St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, July 23, 1909, Image 1

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to lubKflbo tor THIS Piper.
All lh n'ewt while It It ncwi li
our motto. Call In and enroll
Of atortblni fa THIS Psftr
and job'U nih rtfrtt It. Be
t la at aoca and km rich! it M
Devoted to (he Interest! ot (he Peninsula, (ho Manufacturing Center of the Northwest
VOL. 5
NO. 37
Council Kept Busy Push
ing Matters Along
Council mot In regular session
Tuesday night, nml again 'street work
occupied tlio greater portion of the
time, Alt the dnds wore present
with the Mayor hi tlio choir. Minutes
'of tlio previous meeting wero rend
and approved.
It. V. McKeon wns present and
addressed the council on the matter
of guaranteeing concrete walk. Ho
claimed that as a property ownrr ho
had a right to hnvo a gimruntco that
the walk would endure for a period
of at least flvo years, that concrcto
walks cost n great deal of money
and that tlto property owners should
hnvo somo nssurancu that they nro
netting their money's worth. 111m ie
quest was n -reasonable one and Its
fairness appealed to the council, and
It wns decided to reiiuest tlio con
tractor to furnish it gunrantco for
that longth of time. Sovernl weokH
ago tho attorney wns directed to
draw up nn ordinance providing for
n guarantee on concrete,
hut It hnH not yet been presented. In
the absence of an ordinance covering
till, point, and as tho street In ques
tion Ilurr hits been completed on
tho block In which Mr. McKeon In
Interested, It Is likely that n request
uid not a demand Is nil that council
ran make ot tho contractor, and If
ho hits fnltlt In his own work tho
guarantee will no doubt bo forthcom
ing Mr. Moo clnlmed Hint tho wnter
company refused to supply wnter to
his rosldonco on Almn street, and ho
applied to council for their aid In
compelling thorn to do so. Tho nt
torney wns directed to look up tho
provisions of tho compnny's frnnchlHO
and discover If thoro was tiny wny
to compel tho sorvlco to bo supplied.
Goo. L. I'errlno wns present nnd
stated that ho wnntcd to mnko somo
material changes to his rosldonco,
and thoreforo tloslrod council to
furnish a street grade of Edison
stroet so ho would know Just whero
ho wns nt In rognrd to grndo. Tho
engineer stnted thnt In order to got
this grndo n series of grades on all
tho streots In that vicinity wns hoc
ossnry, nnd thnt It would require
nbout four weeks sternly work to ac
complish this. At this tlmo tho ser
vices of tho engineer cunnot bo used
for thnt purfioso ns thoro nro so
mnny stroots thnt nro asked for Im
provement and they always got prof
ere nee, so tho engineer has bin
hands full nt tho present tlmo. Mnyor
Hendricks, howovor, promlsod Mr
Perrlno that as soon ns tho ongln
cor could bo spared ho would bo
placed on tho grndo work,
A proposition from J. Cunningham
to loaso tho rock crusher was tablod
becauso bids bad not yot been nd
vertlsed for, nnd nccordlng to tho
charter this Is essential. A call for
bids mny bo found elsowhero In this
Tho engineer's nccoptnnnco of por
tions of tho sldewnlk on Richmond
street nnd passed upon by tho street
committee, was accepted by council.
Tho viewers' report on Iluchnnnn
street was accepted nnd ordered
placed on file.
Dills to tho amount of $2SS,St
were allowed.
Tho Investigating 'committee on
police negligence reported that P.
Hill had withdrawn his chnrges,
Resolutions authorizing tho- en
gineer to prepare plans and esti
mates for the Improvement of a block
of six streets In North St. Johns wen
adopted by council.
An offer for the purchaso of tho
now city dock made by tho North
west Warehouse Co. through Attor
ney Perkins was rejected and a
counter proposition submitted.
A Little Too Frisky
Five St. Johns lads becarno a Ultle
too exuberant while on a St. Johns
car coming from Portland Saturday
night and were arrested. Three of
them had to dig up 15 a pleco and
tho other two ?10 each. The lesson
may prove a timely ono, and tho
lads will likely be good the next tlmo
thr-y return from "the city of Jews'
in the street cars.
new plant in
Modern Machine Works
in New Quarters
Flvo weeks to a dny from tho
tlmo their plant wns destroyed by
fire, Murphy & llcnnott, tho bust
ling machinists, lind their now plant
built and In operation. Situated on
the comer of Tacomn nnd Urndford
street, tho now structure Is Idoally
located. Tho building Is commodious,
ncnt nnd especially adapted for work
long their Hue. A number of mn
chines of various descriptions hnvo
jccn placed nnd there Is plenty of
I'oom for business on n largo scale.
cozy office has been fitted up In
the northwest comer and n good
jlzed hlncksmlth shop hns been
aroctod nt tho rear of tho machine
shop. Adjoining, on tho east, Is
their foundry which Is roomy nnd
nicely laid out. A pleasant brcezo
.'onstantly nrlxliig from tho river
nnkes It n pleasant place for tho
vorkmon to labor. At tho present
Imo n dozen skilled mechanics nro
Miiployed, nnd more will lo added
'rom time to tlmo. Tho Modem Mn-
:hlno Works will continue to bo
made mora modern, model nnd up to-
Into nt time 300s on. !oth Mr. Mur-
,)hy and Mr. Dennett are hustlers of
J10 first wnter, nnd conduct their
Jiiblnesn along tho most approved
modem methods. Having unbounded
faith In tho future of St. Johns, they
are now prepared to supply tho In
creasing wants of our peoplo In
their lino with quickness and dis
patch. Orders uru coming In In a
nlenslng manner and tho firm starts
out In their now plant under tho
tnort' promising auspices.
Tho baby show nt tho Electric
Tlientro wound up Sunday ovonlng
after a strenuous and urdorous cam
paign on tho part of somo of tho par
ents nnd their friends. No mothod
ar scheme wns overlooked In tho
rnco to sectiro votes for tho off
springs. Children woro stntloned nt
tho box office nnd nil through tho
thontro soliciting Votes for cortntu
babies, nnd life was almost mado
miserable by their ImportunltloB. Tho
evldont object of tho show was do
feated, as tho merits of tho candi
dates degenerated Into n secondary
consideration and was finally lost
sight of. The parents with tho long
est pocket book and tho most hust
ling abilities had tho best of tho ar-
zumont throughout. Whllo tho nf-
fnlr wns fnr from bolng n success
as a bnby show, It wns certnlnly a
paying proposition for tho manage
ment. It Is said that somo of tho
fond parents spent us high as JSO in
furthering tho causo of tholr bnblos.
An Ideal Boat House
Among tho numoroua boat houses
on tho St. Johns water front ono In
particular should not pass unob
served. That Is Mr. Lovons boat
houso. and It Is a flontlng palace In
many particulars. From outside ap
pearances It does not present any
rent attractions over tho ordinary
boat houso, but In tbo Interior Is
whore tho workman's skill Is dls-
played. It has all modern Improve
ments. hardwood finish, hot and
cold water, nnd eight air tight gal
vanlzed tanks. The tanks are a
safety valve, as It woro, In keeping
tho houso afloat and preventing tho
sinking of tho house through leakage
or accident. Tho .post complete Is
In tho neighborhood of 3,000.
Will Build at Whitwood
L. M. Mills has moved his family
from Grand Ilaplds, Mich., and aro
for the present making their homo
with a daughter, Mrs. Richard
Shepard, at Whitwood Court. Mr,
Mills will still hold his position as
traveling representative of a large
drug firm. Ho expects to erect a
largo and modern residence &t Whit
wood this Fall, whero he is a heavy
land owner.
new DOCK
If the Deal Under Way Goes Through
Deal to the City, and St. Johns Will Get the Full
Tho new city dock thnt hns cnused
qulto n good deal of anxiety on tlio
part of tho city fathers, nnd which
hns been looked upon In tho nature
of n "white elephant" by many of out
people, now promises to become n
blessing In disguise. When tho dock
wns first proposed tho city council
had assurance from tho railroad
company thnt they would put In n
spur when It wns required, nnd with
thnt nssurnnco they went ahead and
brought tho matter before tho peoplo.
Tho project carried easily, and utter
tho city had been bonded for C0,-
000 construction wns started nnd tho
dock finally completed. ltldn for
tensing thu same wns nsked for, nnd
in tho Northwest Wnrehouso Co. of
fered tho best bid It wns accepted.
It contained a provision, however,
that n spur must bo contif",,od there
with by tho first ot September, or
tho offer would bo null nml void. It
was then up to tho railroad peoplo
to mnko good and construct thu spur.
Several committees at various times
were sent to confer with tho railroad
company officials. At first .Mr.
O'llrlon wnn ubr.ont In Chicago, nnd
tlmo was lost nwnlllng his return.
When ho wns finally Interviewed ho
couldn't think of putting In tho spur,
ns It wns ngnlnst tho rules of tho
company, ho said, nnd It would es
tablish n poor precedent. Ho would
tnlco It under advisement, huwovcr,
but offered no hopo ot tho company
constructing tho spur. Mnro than
that thu officials tried In every wny
to Induce tho Northwest Wnrehouso
Co, to locnto nt Alblnn, that tho rail
road company would thoro construct!
tliom n dock sultnblo for every pur
poso, nnd Mr. Coemnn stnted It
Expect a Gusher Soon
That fortunes will soon bo mndo
In tho oil fields surrounding Vnlo, 1
(ho county seat of Malheur county,
Oregon, Is n fact saya tho Vnlo
Inlndonlor. thnt Is now not to bo
donled by tho most pessimistic of
her citizens, much u- they hooted at
tho Idoa only a fow short months
In an intorvlow with Mr. It. V.
Eumos, tho efficient mnnnger of tho
Mammoth Oil Company, as well ns
tho Eastern Oil Company, which ad
joins tho property of tho Mammoth
on tho oast, tho Mammoth Company
owning full twelve sections of oil
lauds lying In tho northwest corner
o: township twonty, Itango 45, West,
whllo tho Eastern Oregon Company
owns about as many sections of oil
lands. Just to tho oust of tho prop
erty of tho Mammoth company, that
gontloman said:
Tho Mammoth Company is opera
ting a standard rig, is now down
about 830 feet, nnd whllo tho well was
down about 700 feet tho showing
as so good, having passed through
70 foot of oil sand, that my head
driller, suggested that wo dynamtto
tho well, nnd gunranteod it ten bar
rel n day woll at that time, but tho
nresldont of tho company decided to
continue tho deep sinking, as tho In
dications pointed that thoy would, In
few hundred feet moro of drilling,
open n light gravity body of oil on a
paraflno base, tho very host Illumin
ating oil 011 tho market, besides strlk
Ing, lower down, a high grado lubri
cating oil. worth moro on tho mar
ket todny than tho ordinary. As soon
tho men return from their Fourth
July outing, wo will redouble our
efforts to break through Into oil In
paying quantities before tho bad
reather comes upon us, and bellovo,
that with good luck on our sldo, wo
Hi have a "gusher" for a Christ
mas present.
'At tho Eastern Oregon Company's
ground, we expect to start a standard
rig on the 20th of July next, and
sink as rapidly as possible. That
ground also has a most excellent
"In tho same neighborhood, so as
to speak, is situated the lands of tho
Columbia Oil and Gas Co., a Spokano
company, they nro operating another
standard rig and are now down 060
feet. Their showing is also very good,
and their manager expects to strike
Without any of the
I would bo hotter than anything St.
I Johns could offer, thnt the long haul
I from St. Johns wns something they
I wanted to avoid, nnd that It would bt
1 bettor for nil concerned not to go
to St. Johns.
Tho council in connection with tho
Commercial club tried various plans
to push tho matter through. Mayor
Hendricks and Attorney Perkins
were especially active In tho tnnltor,
nnd spent much tlmo nml wont to a
srunt donl of trouble to bring tho
matter to n focus. An tho hope of n
spur seemed to go glimmering coun
ell decided thnt It would bo ndvls
nblo to mnko nn offer to sell tho
dock outright, nnd' Mnyor Hendricks
submitted 11 proposition to thorn.
Tho Northwest Wnrehouso Co. said
they would consider tho matter, nnd
on Tuesday night, through Attorney
Perkins tlioy mndo tho following prop
osition: Thnt they would assume th(
fCO.OOO bonds nnd pay tho city J20,
000 for tho dock If tho city would
provide n right of wny. After dls
cussing thu inntter thoroughly, on
motion of Councllmnn C. It. John
son tho proposition wns rojectcd. Al
derman A. W. Davis then mndo tho
motion that a counter proposition bo
offered, viz: 'Hint thu company ns
sumo tho bonds and pay tho city
1 1 r. ,000 nnd securo tho rlrfht of wny
themselves, ns It was a sorlous
problem what n right of way would
cost. This motion carried and tho
recorder wan Instructed to notify Mr.
Irrklns of tho decision, and hnvo
him notify thu company.
Tlio chance's nro very fnvornblo
that tho company will accept tho
proposition since It Is qulto probnblo
tlmt they can securo 11 right of wny
for $5,000, nnd If this Is tho enso It
An Inhuman Girl
Tho Urooklyn pollco hnvo In cus
tody n 13-yunr-old girl who Is
charged with committing a most re
mnrknblo assault upon n lad of her
own ngo whllo n crowd of torror
stricken people looked on. Anthony
Itomnlu, 13 years old, had slapped
tho face of thu llttlo brother or I.ouu
Mlelano, nnd tho Inttcr, In revenge,
slnshe'd tho fnco of tho boy Into rib
bons whllo nn older boy held him.
Lena summoned Philip Mnzzn, 17
years old, to her ussistnnce, and
whon thoy found Itomnlu, Philip
srabbod his nrms from behind while
tho girl drew n rnzor from tho folds
of her short skirt nnd commenced
slashing nt tho fnco of tho young lad,
Ono stroke of tho ruzor clipped off
an car, another left tho noso hanging
by a thread and others opened tho
scalp nnd cheeks In mnny placos.
During tho vicious nttnek Anthony
tried to free himself, but tho youth
holding him wns too poworful, and
all ho could do was to movo his head
from sldo to sldo In nn effort to
avoid tho onBluught of tho enraged
girl. Women In tho streets screnmod,
and a crowd quickly collected. As n
policeman nppronched Mnzzn dropped
Anthony to tho sldowulk nnd ho nnd
tho girl tried to cscnpo, but wero
enpturcd. At tho pollco stutlon
Loua's comment was that no ono
could whip Iter young brother with
out paying for It. Doctors say that
If Anthony recovers at all ho will be
badly disfigured.
oil within another thousand foot or
"The Columbia people nro In whnt
Is called nn eruptlvo formation, but
have oil In smnll quantities through
tho "cap" at times now.
"Tho .Malheur Oil Company, with
headquarters in Union, Is operating
In Sand Hollow, and tho last tlmo
heard from over there, tho said
to have reached a depth of 1500 feet.
They aro In a good marlno forma
tion and aro llablo to open u gusher
almost any day, having pnssed
through tho hard basaltic formation.
"Baker & Malheur Oil Co., with
hoadquarters In Baker City, owns six
sections of oil lands, Is drilling right
along. In soveral different spots, and
has a good showing so far as tho
company has gone."
Preach the gospel of St. Johns.
it Will Mean a Great
would bo practically tho samo ns
whnt they offered tho city. Thnt Is,
the cost to tho company would bo
tho same.
If this offer Is accepted It will
pull thu city out of n rather bad
hole. As It now stands tho city Is
paying nbout $10 per dny interest on
tho bonds, nnd tho Insurnnco and de
preciation tit valuu of tho properly
Is qulto an Item, nnd tlio city 1 do
riving no benefit whatever from tho
existence of tho dock. If this com
pany gets tho dock nt tho price slip
utntcd It menus thnt tho Richmond
street dock can bo placed In first
class condition, tho rock crusher
nnd road machine bo paid for, and n
neat balance will bo left In tho truss
11 r for any contingency thnt mny
arise. Thu dock Instead of present-
lug n deserted appearance will bo
full of life nnd nativity nnd tho city
vIli gut tho benefit of tho employ
meut It will furnish nnd tho trade
from thu ships thnt will stop hero
to tnko 011 cargoes. Tho tnxes tie
rived from tho enterprise will mnko
n nice drop In tho city treasury each
)ror, nml It will have 11 tendency to.
attract other Industries to St. Johns,
Tho proposition looks like a vury
diifil ono to us, nnd bullovo tho city
fathers will mnko no mistake by push
lug tho thing through, Whllo the
price is somewhat lower thnt wns
first anticipated, yet It scorn's tlio
best solution offered, lly hooping It
ten to twelve yenro n Inrgo prlco
might bo nhtnlucd, but In tho mean
time whllo tho peoplo nro struggling
lo mnlto it first class city of St.
Johns it Is not woll to bunion thorn
'00 heavily to nld posterity that will
bt' amply nblo to look out for them
Soon to Be inlOperation
Tho rockpllo 011 tho I.lnnton road
will bo rend for operation by August
1, according to tho estlmnto of Com
missioners llarucn uud Ughtnor. Thu
sub-Jail, with 11 capacity of about CO
prisoners, Is completed, and work
men nro now employed putting thu
crusher In place. Tho Jail Is of
wood, lined with steel, so uh to ren
der cscnpo practically Impossible,
Tho now rockpllo Is locntod on
property recently purchased by tho
county, about half u inllu south of
Clnromont Tuvern. Tho crusher nnd
quarry aro Just north of tho subjull,
In n canyon, Tho Commissioners
purchnsed thu land on both sides of
tho canyon, so thnt blasting can bo
dono without Interfering with private
property owners,
Tho rock In thu qunrry nt tho now
rockpllo Is .said to bo of butter
quality for road making than tho
rock at Kelly Ilutte, nnd nlso onsler
to quarry und crush. Tho Kolly
Ilutto quarry will contlnuo operations
with county prisoners under Sheriff
Slovens, as nt prosont. Tbo rockpllo
on tho I.lnnton road will bo operated
with city prlsonors, uudor tho direc
tion of tho County Court.
The I.lnnton road quarry Is within
n fow rods of tho lino of tho United
Hallways, which must haul tho
crushed rock for tho county frco of
cost, under tho terms ot tho fran
chlso under which tho lino wns
was built on tho J.lnntoii road.
At Kolly Uutto tho prisoners have
worked tho rock away from tho
crusher so fur that much tlmo Is lost
In wheeling tho rock from tho bluff
to tho crusher In barrows. Tho
Commissioners havo decided to lay
track und Install curs at Keny liuttu,
thereby enabling tho prisoners to
movo larger quantities of rock and
get out moro crushed rock In a given
E. A. Llebscher, of Sonoma, Cal.,
was arrested last week on a chargo
of cruolty to his 13-months old baby.
To stop tho Infant from sucking Its
lips It is alleged that Llebscher
plorccd tho child's tongue with a
needlo and sowed a button on either
sldo. When arrested tho man was
carrying tho baby In a barloy sack,
but tho buttons had been removed
from tho tonguo.
Work for a Greater St. Johns.
Local Business Man Tells
of Conditions Here
Wo publish tho following iottcr
written by h. 11. Wilson, nnd which
recently npponred In it Attlcn, Knn
bub paper, to show that nt least ouo
ot our business men Is doing what ho
can to bring St. Johns nnd tho North
west to tho nttcntlou of tho outBldo
world. Moro of our peoplo might
further tho cause ot St. Julius by
writing descriptive letters to tho
newspapers published In their former
homo towns. It linn n wider scope
nnd wilt no doubt do moro good than
it dozen personal letters would be
cause ll Is read by moro peoplo. Tho
letter In well written nnd very Inter
eating, ltend It:
St. Johns, Oregon, July 3, 1009
Editor Independent,
Dear Sir: Mnny ot my ncqunlnt
iinces In Kansas requested mo to
write to them nnd toll them nbout
thu cllmnto nnd tho products ot
Oregon, I hnvo decided thnt thu
easiest wny to mnko good my pro
mines Is to write 11 letter to your
valuable paper, which 1 know Is
rend by it majority of tho pooplo
who mny bo expecting to hear from
After residing hero it llttlo more
than ouo year I am ready to say that
In my Judgment thoro nro many worse
places than Oregon. To begin with,
tho cllmnto In healthful. All mem
burs of my family hnvo had good
health ami wo nro well sntlsfled. Tho
rntuy season cnused us no distress
whntover. There wns, of course, n
grunt deal of ruin during tho winter,
hut there wns also much nice weather.
Orogoulnus seem to like tlio rain.
Tho Btimmurn In Oregon nro delight
ful. Tho duys nro seldom extremely
hot nml tho nights are always cool
und pleasant.
To ouo who hns seen tho rapid
trnnnformntlnu of tho prairies In
Kansas nml Oklahoma, the devel
opment ot n region llko tho great
Northwest seems slow. When tho
first settlers enmo here, tho hills
and vnlleyn wero covered with u
heavy growth of timber. lloforo
farming operations could bo com
menced It wns iiecossury to chop
down tho big trees nnd to remove
tho stumps. To do tills of course
required patience and persistent
effort. For many years tho pion
eer settlers lived In log houses and
wuro content to add it fow acres
lach your to tho tlllublo nren of their
farms. Hut in duo tlmo their ef
forts woro fully rewarded, for tho
Improved fnrmB nro now vory vnl-
Tho principal products of tho
farms In tho vicinity of Portland
nro potatoes, hops, oats, hay, garden
vogetnbles nnd fruits, Cherries, struw
berries, blnckbcrrlcu und raspberries
aro abundant and aro of excellent
quality. Wheat Is raised vury exten
sively in tho upper Willamette valley
mil al bo In tho eastern part of tho
state. Oregon apples nro always In
demund In every Important fruit
market In tho country, and whllo
speaking of Oregon products, I
must not forget to mention thu
roses, To people who npproclnto
bouuty they hnvo grent vnluo nnd
aro u constant source of pleasuro,
At tho rose festival held In Portland
recently there woro roses In tho
yards, roses In tho windows, roses
on currluges und nutomobllos enr
loads of roses everywhere.
The most Importuut Industry In
Oregon Is lumborlng, Many mill
ion feet of lumber aro shipped an
nually from points on tho Willam
ette uud Columbia rivers to all
parts of tho world. Tho output of
tho saw-mills Is perhaps u llttlo less
than It wns a fow yenrs ugo but tho
slight decreaso seems to bo duo
to tho fact that fewer orders nro
bolng received from tho east, und
not to any decreaso In tho demand
nearer to tho source or production.
Portland is tho groat commercial
metropolis of Oregon and porhaps
It is not stating It too strongly to
say thnt it ls.snd will contlnuo to
bo, tho most Important city lit tho
Northwest. I know thoro aro many
peoplo who will dispute this state
ment. Sonttlo is a poworful rival In
tho rnco for commercial supremacy,
and in tho trado with Alaska It may
(Continued on pago two.)
Doesn't Look So Allur
ing As It Did
Tho peoplo of Mount Scott dis
trict recently voted to ho annexed
to tho city ot Portland nnd they nro
discovering n thing or two thoy bad
not counted upon. Tho district con
tains somo 15,000 peoplo nnd ono
rcgtilnr pollccmnn will hnvo tho Job
of looking nttor tho entire district
nccordlng to reports. It In posslblo
thoy may securo wnter by connecting
with tho Mount Tnbor reservoir, nml
It Is possible thnt they mny not. As
to to better flro protection, It Is snld
thnt nn engine now In uso nt n down
town flro station is to bo trans
furred to tho Mount Scott district,
Tho biggest rub is on tho sidewalk
question. Tho city council of Port
land last week passed nn ordlnniico
providing that thoro shall bo no sldo
walks laid In tho city limits of Port
land other tlinn those of coniont,
pressed brick, concrete or stone, nnd
ll makes It practically Impossible
for tho peoplo ot tho Mount Scott
section to put walks In front of their
places tho cost ot cement walks bo
lng so grent thnt In mnny canes thoy
would exceed tho vnluo ot tho lots,
In speaking of tho proposition tho
Peoples Press (East Side) says:
"Already somo ot thu people who
wero most fnvornblo to unnoxntlon
nro beginning to wonder If they hnvo
not been 'stung'."
Still Too High '
Tho ro-ndvorlised for bids on tho
new high school wero opened Thurs
day of last week, nnd It was again
discovered thnt nil bids excooded
tho amount on hand for tho purposo
of constructing this edifice, and thoro.
foro none could bo accepted. Thoro
wns 11 material roductlou In somo of
thu bids over tho previous ones, but
not enough to talk business. As tho
matter now stands thu nrchltuct will
either hnvo to alior his plans to
cuino within tho limit, or plans ot
somu other architect will necossarlly
hnvo to bo sought, It Is qulto evi
dent that Architect Hurggrnf did not
estimate his material nml labor nt
Portland prices when ho mndo his
estimates, but based them on condi
tions existing nt Albany, whore lo
cal contractors claim labor nnd inn
terlal nro Hourly 26 por cent lower
than hero.
Mixing Things Up
I married it widow who had u
dnughtor. My father visited our
Iioiihu frequently, foil In lovo nnd
married my step-dnughlcr. Thus my
rathor hocomo my son-ln-lnw and my
stepdaughter my mother, bocauso
shu was my rnthor's wire. My stop
dnughtor had nlso n sou. Ho wns
of course my brother and nt tho
snme tlmo my grandchild for ho
wns tho son of my dnughtor. My
wlfo wns my grandmothor bocauso
she was my fathor'B mother. I was
my wife's husband and grandchild
nt tho samo tlmo uud us tho hus
band of a person's grandmothor is
his grandfather, I was my own
grnndfuthor, Ex,
A Good Suggestion
Itocordcr A. M. Esson this week
presented tho Ilovlow otrlco with a
fow splendid spoclmons of wheat
grown in North St. Johns. Tho
stalks wero cousldorablo over four
feet In longth and filled to tho
muzlo" with tho largost and flnost
grains of broad makor that wo havo
over seen anywhere. Tho Itecordcr
tritely suggestB that tho vacant lota
In St. Johna bo sown to wboat In
stead of thlstlos, as thoro is a dif
ference of 3 por sack botweon tho
H. a. Odgon, wire and daughtor,
Miss Jeanotto. ot Dayton, Oregon,
mado a short visit at tho homo of
It. W. McKean tho lattor part or
last week. H. O, has doveloped into
a typical farmer.
Work tor Greater St. Johns.