St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, July 16, 1909, Image 1

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To lubtcrlbt lor THIS Piper.
All the newt white It U nw It
our motto. Call In ind enroll
Of Umtbhi t THIS Pr
n4 jeu'tl oTr rtfrtt H. Be
llatoc taikt rlfJktMK
Devoted (o the Interests of the Peninsula, the Manufacturing Center of the Northwest
VOL. 5
NO. 36
Council Kept Busy Push
ing Matters Along
Street work onco moro occupied
tlio tlmo of the city council until n
lato hour Tuesday night. Each strcot
Hint Is brought up for Improvement
Is carefully Investigated nnd ills
cussed from nil practical points ol
view, and much tlmo must bo ncc
ossarlly conoumed In this manner
All members were present with the
Mayor presiding. Minutes of Inst
meeting wero rend nnd appro ed.
An extension of tluiu on the 1m
provement of Allegheny nnd Stnfford
streets was nrttyed for by Contrnc
tor Thomas Cochran owing to the
difficulty of securing crushed rock
whan It was needed, An cxtanclon
t' 00 days was cheerfully granted by
A petition for the Improvement of
Portland boulovnrd, St. Johns nvo
nuo to Foisondon street, was rend,
accepted nnd tlio engineer was In
structed to prepare tlio necessary
plans and estimates for the proposed
Improvement at stnndnid grade.
l'etltlons for tho Improvement of
n bunch of North End stroets wore
then brought up, na follows: Leonard
street, St. Johns nvcnuo to llrucu;
Willis boulevard, St. Johns nvcnuo
to llruro; Ilolbrook nveuue, Kellogg
to James; Chapel street, Bt. Johns
uvenuu to Uruco; Weyorhneuser nvo
nuo, St. Johns nveiiuo to James. IV
tltlons wero nccopted and resolutions
ordered drawn Instructing tho ongln
eer to prepare tho necessary plans
and estimates for tho Improvement
thereof. A petition for tho Im
provement of St. Johns nvenuo, Kol
logg to Chapel, was tabled on ac
count of a strip there on not yet hav
ing been dedicated, but Councilman
Doblo believed ho could Induce tho
property owners of tho strip to dedi
cate same In a few days, nnd ho
was commissioned to ueo his horse
shoo along this lino.
A communication from M. L. Ilol
brook, who Is vitally Interested In tho
Improvement of thoso streots, stated
that ho Is agreeable to any grado or
sort of Improvement tho majority of
property owners desire.
A communication from Spoclal Po
liceman P. Hill charging Police Of
flcor It. 8. McKlnnoy with negloct of,
duty in various ways was road, and
a commlttoo consisting of J. W, Da
vis, C. L. Johnson nnd J. E. WUor
was appointed to Investigate the
charges and report nt a later dato.
lillla to the amount of $257.22
were allowed.
b Mrs. Copies had registered a
kick against tho viewers who had
assessed tho boneflts and damages
on Buchanan street, claiming one
member thereof was an Interested
party, nnd that ono or two parties
had not been duly notified, It was
drdded to appoint now viewers In
older to avoid complications and to
expedite the work. Thoreforo, K
0. Couch, II. W. nonhatn and II. W.
Ilrlce wero appointed to assume tho
onerous duties of this position. Tho
resolution declaring them such may
be found In this Issue.
Itesolutlons for the Improvement
of South Hayes, Buchanan to Ida;
Mohawk, Jersey to Willis boulevard,
and South Ivanhoe, Polk to Ida
street, were adopted and are published
this week,
A resolution authorizing tho en
gineer to proparo plans nnd esti
mates for the Improvement of Port
land boulevard, Fessenden to Bruce
streets, was adopted.
Councilman A. W. Davis made a
motion which carried that bids be
asked for the leasing of tho rock
Have a Kick Coming
Passengers on the North Bank
lluo desiring to get off at tho St.
Johns depot complain that the train
men never announce the fast when
the depot Is reached. It seems that
the railroad officials are desirous of
taking all the passengers to Portland,
- but since a depot has been erected
at East St. Johns It Is not moro than
right that they should make tho
stop. A little "Jacking up" by the
Commercial Club might have a sal
utary effect.
PrMcb the gospel of St Johns.
Number of Out-of-Town
Guests Participate
St. Johns Camp No. 773, W. 0. W,
and Oregon Grnpo Clrclo No. nil,
Women of Woodcraft, celebrated tho
climax of a successful log rolling
campaign In n joint Installation of
officers on Wednesday night, July
7th, Both orders hnvo Increased
their membership materially In the
past -fow months, and nro now very
worthy local representatives of tho
substantial Order they represent.
On this occasion the uniform rank
tenm from Webfool Camp of Port
land was present and, with their
splendid evolutions, added n military
dash and vigor to tho ceremonies.
Mrs, Trnccy Harrington of Port
land Circle nctcd a Installing of
fleer for tho Clrclo In it most effec
tive manner, assisted by tho Guards
of tho homo Circle, while Frank
Motter, Pant Consul Commander of
Wobfoot Camp, officiated for tho
Camp. On hearing tho nnmo somo
0110 wnn heard In Inquire If It were
tho snmo Frank Motter he once
know. Tho answer was ''there never
was but one Frank Motter." And
this was mado very evident In tho
conduct of the ceremony nnd In a
tnlk later In tho oventng, Other
notables from Wobfoot Camp wero
Tho ceremonies wero lutorsporsed
with n fow excellent musical selec
tions, nnd Ice cream nnd enko fol
lowed In abundance. Much credit
for tho success of tho overling Is duo
Neighbor I.tlllo M. Hunter of tho
Circle for gonornl all around hustling.
Following nro the officers of Ore
gou drape Clrclo Installed;
0. N. 'Sella Dunbar,
AdvlsorAun L. Harrington,
Magician Mnud Newton,
Attondant Marguerite liuery,
Clork Hannah Vincent,
Banker Lllllo M, Hunter,
1. 8. Emmn Kilkenny,
0. 8. llosottn Smith,
Cnpt. of Guards Gortrudo Baker,
Musician Vnlln 11. Smith,
Manager Lorotto Armstrong.
Officers of St. Johns Camp:
Con. Com. J, A. Colo,
Advisor Leo Tnllmnn,
Banker M, D. Nowton,
Clerk W. E. Swongel.
Watchman W. Dickinson,
Sontry B. II, Darling,
Escort W. James.
Leads in the Race
Mrs, A. W. Vlncont Is meeting
with splendid success In tho Journnl
circulation contest. She carried off
tho prize of a ladlos' IS suit as a
spoclal prlzo for tho most subscrib
ers sent In for ono wook and sho Is
now loading tho list In tho contest
ants for tho $1500 automobile, Thoy
do things In St. Johns, and tho news
papers of Portland should remembor
that tho people hero are supporting
them nobly nnd they should reflect
seriously before speaking disparag
ingly of our city, ad they havo done
In the past.
New Jewelry Store
I. H. Lynch, formerly of Ohio, but
latoly of Portland, Is opening up a
first class Jewelry storo and repair
shop In tho St. Johns hotel annex
on Burlington street. He will also
conduct an optician department In
nnectlon. Mr. Lynch comes high-
recommendod as a first class
orkman and will no doubt secure
coodly portion of tho trade In his
line. Being a believer In the effic
acy of newspaper advertising his an
nouncement will appear in the Ho
view when he Is ready for business.
House Raising Party
Carl Moo and wife gave a house
raising party on their now site at
Whltwood Court last Sunday. The
party worked valiantly and a couple
of rooms were made ready for tne
occupants, Mr, and Mrs. Moe moved
to their new location Wednesday,
whero Mr. Moe can complete the res
idence at bis leasure.
Owners Have Raised Prices Sky High Greatly to the Det
riment and Injury of St. Johns, and Its Progress
is Seriously Impeded and Hindered
Tho high prices nt which realty
Is being hold nlong tho wntcr front
In this Immcdlnto vicinity hns n
deterrent effect In keeping out new
Industries nnd manufacturing plants
Thoro can bo no question but that
as long as the owners of this prop
orty contliitio to demand prices that
aro far and nwoy beyond reason,
Just so long will the city of St, Johns
bo held back In Its onward progress.
Why tlieso people place such a high
value on land that In Bomo Instances
only cost them 11 song Is beyond tho
ken of tho ordinary Individual. No
one can pay for manufacturing sites
the prices they nsk, for no business
Aould Justify It nt this stngo of the
city's development. If nil tho old
timers had hold their property In St.
Johns proportionately to tho prices
now asked for water frontngo thoro
.vould bo no city hero todny. Man
Is prone to got nil ho can for any
thing ho sells, but whero n person
will not sell when ho gets what Is
conceded to bo a high figure by con
servative business men, and when by
refuhlug to sell ho stunts nnd ob
structs the growth of tho city, Is ho
to bo clnsscd as n desirable citizen?
If It wns n residence slto or oven
a business location ho could not ho
censured In tho least for holding on
ns long as ho desired at as high
price ns ho could Imagine. In
stances of this nature would In no
wise retard the progress of this
municipality becuuso business streots,
could be dovolopod nlmost anywhere.
Hut wator frontngo la vastly differ
ent. Situated as St. Johns Is, it
Is tho life or the city. Hero as no.
whoro elso Is found tho adaptability
ind advantages so necessary for tho
successful operation of Industrial
plants. With both wator and roll
facilities tho land adjoining the'
wntor Is especially and particularly.
adaptod for manufacturing Indus-'
tries, nnd what Is moro, it Is lim
Now a Good Toon i
Arnold Ungor's pot raccoon de
parted this llfo In a sudden manner
one day last week and silently took
Its depnrturo for 'coon heaven. Tho
animal had becomo a groat pot and
had furnished amusement and en
tertainment for throngs of peoplo nt
dirrorent tlinos In front of Ungcr's
Ico cream emporium by Its many
accomplishments nnd laughablo an
tics. It hnd learned to go through
a person's pocket llko a professional
pick pockot, and sovoral dogs that
got a little too Inquisitive woro n
euro noso for n fow days by coming
In contact with a nailed paw. Cap
tured In its Infancy, It quickly
adapted Itself to tho ways of civiliza
tion and was conducting Itself In an
Irreproachable manner until In an
evil hour a hen with a brood or
chicks In Mr. Ungor's yard came
undor Its observation, and ho ct onco
formulated plans lor Its annihila
tion. So ono day It slipped around
to the headquarters of Mrs, Hon
and quiotly nlppod off Its hoad. Tho
squabblo set in motion by tho brood
attracted the attention of Mr. Unger'a
daughter, Hilda, and sho hurried to
the scene, and whon she saw what
hnd occurred, culled her father, who
attempted to capturo tho critter. But
tho taste of blood was too much.
The wild naturo of Us ancestors,
which had lain dormant within It
for many moons, was fully aroused,
and the "call of tho wild" resounded
In Its ears. It became surly, cross
and ferocious, and no ono could ap
proach too closely, with Impunity.
Not Improving In temperament Mr.
Unger decided the best and safest
thing to do was to make a "good"
'coon of It for all tlmo to como,
and an execution was planned and
carried out whereby Mr. Raccoon
was gathered to Its fathers, aud
with Mrs. Hen aro burled sldo by
side in good old Mother Earth.
N. J. Bailey Is constructing a
bandsomo bungalow at Whltwood
Court which will be occupied, when
completed, by bis son, WUUam.nnd
Pay your subscription.
ited. That being true, when this
property Is held nt such exorbitant
prices that manufacturing lnstltu
.Hons cannot vail themselves of It,
tho greatest drawing card of tho
city becomes null nnd void and In
turn It becomes n boomerang and
knocker against tho welfare nnd
advancement of St. Johns. Thoro
should bo enough public spirit nnd
unselfishness nmong tho owners of
this property that when 1111 Institu
tion that promises to bo of Immense
value to tho city comes nlong nnd
offers n fair price for n situ that
the same bo given.
Only recently ono real estate man
.oils us that he wns called up by
phono by n party from Portland and
jsked If ho had any good river front
ago on tlio string, ns n largo maim
.'ncturlng concern wns looking for
1 suitable locution nnd they wero
iiultu favorable to St. Johns, The
realty man replied thnt ho had ono
good piece consisting of about four
teen ncres, but It wns priced nt
$123,000. Tho Portland man, nftur
being Informed as to Its location,
Immediately replied: "Nail It, tpilck,"
nnd said tho parties would bo down
to mnko out tho necessary docu
ments for tho trnnsrdr. Tho realty
man, naturally feeling highly elated
over tho prospect or such n lnrgo
sale, at onco called up tho owners
and told or the prospective sale, but
tho representative ho talked with
only laughed and said -"Why, wo
have raised tho price to $223,000, and
tho fact Is wo believe wo do not wnn
to soli at all." Tho realty man thon
betin to kick himself for not hav
ing tho former agreement In writing,
but ho told tho representative what
ho thought or tho owners for placing
a pleco of property on tho market
at n ridiculous price whon thoy did
not want to soil.
Another man, wo nro told, was
offered $100,000 In cash for n strip
Two Old Cronies Meet
II. B, Cox, of the Department or
Justice, Washington, D, C wife nnd
son, dropped In upon his old tlmo
frlond nnd "tllllcum," Chief of Po
llco Bredeson, this week. Both held
positions In the Itosobud Indian Res
ervation' In South Dakota at one time
and tho stories they hnvo to tell of
tho good old days thoro nro both In
teresting and marvelous, Tho many
chases thoy had aftor coyotes, pralrlo
chickens and jack rabbits would rill
a good sized volumo, and many happy
romlnlBconcoa wero cnllod to mind.
Tho mooting botwoon thoso two
cronies wns n most Joyous onu, nnd
they were moro than pleased to greet
ono another again, Mr. Cox will
spend a row days In seeing tho
charming sights or the Peninsula tin
Jor tlio Chlol's guiding wing, nnd
will return homo after a tour of tho
Coast by way of San Francisco nnd
Lob Angoles,
Tho Chief, In company with Mayor
Heudrlcks, transported Mr. Cox nnd
family from tho East St. Johut do
pot In rino stylo with tho nld of a
largo auto.
Big Pear Crop
Southern Oregon nlono oxpects to
ship pears to the valuo of half a
million dollarB this season. From
present indications, It Is thought
Southern Oregon will send away 600
cars of pears to tho Eastern markets.
Tho valuo of each carload Is placed
at $1000, making tho value of tho
crop worth $500,000. Other sections
of. tho stato will increase tho valuo
of tho pear crop largely, making a
very largo total for this ono great
Oregon product.
Go to tho baby show at tho Elec
tric Theatre The contest Is arous
ing much Intoreit and Is well worth
witnessing. A good entertainment
Is afforded each evening besldcH tho
baby pictures. Contest closes Sun
day evening, J 8th. Join the crowd
and vote (or tho babies,
of land thnt was wanted for hugo
grain docks by tho Hill road, but
the offer was refused. Yet tho most
optimistic real estato mail In St,
Johns wilt tell you Hint $50,000 would
b. an exceedingly big price for the
A couplo of weeks ago tho Com
mercial Club was In communication
with n firm having n plant In tow
that would employ about BOO men
nnd erect n plant costing $350,000.
Twenty ncres of land on tho wator
front wns desired and tho location
at St. Johns wns quite satisfactory
to tho company, yet no member or
the club could nnmo n piece thnt
could bo secured within reason, and
tho fact wns thnt nil or the mem
bers wero nshnitied to quote any
prices now asked for this kind of
property, us they didn't care to bo
laughed at.
Wo do not like to publish matters
of this sort, because wo do not like
our subscribers at n dlstanco to know
or tho humiliating situation tho
r-lty In now In, but It Is u condition
that must bo met with, discussed nnd
lr possible be overcome. But tho
great question Is, how nro wo to
remedy this deplorable condition? It
has been suggested that lr tho ns-rr.sMi.-
wns put right In rotation to
tho prices now nsked for this prop
erty Hint tho taxes would bo made so
trong that they would bo glnd to
reduce tho price and get nwny from
paying several thousand dollars ouch
year for taxes. Tho proposition mny
b n good one, nnd If tho assessor
would do his duty It Is likely It
vould bo qulto effective. If any of
our citizens hnvo any solutions to of
fer tho Itevlow would bo glad to
4lvo them publicity, Thoro Is no
use to dodgo the Issuo, It must bo
.'need and solved It possible, nnd
there Is no better tlmo than tho proa
Jilt In which to bring It up nnd try
to find a way out.
Killed Near Linnton
John Olson, employed nt tho Gov
ernment moorings, was killed Mon
day night nbout 0:30 o'clock by tho
westbound train of tho Astoria &
Columbia llullroad, ono mllo west
of Linnton,
From the story told by tho conduc
tor or tho train, Olson evldontly
enmo to his death through suicidal
Intent or because or sudden mental
aberration, llo was first soon by
tho engineer walking up tho track
toward Portland, nnd when tho en
glue gavo a wurnlng whistle, got
on tho sldo.
When the train reached n distance
of about 20 root from him, tho man
Jumped 011 tho track nnd was struck
by the engine, killing him Instantly.
Ills ruco was crushed In uu almost
unrecognizable manner,
Olson wuu a slnglo man, nbout 35
years old, nnd hnd no rolatlvos hero.
A Fraternal Visit
It. M. Heed, publisher or tho New
villa (Pa.) Times, was n St. Johns
vliltor tho past week. For several
joars Mr. Heed and the editor of
the Review wero associated togethor
li tho newspaper business in Penn
sylvania and tho visit was greatly en
Joyed by yo scrlbo. Fully conversant
with all phrases or the business, cap
able and over up to tho times, Mr,
Rocd Is an Ideal newspaper man, nnd
our connection with him In tho
"old" days In Pennsylvania aro al
wuys remembered with tho keonost
ploasuro, Ho Is a delegate from tho
Koystono satto to Soattlo as u mem
ber of the National Editorial Asso
ciation which convenes In that city
beginning July 19. llo Is a brother or
William B. Reed, one or Portland's
lumbor kings.
Calef Bros., opposlto P. O., havo
a 2nd hand range nearly now for
salo cheap, also a good Pedestal din
ing tublo, chairs and nearly a com
ploto out lit. Will bo sold on easy
Local Man Visits Their
Chicago Institution
Tho following Is a lottor from D
N. Syorlee, formerly editor of this
pnper but now traveling salesman
for tho Collapslblo Box Company of
this plnco, It deals with .tho pack'
lug plant proposition as round In
Chicago, nnd to ono who has never
mado n trip through 0110 of thoso
mammoth plants tho letter should
provo or special Interest. It follows:
(Continued from Inst week.)
Today was tho Jowlii Muuuhtjilng
day nnd a Jewish rabbi was kilting
the cnttle. The Jews will eat meat
"lily that Is killed by their rnbbls.
TJ10 rabbi, In this Instance, wns n
fine plcturo or Aaron, with n flow-
'ig heard nnd n dignified bearing,
Hint his uruiH bnred to the shoulders,
and ho carried n knlfo sharp as n
r.i.or mid about 10 Inches long. The
"boef critter" Is swung up by ono
leg Just as tho sheep was except
that Us head was allowed to rest
upon the rioor nnd an attondant
caught Its nose with a sort or Iron
inuzzlu attached to n long handle
nnd turned tho head so as to hold
It r.tendy, while tho rabbi with two
or three quick strokes moro than
hair severs tho head, Tho animal
Is then swung up nbout three reel
above the floor aud allowed to
bleed. They kill nbout 300 pur
hour when everything works smooth
Following our guldu wo wero
shown through tho soup factory. A
storo room containing 100,000 boxes
wns ono feature. In tho boiling
room If, vats 2.' feet deep and 8 or
10 feut across, containing 100,000
pounds of soap, Is kept boiling for
n week before It Is ready for tho
mixers. These little machines mix,
crush mid grind thu soap until It
Is perfectly smooth nnd or perfect
consistency throughout, aud It Is hero
perfumed nnd colored nnd carried
Into moulds to cool into cakes
weighing 1000 to 1200 pounds. Thoso
nro then run through slleurs which
cut It Into slices nnd then Into
cakes wu seo In stores for salo. Be
fore they aro ready ror the counter
Junipers, however, they go to tho
drying room, and the fine toilet
soaps aro put through a stamp mill
that HliapnH them and squeezes tho
moisture out. Then tho enkos nro
vinppod, some by hand and others
by n most Ingenious iiiiichlno that
wraps thu cukes as rust us two
buxom young ladles could stuck thorn
In nil theso processes thu utmost
euro Is exercised as to lieanllnoss,
and tho harrowing talcs or rilthlness
portrayed by a cortalu soiiantlonnl
sheet of Portland ns prevalent thoro,
do not obtain hero, There uro no
foul odors either In tho houses or
In tho yards. The only unpleasant
smells notlcenblo wits In tho slaugb-
urlng rooms, where It Is unavoid
able, but the uulmnls uro kept far
novo tho blood and dirt of the
flown und uro porfectly clean oven
befcro thoy uro washed, and nil uro
washed rreo rrom ovory drop or
blood before going into tho cooling
room. This is dona by means or n
scrubbing brush rixod upon n
handle und u hoso with wator run
ning constantly Into the brush, which
washes thu blood all away.
There aro many by-products rrom
this packing plant, Several grades
or crushed bones rrom the shanks
cf aulmuls, dried nnd ground blood
and moats from tho "offall" or tho
animals, bosldes soap, washing
powder, lard, etc.
It would mako this letter too
long to go Into tho dotalls or all
thoso processes, but wo will be able
soon to seo this all at homo when
the big Swift plant at St. Johns Is
in rtt operation. Ono thing I wish
to emphasize, and that Is tho ab
sence or odors about tho stock
yi.idt and slaughter houses. Thirty
year ugo, when I used to como to
Chicago with my rathor when ho
cbiiped stock hero wo could smoll
these yards and packing plants for
Uu miles ir the wind was right, but
now, although during a tlmo or high
tr i'. r-uturo und when ono would ex
pect tho strongest odors, If ono
were blindfolded ho could not tell ho
was about such an Institution except
when In the slaughtering rooms,
(Continued on pago two,)
Vancouver First, St. Johns
Second in the Race
Tho concluding gnmo of tho TrI-
City longuo was played on tho local
grounds Sunday afternoon. Tho Al
blna tenm was tho opponents of tho
ApoBtles nnd seccccded In winning
their first gnmo from St, Johns by n
scoro of 1 to 2, Tho gnmo was
rather an Interesting ono nnd tho
locnls had several chances to land
n victory, but poor bnso running
killed nil hopo. Several tlmos mon
wero on third base, but bono hoaded
plays spoiled tho bright prospocts.
Pitcher Stono wns not In his usual
good form, but should hnvo won
his gnmo nnywny hnd poor baso run
ning nnd bad throwing not In
tervened, Tho Trl-Clly league proposition hns
not proven n paying 0110 nt any tlmo
this yenr, aud It wnn decided to tor
nilnnto tho schcdulo nt this time,
nnd got In shnpo for noxt sonsou.
Whether bnso ball lntorcst is on tho
wnno or whother It Is nil contorod
on the major longticB In something
uncertain, but It Is certain that tho
Junior leagues hnvo not boon at
tended In tho inannor thoy formorly
were, hence tho termination. Man-
nger Valentino hns boon compollcd
to dig up expense money out of his
own pockets on several occasions wltb
nary a chmicu to hnvo It replaced.
Philanthropy In tho lntorcst of sport
Is nil right, but when It comes too
regularly und too persistently R gets
n llttlo too monotonous. Hereafter
for tho balance or tho base ball
season only Independent ball will bo
played, If any, In St. Johns, and
thu "rabid" fan may content him
self with going to Portland or somo
other point to seo the national gamo
In the Interim.
Some Weird Playing
Thu woolen mills ball club und 11
picked nine pulled off n gnmo of
bnll on the Hill grounds Sunday
r.crnliig, In which thu cloth makers
cdtuo out victors by a score of 10 to
Tho gamo wnn repluto with
wtlrd, strange nnd wonderful throw
Inir on tho part of tho pitcher and
other mombora of the picked nine,
uuu errors beenmo so frequent that
thoy woro lost sight of. Tho woolen
boys put up a fairly good guuio and
won with ease. They looked well In
their natty new uniforms or bluo,
and expect to make qulto n showing
on tho diamond before the season In
over. Churllo Ioo played a star
game ut second for tho plckod ones,
nnd Chus, (lurllek's pitching for tho
woolen mill was responsible for tho
easy victory. Tom Curroll covered
third base for tho picked boys In ft
inannor seldom witnessed before and
ho woro out two pair of shoes In
chnslng tho leather that would In
somo manner persist In slipping by
him In splto or nil he could do to
prevent It.
Officers Installed
The following ofrlcera or Laurol-
wood Lodge, I. O. O. P., woro In
stallod nt tho rogular mooting Mon
day night:
N. G. P. Hill.
P. a, W. J. Chonoy,
Warden M. Leo DavlB.
Conductor Geo. E. Taylor.
Chaplain H. S. Simmons.
I. 0. Gllbort Ward.
O. G. E. 8. Wright.
R. S. N. O. C. P. antes.
L. S. N. a. A. C. Gesler.
R. S. V. a. Ouy Morton.
L. 8. V. G. Homor Herald.
Three candidates woro Initiated
and tho Lodgo starts out this torm
with brighter prospects than over
Tho first degrco will bo conferred
next Monday night.
Bring your sick watch or clock,
also Jewelry ropalrlng, to S. W.
Rogers, Promptness and first class
work. Cliargos modorato. I am hero
llvo nnd let live. No. 303 N. Jer-
soy stroot. Open Wednesday and
Saturday ovoninga until 8 o'clock.