aeBsammmsBssss ORDINANCE NO. 236. .AN I hi; land nlrondy dedicated to MyorH mid Orulkshnnk strcuts) 2230 squnro font, tnnrn nr InMfl nnil tinltlfr com- ORDINANCES ADOPTING TUB ,,, ',. nf 022 tmrtA nf t.nt fl lllock RW'OIIT, PLAT AND SURVEY 7 0ak ,,nrk Addition, .003 parts of OP THI.: CITY RNaiNKKUKon L'ol r,, lllock 7, Onk Park Addition; TUB I'lipi'OBKD U M liNINC . .037 parts of Lot 4, IJlock 10, Onk ALTIOHINO AND OPKNINU 01; , iHrk 'No. 2; .100 parts of lot C, IJlock PM8SISNDBN STREET FltOM'jy G(lk ,.nrk No, 2 and .04 parts of JERSEY STREET TO TUB ,0 7( ulock 11( 0ak PnrU So2i ffpiwnF w ioiikI I A,so "oglnnlng nt a point which Is m um nun avtivri 7(1 NorUl 20 l-'Sroes 15 minutes East raBTNii)B " Timouai wot : JKffi J.''T H, c?' "LSI? rrlll.l HV.niM.. 1 IJIMWI 1 Vll milium vino . un ... ! I"11HIJ Jionilllli '""lin ,li.f. M mini CONDEMNING LAND THERE FOR. '70 degrees 07 minutes West 110 foot, ; nioro or loss, to tho point of tnil igoncy nbovo described: thonco North 20 degrees 15 minutes East S feet to Tho city of St. .Johns docs ordnln'n point: thonco South 70 degrees iih follows: r'7 minutes KaBt J 1C0 feet, more or Tlmt whorons. the city council, by 'loss, to tho Westerly property lino fotolullon adopted on the 4th day of of Allegheny street; thonco South 20 Jltny, 100H, directed I ho clly einjlneer degrees 15 minutes West 0 feet to a to make survey of tho proponed point; thonco North 70 degrees 07 change nml widening of Pessendon minutes WoBt 1010 feet, moro or less, atroet from Jersey street to tho I to tho placo of beginning, containing ftmtlisniierli- llmlin i.f tint nltv of i Hi nil (excepting the land which in St. Johns, and to make plat of tho nbovo boundary already dedicated to mo mid n wrltton report contain, imnnusion, uswego nnu urunswicK Iih- full nml rnmnlnin ilnsr-rlntliiii of streets) 4850 Sfiunro feet, moro or aultl widening- mid opening of said loss and comprising .01 parts of Lot Peaseiiilcn street mid of tho boon (Urlox thereof, which snld resolution In on Me In tho offlco of tho re corder of Hi city of St. Johns iind Ih hereby r(forrud to and mndo a part thereof, nml WiioroHH, pursuant to snld resold tloit; Hwld onglneor did, nu tho loth, day of May, I IMjft, D to hiicIi report, jilnt and Hiirvoy with tho city ro (Mirder of snld city, which said Plat anil sur"roy nro hereby referred to mid mm) a part of this ordinance nml havo boii oxnmlned by said council Mini found lo bo satisfactory, which said report was as fullows, to-wlt . Iloglniiliig at Hut 8. W. Lot 13. Murk :t In Hill's Hih cllv nf St. Johns: rutin North 3!! dogroon 5 minutes East (with a radius of 538.7 foot) to tho SMJt Cent lo nn run li no: thonco 1 rndlal lino through tho nbovo men Norili n iloKrooH 0 iiiIiiiiIch West Honed point of curve; thonco South ft ftut to a point; thonco South 55,70 dogross 57 minutes EnBt to tho ORDINANCE NO. 237. vard to Brunswick Avonuo, honco on mnp or -plat of any and all changes uoiumoia uouiovara 10 J or soy Bireoi were. honco from Jersey street to Section 10. Tho Portland Gas com. Its crossing with Burlington; and pany, Us successors or assigns shall upon fnlluro so to do tho Council lay nil nines including both Intnrnln SUCCESSORS oh I reserves mo ngni 10 loriou mo cor- anu gas mains at least 20 Inches bo RIGHT TO LAY iinoa cnocK ror l&ouo iiorcmaltcr re- low tho grade of tho street whero AN ORDINANCE GRANTING TO THE PORTLAND OAS COM PANY, ITS AHSlflNR A PIPES AND MAINS IN, ALONG, ferred to, and within ono year from such grade la established, and whoro UPON AND UNDEIt ANY AND tho dato of its acceptance of said such grade has not been established, ALL STREETS, avenues, irunuiimu laicraiB on mo streets oi mon tno city onglncor shall furnish LANES, ALLEYS, SQUARES said city on follows: tho grade AND PUDL1C PLACES, IN- On Jersey street from Burlington Soctlon 11. Portland Gas company. CLUDINO BRIDGES, IN SAID to St. Johns Avenuo. Its successors or assigns shall bo CITY OP ST. JOHNS FOR THL On St. Johns Avonue from Edl- doomed to have abandoned all rights PURPOSE OF CARRYING AND 8on to Lively stroot. and privileges conferred by this Or- DISTRIBUTING GAS FOR IL- On Catlln street from Edison to dlnanco unless it files written nc LUMINATINO, HEATING AND Lively street. coptanco of this franchlBo within 30 SJ,or, .lBBSflffi . ,n, F,CMondcn trect from Edison days after this Ordinance shall bo In THROUGH AND THROUGHOUT to Lively street. force TUB urn ' n Chicago strcot from Edison Section 12. Thnt upon tho oxplra- AND TO SELL SAID GAS TO to Portland Boulevard. Hon of tho period for which tho THE INHABITANTS THEREOF, On Tacoma street from Edison to fntnchlso Is Granted, tlm pltv nf Ht. Jonns rosorves the right at Its dec from Craw-1 Hon and upon payment therefor of a fulr valuation thereof to bo mndo hi'd determined as herolnafter pro vided, to purchaso as an entlroty and tako over to itself tho said gas plpo system, gas mains and property AS WELL AS TO SAID CITY OF Jorsoy stroot. ST. JOHNS, OREGON, AND AL-I On Burlington street SO TO OWN, MAINTAIN anu i ford to Jersey Btreet. OPERATE A I'MWl UK MANUFACTURE OF SAID GAS. Tho city of St as follows: Section 1 That Johns docs ordain Uicro bo and ts I I . IIIIIUK 11. UIIK I lim. IIUIIB 1U-I. .... ... i tl, tlnrl nn, Hnul spectlvely of Lots 8 and 9, lllock 11. ' T, nT.Vmt Doulovard to Dawson strcot. land .05 parts of Lots 10, 11, 12, WJUlliT. ii ndor tlio laws of tho State L J.-Cf " e,t5n .?tro.cLfr?nl Wll8 . 15. 1C. 17. 8. Ulock 12. Oak Park Z. . i i nouiuvara 10 rortianu uouiovara. Nn. 3 .1 ... rts of lots 1 nn.1 18. ul "'uu'" ' 'u " On Oswogo street from lllock 2, Barton's Addition thonco South 28 degrees 45 minutes East 24 feet, moro or loss, to tho On John street from Crawford to Willis Uoulovard. On Illchmond street from Craw ford to Columbia Uoulovard. uii iior sireoi irom winamoiio appertaining tncroto and plant re Uoulovard to Dawson street. ferred to herein, If any. of tho said On Buchanan stroot from Wlllam- Portland Gas company, its succes sors or naslgns; provided, howovor, that beforo tho city shall havo authority to purchaso or tako over such gas plpo systems, property, etc., tho question whother or not the city shull acqulro or tako such gas plpo system or property shall first bo sub mitted to tho electors of tho city at tho regular election for city oftlcors preceding tho oxplratlon of tho for which this franchlso Is . In determining tho vnlun sold property to bo purchased takon over to tho city, thoro shall bo excluded thorofrom any and fVnnchlsirof oVoctm MK -uch ga. mains value ,of fr and ''fo or Hghts of way Willis and .1 ",,u,"n' : ":b".r.XT" ""ovard to Portland Boulevard. parts of lots 1 and 18, Block 1, Bar- it'"!6 Unon and under nil ., " Alloghaney street from Wll ton's Addition. ? L".-,n' ,"l?"g.' VL1 nU". rn.f BoIvnrd to Portland Boulo ,lso beginning at a stono which ,, ,,.,,,' ntl.r ii.n vnLa' Is tho initial points of Point Vlow Lfc,,: Addition run thonco North 71 dogroo -nt.nrili. svstom for 1,0",ov?.ra 10 roruana uoulovard. next West 143.7 foot to a point of curve; :,"?". i rsunnivlnK and BoillnK u? "0WP. "I0" "om Willis porlod thonco along n curvo to tho loft with ?,,PcR r L 5E t0 I,orllnntl Boulevard. granted n radius of 558.7 feet. 147.2 foot to f"U,..c.1 P. hi? "V. U And bo it further orovldcd that If Hon of tho Northerly corner of Codnr Park: l. tho Portland Qas comoanv. its sue and ItiMilnnllnn' tin n f I n t nml If I f 1 1 Ttt til 1 r poses, and tho right, privilege and coBsors or assigns, shall f all lo com- . comer of 1 Intersection of n curvo parallel to the " M, , f th manufacture of anu Intorals and bo nblo to supply dorlvod from tho clly of 8t. Johns to addition to I nbovo curvo but having n radius of ' h r nrivnoirca nmi gns therethrough to tho said city of maintain and operato such property, ulng thonco 038.7 feet; thonco along snld curvo St. Johns and tho Inhabitants thoro- but thoro shall bo Included in such StopPain HEADACHE NEURALGIA "Or. Mik' A PiU Pillt fctvt tmn ti kymltt rt mifl rmt. Iwdcte ind (Ml In bttktid tldti, tnd M mryl mm iSt pn pcrfKtl MttuMdM. Htnnr Count, Bamim. N. YJ amd nit pam or RHEUMATISM nd SCIATICA 25 Doses 25 Cents Yir DnsfM Mill Dr. Milti' Aim-Piin.Plflt 4 U M niWlitd to return lilt piM ol At Dm I H(t(t iMlfl l h lull m bMln o upon tho Portland Gni Company, Its Pf, and to expend $30,000 In tho con- valuation the vuluo of nil workB, atirrninnra nr nnnlcnn liv Ihln Ordln. BtrUCUOII nnU completion tnOTO- iruciurcn, uuiiumgs, pipo BystOIIIH, nnr... nhnll ronilnuo to exist and ro-Pf . nml tho connection of said sb and gas mains laid In, on, along, up. i ' i.. ..! , ....i ,.. r, mains and sas n no svstom with tho I on and under tno Btieots, avonucs, ilWoos 37 mlnuioH West to tho EiihI-i center lino of Chnrloston street; " '", ' , " i , f, vaat. from gaB mains of East Portland Qas lanes, alloys, squares and public orty lino or Jorsoy Hlreet; thonco , thonco along nld center lino to tho r, , . .. . tul' 0ruintin(:U nocothos I LlKht company within ono year from Pincos of tlio city, and material and U....11. .1..- r.i ...l.,..i.. I.. tilfi.i.t ..r liMlMl,i.f .w.Mlnlnln.. I.. I mo unto mni mis uruinuutu uutuun.ii .,,., , .i.i I nrnn.irl v wlilrh nnl,l Knrllnn.l tin lti pUeo of bonlnnliig, being a Htrlp MHO Bquaro foot, moru or Iobb, and Hnrlion mM. frci,g0 Is itront. franchlBo, tho Council shall havo tho couipnny, its successors or usBlgns, JOSCpil mCLllCSnCV, Al. L. . 0 tun.. .i.mi i l.v t 1 lrhit lou 10 1110 4 "flinilU UOB cuiiipuny, iw . nnrntt.i er.nnA nn nlnnip ihn utrnnla mntiima 1niin nt. PHYSICIAN AND iMbilnir ilm limit loillrailihl 10 KoIIol'K AIho IiccIiiiiIiik nt tho Northwest " .i..n Innftor reforrod to. That Portland loys, squares and public places of Wiwt and n' Hi foot nlloy In lllock corner of lt I, lllock 1, Point View fiirnUi.n,i m ih in. 0 Company, its successors or us- tho city. Tho price or vnluatlon to Dy and Nlfht Office In McChtuncy Block 3) eoiiislriliig In nil 110i!.5 squnro Audition; run thonco Houth 70 do- h b,: , . 1 . clly of 8. John. signs ahall within ton days after tho 00 Pmu oy tno city or Ht. Johns rnont rMy vi fwt Hint bfltiK con Med if .18 grooH 57 minutes East 2080 foot to nn ,,!. Ji n Jacctpliiiico ol thli Irnnchlio lurnlib fr Ptoporly ihnll bo lU ud ST. JOHNS, - . ORBQON part of Iiia 13. lllock 3, lllll's'lron plpo; thonco South 20 degrees mii," , ,,,,,, w. nnnt n,.r to tho city of St. Johns a cortlflod dotormlnod by three arbitrators, ono . - jMfrtlllon; .lit psrt of Lot 1(5 In lllock 15 minutes West 10 foot to n Point; thousand cubic foot of tras nro- chock in tho sum of 15000.00 to bo appointed by tho common council of fir MARY MacLACHLAN g, lllll'a Addition; mid .17 parlH of thonco North 70 degrees 57 minute 2?,?," In favor of tho city of St. tho city, appointed by said U "LrtUlLrtr lot It, lllock 2, IIIII'h Addlllou; West 2080 root to tho Easterly prop- AImi, lioaliKiIng nt nn Iron plpo In orly lino of Charleston street, thonco th Southwest rorncr of Flntgos North 20 degrees 15 minutes Addition lo the clly nf HI. Johns; East 10 foot to tho placo of begin COLLIER & COLLIER Lawyers. Room in the Holbrook building. St. John, Oregon. LOW RATES To Oregon DAILY During March and April Prom all Parts of (he East VIA UNION PACIFIC OREGON SHORT LINE THE OREGON Railroad & Navigation Co. SOUTHERN PACIFIC $33 from Chicago $30.50 from St. Louis $25 from Omaha $25 from Kansas City Correspondingly low rate from all otner points. TO THE PUBLIC Write letters to evervbodv voti know in the Hint nml tell them about Iheie low ColoulH rate. Send them liter. iilurc about Oregon, or send their id dresfes to us and wc will tlo It. In this way you can bo n great help in the growth and progress of your Stsle. running thonco Norlh 55 degrees !I7 "lug, containing in nil (excepting tho , sunnllod Minutes Itnsi IhUO.OU foot lo 11 point laud within nbovo boundary already . , ... 1 ' . of corns thence Norlh .Tl dogreoH, dedlcnted to Btrool purposes) 10000 chn:KU 0f r Vo Rl mlnuloM West 5 feet lo n point; squaro feet mid comprising .i parts ub, . J , u vldltig said chnrgo for gas . paid nt tho offlco of tho company to bo main tained In snld city of St. Johns on or uoforo tho lotu day or oncu month following thnt In which said and If not so pnld Place, nn nddltlon- cents per thousand Johns and deposited with the city ro- Portland Gns company, Its successors cordon Thnt If said Portland Gas lor nialgns, and tho third appointed company, Its successors or assigns uy tho two so choson; and tho do shult within ono year from Its ac- clilon In writing of nnld throe nr- coptanco of this franchlso Install and uitratora or a majority of them, lay said gas mains, laterals and gns mado in duplicate, and signed by plpo system, and shall connect them, ono delivered to tho Mayor of llioiicti South 55 degrees, !I7 minutes of lots I nud :til in blocks 1, 8, 0, 10, cubic Sot nay bo exacted That I sn,no with the gas main, of East the city and tho other to said Port- CUUIO IOOI mny UO OXUCllll. IIIUI I ,,.,, . ,,,, ,., ., .... l-, n nmnnnv II. n Phftlclan and Surceon. Office In Holbrook's lllock. Kctldcncc, 115 llnycs street. Phone Scott 6995. C. D. hopperT M. 67 PHYSICIAN and SURGEON YOU CAN PREPAY FARES for anyone from any place If you want to. Dcoslt the ncccMiiry amount with our local, agent and he will telegraph ticket promptly. Inquire of Agents or write to VM. McMUKKAY General Passenger Agent The Oregon Unllroud & Navigation Co. Southern Pacific Co, (Lines in Oregon.) PORTLAND, OltltGON Do You Need a New Set of Teeth? West lxto.i;i; feet 10 11 point; Ihenco South U iloKiei-H 51 mlllUti'H Mint n ftut to tlio place of beginning nnd oxcopllUK 1 he laud wlihln nbovo iIoh, iirllwd boundsry dedicated In l.coii mil li ml, Lively street Chapel stiool. Htowurd Hlreet, Hmllh Mlreel OlllHirl Htrin't; (ontnlnlng In nil 17, 21, 25, .12 respectively, nnd .01 parts of lot I, block a:i In Point View Addition. Also beginning nt tho Southwest corner of a (1. 10 acre tract owned by t A. l.lumilMt. which no nt Ih In tholnrlen in li center lino of Allegheny slroot run hhbltnnts of aultl mourn Houth 70 degrees f7 minutes hliut whon tho population III L'ive vour muutli unit far m natural expression. i 1 . . ... or Ht.jonns. ir 11 sua 1 roi uiro same, " . "',.:."" ::.Th7M, 1. 7 . r"OM', 1. u ituc uHu.ovnm umi w t 'i'tTee. or ,!uX Place "for Ilium, to 7 W vKluation Shall "bV paid to .aid Port- "f 1 '? " "Si !n.l&nrinraPo ' construction of .aid gas MOu company ,,. successors or RWcii JM.onc Ricl.uio.ul J361 irriK nt 11 nrlcii not nxcood nir tho "'" "' 7"i't nuiu uiuuia uuu , uiiuh mu iiumuui hjt hiin, ill 11 pritu not oxluuiiiiik no . .,i ....... ,in. ... ...i... lil, i, ,n i,i ii.ii..,.i n. I rt!l f ll.i 1 t r " """ IIVMIIIVI J, YVVUSlUlt . lit (II. U. nluatlon so deter nnd other nurnosoB a 1,1 1,10 construction of said gas land Ons company, not exceeding the ,,lno "J,,,uln. layliiK snld mains nnd assigns, nnd upon charged lo tho In- connecting same with gas mains of tho city to said Pa cliv of St Johns- KaBt 1'orUnnd Gas Light company as pony, lis successori iniilntloii of tho cliv rouulrod heroin, then said chock auch prlco and vol iiuiuiiioii 01 1110 cuy ,.,., ,,,i,i ... .i...i,i I'lnttea Addlllou; .iirc' parts 16 KlntRoa Addlllou; .lit pat 11 dourees in mlniiiim i' 11 hi lo rent I , ,,,r,..,,i r. .,. .i.,.n .....i 11,., signs, othorwlso suld chock shull bo uocomo tho property of tho city of v. " . .. . ... .... b wvv.. " ,,...,..., .. ........ .... IQI l,. I,u u ...I io u poiui; iiioiico iNoriii 70 tiogreos I orlco c inruoil therofor In tlio cltv ofl,u,,""vu ""' "vmu uuu u- iui 57 inlnules West 1040 foot: thonco Portland. OroKOii! and In tho ovont LLcmo. .' Property of tho clly n... a... m 1 . . . a . ' iui ini.i.u. South U0 degree" 15 minutes Wost thai tho cliv nf Lt. lohus bo at any "0 feet to tlio Place of beginning! I tlmn minnirml fn l!i pllv nf Pnrtlnml. contnliilng In nil UOHOO siumro foot Oregon, tho prlco to bo charged for nnd being composed of .Oil) parts of Kna Bhnll bo tho snmo ns that n u.iu ncro iract ownoti ny v. A. i churged In tho city of Portland. :!'! "" ff.r! pr!!,r'?. "f 3.23 ncro xhHt BnlJ i.ortlnn,, 0nB com. tho clly of mont thorofor ns aforesaid. If tho St. Johns; and If said chock bo not city of St. Johns shall elect not to I tuiuiirn feet. Knld uren being I i:,ik( to tn r,. in Hi.. ..out,.,- tin.. .rL u. ii... ui.n 1 on mm .1,;. shall bo returned to said Portland mined as aforesaid, said property bo composed or .oil pnrtH of lot 1. Newport slroot; thonco run North prlco 'nor thousand cubic feet t'o bo 0,18 company, Its successors or as- valued, purchased and puld for Bhall I'imaw 4iutiiiii,ii. v, itiutn lunin'v tlvoly of Lots 2. II. I. 5 nml (1 of rts of Lot parts res pecilvcly of lots 17 nml IK, lllocks A. nnd II In Conornl ('oiupkuiih Addl Hon; nml lots 17 mid IN In Kubdlvl "ttlttn or pmlH of lllock II, .021 parls of lot I, Hindi 7 and .Oil I parts of m b, lllock 7, Oak Park Addition. -ii... I...-I....I.. k..m,i.... ivniiiii,nK Residence, 697 Dawsoii Street OlHcc, l'lltcr lllock University Park, Portland, Oregon tract ndjacont .00 parts of 11 tract ur nl lim N'nrlhu'i'Ml. I ...L'.t.k.l I... !.. ...... IIA ..... ,, - ." - - 1 .....I.., ) IIU V IIUIIB, IIIIII ,VU rly eonior ol Uio l.dwlll Campbell I tint tH of 11 tract nuneil liv 14. O. irpci H ariiiwu 011 inn nimiucii iin, I l.i-ucll. nunllig thonco South .1.1 dogroos 51 Also beginning nt tho Northwest IMIMIllflM IHllMl IV f. II. II lllltllf I ............ .. I ... . I.. .l.n .. ... ., , I ill HIT l I, IIIIILK i III IIU fteneo riiiinlim North 55 degrees !I7 yo.', Addition, run thonco South 70 compnny, Its successors or assigns, In consid eration of tho franchises, rights and privileges granted by this Ordinance and as compensation for saino, nnd In addition to tho rato for gns hero in mndo mid provided for, ahall pay so doposltcd within said tlmo tho Council of tho city or St. Johns ahall huvo tho right to forfeit tho fran chlso herein granted without tho In tervention of any Court. Soctlon C. In tbo ovont that said Portland Gas company, its succes sors or asslgus shall fall to muin tain said gas pipe system order aud repair, or shall acijulro said properly, or shall not purchaso tho same, and tho city ahall oloct to grant a now or nudltlonnl franchlso, In llou of tho expiring or oxplred frnnchlso granted by this Ordinance, and application bo mado by suld Portland Gas compnny, Its successors or assigns for such now ... I . . , , , , . , . I in onnii I or uuuiuoiiui truncuiBo, anu in mat 111 h"uu I .... I.,.... -. -... II. I fttll tO I nuiu a ui .iiiiii. una iuiiiiiiii, 11a II. S. IIKWITT JU Silas St. It. S. WRIGHT 504 S. lluycs Hewitt & Wright CONTRACTORS and IIUILDKRS Hsliumte and Plans I'urnlshed IIOL'HliS I'OK ham; t. joiinh, ()KI. nrnvl.ln n r.m.nnnl.l v ...rflrlnnt SUCCOSSOrB Or assigns Shall linVO tllO $ vice in tho nupplylnK of gus for do- f,r"1 nd proforenlW right to inks I III CUV III ni. UI1I1I1H IIIII HIIIIl inniKH ii:hui i m iiiiii ni isr iiihh i .i,.h...... r. " 1..... ittii .. 1 - - v . .V u . .. ' Vi iK'nu'i-n hi iiiiiiuii'n r.imi tiu icei 10 0n Dnlliirs venrlv ilurlnir ""oaiio or oinor purposes ninny nil , :, 7 ,V .1 ,. : to Ui. Mouil.WMSierly line or (ho I). NorthweHt comer or lot I. lllock r ' rtXMchlio A ,,ur,n 8uld for which thli frnn- frnnchUo, nnd If tho Bald rortland H. HoutliiMHyil I). L. ( . thoiuo run- (. im Addlllou; thonco run North "ranted ol ! iho nirnua nay" c,,Uo ' Krunted, tho Council for tho a company. Its succossors or na- ilUK NorlhNV. B orly miil along said 71 .logroes as minutes WVst 402.O20 luot oty reouke i by t fs cUv of Bt- Jo"'". W ro- 8. . ,U( not ako such now or ad- ahsim IH.,. to I... NorlhoHH orly cor- feet to tho Kasterly lino of 8rhl V11 b mudo to tlio lort" 'U8ul ot m Brantoo its auccossors d lo" rnchlso, but tho snmo s, U' .rf tho Kdwln t ainpbel tract; ,.,, Vlow Addition; ihonco run ?,',Tas cL 8Uch aUr th0'r. 0,.f,,oil. "t .,0. ,nko tho Jueo running Westerly nlo.ig ; the N,ir,h 20 degrees 15 minutes Hast 6 UBiKnBn"0 ,," PTreniuw SKo clli ,ulrs rr a ,urloi ot ,hlrly Krnnted ft. th C' Y .t..1ny. Cor: Nfrthoi y aid,, I no of tho l-d win reel t Iho placo of beginning, con- a Johns who Shall issue hU ,or 0,,c Prt of tho Poratlon. assoclat on or Individual not Ctwpboll tract 027.0 more or h'hs to talnlng In all o.n.ulttlng tho land dedl- ricol t U ereVor which 8a d rocolnt c,,y ot 8ucl delinquency of ordln- hen holding a franchlio from said l J 'f lHl"iilng louiululi.K In euied to Novton nnd Wall streets. bo n full' ntv uUtunco to sal nco- ,0 nil rights nnd prlv- clty ,or h manufacture and sale of M Wt 8 wiimrti reoi, moro or loss, sS,.8 fl,ot, nnd being composed or Port and Gas comS "Bea granted forfeited nnd thereby B therein, hen and In that case tiiil IioIiik .85 pints of, inoin or Iohs .um lmriM ,lf i(1t 1 iii,w.i, a. .048 3"'J ..V.'?... .c TAm, y.V."8 8llce.8H0" rnvnUi, nil riL-i.t. nn.t nriuii.. ..' uch corporation, association or In- a ii E. B. HOLCOMB DnsiGNKR AND HUILDKR HinibliiiiK n Spcclnlly. ICstimntcs Wl ciiccnuiiy iiirinsiicd. 426 N. Lively street, St. Johns. DR. W. A. WISE Prasldant and Managar. 22 Yaara Eatabllahad In Portland. I'HIIiplHlll begin- pmiH of Lot r.p nKn1inu it uimlt iini'inimt Qlwnlil llliml 4 It'll nnr at I "o ava i'mmiwhs, wuuuiu iiiuck A, .Ji l"iohij aald (inn comnnnv IIh HticruiiHora - . .... .. .. n a. i'vn (ii t" 'ina HIM a tl tj uliin.s Its I liit Uuu liii'iiulsifU' I 1 . . . ....- ' . .1 l of t in I). H. Sou iinavil I). 1 a. i hi in,w.i; 11. ifiin ..,.,. 1 n i i Pi ftBB,HUB ran or noKiect ror ion tiaya .rt..a." ...... 1" if V V " ' ' " " Hi .vali til ll Ilftni I tin Itnntil llitmttlika .Inn ninl tin w, lllock 11; .0210 parts of lot -1. lllock aulc nftur wri,OI1 nailea froilr,,ff! .. m a. .a w 111 1 . . niau 1 .... Wlileh stout) Is K-X fool, moro or i"f. aiiHig iil claim 11110 from tho Mi ,01s I narts of lot C. lllock 11: .0162 ri7 ,". """" Mr lino or tho I'orllaii.l II. It. 1. , ,, lf ii U. Illoek ll! .0122 narta "V. "I'tY"?' ,m' . v. . : " 1 uiijr ui piuu uiiiiuiii iiuyiiiuiiiii uh runnliiK (honco ot t 7 MlKk ,,. prlvlloKc laiiioa nerein. Soctlon 0. That In all outlying ana sparsely sottled districts of said city of St. Johns, and whoro the population Is insufficient to Justify biiiu company in laying gas main uisiricis Sec us for the Choicest Cuts of the Best VanUiS extractions, with Somno. .--.. ..-!.. I I"!"! meats uuminauie. mill .uu miriH 111 1 nn ... n. n 1 1 n .. .. i . . m . ... ..... i intTuiu. ruHiiitMiiB nr HIIOII ' " ....... 1 LU11IIIU iiuiiuii uh iiruiiiiiiii inr 111 II11HI " VB " " mil , . 7 ' 1 . . ' " , m K' ,llock " section tho city of 8t Johns ahall mu-' Procure an extension of gas ",u t' f ,fltn ', H ,0l!!l: ' U,".l II"11.'""1 Mta 'Knln nt tho Southwest ,,BV" "ho right to collect such over m",8 ",oro0 upply of gas, f81,0 w assigns, at or beforo the o.u.6!.' 7''ir,:,7,.ml,m,7 ' "v' !! nmwr of 101 ,,,ock Marengo u'0 0 JwrnJ l )Tu CBa,7portland Gas "y onterliiK Into contract In writing ,l,mo 8U" new or additional fran- ho eator y side lino of lot 10 Addlllou, run thonco South 70 do- Zly ut mwniL lrmM ,,h 8U,a ""'imny, said contract to c 1 88 takei effect the fair and eqult- 2?..M.!y ,All,IUIt"1; , ,ul co ,,n,i roos r,7 minutes Knot m feet to tho $ nttm mi bM havo a bo 80Curei uy Kood and sufficient a,bl ,f "10 8ald Property Mrth a .Iturfoa M minutes Whi au Solhl.Nt a)rmr of ,0, ,7 ,ock , ffi,, "SVaYa Ka. , t ai d malnS bu,ul t0 00 PPiov5d by tho company, of aM Portland Oaa company, Its 1'1""i'u!ly,",, of.,K' ,0.r M,ir""K Addition; thonco run along j !' t ZZnl of e Ea It 0 binding themielvea to consume ah- fessors or assigns, which the city land It. It. II. A: L. Conipauy H right 1 v..hi iin. r vvnii Hir....t 1.. n f"V. ,li....V."y,H.w".. 01 .8nm. .. -.acn ,,,,,,11 nm i..ti.Bn ......!,.. by tbla section reserves tho right to a. .1 111 dividual taking such now or addl tlonnl franchlso, shall In addition to the compensation to bo paid to tho city for such new or additional fran chise, pay to aald Portland Gas com pany, Its successors or assigns, or Orders Pilled ami Family Trade Solicited IU IIIU Vll? UI Ol, UUIII1D, III IIUDI, iur 0 will give you a uooil 31k oold or porcclnln crown for i t.n Molar Crowns , yoo 2 Jk bridge teeth t.ou rini.l n .1 mi..... . .... Central Mflrkct ! ?ni"fiute , G001I mbbcr plates , 5,00 Holbrook lllock. The best red rubber plates 7.o Celluloid plates.... 0.ou i-ainicsscxiracuons, Willi local ... .50 I. CO Painless extractions free when nlalr. or bridge work is ordered. Work guaranteed for 15 years. m l, 1 J 1 "l'1' t0, ,Vv,0n8,",'l. aM sauaro Thnt ,ho 8ala gas shull contain not a city of St. John 1 . ... ' "l - -MliroilM, feet, nnd tho illunilnntlnii aim hn fnr rnmliipt I,,,. . of wo'i thouei. ruuuiiig Westerly along aald light of wny in tho placo or iMmuuiiiK, couiuiulug in ull HOIS limro inot, moro or Iosh, mid bulug '11 pails, moro ur less, or thu .70 acre trail aud .III pails of u 1 ncro ttnot. Also iMiHluuliig at the North vnMi iwnor of lot 10. lllock 1 In Urn Mays Addition running Norlh M do (loa 87 lolniit td i'oitlaiul aliiM aluim tli ruriiHHii ooiiiuvnrii rei t 10 n Hrtut; thuiioo running South r,."i do. rea 37 mluutou West to tbo West rty llt lino of Lot 10. Ora May Addltluu; Ihoueo along nald lot lino IO tlM plUOf) Uf lH)IUUlllg, COUtllllllUK lu all 1100 wiuare feel, more or lotw, ana UoliiK .u-iti purls of lot lu, lllock 1, Uiu Mny Aildltlou; .O.'i puitH or lota 7. S, t'. 10. ll, li, 1.1, n, in r apeothely In Ulock I, Ora May Ad dlllou uiul -WoV partH or lot 0, lllock 1. In Or My Addlllou. gns for each dollar expended by purchase and tako over, the valuatlot Linntou, re Co., roes LTh yen Tl o Portland Gas com. 'o compauy In extending said pipes hore,of Pf'" " P" there. of-portiami.cVme ' n n "ut" )..ur' 1110 lorunnu una com- . . .,.ih, for. to said Portland Gas company. Portland ami Kuimriu... Rv.V :"r.; P", y'. B aucccssora or nBsigns, in - -."7 Its successors or nsil.ns. to ha fixed dt nri V,7i iT -. 72 M " uuuition to tho comnonsn on above aecuon 7. Tiiat sam portiaud Gas .,. .iZ. -71"' "". -vv-.,,. y Proposals for Strut Work. 1 .1 11 ri 11 h wiiii triiB riA4 nr ntuim-st ins luur 111 uuuruiiiiiT hhiii KVHMini iiinin 1 . .. . - 1 t . . Alio beginning nt 11 point, which Is North 08 degrees a7 inlnules Hast 1 uy ia.lS fet. thence Norlh III dogroeB 1,1 0 18 wlniituv West 5 foot from tho .,,,, lrt 0 aniilliuualarl.- .11 - ,,t ill.,,. I. .Minueny uirecuou u-'n reoi io ai.i,,.. .,.. n.., ....I.,,, II... K-....I. , .1.. .l""" I'.f.lli, llll'lllU IIIH UIII IIVKIVVR :is minutes West 300.02 root point; thonco North 70 degrees minutes West 100 foot to tho Woat lino of lot I, lllock 2, Marengo Addition: thonco southerly a long said .i,, win. ..... .7 " vour in nnmin. ..1.1 .i-. " . pnw lino ft feet to tho placo of beginning, bo V ," , ,V h" ' ,r""", "'talnlng said bus aunmy and oxtond- !?'u" ?' 8 ?!0Jr! n5.V? .. . . .. .. . . I . .1 V.IJ BtUUSk UUS lUUDD Illlll S. U BV u ana systom In nvn. Johns, I Pngan,! I,v h Pnnnnll Milo 1n( Hnv sas mains or nines Inr .limn ionu ...i ii ...i. . ; - . . . i - ivu., nnu mu iiiuiiHiiHiiuu biiuii uo iur conuueung gas wuicn may or Approved by tho Mayor this 1st nm ivbh nuiu if cunuio power. sunn uo lata by said Portland Oaa day of June, 1909. Soctlon 3. Tho Portland Gas com- company, its successors or assigns j, f, HENDniCKS, pany, its successors or assigns, shall Pursuant to tho provisions of this Attest: Mayor, furnish free service pipes connecting Ordlnnnco must be laid in such man- A, M. ESSttN, tho mnlua with tho meters on nppll- ller ua ot to damage the streets or Recorder, cntlon of proporty owners desiring u,,y Property public or private, aud Published In the St. Johns Review, iu iiuyu uuu use gas on lueir prem-i uith nru uuB up i or inoijuno mi, laua. ises. wnorever tno mains or thoii'uniuao oi luyuiK or repairing: uidos. This deBcrlptlon doea not contain C0"!mn'8lmU . 1)0 ,nli' Provided that work must bo done under the Iho lun.l reoulr...! fnr Btr....t .,i,riinB,.s ."'eiers wnoii situateu on tho f '"" nu io me sausraciion ox frn... i..vb prouilseB of consumers aro not n Ulu superintendent of streets, and ...., ....... ....... . - ., - 1 .i ... .1 WiIaf liao.l lh.l,.h kn.n n. ,, .... ... . iiiivuiur umiiiiico nuiu JO leei iromi""v" uiuvr viuyorir luuaii - wOM uuo iui i uiu sum T. P. WARD. Proprietor. THE W,SE DENTAL C0 - Aslatd by Dr. H. A. Huffman, Dr. J R WFIMFP A. B. Stllas, Dr. Van C. Bllyau, Dr. J. K. WCimCK D.S.Bomgardnar, Dr. J.J.PIttlngar. transfer and Morage, wo ueuver your goois to and from all Office Houra-.S a. m, to 8 a.m. uneaya w to l Phenea A anal Main 2029 Addlllou; ,o;,2 parts of lot 20, .055 pints or lot IP, ,05 S parts or lot 18,1 AH. parts or lot 17. lllock Muron- go Addition; .71 parts or lot 1, .071 inula or lot 2, .077 parts or lot 22. .08 parts or lot 31, .083 parts or lot 2i), Ma parts or lot 19, .089 parts of I lot IS aud .093 parts or lot 17 In lllock 1, Mnrougo Addition, E. C. AlONNICH PAPER MANaiNO and PAINTING Estimates Furnished 1873, McKENNA AVENUE TO WATER USERS. or tho Council, May 35th, washing windows must be paid for and used only betweon South Heaturly tumor or lot 5. lllock T.Qnk Park Addition, run thouvo Kust orly along n degree curvo tn tho light r.S.3 root; thonco .Southerly alouK ruillal lino to tho above curve 6 foot to a pui nt : Ihenco Wosleilv a loan uurui parallel to tho nboui Hoacrilted but having n rndliiB 5 feet lues to u point 130.0S feet Northeast orly fiom tho Houthwostorly corner of Lot 8. lllock 7. Onk Park Addi tion; thonco North 31 degrees 33 minute West 5 foot to the placo of hoslnuliig. loiualnlng in ull, toxcept- L-rontnr illotnnr.. tlmn -in rm mn. I BUCh Streets nml nlhor nrnnnrlv mint I Water Used thrOUKh hosa report, pint and survey tll0 outur cur0ng or curb ,no ,mt bo left In as good condition as they sprinkling yarda or sidewalks v,u, ...... i,l0, nnd If u greater distance w-'re oeioro sucu digging, and all washing; wl thnn 30 feot, such servlco piping in uamagea caused thereby must bo re in ..i,..,... HVroKU llinr.wif t ). mil, I l, I lialri'll mill Irenf In mnalr fnr nno I u au,ULU, consumor. year by and nt tho expense of said lne "our of 5 and 8 a. m. and 5 Section 4, That tho work of lu- Portland Gas Company, Ita succes- and 9 p. m, It must not be used for stalling aud laying such gas system ora or assigns, and the opening of sprinkling streets. Any one using mid mains for tho couduct nnd dls- streets nnd repair thereof shall bo water contrary to theaa ruim nr trlbiitlon nf nnld .-nn fnr in done n nccordnnrn with th nr.i r couirary io meae rules, or through said city, shall begin within rules and regulations that the aald wMtefully, will be abut off without thirty days after tho acceptance 0r authorities may from time to time further notice. If paid in advance this franchise, and If actunl con.l adopt In respect thereto, and thelfor the months of Jun Tniv inrm, structlon has not been begun within B'd Portland Oaa company, its sue- and September entlUea the user to thirty daya from the acceptance of cessors or assigns ahall furnish a TtZ .. hi t.!h.I! this franchise, unless dolaved iv good and sufficient bond In the aum Mer ror tnu Purpose until January Judicial acts, strikes or causes not of 1500.00 running to the city of St. I1. I910- st Johns Water Works and Approved by tho Mayor. May 35th. 1909. J. P. IIKNDUK'KS. Attest: Mayor. A. M. KSSON, Recorder. Published iu tho St. Johns Review, Juno Rh, 1909 Western governmental policies ably discussed. Western life vividly pic tured In llonvlllo'a Western Monthly. W. M. raj A. II. II 1', MSTOCK C.tW, . 1IBMSTOCK ah HEMSTOCK BROS. UNDERTAKING AND EMBALMING Full line of Robot, CaskaW, ato kspt In stook UNI'HRSITY PARK, ORRGON Oflur I'liuue WotKllauil 1S74 Ktwatinc 1'iiuiic tyiHviuuii 510 REAL BARGAINS Special Sale of all MILLINERY at I ABBOTT'S, Portsmouth 608 Dawson Street. 1 Work for a Greater St Johns. CAMP 773 W. O. W. month in Odd Fellows' hall. Visitors u-elmmr JUU.V.t.. UV.O. Ulll.ia Ul LUUBH IIUL I Twv.vv UIU1UK .u .UU Llll U OL.Il ----- ' . wmm,. n . . " tho rault of tho grantee, tho council Johns and deposited with the Treas- Lighting Co.. P. H. Edlefaen. SuDer- ' mr oJHon J04, McChesney, o tho city or St. Johns horobv r. uror of said cltv aa surety for ind i.i.... I acirciury I .. . ..... . , . . . . . .. .. . I ....... 1 1 . 1 . .. ..... . -I " aurws mo ngni 10 lorieu mo Iran- mumiuism upon me niKuieni or chlso herein granted: tho Portland tho provisions of tnls section 8. Gas company, its successors or as- Section 9. That said Portland Gas Bi(,ua biiuii wo us mams ana pipe company, Ita successors or assign 8, lines laid and bo distributing gus shall havo uud aro hereby required therethrough wlthlu one hundred to file iu tho office of the city re working days from tho dato of its corder of tho cltv nf st. John a acceptance of the franchlso hereby man or nlat hnwi nr thA riaflnllA granted, unless delayed by Judicial I location ot the gas plpo system and uctlou, strikes or other uuavoldablo gas malna In and throuahout the causes, on tho streets of said city as cltv within thin. .i.v. follows: Prom tho City Limits on I la comniAt.i in.ioii,i .h.u j either Dawsou strcot or Willis Route-J thereafter also furnUa to the city a Soaled proposals will be received at the offlco of the recorder of the city of St. Johns, until June 15th, 1909, at -1:00 o'clock, p.m. for tho Im provement of Portland boulevard All St. Johns work will receive prompt from the Southerly line of Pessenden and careful attention. 1 lo lU0 eouineasieriy line of Point View In the manner provided LALIPFL I linfip uy Ordinance No. 235 subject to the w i fox i a a n Provisions of the Charter and Or NO. lOO I, O. O. F. dlnances of the City of 8t. Johns. ST. JOHNS, OREOON and the estimate of the City Engln MeUeach Monday evening in Odd ee.vPn .,,le' Fellows ball, at 8:co. Visitors welcomed. Th,s Improvement requires 6147 P. Hill, N. G. tee- o' c-foot cement walk. 2727 yds. 8. D. Holcomb, Secretary. of cut, 2228 yds., fill, 1727 ft, crosa walk, 775 lln. ft, .box gutters, 650 Holmes Lodge No. 101 cu- yd8, ot crushed rock. KN1QHTS OF PYTHIAS. Rids must be Strictly In accordanra Meets every Friday night with printed blanks, which will be at 7:30 o'clock at I.O.O.P. furnished on application at the of. hall. Visitors always wel- flee of tho recorder of the city of Bt.' come. ii W.Brunson, C.C. Johns. And said Improvement must vi a, otorr, K. R. S, be completed on or before 100 days Doric Lodge No 112 from th date of the signing of the c f a m contract by the partiea thereto. r. Anu A. In, No nronosaln nr Mrfa win Regular couiniuoica. I tions on first and third tUled check payable to the order of """-"V tm me .liavor or thn rltw nf B inh. certified by a responsible bank for an amount equal to ten per cent of tho aggregate proposal. The right to reject any and all blds'ls hereby reserved. By order of the City Council. A. M. ESSON, Recorder, Published in the St, Johns Review, May 28. .June 4 and 11. 1909." 2 Meets every Wednesday evening in Oickncr's Hall. D. Tallman, C. C. W. B. Swengel, Clerk. Preach the gospel of St. 'Johns. FOR SALE. Two bouses and lots, corner Edl Bon and John streets. Lot 106x100 feet.. A snap. Inquire R," YV Mc Kew lHa.