S, Turner, who Iiob been conduct ing n meat market at Cedar park, Is opening up n now market In tho stand recently vncated on Jersey street. Ho expects to conduct n modern and uptodato market therein. PROSPERITY There may be luck in fishing Make your home cozy But it docs not apply to business. We are sticking to the straight line of handling nothing but a Depend able line of FURNITURE. Buy Furniture that will last and grow dear to you. Your surroundings will help to keep you happy. But DON'T forget the MONEY SAVING side of it. A Specialty this Month INVESTIGATE OUR RED TAG SALE A Specialty this Month Wo arc making exceptionally low prices on our entire line. Prices cut from 20 to 40 per cent. Our tables are bought direct from the fac tory. They arc made of selected Michigan White Oak, have solid tops, no veneer. Prices cut on our Rugs, Linoleum, Mattings. The best refrigerator sold "THE WHITE FROST" Iron Beds $3.00 to ?20.00 We do an extensive installment business and can give you good time without charging exorbitant prices. Fvri-ntlnn Tahtr iK.Ofl in .IS 00 S vr .. l .1 iuu tan gui u yuuu & bargain in dining room furniture now. OPPOSITE POST OFFICE, ST. JOHNS THE. PENINSULA BANK St. Johns, Oregon. Established 1905 PAID-IN CAPITAL STOCK AND SURPLUS ? 30,000.00 OI'l'ICl'.KS It. T. riatt, Prcldcnt 1 C. Knnpp, Vice President C. A. Wood, Ciuhlcr DIRECTORS R. T. Piatt, President, Attorney P. C. Knupp, Vice Pre,, Sec. Pen. Lumber Co, M. t. Hollirook, Capltnlilt Peter AuUcn, Pre. Portland Mfg. Co. II, I.. Poweri, VlcePret. and Gen. Mngr. I.cwlMon Sweet Water & IrriKation Co, Tliot. Cochran, Heal iUtate C. A. Wood, Caihlcr MILLINERY MIMiilsMi:i STILL GOING AT HALF PRICE No Hats Reserved Large Assortment Latest Styles Newest Goods Lowest Prices Best Attendants 0. P. Wolcott's Millinery 402 South Jersey Street Local News. lluy your flro works at Frank Clark'. o Somo apodal Hobo Greeting Post Cards at tho St. Johns Pharmacy, o Mrs. M. II. Fosdlck has takon charge of tho Whtto Houeo hotel and Inlands conducting It In an uptodato manner. Bid for tho construction of tho High School building will bo oponcd Juno 21. Don't forgot, Mr. Local Contractor. llavo your houso photographod whllo tho rones aro In bloom. Mod ornto charge, McDormld & Doll, photographors, Holbrook block, St, Johns, Tho rocont high water In tho rlvor Is rapidly receding and all trafflo delayed or abandoned on this account Is assuming normal con ditions again. Miss. Hnchel Paulson will pro sent a few pupils In piano recital Saturday evening Juno 19th, olght o'clock, at tho Artisan Templo, Portsmouth Station. O Tho annual school meeting will bo held Juno 21, from 2 o'clock to 0 p. ni., for tho purposo of electing ono director. Eloctlon will bo hold at 109 South Jersey street. o Buildings for the month of May totaled 20,67O, which Is a very good showing for the state the country Is now In. Few cities of Its alio In tho United States did as well as St. Johns, If yu want wood sawed havo It dons with the traction wood saw. PricM straight cord wood, per cord, 0o; river and slab wood, 65o; pole wod 1 per hour. Leave orders at Wsimer's Transfer, or 838 Stewart strt. O. E. Bailey. o Mrs. Oeorgo Simmons has boon quite 111 at her home In this city for the past couple of weeks. We are glade to note, however, that she Is Improving at this writing, and trust that she will continue to Improve until she is entirely well. o The St. Johns ball team played an Interesting and exciting game at Forest Grove last Sunday and waa defeated by the close score of 5 to 4. Theso teams havo now played four games, each side securing two, and when they meet again it will be for blood. o Dr. II. B. Esson of Moro, Oregon, was the guest of his brother the genial city recorder, for a day or two this week. He believes St. Johns has Eastern Oregon skinned a mile, am1, it was a rare pleasure to spond a few days In God's country onco more. Several vandals around St. Johns have been making a habit of break ing down rose bushes. Suspicion points very strongly toward a couple of young men, and they are being watched. It would be quite gratify ing if they were captured and given the full penalty of the law. There is no excuse for such depradatlons and no punishment could be too severe to administer lu such cases. Pay your subscription. o For raro bargains In all kinds of realty soo P. Hill. o Frank Clark's will bo hondqunr tors for flro works this year, o The Muck Mercantile Co.'s storo Is now opon and doing business on Richmond street. Tho only thing that will stnvo off suminer tan Is Peroxide Cream. St. Johns Phnrmacy. . o Virgil Hannn has hied hlmsclr to Eastern Oregon whero ho will com wuno with nature ont ono of tho ranches there. o Alox, McCallum, fathor of Mrs. A. C, Goslor, and Alox Barnes, a cousin, both of Choboygan, Mich., are visitors at tho Ocslor homo this wook. Tho lady that was telling tho drug gist about how Hoss Poultry p.a-n-a-coa mado her hens lay, wont out without taking hor Hoss' Llco Killer which alio said sho was going to try. St, Johns Pharmacy, o Councilman Doblo states that con crete crosswalks hnvo not provon successful or lasting In the localities whoro they havo been tried, and thoreforo, thoy tiro not foaslblo. That Is ono roason why St, Johns has novor adopted them. o Mrs. Frank Morrill of Porta mouth, Mrs. Boylo and Chas.Sbhauff, tho florist, all presented tho Rovlow management with handsome bou quets of beautiful roses tho past week. Their klndnoss and gonoros Ity aro dooply appreciated. To thoso who may bo Interested, we wish to say that wo havo re ceived ton blank free trial coupons from tho manufacturers of Parker Fountain Pens, which wo will Issue to the first ten persons requesting samo. St. Johns Pharmacy. Notice Tho party who was seen picking up a brown leather pockot book on South Jorsoy street Tuos day aftornoon had best return It to the address on tho card Inside with In twelve hours or prosecution will fellow. A word to the wlso Is suf ficient. No questions will be asked If returned within tho time specified, o One of the very finest displays of roses In St. Johns was to bo seen at tho Hevlow office for several days the past week. Tho flowers were furnished and placed on exhi bition by Mrs. E. S. Wright of South Hayes street and attracted consider able attention and many compliment ary remarks wero heard concerning their beauty. Tho samo display lu New York city would cost at least $1000. o Dr. A. E. Gealer, brother of tho genial and wide awake furnlturo dealer and homo furnisher of this city, A. O. Gesler, Is here from Saranac, Mich. Tho Dr. is making a tour of the coast and will spend a few days at the Seattle exposition be fore returning to that stato. He Is greatly impressed with St. Johns and Its surroundings and be lieves there is no doubt but that It has a wonderful futuro before it. tt Work for a Greater St. Johns, Tho turnout at tho Commercial club Inst Wcdnesdny evening was very slight, and as a consequence no business of Importanco was transacted, Tho mombcrs aro not attending to this duty as they should, and aro surely open to con sure for uon-nttendauco. If you want St. Johns property that Is Buro to ndvanco rapidly In value sco P. Hill. All tho latest inventions In tho way of flro works can bo found at Frank Clark's, o You got full wolght and first quality at tho Central markot. Just try It awhlto. Feed your horso Hess' Stock Food, and you will not havo to 11a about Its health when you nro trading him. St. Johns Phnrmacy, AgontB. o For Hont Modern 10 roomhouBo closo In, furnished or unfurnished. Inqulro 028 S. Ivanhoo street, or at this offlco. Without doubt tho very best buy In St. Johns Is a lot COxlOO on cor ner of Chicago and Ivanhoo strootB. P. Hill has tho salo of this property and It takon quick f 1800 takos It. Worth easily from S2C00 to $3000. o It's Luck to Smoko Puck Tho Hotter than Co Cigar Tho Cigar in tho Green Ilox If you waut to buy.ront, soil or oxchango proporty soo Wolcott, (Tho Hont Man.) -101 South Jorsoy. Sldo ontranco. o All kinds of laundry work done promptly. Bough dry washing 0 coats por pound. Calls mado for laundry at any placo. Ring us up Phono Rich. 991, St. Johns Laun dry. Churchill Bros.,proprlotors. All our moats aro govornmont In spected and tho host that money can buy. Thoy nro noatly and careful ly handled. Como In and loavo your ordor for freo delivery. Ward's Central Markot. If you want somothlng particular ly flno In tho way of real ostato soo P. Hill about It. Subscrlho for tho Tologrnm host evening paper on tho coast. Soo Ed Stockton. o Hnvo your proporty Insurod In tho St. Paul or Northorn flro Insuranco companlos. Thoy aro tho best. S. L. Doblo, ngont, o DON'T MONKEY with ngontsj buy of tho owner lota 13 and 1-1, Hlock 12, 100 foot north of Fesson don on Edison, Tho bost resldonco site In St. Johns, $400.00 down, balance ,$500.00, two yonrs at 7 por cent. Address, k. L. Davidson, Os wego, Oregon. How is Your Title? Havo your abstracts mado. con tinued or oxamlncd by Peninsula TJtlo, Abstract and Roalty Co., H. Hondorson, managor, Accurato work. Reasonablo' foos. Cement Block building, Jorsoy street. We Don't Blame People For Buying in Portland If they can save money by so doing; but you'll have to "go some" to beut our NO RI5NT prices. Ladles' Sample Waists, the $1.25 kind . - 4 .75 Ladies' 50c Neck-wear .30 Ladies' 25c Emb. Collars - ,15 Men's rough finish Kuglish knock-about hnts, the latest fad, Portland price $2, we save you 5c $1.50 NO CREDIT - NO RENT Better goods for your tnouey. MOORE'S TOGGERY Opposite Knowledge Works "HAZELWOOD" lc Cream Th Bast Obtainable Cosiest place in towu. firing your frieuds arouud and treat them to something fine. Get our rates for church parties, socials, etc. Note the big yel low sign. A. UNGER 103 N. Jersey St. Our sales for April 1907 exceeded April 1906 $1350 " M " 1908 " " 1907 782 " " igog " " 1908 X134 This record is a true indication to us that St. Johns people arc patronizing their home stores increasingly, and pinning our faith to the future by the above comparison we have added to our stock a $1500 line of Men's Clothing. It is not a cheap line, but our suits will give you your money's worth in style, fit and wearing qualities. Wc have also increased the line of Cluctt shirts, and Mon arch shirts and collars, and still retain the agency for Wun dcrhosc, Headlight Overalls and Buttcrick Patterns. BONHAM & CURRIER IF NOT WHY NOT? Do You Use ELECTRICITY? Electric Light is Cheap with Tungsten Lamps INVESTIGATE at 417, 7th Street Portland Railway Light and Power Co, lOOOOOi ATTENTION!! Merchants! Manufacturers! Farmers! Evcrybodyl Wc arc hunting for your business and have been on your trail for some time. Our aim is to serve you well. The adoption of our service offers a complete solution to the transportation problem. Our rates arc reasonable ami our service unsurpassed. Two trains between St. Johns and Portland daily. Wc deliver Anything, Any Place, Any Time. Call and get our rates before shipping. PORTLAND & SUBORBAN EXPRESS GO, C. W. STEARNS Agent at St. Johns. ' Phones: Portland Office, Main 358 St. Johns: Jersey 122 A 3358 oooo Make our store your headquarters (or Katonable goods, We have a complete ttock of GARDEN TOOLS, LAWN HOSE, SPRINKL ERS AND LAWN MOWERS St. Johns Hardware Co. 4 St. Johns Lumber Co. Has all kinds of lumber, kiln dried and otherwise, Also slab wood. Timbers of all sizes cut to order. Cet your winter's wood now and save trouble. l If you haven't worn "Selz Royal Blue" shoes, you've got something coming to you; something different lu Style, Fit and Service. We guaran tee Style, Fit and your satis faction. I.ook for the "Mark of Security" on the bottom. When you find the name "SKW" on the sole, you're as certain of good quality as you can be. It's the "Sterl ing" mark on shoes and we sell them here. Couch & Co. 4 & &