V ft BILL LANQE'S FEAT. On of the Famous Old Outfielder! 8ensatlonal Catchss. Tho Rrentoat Individual font ever performed wns one by which Hill Lunge waved a name for Chicago unit SHOO for himself 111 WiihIiIiikIoii In 1805. There Is mi odd story connected with the piny. Lunge had mltixcd a trnlu In ItoHton two days before, full ed to rench New Yorh In time to piny there, mid Anson had lined him $100. Thereupon lie missed u trnln to WiihIi IiiKton nrrlvcd on the grounda nftcr the tennis hnd practiced mid Just In tlmo to piny, nnd for thnt Alison fined Id in another $100. The unme Hint nfl emooii went eleven Innings, Chicago scoring otic run In the eleventh. There were two men out nnd n runner on the Imces when "Kip" Hclbnch, then one of the hardest hitter!) In the busi ness, smote the ball it tcrrlllu hlow nnd vent It flying over Lnngo'H hend to ward tho cetilrr lleld fence. The lilt ncenied n mire home run, hut Lange, n mnn weighing B2B pounds, turned nnd without looking sprinted destierntely straight out townrd the fence, racing with the flying Imll. At the Inst In Rtnnt, ns the Imll wns going over his hend. Lnnge leaned, stuck up t tot It innils. turned it somersnult nnd crush ed ngnlmit the fence. The lionrds sptln tered. one entire pnnel crushed out ward, nnd out of the wreckage crawled Lnngo. holding the Imll In his hand nnd the crowd went mnd. Lunge came limping In, with the crowd standing on Bents shouting, nnd he wild to Anson 'Tines so. cup?" "Nope." said Anson nnd the cntcli hnd saved the big llelder J'.m-lluh H. I'ullertoii In Amerlcnn Magazine. THE FIRST ALMANACS. They Attempted to Foretell Men'i Dei tiny From the Stare. The nlmniinc. properly ho called In Km origin, Is not merely n devlee for keeping people In mind of tho prop ress of the year. It Is mi attempt to show what destiny hns In Htoro for tts ns Indicated by the position of the Htnrs In iiny pnrtlculnr yeur, nnd ns, necordlng to astrological lore, the des Utiles of turn are ruled liy the differ' cut aspects of the plnuels, so also the human Isidy Is sutiject to the tiilluouce of the constellations tlirotigh wiilcli the Hit n appears to pass In his yearly course. A French iilniiiiuie of IDIO gives it diagram of the humiiii hody surrounded liy nil the signs of the zo tllnc mid Indletttes the various orpins mid members over which these signs lutve power, mid this for n guide pour les salguces, or to show nt what perl od blood may be let with safely. Hut the same itlmanne also gives directions sensible enough for the avoidance of the plague which would not lie found fault with by n modern fiishlonnhlo physician: Who would lro lite iHiily In health Ami leslsl tho Infection of tint pliiKUP, 11 tilni crck Joy mid yndtios My, Avoid plarrs whom Infections uhound And cherish Joyous coiniuiny, A few examples exist of itluimincH of this character before the Invention of printing, although none, It Is believed, curlier tbiin the twelfth century, Hut some of the curliest specimens of print lug tiro black printed Herman sheet til iiiiiiines, which tire chlelly concerned nbout blood letting.-WcHtmliiHter (In Kotle. Waited Time. Mrs. Newrlcli wits growing nccus tomed to power. Hhe enjoyed It and was Irritated when any one presumed to differ from her In opinion. When the sailing purly of which she hud been a member landed on the shores of the lake ruin soaked mid fright cued, Mrs, Newrlcli was the only one who cured to (nltt. "It could nil have been avoided If that captain hail done us I tidd him," Hhe said between the chattering of her teeth us the putty stood huddled under it small shelter. "When I saw that cloud coming from thill comer of the lake I said In him, I think you'd heller iiiuke straight for home and not spend any more lime tucking,' but lie paid no more attention than ns If I hadn't spoken!"-Vouth's Companion, He Didn't Dot, "A man In my county," said it Kan tuts congressman, "was always anxious to bet on hU game of checkers. One time he was about to pluy it gnino for (10 with it fellow culled Three Kill geretl .lack. Suddenly one of his friends exclaimed: "Don't bet, Charlie. Don't you know Hint fellow wore olf two lingers phiylng checkers? Thut'H why hei culled Three Fingered Jnek.' "That sullied It. The bet wiih nevet made. A iiian who had worn off two lingers by bundling them up anil down the checkerboard was too much foi my friend." Kansas City Journal, A Dlttcr Dliappointnient. "Wheu I wits In Purls," remarked the collector of curios, "I discovered In a bookstall a volume which I knew ut llrt glance to be of extraordinary value, I could scarcely believe tnj good luck, llreuthless, Inquired tut price of the dealer. Just think of Itl could have hud (hut treasure for I bong!" "Well, why didn't you get It?" "Never could slug a uoto In my life, cried the collector, bursting Into tears Now York Times. The Audience Moved, He hnd been trying to start n re vlvnl fervor, but the nudlence was tut responsive. "O ye of tllnty. hearts," In cried, "will nothing move you?" "l'usi tho hut, liosa." answered the gamin "und wo move Immediately." Klorldi Times-Union, Whut the wind gather the dovl scatter. Greek Proverb, POISON OAK POISONING. llnlltird'e Snow I.lulment cures It. Mr. O. II. 1 Cornelius, Turner, Ore, writes My wlfo has discovered that Snow Llnlmont cures "Poison Oak Poisoning," it very painful troubjo. Shu not only cured it case of It ott horsolf, but on two of nor frloiula who wore poisoned by this snino ivy. Prlco 25c, GOo nnd f 1.00. Sold by North Bank I'hurmucy, NoU tha Ube on your paper. RACE WAQERS IN INDIA. Native's Method of Choosing a Winner and Making Deti. The nntivo of India wagers his money according to the colors worn by tho Jockeys mid takes no heed of the merlin of the horses, or he will Imck n horso ridden by his fiivorlle jockey, no mnttcr whether the nnlmnl Is n rank outsider or not His Mens of gambling, In fnct, ore distinctly novel, Some of the more wealthy Indlnnn form rings and buck every horse In tho race, thus gnlnlng the satisfaction of getting a winner every time. It Is rcnlly only of into years thnt the untlvc of India linn be come n hnbltunl gambler on the turf nnd nowadays the hulk of the hotting of the vnrlous racing centers lu India Is done by natives. Indeed, the nu thorltlcs nrc some wlmt concerned nbout the growth of the betting which takes plnco among Indian natives. It being nsserted thnt as ninny ns thirty tncs of rupees (nbout ,'100.000) Is lost nnd won In the course of n season, The Ignorant masses hnvo not grent dcnl of nctual money to wngor, but so badly bitten nre tunny of them with tho craze for belting nt rnre moot lugs thnt they frequently wnger wlmt little property they possess on n horse, nnd If they lose they simply rcplncc their loss by stealing n neighbors goods. The consequence Is thnt when tho racing sensnn comes nround the police nro kept very busy dealing with cases of petty larceny nnd other crimes Involving loss of proerty. London Tlt-Hlts. NOT ANNOYED. Tha Dlreetori Were Rather Pliaied at the Darrlitir's Refusal. Mr. Header Ilnrrls. K. C. wns onco offered n brief mnrked GO guineas on behalf of n railway company thnt wished to obtain n refreshment license for n pnrtlculnr rnllwny station. He returned the brief on conscientious grounds, but Inter on It wns sent back to him with n fee of 100 guineas mnrked on It. This tlmo he relumed It with n nolo In willed ho explained thnt his refnsnl wns duo to n mnttcr of principle. Hiihscuucutly lie met one of the directors of the company nnd expressed n hope thnt ho nnd his col leagues were not annoyed nt his con duct. "Not nt nil," snld tho director. "I'll tell you nil nbout It. Honnd-so, the big brewer, wns Hitting on the bonrd for the first time nt the meeting nt which the solicitor reported Hint your brief marked flO guineas hud been re turned. 'Who's this psalm singing humbug)' ho asked, '.Mark the brief KM) guineas nnd I'll bet you nnythltig you like he'll take It.' 'Oh, you will. will you?' asked Ihu clinlrmiin. You see, wo nil knew you, Harris, We took the brewer on nt f to 1 In live pound notes, lie booked tho bets with every ono of us, nnd ho hns pnld up." Indon Hemps. A Curloui Receipt, Hanover's registrar discovered n very curious document some tlmo ngo its ho wns looking through it bundle of papers thnt dale buck to the eight eenth century. Tho document Is it receipt-probably the only one of Its kind In existence which wns given to n Hanoverian captain by a canon of DuUbtirg during the Seven cars' wnr "I, the undersigned," It rends, "here by acknowledge that I have received II fly blows of it stick, which were In Dieted upon me by it lieutenant of Cup tn I ii ll.'s regiment ns n punishment for the stupid nnd frivolous culumnlc which I hnvo uttered In regard to the regiment of chasseurs, 1'or my lim prudent words I now admit Hint I nm profoundly sorry. I received my pun Ulimcnt lying on it heap of straw nnd held by two men, mid I bear testimony to tho fact that the olllecr struck me its vigorously us ho could with it stick that wns its thick ns my linger. "lu proper form mid with due gratl Hide I sign this receipt und avow thai nil therein Is true." Hard to Kill. A crocodile's tenacity of life Is most remarkable. " remember one time," says it trinvler In India, "I wns with it shooting party on tho Onnges when the natives brought In it six foot croco dile. They hoped some one would want lo buy It, but uo one did, so It wns de termined to kill the creature. It wns hauled out of the tank anil tied to a tree. Ilullets from it small rltle or mi ordinary gun seemed only to Irritate tho Hiiurliin, nor did ho seem lo enre very much when it native thrust a spear down his throat. Finally they were obliged to dispatch him with axes, liven then the lull thrashed Hhout for uo little tlmo after," Not That Kind. 'Onco lit u lllhlo lessou," snld a Sunday school teacher, "I repented the toxt, 'Arise and take the young child nnd his mother und lieu Into Lgypt.' Mill then I showed tho children a largo picture Hint Illustrated the text lu bright colors. "Tho children studied this picture engerly. Then they nil frowued; nil looked rather disappointed. Finally n little girl snld: " Toucher, whero Is the Ilea? " Where to Sing. "I will sing something restful to you, dear," snld it lady to her morose hus band. "Shall I slug 'Fur, Fur Away?"' "I wish you would," wits tho bitter reply, "It would buvo the trouble of apologizing to tho neighbors," How Thoie Qlrli Lova One Another, Ma ud -And the Inst thing that Henry did was to give mo a kiss. Mabel Indeed! I should think that Is about tho last thing bo would do. Illustrated Hits. NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS. In order to Insure a change of ad vertisement the copy for such change should reach this office not later than Wdnesday, at 3 o'clock p. m. Pleaat emember thli and save tha printer Mail Schedule Mull arrives at St. Johns at 7:10 a. nt. and 1:15 p. tn, i.euve at 10:30 a. tn., and 4:45 p, tn Ottice own week days from ous a. ui. to 6:10 p. tu, Suudsys (rout 9 to 10 a, ta, THE HOUSE. Ma la 8o 8tupid That Ha Can Be Taught Any Habit. Thero hnvo been on exhibition at various times horses Hint nro appar ently prodigies of mathematical Insight that cntt do anything with numbers Hint tho trainer enn do. Yet we ab solutely know that no nnlmnl cntt so much ns count ut nit. Furthermore. It Is always the horse thnt performs these marvels, though the horse Is the most utterly stupid of nil the dumb creatures thnt man has made his friends. That Is precisely why the horse Is always taken to be made Into an nrlth Dietician. He Is so stupid thnt he can bo taught nnythlug-nny hnhlt, that Is nnd, having no mind to be tnken up with his own nffnlrs, cnu be relied ou to do exactly ns ho Is told. All tbeso arithmetical fakes, what over their details, nrc worked lu cssen tlnlly tho same wny. The horse Is taught, by endless repetitious, some mechanical hnblt. A given signal, nnd ho begins to paw the lloor. Another signal, nnd ho Btops. Press the proper button, nnd he takes n sponge nnd rubs It over a certain spot on n black bonrd or picks up n enrd lying tn n certnln position, Thnt Is nil ho docs Tho meaning of tho act exists for tho spectator only. Tho pawlngs count tho answer to n problem In addition, tho card bears tho reply to n question, but tho horse docs not know It. Ho merely follows n blind habit. Just as ho will stop when you say "Whon!" though you Interpolate tho word Into your rccltntlon of the Declaration of Independence. McCluros Magazine, IT CAME TRUE. The Large Party and tha Calamity That Followed. "You can't mnko mo believe," Undo Abner Jarvli was Buying, "thnt there Isn't something lu fortune telling," Ills nudltors were grouped round the stove lu tho corner grocery store. "Ever hnvo any experience with It?" nsked one of them. "That's wtint I wns going to tell you," resumed Uncle Abner, "One when I was at the county fair I snw a little tent with n sign ou tho outside of It thnt said Mine, Koinebody-or-other would tell your fortune for 25 cents. 1 stepped Inside Just for fun, "A woman with it thick veil over her face wns sitting lu it chair ou it raised platform. I gave her n quarter, nud she looked nt my linud. Ono of tho things she told me wns thnt 1 wns going to lutve it large party nt my house lu less than n month nnd Hint It would be follered by a cnlamlty. "I laughed ut that. Thinks I to my self, 'Wo hain't hnd any pnrtles of nuy kind to our house for two years, nud 1 don't reckon wu'll hnvo ono qulto ns soon ns that.' "Hut It did come true. In aliout two weeks my wife's Aunt June camo to visit us, and If you think she ain't a largo party you ought to see her. She weighs 287 pounds." "Hut how ulsiut tho calamity?" In quired the mnn who wns sitting on Hit imll keg after a long pause. "Well." snld Uncle Abner slowly, "she broke down our apnro bed the first night sho slept In lt."-Youth's Companion. Had Forty Hornet. Yollou, the painter, wns a unique personngo oven nmong the odd charac ters of Purls. Whllo he was rssen. tlnlly n bohemlan, there were times when even his patience was taxed to the utmost, nud to obviate tho neces sity of meeting unwelcome people lie conceived tho Idea of multiplying his lodging places. At the tlmo of bis death he owned uo less than forty homes, nil In npnrtment houses, situ ated lu nil the out of tho wny corners of Purls, plainly furnished nud with Just enough nccommodutlon for him self. Ho changed from ono to tho other nil tho time In order to escnpo Importunate acquaintances und to tako refuge from bis friends. It wits In or tier lo throw thorn all off tho scent that he engaged rooms nil over tho city. He finally died In tho Hue do Dunkerque, whero ho had ns mnuy ns three different niwrtineuts, nil within a stono's throw of ono another. The Stone Houiei of Enter liland, Tho remarkable stouo houses of Raster Island nro built against a ter race of earth or rock, which In some cases forms tho buck wnll of tho dwelling. They uro built of small slabs of strntllled busnltlc rock piled to gether without cement. No regularity of plan Is shown lu tho construction of majority of them. The uveruge measurement Is as follows: Height from lloor to celling, -I feet U Inches; thickness of walls, 4 foot to 10 inches; width of rooms, -I feet U Inches; length of rooms, H! feet 0 Inches; uveruge size of doorways height, '.0 Inches; width, 10 luches. Skeptical, "I kind of agree with tbo folks who say thnt story ubout (leorgo Washing ton and the cherry tree is a myth," snld Farmer Corntossel after n thought ful silence. For what reason?" Inquired his wife. "Well, human nature Is purty much tho sumo lu all generations, and If I hnd n boy who picked up an ax an' voluntarily went out to chop wood I wouldn't chide htm. I'd bund bliu a medal." Washington Star. Practical. "I send you 10.000 kisses," he wrote. "Itnhl" she exclaimed, tossing hU letter aside. "Why doesn't bo come and look over his terminal facilities In person?" Chicago Ilecord'IIerald. A stout beart may be ruined In for tune, but not In spirit. Victor Hugo. TERRIBLY SCALDED Is something wo bear or road about ovory day of our lives. Burns and scalds either slight or serious nro bound to happen lu your family, be prepared by having a bottlo of Dal lard's Snow Liniment handy. It re. lieves tho pain Instantly and quickly boats the bunt, Sold by North Dank Pharmacy. Work for a Greater SL Johns, -'LBjaLalaVHIaRsjal Laaaaaav'aaaaif'BaaV aV i iaLBaaaBaCBaaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBm KPJBJBJPVvlMSKAxjaisjBPMPJBJBJBJ Ilullt of the product of the PACIFIC BRICK 4. MARBLE CO. Manufacturer! of ELBRAM MANTLE BRICK Silica Pressed Ilrlck, Clny Prick, Hlbrnm Sanitary Hose Hoards, Klbrum Floor Tile. Hlbraui W'olnscoatlng, Out Side Chimney aniil'aclng Ilrlck, Sand, Gravel and Cement. Hvcry thing strictly high clnss Office Factory at .(02 Corbet IlldV., Portland St. Johns, Qrcgou Phone Main 5399 l'honc Richmond 641 BARGAINS0 I Real Estate Call on J. E. Williams Residence Office - . 1 St. COLUMBIA PHONOGRAPHS f 13.00 to f 135.00 CnOi or Installments at PORTSMOUTH DRUG CO. the only'ngcncy for pliono grnph itippllci on the l'ciilniniln. I ndcJt ructnblc record 4 minute record Double record 2 tunes for the cost of one, Wc take old nnd broken rccordi In exchange for new. PORTSMOUTH DRUG COMPANY 8a DAWSON STRItKT C. W. Bowhay, Mgr. A, II. 1 1 KM. STOCK OKO. II. HltMSTOCK HEMSTOCK BROS. UNDERTAKING AND EMBALMING Full Una of Robes, Caihata, eto,, kept In itoek nffli lltw.ua 1VwllBkii llsl Krililriicc 1'ltont WoolUwn Jio REAL BARGAINS Special Sale of nil MIMJNKRY nt ABBOTT'S, Portsmouth 608 Dawson Street. RESOLUTION it la resolved by tbo city of St. Johns: That It dooms It oxpodlont and noc' osaury to Improve South Ivanhoe atrcot. from tho Southerly lino of folk street to tho Northerly lino or Ida street In tho city of St. Joints in tho following manner, to- wit; liy eradluir sumo to tho entabiuued Krado by cut and fill; and by sldo. wnlKiiiK aiuno on both sides with 5 foot cement walks and 13 foot curb with necessary 5 foot wooden crous walks and box gutters. Said curb to huvo i Inch tllo drain ovory CO foot, nud curb and comont walk to have expansion jolnta when directed by tho city engineer, between Polk and Ilurr streets, Also by placing 1 strip of macadam In center of said street between Polk and Ilurr streets, Said macadam to be 8 Inches In con. tor . i Inches on ultbor sldo, and to conform to Soc. I of Ordluauco No. l'Jl'. All work to bo undor tbo super vision and direction of the city on Klneer nud according to the plans and specification of tho city engineer on file In tho office of tbo city ro corder relative thereto, which said plaus und specifications and eatl. mates are satisfactory nnd aro here by upproved. Said Improvements to bo made lu accordance with tbo charter and ordinances of tho city of St, Johns, and undor tho supervision and direction of the city engineer, That the cost of said Improvement to bo assessed as provided by tbo city chartor upon tho property es pecially and particularly benefited thoreby. and which is hereby de clared to bo all of lots, parts of lots, blocks and parcels of land between tho termini of such Improvements abutting upon, adjacent or proximate to said South lvanhoo street, from tho marginal lines of said street back to the center of the block or blocks or tracts of laud abutting thereon or proximate thereto. That all tho property Included In said Improvement district aforesaid Is hereby declared to be "Local Int. proveuient District No. 27," That tho city engineer's assess mem of the probable total cost of said Improvement of said South lvan hoo street Is $4367.16. That the cost of said South Ivan hoe street to bo assessed against the property In said local assessment dis trict as provldod by tho city chartor of tho city of St. Johus. Adopted the 30th day of June, 1909, A. M. ESSON, Recorder. Published in the St. Johns Review, July 2 and 9, 1909, T Work for a Greater St. Jokaa. l IN nm Nnfth litu r V M I W fll W J Johns Land Company I 0 irOi I OS3 aaaaWBBBBB) aMBfflBSjaai Gi UNIVHK.SITV PARK, 01U'.GON Office Phone Woodlnwu 703 Rei. I'houe Woodluwu 1655 D. E. HOPKINS DI'.NTIST Office hour from 9 to 13 tn. 1 to 5 . ut, 7 to 8 p. 111. 63 Dawwii Street, Univi'.ksitv Park STREET CAR TIME TABLE I.KAVK ST. JOHNS A. M. P. M. P. M. S.45 11.40 7.00 o.oj 1.00 7, to 6.35 1. 18 7.30. 6.40 1,36 7.40 6.48 I. 51 8,00 6.36 3.13 8.35 705 a.y 8.50 7.30 j.jo 9.10 7SS i.oS 9.30 7.55 i.36 9.50 8. IS 344 10.10 8.35 4.03 10.30 9-co 4,30 10.50 9.3 4.40 II. 10 9.44 5.00 11.30 10.06 5,15 ja. CO 10.36 5,30 10.50 5.45 11.13 6. ro 11.34 6.30 11,56 6.40 13. iB p. tn, 6,50 St. Johns Ferry Time Card, Leave Hast Side (A, M.l 6uo. 7:10. 7:50, 8:30, 9:10,9:50 10:30,11:10, 11:50. P. "-i'1 w Leave West Side (A. M.V-6:.w. 7:10. 8:10, 8:50, 9:30, 10:10, 11:50. P. II. 13:10,13:50,1:30,3:10, 3:50, 3:30, 4:10 4:50, 5-ao, 6:30. Bonville's Western Monthly The Western Maga zine that tells about the West. Leave orders at the St. Johns Review office. 15 cents a copy $1.50 per year. TIME TABLE O. R. & N. Union Depot, Portland, No. a Chicago Special leaves 9:15 a, m. No' 4 Spokane Plyer leaves at 5:00 p. nt. No, 6 Kansas City Exp, leaves 6:00 p. in. No, 8 Local Passencer leaves 7 mi a. m. No. 1 Chicago Special arrives b:jo p. m. No. 3 Spokaue Flyer arrives iomj a. m. No. 5 Kansas City Exp. arrives 7:30a, m. No, 7 Local Passeuger arrives 5:45 p, ui, SubacrHi (or the Review and be CHURCH NOTICES. Baptist church C. I,. Owen, pastor. Sunday school nt 10 a. m. Preaching at 11 a.m. II. Y. P. U. 7 p. in. Preaching at 8 p. nt, Methodist church S. II. Dewart, pas tor. Sunday school to a. tn.; preaching at II a. m. and 8 p. m. Hpwortlt League at 7 p. m. Holy Cross Catholic church, Portsmouth Station: 8:15 a, nt., low mass; 10:15 a.m., blgli mass; 7:30 p. tn,, vespers and bene diction. Christian church Meets every Sunday InTabcrnacle ns follows: Sunday school at 10 a. m,; prcnchliiL' at It a. 111, and 8 p. tn., and Y. P. S. C. II. meeting at 7 p.m. R, J.Johnson, pastor. St. Andrew's Uplscopal Church Ports mouth Rev. Dr. Van Waters, Chap lnlti, Sunday Services 7:30 p. in. Sun day school to a. m. Holy Communion first Sunday lu the mouth at 11 a, tu, Hvangcllcal church Sunday school nt to a.m. Preaching 11 a. m. Junior K. L. C. K. 3:30 p. m.; Senior K. L. C. E. 7 p. m. Preaching nt 8 p. tn. Chester P. Gates, pastor. PIrst Congregational Church Q. W. Nelson, pastor. Sunday school 10 a. in.: preaching 11 a. m. and 7:45 P- Ml Y. P. S. C. 11. meeting at 7 p. m. Prayer nicctinc Thursday at 7:30 p. ut. A seat and welcome to nil. Rantlst Church. University Park. Rev A. 11. WalU, pastor. Regular services every Sunday morning nnu evening. German Ilaptlst church Services held each Sunday at Ilaptlst church as follows: Kunday school 3 p, in. , prcacmng M3 p ut. Kcv. J'nlltncat, pastor. German Lutheran Services nt 10:45 a, tu, every Sunday morning at corner of rcninsuia avenue ami Kiip.nncn street University Park. All Germans of St loll ns cordially invited to attend, Iluccliler, tinstor. Christian Science Hall Holbrook blk Sundays 11 a. m.; Wednesdays nt 8 p. m suijjectJMCjramciii. COLLIER & COLLIER Law ers. Rooms In the Holbrook building. St. Johns, Oregon. Joseph AtcChesney, A1. D. PHYSICIAN AND SUROEON Day and Night Office In McChonney Mock rnon. jrrtty vji ST. JOHNS. - ORCOON Dr. MARY MulflLAN Physician nnd Surgeon. Office lit Holbrook' lllnck. Residence, 315 Hayes street. Phone Scott 6995. C. D. HOPPER, M. D. PHYSICIAN nntl SURGKON Olllcc First National Hank Hide, Residence 819 Willamette boulevard Office ninnc Kiclimoiul 1 15 1 Residence I'houe Richmond 136 Daniel 0. Webster, A. B. A. D Residence, 697 Dawson Street Office, Plitcr Illock University Park, Portland, Oregon II, S. IIUWITT 513 Situs St. P.. S. WRIGHT 504 b. Hayes Hewitt & Wright CONTRACTORS and III'II.DI'.RS Hstlmates and Plans furnished IIOUKl'.H I'OK bam: kt. JOIINrt,OUIt, E. B. HOLCoMb DESIGNER AND HUILDHR Finishing a Specialty. Estimates cheerfully Itirnlslied. 426 N. Lively street, St. Joint!). Central Market! Holbrook Illock. See tts for the Choicest Cuts of the Ileal Meats Obtainable, Orders Pilled and I'amlly Trade Solicited T. P. WARD. Proprietor. J. R. WEIMER Transfer and Storage We deliver your noods to and from all parts of Portland, Vancouver, Linuton, Portland and Suburban Hxnreki Co.. city uock anu ait points accessible uy wagon. Piano and furniture moving a specialty. 109 II, Ilurlington; phone Kiciimouu 01, E. C. A.ONNICH PAPER IIANUINO and PAINTINQ Estimates J'uruished 1873, McKCNNA AVENUE All St. Johns work will receive prompt and careful attention. LAUREL LODGE No. 186 I. 0. 0. F. ST. JOHNS, OREQON Meets each Monday evening in Odd Pellows hall, at 8;oo, Visitors welcomed. P. Hill, N. G. E, D. Holcotnb, Secretary, Holmes Lodge No. 101 KNIUHTS OP HVTItlAS. Meets every Friday night at 7:30 o'clock at I.O.O.P. hall, Visitors always wel come. L. W.Hrun&on, C.C. W. A. Storr.K. R.S. Doric Lodge No. 132 F. and A. M. Regular communica tions on first and third Wednesdays of each month in Odd Fellows' hall. Visitors welcome. E. S. Harrington, Jos, McChesney, Secretary. W. M. CAMP 773 W. 0. W. Meets every Wednesday evening in Uickncr's Hall. D. Tallman, C. C. W. H. Swengcl, Clerk. Preach the gospel oX St Jobna. Do You Need a New Set of Teeth? If you do, wc will make you a set that will look exactly like natural teeth that will give your mouth and face a natural expression. LaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaatV'-iaaaaaafl aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaV aaaaaa vBaaaiaBaaaiaaaBBBak aaaaaaa DR. W. A. WISE President and Manager. 22 Ysara Ettabllehett In Portland. Wc will give you a good aak gold or porcelain crown for,,.,. f 3-5 Molar Crowns 3- 11k bridge teeth 3.00 Gold or enamel fillings 1.00 Siller fillings 50 Inlay fillings of all kinds 3,50 Good rubber plates S-oo The best red rubber plates 7.50 Celluloid plates to.uu Painless extractions, with local ... .50 Painless extractions, with Soiuno. form ,,..r 1.00 Painless extractions free when plates or bridge work is ordered, Work guaranteed for 15 years. THE WISE DENTAL CO., Inc. Aaalated by Dr. H. A. Huffman, Dr. A. B. Stllaa, Dr. Van E. Bllyeu, Dr. D.S.Bomgardnar, Dr. J. J. Plttlnger. Tho Falling Bldg., 3d nnd Waah.Sta., Offleo Houri--0 a. m. to 0 p.m. Sunday 0 to 1 Phonea A and Main 2020 SUMMONS. IN THH CIRCUIT COURT OP TUB statu or oitnaoN, for tub COUNTV OF MULTNOMAH. J. a. Urlnaoii, Plulntlff, va Km 111 a llrlnsoii, Defendant To Bmmtt llrliiNoii, Defendant: lu tho naiiio of tho atnto of Oro gou, you nro hereby required to np pear nnd nnawer tho complaint filed itKaliiHt you In tho nbovo entitled ault on or beforo tho -.'ird day of July, 100U, nud you nro hereby noli, fled thnt If you full to nnawer or otlierwlao plead within snld tlmo, tho plulntlff, for want thereof, will apply tn tho court for tho relief demanded In hi' complaint on file horeln, to wit: For n docreo forever dissolv ing tho bond of matrimony between plaintiff nnd defendant nud for audi other nnd further roller na to tho court mny nocm equitable In tho promises. Th I a Hummnna la aorvod upon you by publication thereof for a period of six weeks, no von lasuoa, In tho St. Johns Ituvlow, n weekly nowapaper of senornl circulation publlahod nt 8t, Johna, Oregon, pursuant to an order or Honorable W. N. Galena, Circuit Judge of tho nbovo ontltlod Court, duly tnado and entered In this cause on tho 6th day or Juno, 1909. Tho dato or tho first publication or this BumtnoiiH la Juno 11, 1909. Tho laat publication will bo July 23rd, 1909, COLLI BR & COLLIBR, Attorneys for Plaintiff. Plant an ad. in The St. Johns Review and watch your business grow. 0 YEARS' EXPERIENCE rlSEm trade manna) DC9IQN CopvHiame Ao. AnroB Mn4ln a llrh and dcKrlptloa may quickly aicrtim our olulon fro .OMIiir aa nn tit tUTtumoa Uprobtblf PMtbjx Cuinmantaft- Hotuilriotif eonoautiau. tiANUftUu onffti Milt frsaaV OldMt aUAnCV tuf fttKMlIlIlfF D:UftZit. '.j iur vcurwiff iirh liana i C mttUinotU without ciiar, lath iaUai uiia iiirousa wuau s t.u rveMTV Scientific EmttKt. X biateomilr Ulutntad VMklr. Urnrt. caution of tur cl.nUSa toarnal, Tm as a rui 1 four month. L 0oM by all uvsaaalwj. Our Charges. As is customary, we will charge for card of thanks, 50c: for resolu tions of respect, Si.co; for notices of church or lodge entertainments, suppers, sociables, etc., where there are charges for admission, 5c per line, but where there are no charges for these events, we will break the rule and insert them free. We make this announcement so that our good friends may understand our rule in this respect. FOR SALE. Two houses and lots, corner Edl- son and John streets. Lot 100x103 feet A snap. Inquire R. W. Mo- Ke lit.