St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, June 18, 1909, Image 4

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    Don;t Nurse Trouble
Ono of tho greatest drnwbncks to
progress Is this pity for self. If
Now Stop in the City
Linn ton' s bustle is to be turned
into a real city rumble. The Oregon
troublo comes why hold on to It? railroad commission dropped into
Tucro is a way to let go or it. sure- the city Thursday and decided
lyyouhnvo found tho result of brood- the United Railway compauys pass
lng over disappointment and falling longer cars should hereafter stop in
Into that depressed state, It drawn the heart of the business district
all tho mournful sad pcoplo to your which is on D street, the bank and
side; all tho Job's comforters will hotel. Heretofore the cars have
sit by you and relate their oxpor- hesitated at the city limit and then
Innroa ntirl mnkn mil fuel ton times Streaked tluOUcll tllC tOWll at a
moro disconsolate.
speed that even the marshal could-
.If vni, linvn hm! rnni troillilo VOU Cll t CStimntC.
I aoincuuii's inc inuiurmnii wuum
ring the bell; most of the time he
wotiidn t. It was a menace to the
should got up, do something for
somebody and something, if only a I
nnt i tints t iinuranlf nml r m I tnlrlrl
Let' Miss Doleful pat herself on tho Hmb-whctlicr he rang the bell
back as having had tho worst sick-
or not. It was hard on the dogs,
I n I lti iinln n 1 mm-i-m n I
... 1.-1. i ImM lwu uuv tuu tuts tiuu uuu
iiubb uini oyor wuimiu uuu, iui i,it,. .,, , ,
think bIio Is tho most nbuscd wo-1
way the cars of the United Railway
man, but remember sho will never wouM sclntiate through
taxo nnomer step upwnru or on- Wunton, At first thc citizens
ward, nnd nor moniia win no woi,id scurry up or down thc track
.1 . 1 HlI ...Ill n, ulnnn 1 . . .
uruu ui nur wi D.iu wi .v """ to sec wlictlicr their milk or egg
wun sou tor mo romamuer 01 uur supply had been cut off, but toward
i"o the last they became so inured
Tho women nnd mon, too, who that they wouldn't even flicker an
have had tho worst trlnlo have eyelash when the "swan screech" of
grown bravor nnd stronger. That a dog. cat, cow or chicken drowned
Ib why thoy nro Bent us, They nro out thc car's wheels thunder and
lessons. Do not Imnglno any of us the bell's clanging.
can csenpo. Thoy may bo different But it's history now. All the
Notice to Contractors
Sealed bids will bo received by tho
Board of Directors of School District
No, 2, St. Johns, Oregon, until tho
24th day of Juno, 1909, for the erec
tion and completion of a High School
building, as a whole or several parts
thereof, according to plans and sped
flcatlons prepared by Charles II.
Durggraf. architect. Albany, Oregon.
All bldB must bo accompanied by n
Do You Need a
New Set of Teeth?
rnrtmnrt rCl ZvnhTn P . anni Tabeniclea. follow.! Sunday school
fSttdeClt ML.10 nC,U oa. m,iprcachlnnt..a.,il. and 8
Baotlst church C. L. Owen, pastor,
Sunday school at 10 a. m. Preaching at
II a. m, B. Y. P. U. 7 p. tn. Preaching.
at 8 p. m.
Methodist church S. H. Dewart, pas- ., nr...i.. .,,, . .-1 thai
tor. Sunday; preachiiiK e;actiy Hke natural tecth
at II a.m. and 8 p.m. Ep worth Uague L'. ' , mouth aml faCe n
Hofy Cross Catholic church, Portsmouth ,alurnl Pfesslon'
Station: 0:15 ui., low mass; 10:15 a.m.,
high mass; 7:30 p. tn vespers and bene
Christian church Meets every Sunday
Built of the product of thc
Manufacturer! of
Silica Pressed Ilrick, Clay Ilrlck, Hlhram Sanitary Base Boards,
Itlbram Floor Tile. lilbram Waliiscontltif, Out Side Chimney and Pacing Ilrlck,
Sand, Gravel ami Cement. livery thing strictly nigh cuss
Office Pactory at
LUrMCl Jllll g, 1 UriltlUU OI. jvillia, wilful.
Phone Main 5200 Phone Richmond 611
I t n - . ( m 1
.iT"!', "Jp,m.,.ndY.V.8.C.l.u.cctl..t7p..
.w. tv.v, u, jv. K. T.Johnson, pastor.
Z tlTlAror w.lltt J ff
im nnnrnvn.i Imn.l nnnl i r.n r mouth Hcv. Dr. Van Waters, Chap-
V . 1, . ..... . .77.1 1 . i. l lain. Sunday Services 7:50 p. 111. iuii-
cent of tho contract within ten days , h , ,,'0f 'communion
after the awarding of tho contract. Su(Uy , Ulc montli at n a. in.
All bids must bo mado out on Evangelical church-Sunday school at
blank proposals for tho same. Blanks Iott. m" Preaching 11 a. 111. Junior K.
furnished upon application by tho l. c. H. ayo p. m.; Senior K, L. C. 15. 7
tiurn or arcuuuci. nans ana sdcci- n m. Prmrhitur m a ti. m. ciiptpr i
. . . 1 1 ' ... .... - - .
ncauons may bo seen at the School Gates, pastor.
-Jit? 1 0 Ht-.r,0,,n?' , Arcnupct Pirgt congregational Church-G. W.
and fcnglneera offlco Portland, Ore, Nelson, pastor. Sunday school 10 a.
.. . " uiiitu, on uuu tn.; preaching 11 a. m. and 7:4s p. m
uiior juno oin, lauy. y. P. S. C. K. meeting at 7 p. in. Prayer
mo uoaru reaervoB mo ngiu 10 meeting Thursday at 7:30 p. 111, A scat
rujcci anj ana an uius.
By ordor of School Board No. 2.
KStHiRsssssHf1) Jsssl
fifiiiit HhsuMssssB
issssssssss. sisssr
Prtsldant and Munagar.
22 Yars Establlshtd In Portland.
lessons wo learn.
No Fear For Teddy
car's will stop as before stated, in I
the heart of the business district.
They wilt stop until all the pass
engers from Linnton have climbed
aboard, It is believed that a new
era has dawned on lyiunton. Tele
Cough Remedy the
Timid citizens who hnvo
.1... It- fl 1 1 l .Inti-nr I . . .
uuu .ui. ivuwuiiii w .11 I chamberlain s
rrom mo attacKS or mo uubbucb B,tt on the Market.
which ho tins been hunting, can rest
easier. Dr. Sonmnn, who wns ono ,.t mvo UBOlJ chamborlaln's Cough
of tho pnrty that welcomed Itooso. Uomody nnd find It to bo tho bosl
volt at Mombasn, In n Now York In. on n10 mnrkot," says K. W. Tardy,
lorvlow, naya thnt "For 1110 most editor of Tho Sontluol, Qalnsboro,
part, African hunting Is about as Tonn. "Our baby had aovoral colds
thrilling an hunting In an English u,Q Pft8t wlntor nnd Chamborlaln's
park. A lion stnnds no chnnco nt Cough Ilomody always gave It rollof
nil. Uoforo tho hunters got n flhot ft onco nna curoa t n BUort (m0i
a him, ho has boon chased by 1 always recommend It when oppor-
boaters until ho Is so winded innt tunlly prcsonts iUelf." For salo by
Micro Is lltllu harm In nun." Another all good druggists.
African hunter, In noting In tho
nowB dispatches thnt Itoosuvelt has
bucomo tired or nhootlng monkeys,
. ...... ..1. 1 1
ventures inu opinion uuu nuuuiuiKi
monkoyH Is "a pastlmo which ciosuiy
rosombloH sliootlng grandmotherH."
With this export testimony on
Real Estate
Call on
J. E. Williams
Residence -Office
- -
Hm Nnrfh Imvmmu
St. Johns Land Company I
for said District will bo held nt 109 lliicchlcr, pastor.
South Jersey Btreot, to begin at tho Christian Science Society meetings
hour of 2 o'clock p. m. on tho third Chicago Kooining house, bun-m.i-
iitH. 01.. ., days, 11 a.m.atidWcdnesilaysatSp.m.
. u.., sub eel Chr st an Sc ence.
of Juno, A. D. 1909.
Rooms in thc Holbrook building.
St. jonns, urcgon.
Joseph McChcsncy, M. D.
Day and Mint Of lice In McChemey Illock
and welcome to all.
Bantlst Church. University Park. Rev.
... . . 'a t I
A. 11. wa ti, pastor, ucguiar services ... ... , VQU . Jjlc cold
every aunuay morning aim evening. r orrclnln crow for i.TO
German llantist church Services held
each Sunday at llaptist church ns follows: ajj i,r,n.c teeth 3-co
Sunday school a p. m., preaching at 3 p. Gold or enamel fillings 1.00
tu. Rev. Paltmcat, pastor. uinr militsrs so
German Lutheran Services at 10:45 Iulnv Clllnus of all kinds 3.50
a. tn. every Sunday morning at corner of Good rubber plates '5-uo
Notlco is hcroby glvon to tho lo
gal voters of School Dlctrlct No. 2
of Multriomnh county, Btnto of Ore- Ke,i,,l,tuJ.8 avm,c n,V. 15i,r,atrlclt street, The best red rubber plates
gon, thnt tho Annual 8chool Mooting johll!l cor,ittlly invited to attend. C. PalnlcM extractions, with local
This meeting Is called for iho pur-
poso of electing Ono Director.
Dated this 10th day of Juno, 1009.
Chairman Hoard of Dlroctors,
District Clork.
Sale of Real Estate
Painless extractions, with .S0111 no-
form 1. 00
Painless extractions free when plates
or bridge work is ordered.
Work guaranteed for 13 years.
Assisted by Dr. H. A. Huffman, Dr.
A. B. StIUs, Dr. Van C. Bllysu, Dr.
D.S. Bomgardnar, Dr. J.J.Pittinaar.
Tha Falling Bldg., 3d and Wash.Sts.,
Offlea Hours--0 a. m. to 0 p.m.
Sunday O to 1
Phonaa A and Main 2020
Naturalist Comparts Thsts Anl
malt WUh tht Fttptlltt.
IC. Toldt, n Vlcnnrso tiattirntlnt, says
tho that foxcA liavo scales as well as hair
class of uport thnt Is netting $2 per upon their skins. From this he nrguci
word, thoro Ih not much occiudou "t "" iowemieti rrom iinccs
.i.. 11... ...i0in i....,t,,r iii M I'tiirlng horny skins, like the nrum
not return sound
limb. Orogoulnn.
In wind nnd
Will Settle the Question
dlllos nnd tho nut eaten.
Every ono who has oxn mined a rat
closely knowN that lis tall Is scaly
throughout Its length. Those who are
familiar with wild bonrs know also
that thcro nro pnrts of their bodies on
which there aro distinct scales, Wher
ever tho scalos nro found on these
creatures with hairs as wtll, these
Wn understand that A. M, Biennis nam grow In tufts nt regular Inter-
Is having an abstract made of Will vols between the scales. An thU form
nmuttii boulevard at his. own x- ' Krowth Is often found lu animals
ponso, nnd that same will bo pro. wl''c, '"''' f"1" " '
. . .. ... ,i,. ,1,., when It exists It proves origin
lu " v" " from n rnco which once boro scales.
meoiuiK noxi luusuuy iukih. iuu Espwlally Is this true of thc fox. If
(iueutlon nH to tho lines of this his skin bo exnmlned rlosely It will bo
thoroughfaro has boconm almost as found that the linlrn nro arranged In
voxatloiiH (ih was "How old Is AnnT" groups of three bunches, each bunch
n...i Mr ani. ,ii.BnrVnii i.iupIi coiitnliiing fourledi or nneen hairs.
credit for his commendable net
innt 11 rt iiivii hm( viiii'i 1 1111(1 Yt II1VII
f 35.00 to f 1 jj.oo Cash or Installments
nt PORTSMOUTH DRUG CO. the only agency for phono
graph supplies 011 the Peninsula,
Iiiilcstructnblc records 4 minute records Double records 1 tunes for the
cost of one.
Wc take old and broken records lu exchange for new.
Ko. DAWSON STIUU'.T C. W. Bowhay, Mgr.
BsajaBBBBaaajBa aaBBBaaaVMrvO sQaBBBBajM
In tho matter of tho Estate of
Jnines Mc.Mlllln. Dccoasod.
Notice Is Hereby glvon. that by
ordor of said Court, duly mado and
ontorod on tho 10th dav of Mar. A
D. 1909, authorizing and directing Office First National
Physician and Surgeon.
Office in Holhrook's Illock.
Residence, lis Hayes street.
Phone Scott (x)S
Hank nidir.
J. (1. Urlnson, Plaintiff,
Emma Urlnson, Defendant
To Emma Urlnson, Dofendant:
In tho nnnio of tho stnto of Ore
gon, you nro hereby required to ap
pear and miBwcr tho complaint filed
tho undersigned, to sell tho follow- Residence 819 Willamette boulcvnrt! "?.n,,m,t you. 3' V"l,tIo,J
!".1"Ab' bc,on,n OfTicc Phoue Richmond t. si I8," . 0 ,rl. J3S Jfc'f?.
Tl"o Northwost Half (NWU) of I Residence Phone Richmond 1361 fled that 'if you fall to nnswer or
Lot Ono (I) and tho Southoastllnlf r: . . .7 ojiiwwibo Pionu wit tin saiu i mo.iuo
iSEVi) of Ut Two (2 of niock, UaniCl U. WCbSICr. A. t. Al. U. r,"".,l,,, lor w"i "ur"'. win appiy
tiovcn tin or Jnmos joiiiib' auui
Full Una of Robtt, Catktta, ato,, kept In slock
office I'lione WoolUwii 1I74
Kttlilrncc I'hunr WowlUwii Jio
Itlon to tho Town of 8t. Johns, also,
ita nunibored Twenty Ono (21)
and F of North St. Johns, also,
Lots numbered Four (4). Flvo (C)
Tblrtoen (13) and Fourteen (U) of
uiock Flvo (b) of Oak Park Addl
Itlon No. Two (2) to St. Johns, nil In
Multnomah county. Oregon, and in- 11. 8. IIRWITT
I eludes tonemonts, horedltamontB and jii Silas St.
That said property will bo sold at
prlvtto salo In soparato parcols or
lots, Bubject to any Hens or 111 or t-
Residence, 697 Dawson Street
Office, Plltcr Illock
University Park, Portland, Oregon
504 S. Hayes
having tho mooted question Buttled.
tho Hcnles haro been plucked. Under
the microscope R looks scaly. Herr
Toldt says tho fox Is ono of tho mum
mnls that ran lo most correctly com-
pareti wun me reptiles, being or a
primitive and very slightly speclnlUed
tyive, nllhouKh famous for Its cunning.
Is tho only fit description for tho
man or woman who la crippled with
rheumatism. Jut a fow rhuumntlc L.ew York World.
twlngus limy bo tho forerunner of n
aovoro attack Htop tho troublo nt
tho start with Unllnrd's Snow I.lnl-
SjK'dnl Sale of all MILLINERY at
ABBOTT'S, Portsmouth
608 Dawson Street.
Office Phone Woodlawn 70J
Res. Phone Woodlawn 1655
Office hours from 9 to 11 111,
1 to i ti. iu. 7 to 8 n. m.
682 Dawson Street, Univhhsitv Park
t.l t l t t.i. 1
by tho city of 8t,
Tht Ordtr of Faolt.
Anrll 1 is not tlin nnlv fiuil' ilnv In
mont. euros tho rohumiulsm nnd IU ,.eur on November IX 1381. th
all piiln, Prlco 25c, 60c nnd Order of Fools was Instituted by Adol- the city of St. Johns, ns shown by
it Is resolved
Thnt wheroas, tho city enelnoor
Iiiib filed his report, pint and mirvoy
In tho mutter of opening, widening
and extoudlng FcBsendoii street In
Sold by North Hank Pharmacy.
No. 38 To O. F. Frooberg
erect n dwelling on Fox street
plius, count of Cloves.
.Member were not oy any means
Idiots, however, for the word had a
different inenulng thou. They were
the prototype of our modem Order of
Foresters or Odd Fellows, dolug a
similarly benevolent work. Their In-
ilgiil consisted of a mantle, upon the
said report, plat nnd survey on fllo
lu tho offlco of tho city recorder nnd
hereby referred to, and
Whereas, said report, waa by or
dinance, adopted embodying tho samu
on thu -3th day of May, 11109, dusli;.
lint eel ns Ordinance No, 23C of tho
city of St. Johns, hereby referred to
tweon Oswobo and Charleston Lft H,imlMor of w,,cU Was einbroldered " maJo mrt of ,l,u resolution:
streets; estimated cost ir.'uu. tt )meTt or fool( , caH BUd j, ,,
No, 3U To .Murpuy a: iicnuott to low hose and silver vest. Bo thes
erect a machluo shop and blucksmlth cheery, useful Jokers had a bright,
shon on Ilradford street, between happy outlook upon life and met to-
Tucomn uud Plilladclphla Btroota;
estimated cost 11000.
Now therefore, It Is hereby resolved
that L. II. Chlpiuau, S. C. Norton und
Unuert Ooodhuo, each beliiR dlslu.
terested freeholders in thu city of
St, Johns and over tho iiru of twenty
I by tho court; not less than ono
third of tho purchase prlco to bo
paid In cash, tho balanco within ono
yoar and to be secured by noto and
mortgago of usual commercial form.
boarlng Interest at not loss than
I ttlirht tins rani nns niitium
"f fV VWSlt MSSSS MM I . II f t I
That on and of tor Saturday tho cnccriuuy iiiriiisiiai.
3rd day of July, 1U09, tho undor- .)36 N. Lively street, St. Johns.
I H I U hll.l III n All U.l:l ...nil. I '
artlos as -aforesaid.
to tho court for tho relief demanded
In hh cumplnlnt 011 fllo herein, to
wit: l;or 0 decree forovor dissolv
ing thu bondit of mntrlmony between
plaintiff nnd defendunt and for such
other nnd further rollof ns to tho
court may suom onultublo In tho
Tills summons Is served unon you
by publication theroof for a porlod
of six weeks, seven Issuos, In tho St,
Johns Itovlow, n weekly newspaper of
general circulation published at St.
Johns, Oregon, pursuant to an ordor
of Honorable W. N. Untonfl, Circuit
Judge of tho nbovo outltlod Court,
duly mado and entered In this causo
on tho 6th day of Juno, 1909.
Tho date or tho first publication of
this summons Is Juno 11, 1909,
Tho last nubllpatlnn will July
Fiiil.iliitiK n Specialty. Estimates! 23rd, 1909.
1'UI.l.lKll & VOUlAUll,
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Hewitt 6, Wright
Dated at Wasco, Oregon, this 21st 1 1 PfTtfll VI il tL"Ar 1 1
day of May, A. D. 1909. WWII II CI I if ICtl IV VI
Holbrook Illock.
nssessmont for tho durances and bono
fits to tho council of Bald city, giving
ns nearly as thoy may. by duo dll
llgenco ascertain, tho nanio of the
Hdwln R. McMlllln.
Stephen W. McMlllln,
ivoiana a. -McMlllln.
owner owning or having an Interest Published In tho St. Johns Rovlow, See us for the Choicest Cuts of the nest
In any lot, block, tract or parcel of I May 28, June A, 11, 18, 2C, 1909.
land which shall bo bonoflted by
Meats Obtainable,
to Farmers
and Me-
Orders Pilled and Family Trade Solicited
T. P. WARD, Proprietor.
In.) nvfinllv tin. nnllHr. nf vllllr rllllll. I Orlfllrt of Cards.
matism, but you know you have It. .2; no
Do you know that Uallnrd's Snow or,, so fHr nftv,B ,wn founJ 0 un.
Liniment will euro It? rollovea tho mvel the source. It was from tb dto
paln reduces thu swelling mid taut orient that cards, along with
limbers tho Joints nnd muscles bo chess, were first Introduced Into south-
such opening and widening of said I Of Inttrtst
streot and tho amount of tho rospoc-l
tlVo boneflts. tniftlir with (hn Mam. I
ages ussessed to each tract or par. Farmers and mochanlcs frequently
eel of land caused by such laying I moot with slight accidents and in
out, widening and extending of said Juries which causo them much annoy.
tUo r or 'oon ; of said Und io Dcf Dd ,0." of ! .A cut or
dnmueed 1 uruise may do cureu in auout one-
Tho recordor of tho city of St. third tho time usually required by
joiiiib shun sond by mall, post paid, I applying Chamberlain's Llulment at
a notlco of tho appolntmont of said .nn ini.. 1. ..iuah ti.u
I' ..I. . I.... ih.vlM a nM.ll H ' .wv.wvm. - I ,T , 1 r.t J .o......B- TI I
(lusluuatlng tho tlino nnd place for llnllueflt Ib lUo valuable for BPralna, Jrtlana ftIul SuburUn Hxprm COt;
mutituij; and epeclfyuiK with conYOU-.!0"" uo muciea una raeuran- cuyaocK auti au jwmu occcsidic Dy
I. nit nn.lnlHl.. -.y-,Mnu.. nni.-,lnn I tU nailsias I. n I WIL'Oll. Plana rtai fumltUPA mAwtftal
St!iS: o"oJyeaVanund oVbelng" -aid street, to each b,00d poisoning resulting from an fift, ' ,,ur,1"t0i ue
., S.ul t wih vt o -ho parties Interested In such pro-l"' t"o property owners whose prop- wh chamberloln'a Llnl. ''
!i2rc,,;cf,:h,eh w" 1 -7? twsmi - JL l. SJ E. c. monnich
Plant an ad. in
St. Johns Review
Transfer and Storage watch your business
we deliver your gocxis to and from all I
w. - -..... . . - . ll.J .l ll !
ouch posseBslng tho quullflcatlona of "oinio nuureso or sucn owner, s """" '" " r w
jurors of tho Circuit Court of .Mult
nomah County, Oregon, be, and they
uud each of them nro hereby ap
pointed as Jurors to view such pro
posed opening, widening nnd ex
tending of suld Fosseuden street
us Hhown lu suld report, plat and sur
that you will bo as active and
as you over wore. Prlco 2&c uuo ana
11.00, Sold by North linuk Pharmacy.
The earliest of these cards have been
lost unfortunately and no record of
them preserved.
Bonvllte's Western
The Western Maga
zine that tells about thc
Leave orders at the St.
Johns Review office,
15 cents a copy
$1.50 per year.
Union Depot, Portland.
a Spokane Plyer leaves at 5:00 p. 1
6 Kansas City lixp, leaves 6:00 j, 1
His Kick,
Mr. Holesale So old Popperpot had
la kick comlug on that last bill of
goods, eh? Wouldn't that make you
sore Mr. Utewate (the salesman) It
did me, sir. He kicked mn out Kan
leas City Independent.
ofltH cuused by such chnngeB so
mado uud that tho said L. II. Chip-
man, 8. V, Norton and Gilbert Good
luio as such viewers, shall meet nt
tho offlco of tho city recorder In the
city of St. Johns on tho 30th dny of
June. ivw. ut p. m. or saiu uay
nnd shall then ami thuro bo sworn 10
faithfully dlschurgo such duties as
shall bo nssigueii tuem
That said viewers shall, nt that
tlmo. or uny fubsenuent tlmo to
which they may adjourn which
shall not exceed ono week at any
ono tlmo, proceed to view tho pro-
nosed opening, widening and exten
slon of said Fesseiulen street and to
determine and ussess how much, If
uny less valuable, tho land or other
nronorly or any Hurt thereof tnrougu,
or over which buUI street shall ex
tend and open and be laid out will
1 . . . . A I. . MM ...... .!
llallard's Snow Liniment cures It. r.u '"Vh l..X Z
Mr. O. II. P. Cornelius, Turner, Ore.. ,ortH. of . llor80U8 wt,0 nro owners
writes My wlfo has discovered that or clulmliiR to bo owners of said
Snow Liniment cures "poison Oak land or any Interest therein or any
Pnlnnnlliio n v..r. nnlnfiil trmthla. IIUDrOVVIIieilt thOreOll. UUU IllO Uttlll
' " " w 1..' ...I.I..U ...Ill CMulnln-
cl ... . 1 . ,. I OKU Ullll.ll v.lll wm...... u..m
mm iifiL iiiiiv t!iirtii fl piiHii nr 11 uu I .
w ,n,ir..n Rn.l iHiv-io!Ui.iii. .. . ' " . ' . shall niso maKO just nuu equuaoio
Mr.rA-irj;;i;.. u wor fieuus assessments of the boneflts and ad'
m, I who were poisoned by this same Ivy. vantages of such proposed opening
such address bo not known, then to I by all good druggists.
1110 owner or agent at St. Johns;
and tho said recorder shall also and TO WATER U8ER8.
at least flvo days beforo the day set
for tho meetlnx of such vtowers. as I
aforesaid, causo said viewers to be Water used through hose
notified of their appointment and sprinkling yards or sidewalks
mo iimo una piaco or such meeting. waihng windows must be oald
Estimates Furnished
All St. Johns work will receive prompt
and careful attention.
No. 186 I. O. O.F.
Meets each Monday evening in Odd
E. D. Ilolcomb, Secretary.
An Odd CalneWUnoa.
"Do you know that nature Bad schol
arship both agree on one talagT"
"What la tbatr
"In the fall both begin to turn tha
leaves." Baltimore Amur lean.
No. 8 Local Passcuger leaves 7145 a, m, Prlco 25c, 6O0 and $1.00. Sold by of said Fossouden street to tho ro-
H:sop. ui. vnni. iin.,v in.... spoctlvo owiiurs or ouier porsons
Interested lu tho laud or other prop
erty which said vlowora shall deem
No. 1 Chicago Social arrives 8:50 p. ui. North UBBlt i.lnriuacy.
No. Kansas Cltv Hxd. arrives 7:20 a, m.
No,'7 Local Passenger arrives 5:45 p. ui.l fOfi RENT cards at this off lea. I especially benefitted thereby,
When said vlowera shall fllo their , . .....
runor will. Mm rminrll lh rornr.lcr "--'i uomovii
shall forthwith send by mall, post H6 hoyxTM of 6 and 8 a. m. and 3
nnlil In llwt nwnnr nf n.rh lnl nrlflnii d n. m. II must nnf hn naflrl fnp
part theroof. or tract of land as- iprnkllng stroets. Any one using Fellow 8:o- vifil01r1Ye'S0U4ed
sessed for bonoflla or damages orl . . .1 ... . . 1 . iiiii, w, u,
-. - - : ww cuuvrarj vo uicw ruiea, or
ni.t11(ltlftlnln.l tnwt .a I.l n-nnABDil I
streot ilrftt.i m th PostofflcVi id. woatefully, will bo ahut off without
dress or such owner or agent, If further notice. If paid in advanco
said Postofflce address be not for tha months of June, July, August
Known, then said notice to bo ad- September entitles the user to
J&'otSSr BtaPUuga,when0.uSch " Jnr
report shall be considered by the -91. 8- Water Worka and
council; and directing that they pre- Lighting Co., P. K. Edlefsen, Super-
sent tholr objections, If any there be, latendent.
in writing; and when and where they
snail bo heard; and when anuwnore
CopvRiaKTa A a.
AnTOM ndlna ikUrh uid dc-erlnllon n.
fmleklT AKrtAln oar onlulull trmm wLmlhmr u
lUTvniiaii it prooADif P4inihia. i
Uoni trtctil ponSdentfl. HAS D BOOK
Mnt Im. OldMl uner lor Mcuniii
uncv fur Maimi nAl.iiLa.
ruiiiM uhii inruuca jieua ji 1.0. 1
y-nii mK, wiiauui t-e.rrv, ui m
. nosive
Holmes Lodge No. 101
IMinilTS Mi DlTlllll
Meets every PridayniKht
at 7:30 o'clock at I.O.O.P, I
hall. Visitors always wet-1
come. u. w.iirunson, CC.
W. A.Storr.K. R. S.
Scientific HMKHCMa
A liwdfoaslr UlMtntaa WMklr. Ijiihi etr.
cuUUod at ur fcicaUSa toaruL Timi. SS
Our Charges.
said council shall reject or accept the You Worth $40,000 Don't Read
report of sa d viewers. I Tnia
Adopted this 15th day of June,
A M ESSON Tn, w,u not 'ntereat you if you E. S, Harrington,
Doric Lodge No. 132
F. and A. M.
Regular cotumunica
Recorder. I are worth mty tbousana dollars,
Published in tho St. Johns Review, but If you are a man of moderate
Juno 19 and 25, 1909. means and cannot afford to employ
Stomach Troubles. I physician when you have an attack
Many remarkable cures of stomach lot diarrhoea, you will be pleased to
troubles have beeu effected by Chain-1 know that one or two dosea of
berlaln's Stomach and Liver Tablets. Chamberlala'a Colic, Cholera and
Ono man who had spout over two Diarrhoea Remedy will cure It. This
thousand dollars for medicine and remedy has been In use for many
treatment was cured by a few boxes I years and Is thoroughly reliable. Price
of theso tablets, Price, 25 cents. 25 cent. For-sale by all good drug-
Samples freo at all good druc stores, J gists.
As is customary, we will charge
for card of thanks, 50c: for resolu
tions on first and third tions of respect, $1.00; for uotices
mo",uC1ndd0FMIows1' of church or ,odgc eo-wt'-nmcnts,
hall. Visitors Welcome, siippe". sociables, etc., where there
are charges tor admission, 5c per
line, but where there are no charges
for these eveuts, we will break the
rule and insert them free. We
make this announcement so that
our good friends may understand
our rule in this respect.
Jos. McChesney.
W. M.
CAMP 773 W. O. W.
Meets every
evening in
D. Tallman, C. C.
W. B. Swengel, Clerk.
Preach the gospel ol St, Johns.
Two houses and lots, corner Edi
son and John streets. Lot 100x100
feet A snap. Inquire R. W. Mc
Ksoa iftfc.