, t Hfitorlcs! seeitty ST. JOHNS REVIEW IT'S NOW UP TO YOU To tubtcrlbt (or THIS Paptr. All Iht now while It U ntwt It our motlo. Call In and anroll GET IN THE HABIT Of aYrtUtai to THIS Faw and yoall arm regret K. B tta at ence aa4 ktf rfcfct at M Devoted (o (be Interests of (he Peninsula, the Manufacturing Center of the Northwest VOL. 5 ST. JOHNS, OREGON, FRIDAY, JULY 9. 1909. NO. 35 LOTS OF STREET WORK ON Council Kept Busy Push ing Matters Along Council mot In regular session Tuosdny ovonlng with nil hnnds nround tho bonrd and tho mayor In U10 chnlr. Minutes ot tlia previous mooting were rend nnd approved. Li. 1). Chlpman, 0110 of tho viowcrs appointed on tho Fossondon Btrcot condemnation, asked for n plat show Ing sub-divisions nlong tholr lino of work, nnd tho engineer was In strtictod to furnish tho required docu mont. A petition to Improvo Columbia loulovard, Oswego to Mohawk, wns loforrod to tho onglnecr for iuves ligation as to tho length of this street, on motion of Councilman Doblo. O. K. Learned asked for permls hlon to lay his own concrolu walks on sbverol lots on South Jersey, nnd on motion of Aldurmau A. W. Davis, tlio request was granted. A rumonstrnnco was road from Mrs, Nancy Cnplcs objecting to the vlaworu' report on Iluchnnaii street, as her acrongo along this stroot, she contended, was not benefited by the proposed Improvement, and there, fore, she wns not pleased with tho assessment made. Council could not seo It that way, however, nnd on motion of A. W. Davis tho viowcrs' report on Buchanan street wns ac cepted, Ileport of tho St. Johns Transpor tation Co. for tho months of May and Juno woro as follows; For May foot pnssongors 4773, slnglo rigs 204, doublo rigs 1C8, For Juno foot passengers 3010, slnglo rigs 43, doublo rigs C3. A chock for $10.48 us tho city's share of this business wan enclosed, both tho report and chock being accoptod by council. An amended plat of tho "Happy Day" addition In Point Vlow pro sontod by tho 8mlth-Wagonor Co. was accoptod on motion of Council man S, C. Cook. On motion of S. L. Doblo council nccoptod tho improvement of South Hayes, llurllngton to Mohawk, after bolng endorsed by the strcot com mittee nnd tlio city engineer. After soma discussion as to what streets in tho city woro vacated nnd what woro not, tho city attoruoy was instructed to dolvo into tho records and discover tho "status rotating to vacation ot all streets between Rich mond and Fessenden, and Bradford and tho rlvor, on motion of Council man C. L, Johnson. A petition to improvo South Jor-' sey, Mohawk to Ida, by graveling tho roadway and laying concrete walk a portion of tho way, was accepted and the engineer instructed to mako tho nocessary estimate and tho city attorney to draft a resolution cover ing same. As an omission had been made in a former resolution for tho Improvement of South Jersey, Richmond to Mohawk, it was de cided to couple these two together and -havo one resolution embody them both, as it is ono continuous stretch. Dills to the amount of $ 142.48 woro allowed. Tho mayor stated from the chair that hereafter all matter relating to the Willamette boulevard controversy will be eliminated from council untQ tho county authorities have estab lished the boundary lino, This was conoldered a wise ruling, since no good can corao from further agitat ing the question, and since council at the present time has no province in the matter, Tho treasurer's report for the month of Juno was road, accepted and ordered placed on file. An ordinance establishing the grade of Pittsburg street, Crawford to the ferry landing, was read and passed the council. An ordinance placing special po licemen under bonds was passed on a 4 yea and 3 no vote. An ordinance assessing the cost ot the improvement of Willis boule vard, Fessenden to St. Johns avenue, passed. All three ordinances may be found elsewhere In this issue. R. H. Keogan has gone to Eata rsda for the summer and will assist In putting in the big power dam near that placo for the Portland General Electric Co. Prsaca the gospel of St. Joans, CAPTURE FIRST PRIZE $25 Hose Team Makes a Fine Showing at Hillsboro Tho St. Johns Flro department had a most enjoyablo tlmo at Hillsboro an tho Fourth, Tho hoso loam en tered tho contest In tho hoso rnco and cama out with flying colorB by easily securing first prize. Tho dis tance covered was 200 yards nnd tho St. Johns boys mndo tho run and Dnd water flowing in Blxty seconds, which is romnrknblo tlmo, especial ly so since tho track was rather heavy and In poor condition. Hills ooro team was tholr closest rival and their tlmo wns 72 seconds, Tho 'Imt prize wns n purso of $25, nnd .ho second n purso ot $15. Tho ihowlng mndo by the local lads fully demonstrates tho fact that they can glvo any team In tho North west n run for their money. Tho joys were royally entertained nnd art 'ull of prnlso for tho treatment nc- ordod thorn whllo In Hillsboro, Fal- .owing tiro members who composod .ho St. Johns team: I). Noonnn, Captain; Al Patorson, P. II. C-rnnKor, F. Brosoo, F. Robl son, Chris OIIiiih, Harry Smith, J. II. Randolph, F. 10. Peterson, J. C. McNIvcn, i:. J. Hess, Ross Walker ind R. Leo. Hillsboro team H. Larson, Cap tain; U. H. Colestock, W. Downs, T. .Vllllams.V. Jack, II. Wllks, Roy Moore, Klmer Smith, John Hensloy, Jco. Hunter, J. Johnson, E. 55. Qrcgg tnd Herbert Miller. Wheelmen nnd Aids M. K. 3tlcchln, L. M. Olhus, A. B. Simmons and I). M. Newton. He is Doing Things V. W. Mason, tho hustling con tractor nnd concroto man, has pur chased four lots on Myers and Hart man streets, nnd will at once bogln tho erection of n modern concroto block plant thoroon. Ho oxpocts to erect n handsomo concroto block residence on ono of tho lots this Fall, Mr. Mason Is Interesting his omployos In building homes for them selves In St. Johns, and nlroady sev eral havo taken his advlco, His fore man, Ucorgo Lemon, Is now building a homo on corner of Hartman nnd Crulkshnnk stroets; J. 8. Jones, an other employe, has just finished a fine littlo home on Hartman, Homer Llndsloy, another omployo, has bought a lot on Hartman and will build soon, and still another om ployo, Qeorgo llrokaw, has pur chased a lot on Hartman, and in tends to build at onco. Mr. Mason has his good job on South Hayes approved and accoptod by council, and is now busily en gaged on pushing through Portland boulevard, ono ot the longest street contracts ever given in St. Johns, Six weeks will likely see this work completed. Ho baa also landed a fine contract from Q. D. Woodworth of Hood River for a three story con crto block business structure 100 by 100 in slzo. He recently com pleted a 110,000 residence for Mr. Woodworth who was so pj eased with Mr. Mason's work that ho was glad to secure his services again, Mr. Mason Is certainly a hustler in evory sense of tho word. A Serious Accident Leo Fortuno .met with a serious and what may prove fatal accident on Thursday ot last week. He was en gaged in picking cherries on the Gatten farm in the north end when in some manner he lost his bold and was precipitated to the ground twenty feet below. Being a power ful built man bo fell heavily and an examination of his injuries dis closed the fact that ho bad broken his collar bone and a number of ribs, one rib penetrating his lungs. He now lies at the Good Samaritan hospital In a precarious condition, but it Is sincerely hoped by bis many friends that no fatal results may ensue. Miss Mabel Savage, who has been visiting with Miss Nora Slzemore, returned to her home in Salem Wednesday. CAN FIND Mecca for Heat Stricken and Suffocating Denizens of the East Who are Prostrated in the Summer and Frozen in the Winter. Plenty of Room Here Tho dally press has been sprinkled with Items lately telling of tho doaths nnd prostrations from heat in tho various sections ot tho East, nnd tho total 1b appalling. Tho hot dayB and tho humid atmosphere at night havo driven tho pcoplo to scok re lief wherover possible. In Chicago pcoplo nro flocking to tho lnko sldo to spend tho nights In order to got tho boncflt of what littlo broozo might bo hovering on tho water. In Philadelphia, Now York, Uoston, PlttBburg nnd other largo cities tho water front, parks nnd housetops aro occupied at night by vast hordes ot people, yot tho Grim Reaper kcopB up his work of gathering them In. Death after death and prostrations too numerous to record Is tho dally toll exacted. Aftor battling nil night with the boat, insects and ovor-j worked ntmospheru morning finds them In poor condition to withstand tho fierce heat ot tho now day. In fants nnd children nro least prepared to resist tho intenso heat and tho J-nth record among them is distress- ( Ingly lurge, Tho pooror cloniont or; tenomont dwellers nro the greatest sufferers, Crowded rooms, suffocnt- lug ntmosphero nnd foul nlr makes life- a burden, nnd not having tho moans to escape to cooler spots, tltoy nro compelled to remain In tho court yards, Htreets and alleys, nnd In many Instances perish mlsernbly. j Whllo wo Oregon pcoplo sympa thize with tho sufferers and deplore' tho heat conditions to bo mot with In tho Knstorn cities, wo cannot but re flect upon how greatly thoy could better their condition by coming to "For De Land's Sake" Tho Portland Journal last Tuosday 00k occasion to publish tho follow ing effusion concerning St. Johns, According to this report tho milieu- lum Is only a question of a fow days tnd our Inhabitants may begin to cultivno wings at onco. Tho burst of "gush" follows; St. Johns, bIiico tho advent of pro hibition, has bocomo tho cleanest city morally In, tho stnto of Oregon, according to its chief of pollco and other city officers. In tho past threo months not a man or woman has been In jail thoro whllo there is not a blind pig, house ot 111 roputo, gambling den or other don of vice iu the town, Tho officials aro Justly proud ot tho city. Tho last arrest made In tho city was when Sheriff Stevens and his doputtes arrested a number ot hood lums on the St. Johns car ono Saturday night about threo months ago, Slnco then no further troublo has been had. For some time aftor tho city wont "dry" thcro were a number of habit ual drunkards who made It a practice to get their booze In Portland and come home very much intoxicated. As soon as they were let off tho car In St. Johns, however, they were put Into the Jail, and as a result oven this baa stopped. Most of them have moved away from the city, "While we may lose a little in population now we are gaining In the long run," said City Attorney Henry Collier yesterday, "Our build Ing permits are growing phenomen ally every day and will show a very substantial Increase over last year. You don't see anyone on the street who Is not engaged in the transac tion of his or her business and va grants are practically unknown. Wo are putting close to $250,000 In street improvements this year and next year expect to put fully as much more. Resolutions aro coming In every day asking for new improve ments and it may even reach tho 300,000 mark before the first ot tho year, We expect to have the model city of the state in another two years.' Daniel Relnbrecht of Salem was a St. Johns visitor Saturday. Being greatly Interested in this city, he deemed It advisable to order the Review for one year to assist in keeping him posted. PrMCb tt fospel ot 8t Johns. RELIEF IN Western Oregon, where neither ex tromo heat or cold is felt. Wo ap preciate our glorious cllmato tho mora by rending of tho ndverso nnd trying experiences of thoso residing In tho East. Tho delightful days, tho over present light broozo that leaves tho shores of tho grand old Pacific and travels far and wldo over tho Inland cities diffusing life, health nnd comfort to thoso who come within its benign Influence, tho beautiful nights that nro never too warm nnd covering Is an absoluto nccccsstty for warmth and comfort, cannot help but mako us sympathize with the heat stricken donlzens ot tho Hast. If thin peerless cllmato of ours was only fully realized In tho Fast tho population of Western Oregon would Incrcnso nt so rapid a rato that It would be difficult to kcop track of it. Hut, rather strniigu to my, It Is not. In some way or other the idea that Oregon Is n wot, dis agreeable stato is prevalent In tho Knst, nnd It Is difficult, Indeed, to eradicate this Impression, It takes time, but It is becoming moro nnd more nppreclnted each year. Wo doubt If nuy man or woman who resided in Oregon for one year nnd then returned Knst can truthfully say that they havo no yearning to return. Instance nfter Instance can bo cited where people who havo lived hero for a short time nnd then departed hnvo boon moro than glad to return, nnd are now Oregon's stounchost sup porters. There Is something In Its llfo giving nlr, its unsurpassed scen ery, its groat bodlos of wator, Its snow crowned mountain peaks, lis Big Price For Land As nn Instnuco of how high tlio value of Oregon orchard lands mny attain when scientific principles nnd modern methods nro applied thoro on, wo clip tho following Item from tho Hood Rived Glacier: "Tho highest price over offered for Hood River orchard land wns ton dorod L. Struck last wook when somo eastern men tried to Induce Mr. Struck to part with 11I110 ncros for $25,000. Tho offer for tho Struck orchard was mado after tho dis covery that Its owner Inst year re ceived In tho neighborhood of $!, 200 from throe and a halt acres which is all that ho has in bearing, tho othor five and a half acres bo lng planted to young trees. The bearing trees are principally Now- towns," J Hood Rlvor Is not tho only spot In 1 Orreon whero high prices for, orchard land obtains; Many startling examples como from Medford, Grants l-nss and many other portions of the Wlllnmotto vnlloy, but scientific methods wero first applied In Hood Rlvor and as a result tho fuino ot Hood River for flno apples und strawberries has gono abroad and tho price of land has gono up by leaps and bounds, Tho Wlllnmotto valley has only rocontly thrown off t'b lothargy and hus gone Into the fruit raising business uloug scientific linos, The benefits woro so rapid and so marked that It is fast over coming tho lead mado by Hood River, Any part almost of tho Westorn Oregon Is flno for fruit raising, but old moss back cultivation has kept this fact dormant for many years. If the people in the Fast could only reallzo what enormous profits may bo secured from a few acres of land in this stato tho trend westward would be far beyond the capacity ot the railroads to caro for. Blocked For the Present Soveral Inquiries have been mado tho past few days regarding tho progress made toward the Improve ment of East Charleston street. Tho petition for Its Improvement was brought beforo council, but until a strip of land owned by the parties In control-of what was formerly Cedar Park Is dedicated to tho city,. this Improvement must He In abeyance. Work for a Greatw St, Johns. OREGON puro nnd Invigorating spring water, lis hospitable and gonial InhnbltnntR that mnkcfl one long to return after onco tasting nnd becoming Inocu Inted with Its climate. Ono might dwell for hours upon tho beauties nnd natural advantages of Western Oregon In comparison with what may bo found in the Fast om stntcs, nnd not tiro. Thcro Is so much to bo said that it Is Impossible to to give n fair conception of Its resources nnd possibilities In n few lines, Pages nnd pages might bo dovotod to n description, and yot it would bo Inadequate, A laud that la full of prou Isu and freo from the blight, n land wheru thunder nnd lightning nro nlmost unknown, where flowers bloom tho year nround, whurfl fruit roaches Kb highest perfection, where u sunslroko or prostration from boat Is never heard of, whore tho grasB Is green all winter, where dogs never go mad, where potato bugs never come, where zero wenther Is n stranger, where opportunities nro Innumerable that is Oregon, So, thoso who nro compelled to swulter through the short summers and tho long, fr'lgld winter In tho Knst the best advice to be given Is to come to Oregon, Moro money can be made from ten ncres of ground than Is possible from 200 ncres In tho Knstern ntntes. There Is room for many thousands of people, nnd nil who mny come nro made welcome. Tiho pcoplo ot Oregon are not selfish nnd nro pleased to hnvo strangers come nnd pnrtako of the bonetlts nnd blessings to bo found In this grnnd stnto of ours. Killed by Electricity Mrs, ICd ward Benson, nged 33 iirs wlfo ot n local confectioner, while turning on an electric Hfiht, win. electrocuted nt Hillsboro shortly artoi 8 o'clock Sunday evening, dy Inn within n fow minutes, Mrs, Benson wont Into n rear room of tho Ilonson Ice croain parlors and mndo nu attempt to turn on nu-olec-trie light. Upon receiving tho shock uho called out to her husbnnd, "I am dying," nnd snnk to tho floor. Her husband rushod to hor, but sho wns beyond aid. Mrs, Uonson had grasped tho brass o an electric lamp with left hand rud tho flour being wet from moltod Ice, a short circuit was at onco formed, tho current bolng of suffi cient forco to cause oloctrocutlon, Tho woman's hand was badly burned In tho pulm nnd one finger showed the effect ot tho current. In falling, tho woman tore tho wiring from tho celling. Dr. Tnmaslo nrrlved within a fow minutes and worked with the woman for over nn hour without result. Construction to Begin The plans for tho fourth bridge across tho Portland and Seattle cut on the Ponlnsula has been accepted. This brldgo Is tho largest of tho four ucross the North Bank cut, and will bo constructed almost Immediately west of tho depot from Columblu boulevard to a point opposlto Walker street near Maogloy Junction. Work on the South Depot stroot bridge has begun, u gang of men having started excavating for tho piers Friday, Tho St. Johns car lino will cross the latter brldgo. At prosont It crosses a temporary brldgo nt Dawson street and runs parallel with and north of tho cut and west of South Depot street to Fast St, Johns Station on Columbia boule vard. South Dopot street Is 70 foot wide and will be made ono of tho best thoroughfares on the Ponlnsula. After a dolay of a year the wholo Peninsula is rejoicing now that work on thoso bridges has begun, Tho glorious Fourth in St. Johns was ceiobratcd In a very quiet man ner. Many ot tho Inhabitants hied thomselvcs to other places whero celebrations were In order or went picnicking, Certainly a "safe and sane' day tor St. Johns, SWIFT PACKING PLANT Local Man Visits Their Chicago Institution Tho following Is n loiter from D. N. Byorlco, formerly pdltor of this paper but now travollng snlosman for tho Collnpslblo Box Company of this place. It donla with tho pack ing plant proposition ns found In Chicago, nnd to ono who has never mndo n trip through ono of thoso mammoth plants tho letter should provo of special intorcot. It follows: Chicago, 111., July 1, 1009. St. Johun Review: Todny I treated myself to n visit through tho won derful Swift packing plant In this ui.y. At tho ontrnnco wo woro taken in hand (n bunch of us) by n gentle manly, uniformed guide nnd con ducted through tho Institution, Thoy wore not killing pigs today and our guide pnssed up that part of tho program; but the cutters wero work lug on n remnnt of yesterday's kill lug which had passed through tho cooling room nnd was being prepared for packing. At one end of the long table tho hog was "halved" with ono big slash of n sort of bob nnd tho halves slid along tho tnble, lined with men 011 either side. The first man struck n half n swat with 11 big, bright cleaver nnd lopped off u ham; the next man chucked tho hum through 11 square hole Into n chute lending to tho floor below with one hand, whllo with tho other ho scooted tho sldo to tho next man. Tills man BoporntcH the shouldor from tho side just ns tho ham had been, and tho next follow, with a doxtorous twist of tho wrist, chucks tho shouldor through tho floor Into an other chuto, nnd nt the snmo tlmo slides tho remaining sldo to tho Lord High Kxecutloner' nt tho end of tho tnble. This Individual wns n big "buck nigger" about tho slzu of Captain Jpo Black, black as the ace of spades and ns solemn us Judgo Ksson whon trying n "drunk and dis orderly." Ho wits nrmud with n clunvor just tho color of himself and u'mut two feet long. His work was to slash each sldo n swlpo In tho center lengthwlso, dividing tho ribs in half, whllo his attendant ynnkod It oft tho end of tho table Into a chute beluw. On the floor below woro other cutters, or trimmers ns thoy nro callod, who trim tho hums and shoulders for tho pickling room and smoka house, nnd tho sides am relieved of the spare ribs and tender loin before being sent to tho samo rooms. All this Is done In less tlmo than It will tako you to read this. Wu next visited the smoked moat dopartmont whero tho ubovu men tioned products nru Inspected by the government officials, boarded und packed for shipment, Thoy havo boon pickled in sugar, salt and water for from 30 to 90 days, owing to tholr slzu, From hero wo woro conductod through the cooling rooms. Tho tem perature was about 70 to 7C in tho departments wo had passed and it was qulto refreshing to step at onco Into a temperature ot 3Q degrees, This cooler Is 108x100 In slzo ami Is used for cooling sheep and calves, and contained 2500 of tho former and 1000 of tho latter. The whIIb ot this room are 17 Inches thick backed by two layers of cork oach two Inches thick, protected by layers of concrete on both sides, making It pos sible to easily maintain tho low tem perature regardless of outside con ditions, From this room wo passed Into the beot cooler, built in tho samo mannor, whore tho tempera- turu Is kept at 38 degrees. Hero Is kept 3,000 sides, 1500 cattle, until thoroughly chilled, ubout 21 hours, when they aro loaded for shipment in tho refrigerator cars. We next visited tho slaughtering houso, First wo saw the sheep changed Into mutton. The poor wool ly creatures are "shooed" along an aJloy until they come beside nu Im mense wheel which Is constantly re volving and carries hooka that an attendant skillfully slips uround tho hind logs of tho sheep and they aro instantly hoisted up so that tho head hungs about waist high to the "sticker." This Individual Is armed with an exceedingly sharp knlfo, and as tho sheep swings to him ho catches It by tho oar, turns It slightly so as to got a view of tho right spot aud slips tho knlfo through TRIP WAS MOST DELIGHTFUL Mrs. Valentine Returned Safely From Alaska Mrs. F. W. Valentino roturncd Inst Friday ovonlng from hor trip to Alaska nnd bIio Is very onthuslnstlo nnd greatly pleased with tho trip from beginning to ond. Sho fools very grntoftil to hor friends who Btood so nobly by hor In tho con test nnd mado tho trip posBlblo. Sho wns chaperon of tho party, nnd in speaking of tho trip sho hnB tho fol lowing to say: "Tho trip wns simply dollghtful. Moro words can't express our pleas ure. Of course, n number ot tho girls naturally fell victims to mal do mor on the wny up nnd took n pes simistic view ot life until thoy got tholr Hcn-lcgs, but outsldo of that there wasn't anything thnt marred the pleasure of tho trip in any wny. "It wns amusing to see how somo of tho girls who had novor been nt sen before nctcd. On our first night out I went Into two staterooms nnd sur prised four ot thorn going through what looked nt first llko n cnllsthonla drill, but thoy oxplnlnud that thoy weru trying to gut Into tho llfo pre servers nccordlng to directions, Tho first two nights thoy were very par ticular about placing the llfo pro servem out in tho mlddlo ot tho floor of tholr staterooms so ns to bo convenient In case the ship rammed an leuburg or otherwise camo to Krlef. "On tho wny up Claronco Berry, tho well-known mining man ot tho Tunnnn, nnd Oscar Ashby, n bnnkor of Nome, wont out of tholr way to mako tho trip pleasant for us. Wo were very Inquisitive nbout tho country, of course, nnd piled thorn with many questions, which they wero nlwnya nblo (0 nnswer, They had n romnrknblo knowledge of tho country aud made many things clear to us. "At Juneau wo woro entertained nt tho Klks' Club, whero Mayor Vnlon tine presented overy member of our party with geld and silver souvenir spoons. Our only Inland Jouruoy was uiudu when wu went up tho Skngwny river on tint White Pass & Yukon Railway. On the summit wo snw the grandest sight wo hnvo over wit nessed. "Throughout tho trip wo found something to occupy ourselves with, Kvery night we danced aud It was seldom wu retired before midnight. The officers of tho City ot Seattle wero very couMooub, You can say for us thut if It woro posslblu to start back again on tho same trip to morrow morning ovury ono of the girls would bo engor to do so." Tho porsonnol of tho party follows: Mrs. Fred Valentine, St. Johns; May uio Ogdoud, draco Rykomnu, 1'raucoa Clarke, Wllholmlnn Pfcti ulngor, Lllllo Pfennluger and Laura II. May, all ot Portland; Jarelda'Mln ton, Hnlom; Nolllo M, Tate, Hood River; Tlllle Kckcrt, Albany, aud Vlnlta Hamilton nnd Enid Hamilton, of Medford, Its neck, cutting tho Jugular vein und arteries, bin. docu not cut the neck opun, Thw sheep is thou pushed along by means ot tho trolly attached to the hook to u string of about n dozoit mou, each ot whom has somo littlo thing to perform. Ono swings tho animal up a littlo by tho front legs so tho bond hungs Just right, the next one skins n part ot tho head and throat, tho next romovea tho skin from the legs, tho next tho skin from the under part ot tho body, tho next returns it to tho formor hang lug condition, the next catches tho skin at tho rump aud strips It all down, nad tho uoxt removes tho hoad aud skin and pushes them Into a chute through tho floor to tho room bolow, where the pelt Is prepared for shipment, whllo tho body It covered Is passed to tho washers who wash It, und one takes out tho entrails whllo another removes tho "Veil," that dollcato fabric of fat from tho Inside and places It upon tho mutton, as you seo It In tho market, and then tho snoop that hus been mado Into mutton Is passed on Into tho cooler. It tako 20 minutes to mako mutton out of sheep and 39 minutes to mako boot out of cattlo, nnd thoy hardly stop motion from tho time tho knlfo strikes tholr throat until thoy aro in tho coollug room. (Concludod noxt wock). 4