St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, July 30, 1909, Image 1

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    Hiforta, shitty
To eubKribe for THIS Paper.
All the new while It It newt li
our motto. Call In and enroll
Of advertblni ha Tltlf Paper
and yeu'll never regret It. Be
lb at eaca and keep right at it
Devoted (o the Interests of the Peninsula, the Manufacturing Center of the Northwest
VOL. 5
NO. 38
Council Kept Busy Push
ing Matters Along
Council mot In regulnr suasion
Tuesday evening with nil members
present nml Mayor Hendricks In the
cliulr. Minutes of the previous moat
Ins wore read nntl duly npproved.
A notltlon for tho establishment.
nn arc light (it tha corner of llurr
street nntl Willamette boulevard was
accepted and ordered placed on file.
A communication from Mrs. Caplc
ramonstratlnir nanlnst tliu second
viewers' report 011 Iluclinnnn street
was rend. She says their finding
was quite unsutlsfactory to hur and
Hint tho results nro practically tho
sumo ns found by tho firm hoard of
viewers. Therefore, hIio asked that
now vlowors, composed of practical
leal estate men, bo appointed. As
tho vlowcra' report lias already
been accepted, 110 further action was
taken In tho matter except to accept
tho communication mid order It
placed on file.
Ono tld for tho leaso ot tho rock
crusher was offered by F, 8. Nannnn,
but buliiK doomed n little too high
by council, tliu bid was rejected and
tho call for bids was ordered ro
advertised, mid may bo found elso
whero In this Issue.
Uldn for tho Improvement of Wll
lis boulevard woro then opened. Tho
first was tho 0110 offered by T. H.
Cochran, as follows: Cut 3Sc, fill 10c,
five-fool cement walk per foot 00c,
crosswalks 47c, box cutters 47. A
bid from J, II. Mooro road: Cut 37c,
fill 20c cement walks OCc, crosswalks
30o, box gutters 30c. Upon roforrlng
the two bids to tho city oiiKlnoer It
woo found that thero was only n
slight differouco between tho two,
and It was decided to hold tho bids
over for a week In order that tho
street commlttco might detcrmluo
which was tho best bid of tho two.
13111s to tho amount or I ICS wero
Tho wntor and light commlttoo re
ported fnvorubly on tho establish
inont of an nro light at tho corner
of Decatur and llnltlmoro streets
which was uskod for by tho Woolen
mill people. Tho placement of sumo
was grunted by council. Tho light
will bo placed about Septombor 1st.
An ordlnanco adopting tho engin
eer's plat and survey of tho proposed,
extension and widening of Fesson
streot was passed, and may bo found
In another column.
V. 8. Ilasoy was present and
wantod to know why tho grade of
North Edison streot had not, been es
tablished, that a potltlon for same
hod boon lodged with tho council for
two yoars and yet no steps had been
taken towonl securing tho grndo
Tho mayor tried to explain that tho
engineer's services wero entlroly
devoted to tho streets whero petitions
had boon filed for Improvement,
that council had adopted the policy
of giving Improvement preference
over cases whero grades only wero
asked for, and that If a petition
was presented to council asking for
tho Improvomont of North Edison
street It would havo Its regular turn,
but Mr. Ilasoy was not satisfied, and
said ho would seo that the grado was
established. Tho mayor replied that
he would bo only too glad to help
him If ho could devolve some plan
for so doing. This street grado Is
sue is bobbing up qulto frequently
these days, and it might be well for
tho property owners along this
thoroughfare to realize the fact that
nothing can be done toward the es
tabllshment of the grado until the
engineer can be spared from tho Im
provement of Btreots, as it requires
threo or four weeks to accomplish
this work since no grade on any
street on tho side hill can bo es
tabllshed until a systematic survey
has been made of all. The finances
of the city are In such a condition
that tho services, of another engineer
layout of tho -question Just now, and
it does not seem fair that the en
gineer should be taken from streets
that are up for Improvement and
placed at grade work on a street for
which no Improvement Is asked.
Yet the people of Edison street are
deserving of having their request
granted. They have waited long and
patiently, and some of the property
owners are desirous of Improving
their residences but cannot do so
permanently until the grade Is es
(Continued oa page two.)
may have to
"Dlfi IIP"
Industries on City Streets
Liable to Pay
Tho city officials nro finding out
nmiio Interesting things- during tho
present Investigation as to tho sta1
Iuh of proceedings on Bovcral streets
along tho water front that wero
purported to havo been legally vn
cnted In tho past, and ns a result
tho city Is very liable to secure a
source ot revenue not heretofore
drawn upon. For Instance Inves
tigation establishes tho fnct that
tho ordlnanco vacating Chicago and
Albany Btreots, upon which Is lo
cated a portion of 8t. Jolum Ship
Ilulldlug plant, wuh never sinned by
tho mayor, thus making tho pro
ceedings void. 0, A. Cook wns may
or at tho time, ntul whether by de
sign or accident tho ordlnanco was
not signed Is problematical, As a
result of this finding tho ship build
ing plant stands liable to n pay
ment for tho like of tho ground, or
iiiny bo ejected therefrom, at tho
plcauuro of council, llurllngton
street wns also never vacated, and
wo bellovo John street nover wns.
The St. Johns Lumber company 00
cuplc these two streets, and nloo
covers part of Ilrndford street, which
was nover vacated. It also stands
at tho mercy of council. Tho Ma
rino Iran Works occupy part of
Charleston streot, which, It seems,
was nover vacated. The mayor has
Intimated that aftor ho lies secured
all tho diitu available, nnd ho finds
these plnuts "squatting" on city
property, that they will havo to pay
for tho uso of tho snmo, or romovo
their buildings therefrom. As tho
charter provides that tho city of
ficials may lonno public property
not to oxceod a torm of flvo yonrs,
It Is quite likely leases for that
porlod will bo secured from tho In-
lustrlos using these Btreots, As
about 210 feet of wntor front be
longing to tho city la covered by
thesu Industries nnd wnter frontngo
Is approximately worth C0 a foot
tho total vnluo of tho streets which
nro being used but from which no
remuneration Is being received to
tals 1 14,400, to sny nothing of ilrnd
ford street, if tho city should ro-
cetvo ten per cent for tho uso of
these streets at tho present valua
tion tho tidy llttlo sum of about
11500 would bo turned Into tho city
treasury per annum. Whut tho city
officials propose to do concerning
tho mnttor It Is too early to give
any definite Idea, but there promises
to bo something done along this
lino, It will not bo their purpose,
howovor, to work a hardship with
any of tho Industries, but slnco
thoy havo passed their swaddling
lothes days and nro all now paying
Institutions, It Is not more than
right that tho city should havo fair
compensation for blocking up theso
routes to tho wntor. No Individual
would stand for It. Tho city neods
the money, needs It badly, and since
It has carried these Industries along
hus far "without money and without
price" there should arise no murmur
'jn account of tho city at this time
asking for its own.
All Good Men Here
Who are on your school board?
Aro they there because thoy have
children of tholr own and are In
terested in the success of tho
schools? Or, perhaps, they aro
live, wide awake citizens, intelligent
and up-to-date and thus able to di
rect school affairs successfully, It
may be they are there becauBe they
have a pull," or, becauso of poli
tics; or, becauso they are ablo to
drive a sharp bargain. See how
these unworthy things contrast with
the more worthy. Do your best to
get good men and true on the
school board and for heaven's sake
do not make your children's welfare
the football of petty politics or per
toual dislike. Farm News.
H. W. Hatch of Salem, inventor of
patent process for the cleaning of
wheat, spent a few hours with his old
time friend. J. F. Qlllmore. last Fri
day. His Invention is very meritor
ious, and there Is but little doubt
that he will make considerable mono) I
i I
out m iv,
Foolish to Keep a "Sick Horse" at a Big
No Hope of Recovery for a Year
the Purchase Price Can Be
Tho salo of tho now city dock has
boon tho chief subject of conversa
tion on tho streets and tho loitering
places of tho city during tho past
week. Tho concensus of opinion
seeing to bo that tho council is doing
tho right thing by soiling tho struc
turo outright nnd that our pcoplo
should congratulnto themselves up
on getting out of n hole In such a
satisfactory mannor. Uut there nro
a few unsatisfied ones who claim It
would bo bolter to keop tho dock and
pay tho heavy expense Incurred In
doing so, that tho dock would double
n vnluo In n few years, nnd that at
tho present tlmo It Is worth mora
than tins been offered for It, Theso
snmo pcoplo, howovor, havo boon
kicking nbout tho high taxes now
provalllng, and would bo tho first
ones to put up n "howl" If it was
noeoosnry to still further raise tho
number of mills next year In order to
carry this burden along. Tho worth
of nnythlng Is rilways determined
by what enn bo obtained for It.
Thero Is no other way of finding
out the truo vnluo ot land, buildings,
or nnythlng else. If a man owiib a
certain plcco ot Innd and holds It
at n certain price, and nobody of
fers him that amount for It, It Is
not worth It, becauso ho cannot got
that much for It. Tho principle
works tho same along nny line,
whether It Is real estate or groceries.
That being truo, when tho council
nccoptod tho highest prlco offered for
tho dock, thoy woro soiling It for all
It was worth to them, becauso tho
prlco offered Is nil thoy can got for
It, apparently. What It might ho
A Drinkless Drink
Maxim's noteless gun has been
out dono. Tho drlnkloss drink Is
now on tho market In tho shape ot
an ovaporntod drink of whiskey
mndo Into a pasta.
This latest thirst quencher la not
yet on tho market In Hurley, but
probably will ho a llttlo later on
should tho local option law go Into
effect hero. This condensed drink
was seen hero tho other day In tho
sample caBes ot a whiskey sales
man, who stated that efforts woro
being made to induce liquor, dealers
to ordor them for tho trado In Geor
gia and other dry states whero tho
ordinary moist drink Is barred by
Tho tabloid "drink" looks llko a
cherry golatln nestling In a salvo
box. It smells n llttlo llko old ryo.
It can either bo chowed or drank.
It Is guaranteed to reach tho right
spot and produce tho desired offoct
olthor way, To take It dry ono has
only to turn tho box upsldo down
and catch tho geletlno as It drops
out, If a wet drink Is desired the
gelatine can bo dissolved In a llttlo
water and makes a man's size.
Tho effect tho tabloid Is going to
havo on tho whiskey traffic cannot
bo prognosticated, Instead of going
out between acts, tho thirsty ono
can chew n tabloid and havo all tho
effects without leaving his sent.
Tho possibilities are too numerous
to mention, Hurley Bulletin.
Keep Right At It
Did you over reallzo that plant
ing advertising is llko planting fruit
trees? You couldn't expect a whole
wagon load of apples the first year.
Neither would you tear tho tree up
bj the roots at tho end of tho sea-
ion If that load of fruit wero not
forthcoming. Yet you run a big
ud., and expect a carload ot sale,
and Just because you didn't do as
much as your neighbor over In tho
other orchard, who has been tend
ing his trees for years, you yank
your advertisement out of tho paper
and say "Advertising doesn't pay."
We wouldn't expect you to get
married to advertising tho first
time you made its acquaintance,
any more than we would expect you
to marry the girl who winked at
you on the street. Ex.
Work tor a Greater St Johns.
worth years from now Is difficult
to dotormlno nt this time. It nil
depends upon tho growth of tho
city. Pcrhnps $200,000 in flvo
yonrs, nnd perhaps n million ot dol
lars In twenty years It Is nil guess
work. Tho purposo of Its con
struction wns to obtain nnothor In
dustry for St. Johns, and this pur
pose Is fully served on tho salo as
proposed, Hotter than that, tho city
gets back nil It advanced and thou
sonic. Therefore, why not sell tho
dock? Why not have n building
teeming with life and activity In
stood ot a desorted structuro going
to decay from want of uso? Tho
streets covered by tho dock nro not
Included In tho sale, becauso the
city cannot sell streets, Whllo not
officially vacated, thoy aro never
theless vnented In fnct. Had the
city kept tho dock tho value of tho
streets covered by tho snmo would
hnvo been nil, nnd so they are
when tho salo Is consummated.
Their value to tho traveling pub
lic was lost when tho dock wns
constructed, nnd will, continue to bo
lost so long as tho structure standi),
whoever owns tho dock. Wo hnvo
heard tho former council censured
fur having n dock built with no
guarantee of n spur being built to
connect therewith, but thoy wero
not to blaino nny more than every
citizen In St. Johns who voted for
tho bonds, Tho council only
brought tho mnttor Wore tho peo
ple In n legal wny. They did not
recommend that It bo built, but lot
tho public docldo for Itself.
Thero Is no doubt of tho fnct!
A Busy Rascal
Tho editor of today has to get
his noso down 011 tho grindstone
and keop It thero sixteen hours pur,
day and 305 days In tho year or
ho fnlls by tho wnysldo. Thero aro'
mon who quit work Saturday night
and rest until Mondny morning.
They lay nsldo business cures at
flvo or bIx o'clock ovory evening
and do not rosumo thorn until hovoii
or eight tho next morning. Not so
with your editor. Ha hus no do
guut lolsuro. Ho knows no hours,
no Sundays, 110 nights. When ho
goes to a party, or to church, or
on u ploasuro trip, It is all In tho
Una of duty. Withal, your editor Is
a cheerful, longsufferlng soul, go
ing about doing good In his humble
way. Ho returns good for evil. Ho
writes long puffs for church soci
ables, and In return thorcfor uc
copts a hunk of cuko thut would
sink an Ironclad, Ho notes tliu
arrival of all the babies In tho
neighborhood nnd otornnlly perjures
his soul In telling how pretty thoy
are. Ho rejoices with tho gay and
mourns , with those who aro sad.
Ho booms ovory enterprise which
makos his community rich and goes
nbout himself clothed In gunny sack
coats and ono suspendor. Ho glories
over tho fortune of hlu neighbor,
and meekly cats his own repast of
boiled com cobs and colored labels
off tomato cans. Ho can write u
sermon, nn account of u prlzo fight,
a political speech, an obituary no
tice, poetry; split wood, pitch hay,
wash dishes, preside at a camp
meeting, curry horses, quoto law
or gospel or anything olso at a mo
inent's notice. Ex,
Making a Big Stir
P. A. Dredeen and family and
John Dredeen, a brother, spent last
week In taking In the sights and
scenes at the Seattle exposition. P.
A. states that tho fair compares
favorably with the ono recently held
In Portland, but It Is more largely
attended, Ho says that tho amount
of money bolng spent for street
work Is something Immense. Croat
hills aro being leveled oft and
things aro being conducted on a
laree scalo. The "Seattle spirit" Is
evidenced on all sides and thoy aro
making a etir lu tho world. Uut
what will tho taxes bo
Expense When It Has
or Two and
Hint It would havo boon n flno heir
loom to lenvo to posterity, but tho
cost Is too much to retnln tho leg
ncy until It becomes n paying prop
osltlon. Tho progress of the city
Is not In tho lenBt retarded by the
sale, but, In fact, Is healthily pro
promoted thereby. It matters not
whom tho purchasers are, whether
tho railroad company Is Interested
In tliu deal, or whether It Is simply
, n private corporation, so long ns
! tho dock Is utilized to Its full ca
pacity. Wo need tho Industry nnd
wo nil want to seo It doing business
Instead ot lying Idle, nnd whllo It
would bo belter for tha tuturo
generation to keep tho dock, It Ih
better for tho present generation
to dispose of It to tho best advant
age. Many cUIch would give ns
high as $10,000 In tho shape of a
bonus to secure such 1111 Institution,
ami slnco wo can secure It by tho
outlay of not n penny, why not let
tho heavy burden roll from our
shoulders and bo glad It Is so?
So why complain about tho matter
now? Hotter to congratulate tho
council for turning n good denl
nod let It go nt that, it was n
great big elephant of whitish hue
when they woro sworn In, and they
certainly deserve cr-idlt for crack
ing "tho nut" so well. Let us then
glvo them their full meed ot praise,
and congratulate ourselves upon tho
fact that taxes will bo reduced next
year, that tho dock will ho doing
business very soon, nnd that the
general outlook In coiiNequonco Is
much brighter than It wns n couple
short weeks ago.
The Hold-Up Game
Public-spirited citizens of St. Johns
aro highly Incensed nt tho attitude
assumed by owners of waterfront
property In that town, Tho high
prices asked by thesu men for Innd
along tho city water front hns been
tho moans of keeping much capital
from tho bustling llttlo city.
Several uttompta to secure manu
facturing sites havo beou mado In St.
Johns ot late, but tho exorbitant
prices asked by tho owners ban pre
vented any Hales being inado. Ileal
ostato men from Portland who aro
acting for Eastern manufacturers
have repented'v tried to make pur
chases of waterfront property for
their clients without avail.
It is understood that tho Commer
cial Club of St. Johns will tnko soma
action to prevent tho city from got
ting the black eyu through tho ac
tions of tho water front sharks who
play tho hold-up gnmo, Peoples
Meeting With Success
A, S, Douglass, formerly ownor
of a saw mill in St. Johns, und
aftor his mill was destroyed by flro,
established tho Douglass planing
mill hero, lutor took up tho prac
tice of medicine und is now n full
fledged chiropractor with tho title
"Dr." prefixed to his namo. Slnco
taking up tho now calling Dr, Doug
lass has mot with marked success,
Ho has successfully treated a num
ber of local patlonts and their num
ber Is constantly Increasing, Tha
uso of knlfo and drugs aro dispensed
with, and his methods aro applied
right at tho seat of tho dlsouso.
Ho has recently secured rooms In
tho Ablngton building, Third streot,
Portland, but will nlso treat pa
tients at his homo In this city morn
ing nnd evenings. Tho now doctor
Is a flno gentleman, conscientious
and entlroly devoted to his profes
sion, and ho deserves to succeed
M. F. Loy, after undergoing a ser
ious operation at tho hospital, Is ablo
to bo around a llttlo onco raoro. It
Is to bo hopod that ho will honco
forth rapidly lmprovo in hoalth.
Mrs. E. 8. Wright has returned
from a ton days' visit at her old homo
at. fiatlln. Wash.
attains a ripe
"Daddy" Maple Passes
88th Milestone
Robert Mnplo passed the SSth mile
stoiiu lu tho Journey of llfo Sunday
laBt, and his friends hope ho will
pnss many moro beforo ho la called
to his long homo on high. Horn lu
Stoubenvllle, Ohio, July l'S, 1821, ho
cnuio to Oregon In 1SS2, and to St
JoIiiib In 18S7. In 1807 ho wns
united In mnrrlngo with Eliza Pago
at Vnnvotivor, WiibIi. Ilo Is n skilled
innrble cutter by trade and for many
enrs followed this occupation.
record ho hns kept of his work
shows that ho hns lettered 20,000
tomb-Btones, which l certainly re
mnrkablo. What n vast army of poo
plo this represents whoso nnmu nml
ago ho has recorded on mnrblu slabs.
"Daddy" Mnplo, us ho la familiar
ly culled, Is n well known figure lu
St. Johns. Ills sprightly gult belles
his ngc, and ho In qulto active for
one burdened with tho weight of so
many years, llo is well Informed,
nnd hns 11 fund of stories und ro
mhilscciiscH nt hand that nro both In
teresting nnd amusing, Ills skill lu
marble cutting hns not deserted him,
and at times may bo seen busily nt
work at his Fciiaendon street homo
chipping marble with Ills faithful
chisel nnd mallet. Mny hu llvu to
bo u hundred, nnd then some.
Not Worth the Effort
Those people who nro no anxious
to ecruro honwntonds that thoy' nro
taking long chances by going to Spo
kane nnd registering will find that
they aro running up against 11 sung
oven If they nro lucky, or rnther
unlucky, uuoiigh, to draw 11 home
stead. Ono of our citizens who ex
pected to tnko 11 clinnco at tho
t'ceur lo Alone lauds found out tho
following beforo ho bought hla tick
et to Spokane; Thut his expenses
would bo about $35 for registering,
that ono-thlrd of tliu valuation would
hnvo to bo paid down, that tho val
id Hon of tho propurty Is mndo ac-
cosdlug to adjoining property, that
the Indians havo secured nil tho
I'Uid adjoining tho streams, leaving
tho rest very dry, that no timber
tin ho cut until flvo years' resl
residence has beou established, mid
Hint a person had 0110 chnuco lu
about twenty of securing n piece of
land, owing to the vast nrmy thut
nro daily being registered. Ho de
cided It would bu far better to buy
a pluco of adjoining propurty, as ho
would not havo to stay llvo years
thureou und would not havo to pay
moro for It than those who secure
tho "freo" Innd. Theso land draw
ing affairs aro not whut thoy aro
cracked up to bo when tho fuels are
simmered down.
Japan Outclassed
Tho Woolen Mills bull team put It
all over a Japanese) club that wun al
leged to know how to play tho Na
tional game lust Sunduy. Tho local
boys had an easy thing of It nil tho
way through, and It wua soon evident
to tho spectators that tho Jups, while
they might wlpu up the earth with tho
Russians, thoy hud no show with tho
mill workors. They could hit a
straight bull lu a woukly mannor, but
a curved ono scared them to death,
and they would either stretch out for
It llko u lion Touching through tho
fence for u grain of corn, or full down
whllo tho ball wus skipping over tho
plato. Their work In tho field wns
not so uwful bud, but they have lots to
learn with tho stick. Tho mill boys
put up their usual good gamo and
won by a score ot 10 to 2.
Tho Gerinuntown road on tho
west sldo of tho rlvor Is now ono of
tha finest thoroughfares lu tho
country. Tho county has spared
neither time nor monoy In placing
this county rond In tho very best
condition posslblo and tho fact Is
grontly appreciated by tho pooplo
who travel this route.
Wantod First class hand Ironor at
Johns Laundry.
holmes lodge
Pythian Temple Will
Hustled Along
At tholr meeting Inst Friday even
ing Holmes Lodge, K. of P., decided
to lncorpornto under tho Chnrltablo
and Honovolcnt Act, nnd tnko over
tho biiulnosH of tho Pythian Hall As
Moclntlon In ordor to fncllltuto tho
building of tho proposed Pythlnn
Tomplo on tho corner of Jersey und
Chnrleslon Btreots. A long Ioobo at n
good prlco hns been secured for pnrt
of the building, and there Is fair
prospects that tho ontlro building can
readily bo leased. Tho officers ot
tho now corporation nro tho chancel
lor coiuinsiiiilor, keeper of records nnd
seal and tho threo trustees, in ad
dition, n building commlttco wns se
lected by ballot, resulting lu tho elec
tion of O. P. Wolcolt, J. E. Illllor,
J. F. Hendricks, A. W. Vincent and
B. C. Ilurlhert. This commlttco la
to report to tho lodge every mooting
night so that uvery moinber In at
tendance mny keep himself posted ns
to tho progress mndo mid nlso innko
suggestions or objections, ltnpld pro-
glean toward construction may now
bo looked for.
Building Permits
No. Ifi To II. L. Ilyors to erect n
dwelling on Willis boulevard, be
tween llrtinswlck nnd Oswego
streets; estimated cost $000.
No. 47 To fl. II. Lemon to erect
u dwelling on Hartiniiu street be
tween Crulkshiinkaud Meyers streets;
estimated cost $100,
No. 18 To It. L. llurk to con
struct addition tn building on Tyler
street between Portland boulevard
und Jersey street; estimated cost
No. 41) To A. Flnlay lo erect dwell
ing on South llnyes between Hu-
chnuiiii uud llurr streets; esllmnled
cost $1100.
No. CO To Mrs, C. Peterson to
erect dwelling on Scott nvuiiiiu ho
twoou John uud Charleston streets;
estimated cost $S00,
A Handy Man
Harry .Mansfield, tho veteran bar
ber, hus onco moro demonstrated
his genius In tho cabinet-making
lino. Ho has Just finished an leu
chest and drossor that are models
of ueutuess und skillful workman
ship, uud uro enough to oxelto tho
envy of seasoned muchitiilcs. Witli
tho crude tools Hurry has to work
with tho result of his labor Is all
tho moro remarkable. Slnco ho has
never taken any Instruct ion lu work
uloug this line, it Is apparent thut
ho missed his truo culling when ho
took up tho razor lu perfereuco to
tho chisel and saw.
A Light to Their Path
Tho woolen mill pcoplo hnvo re
located the establishment of nn aro
light part way up tho hill lending
f 1 0111 their plant in ordor thut on
dark nights their employes may bo
guided urlght, As many ot their
ompluyes uro ot tho gentler sex, tho
lequest Is qulto reasouublo nnd coun
cil wll'. havo tliu snmo placed
lu September, Sluco 110 street
Improvement has been dono ou
swots leading to most of tho Indus-
tiles, providing u light Is tho loust
tho city can do.
Count Us In, Too
Tho Telegram In giving n list of
attractions that Portland visitors
should seo might well havo Included
St. Johns lu Its collection. Sluco
Wllsonvlllo. Forest (irovo and Hills-
boro uro singled out tho big dally
Is discriminating when It loaves out
St. Johns, becauso any fair minded
person will Instantly coiicedo that
this city offers moro and bottor at
tractions than either or ull of tho
points above named. Kindly glvo us
what Is coming to us, Mr. Tologrnm