St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, July 09, 1909, Image 2

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Published Every Friday
At 117 Wont Durllngton Street.
Tiitt RUVIKW Is entered nt post office
In Saint Johns, Orison, ns tnnll mutter
of the second class under the Alt of Con
gress of March 3, 1879.
Job Printing executed In flritelM iiju.
Hllli lor Job I'tlntlni cih on dtllrerr.
All eomraunlettloni ihonld be ddriid (0
Tin nTlew. HI. Johne. Oreton.
Adterllilng rtn. 1.00 ptr Inch per month.
All (diertlilng bills prll fltit of eoh
month. . .
OffleUl Ntwipiptr of the City of St. Jefcni.
Subscription price $1.00 per year.
FRIDAY, JULY 9, 1909.
Work for ft Greater St. Johns.
It Isn't generally supposed because
n youth woorH turncd-up.troiisorB nnd
polkadot Bucks hu Is 11 fool. Onco In
a while thcro la n chnnco of his
not knowing any better.
An Ink crnsor will tnko off tho
ugly brown mnrks inndo on wall
paper by match scratching. It
might bu milled tit n t tho follow who
did tho scratching should bo made
lo apply tho eraser.
I !.
Rather n good thing that St. JohiiH
did not decide to colehrnto on tho
Fifth, as tho downpour of tho olo
inontB would hnvu terminated tho
affair disastrously for thoHo In
charge, Sometimes things turn out
for tho bust after all.
lleiid hnd a Fourth of July colo
bratlon that wnH probably tho niOHt
unique In thu country bocauso of one
groat feattiro, a trout barbecue
There are numerous places In tho
state that could duplicate It, prob
ably, but where throughout tho Hunt
could such tin affair bo held 7 Hend
had about ttftoo trout served to thoso
In attendance at tho celebration, cor
tnlnly a splendid advertisement of
. Oregon's attractions as a fisherman's
Special arrangements have been
mndo whereby all thu exhibits In
tho livestock show at thu Heottlo
fair will bo displayed In Portland (he
third week In September during thu
show of tho Portland Fair and Die
stock Association. This will mean n
show of pure bred stock In horse,
cattle, sheep and swlnu divisions
greater by far than has over been
seen In tho statu. Thu exhibit will
show tho great strides of thu live
stock Industry In tho I'aelflo North
west during recent years, Tho an
mini show of tho Portland Fair and
Livestock Association will last from
September '.'0 to I'filh and thu Statu
Fair entries will be on display its
well as tho cream from tho show nl
Always a Bird
A Pondloton lady has n wonderful
record. Although she has been mar
ried four times sho has always been
1 bird. She began life aa Miss Eliza
both lllrd of Harrison county, near
Parls.Ky. Her first vonturo outsldo
J10 homo nest was when sho married
Ilcrt Martin. When Mr. Martin died
bIio married Kdwnrd Crow a farmer.
When tho tltno enmo to change nests
sho allied herself with William Rob
In nnd lived happily until tho
matrimonial season rolled around
again for Mrs, Robin, Then David
iluzzard, n widower more attractive
personally and socially than his name
would Indicate, appeared and Mrs
Hobln became Mrs. Iluzzard.
Into tho Buzzard roost Mrs, Buz
zard carried onu llttlo Martin, two
llttlo crowB and one llttlo Hobln
One llttlo Buzzard was already thoro
to welcome tho other birds. Wo do
not doubt that when her earthly ca
rcet is ended sho will mount up on
wings to bo n bird of paradise,
Happily Married
Told the Truth
A Michigan editor grow tired of
wielding tho whitewash brush in
thu matter of obituaries and decided
lo reform and toll tho truth just once
lie commented ns follows upon tho
death of u well known citizen:
"Died aged CO years, six months
and 13 days, Deceased was n mild
mannered plrato with n mouth for
whlskoy nnd an cyo for boodle. Ho
enmo here In tho night with nnothcr
man's wife and joined tho church at
tho first opportunity. Ho owed us
several dollars for tho paper and a
largo meal bill nnd you could hear
him pray six blocks. Hu tiled sing
lug, 'Jesus Paid It All,' nnd wo sup
posu ho did for hu nuvor paid any
tiling himself. Ho was burled In nn
asbestos casket and his many friends
throw palm leaf fans Into tho gravo
for ho may need them, His tomb
stonu will bo n favorite roosting
place for hoot owls."
Venus Monahan
Venus, daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs.
T. J. Momthitu, died nt her homo In
In this place Tuesday night, aged
about SO years, Deceased had been
a sufferer for many years, but boru
her afflictions in a cheerful manner,
and patiently awaited thu 1 1 1110 un
til death should end her sufferings.
Funeral services weru held In thu
Jvnngolletil church yesterday by Huv.
l P. dates.
S. J. Donaldson nnd Miss Carrl
nctto Haley were qulotly married at
tho homo of tho brldo at Sunnysldo
Wednesday, Juno 30th, Hov. A. Wig
inoro, of Eugcno Divinity school, pro
nouncing tho words that mado them
man nnd wife. Tho contracting
parties nro both well and favorably
known in St. Johns. The groom Is
tho orlglnntor and a prominent of
ficial In tho Portland Collapslblo
Box Co. of this city, and Is ono of our
very finest and most energetic young
men, n keen business man nnd
stands high In tho estimation of our
people. Tho brldu has been ono of
St. Johns' most popular and success
ful Instructors In tho public schools
and her friends nro legion. Tho
happy couplo hnvo gono to houso
keeping on West Charleston street,
where thu groom had purchased
residence In anticipation of tho happy
event. Thu best wishes of their
many frlcndB go with tho nowly
mated pair to their now homo. May
happiness and prosperity ever attend
Cupid Gets Busy
Making Ready
A Inrgu steam shovel Is at work
at tho Kenton townslto just cast
o tho trestle and north of tho Co
lumbla Boulovard. At prcsont they
aro cutting away n portion of elo
vnted ground and making Bomo fills
In lower tracts. This work Is being
dona on property reserved for fnc
tory sites and officials of tho Swift
Co. on being Interviewed stated that
tho work was but a part of tho
general development work which was
being undertaken by tho company,
and that while no definite arrange
ments hnd been mndo for tho loca
tion of now factories, they Intl
mated that In tho near futuro do
velopments of n substantial character
might bu oxpectcd In that vicinity.
"Burned Out"
Messrs, lllckford and Tunnnnt,
formerly contractors of this city, but
who went into buslnoss together in
Twin Falls nnd Jerome, Idnho, about
onu year ngo, hnvo sold out their
possessions there and returned to
(lod's country." Tho heat was cor-
tnlnly Intonso, In a number of In
stances registering ns high ns IIS In
thu shade, nnd it wits a great relief
for thorn to onco inoro return to
this delightful clime.
Tho triple wedding that occured
at 310 Scott Avonue, St. Johns, Ore
gon, last Saturday, July 3, 1009, at
7.30 o'clock P. M. was truly an un
usual affair; the Ilko has noyor oc
curred In St, Johns beforo nnd prob
ably will not bo witnessed again for
many years,
Tho young ladles who became
brides on that occasion wero tho
Misses Betty, Ellen and Agnes Peter
son, daughters of Mr. and Mrs.
Christian Peterson, who camo to St.
Johns from Muskegon, Mich,, about
eight months ago. They aro young
women of wlnsomo personality, good
accomplishments and genuine worth
Big Time at Vancouver
Notwithstanding tho gcntlo down
pour, thousands of pcoplo nssemblcd
at Vancouver to cetobrato tho glor
ious Fourth. At 10 o'clock the pa
rade headed by tho Vancouver Band,
followed by thousands of pcoplo
marched to tho park. Hov. Otis lead
In prayer; tho band played
"America;" llttlo girls representing
tho several states sang "America;"
Mayor Klggon, In a few well chosen
words in bohalf of Vancouver wel
comed tho host of pcoplo to Van
couver. Tho mnyor then Introduced
Mr. Hooves, tho publicity man, Mr.
Hooves, In his enthusiastic way, do
scribed tho bright and promising
420 North Jersey Street
Headquarters for Farms and Acreage Tracts
Business Property, Factory Sites, Dwelling ' Houses
and Vacant Lots on Easy Terms.
During their short resldenco here future of Vnncouver. Ho urged
they havo mado many friends who
hold them In highest cBtcom. Miss
Betty becamo tho brldo of Edgar W.
Sorbcr and Miss Ellen of David W.
Sorbor, sons of Mr. and Mrs. William
Sorbor of 1Mb city. Miss Agnes be
camo tho wlfo of Clarenco F. Cooloy
of Muskegon, Mich.
Tho young men aro all woll and
favorably known. Tho Sorbors who
nro expert carpenters nnd steady and
Industrious young men, havo tho
Vancouverltcs to work first nnd last
and all tho tlmo for tho ndvnnco-
. mailt of Vancouver. Music by tho
band. Tho Declaration of Independ
ence was read In n very pleasing
manner by Lloyd Davis. Miss May
Urcslln (soloist) snng "Tho Star
Spangled Banner" to perfection, and
wo could understand every word sho
sang. Tho balloon ascension causod
qulto an cxcltoment.
Tho city of St. Johns does ordain
as follows:
Tho City Council of St. Johns hnv
In,: ascertained tho cost of Improv
Ins Willis Boulovard from FoBsen
dc , street to St. Johns avenue In
the city of St. Johns, ns Bhown by
rccolutlon of Council of Juno 22nd,
1009, and of record In tho offlco of
thu city rocordcr of said city, and no
Mr. Clark of Portland delivered a
best of prospocts for success In llfo. stirring, pntrlotlc oration. Ho very
Mr. Cooloy, a young machinist, with minutely described tho acquiring of
his vigorous nnd hopeful persistence, th vast land thnt wo now possess,
has bright prospects beforo him. f tho socrlflco and endurnnco of our
Tho Potorson homo was fittingly forefathers, of tho solid foundation
docorntod with cholco flowors for ny nv InM for us to build upon,
tho happy ovont. As Mondolssohn's aiu i"'s is an pnsi History, inoy uw.Dnm.r of Konoral
wedding march was played by Mrs. havo laid tho foundation and It Is St. Johns, on tho 20th day of Juno,
Pnlmnr. of Portlnnd. alitor of tho our duty, our prlvllego to build n and 2nd day of July iuug.
Sorbors, thrco couples took their strong structure This Innd of ours
places beforo tho officiating, clergy- 1,10 "t marvelous of all coun-
man. Hov. a. W. Nelson, pastor of tries wo havo such wondorful possl- Rocorder: and tho legal posting of
tho Congregational church, who nro- nllltles, such great responsibilities, notices of such street Improvement
1 .1. Thn nrnntnnmi nf our nnllnn Inna as Shown by tho affidavit Of tllO
7" M,u .wu u luni u,uuo l"uul ; ,," ; " ::",' ",, :rh cl1? ""glueer on fllo with tho ro
husbnnds nnd wives. "t depend on our armlos and navlob, cor'(,orJ nm, no rcmonBtrnnco ,mvng
At tho conclusion of tho coromony u"t on our good homes, our good been filed, nnd as provided by said
ntiil muami nlntlnnu tlin lirlilnl nnrf Inn
I school syotoms, our good Inws. on resolution tho sum of $3093.74 being
mo uignity 01 mo lauoring ciascs, a U1U iiiwui b ii:i,,i,,ui;
tnn ..,, .!.. . .....I. I. . Ol 1110 CUM, UUl IQ UO HlUfU SttUP
" ' " - " ntoly determined by tho city eiigln
good cltlzon. Our advancement In ker. Tho tlmo In which said Improve.
sclonco and art Is tho result of In-Inient Is to bo completed Is hereby
bor. In America, ns In
Tho city of St. Johns docs ordain
as follows:
Section 1: That nil spoclnl po
lice appointed by tho city of St.
Johns, n part of whoso duties Is not
to net as truant officer for tho pub
lic schools, bo and they aro hereby
required to glvo bond to tho city of
St. Johns for tho faithful perform
nnco of their duties In tho sum of
Section 2; This ordinance shall
not apply to police officers ap
pointed for special days, bucIi
Uu. thereof having been published .ry '' fT'.jJ'
In tho St. Johns Review, n weekly eU.?"1' ? cnuneTl Julv G h
nowspnper of gonoral circulation nt . nLnfl8td by tho C0U,lcI1' Ju,y etu'
shown by tho affidavit of tho foro
man of said paper, which said affi
davit Is on fllo In tho offlco of tho
by tho Mayor July Cth,
A. M.
J. K
Published In tho St. Johns Ravlow,
July 0th, 1009.
wero escorted to 314 Scott nvcnuo,
tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. Josoph
Dnslo, brother-ln-lnw and sister of
tho brides, whero a bountiful and
delicious wedding supper was sorvod.
Tho young couples wero thu re
cipients of numerous and vnlunblo
wedding gifts. Edgnr Sorbor nnd
Clarenco Cooloy nnd brides hnvo bo-
gun house-keeping nt C24 East Rich
mond stroot. David Sorbor and brido
will soon occupy a cottago by thorn-
solves. May tho happiness nnd pros
perity thnt worthy and Industrious
young peoplo deserve, follow theso
three happy young couples through
Proposals For Street Work
country, womanhood is
Scnlcd proposals will bo received
fill) flfflfd nf tlin Iturnrdn nf Ihn
no othor fixed at sixty days from tho tlnto of cty of 8t John, , Ju)y 27 mod,
I IIih 1 n h I 1111I1I Innl Inn P tiMn Pas I . ... '
I tho Iant publication of notlco for
V I unlit u-AfV wlitoli tirntiltunla tit nut ttii
and honored. On tho womnn's In- f0l wUh'tho Reorder of sold city
fluonco and tho man's voto dopond on or beforo tho 27th day of July,
our futuro weal or woo. Let us all
work togothor for a groater America,
Hand played "Columbia, Gom of
tho Ocean." Dlsbnnd.
Ono Who Was Thero.
nt four o'clock p. 111. of said
at 4 o clock, p. m. for thu Improve
ment of Willis Boulevard from tho
North lino of Fessendcn street to
thu South lino of St. Johns nvenuo
In tho manner provided by Ordinance
Now therefore, It Is hereby No, 2u subject to tho provisions of
ordorod that sold street bo Improved tl0 chnrter nnd Ordinances of tho
iccoruiiiH.y mill n m imiii roiuruur city of St. Johns, and tho ostlmnto
shall glvo notlco by publication for of ,10 clly 0gnoor 0n file, with
tin l.kau I li n 1 I Himl I t I .iiinniill. I
expansion joints In walk and curb
C. C. Woodhouso, a honvy St,
Johns property holder of Republican,
Wush., wits n visitor to this city
several days tho past week.
It Is resolved by tho city of St.
That It dooms it oxpcdlont nnd
nocossary to Improve South Qresham
street, from tho Southerly lino of
liuchanan stroot to tho Northerly
not less than 3 Insertions In succos
slvo publications In thu St. Johns
Review, a weekly uuwspapcr of gen
oral circulation nnd published In tho
city of St. Johns, Oregon, Inviting
proposals for making said Improve
monts and snld sum as estlmnted by
thu city engineer ns costs thereof or
such sum ns shall finally bo fixed
and determined by snld city engineer
not exceeding said sum, Is horoby
every 12 feet nut! 4 Inch tllo through
curb ovory CO feet.
Bids must bo strictly In accord-
anco with printed blanks, which will
bo furnished on application at thu
offlco of thu Rocorder of thu City
of St. Johns. And said Improve
ment must bo comploted 011 or be-
for Sept. 25th, 1009.
No proposals or bids will bo con-
Proach the gospl of St. Johns.
Is the rccoKiii.vtl center of industrial activity in the eastern part of St. Johns. This valuable property adjoins the only depot on
the entire I'ciiiusiiln, thus affording local and through passenger, freight and express service.
Is already the site of several small factories, others in course of construction, Present growth indicates that in only a few months
the pay rolls of these plants will be sufficient to support the entire district.
I2AST ST. JOHNS Is not only n ManufncturliiK District but has a fine Residence Section that is high and sight
ly, The BulhliiiK Restrictions of $1,500, $1,000 and $500, provides suitable home sites for the laborer and the
business man. The Water, Lights, Phones, Graded Streets and New Schools are not promises, but facts.
TALK it over with any UHAI, KSTATK AGKNT. Eut St. Johns Land Co., East SI. Johns Station Phone Richmond 601
assessed to thu lots, pnrts of lots Bldor0(, Ull01)8 nccompunlod by n cer
and tracts of land In their sovorn 1 tlflod chock payable to tho ordor of
lino of Ida street In tho city of St. J .". J '. whii. boutovnrt fmrn lBo.iffaJ,0f 01 11,0 cUy.?.f 8.1, Jolmtl
Johns in tho following manner, to in Ri Jo cortl,,oa by tt responsible bonk for
wit: iessoiidon stroot to St. Johns tuo- nn amount equal to ton per cont. of
Ily grading sanio to tho established
grado uy cut and fill, and by sldo
walking samo on both sides thoreof
from tho Southerly lino of liuchanan
street to tho Northerly lino of Rurr
stroot with G foot cement sidewalks,
IOI..t t. ...I i . m m a
i.iuoi curu, nun nucvaiary u loai mrovomont nf Bald Wlllla
o.,.,u". u" ul.",ro'hitrd horotoforo docli
ouiu cuuiviii wniK unu euro, lo nnve I ......., .. ..n t. .. ,
?n"f'?nJ? wh?.dJf0.c ?'' mid tracts of land from tho marginal
v.. .?"u "iiuul . Minos of said Willis boulovard back
nm.h.n.n .,n.. K;L' .,i lo '' co'Hor ' ' I'IocIch. or parts
llltichnnan streots by placing nstrln of . i.ini,. - ........ ., i.,.i i..i....
,. .,.ir iiiuiiu. uh uiiiicr nu Tnn, n .,. ,)roortv go ncluded
duo lii tho city of St, Johns, In tho
respectivo amounts to do iiereanor Tho right to rojoct any and all
MI.V.......UU , "" ""luiuB m uereuy rcsorvoti.
abutting, proximate and adjacent
thereto, and as being especially and
particularly benefitted by said street
declared and now
Uy order of tho city council,
Publlshod In tho St. Johns Itovlow.
July 9, 10, and 23, 1009.
Notice to Contractors
8onlcd bids will bo received bv tho
Hoard of Directors of School District
No, 2, St. Johns, Oregon, until the
lath day of July. 1009. for thn rree.
Hon and completion of a High School
building, as a whole or sovoral pnrts
Thu death and maimed record for
tho I'tiurth of July 1909 Is not so
appalling by fifty port-out ns It wuu
lust year. Thu people nro either
growing saner or moro euro Is being
oxerclsed In bundling thu inurdeitnm
cannon crackers and deadly toy
pistols. Tho record, however, Ih
far worsu than It should bu, but
thoro Is hope that In time tho number
of deaths nnd disabled ones result
lug from tho Fourth of July will bo
reduced to a minimum. Tho toy
pistol U responsible for more denthtt
on this day than anything that him
yet been Invented mid n law should
bo enacted beforo another year
rails around abolishing their mniiu
Strawberries aro a profitable crop
all over thu Northwest, but thoro art
few places whero they produce larger
returns thou In tho Wallowa Valley,
Oregon. Thero nro no largo fields
of berries there, but there tiro many
small onoB that nro yielding immunso
returns for tho labor and invest
ment which they reprosent. 0. A.
Miller last year received nearly J"00
not from loss than one-fifth of an
niTu, This year ho has Improved his
fields, n i ul estimates that this year's
yield will average two quarts to tho
plant, making n total yield or 10,001
quarts tin acre. The price ho receives
Imp never been less than CO cents it
gallon. At this rate thu gross re
turn would bo more than J 5000 nti
urro lu a sluglo season. This, of
course, Is an exceptional yield, but
An. .Miner usserts tuat with proper
cute strawberries can bo made to
nvtruge $3000 nu aero each year.
Tho terrible Itching nnd smarting,
Incident to certain skin diseases, Is
almost Ittstcutly allayed by applying
Chamberlain's Salve, 1'rlco, 2&
cents. For sale by all good druggists,
Tho second Fourth of July rounlon
of former lleppner residents in Port
laud and St. Johns was held this
year on July K, A permanent organ
ization formed Inst year when thu
Fourth was celebrated at Columbia
Park was lu charge of thu event this
year and It was expected that about
K.O would attend n picnic held nt the
samo place. Tho stormy weather,
however, Interfered with thu nttoiid
anco ami thero were about 35 pres
ent, llecituso of the rain an Invlta
Hon was extended to thu picnickers
to tho homo of Mr, and Mrs, K. F.
Day, St. Johns, and thero tho lunch
was nerved and a brief progrnmnio
given, J, N. Drown delivered the
principal address and referred feel
Ingly to the loss of llfo In lleppner
by thu cloudburst of a few years'
ngo. Tlio rest of thu evening was
devoted to muslu and other forms
of diversion, Mr. Alley, Mrs, Day
and Mrs, Hayes were named as a
committee to arrange for next year's
When six months old tho llttlo
daughter of B. N. Dewey, it well
known merchant of AKiiewvllle, Vn
had an attack of cholera Infantum,
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Dl
arrhoea itouiody was given and of.
fected a complete cure. Tills remedy
has proven very successful In casvs
of bowel complaint in chituron and
wheu given according to tho plain
printed directions can bo relied upon
with perfect confidence. When re
duced with water and sweetened It
Is pleasant to take, which is of great
Importance whou a medicluo must be
e'von to young chlldreu. For sale
by all good druggists.
A Thoughtful Act
Chief of Pollco llrodoson exocuted
a thoughtful act last Sunday when,
during tho absonco of most of tho
tiro department at Hlllsboro. ho
called for a few volunteers nnd had
ono of tlio noso carts placed near
the public square on Jersey streot,
Fourth of July Is noted for tho num
ber of fires that occur, nnd by plac
lug tho hose cart whero every ono
could seo it It would have proven a
timely convenience In enso of fire,
Heeauso no flro occurred does not In
the least dotract from Mr, Uredo
son's thoughtfulness.
wiiuo soma peopio aro moro or I
less agitated over tho meat situation
lu St. Johns, Illtgood & Colo con-
nces of the city of 8t, Johns, nnd
under tho supervision nnd direction
of the city englneor.
That the cost of said Improvement
to bo assoased as provided by the
city charter upon tho property especi
ally and particularly benefited there
by, and which Is hereby doclared to
bo all of lots, parts of lots, blocks
and parcels of land between tho ter
mini of such Improvements abutting
upon, adjacent or proximate to said
South Oresham Street, from tho
marginal lines of said streot back to
tho center of the block or blocks or
tlnuo to sell good moat at very low tracts of land abutting thereon or
iiriPB ti,i- proximate thereto.
, . . . , ..v., KHuvii. miu .laiiuK mi.... ,, . i. . , i . .
fin lip ,n m iniprovomeni district, ns
.. j .. . ... , nforesnld, it hereby Unclnred to bo
,r.i HU7f u" uu" uuer .mo ui- Ucill improvomont District No. 23.
rectlon of tho city onclnoor and nc. I m.. ...... .u
cording to tho Dions and anocflcatlons " '. '. f,J .' thoroof. nccordlni: to nlnna nn.i ni.ecl.
of tho city engineer on fllo in the ,,07aldVs Pf Charles II.
offlco of thp city rocorder rolatlvo tho 0 dockot of Bn,d 'cUy 'nnd nrggwf, nrchltoct, Albany, Oregon.
( ii'iuiu, which nam pious anu npeci- cnug notices to be publlshod, as T" uo "cwouipniiiou uy a
iicuuons onu esiiiuatcs aro sausrac- nr0vldod bv law nnd tho city churtor .wu c"ocl' payuoie to "Hcnooi
tory and aro hereby approved. Said Sf said city o? St. Johns; 11 aUp'f . BU Johm, Oregon,"
Improvements to bo mado n bccop .., ...:,. Si' J ,": ' T iJ for tho sum of 1500.00. or 2 nor cent
tlanco with tho charter nnd ordln- ,, i,n,, f ni,i ,itr.,oA,i n Subdivision. as a guaran-
. . ' ... linn innt n r tr .n ... 1 1 1
Passod by tho counc , Ju y , , " .; " 7 , H ' " r lunusii
jnog 'Man approved bond equal to 60 per
Approved by tho Mayor July Cth, r '-' """,ucl ,w"u, " uy
no aftor tne nwarlng of the contract.
Aii eias must uo made out on
Attest: Mayor.
A. M. ES80N,
Publlshod In the St, Johns Review,
July 9th, 1009.
In I
this office.
Mouthly for sale at
Water used through hose
sprinkling yards or sidewalks
washing windows must bo paid
In advance, and used only betweon
tho hours of 6 and 8 a, m. and
and 9 p. in. It must not bo used for
sprinkling streets. Any ono using
wator contrary to theso rules, or
wastefully, will bo shut off without
further notice. If paid in advance
for tho months of Juno, July, August
and September ontitles the user to
water for this purpose until January
1, 1910, St. Johns Water Works and
Lighting Co., P. II. Kdlefsen, Super
No. 43 To A. E. Uerlls to erect a
residence on Stewart streot between
llolbrook and St. Johns Avenue; es
timated cost 500.
No. 4t To J. J. McCaun to alter
residence by addition of porch,
pantry, bath room, etc., on Jersey
street between Catlln and St. Johns
uvenuo; estltuatod cost S35Q. I
...1.1. 1 1 . . .... I ."WW "II MU flVfJCIhT llJtlUUOU M
with thorn because thoy reallxo thoy 8a,i lmnrovoment district aforesaid
can uo uo better anywhere else. And Is hereby declared to bo "Local lin
ns long as tho poople are treated Provement District No. 26."
right nnd got their money's worth That , clil J"8'"0?? a88teas;
.,. ,,,, , ' ' ment of the probable total cost of
every time thero is no reason for tft)d mpr0voment of said South
seeking a now market. They are Gresham street Is $2810.97.
not "fighting tho beef trusts" a That the cost of said South
prlvnto trust, or any other trust, but Orefham street to be assessed
nm nii,nvnrin. r.,i ii i against the property In said local as-
are endeavoring to make a living by ,,oggment district as orovlded bv the
soiling good meat at living prices, city charter of tho city of St. Johns: thereof, and on
i pi-umu ruiiuesiea aiiowiur market Auopiea ino ovtn aay or june,
to como to St. Johns It was because ,909-
thoy did not realize how well they A M n00,H
cuum uo at ungooa ft cole's. None Published In the St. Johns Review,
in inoir patrons were numbered with I July 2nd and 9tn, 1909
the unsatlsflod ones. Give Ultsood
blank proposals for tho samo. Illnnka
furnished upon application by tho
clork or architect. Plans and speci
fications may bo soon at the School
Clork'a office St. Johns, at Architect
and Engineers offlco Portland. Oro..
or at tho architect's office, on and
alter July z, iu,
'the board reserves the rleht tn
ESTABLISHING reject any and all bids.
OF PITTSI1URG By order of School Board No. 2.
Cole a trial and
troubles will be over.
your meat
It'a Luck to Smoke Puck
The Better than 60 Cigar
The Cigar In the Green Box
Pointers for our Patrons.
All parties owning property upon
which obnoxious weeds are growing
aro hereby notified to cut down the
same without delay in accordance We do not allow any printer to
mm me itato jaw aua me oruin- put out nicer work than we do and
ancea or tho city of St. Johns. An we put the best stock into our jobs
v,., wuiiimun huiuu huucii mar ne ainerence between poor
save a few costs. stock and first class stock on a loh
v-iiAa tiHHuasun,
Chief of Police.
Tho city of St, Johns does ordain
as follows:
That the grade of Pittsburg street
lu the city of St. Johns, from the
East line of Crawford street to the
Ferry Landing In said city of St,
Johns, be and the same is hereby
established according to the map
plans and profile of the city engineer
fllo with tno city
recorder of the city of, St. Johns,
which said Plans, specifications and
profile la heroby adopted and ap
proved and the grade of said street
hereby established between said
points In conformity. therewith.
Passed by the council, July 6th,
Approved by the Mayor July 6th,
.Attest: Mayor..
Published In the St, Johns Review,
July 9th, 1909.
To lav in your supply ef z
We have a fine assortment on 2
nana, call in and pick
out what you want.
means that man and wife have lived
to a good old age and consequently
have kept healthy. The best way to
Note the Ubl on yeur paper,
ts a small item when you consider keep healthy is to see that your li
the value of the job. It is the ver does It's duty 365 days out of 365.
price Of Satisfied Customer. It is The onlv war to do this la tn ken
If you want to buy.renL sell or better to make 50 cents less on a nailard'a Herblnn In tha hnusn nml
exchange property Wolcott, (The job and have a customer who will take It whenever your liver geta In
Rent Man.) 401 South Jeraey. Side come back, than to use the flimsy active, so eenta Dr itu smn hv
1 ... 1. 1. . i. - . . . . 1 -
oil;, IUUKC uiq cxira 5U CCUIS ami North Ttnnlr Phsrmou.
If . rl . ! .1 I w.
o 1 Hc your customer. 1 uai is me
Proacb the foael of 8L Jolu. I way we figure It. I FOR RENT card at thla office.
lc Cream
Th Bast Obtainable
Cosiest place in town. Bring
your friends around and treat
them to something fine. Get
our rates for church parties,
socials, etc. Note the big yel
low sign.
103 N. Jersey St.
15 . 1
- .uikyL -'-nn n.