Start ing townrd his chicken coop his nt tcnllou bocniuu fixed upon uu empty barrel with n board leading from tho ground to thu top or thu barrel, and as ho wont townrd It his 1100 told him that lie had struck 11 "pay streak." (lotting closer thu sront be came stronger nnd moro over-power- Ing, and looking part wny Into tho barrel ho saw tint head or u cat, nnd thoro wasn't thu least doubt lu his mind what sort of cat it was, 80 hurrying back to the house ha se cured his trusty six-shooter nnd ad vanced to thu attack. (Jotting with in rnngo he took enreful nlm nt n head part way up thu barrel on thu Insldo nnd blazed nwny. Tho head disappeared for n moment but came back to draw nnothor shut. Six times did Mr. Mason tako nlm and flru nt tliu visible head, nnd when It came within vision thu seventh time hu de cided his mnrkmatishlp wns decidedly off, und us all his cartridges wero used up, hu aliped over to n neigh bor's and burrowed a shot gun. After firing two heavy charges Into thu barrel, nn further signs of life wero visible, and In vestlgallon revealed thu fact that nut one, hut four evil smelling representatives or tho felluu Mho were lying dead within, and tho heads Mr. Mason hud boon (ruining his rapid flru gun upon did not In every ensu belong to thu same body. Visitors From Michigan Thu MIbbch Mary and Llzzlu Pnrkui of I, 'ay City, Mich., aro visiting nt thu homos of Frank Clark and A. H. Dunls this week. They aro on route to take In thu Imposition at Seattle. On their way out they stopped at Colorado Springs, Denver uud Salt Luko City, but think Portland Is thu fliiost city oil tho routo. Tho rormor la a teacher In Hay City and tho other n teacher lu thu Chicago schools. They sny they uro much Im pressed with the hourly way every one has or lauding thu beauties or our city uud pointing out thu places or Interest to them. Foss Kept Busy Chas, Fuss secured thu contract for thu excavation und rock work on a building to bo used as meat market, barber shop uud general storu ut Whltwood Court, adjoining Knight & (Hover's saloon. Tho work Is being (I11110 for W. II. Hush or Portland. Mr. Fuss also has n force of men at work clearing a lot for Wayne L. Mills nt Whltwood Court, nnd will soon bo hln excavation for thu erection of n handsome dwelling for Mr. Mills, Whltwood la rapidly coming Into its own. Reckless Shooting Whllo Mrs. P. II, Kdlofson and sov erul others woro sitting upon tho front porch or thu Fdlorsen homo ono evening tho past week a bullet burlofi Itseir In thu pillar directly over their heads. Thu reckless party who did tho promiscuous shooting should ex erclso moro enru lu tho future, bu causa It was only puro luck that tho random shot did not do moro damngo than was tho case. An ordlnanco forblda shooting within tha city limits anyway. Mrs. Kmlly Walker, or 423 Stewart streot, who was operated upon at tho Good Samaritan hospital, Port land, last week, Is rapidly Improving. WONDROUS Marble Halls of Southern Oregon Reserved Tho President lias Just signed a proclamation making a Natlonnl Monument or tho Oregon CavoB or "Mnrblo Halls" of Josophlno County, In southern Oregon. Thcso natural wonders nro located In tho Siskiyou National ForeBt about thirty mllca south of Grant's Paso In Cnvo Moun tain. Thu enves aro In marblo and othor limestones nnd consist of Innumer able cnvoniH, corridors and passage ways of various sizes, nil of them docorated beyond description In crystnlllzed carbonates. Thoy havo been explored to n dlstanco of two miles or moro, tho lowest of them being nt n depth of about 2,000 foot below tho summit or Cava Mountain, tho highest being somo sovon or eight hundred feet nbovo It. Thoro uru many pnssngownyfl and rooms which hnvo never boon opened, nnd with these distant nnd unexplored openings tho mngnltudo of Oregon Caves Is practically unknown. These natural wonders wero discov ered In 1874 by Kllja Davidson, whllo bear hunting, nnd tho groator part of thu exploration work wns dono by F. M. Nlckorsnn, of Korhy, Oregon, In 1877, when four floors or lovols woro partially opened, Many or tho old ladders used at that tlmo nro still In use. Cnvo Mniintnln, tho punk which con tains thoso envus, rises to mi olovn tlun or nbout 6,000 feet nnd Is of limestone rormntlon. Tho mnln opon lngs around which tho National Monument has been created nro nt nc elevation or 4,000 feet, hut tho en tire inouiitalu-Bldu for flvo or six miles shows caverns of various sizes mid In nil probability Is honeycombed throughout Its Interior llko tho por tion which has boon explored. Many small streams nro round at different elevations, uud larger bodies of running water can bo heard In bottomless pits so rar ns measured. This running water probably accounts for currents of wind that In soma of thu galleries blow so hard as to ex tinguish nn open light nt onco. Thu llmo doposlts tako many beau tiful forms; miisslvo pillars, delicate stalactites or alubaster whiteness with thu crystal drop or water carrying Its mlnulo deposit or lima from which they uru formed, uud broad shoots re- soinbllng drapery with graceful curvo and waves that woro certainly mado by varying currents of wind during formation, In past yenra visitors havo broken off und carried nwny many of tho most valuable specimens and this des truction us well us to rotalu thoso natural wonders aa public property, Induced tho recommendation to placu them In 11 National Monument. Thu Forest Service has rebuilt and Improved thu trails leading to thu Caves from each sldu of tho divide In ordor to moro easily protect tho valuable forest surrounding, and to mnko thu cuvoh mora accessible to tourists. Delightful Musicale Mrs. John N, Kueler entertained with 11 muslcnlu last Frlduy ovenlng nt hor homo on Stuwart street lu honor of Mrs, Itlluy Hutchinson, who loaves for a visit to hor old homo In Dulutli, Mich. A flno musical pro gram wus rendered and prizes con sisting of small musical Instruments woro won by Mr. and Mrs, E, L. Cox for guessing tho greatest numbor of musical people and of articles hav ing musical significance. Refresh ments woro sorved and a good tlmo enjoyod by all. il Will Be Kept Here Tho O. It. & N. Co. has cleaned out thu old oil works in North St. Johns and will after Soptombor first handle their oil from St. Johns In stead of at Portsmouth, This covers tho supply of fuel oil used by tho O. It. & N. and Southern Pacirio rail ways In Oregon. Subscribe for the Review and be happy,