THE ST. JOHNS REVIEW PubllAhiid Evory Friday At 117 West Burlington Street. DY A. W. MARKLE THK RBVIKW is entered nt jwst office In Snlnt Johns, Oregon, ns mall matter of the second class under the Act of Con gress of March 3, 1879. Job Printing eieeutcd In flrtelii iie. Hilts lor Job Printing cih on deMrtrr. All communlcstlom ihould bt tddmaetl to Tbi BTlw, fit. John. Oregon. AdrcrtUIng ritu, $1.00 per Inch pr month. All idTettlilng bllU PJU Brit of each Offlcli Mswtptpir of th City of Bt. Johns. Subscription pries $1.00 por yonr. FRIDAY, JUL-Y 30, 1909. tlctnombcr tho dnncu In tlio now dny, August Cth. Commercial club city dock Thurs- Thcro HccniB to ho aomo activity lntuly along tho DcBchutos river, and Iliirrlmsin und Hill nro again having n fencing match. Somehow Harry Thaw's nnmo seems to Hiirlng Bjiaamodlcnlly to tho kuku of on Irritated and long Buffer lug nubile with lltllo relief In Bight Tho sulcldo mania bcoimh to hnvo struck tho country In great shape and 0110 cannot pick up n dally paper without noting Instances of from 0110 to half n dozen who hnvo departed this llfo by tho "hurry-up" route. Action tukon by 1'reflldent Taft In setting aside tho Josupliliiu county caves ns a National reservo meets with thu hearty approval of tho peo ple of this Btato, who are Interested In preserving Its natural wonderu. One niiitaru mllo Including the on trance to tho caves has been mado a rosorvnt Ion, belonging to tho gov ernment, by proclamation JiihI Hlgned. Tho cuveM titnku up won derful collection of roomy caverns and galleries In tho side of it inmin tain In tho (Irayback rangu, about 30 miles south of tlrnntH I'aHS, Wonder If thu tlmo will over come when women will Imvo thu aiidaelty L wear becoming hendgear In spile o tho dictates of Imperious faHblon, or whether this fesllvo damo will ever troii' tho fair box hinder by design I.W hats after something moro dig nified and moro beautiful than tin imim, dish puns, peach baskets, etc.? It Is ronly pathetic to seo 11 good li tiling woman endeavoring to ap pear attractive under it hat that resembles it half bushel basket dec dinted for display at 11 Harvest Homo picnic. It Is not necessary to go outside of Ht. Johns to noto what distressing caricatures Damo Fashion can miilio out of woman kind who worship ut her shrlno. Big Dance in City Dock The proposed big danco nt tho new city dock was a leading themo of dl cusslon nt tho Commercial club at Its meeting Wednesday evening, and It was definitely decided to hold same Thursday evening, August Cth. This promises to bo an affair of mora thnn ordinary IntercBt nnd will be conducted on an extensive plan. Tho dock Is snld to have moro dancing spacu than any other building In tha Northwest that Is available, and I in mouse throngs of dnnccrs may bo nc conunodated nt 011a time. Tho differ ent committees havo their work well In bund and nothing will bo left tin dono to mnko It a brilliant success In every particular. Tho proceeds will go to tho club for tho purpose of advertising and furthering tho In tercst of the city of St. Johns, and every 0110 should muko It a point to 10 In attondanco since tho cnuso Is such a worthy one. Largo numbers of people from out of town nro ex pected to bo present, and It Is likely that a launch will be run from Port land to accommodate the peoplo there who deslro to eoiuo by water. Ar nold Ungur will look after tho re freshmont pnrt of tho affair, which menus that the wants of tho crowd will ho fully satisfied along this lino. Hood music will bo furnished mid gill edged order, will prevail. So If you want to hnvu the time of your life, don't fall to bo there next Thiirn day night. Tho action of tho council In offer ing thu elty dock for Bnlo at thu price specified was iinnnliuoiisly endorsed liy tlio club, who belluved tho elty dads ami mayor deserve lots of credit for tlio action they hnvo taken In the matter. Tho subject of tho North Hank road not culling out thu fact when Ht. Johns was reached and permit ting tho passengers to get off nt that point If they so desired, was brought up ami tho secretary wits Instructed to request (ho officials to attend to this In tho future. President Valentino asked for nil expression as what benefit the elly would likely derive from 11 ball team with St. Johns uniforms making a our of twenty or moro cities In the Northwest and distributing literature concerning the city ns they went along. While nil decided It would lie a fine way to advertise this part of world, no action was taken In tho way of tho club aiding tho project fliiiiiincliilly, Tho Idea of thus bring- ug the city of Ht. Johns to tho n- Ico of tho peoplo In tlio statu of Washington and points In Oregon Is ipillo meritorious and would 110 doubt tend to advertise Ht. Johns In 11 sub stantial manner. MARY AND HER PET8. By Had. Mary had a little lamb, A woolly little tyko And overywhero that Mary went That lamb was euro to hlko. Ho wont to town with her, oncdny- A foolish thing to do. Boforo that lamb could got away They had him In n Btow. Mnry had n llttlo rat, Shu kept It In her hair; And overywhero thnt Mnry wont, Tho rnt was Burcly there. 'Twas Btrango how Mary loved that rat, Hut feared a llttlo mouao; And always kept a big Tom cat To Bcaro It from tho house. Mary had a speckled hen, A great omclctto booster. For every dny Speck laid an egg, Hut wob overy night n rooster. Now, Mary praised that speckled hen Just llko tho very Dickens; Hut her ungodly brother, Hun Dcclnred It "common chlckonB." Mnry had a brother John, Tho worst 0110 of tho lot. Whenever Mary had n beau Jack was Johniilo-oii-tho-spot. While you may gather animals To you from overywhero, Tho things that they will do to you Will mnko you tenr your hair. Tho only remedy thnt wo know, Is renlly worth a button; Is to take tho offender out And mnko III in Into mutton. COLLAPSIBLE DOX FACTORY. ORCHID HUNTING. REDEKAHS IN8TALL. Tho following officers of Luutol wood Itcbekah I.odgo were installed at their regular meeting Wednesday night, July II: N. (I. Mnymu Monnhnii, V. (I. Tllllo Hill. Hucrotary Aiinn 1 Iitthawny. Treasurer Koto ltambo. Chaplain Miniilo Hall. Conductor Anna (Hover. I. (1. Kiln Aiken. O. (J. Hubert Simmons. It. 8. N. 0. Cynthia Hewitt. It. H. V. . Mary ICIIIolt. L. 8. V. U Mary Downey. Tho Warden, Amy Day, and L. 8. N. (1., Alum Dorrlo, nro yet to bo Installed, lllg danco at tho biggest pavilion In the Northwest next Thursday oven lug, Hvcrybody turn out nnd Incl deutly have 11 good view of tho city dock before It Is filled with grain. Paste the tlmo In your ditto book and let nothing kodp you away. At n meeting of tho Hoard of DI- rectors of tho Collapsible Hox com pany, which met nt tho offlco of tho company on Monday oveiilng last, W- S. I. authors, owing to a pressure of I business, resigned his office ns Pres ident of tho coinpnny, nnd Gov. J. II. Hotelier wns appointed to fill tho position In his stead, Steps were taken to cnlnrga tho business and to give it nn Impetus In other directions which will soon mnk it one of tho most Importnnt enter prises In tho city. Tho company has had many discouragements to con tend with In the past, but these havo been surmounted nnd Its progress from now on promises to bo rnpld. Tho output of this company has no equal anywhere, nnd when this fact becomes moro generally known thcro wilt bo no question as to Its speedy expansion and development. IT 18 IN THE EATING. Some meat men may laud tholr business to tho skies with poetry and prose, and in glowing terms tell of tho great benefit accruing to tnnnklnd through tho operation of their moat markets, but In this par ticular market neither nro necessary. "Thu proof of the pudding is in tho eating," mid Just so It Is with our incuts. Thoy speak for thoinsolvcs and tho flno patronngo wo aro enjoy ing Is concluslvo itssurnnco that our mcnts nro not without merit. While others may endeavor to secure pat ronagu by empty words nnd ambigu ous phrnscs, WH DIJLIVKU TUB GOODS. Wo confine ourselves strict ly to "paddling our own cnuou" and do not rely upon building up our business by tearing another down. No question was over raised ns to tho purity of our ments, and thu rea son of It Is because tlio opportunity wns never presented. Our ments nro ALWAYS I'UIIB. Try thorn nnd eo. HITCOOD & C0LI3. YOU CAN GET THEM FROM US Buster BroWs Th Tsrrors and tha Dangers of a Tropical Forest. It Is not n pretty story, this narra tive of a trip up the Orinoco, but you may understand orchid people better if you read It. "It began unluckily," sold he. "I took n partner becnuso I'd lenrurd that thu dark places of earth are hnrd upon a man by himself. I met him nt Port of Spain, nnd ho wns enger for the adventure because he had Just abscond ed from n Hrltlsh mercantile house In Havana nnd the Orinoco Bounded to him like n haven. "Wo hired 11 few negroes. Our real guides we would pick up nt Angos tura. One day while waiting for the stores to be packed 1 took my partner out to shuw III 111 what 1111 orchid was. "Near the Pitch hike I saw one In n tree nnd ordered one of the negro boys to shin up nnd get It. He would not. A deadly siinke dwelt In that tree, ho declared. He was afraid nfrald of Biinkes! Nice, clllclent, help ful boy to lake Into tropical forests. wasn't her "It was Insubordination before the expedition had even started. So 1 cuffed him nnd handed him my burn ing knife. 'Itrlng down thnt Mower 3,th.,!!; S. COBB, Cor. Jersey and Burlington 110 was (irincuiug tne or- TrsJc Mark Rcpslcrcd GUARANTEED STOCKINGS FOR MAN. WOMAN or CHILD Tht Best-Locking, Btst-Fttling and Dtst-Ftttins well si BuU Wearing 25 cent Slocliinj; nude. They sre old four pain in. a box tl ONE DOLLAR PER BOX! and w3l replace FREE any pair that wesri to holes M heel or to within four month from dale of purchase. Let ui how them to you show you how to top the drudgery ol darning. LOTS OF STREET WORK ON. Continued from first pngo. tnbllshed. It is work that should hnvo been dono before tho urn of street Improvement opened up this Spring, nnd tho chances nro Hint nothing enn bo dono until It ubates Ibis Kail. Tho subject of tho mlu of tlio city dork was broached, and thu mnyor stated that tho attorney of tho North west Warehouse company was now engaged In drafting an ordlimnce legalizing tho sale, which requires tlmo and euro In tho drawing there. of. It Is likely thnt tho ordinance will bo In shnpo for pitssitgo or re jection uuxt Ttwsdny ovunlng. EAST ST. JOHNS Is the center of industrial activity in the cnMcrn pnrt of St. Johns. This valuable property adjoins the only depot on the entire Peninsula, thus affording local and through passenger, freight and express service. EAST ST. JOHNS Is already the situ of several small factories, others in course of construction. Present growth indicates thnt in only a few months the pay rolls of these plants will be Mifliclcnt to support the entire district. HAST ST. JOHNS in not only a AUmiifnctiirinn District hut has a fine Residence Section that is high and sight ly, The Building Restrictions of 51,500, 51,000 and $500, provides suitahlc home sites for the laborer and thu business man. The Water, Lights. Phones, Graded Streets and New Schools arc not promises, but facts. COAIU OUT AND SUE. GOOD 1NVESTAIENTS OFFERED. LOTS $275 AND UP, TEN PER CENT DOWN, 3 j0 PER MONTH TALK it over with any RKAL HSTATJt AOHNT. East St. Johns land Co., East SI. Johns Station Phone Richmond 601 the trunk. ciiui rrotu wncre it clung wnuii a thing tike n spear, ns black us UU own skin, suddenly struck nt the boy's wrist. Ho screamed with terror nnd, toppling down, writhed with pain. lie died, nnd I felt n gloom settle on my spirits. "Well, nt Angostura we took rafts and six guides upstream. First one guide died of fever; then another wns bitten by poisonous insects. One fell In wllh-or Into mi alligator. Wo needed meat, and thu skin wns worth it good deal, so half In revenge, half In curiosity, wo went out nnd plugged holes In the monster. When the guides cut It open they stooped and drew things out the bones mid the cotton clothes of the guide' this cntinlbnl rep tile had swallowed. The very knot wns still In his sarong. Oh, don't squirm! This Is orchid hunting. "Wo lind throe guides left nt tho end of the second month, when, pad dling along one day whore tho vinos overreached nnd let snaky tendrils draggle down, we enmc to n fifty yard clearing. We snw there tho sides of tlireo ennoes, half smothered with rnp ld growing vegetation, nnd 1X-00 alli gator skins well salted, hut decaying. Hanging to tho roof of what hnd been n kind of lean-to were 100 orchid plants withered nnd dead. On the Moor lay two rusty rlllcs nnd two skeletons. Out by the nshy place where the lire had been wns it third skeleton. Up between the ribs were cheerfully grow ing some gny weeds." Kvorybody's Mitgiulne. Arouttd Hir Curloilty Aftir All. "Don't wnnt nny." snld n housekeep er from her second story window to it street vender whoso corered wagon wns Hlnndlng it few steps ttwny nnd who hnd Just pulled the bell. "Don't want any whatY" grullly nsked thu vender, who hadn't hnd even n cbniico to trll what Ids wnres were. "What Imvo you gotK" nsked tho housekeeper, whomi curiosity wns get ting tho better of her annoyance. "Oh, never mind. You don't want any. ait up, 1Mb!" ".Vow, I wonder what that exaspcr atlug mnn is selling, niiyhnwt" she ex claimed ns tho wagon disappeared around tho corner. Uxchnnge. i- ln Buying Extracts Why not buy VAN DUZER'S, when you get them at the same price they ask for Extracts of an inferior quality? The name Van Dtizcr means high grade goods. Call and get a one ounce trial bottle absolutely free at couch & co.s. Bids Wanted Scaled proposals will bo received it tho office of thu City Kccorder tin til 7 o'clock p. in., Tuesday, Atiguil 3, for tho lease of tho elty rock rusher and utilities now located nt Whltwood Court. Further liiformn lion regarding tho sntitu may ho ob tallied nt any tlmo nt tho elty hall. Tho right to reject any and nil bids is reserved, A. .M. KSSON. City Recorder. Published In thu Bt. Johns Itoviow, July :iOtb, 11)00. ORDINANCE NO. 244. AN OUDINANCH ADOI'TINO TUB HKI'OltT, PJ.AT AND SUItVHY OF Till: CITY KNOINHUU. ItHI.ATlVi: TO TIIH I'KOI'OHKD WIDKNINO OF Fi:8flKNI)i:N BTHKHT. IN THU CITY Ol BT. JOHNS, FIIO.M TIIH 80UTI1 WKHTKIU.Y I.INi: OF Jr.IlHIJY 8TUKHT TO TIIH Wll.ia.MK1 Tl: 1UVKH. Prnulilmil MN.ft iflll vlull fW.,.,.ii I this full, llo will come In October nnd will mnko stops at Portland und other cities of tho statu that his Itinerary will permit. The President liitu accepted (ho Invitation of Kottii tor Iloiiritu to bo IiIh guest whllo lit Portland, Now record prices were reached In the hog market at Portland during tho past week, Lust Thursday hugs advanced to 10 per 100 pounds, this being thu highest valuo over record oil within the memory of thu trado A shipment of 77 hogs from thu Wlllnmetto Valley received this nt trnutlvu flguru. The liogtt nveraged 181 pounds each and brought tho tut usual prlco of bettor than Sltiitf each. J i i i i That tho clliunto of tho Pacific Northwest Is most favorable to long llfo la tho belief of Dr. Itudolph J llongue, exponent of tho simple life and author of tho book, "How to llo Ono Hundred Years." Ho Is going to establish u colony of his followers nour Vancouver, Wash., whero llfo will bo along simple lines und next to nature. Simplicity of diet ami clothing will provail. Dr. Honguo's followers will bo tucked iutu bed ut sundown and will rUo with tho lark Worry and dull euro will bo tabooed and members of tho colony will bo told to bo always cheerful and happy. Dr. Hoaguo promises all who will live utter his rules u hundred years of llfo. 1 John llureh, who left hero several mouths ago for his health, died at Woodland, Cab, July U'th.of n compli cation of diseases, llo had been it resident of St. Johns for about three yours prior to going to California. Ho wns aged about 58 years, ami loaves a wife mid young son, Ho was a good citizen and greatly respected by all who know hliu. THC 8ALT HADIT. Ono who holds tablo salt as okboII Hal should try eating tho skins of nil vegetables and fruits and tho wholo cereals, and sou whether tho craving for salt does not grow less at ono pursovures. Vegetables cooked "in their Juckutu" do not ruqulro salt. Tho orgaulo salts nro lit thu skins. There Is tho Iron to iiiako rod blood ami rosy cheeks, oven us It makes red cheeks of tho applo; thuro Is enamel to protect thu teeth oven iih the tender meat of tho fruit Is pioteoted; there uru thu bono und brain builders In correct no4 available form. From August Phys leal Culture, A MIL LI ON ACRE'S DADY attended by tho highest priced baby specialists could not bo cured of stomach or bowel troublo any quick or or surer than your baby It you glvo It Mctleo's Haby Kllxlr. Cures diarrhoea, dyseiitary and all de rangements of tho stomach or bowels Price 1!5 cunts and CO cunts. Sold by North Hank Pharmacy, DOWEL COMPLAINT IN CHILDREN NOTICE TAKEN UP. Team of horses, ouo white and one buy, both geldings, weight about I'L'OO; taken up Monday, July '.'0, and now In thu city pound, St. Johns Owner may have same by paying costs and proving property. CHAS. imiCDKSON, . Chief of Police. H. J. Hodgens, recently of Ores- ham and a natlvo of Michigan, has purchased tho Smith blacksiulth shop on South lvauhoo and has already taken possession of same. o All rouds lead to tho new city dock Thursduy ovunlng. lllg time, big dance, big doings. It will bo some thing long to bo remembered. Muko up your mind tu bo thuro. When six months old tho llttlo daughter of K. N. Dowoy, n welll known merchant of Aguowvlllo, Vn., had mi attack of cholera Infantum. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Di arrhoea Itemedy wus given and ef fected a completo euro. This remedy has proven very successful in cases I of bowel complaint lit chuuren and I when given according to tho plain ! printed directions can bo relied upon ; with perfect confidence, When re duced with water nnd sweetened It Is pleasant tu take, which Is ofgrciu , Importance when a medicine must bo given to, young children. For sale by all good druggists. It's Luck to Smoko Puck Tha Hotter than 6c Cigar Tho Cigar lit tho Green llox Subscribe for tho Telegram best evening paper on tho coast. Seo Kd Stockton, Wanted: makers nt littery. Apprentices and onco at tho Vogue lint Mil- DRIVING HARNESS At SPECIAL LOW PRICES Trim, neat ulckle mounted, f 15.00 1'iiie, better grade, rubber mounted ... 30.00 Pine, double tlttvlng, ulckle mounted 34.00 All our good are low comvtred to the quality. Large stock of Collars and Sweat Pads 011 hand, St. Johns Harness Shop. HENDRICKS & HORSMAN The New Grocers Cater to the trade Opens Mod., Aug,. I One of the most com plete aud up-to-date gro ceries in the city. All good strictly fresh, no old stock. Fresh fruits and vege tables daily. Your patronage solicit ed. Prompt delivery. Phone Jersey 1031. 1 1 1 South Jersey St. Sllinetd Him. Tho young mnn In tho barber's chair hnd been nnnoyed by suggestions of the while coated artist, although ho hnd said clearly enough when ho sat down that ho wanted only n hair cut nnd a shampoo. Singeing, facial mas sage nnd hair tonics had been offered vainly. Finally tho barber perpetrated whnt is with barbers tho crowning Insult Passing his hand over tho young man's face, ho said contemptuously: "Slmvo yourself, don't you?" "Sure," snld the young man. "Don't you J" And thoro wns silence. Washington Tost. Poor Mnl She I'm never going to spenk to your wlfo ngnln. He-Whnt's tho matter? "She promised to write to mo two weeks ngo, and I haven't hennl from her since." "Oh. well" (feeling In bis pocket), "hero's tho letter. Sho gave It to mo n fortnight ngo." Youkcrs Statesman. Th Deteent. "Father, do nieii descend from mon keys?" asked nil Inquisitive bid "es, tny boy." "And what do monkeys descend from?" "Tho monkeys deseend-nh-from tbe trees! ' London Telegraph. Tho city of St. Johns does ordain ns follows: That whereas tho city council of tho City of Bt. Johns, by resolution adopted May Ith, 100D, directed tho city engineer tu muko survey of tho proposed widening of Fessondeti itrect In tho city of Bt. Johns, from (ho Southwesterly lino of Jersey street to tho Wlllnuiuttu river, und to muko a survey mid plat and written report of snmo containing a full und completo description of said proposed change by widening of snld Fessemleit street and tho boundaries thereof, mid to fllo snld report, plul .tnd survey within twenty days from said duto unless said tlmo wus by said council extended, and, WheroiiB, thereafter, nnd on tho 2&tlt day of May, 11109, said Council extended said tlmo for filing said re port, pint nnd survoy for a period of twenty days, nnd Whereas, pursuant to snld reso lution tho city englnoer did, on tho 12th nay of Juno, lyuy. tlio sucn report, plat and survoy of said pro posed widening of said street, which said report, plut und survey have been examined by tho council of suld city, and deemed satisfactory in nil things, and Is ns follows, to-wit: St. Johns. Oregon, June 12, '09 "To tho Honorable Mnyor and Couu ell: In widening Fessendon street ftom Jersey street to tho river, It will lo uccessary to condemn tho following described property: Ileglnnlng nt tho Northwest corner of Lot 3, niock 43 In Jumes John Addition to tho city of St. Johns, run thenco South 66 dogrees West along the present Kasterly line of Fessenden street to tho Willamette river, from tho above mentioned Hue, I and .1 In Chlpmnn's Addition; .10 parts of Lots and 'i't lit llloctc 10, Clilpmitu's Addition; .10 parts of lots 1 and 10 In Illock 13 Chlpmnn's Addi tion; ,0i)M parts of it 11.33 acre trnct, owned by tho .Merchant In vestment and Trust Co.; ROD sqttnru fed of tho O. It. mid N. Co.'s right of way, mid .10 parts or lots 1 mid 10 In Illoelts 1, 4 mid r, In Ilyars Addition to thu city of St, Johns. liy condemning thu above des cribed land thu street will bo mado 70 feet wldo from Jersey street to tho Itlver. ltuspectfully, a i-:. an Din: w, City Engineer. That raid report, plat mid survey bo, mid they and each of them nro hereby adopted mid approved. Passed tho Council July 2th, 1909. Approved by tho Mnyor July 27th 1909. J. F. HUNDIHCKB, Attost Mayor, A. M. KSSON, Hecorder. Published In tho Bt. Johns llovlow. July 30th, 1909. Not Guilty. It Is said that wltiiln 400 years gold thence run North 66 degrees East to nggregntlng JL'.OOO.OOO.OOO has disap peared from circulation, and tho gov ernment would like to know who has It. Wo learn that the members kX the newspaper fraternity are not suspecttd. -St. Louis Itepubllc. Handicapped. "You ought to savo mouey for your family." "Yes. but" "Hut what?" "My family won't lot me." Cleve land Leader. A GOLDEN WEDDING Pe'.ty thieves are hanged; great thieves nro asked to dinner. Geraau Proverb. moans that man and wife have lived to a good aid age and consequently have kept healthy, Tho best way to keep healthy Is to see that your li ver does It's duty 305 days out of 365. TERRIBLY SCALDED the Southwesterly line of Jersey street thenco run along said South westerly lino of Jersoy street to the place of beginning, containing In all and omitting land already dedicated for streets. 10,150 squaro feet. Said 10,450 squaro feet being composed of tho following fractional parts, or lots and blocks; .05 parts of lots 2 & 3 In niock 43. 34. 22. 21. S and 7. In James John Addition; -025 parts of Illock 13, and .05 parts of Itlver Lot No, 14 In Jumes John Addition. Also beginning nt tho Northeast Corner of Lot 8 Block 5 In Chip man's Addition to the city of St. Johns, run thence South 56 degrees west aloug tho present westerly lino of Fessenden street to tho Wil lamette river, thenco run Westerly to a point 5 feet distant lu a per peudtcular line from the above men tioned line to a point, thenco run North 56 degrees East parallel to tho present direction of Fessenden is somothlng wo hear or read about overy day of our lives. Burns and scums euuer sngui. or serious are 1 street to tho Southwesterly prop- Tho only way to do this is to keep I bound to happen in your family, bo crty line of Jersoy street thence run Uallard's Herblno In the house mid prepared by hnvlnc n bottle at Bal. along saw &ouinwesicny take It wheuover your liver gets in- lard's Snow Linimont handy. It re active. 50 cents per bottle. Sold by Hove tho pain Instantly nnd quickly hug land already dedicated for street North Bank Pharmacy. heals the burn. Sold by North Bank purposes, 10,750 squaro feet. Said Pharmacy. 10,750 square feet being composed A ashing at homo. Ad- ,ota .raf.,s.b Preach the gospel ot SL Jokux. I .10 parts of lota S aud 9 In Blocks Sand and Gravel I have inmle arrangements with the Pacific UridKC Co. for wash ed river gravel nnd sand in un limited (ttnutittes. Contractors fiKtiritiK on street work or on building; would do well to see me and get prices. Hunkers are lo cated nt foot of Newton street, opposite the site for the new school building in East St. Johns Ilusiiiess phone Woolawn 1 194 Residence phone Richmond 134 1 L. D. Jackson : HENDRICKS I HARDWARE CO. NOW IS THE TIME To lay in your supply of GARDEN TOOLS We hnve a fine assortment on hand. Call in and pick out what you want. HENDRICKS ;; HARDWARE CO. o Wanted Washing at homo. Ad drcsa John Kllue, HarUuou streoL "HAZEL-WOOD" Ice Cream The Best Obtainable Cosiest place iu town. Bring your friends around aud treat them to something fine. Get our rates for church parties, socials, etc. Note the big yel low sigu. A. UNGER 103 N. Jersey St. THE GOOD OLD SUMMER TIME. Skcoto Skcet for mosqultos, Hay wood's Poison Oak Salve for poison ous skin eruptions. Peroxide Cream for summer tan, A. D. S, Foot Pow der for sore feet, and nil kinds ot "fly catch" at the St. Johns Pharmacy.