St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, May 21, 1909, Image 3

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    i Easy Terms
Low Prices S
All we want is to get you to personally examine 5
our nnc 01
Carpets, Rugs and Linoleums
And compare them point to point with those you have
been usiug and if you do not find ours better for the J
price tnen do not take them. Experience has made us S
wise on
Quality and Price
Local News.
You can trust your home merchant or you can
trust a stranger.
It's up to you.
Lace Curtains
Stair and Hall
Chief Miv
A Little Down
A Little Alonthly
I e43 rD oO c0 iQ cio tO pO c0 e0 mm
First National Bank I
St. Johns, Oregon
Paid in Capital ...
Henry W. Coc, President
A. It. Jobcs, Vice Pres. I-'. I. Drinker, Cushier
Drafts issued on nil Foreign Countries.
o r43 o r0 e53 r0 44 "0 'O 0 cn oJ3 e5D p3
When You are Sick
You go to the doctor in whom you have most con
fidence. It should be the same as regards your drug
gist. If you take your prescriptions to the North
Bank Pharmacy you will have that confidence, for
they use only the purest drugs and fill your prescrip
tions correctly.
V 1. .. 1 mm.
If you haven' t yet selected your
Spring and summer shoes g.
it's time you were doing so. We
lmve a fine display ready for you t
the kiud that pays every oue
to buy. wm
Sole agents for the Srlz Royal A
Wue and others.
Couch & Co. g
206-208 Philadelphia Street j
Phone Jersey 072 !
Plumbing and Tinning
2W S. Jersey Street Phone Jersey 91 St. Mm, Oregon 4
H mm irn rv r r & I a . 5
tt. HENDERSON 205 Jersey St
I Real Estate, Loans, Insurance
2 Abstracts of Title Prepared. Accurate Work Guaranteed.
Mrs. DurnB Jones mndo n trip to
TI10 Dnllcs this week.
o --
Cioorgo Hugos Is erecting n bnrn
at the rear of his lot adjoining the
skating rink.
A now girl bnby camo to glntldcn
tbo homo of H. P. Clark on Friday
of last week.
Watch tbo basket at Tbo North
Llank Pharmacy.
In It for you.
Tbcro Is somotblng
J. I). Cambcll nnd Cbarlcs Llnqulat
inado a flying business trip to (Joblo
last Saturday.
A. M. Stearns Is making propara
Hons to erect n bandsomo rcsldouca
on Crawford Street.
Mrs. A. D. Cbapman of Pendleton
Is visiting her brother, J. 1). Camp.
bell, and wlfu of this city.
Owing to tbo wet weather Sunday
the game of ball between tbo Alblnn
Hod Cocks and tbo St. Johns club
was culled off.
Pay your subscription.
All lints trimmed
prices at tho Vogtip.
A. M. Downing nnd
Sunday In Hood ltlver.
nt reduced
wife spent
Win, Satcrlee, recently from Knn
Ban but now of Hood ltlver, was n
guest nt tbo homo of Hums Jonos
sovcrnl days tfio past week.
City Attorney II. 12. Collier Is
having plans drawn for n bandsomo
nnd modern bungalow to bq ercctod
on bis lot on Stafford street.
V. W. Million, tbo concrete man
linM begun tno construction or n
building on Myers street for tbo
manufacture of cement blocks.
A dnnco will bo given In Illcknor'n
hull Saturday evening, May 22, by
Knrr'fl Orcbestrn. TIiIh proinlsoH to
bo an liitcrcstliig event nnd Is
worthy of n good turnout.
Tbo schools re-opened again for
business Monday nfter ten days or
inoro lay off, and tbo croppies In
the river will not bu bounded quite
so bard except on Saturdays.
A. linger, tlinn whom St. Johns tins
no better booster, linn purchased
bouse and lot on John street from
It. W. McKcon, nnd Mr. linger will
thus become a permanent flxturo In
St. Johns.
Tliml I'arkor left the first of tbo
week for tbo sccno of his labor In
Clackamas county, after an ouforced
vacation of a couple weeks duration
by reason of an Injury to one of bis
walking pedestals.
:. C. Hurlbert, of tho Combhin
tlon Salt & Popper Shaker Co., Is
In Soattlo this week looking after
affairs connected with his company.
Tbo shakers will bo on sale nt tho
Imposition thoro this summer.
Calef IlroH. lmvo so much faith In
tbo future of St. Johns that last
week they purchased seven lota
In this city nt one fell swoop. As
wo lmvo many times stated before,
no hotter Investment could bo inado
than In St. Johns realty.
Itov. Chester P. Gates, having boon
called to Corvnllls to assist Itov. B.
B. MoVlckor In a taburnaclo mooting,
Itov. A. A. Wlntor, acting president
of Dalles Collego, will occupy thu
pulpit at tho Evangelical church
morning and ovonlng Sunday next.
Everybody Invited.
Mrs. II. a. Odgen of Dayton spoilt
few days this week with relatives
and friends In this city. Sho says
they are gelling along nicely In
their rustic retreat and that tho
slmplo life is all that tt is cracked
up to be. Mrs Ogdon'a many frlonds
ere glad to greet her onco more,
J, II. Holbrook and others have
purchased tho Dr, Jones tract of
land adjoining Whltwood Court on
tho north, and later will plat It In.
to lots and place It on tho market.
Tho west side is developing at a
rapid rate, and it will not bo long
until tho hillside resembles Portland
Holghts, only tho land Hob much
nicer than Is tho caso there,
There will bo a great convention of
tho Presbyterian Drotherhood In Port
land Juno 8 and 9, 1909. All the
Presbyterian churches of Oregon
are being nsKeu to senu uoiegaies,
and it is oxpoctod that theso will
number several hundred, Tho
principal speakers will be men of
national reputation, who will como
to tho coast following tbo meeting of
the General Assembly at Denver in
Subscrlbo for the St. Johns Itovlew
and keep panted on the doings of
tho city.
Prank Smith expects to open up hit
meat market on Jersey street tho
first of next week.
Do jour own licnHh officer, Pumh
gato with Do Pree's Formaldehyde
Pumlgatnrs. St. Johns Pharmacy.
Head Wolcott's now millinery nd
nnd noto what bo says, us It Is of
Interest to every lndy In St. Johns.
Florist Kinney Is building an nd
dl Hon to his hot botiHO on North
Kellogg street to keep pneo with bis
Incronslug business.
Music galore. Wo lmvo stocked
Columbia Phonographs and records.
Records mid Discs to fit any innclilne.
St. Johns Plinrmncy.
WANTED Strawberry pickers;
All huts trimmed
prices nt thu Vogue.
nt reduced
When looking for something now
In Post Cards drop In nt tho St,
Johns Pharmacy.
Oood saddle horso for sale cheap
iinrncs & Mndsley Mfg. Co., East
St. Johns; phono Richmond G91,
Loavo Tolegram "Tho Alaska
Tour' coupon votes for Mrs. Vnlen
tino at tho Post Office, Rovlow offlco
or wltlryour carrier.
o 1
If you want 8t. Johns proporty that
Is sure to ndvnnco rapidly In vnluo
sco P. Hill.
Hess' Poultry Pan-n-ce-n mnkes
tbo lions Iny, St. Johns Pharmacy
If you hnvo any property that you
dcslro to dlsposo of quickly list It
with tbo St Johns Realty Co., Ho
view offlco.
Wostern governmental policies ably
discussed. Western Ufa vividly pic
turcd In Honvlllo's Western Month
Without doubt tbo very best buy
sternly employment during sun- In St. Johns Is it lot GOxlOO on cor
tier of Chicago and Ivnnboo streets
P. Hill has tbo Bnlo of this property
nnd if tnken quick 11800 takes It
Worth easily from $2300 to $3000.
Hosa' Instnut hlco Killer kill
chicken lice. St. Johns Pharmacy
son. l or particulars address W. I..
Smith, Hood ltlver, Ore., H. P. D.
2, box 23C
Tho Alblnn ltcd Socks will play
tho local colts on the Jersey street
grounds next Sunday. This gnmu
was postponed from Inst Sunday, A
grent game Is promised.
Tho old buildings on the site of
tho brick plant nro being raxed In
order to glvo room for thu erection
of more modern structures which will
bo used by tho new marble works,
Riley Hutchinson died nt his homo
In this city Tuesday evening, May
18th, of tuberculosis, after nn Illness
of several years duration. Ho wns
u middle nged man and Is survived
by his wife.
Mrs. Gcorgu Klrkpntrlck, recently
from Kansas, but now located with
her husband In Portland, wns a guest
of Mrs. A. Stucker of tho Vogue
Millinery over 8undny. Mr. Kirk
patrlclc Is a vctluernry surgeon and
Is now preparing to construct n vet
Inernry hospital In East Portland.
Tbo sad nows has reached hero
Hint Miss Aiiun Ryan's mother died
In Snglnnw, Mich., Sunday morning,
Her sUtor died only a fuw weeks
age, nnd iter cup or sorrow is run
to overflowing, Tho heartfelt sym
pntby of her ninny friends hero go
out to her In her hours of sadness
('. C. Chapman has been Invited to
address tho Commercial club at Its
regular mooting next Wodnesdny
night on "Ways to Advertise" by
tho advertising committee. Tho com
mlltoo has comu to tho conclusion
that mnro Industrlca Is what thu city
most iieodn ami will bond all their
energies In that direction,
Frank Culp met with rather n pnln
fill accident the first of tho week.
Ho wns descending a ladder with a
box of tools on his shoulder when a
rung broke and ho fell to tho
ground, his arm striking ngalnst tbo
bublncsB end of n sharp chisel which
had precoded him In the descent.
Thu muscles of his arm was pretty
badly cut which will necessitate a
layoff for several dnys.
business nice ting of tho Glory
class was held May H In the ltnp
tint church. Games wuro played and
lator refreshments were served af
ter which, at a lato hour, tho mom.
bera dopartcd declaring It to have
been one of tho most eiijoyublo incut
lugs of tbo season, A hearty In
vitation Is extended to all young
peoplo to meet with thorn In tbo
class Sunday morning at 10 o'clock-
Eva Clark, class reporter.
Tho Poroxldo Quurtet will bo lo
cated at tho St, Johns Pharmacy
for the season, Poroxldo Soap, Por
oxldo Tooth Paste, Poroxldo Tooth
Powder, Poroxldo Croarn.
There aro many kinds of baskets.
All shupos uud colors but thoro Is
one kind that wilt pay you to look
Into, It Is tho bargain baskot. Wo
have placed on our counter a baskot
which will always contain some bar
Those bargains will come in many
lines. Watch tho baskot, for tho bar
gains will chango ovory few days.
Yours truly,
North Itank Pharmacy.
All kinds of laundry work dono
promptly. Hough dry washing
cunts per pound. Calls mndo for
laundry at any plnco. Ring us up
Phono JcrBoy 331. St. Johns Laun
dry. Churchill Uros.,proprlotors.
If you yvnnt aouiothlng particular
ly fine In tho wny of real ostato sco
P. Hill about it.
For n burn or scald npply Chum
berlalu's Salvo. It will allay tho pain
(.'most InrtMitly and quickly heal the
Injured parts. For snlo by nil good
All our monts nro government In
spectod nnd tho best that money can
buy. They nro neatly nnd careful
ly handled. Como In and leave your
order for freo delivery. Wnrd'i
Central Market.
Hnvo your property Insurod In tho
St. Pnul or Northorn flro Inmirnuco
companies, They nro tho best, S.
I.. Doblo, agent.
You got full weight and first
quality at tho Central market. Just
try It nwhllo.
If you are looking for nu Invest
ment that Is a euro winner, buy half
of block 10 at Whltwood Court. Tho
tract Is 100x000, laya flue uud lots
across from It nro now selling nt
3S0 for COxtOO. If cut Into lots
$3000 could easily bo ronllzod, and
Iheu tho lots would bo chenpor than
any can bo brought for In that neigh
borhood. In five yearn $10,000 would
not bo an exorbitant prlco. If tak
en at onto $1800 buys It, $1000 ensh
and thu balance nt $10 per mouth.
St. Johns Realty Co., Itovlew offlco.
How Is Your Title?
Have your abstracts made, con
tinued or oxumlnod by Peninsula
Title, Abstract and Honlty Co., II.
Hondorson, manager, Accurato work.
Reasonable foes. Coinout lllock
building, Jorsoy streot.
Jlu a ROOSTER for St. Johns.
Sand and Gravel
I have made arrangements with
the Pacific Bridge Co. for wash
ed river gravel aud sand hi un
limited quantities. Contractors
figuring on street work or on
building would do well to see me
and get prices. Hunkers arc lo
cated at foot of Newton street,
opposite the site for the new
school building in East St. Johns.
Business phoue Woolawn 1194
Residence phoue Richmond 1341
L. D. Jackson
Would you have your home lighted equally
as brilliant as gas or electriety would light it
at a cost that is merely nothing? We have
the St, Johns agency for the Incandescent
Kerosene burner, anew invention, the benefits
of which any one may have. The light is
given by carbon aud mantle through the new
patent burner.
We will have a number of them lighted in
our store on Saturday night.
Do You Use
Electric Light is Cheap
Tungsten Lamps
417, 7th Street
Portland Railway Light and Power Go.
Merchants! Manufacturers! Farmers! Everybody! X
1 .! 1 1 I 1 V
vve uru miming lor your diisiiiukk aim uuvu ucuu on
your trail for some time. Our aim is to serve you
The adoption of our service offers a complete
solution to the transportation problem.
Our rates arc reasonable aud our service
Two trains between St. Johns aud Portland
We deliver Anything, Any Place, Any Time.
Call aud get our rales before shipping.
vs. vv. o 1 LMnixo
Agent at St. Johns.
Phones: Portland Office, Main 358 St. Johus: Jersey 122
A 3358
Moke our store your headquarters for seasonable good. We hate
a complete stock of
St. Johns Hardware Co.
St. Johns Lumber Co.
Has all kinds of lumber, kiln dried aud otherwise.
Also slab wood. Thnhcis of all sizes cut to order,
Get your winter's wood now and save trouble.
You would do us a favor if you would visit other stores and COMPARE our PRICES, STYLE and QUALITY before
Is guaranteed satisfaction of BECOMINGNESS of STYLE, Courteous Attention and Latest Parisian Fashion.
Soecial attention given to orders and subject to your approval.
O. P. WOLCOTT, 401 S. Jersey St.