r I Wo buv rlcht W " NEED A Why not get it now, ON save the price of it in fuel and THE TOLEDO is the best low priced Range on 2 the market. 2 Is fully guaranteed, has all modern improvements. . We can point' you to a 2 long list of satisfied users 2 in St. Johns, We also carry the REAL ESTATE RANGE which we buy at the factory at car lot prices. We guarantee it to be the equal of any Range on the market any where, and the price is moderate. J SEE US BEFORE BUYING 1 (dglefMroii I OPPOSITE POSTOFFICE : Easy Terms Low Prices -THE PENINSULA BANK St. Johns, Oregon. Established 1905 PAID-IN CAPITAL STOCK AND SURPLUS Ol'l'ICHRS K. T. Halt, President C. A. Wood, DIKI'.CTOKS K. T. l'lntt, I'rciMcnt, Attorney 1'. C. Kumip, Vice l'rei., Sec. Pen. Lumber Co. M. I.. llolhrook, CnpltnlUt l'cter Autien, I'rvi. I'ortlnml Mftf. Co. 11. It. Tower, Vlccl'rcn. nml Gen. Mnjjr. I.cwUtnii Sweet Water & Irrigation Co. Tlioi. Coclirun. Kcnl Hutate C A. Wood, Ciuhlcr OOOOXO0OXO0OOOOXOOOOOOC 2 EDMONDSON CO., Plumbing and Tinning 203 S. Jersey Slreet Phone jersey 91 St. Johns, Oregon H. HENDERSON 205 Jersey St Real Estate, Loans, Insurance Abstracts of Title Prepared. Sand and Gravel I have made arrangements with the Pacific Bridge Co. for wash, ed river gravel and sand iu un limited quantities. Contractors figuring on street work or on building would do well to see me and get prices. Bunkers are lo cated at foot of Newton street, opposite the site for the new school building in East St. Johns. Business phone Woolawn 1194 Residence phone Richmond 1341 L. D. Jackson Subscribe for the SU Jobus Review &b1 keep posted oa tbe doings of pt city. u n T T W 1 IVIIL 0--- RANGE ? EASY TERMS, you can in baking. ? 30,000.00 V. C. Knnim, Vice l'rcnlilcnt Ciulilcr CfOCrtXMXM00XHCMC)O0XrtXKiOOO T f tii ItfiiiAit'l iiiwii llCnlv 1 J Mil HtlVVII I W Wbl DnvtA lllmtM 4:lm ui occuniy cm me oououi. my When you find the name jrf "SEW on the sole, you're as certain of good quality as ir you can he. It's the "Sterl- mark on shoes and we m sell them here. Couch & Co. j, r r Accurate Work Guaranteed. Newton's Gash Grocery Handles the very freshest and choicest groceries procurable. Selling for cash enables him to sell at a very close margin and tbe patron gets tbe benefit of the percentage other stores have to allow for bad bills. If you want something really fine in the canned goods line try The Royal Club. There is noth ing better. If you are not already a pat ron, drop in and note what a saving can be made by purchas ing your groceries for-casb. Holbrook Building, cor. Jersey and Leavitt Sts. n r-ssam 8 hoiuctliiiiK coming to you; houictliiiiK different in Style, lfit and Service. We gunnm- 5 tec Style, Fit mid your satis- faction. Look for tlie "Mark vi Local News. T For tho queen of chorrleB Hoy Ann Sod A. Carl Nolson. nl Mrs. V. W. .Mason la spending tho summer with relatives and friends In Iowa. Just received fifty now Phono graph ItccordB. All tho latest nunv bers. St. Johns Pharmacy, Wanted Young lady to solicit sub scribers for tho ltevlow. Good com mission paid. Call at onco. o David Myerleo, machine manlpula tor at tho Ilovlow office, spoilt tho glorious Fourth In Hood River. 0 For rent Small cottago at Seaside, Oregon. For torms sco Willis Moxon at postofflec, St. Johns, Oregon. Mrs, Vinson has opened up a cash grocery on South Jersey street and Is already doing a nlco business. Furnlshod rooms, host In tho city. Now brick building, newly furnished, prices reasonable. Calcf Uros., homo furnishers, opposlto poBtofflco. Any ono desiring Peninsula mag. nzlnos may obtain sanio free of chargo by calling at this office. Thoy aro flno things to send to frlonds in tho East. Tho gamo of ball slated for tho Cth between St. Johns and Forest Grove at tho grounds of tho latter was called off on account of wot weather. o P. S. Ilannan, who holds a rospons Iblo position for the Btnnloy-Smlth Lumbor Co. In Hood River valloy, spent sovornl days In St. Johns tho past week. o W, L. Markle, brother of tho edl tor and machinist for a largo him boring concern at Oroonpolnt, Hood River county, spent a few hours In St. Johns Monday. 0 Mrs. D, 1). Irvlu and Miss Alotha Irvln of Salom and Mrs. Henry Welch and Mrs. Mead C. I'oltoys of Portland were guests at tho homo of J. F. aillmoro last Friday. 0 - Tho foundation of the now East Sldo school building has been com pletod and Messrs. Hewitt & Wright, tho contractors, aro pushing con stnictloii work at a rapid rato. P. W. Qalo and wlfo of Atlas, Mich., aro gnosis at tho homo of Councilman J. B. Hlllor this wcok. Naturally Mr. and Mrs. Qalo aro very favorably Impressed with St Johns, and eventually may become residents of this city. Tho woolen mills aro rushing things to tho limit these days. A full force Is working every day and It Is often necessary to work at night to koop up with their orders. This Is ono institution at least which Is not bothering about dull times. 0 Tho baby show at tho Kloctrlc Theatre Is attracting qulto n good deal of interost, and somo mothors havo bocomo so enthusiastic In "root ing " for their babies that thoy aro paying tho way of dlfforent pooplo In order to Induco them to voto for tholr offsprings. o J. N. Kooler and wife, Mrs. E. Hutchinson and Ethel Hutchinson loft this week for Columbia Reach whero they oxpoct to remain for a fortnight. This resort lias only re cently been openod, and is said to bo tho finest on tho coast as a do- llghtful place to spend a vacation. o Rev. C. h, Owen of Astoria has assumed tho pastorate of tho Bap tist church in this placo. Rov. Owen conducted a series of meetings here several months ago which were very successful. Ho is an able, cultured and energetlo young man, and the members of tho Baptist church can congratulate themselves upon securing bis services. o St. Johns and tho Vancouver Pion eers pulled off a double header on the Vancouver grounds on tho 4th, Tho first game was an 11-lnnlng con test and waB von by the Apostles by a score of 8 to 7. The second game went to tho Pioneers by the score of 5 to 2, Both games wero very interesting and the attendance was quite largo. 0 The Odd Fellows and Rebekahs took themselves to St. Helens Mon day on the steamer Kellogg and bad one of the best times of their lives. Strange to say no rain fell at St, Helens on that day with the excep tion of a little in the evening, and as a result the program was carried out in full. All returned in tho even ing tired out but happy. If you are looking for an Invest ment that is a sure winner, buy half of block 16 at Whltwood Court. The tract Is 100x600, lays fino and lots across from it are now selling at 350 for 60x100. If cut into lots $3000 could easily be realized, and then the lots would be cheaper than any can be brought for In that neigh borhood. In five yean f 10,000 would not be an exorbitant price. If tak en at once 11800 buys it, S1000 cash and the balance at $10 per month, B. II. Blandlng, Whltwood Court. For raro bargains In all kinds of realty boo P. Hill. - 0 Magazines and rending matter at tho St. Johns Pharmacy. Q. L. Thompson of Estacnda was a St. Johns visitor this week. ill - - Bill I. Fruit cans for boIo choap, Call room 12, upstairs Cor. Jersey and Chicago, o You got full weight and first quality at tho Central market. Just try it awhllo. W. F. Wollonhaupt haB rented Ash bey's now cottago on North Edison and Is moving his family Into snmo this wcok. Don't forget to drop us word about that vUltor at your home. You ought to appreciate tho visit enough to huvo tho fact published In your local paper. A postal will do tho work. o A joint Installation and general good time was held by the Wood men of tho World at their hall In this city Wednesday evening, of which a full account will bo given In next week's Ibbuo. A. R. JobcB tins returned from a month's trip to vnrioua points In thu East. Ho took in tho Soattlo fair on his way back and says tho layout In the way of n slto for the exposition Is excellent mid that tho exhibits aro fully up to tho standard. 0 Tom Qlovcr states that the cat mid other races planned for July Cth nt Whltwood Court wcro not pulled off on account of tho wot weather. Tho events linvo been postponed for ono year when it In hoped tho weather man will bo more considerate. "Fruit Rearing, tho Christian's Mission," will bo tho morning nib Ject discussed at tho Baptist church. "Zeal That Counts" will bo tho themo In tho evening. All cordially Invited to nttoud these meetings. Conrad I.. Owen, pastor. 0 (Jo to tho baby show at tho Elec trie Theatre Tho contest Is nrous lug much Interest and Is well worth witnessing, A good entertainment Is afforded each evening besides the baby pictures, Contest closes Sun day evening, IStli. Join tlio crowd and voto for tho babies. 1 0 Mrs, A. W. Vincent Is n conies taut in tho Portland Journal sub scrlptlon contest and Is hustling early and late to socuro 0110 of tho first prizes. While It Is not our pur- peso to boom thu circulation of somo other paper, wo would be glad to soo Mrs. Vlncont carry off first prize Her many frlonds aro lending tholr aid In a material manner. u Tho Callapslblo Box Company has boon more, thnu busy lately filling orders, A couplo of salesmen on tho road aro Bonding In ordors so rapidly that with tholr present capacity It Is hard to keep up with tho demand, The merits of tholr output Is so obvious that In most casos It only requires tho goods to bo nhown to create a demand. Since tho com pany has struck Its gait It Is more than llkoly that a scene of activity will constantly bo enacted nt tholr plant hero. dov. J. H. Klotchor has recontly boon added to tho forco of directors. u Viola Roan, a 12-yoar-oId girl, liv ing at 133 Nlcklln street, St. Johns, was Injured Wednosday afternoon at Fargo atrcot, on tho St. Johns lino. She had signalled tho conductor to stop, but ho evidently did not sco (ho signal. Tho girl started to alight from tho trailer and couldn't stop whon alio discovered that tho car was not going to slow down. She was thrown violently to tho ground. Tho girl's arm and Bhouldor were in jured and Patrolmen Burrl and Mac key picked her up and carried her tc n nearby drugstore, whero she was revived, Friends called later to assist her homo. o First of tho victims of tho Fourth In Portland was Joo Closka, aged 14, who lives In Portland, A toy can non exploded last Friday night and both his hands wore almost blown off at tho wrist. At Knott and No bly streets tho Goska boy was hold ing n cannon in his hands, while an other boy poundod powder into tbo muzzle with a rock. Tho pleco blow ip, and young Goska got all tbo shock. His companion cscapod with out a scratch. Both tho injured boy's bands wore terribly mangled. Several flngors and one thumb aro gone, and the flesh and bones In tho palms are shockingly torn, o Phonographs and supplies at the St. Johns Pharmacy. o WANT TO SAVE $16 TO $25 ON A 8EWINQ MACHINE? Chance to do so if you buy tho 'Improved Melville," a sewing ma chine guaranteed to be in all re spects equal to any on tho market; has been thoroughly tried and has had years of testing, It has all tbo labor saving and tlmo saving at tachments. Calef Bros., opposlto tho postofflce, invito you to call and see the machine They quote you a low price because thoy do not can vass and save tho expense of a can vasser, and ask only a fair profit. Easy terms given. Our lino of stationery Is complete St. Johns Pharmacy. 0 Wanted First class hand Ironcr at St. Johns Laundry. 0 Wanted Washing nt homo. Ad dress John Kline, Hnrtmau streot. If you want St. Johns property that Is Btiro to advanco rapidly in valuo boo P. Hill. Wanted Young girl to assist with house work. Call at G29 South Ivunhoo. Largest lino of Post Cards in town. Always getting In something now. St. Johns Phnrmncy. Without doubt tho very best buy In St. Johns Is a lot COxlOO on cor ner of Chicago and Ivanhoo Btroots, P. Hill has tho salo of this proporty and it taken quick $1800 takes It. Worth oasily from $2C00 to $3000. 0 "Suffering Humanity" relieved by our "Skeeto Skeet.' St. Johns Phurmacy. All kinds of laundry work dono promptly. Rough dry washing C cents per pound. Calls mado for laundry at any placo. Ring ub up Phono Rich, 091, St. Johns Laun dry. Churchill Bros.,proprlotors. u All our moats aro government In spected and tho host that money can buy. Thoy aro neatly and careful ly handled. Co 1110 In and loavo your jrdor for freo delivery. Ward's Central Markot. What's best for monquttos? Don't know. Wlint's worst? "Skeeto Skeet." St. Johns Phnrmncy. 0 If you want somothlng particular ly flno in tho way of real ootato soo P. Hill about it. , 1 1 Subscrlbo for tho Tologrnm best evening paper on tho coast. Soo Ed Stockton. Our prescription room Is equipped to fill any and all prescriptions that are brought to us. St, Johns Phar macy. , 0 Havo your property insured in tho St. Paul or Northorn tiro Insurnnco companies. Thoy aro tho host. 8. L. Doblo, agent. 0 1571. out fit for $260. Piano nntl pianola and $2S In music. Must sell; going away. Will trndo for n span of small horses, must bo sound, suit ablo for going out camping; or will sell on very easy torms. Call 920 Wlllamotto bpuluvard, fit. Johns, 0 DON'T MONKEY with ngonts; buy of tho owner lots 13 and 14, Block 12, 100 feot north of Fosseu don on Edison, Tho host rostdonco slto In St. Johns. $100.00 down, balance ,$500.00, two years nt 7 por cent. Address, E. L. Davidson, Os wogo, Oregon. How is Your Title? Havo your abstracts mado, con tinued or examined by Ponlnsula Title, Abstract and Roalty Co., II. Hondorsou, manager. Accurate work, Ileasonublo foes. Cement Block building, Jorsoy street. Proper Treatment for Dysentry and Diarrhoea. Tho great mortality from dysentery and diarrhoea is duo to a lack of proper treatment nt the first stages of tho dlsonso. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Romody Is a reliable and effectual mcdlcluo, and whon given In reasonable tlmo will prevent any dangerous consequences, It bus boon in use for many years and has always mot with unvarying success, l'or salo by all good drug gists. A MILLIONAIRE'S DABY attended by tho highest priced baby specialists could not bo curod of stomach or bowel trouble nny quick er or suror than your baby If you glvo It McGeo'a Baby Elixir. Cures diarrhoea, dysentary and all do rangomcnts of tbo stomach or bowels Prlco 25 cents and 50 cents, sold by North Bank Pharmacy. Money Talks We buy for cash nt n discount and sell for cash at a living prof it. We make no allowance for credit losses, rent or double-page bargain ads. If our last week's sales arc to be taken as an index, St. Johns people evidently like this way of doing business. We' ve just received a dandy lot of 75c silk-front shirts, all sizes, yours for 50c. Also au other 5 dozen bib overalls at 75c. Our 25c horse-hide work gloves wear like a pig's nose. NO CREDIT. NO RENT. Better goods for your money, Forty Pairs of Shoes in One Day Our shoe sales reached the high water mark last Saturday when our books showed 40 pairs . sold. We know of 110 better advertisement than to let the public know that our sales are increasing each month as compared with the corresponding month of last year. We know when that is the case that our customers arc satisfied with our merchandise, our prices and fair treatment. Our total sales for June were $500 more than last year. BONHAM Electric Tungsten Lamps The most economical Incandescent Electric Lamp made 40 watt - 32 caudle power $ .85 60 watt- 48 candle power $1.00 100 watt -80 caudle power $1.30 250 watt-200 caudle power $2.50 These prices arc the lowest iu the city. It gives twice the light of the ordinary incandescent lamp for the same cost per hour. Portland Railway Light, and Power Go. 147-7th Street ooooo ATTENTION!! Merchants! Manufacturers! Farmers! Everybody! Wc are hunting for your business and have been on your trail for some time. Our aim is to serve you well. The adoption of our service offers a complete solution to the transportation problem. Our rates are reasonable and our service unsurpassed. Two trains between St. Johns und Portland daily. We deliver Anything, Any Place, Any Time. Call and get our rates before shipping. PORTLAND & SUBURBAN EXPRESS GO. C. W. STEARNS Agent nt St. Johns. Phones: Portland Office, Main 358 St. Johns: Jersey 122 A 3358 oooo Make our store your headquarters (or seasonable coods. We huve a complete ttockiof GARDEN TOOLS, LAWN HOSE, SPRINKL ERS AND LAWN MOWERS St Johns Hardware Co. St. Johns 4 Has all kinds of lumber, kiln dried and otherwise, Also slab wood. Timbers of all sizes cut to order. Get your winter's wood now and save trouble. mm rO eo rSD e f0 so IS i St. Johns, Oregon Paid In Capital - OFFICERS Henry V. Coe, President A. R. Jobes, Vice Pres. F. P. Driuker, Cashier Drafts issued on all Foreign Countries, SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES FOR RENT. a 2 & CURRIER Lumber Co. k eO tO e0 s mi $25,000.00 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1