St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, July 16, 1909, Image 2

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Published Every Friday
At 117 West Durlington Street.
TiiK Kitvimv l entered nt post office
In Saint Johns, Orison, M mnll matter
of the second class under the Act of Con
gress of Mnrch 3, 1879.
Job Printing rtfcutml In Ant-clam iti.
Ullli far Job I'rlnllnr rmh on dellrerr.
All cominunledloni thould lie uddrMicd to
To IteTlaw, Pt. John. Ortgon.
Advtrtlilng rutti, $1,00 prr Inrh per month.
All idvnrtiiln 111 1 a pjtll flrit of nacb
omcUl Hwipapar of th Oily of Bt. Johni.
Subscription price $1.00 poryonr.
FRIDAY, JUIY 16, 1909.
Work for n arnttlcr St. Johns.
Tim vIcwurB' on tho Kossoiiden
street condemnation 11 10 having their
handtt full theso dit.vH.
Tho weather lias not beon n howl
Ing success for tho leo cream von
dors tho past week or no. Tho
wenther iiiiiii'h nlniniuin niiiHt ter
talnly bo Hndly out of whnck.
Rockofollor opoiiod up hln heart n
llttlo oil IiIh blrlhdny lust week nntl
Kiivo iiiiotlier donation to tho cuubu
of odncntlou lit tho mini of ton mil
lions of dollnrH. HlmtiltnneoiiHly
with tho gift tho nntiouncoinont Ih
nmdo Unit tho prlco of fuinolliia has
been tilted up 0110 cent 11 gallon
Again Ih It dotnoiiMtruted thut this
old codger never given up anything
unless ho cciii see It coming buck
mivortil fold, (Jrout Ih llockefeller.
Tho (lluglex girl ciino In Chicago
Ih nttrnelliig nittloiinl attention.
Whether tho glrl'H wrongH nro fan
cled or real, It given a good llliistrn
tlott of how difficult It Ih for 11 poor,
iiiilnflueutliil young girl, who nppnr
ently him boon imiltrealod by hiiuian
vtilltireH with a political pull, to so.
euro an Impartial hearing and Jim
tlco. Tho bull dozing iiioIIioiIh and
brulal (pieHtlotiH of tho defeiidaiitH'
nttorueyH nro enough to deter any
girl, from Kcoldng redress for her
wrongH through tho arm of tho law,
and It Ih no wonder that tho "un
written law" Iiiih become ho much
In vogue lately. There Ih something
radically wrong with our lawu when
nttorueyH can blackguard ami badger
a witness to their heart'H content.
It In tiii'Aiiierlean and Ih UHitally prof
Itloka outsldo of giving 11 limb of Iho
law 11 chance to vent IiIh spleen
when ho Ih 011 a liming hIiIo. It Ih
certainly annoying and dlHgiiHlliig to
the HpectatorH. Too many of our
criminal rotirlH hnvo been turned
Into plat-en where blackguardlHiu, dis
respect, malice, brutality and Im
pertinence hold uiillcoiiNcd uway.
Why Ih It?
Death of An Old Citizen
I'. P. Collier departed thin Ufa nt
IiIh homo In UiIh city July II, 1 you.
Ho was born In llaiien county, Ken
lucky, May 7th, 1837. Leaving that
Htato In 1870, he moved to Nortliorn
Missouri, and In 1000 cnino to l'etidlo
ton, Oregon. In September, 1908, ho
moved to St. Johns where ho died
Local Freight Wanted
P, P. Collier,
at the time fllated above. Ilo en
llBted In To, 11, 2fi Ky. Ilcg. an n
prlvnto nnd wiih booh promoted to
lieutenant, nnd nerved as hiicIi to
the cIoho of tho war, nnd wan
member of (1. A. R., Kit Knrson
I'oHt, I'ondletou. Mr. Collier had
been an Invalid fllnco robruary, 1008,
and ho waH very patient and uncom
plaining to tho end. Ilo Is sur
vlved by IiIh wife, Sarah; daughter,
Annie Koslor of lluffalo, Wyoming;
mil threo boiih, vl.: C. H. Collier of
I.ueoinbo, Alberta, Canada, nnd II
K, and J. A. of this nlty, Funeral sor
vIcch wore held In tho Zellar-llyrncH
undertaking parlors In Cortland July
12 at .1 p. in., Interment taking place
In tho Koho City cemetery.
What the A. D. 8. Slonlfles Ameri
can Drunglit Syndicate.
TIiIh Ih tho corporate title Hclcctcd
by an association of tho iiiohI pro
gressive retail cIiciiiIhIh In tho world
under which to market a lino of
preparations, which they know from
Hverydny experience will euro tho
oiumon human allmentH and chronic
wonhiiCNH for which they nro In
tended. If you don't know what allH
you, aeo a physician, but If you
know what Ih tho matter, tnko ad-
milage of thin opportunity to so
tiro tho benefit of tho experience
of 111,000 drugglHtH who offer you n
Helevied prescription for your ail
ment, St, JoIiiih Pharmacy, agents.
Tho Commercial club held an In
toroHtlng meeting WednoBilny evening
nnd tho principal thomo for discus
slon wan local freight acrvlco for
St. Johns. A innttrcss factory Is
desirous of locating here, but It Is
rather contingent upon securing lo
cat freight servlco nnd tirilcss this
Is assured there is no hope of 11 c
quiring tho new Industry. A Commit'
too composed of Ud. L. Stockton, O
P. Wolcott and W. A. Dennett was
appointed to confer with tho mnnu
facturers along tho railroad nnd tho
business men of tho city to ascer
tain how much freight could bo
guaranteed the railroad company pro
vlded they glvo tho city locnl service
Tho O. R. & N. Co. promised to pro
vide locnl freight If n reasonable
amount of business Ih guaranteed
them, nnd it Ih believed tho com
mitten will bo nblo to secure this.
The following committcos wero
appointed upon tho dniico projoct at
the now city dock: Lights .1. B,
Kilkenny nnd A. W. Davis. Music
J. N. IMIefson and Dr. A. W. Vln
cent. Advertising A. W. Mnrkle
J, V, Hendricks, Chns, Drcdoson
Mrs. I W. Vnlontlno and Mrs. A
W. Vincent. Concessions A. Un
gor and II. C. Hunter. A joint meet
lug of tho various committees will
be held this evening, when tho dato
for holding tho danco will bo sot
and other matters decided upon.
Tho best way to spend a vacation
Is to leavo all conventionality behind
Take a long walk or an extended
bleyclo ride. Tako ono or moro com
panloiiH with you if convenient to do
so. do to tho Bcasnoro or 10 mo
mountains, avoid stylish hotels, seek
out the smaller places where a full
diess suit Ih not required at dinner.
DIvchI yourself absolutely of ex
hniistlng or straining responsibilities
(live tho nervous system n rest, ill
trl tho mind, seek for pleasuro
vlilch Ih not overtaxing, which Ih
not Injuriously stimulating, or pro
ductlvo of after-effects that nro ex
haunting nnd depleting In nature.
'rom July Physical Culture.
Preach tho gospol of St. Johns.
meaiiH that man and wife hnvo lived
to a good old ago and consequently
have kept healthy. Tho best way to
keep healthy Ih to see that your li
ver docs U'h duty :tC5 dayH out of 305.
Tho only way to do this Is to keep
Dullard's Horblno In tho houso and
tako It whenever your liver goU In
active, CO cents per bottle. Sold by
North Dank Pharmacy.
A Prosperous Trip Swift Packing Plant
Continued from first pogo.
D. N. IJyorlco returned to St.
Johns Sunday evening from a threo
months' bUBlncsB trip through Iowa, and no unpleasant odors could bo
Illinois and Nebraska In tho interest detected a block away from tho
of tho Portland CollpBlblo Uox Co. yards. It Is simply wondorful, nnd ter of widening Duchnnon street In
There ho visited relatives ho had oui plant nt St. Jolnm will bo hot- tho city of St. Johns, as Bhown by
not seen for 30 years or moro. Ho ter, If any different, bocauBo of bet- J111 . report. Ilat nnd survey now on
lllil I it. -h... I 1,10 1,1 lllu OIWCU "I l"U til luvuiutlp
by tho city of St.
II lu rnanlvntl
is resolved by tho city of St. Johns.
Johns: Tim I ll ilonmu It nxncdlont and
That whercnB, the city englncor of ,lf.pnHHrv . imiirovo Mohnwk
tho city of St. Johns has filed his slrnnt frnm West lino of Jersoy
report, plat nnd survey In tho mat- Btreot t0 th0 west lino of Willis
was not fosclnntcd with tho coun- to: facilities In tho shnpo of floors
try and thinks there Is nothing ho for pons will bo Installed thero than
tins seen any whoro nearly equal to here, whero they aro paved with
Western Oregon, Thero had beon too cobblo stones. Thirty years ago tho
much rain In Western Iowa and pens hero wero often kneo deep In
Kastcrn Nebraska, and that as a
consequonco tho corn crop was go
ing to bo very poor, and as It was
still raining there was a prospect of
tho splendid grain and hay crop be
ing ruined, There hnvo been bountl-
and nro hereby referred to. and
Whereas, said report was adopted
by ordinance embodying thosamo on
tho 4th dny of May, 1003, designated
as Ordinance No. 228 of said city,
and Is herebv referred to and made
mud and filth; now they nro paved n ,,art of this resolution, now there-
and mon constantly keen them as fore, it Is hereby resolved that K.
boulevard In tho city of St. Johns in
tho following manner, to wit:
Uy grading same to established
grado by cut and fill, nnd by side
walking samo on either sldo with 0
foot cement walks 12 foot curbs, 4
Inch tllo drain ovory CO feet in curb,
expansion Joints whero directed by
the city englncor; with necessary
wooden cross walks nnd box gutters.
And by placing n strip of crushed
rock 14 feet wldo In tho center
be 8 Inchon in center 0 Inches on
either side.
All work to bo according to tho
plans and specifications of tho city
clean as tho streets of Portland. L uoucii, 11. w. lioni om anu 11. w. thereof, cntlro length, said rock to
it., untu, until uuiiik uiBiiiiui ubiuu iiuu-i
uur gu.uo cunuuc cu u. 10 w.u hol(lcrg of th(J cU of gt Jol,)8 ,,
packing plant of Llbby, McNeil & over tho ago of twenty-one years,
Llbby, whero wo saw tho process and not being related to any of tho
ful harvests during tho fifteen years of making canned beef nnd had our P"cs interested In such proposei em-no0r on fllo In tho office of tho
1 1 ...1.1 . 1.. m iini.i.f.1.... .....
slnco ho loft that country nnd tho prejudice against eating chipped :u""b:."i,.""V'u"." recorder re otivo thereto wnic i
aim HpcciucaiiuiiB uiiii uau-
.,. unllnrnntftru ntlrl nrn llfim.
Is evident on every hand. Splendid brand Is concerned. No homo made nomali county, Oregon, bo -and they uy n)t,rove(l Said improvements to
farmhouses, flno stock, good roads, I p oduct could bo nut un in n moro nu eacn 01 mom uro noroey np- uo mmt0 m accordance with the
thriving nnd rapidly growing
nnd towns greet ono ovorywhero,
Ills old homo town, Albln, lowt
doubled her self In slio nnd popula- havo often mado that no factory to, and to assess damagco nnd bene- .j-hnt tho cost of said improvement
Hon two or threo times during theso packed goods aro to bo trusted as fl'f catmod by such 1 change and w Id- l0 bo ll8BcBsed ns provided by tho
years. Chicago ho had not visited to purity. Such a statement does M K. C. Couch, ILW.' lloiJ ft S SK
In 25 or 30 years nnd ho was un- the company an Injustice, and I shall hum nnd II. W. Drlco, ns such by mj which Is hereby declared to
nblo to see a slnglo old familiar always bo willing to tako tho goods viewers, shall moot nt tho offico of Ut,' n 0( jol8 ,mr(8 0f jolB blocks
landmnrk. They had all been ro- hearing the nanio of Llbby with tho V'V clly r?. .,?,!!, 0 , t",c1lly n' and parcels of land between tho ter
moved and their sites covered with utmost confidence, tho samo as nr,,J;830Ollrosa!daO,Ja1,d Zli Jgj lnlT7o7C0 "ffS
modern skyscrapers. Tho city haB thoso bearing tho namo of Swift; for then nnd thero bo sworn to faithfully (0inW street, from the mnr-
, phinm.,! widening of Duchnnan street, and clly ruCD
, ciiijiiiLu cnch posscRsltig tho qualifications of inH nu
ir as this Juror8 of lho Crcut Court of MuU. mn'tg
lonio made nomali county, Oregon, be and they uy n,,prt
In n mnrn and each of them arc hereby up- i, ,,t
cities cleanly or sanitary manner than tho ''"I" l,e dV X ! f,w0 r ""i1."!!? charter and ordinances of tho city of
1 . . ... .... .... ; posed widening of Duchnnan Btreet, ut i111B nnd umlor tho sunervl-
whero. products of tho Llbby Packing Co 9 Bhown In said report, plat and sur- OI1Jon,m;8 airoStlon of lho city ongln-
a, has I soy this to correct a statement I voy of sold Kuglnecr above referred cori
been extended out In nil directions 1 know from personal observation dlschargo such
taking In tho small towns what used that thoy aro clean and wholesomo. n8",Bnui1 l,,cm.
to bo two to ten miles out In tho
country so that It In now ono solid
duties as shall bo
city covering mora than tho wholo
of Crook county. Even Lako Michi
gan has not been spared, but tho
lako front has beon filled in for moro
than a quarter of a mllo out from
what used to bo tho water front, in
tho old days, and a movo Is now on
..1.1 ...... lw.ll nt
Ml of Swifts' moats aro Inspectod ,, ,,, n -..i.-p.,,.--, ,!, ,
most closely onco when coming which they may adjourn, which shall
nllvo Into tho pons, again when be
ing sold to tho buyers, again when
slaughtered, both ns to tho glands
of tho throat nnd head and the
lungs, liver, spleen, otc., and again
when tho cured meats are being
wrapped for shipment; and theso
not exceed 0110 week nt n time, pro
ceed to view the proposed widening
of Duchnnan street; and to deter
mine and assess how much, If nuy
less valuable tho laud or other prop
erty or any part thereof, through
or over which said street Is to bo
widened and laid out, will bo ren
dered thereby; and shall also as-
Klnnl linos of said street back to tho
center of tho block or blocks or
tracts of land abutting thereon or
proximate thereto.
That all tho property Included In
said Improvement district nforesah
Is hereby declared to bo "Local Im
provement District No. 2),"
That the city engineer's nssesB
ment of tho probable total cost of
Hiild Improvement of said Mohawk
street Is $3tlC0.SC.
That tho cost of said Mohnwk
street to bu assessed against tho
foot to fill In out to tho breakwater, whlto robed government officials do cortnln tll0 rospectlvo Interest of all property In said local nssossnient
a quarter of a mllo or moro farther their work methodically and woll
nnd innko of the now territory Hiub Swift & Co. havo packing plants
acquired on Immonso pnrk along nt Chicago, Kansas City, Omaha,
Michigan avonuo; moro than a half I St. Louis, St. Joseph, St. Paul, l'ort.
mile wldo nnd a mllo and a half Worth, with 01 acres of buildings,
long, Michigan nvonuo Is bolng 240 acres of floor spaco and 200
widened 25 foot Its entire length and acres of land, which will soon bo
converted Into a link of a system of Incrensed by tho addition of their
persons claiming to bo tuo owner
or the owners of the land or any In
terest therein, or any Improvement
thereon, and the damages which each
of said owners respectively will sus
tain; and shall also innko Just and
equitable estimates and assess-
muiitH of tho value of tho benefits ju-y -n nmi :3 moo.
.(.I . .1 ....... H....U " ' (.l.l IIMI.IA.lli I t.'l.l. I '
IlliU lluVillllllKl'9 Ul BllIU liiuiiuni-u
cuing of Duchnnnii street to the re-
district as provided by tho city char
ter of tho city of St. Johns,
Adopted tho 13th dny of July,
A. M. U88ON,
Published in the St. Johns Uovlow,
boulevards which will be 40 or CO llg plant nt St. Johns. Tho plant at spectlvo owners or other persons In-
miles In length all within tho city Chicago covers 40 acres and em-
of Chicago. It Is a wonderful city ploys C000 people, and tho plant at
and bids fair to make tho predictions St. Johns Is to bu tho next In site,
of J. J. Hill true: that within 30 If It does not exceed tho parent
years that city would bo thu largest plant here. Tho full dressing ca-
city In tho world. Tho trip was a paclty of this plant Is 1000 hogs, COO
very prosperous ono, nnd Mr, Dyorloo sheep and 300 cnttlo per hour. Tho
succeeded In placing somo flno now company han 150,000,000 paid up cap-
IiuhIiiosh for the Collapsible Dox Co. tal and their annual sales exceed
Ilo expects soon to make another 1250,000,000, and Just to show n llttlo
trln to Chlcnuo nnd other Eastern of tho ureal operation of this ln
. . . .
terested In the laud or other property
which said viewers shall bu deemed
especially benefited by such widen
1 11 it and changing of said street. Said
viewers shall thereafter, at their
earliest convenience, nnd not later
than 20 days, report tho assess
ment for dnmngcH and belief ItH to
tho council of said city, giving, as
Is resolved by tho city of St.
That ll deeniH It expedient nnd ncC'
cssary to Improve South Hnycn
street, from thu Southerly lino of
Duchnnan street to thu Northerly lino
nearly as they may by duo diligence lot Ida street In the city of St. Johns
ascertain, the name of tho owner or in 1110 following manner, to wit:
cities for thu samu company. Ills
recent Illness has reduced his avoir
dupois to uultu a marked extont.
Preach tho gospel of St. Johns.
dustry, I would mention that In
1008 over C000 cords of hickory
wood wiih burned in smoking tholr
meats, and about 2,000,000 pounds of
. . 1 l
Migar and snit wuh usou in curing
them. D. N. Dyorloo.
owners owning or having an inter
est In any lot, block, tracts or par
cols of laud which shall bu bene
fitted by such widening and tho
amount of tho respective benefits,
together with tho damages assessed
to each tract or parcel of land caused
Dy grading samu to established
grade by cut and fill: 5-foot cement
sidewalk, 12-foot curb from Dachau-
an to liurr street: and by placing n
strip of crushed rock In thu cen
ter thereof from Duchaiiiin to Durr
street. Said crushed rock to bo 12
by said widening of said struct; nnd foot wldo, 8 Inches In center C Inches
Is the recoRiilcd center of Industrial activity in the enstern part of St. Johns. This vnhmble property adjoins the only depot on
the entire Peninsula, thus affording local and through passenger, freight and express service.
Is already the site of several small factories, others in course of construction. Present growth indicates that in only a few months
the pay rolls of these plants will he sufllcieiit to support the entire district.
EAST ST. JOHNS is not only a iManiifacturlnjr District but has a fine Residence Section that is high and sight
ly, The Building Restrictions of 51,500, 51,000 and 5500, provides suitable home sites for the laborer and the
business man. The Water, Lights, Phones, (iraded Streets and New Schools arc not promises, but facts.
TALK it over with any UHAI. HSTATH AGHNT. East St. Johns Und Co., East SI. Johns Station Phone Richmond. 601
tho namo of tho owner or owuors
of said tractH, lots, parcels of land
so damaged.
That In making said report, said
vlowers shall assess as part of tho
benefits tho sum of f-'.OU for each
in nnlor to, sot at rest and correct of said vlowers Per day necessarily
a reuort which has been published In required for vlowlng suld proposed glneor mid uccordlng to tho plans
a npon which iiiih uuuii iiuon u . . .i.,,,..!.... .., nliBo8liiir and snec f cat Ion of tho civ enc neer
on either sldu; -I Inch drains, tllo
through curb ovory do feet between
Iliichanan and Durr streets; expan
sion Joints In said walk where di
rected by city englneor.
All work to bo under the super
vlblon and direction of tho city en-
U niVJ" ,in iii, ronromlnir tho allocod cliungo and widening nnd assessing and specification of tho city engineer
tho city dallies concerning tho alleged damnj,08 nml bo,10(U n8 nforosald. on fllo In tho offico of tho city ro-
misiroaimoni aim wircnm muuo mi flio recorder of tho city of St. cordor roiativo tneroto. which sold
connection with thu Churchill divorce Johns shall send, by mall post paid, plans and specifications and etl-
case I wish to submit the following: a notice of tho appointment of tho mates nro satisfactory and aro horo-
pi...,' I,. it.,, rimi imtanro tho nro- ,aW vlowors, giving tholr names and by approved. Bald Improvomonta to
That In tho first iiittnnco mo pro- ..-.i,.,.,,,,,,-, , ,iIn ,, ,.i. fnr ilft mnii in nrmniiinr.i , in h
ModlngH wero stnrtod by tho willful meotnK, nnd specifying with con- chartor and ordinances of tho city of
and malicious statements inado by vonlont certainty tho proposed widen- St, Johns, and under tho supervision
n nnnin nf vniniL- wnmon who were lug of said Duchauaii streot, to each and direction of tho city onglnoor.
nYin, s in mako trouble that whon of 1,10 Proporty owners whoso proport; That tho cost of said Improvement
anxious to inaKo trouuie, inai wuen u propoged ,0 bfj in)roprinted, or to to bo assossed as provided by tho
confronted by mysolf and wlfo thoso ,,8 og(jnt( t0 tno post of(co mjijr0g8 clly chartor upon tho proporty es-
young women did not dony making of such owner, If such post offico poclally and particularly benefited
III,., inliirtnim Htntnmnnla. but nd- ouuress snail not OO KIlOWll. uion wiu wiuruuy. mm which in nuruuy uu-
While hoiiio peoplu nro moro or
less ugltuted over the meat ultuatlnu
In St. Joliuti, llllgoud & Colo con
Katlmutdu of tho year's wheat crop THE MEAT 8ITUATION,
In tho l'aclfle Northwest fix lho prob
ablo yield nt uhout &r,000,O0O buahels,
an luci ease by iri.OOO.OOO over laat
year. This flguro may not bu roachi
If uufavorablo condltloim nt harvest
set In but with normal weather, It Ih
believed thu yield will bo large, lie
cent rains havo been of Immense
benefit to tho glowing crop. Dis
tricts where tho grain was prattle
ally given up beeaiiHo of (lie con
tinued drouth havo taken heart again
and thu wheat la filling out la fair- to sell good meat at very low
ly good shapo. Tho value of (ho prices. Their patroiiH aro staying
ralim of tho past week to the wheat with them beeauso they realize they
crop Is variously estimated nt from jean do uo better anywhere else. And
11,000,000 to $U,000,OUO, Inereased long as tho peoplu aro treated
neruago In many sections of tho
statu makes up In tho total yloldfor
u short crop In somo districts, As
wheat Is still sticking around tho
dollar mark, Oregon's big wheat crop
will mean a great prosperity for thla
section of tho United .States during
tho coming year. Decent rains have
also been of great benefit to thu
fruit crop. TJioro has been a gep
oral drenching and hearts of tho
farmurs aro light aa a eoiiseimenco.
With the inception of somo los to
cherries mid hay, uo damagu has
beeu done by tho downpour but lu
calculnblo good has been realised.
Blight damagu to ehorrlea has been
more than Hindu up In tho good to
other fruit crops, such as prunes,
pours and apples, Prunes luuo felt
thu benefit of tho ruin to u great ex
tent aud u lurgo crop la looked for.
That man Johnson evidently was
trying to equal Solomon's record
iu thu way of wives. If ho hud them
ull photographed In u group it would
make nu Interesting picture. A
woman who will marry ou such short
nciiualntauco Is not deserving of any
pity for bclug duped.
llounvlUo's Monthly
this offico.
tor valo ui
rllilit und get their money's worth
every tlmo thero Is no reason for
sekliig a now market. They aro
not "fighting tho beef trusts'
private trust, or any other trust, but
nro endeavoring to innko a living by
selling good meat at living prices,
I people requested another market
to como to St. Johns It was because
they did not renlUo how well they
could do at Ditgood & Cole's, None
of their patrons wero numbered with
the unsatisfied ones, (live Ditgood
& Colo a trlu) und your meat
troubles will bo ovor.
ah panics owiiiug property upon
which obnoxious weeds nro growing
nro hereby notified to cut down thu
samo without delay In accordance
with tho state law nnd tho ordin
auces of tho city of St. Johns, An
ourly couipllnuco with this notice may
save a few costs,
Chief of l'ollco.
If you waut to buy.ront, soil or
exchange property sou Wolcott, (Tho
Rent Man.) 401 South Jersey, Side
o, -
1'roacU tho gospel of St. Johns,
SniiHi Premler
has widened its market un
til it includes thewhole civil
ized world; has become the
typewriter of over 300,000
operators and has, during
igoG, broken every previous
ccord of sales, because it
nas from the beginning bes
net every typewriter need.
f"7p-H E tri-color feature of
J the Smith Premier
Typewriter is recog
nized as the greatest im
provement iu modern type
writer construction- yet in
providing it, none of the
strong fundamental fea
tures, for which the Smith
Premier has always been
noted, have ocen sacrificed.
Complete l.terature on request.
mltted that they wero uutruu aud
without foundation. Upon this testi
mony tho caso was at onco with
drawn and proceedings stopped. That
110 mistreatment had ovor boon per-
notlca shall bo dlrocted to such owner Iclnred to bo all of lots, parts of lots,
or agont at St, Johns; and said re
corder shall also, and at
Sand and Gravel
I have made arrangements with
the Pacific Bridge Co. for wash
ed river gravel aud sand in un
limited quantities. Contractors
figuring on street work or 011
building would do well to see me
and get prices. Hunkers are lo
cated nt foot of Newton street,
opposite the site for the new
school building iu Kast St, Johns.
liusiness phone Woolawn 1 194
Residence photic Richmond 1341
L. D. Jackson
I days beforo tho day sot for tho meet
ling of such viewers as aforesaid,
cause said vlowers to uo notiilcd
I nt thntm n tltinlll I mnll, nn.l tllA 1 1 lit A
potratod or threats mado on tho part and tho nluco of 8Uch in0Btinir.
lot myself, and that tho matter is nov That whon said viewers shall fllo
satisfactorily adjusted, I mako this their report with tho Council, tho re
public statement to set tho public
aright In regard to tho matter and
also to show how much trouble a
couplo of girls with mallco In their
hearts may accomplish in a family
circle, R. It. Churchill.
blocks and parcels of land between
least five I tho termini of such Improvements
abutting upon, adjacent or proximate
to Bald South Hayes street, from
tho marginal linos of said street back
to tho center of tho block or blocks
or tracts of land abutting thereon or
proxlmato thereto.
That all tho proporty Included In
corder shall forthwith soml by mall, said Improvement district aforosald
post paid, to tho owner of each lot I Is hereby declarod to bo "Local Im-
or part thereof, or tract of land as
sessed for benefits or damages, or
appropriated for tho proposed chango
aud widening of Iliichanan street,
directed to tho post offico address
of such owner or agent, If such ad
dicss bo known, and If not known,
to St. Johns, Oregon, stating when
such report shall be considered by
the council; and directing that they
present tholr objections, If any thero
Water used through hose for
sprinkling yards or sldowalks or
washing windows must bo paid for be, In writing; and when and where 1909.
provomont District No, 20.'
That tho city engineer's assess
ment of tho probable total cost of
said Improvement of said South
Hayos street la 12811.65.
That the cost of said South Hayes
street to be assossed against tho
property In said local assessment dis
trict as provided by tho city chartor
of the city of St. Johns,
Adopted tho 13th day of July,
l'reach tho gospel of St. Johns.
Trim, neat nlckle mounted, $ 15.00
Fine, better grade, rubber
mounted 30,00
Fine, double driving, nickle
mounted ... 24.00
All our goods are low compared to
the quality. Large stock of Collars
and Sweat Tads ou hand.
St. Johns Harness Shop.
In advance, and used only betweon
the hours of S and 8 a. m. and 5
and 9 p, m. It must not be used tor
sprinkling streets. Any one using
water contrary to these rules, or
wastefully, will bo shut off without
further notice. If paid in advanco
for tho months of June, July, August
and Soptember entlUos the usor to
water for this purpose until January
1, 1910. St. Johns Water Works and
Lighting Co., P. II. Edlefsen, Superintendent.
they shall be heard; and when and
where said council shall rejoct or
accept the report of said vlowors.
Adopted this 13th day of July,
A. M. ESt'ON,
Published In the St. Johns Rovlew,
July 16th and 23rd, 1909.
Published In the St. Johns Review,
July 16th and 23rd, 1909.
the County Court of tho State of
Oregon for tho County of Multnomah:
All our meats ore government In
spected and the best that money can!
buy. They are neatly and careful
ly handled. Come la and leavo your
order for free delivery. Ward's!
Central Market.
Note th label mi yew Mr.
lc Cream
Th Beat Obtainabla
Cosiest place in town. Bring
your friends around aud treat
them to something fine. Get
our rates for church parties,
socials, etc. Note the big yel
low sign,
103 N. Jersey St.
To lay in your supply of
We have a fine assortment on
hand. Call in and pick
out what you want.
Pointers for our Patrons.
It's Luck to Smoke Puck
The Detter than 60 Cigar
Toe Cigar In the Green Dox
In tho matter of tho estate
Robert Johnson, decoased.
All persons are hereby notified
that Dert Johnson, as administrator
of the above named estate, has tilod,
with tho clerk of the above named
court, his final report and account
and the court has fixed upon 10
o'clock A. M, of the 16th day of
August, 1909, as the place, when and
whero all persons having any objec
tions or exceptions to anything In
salii final ronort contained, or nnv
act done by said administrator as We do not allow any printer to
such, may preaeut the same and be put out nicer work than we do and'
heard; pnd when and where said we put tbe best stock iuto our jobs
final report and account shall be
finally titled. The difference between poor
This notice Is published pursuant stock and first class stock on a job
to an order of the Honorable Lionel s a small jtem when you coustitT
R. Webster. Judge of tho above ... ,, ' r .1,- ;u ' T, ; .
named Court, mado on tho 7th day of th? valfue of'e Job 11 ls Tth,e
jjihc ui u sausucu tuaiuuicr. n is
DERT JOHNSON. better to make 50 cents less on a
36-Bt Administrator. job and have a customer who will
come back, than to use the flimsy
Subscrlbo for the St. Johns Review stock, make the extra 50 cents and
and keep posted on the dolnga of lose your customer. That is the
the city. I way we figure tt.